Darth Wong wrote:Ah, so everything is assumed to be superfast unless proven otherwise?
Let's analyze the known factors.
1. Spider-Man has dodged steady machinegun fire and lasers on a near daily basis for several decades.
2. Spider-Man was once hit by a tranq dart.
Let's analyze the possible explinations.
1. The tranq was really fast.
2. The trap, which Kraven set up SPECIFICALLY to counter the spider-sense, is what can be attributed to his failure to dodge the tranq dart.
3. The last 50 years of Marvel history have been a crock of shit, and their bullets are secretly snails.
Nobody but a total dumbfuck would pick the third, and anyone who's logic is worth a shit would pick the second.
We have figures on Spidey's strength: 15 tons overhead lift.
That's a 15 ton benchpress rep; not overhead lift. We've been over this.
We have figures on Spidey's reflexes: 40 times faster than a normal human.
Which is the speed he reacts to his own precog, the spider-sense. I don't know why you insist on trying to act like the Jedi is the only one with precog.
We know that this was inadequate to let Spidey evade a tranq dart trap,
Bzzt! Wrong.
We know that he was unable to evade the trap. We don't know that a speed defeciency is the cause, and all evidence and logic indicates otherwise. You have nothing.
and if there is a tranq dart gun which fires hypersonic darts, please let me know.
Irrelevant, because that is not required for what Kraven did.
His trap negated the spider-sense, or confused it enough so that the dart didn't register a high priority.
Unless you can prove that his speed was the only variable of that scene, it isn't a valid point.
We also know that neither of these will allow him to survive a TK attack, so your only retort is to claim that Jedi, who are known to have this ability, will refuse to use it on principle.
I assume that, in self defense, they would use TK in a battle.
The only thing I don't believe they would do is pop his arteries and instantly kill him.
Hell, they *may* even (and that's a big may based on no evidence) try to knock him out with a force choke, but *not* kill him, which is exactly what Luke did.
I'll grant you that in a battle where everything's at stake, they would use TK offensively, since it could just as easily be deamed defense. But what they won't do is give him an aneurism or pull his heart from his chest or anything like that.
Ah, so you want to apply physics to Marvel now? OK, Spidey is a feeb because none of the buses or subway cars he's ever lifted could have been very heavy since their skins did not buckle when picked up. Oh wait, you only want to apply physics when it suits you? Ah yes, I forgot what a dishonest little shit you are.
What a fucking joke you're becomming. Not drawing objects as denting properly is a whole fucking different ballgame than you trying to bullshit out of Spidey's speed by trying to pass off that bullets in the MU travel at super slow speeds.
You're an idiot. The ability to shift your hand cannot be compensated for by any human musculature to move an entire body. If Daredevil can avoid bullets without superhuman speed (not to mention technology which nullifies little issues like inertia), they must be either slow moving or fired by people who are blind.
Are you a total fucking lackwit? People can dodge gunfire in that manner **IN THE REAL WORLD**, let alone in comics where the two characters are physically superior to any human in real life and have superhuman powers to help them.
They jump and flip around the room so that the gunmen can't draw a bead on them. That's *NOT* the same as being faster than bullets.
But Spidey doesn't have to do that. Granted, he does do that sometimes, but he's shown that he doesn't have to.
Let me use your logic: Spidey only gets hit by a dart once as we recall (although I haven't the entire Spidey collection so I can't be sure), so he must be faster than bullets or darts. Correspondingly, Luke only gets hit by a blaster bolt once (and that's on an artificial part of his body), so he must be faster than bullets or darts.
I love it when people use the "let me use your logic" trick when they have zero sense of logic to properly use the term in relation to anything they manage to think.
Spider-Man is faster than bullets because he consistantly, regularly, and easily dodges bullets. The dart incident was *SPECIFICALLY* set up to deal with his spider-sense. Even so, it is a lone example of Spidey slipping up.
Likewise, Jedi regularly block blaser bolts, which for all your calculations of insane speed, can be easily tracked by the naked eye. Luke got hit once. That is also an example of Luke slipping up, rather than proof positive that Luke is slow. Of course, Luke wasn't hit as part of a trap that specifically negated his precog, but we'll let that slip and say, like I have been saying, that one bad example doesn't negate hundreds of good ones.
Your own argument hurts your case when you mention that Luke has also been hit by a blaster bolt, which by your displayed argument should negate all the times he's blocked them.
And lest we forget, your entire argument about bullets being slow just because superheroes don't often get shot is utterly laughable. How often were Luke, Leia, Chewy, Han, or even fucking C-3P0 and R2-D2 shot by stormtroopers in the movie? Does that means blaster bolts are slow?
And I know your reply already. You'll say that the Stormtroopers were bad aims (forget that you try to pass them off as crack shots in other debates) and none of the SW characters had to dodge the bolts. And I'll note that Han and Chewie ran from the bolts so the Stormtroopers couldn't draw a bead, just like Daredevil and Cap, but not like Spidey.
Also, Spidey beat Firelord, who is a starkiller, therefore he's more powerful than Firelord. Correspondingly, Luke beat the Death Star, which is millions of times more powerful than a star, therefore Luke is millions of times more powerful than a star.
Ignorant and pointless drivel.
Luke beat the Death Star by shooting a torpedo down the exhaust port. Spider-Man beat Firelord by punching the shit out of him.
Spider-Man's punches > supernovas and black holes
And that's precisely why I didn't use the example until you started being a bitch about using high-end feats. Right now you're fucking wishing I would have stuck with my old "high-end feats" of dodging bullets and lifting subway cars, which as you can plainly see, where never really the high-end feats you claimed they were.
Your entire argument is based on uneven application of logic. You consistently apply a different standard to SW than you do to Spidey. You consistently apply bullshit logic to Spidey that would have you screaming apeshit if applied to SW.
Flat out fabrication.
I directly avoided using Spider-Man's high end feats, and concentrated on his average portrayal. You still bitched about me only using high-end feats, and replied with high-end Jedi feats of your own. Only then did I actually pull out Spidey's true high-end feats.
I was applying the same standard of using the average portrayal for both. You were the one who came in bitching about my unfairness that, as I've shown with the real high-end feats, was never there.
Fact: Spidey was taken down by a tranq dart trap
Fact: The trap was specifically designed to deal with the spider-sense.
Fact: Kraven's speed and strength are utterly irrelevant to the tranq dart trap, so your bringing them up is a pure red herring
Fact: I didn't bring them up myself.
Fact: Spidey reacted to the tranq dart trap too late, and couldn't move his body out of the way fast enough
Fact: He was in a trap specifically designed to negate his spider-sense. I feel like a fucking broken record.
I may as well find an example of a Jedi when his precog has been negated and use that for my argument.
Fact: this proves that your claims about Spidey's speed are exaggerated
Fact: It's not proof of ANYTHING other than that Kraven is a master trapsmen, and I've fucking posted scans that show I wasn't exaggerating anything.
Fact: Jedi can move impossibly fast for ground traction, thus requiring a TK push against some object such as a wall. Spidey does not have TK. He cannot accelerate the way the Jedi did in TPM.
Non-fact: TK is required for quick movement.
Fact: Arguing that Spider-Man, the guy who sticks to walls, has a traction problme, is fucking retarded to the tenth power.
Fact: Spidey lacks TK
Equally meaningful fact: Jedi don't have webbing.
Fact: Spidey's strength is a few hundred times that of a typical human. A few hundred times the force necessary to crush a human trachea is nothing for a Jedi, since even journeyman Jedi could throw battledroids and superbattledroids weighing hundreds of pounds around like rag dolls.
Fact: Spider-Man can go without breathing for over 20 minutes, which is why...
Fact: The SW side had to resort to more drastic measures of popping arteries, which is...
Fact: Completely unsupported, even by Luke in RotJ.
Fact: your only response to all of this is to claim that Jedi will voluntarily avoid using their powers
Fact: That is not a fact.
and use the bullshit logic that if A defeats B, then A must be more powerful than B (ignoring the question of whether B's defense is as good as his offense),
Fact: I specifically brought up points on Firelord's defense, which leads me to wonder if you are even reading my posts.
Fact: Firelord can survive supernovas, fly through the hearts of stars just to clean himself, and survive in black holes.
Fact: Firelord has been rendered unconscious by a beating at the hands of Spider-Man.
Fact: Silver Surfer, who has also been beaten up by Spidey, once fought hand-to-hand inside a black hole while at the same time telekenetically shielding a human from the void of space and stearing his board with her on it back to Earth.
or better yet, that Spidey must be faster than a bullet if he uses his spider-sense to avoid being hit by them (by this logic, Jedi are faster than blaster bolts, so you STILL lose).
Fact: Two of the pictures I posted of him dodging lasers were when he had lost his spider-sense, and those lasers were random-firing computer controlled lasers which he couldn't have known where they were aimed until after they had been fired.
I'll repeat.
Fact: He has dodged lasers withut his spider-sense.