Oh Lord, why must I deal with these uncultured phillistines?...[/quote]
Becuase you did some realy bad in one of you past lives to have ended up here
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.
" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
Mark S wrote:Would being attracted to an alien species that does not look human in appearance be tantamount to beastiality?
Then there's that whole ST6 quote:
Not all specis have their genitalia in the same place as humans
I mean what if their pussy was in their forehead of something?
Wow talk about a mind fuck and a half
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.
" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy