Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by NecronLord »

Or the High Septon just says 'the combatants must say a prayer first to prove that they are faithful.'
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Iroscato »

Tommen is now part of the Faith Militant.

The Faith Militant is the enemy of Cersei.

FrankenMountain has sworn to destroy Cersei's enemies.

Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Guardsman Bass »

RE: Chimaera

I'm definitely getting a "be careful what you wish for" vibe with regards to Tommen. That's almost fairy-tail-ish, giving an inexactly phrased order that results in disastrous consequences.

As for the episode-

1. I loved the scene with Daenerys, but it felt really strange. Daenerys already awed the Dothraki into following her after the "House of Dosh Khaleen Fire" scene back in Vaes Dothrak, so why do another scene just to re-emphasize that they're willing to follow her with no signs that they were losing faith? Both this scene and the "House of Dosh Khaleen fire" scene felt like two parts of a truly fantastic scene where Drogon shows up, protects Daenerys as she burns the khals, and then ends with her atop a dragon as the Dothraki fall to their knees.

2. I was really nervous about that scene with Sam and Gilly at Horn Hill, but it turned out good. The ending was weird, though - did Sam steal the sword just out of spite?

3. The High Sparrow is a damn master at politicking and recruitment.

4. Good scenes with Bran.

5. The show is definitely moving in the "Riverlands Arc" direction, albeit in abbreviated form. This makes the whole "detour into Dorne" plotline in Season 5 seem all the more strange.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by ray245 »

Guardsman Bass wrote:
5. The show is definitely moving in the "Riverlands Arc" direction, albeit in abbreviated form. This makes the whole "detour into Dorne" plotline in Season 5 seem all the more strange.
There is a need to write Dorne out of the plot for the main characters. They need to show Mycella being killed in some way.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Simon_Jester »

As to the sword- It's a Valyrian steel sword, Sam knows people who need all the Valyrian steel they can get very very badly, Sam is the rightful heir to his father's estate, and, yes, Sam has every reason to have a big pile of spite saved up for Randall Tarly.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Ralin »

Simon_Jester wrote:As to the sword- It's a Valyrian steel sword, Sam knows people who need all the Valyrian steel they can get very very badly,
But he has no reason to believe that he'll see them again for years and years after the problem with the White Walkers is over
Sam is the rightful heir to his father's estate
No he isn't. He took the black.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Simon_Jester »

Begging your pardon, I mean in a sense of headspace. He deserved to inherit.

He was forced to take the black, under duress, and it is not unreasonable for him to feel entitled to claim a weapon that his comrades urgently need, and which his father has no particular use for, and which he would have inherited in the fullness of time had his father not been an abusive jackass.

Is it legal, no, is it morally reasonable, yes.

It is certainly not an act of pure spite.

Were I Sam, I would arrange for the sword to be smuggled north at the earliest opportunity.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Guardsman Bass »

ray245 wrote:
Guardsman Bass wrote:
5. The show is definitely moving in the "Riverlands Arc" direction, albeit in abbreviated form. This makes the whole "detour into Dorne" plotline in Season 5 seem all the more strange.
There is a need to write Dorne out of the plot for the main characters. They need to show Mycella being killed in some way.
I think it has more to do with getting Jaime out of King's Landing long enough for the Cersei humiliation plot to go forward - he have to spend a lot of time marching around in the Riverlands otherwise. Otherwise they could have just had Myrcella and Trystane come to King's Landing, show some politics on the Dornish side that weren't stupid, then have Myrcella and Trystane go down to whatever kills Tommen and Dorne explode into open revolt and declaration for Daenerys.
Ralin wrote:No he isn't. He took the black.
This definitely felt more like Sam being really upset over his father's reaction to Gilly, and impulsively doing something to piss him off. It's a pretty terrible idea, though - even if Sam made it to Oldtown before his father got to him, I can't imagine the Citadel and the Hightowers not taking the sword away from Sam if Lord Tarly shows up and demands it back.

Of course, if Euron sacks Oldtown, nobody might care in the chaos.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Ralin »

Simon_Jester wrote:Begging your pardon, I mean in a sense of headspace. He deserved to inherit.
and it is not unreasonable for him to feel entitled to claim a weapon that his comrades urgently need, and which his father has no particular use for, and which he would have inherited in the fullness of time had his father not been an abusive jackass.
Well yes, granted that's understandable,but one...
He was forced to take the black, under duress,
Many if not most members of the Night's Watch take the black under duress in one form or another.

Is it legal, no, is it morally reasonable, yes.

It is certainly not an act of pure spite.

Were I Sam, I would arrange for the sword to be smuggled north at the earliest opportunity.

This is where that justification really breaks down for me. Valyrian steel swords are rare and valuable enough that you could almost certainly live in luxury for the rest of your life if you sold one. You'd have to have one damned trustworthy agent to carry it to the Wall without stealing it. Sam doesn't have the connections and resources to arrange something like that, and he's got no reason to think he'll have them in the near future. Stealing the sword to give to the Night's Watch is really only justified if you have a chance of pulling it off without it ending in disaster.

If Sam were heading north himself I might buy it, but as it is I think it's an uncharacteristically dumb move by Sam. One that puts Gilly in danger to boot. My guess is that the writers wanted to contrive a reason for him and Randall Tarly to meet again so Sam can have his big "No, fuck you Dad!" moment.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Elfdart »

Since Tommen is not long for his world, I'm curious as to how the legal succession would play out. As far as I know, there are no more "legitimate" Baratheons, so by default the crown would go to Margery and her next husband? Or, if someone could prove Gendry was Robert's bastard, would he be eligible since he's actually Robert's son and the other Baratheons are dead?
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Luke Starkiller »

There can be a Grand Council of Maesters/?Lords? that can choose the next king if the succession is sufficiently ambiguous/disputed. Maester Aemon was quietly offered the crown before it went to IIRC Aegon the Unlikely (Egg).
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by NecronLord »

Elfdart wrote:Since Tommen is not long for his world, I'm curious as to how the legal succession would play out. As far as I know, there are no more "legitimate" Baratheons, so by default the crown would go to Margery and her next husband? Or, if someone could prove Gendry was Robert's bastard, would he be eligible since he's actually Robert's son and the other Baratheons are dead?
Edric Storm has the best claim out of Robert's bastards, as he was officially acknowledged by Robert; it would perhaps require a proof that one of the kings had legitimized him - perhaps Stannis, if one struck down Tommen at al's claims as being unrelated to Robert, otherwise Robert himself.

But I can't see that happening.

I wouldn't put it beyond the Tyrells to bend Margery over and have her fucked by someone who can then be murdered to make sure she's carrying some child for a Great Council to endorse, though.

How hard do we think Sam will get spanked for stealing Heartsbane?
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by LadyTevar »

If she even claims to be preggers when Tommen is offed, then Margery could rule as Regent to the unborn child. Doesn't matter who gets her preggers, as long as she could produce a kid within 7-8months
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by biostem »

Quick question - is "dragonglass" just obsidian, or is there something special about it?
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by NecronLord »

Just obsidian, as far as I know.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Solauren »

A quick check shows now living Baretheon heirs that also have Targaryen blood.

You know, I have to wonder....

If Daenerys showed up with her dragons and forces after Tommen dies, would they hand her the throne without a fight?
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by biostem »

Just obsidian, as far as I know.
So, given just how effective it was portrayed as working, I wonder if steel forging/smelting techniques could be used to create obsidian... it'd be a huge help in the upcoming fight. Of course, given how Sam's family seemed to brush off mention of white walkers so casually, I suppose simply convincing people south of the wall that such a threat is even real, would be the bigger challenge...
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Simon_Jester »

Obsidian is so different from metals that trying to work it like a metal is not a winning proposition.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Terralthra »

Solauren wrote:A quick check shows now living Baretheon heirs that also have Targaryen blood.
Whom do you mean? Both Robert's brothers are dead. Renly had no heirs, Stannis' daughter is dead, and all of Robert's (putative) children are either dead, currently King, or illegitimate.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Solauren »

Terralthra wrote:
Solauren wrote:A quick check shows now living Baretheon heirs that also have Targaryen blood.
Whom do you mean? Both Robert's brothers are dead. Renly had no heirs, Stannis' daughter is dead, and all of Robert's (putative) children are either dead, currently King, or illegitimate.
Should read 'No'
There is no way that anyone would back a Bastard's claim to the throne. Simply put, Robert had to many of them, across Westros, to not cause more wars for the throne.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Simon_Jester »

Also, none of Robert's bastards have any particularly significant base of support. They don't have military experience, lands of their own, resources of any real kind... Anyone powerful enough to make a contender for the throne out of one of them would probably do better trying to secure the maximum possible power for themselves instead.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Pelranius »

Now GRRM confirmed that Brienne is a descendant of Ser Duncan the Tall (probably a presumed daughter of his and one of the Egg's sister married Lord Selwyn's father).

In the show, I suppose that makes Brienne a kinslayer (since she'd be cousins of sorts with Stannis).

Wonder if we'll see Jorah again this season. He must have gone off to row boats with Gendry.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by wautd »

Huh... I always tought that Gendry was dead (killed by that Red Witch). I guess I'm remembering incorrectly.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by Iroscato »

wautd wrote:Huh... I always tought that Gendry was dead (killed by that Red Witch). I guess I'm remembering incorrectly.
Nah, he was rescued by Davos and escaped by boat the night before he was due to be burned (I think).
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 6 [Discussion of most-recently aired episodes]

Post by FaxModem1 »

And he's been rowing since season 3.
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