While I like Applejack's determination to bring back the money. I can't help but feeling the rest of the episode was contrived and result of the ponys forgetting what they already 'learnt.' After all Applejack's other episode was all about not being so arrogant and ignoring her friend. And her blithe assumption that she'd win all the prize money easily is exactly the same thing.RogueIce wrote:Man, the SB crew is just saying it better than I can tonight.
Now, to be fair to myself, this was also my original take on it. But this fellow just said it better than I managed previously.Darth Invictus on SpaceBattles.com wrote:It was very true to Applejack, Rainbow Dash has an ego which won't let her loose or admit defeat, as the Iron pony contest and Mare-Do-Well showed, she has to win for herself. In contrast Applejack is stubborn and proud, she made a promise, she couldn't face breaking it and letting down people who'd put their trust in her, couldn't face her family or Applebloom after loosing and shattering her sisters image of her, she would've stayed in Dodge until she got the money, or until Big Mac or the Mane Six went to find her, hogtied her and dragged her back themselves. For someone so devoted to her family and who cares so much about their view of her, gaining anything less than first after promising to get it would be unthinkable
And while Applejack seemed concerned about the money, it was clearly more about the fear of losing her friend's respect and that is complete baloneey. Its the same kind of plot we saw from Twilight in 'Boast Buster' and while it really makes sense for her. It doesn't fit Applejack especially as she was the one saying to Twilight in that episode 'don't be silly we love you for you'.