And just how fast does anderson throw knives, pray tell? We're talking maybe a meter of separation between him and Victoria and MAYBE throwing 15-20 m/s (using the same basis Mike did in his IXJac debate for throwing a half-kilo knife).Stormbringer wrote:Which conclusion?And you reached this conclusion *how?*
Speed. The fact unless you've got a young vamp maxed out on Celerity Alucard undoubtly moves faster. He's got the speed and reflexes to shoot knives out the air.
You've still neglected to make any sort of comparison between a WoD vampire of average ability (you know, crunching numbers like some of us do when we want to reach a conclusion.)
Its quite probable he *does* have greater acceleration, but wheras I know *I* can prove it, I question whether you can.
And just how much force is needed to bend a metal MP-5 barrel, exactly? I've tried doing the calcs, so If you've done them, please share the math with me. I'm quite curious.Strength. Victoria, Alucard's newborn child can easily bend an MP-5s barrel. And with no apparent effort. That's a lot more force that your average WoD vampire has.
On top of that, your thorough job at analysis neglected to give an appropriate comparison of WOD vampire ability.
Max lifting for a WOD vampire of Generation 8 to 13 is 5 dots of strength, which is 650 pounds (300 kg roughly - source the VTM sourcebook, 2nd edition.) This ignores blood point usage, of course, and Potence.
Lasombra have access to Potence. Given the description (VTM sourcebook 2nd edition) Potence can effortlessly p unch through concrete, toss cars aside (which is suggesting multi-ton capability, neglecting velocity and time) and leap so far/fast they appear to be "flying".) And that "even the lowest ranks" of Potence give vampires strength beyond "mortal bounds" - suggesting that a Vampire with even one or two dots of Potence has more strength than the strongest human - a claim substantiated by Ghouls: FAtal addiciton, where it claims that Ghoul Potence can "double" their lifting capacity without any training.
Depending on the strength and/or Potence rating, and what level of Alucard you use (Alucard wouldn't neccesarily deign to fight lesser opponents at full power, for that matter.), a WOD vampire might be more than a match.
Potence apparently can affect movement as well (IE leaping - which may actually help give a baseline on vampiric acceleration - if not by Celerity.)
Strike two, sparky.
Wow, how grossly simplified. Not all disciplines or activities neccesarily require blood point usage (potence doesnt, certain of the mental disciplines don't I believe, and vampires certainly don't expend it in soaking damage.) IIRC total loss of BP use renders a vampire into torpor, but thats it. Its not like the vampire HAS to use blood points.Stamina. Simple. Alurcard's not limited by bloodpoint which are rapidly expended. Quite simply we haven't seen him tired to the point at which his abilities are useless.
Even allowing you this, all this really means is that Alucard can last longer than any of them (something we basically already knew.) It tells us nothing about say, durability, which IS a rather more useful comparison for purposes of the debate (for example, noting that while Alucard clearly comes back from all sorts of damage, bullets do not bounce off him. And while a WOD vampire does ha ve to expend blood points to heal, he can also readily and effortlessly soak many kinds of damage (including knife stabs and gunfire), especially with Fortitude.
There is also one advantage WoD vampires have over Hellsing ones, aside from the Hellsing vampires allergies to silver (there are actually more vulnerabilities than that, if we add the manga). Hellsing vampires (non-FREAK variety, at least) are in fact greatly affected by blessed objects and scripture (the "sheets" Anderson throws up. Apparently they are repelled by Scripture according to the Manga, and it can in fact bind their abilities.) - they have trouble healing injury from blessed or silver objects (Andersons knives, Alucard's own bullets.) - especially from hits to the head or heart.) WoD vampires by comparison can only be harmed by blessed objects if wielded by someone who possesses True Faith. And in fact its possible that some vampires (although among the Sabbat I find it unlikely in the extreme for this to occur) can also possess some measure of True Faith.
In short, let me remind you that some of us here are interested in carrying out an objective debate, and that we appreciate it when other people make an effort to do so too (making calcs, comparing numbers, citing references, etc.) So in the future it would be appreicated if you would refrain from making vague, unsubstantiated claims that have little more value than opinions.