There's no fucking chance that this movie is getting my money ... because I'm a misogynist.
Seriously though, I saw the first trailer and thought it was horrid and then went on with my life. But somehow, suddenly I started to become aware *cough because of The Guardian cough* that this trailer was the most disliked trailer in the history of YouTube and it was all due to misogyny. So of course this annoyed me
but then while I was seeing BvS in the cinema for the fifth time (awesome movie, Ultimate Cut is amaze balls) I saw the
second Ghostbusters trailer and it made me laugh out loud and I thought that the movie would actually be worth checking out.
And then Melissa McCartney came out in the press saying she wasn't surprised that people didn't like the first trailer because it was just really confusing; was the movie a remake/reboot or a continuation? And I thought that was nice of her and that maybe I'd go to see the movie if anyone suggested it.
But then the Sony PR department
kidnapped Melissa and replaced her with a clone put the screws on their cast and all of a sudden the cast embarked on their 'anyone that hates this movie hates women' publicity tour on talk shows. The director came out with more if you don't like this movie you hate women, and supposed that anyone that hated this movie would probably vote Trump and then the Guardian started up their "its all misogyny all the time" rhetoric.
And now I'm luck
fuck you guys. Fuck Sony, fuck Paul Feig and fuck this movie. This could be the best movie ever made but I refuse to give my money to a bunch of people who either so cynically cry wolf over the slightest bad press in order to protect their return on investment or legitimately believe if you don't like a piece of art it must be because of misogyny. I hope they lose all their god damned money the greedy fucks.
Having said that, if you enjoyed the movie; cool beans.

Η ζωή, η ζωή εδω τελειώνει!
"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka '
"Angela is not the woman you think she is Gabriel, she's done terrible things"
"So have I, and I'm going to do them all to you." - Sylar to Arthur '