A book lying on the ground. While I won't be believing anything written in it, I will pick it up and attempt to look for the owner. My thoughts there is that the owner would likely prefer the book to not be damaged by the elements. I'll probably hand it in to a nearby lost and found before Ryuk shows up.
Lets assume I somehow get the book back or don't get round to handing it in. I'm not handing it over to anyone else. I doubt I'll be able to resist testing it after Ryuk shows up. The test target will be someone I despise during a public appearance. Probably someone with a low chance of a heart attack.
Once that works, I'm not going to be able to resist the temptation of using it.
Are groups where people bet on the time of death of famous people a thing that really exists ?
If so, I might make some money from them. After first making someone else have a lucky streak (of people I hate) to see how the group reacts.
Now comes the attempts to change the world:
- Knocking off political leaders, especially in dictatorships, is unlikely to go well. The likely best case is someone equally bad replacing him. Unless someone else is pushing for something better, then killing off their opposition might work.
- Picking a corporation that I hate and keep killing off the board of directors until they stop being replaced should destroy the corporation. Question is, what happens next ?
- Having a lot of people who preach that god hates x die shortly after to lightening strikes in front of witnesses is bound to provoke some amusing reactions.
- If I learn that anyone is coming after me, I leave them alone. Fighting them only risks them learning something that helps them.
Solauren wrote:Since the entire 'Not getting into heaven and hell' was omitted from this scenario's OP, I'm assuming it's not an issue.
I can't see a Death Note user being good enough to get into heaven. Oblivion is going to be better than hell.
First, I probably wouldn't use it at first.
Once Rhuk showed up, I'd want to do an experiment.
If I make a list, complete with pictures, and send that to a piece of the Death Note loaded into my printer, does it work?
This is more of a 'just in case I need it'. Also, if it's all printed, my hand-writing can't be traced.
I'd say that anything done via your computer, especially if it involves messages sent over the internet, is going to be a lot more traceable than you just writing in a book. Especially when the printer is one that you own. NSA spying and all that.
Still, that is an interesting question. One you don't want to test with a shared printer in case someone else prints something with someone else's name and photo.
I'd also have questions for Rhuk
Why do the answers matter when you haven't given any reason for Ryuk to help you with those things ?