Connor MacLeod wrote:
It also says you can throw cars, vans, and trucks. Which would basically exceed the force required to simply lift them (and which the numbers don't account for.) I am not good at doing stress calcs, but I expect the "damage to physical objects" examples might also exceed the stated strength capabilities, if I can remember what little Mike has said in the past.
On top of that, you completely ignore one of the chief distinctions between Potence and strength being that Potence grants AUTOMATIC successes. That alone suggests that any equating it to strength is in fact conservative.
The Kindred know how to utilize their supernatural part-telekinetic strength for better effect than simple mortals.
Connor MacLeod wrote:
Page number?.
I dont own the book unfortunately
. One of my players does though. Ive read it in there.
Do you own it by any chance
? Then we can also confirm just how much it actually says at each level of Strength from 6-8.
Connor MacLeod wrote:
1.) Mr Netchurch is also a scientist. His "information" is very consistent with the information presented in the book itself, and simply referring to his affiliations by no means addresses the validity of his statment.
He is a Malkavian. He is
mad. Theres a reason for the insanity plea.
Connor MacLeod wrote:
2.) Prove that the "fluff" as you call it is less applicable to analysis than the game mechanics, since usually its the opposite that is argued for - and also prove that you are not violating the principle of consistency by selectively "picking and choosing" among the evidence.
Page 29 in Ghouls Fatal Addiction.
At the top "Hard-and-Fast Rules"
I think game mechanics overrule fluff in all cases. Point me to a game where it does not.
If you want to speculate on fluff created by a loony NPC scientist then be my guest. Just dont expect me to buy it.
But lets for argument sake say that I believe Dr Netchurch is not having a "weird" moment :
SecondStorm wrote:
Nowhere in that(or in any other for that matter) book does it say that a Potence dot = 2 Strength dots on Strength chart. However it does say: "The Potence Discipline also adds its dots to the characters effective Strength".
Connor MacLeod wrote:
Its implied. You do realize what "conservative estimate" means, don't you?
Ive found the part you are referring to about Potence doubling a ghouls lifting capability.
Page 17 line 11 on Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Exact wording is this:
"Strength comes easily enough, and the newly ghouled individual may more than double his lifting capacity with no training".
I believe you base your 1 dot of potence = 2 dot of Strength-theory on that quote?
Remember that an average person got 2 in Strength which means he/she can lift 50 lbs according to VtM page 202.
Potence adds 1 extra which gives a total of effective Strength + Potence at 3.
3 in effective Strength + Potence means he/she can lift 125 lbs according to VtM page 202.
125 lbs is more than double 50 lbs.
Am I making myself clear?