Basically I'd live the life I actually want, fully healed and healthy, rather than continuing my current fucked-over-by-genetics existence.Kojiro wrote:Out of curiosity, what would you do with the money? I take it you're going to a low key approach in general?
Break big casinos, give a chunk of the money to charity. Go through hospitals and heal the sick and dying. Not instantly, but use my powers to create and administer a super-healing drug that a) makes it look like they got better normally but doctor's can't detect so I can at least live a life out of the spotlight.
Travel the world helping people, but in small ways, in line with the "give a man a fish and he eats for a night, give him a fishing rod and he eats for life" kinda way. I want to help people and make the world better, not make people dependent on me to fix all their problems as that doesnt help long-term.
Pop over to ITER and discreetly make the plant work perfectly. Go to Chernobyl and Fukushima and remove all the radioactive waste. Then, travel around getting laid and getting drunk or high I guess.
Oh, there's a good one. Use said omnipotence to create what I would call an anti-cigarette. Gives you the same buzz as a normal one but repairs damage to your lungs etc every time. Create a new drug that lets you get high without any addictive properties or health effects.