These particular fiends, however, seem ambitious with their whole "destroy the forces of good" plan. Looking back to the comics starting with #273 which first describe the Snarl, I notice that it appeared, killed Zeus and the other "Gods of the East", then destroyed the world and squatted where it was for centuries. Then the Gods wove a new world around it, imprisoning it.Ender wrote: So while the denizens of the dark planes may seek to gain control over a gate to block the forces of good from interfering with their plans, they aren't stupid enough to actually open the gate and let it out, much less try and offer it a deal.
Perhaps the plan is to kill off the good gods, release the Snarl to erase the old world, and then re-weave a new world with only the evil gods participating. Or to kill two bird with one stone and lure the good gods out and THEN release the Snarl, so it kills them and destroys the world.
Or if the fiends are really ambitious, the plan could be to arrange matters so that the Snarl gets out, kills ALL the gods, and the fiends take over in their place. They may or may not intend to make their own replacement world, or just keep to the Outer Planes. They may also figure they can handle the Snarl better than the Gods, since the comics mention that "some theorists" think that the Snarl is deadlier to Gods than to other beings of a similar level. Foreshadowing ?