Simon_Jester wrote:He's had multiple bouts of crappy health, that directly impact his ability to work. His plotline is approaching the climax. I'm sure he's got other plans for what to do when Order of the Stick is finished, but I can't really blame Burlew for wanting to capitalize on the strip while he still can, either. He's trying to make a living with his art, and it's entirely possible that he won't be able to do that indefinitely, so being in it partly for the money nowadays is understandable.
I don't blame him for capitalizing, but... I feel he is going at it in entirely wrong way. Making side comics in breaks worked better, IMHO, nowadays all you hear is complains about Tarquin taking too long due to update schedule and unpredictability/slowness leading to waning interest. Add to it official forum with several rude, arbitrary mods frequently breaking their own rules and incompetent admin (who turned off search function as it was easier than properly fixing the board...) leading to making using something that was fun idea exchange place a chore.
As for health, I get it, and I support privacy, but then we got 10 straight updates once per day early this year (kickstarter reward), with claims they are freshly drawn, and were absolutely not drawn during the even quieter period before, sending sort of mixed signal.
I used to visit the forums several times daily, got Start of Darkness and Origin of the PCs despite
ludicrous international postage prices (that could have been fixed, OotS team just didn't cared to), these days I feel quality of it all dropped sharply despite art and writing maturing. The kickstarter was probably last thing I get, and that was for the Belkar comic alone (which kind of felt drawn out in places despite short format).