Crazedwraith wrote:Harry apparates to the orb. Apparates out with it. Elsewise the invisibility cloak offers a great advantage if we go by Deathly Hallows as it's suppose to leave him with totally impenetrable detection but earlier books have moody's eye see him and imply dementor's empathy will let them detect him. So the force may let Anakin intercept him. Harry's got the best chance to do this without fighting.
If it comes down to a fight. More likely Anakin will be victorious. Precog + Lightsaber + TK is a very potent combination but I don't know Rand Al Thor's power set.
Neo at the end of The Matrix... do we mean basically his Reloaded power set? Because just taking The Matrix into account he was supposed to be god at that point.
Yes, the Reloaded powers.
Rand Al Thor's power set... from memory, it goes something like this:
1. Channeling the "One Power" (or rather the male side of it- WoT does a lot of weird shit around gender roles). Very versatile, but the most notable effects here include opening portals, teleporting of sorts, shielding, healing, mind control (though it can be resisted, to a point at least), and various attacks using everything from fire, to whirlwinds, to tearing the Earth apart, and more. Or opening portals ("gates") in the middle of a crowd, bisecting it as the gates open. It is not an exaggeration to say that in terms of the destruction he can cause, Rand is effectively a sapient nuclear arsenal- and that's if he's not using an amplifying artifact. His nastiest attack is something called balefire, which basically burns someone retroactively out of the timeline- the stronger its cast, the further back. Its best not to use it much to avoid destabilizing reality. Rand once took out an entire building with one shot with it, though he used an amplifying artifact to do so. Callandore is such an artifact, in the shape of a sword.
There's also something called the True Power, but I don't really know how its different- my reading of the later books was spotty.
2. He's a large-scale probability/reality warper. Something about how the Chosen One/destiny works in his setting. In
Towers of Midnight he suggests that he could control this to will someone's heart to stop, though he doesn't actually follow through with it.
3. He has memories of his past life. Hundreds of years of experience and knowledge.
4. He's a damn fine swordsman, though next to everything else, it seems almost moot.
Yeah, Wheel of Time is... a bit overpowered. Rand especially.
Others could probably tell you more.
Harry... yes, he's outclassed power-wise, so he'll have to rely on stealth. Potterverse magic is more geared towards cloak and dagger than pitched battle, and invisibility cloak plus Accio plus apparition is a very powerful mix for a would-be thief.
Poor Buffy will be stuck trying not to get obliterated, I think, unless she waits for the others to thin the numbers out and manages to jump someone when they're distracted. Her smart play would be an alliance with Potter, then backstab him. But she might not think of that on the fly. She's not really stupid, but she's not much of a tactician either.
The slug-fest is between Skywalker, Neo, and Rand.
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Crazedwraith wrote:Harry apparates to the orb. Apparates out with it. Elsewise the invisibility cloak offers a great advantage if we go by Deathly Hallows as it's suppose to leave him with totally impenetrable detection but earlier books have moody's eye see him and imply dementor's empathy will let them detect him. So the force may let Anakin intercept him. Harry's got the best chance to do this without fighting.
I think the implication was that the "true" powers of the Hallows are only accessible when all three are held by one person - hence why Moody could see through the Cloak, and how Grindelwald lost to Dumbledore despite wielding the Elder Wand.
If it comes down to a fight. More likely Anakin will be victorious. Precog + Lightsaber + TK is a very potent combination but I don't know Rand Al Thor's power set.
Neo at the end of The Matrix... do we mean basically his Reloaded power set? Because just taking The Matrix into account he was supposed to be god at that point.
That's basically my supposition as well. If it weren't for the modifier that the other magical swords can parry lightsabers the main question would be whether the lightsaber can block/reflect spells from Harry.
I would leave the Hallows' powers as those shown/described in the books. Though I'd be interested to hear an alternative argument.
As to the sabre parrying spells- I would presume that it could parry a bolt/beam (although a killing curse would likely detonate like a grenade upon hitting the blade, the same as other physical barriers). A spell with a wide area of affect though, or a spell to transfigure the substance of the blade or disarm Anakin... probably not.
Edit: I won't give Harry the cloaked thief an automatic win, though. Anakin and Buffy both have super senses (as does Neo, for that matter, with Matrix powers). Anakin has telekinesis. Anakin, Neo, and Buffy have varying degrees of super speed/reflexes. Rand is a reality warper. All of them can counter him- he'll have to hold back until they're otherwise occupied if he can in order to have the best shot.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver
"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.