How do the Younguns Catch Up?

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How do the Younguns Catch Up?

Post by RogueIce »

For those of you who are more "mature" shall we say, you grew up with these comics, you bought them, read them, and so on. So you would have most of the begiining stuff and so on.

But how is someone who's fairly new at it ever supposed to catch up? :|

I, by the way, have recently discovered a good stockpile of various X-Men books in my sister's room. No idea how they go continuity-wise (though from some of what I've seen, with storylines in multiple titles, I'm probably still screwed), but it's something.

BTW, how far back can you go with backissues and the like?
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Rob Wilson
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Re: How do the Younguns Catch Up?

Post by Rob Wilson »

RogueIce wrote:For those of you who are more "mature" shall we say, you grew up with these comics, you bought them, read them, and so on. So you would have most of the begiining stuff and so on.

But how is someone who's fairly new at it ever supposed to catch up? :|

I, by the way, have recently discovered a good stockpile of various X-Men books in my sister's room. No idea how they go continuity-wise (though from some of what I've seen, with storylines in multiple titles, I'm probably still screwed), but it's something.

BTW, how far back can you go with backissues and the like?
Well without my collection to hand i'll have to guess. I have all the X-men from it's beginning to about #30 and Uncanny from about 118 to around #312. X-factor i only really started reading from when the team are stuck on the Moon and Apocalypse steals their son, I stopped a few issues after PAD left the book and it became obvious the quality was slipping fast. X-force... I collected the first ten and gave up in disgust.

The Supermen titles i only started just after the introduction of the traingles on the covers (couldn't tell you what the issue numbers wee, but the first triangle number was 6 i think) and stopped after the reign of the Supermen. Batman, the start of the Alan Grant run on the book and stayed with that until 96 (picked up all the other Bat books as well and the spin-offs). Green Lantern, stopped when Hal Jordan left the title. Darkstars, every issue from the first until 96. Spiderman - The British Complete Spiderman anthology as it collected together a whole load of classic stories in order (including McFarlanes run). DareDevil About 109 then off and on until 96. 2000 AD, from prog 28 to the present (1200+), Every issue of JD the Megazine since it started.

The rest, it'll take to long to list, and that doesn't include the Graffic Novels and TPB collections. Your best bet to catch up is persuade your Library to stock some of the TPB's and go from there (or buy them yourself, though that could be expensive for a student).
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