STGOD secret origins thread repost

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STGOD secret origins thread repost

Post by thecreech »

Apollonius of Tyana

7pts- high-level magic user (dr. strange)
2pt- Marksman master (green arrow, bullseye)
2pt- Healing factor-can heal fatal wounds within a day

Now known as Adam Tyne, this comtemporary of Jesus was once treated as a minor God in Anatolia. Tapping into Occult powers granted to him by Apollo, he extended his life greatly, and aquired Apollo's marksmanship..

In 98 AD he and an Egyptian Mystic battled the last Chimera of Lycia. During the battle, the Egyptian Mystic was killed and Apollonius was nearly destroyed. Two hundred years later, he made his way to Britain and sought out the Questing Beast. Himself and Merlin battled the Witch Morgana, and Apollonius recovered the Blue Ring from her.

He spent several years as an advisor of King Arthur's court. He evntually married Julia, a Roman in Britain. To his dismay, he was unable to replicate the immortality bestowed upon him, and she died at age 57.

In 689 AD He and the "Prince of Rings" battled the supernatural creature Grendal in Denmark. Apollonius record the events in Old English.

He spent much of the few hundred years exploring the known world. Finally, he traveled to Vinland in 1104, and battled the Lambton Worm, which had followed the Vikings from Britain. After the Vinland colony was abandoned, Apollonius remained in the Western Hemisphere, traveling and expaning his knowledge.

Today, Apollonius lives in San Diego under the name "Adam Tyne," with all manner of magical items, such as the Blue Ring and Bow of Apollo. And a Cablemodem connection.

Name: The unknown
Occupation: Assasin/hunter/merc

History: Part of a government experiment the unknown was created. A secret group of assasins that had the job of hunting and killing the enemies of their employers. In fact the unknown were so good that the government decided to scrap them due to the possibility that any member of the government could turn on each other. Every one of the unknown was tricked and killed in a clever plot that would cover them up forever. However one of them managed to escape. He ended up killing his would be killers and assasinated the 100 highest members of the government leaving it in shambles. Now the last of the unknown sells his services for money and is on the run from a new secret service in the government.

The unknown has been apart of some of the most horrifying deeds anyone can think of from mass genocide to grand theft auto and at the same time he has saved thousands of people from the very same terrorists who hired him to kill them.

“He is expensive but efficient” said mob boss Anthony Piccuta about the unknown, that was right before his head was cut seperated from the rest of his body by the unknown. Earlier that day the unknown had killed Anthony Piccuta's rival, Mob boss Jerry Garza, and in that same day his(Jerry's) brother hired him to kill Anthony Piccuta .

That is the nature of the beast, money... that is all he thinks about. But for what? He never spends a dime of it on himself. He still wears the same clothes and never drives a car. That money is for something else but for what... we do not know.


Invisibility: The unknown can vanish from the sight for hours at a time. Any item, article of clothing, that he holds also turns invisible. He has even gone as far as to turn people invisible along with him. How he does this is unknown.
hand mutation: The unknown can morph his hand into sharp cutting blades that can cut a man in 2. He also used that same morphing power to mimic the finger prints of a person to get access in to high security places, to frame someone for a crime, and has also used the mimc ability to hijack cars and unlock dead blots.
Chi control: The unknown can channel his chi to do amazing feats. With very little concentration he can punch a 5-foot thick steel door off it’s hinges and has focused enough energy to destroy a building. He can manifest the energy in the form of glowing balls and use them to attack his enemies from a distance. He can also create a force field of pure energy to protect himself from harm but only for a very short time.
Close combat master: The unknown is a master of the martial arts trained in over 20 different styles. The unknown is also a master of all forms of wrestling techniques and is very efficient with 30 different weapons… although he prefers to use his hands for the most part
Super Senses: The unknown’s sense of smell, hearing, touch, and sight are all magnified above and beyond a normal humans. He uses his sense of smell a lot to hunt people down.

Weaknesses: no known weaknesses

Ok the history is done

Codename: Wraith
Real name: none (he just thinks of himself as "wraith")
Phasing- Can pass through walls.
Lasting Invisiblity- Can be invisible for days
Shapeshifting. - Retards aging elimitates the need for sustance.
Hand mutation- hands are a silver like substance which hero can morph into cutting blades or even use to mimic smalls things like keys to open doors.
Personlity: Mysterious as his powers suggest. Wraith is the ultimate unsocailble freak.Absloutle nothing is known about him. Hes unknowable and unpredictble.
Other Abilities: None, Wraith depends on his powers for everything.
Story: At an unknown place at an unknown time, the being know as Wraith imerged from a a pool of slop. The being was a neutral black though his eyes were yellow orbs with burning red pupils. Not needing food, drink or any kind. Wraith wonders the earth just tring to get kicks.
How he gets thoose kicks is through expanding the cope of his powers and testing them in "trials of fire" he'll pick a fight with anyone, good or bad.


(See creation thread for powers)

From an early age everyone knew Ryan Mathews was different. He would sit and stare quietly, taking everything in with an air of clinical detachment. At the age of eight he began to manifest crude and random telekinetic abilities. These powers grew and refined over the years until the strange boy had near total control of them. It is believed by many that Mindwarp's imperviousness is simply another, more defensive aspect of the telekinesis. The power of his mind merely stops forces before they can cause damage. How his power of teleportation fits in, no one knows. At seventeen years of age, it was the last ability to develop.

Ryan's detachment from the people around him has only grown with his mastery of his power. His invulnerability has made him unmindful of harm to himself and he will not hesitate to take the direct approach to any problem. Nor is he shy about using his telekinesis around others. It is a part of him as much as his eyes or hands. Even to the point of gliding through the air instead of walking. This can be unnerving to others, especially coupled with his often emotionless visage.

Mindwarp considers himself to be above humanity. He tends to interact with people as if on a purely scientific level. Like a researcher interacting with a mouse. But even so, he does have a sense of right and wrong, and a belief in striving to make the world a better place. These ethics have driven him into the fight against evil. Even if his detachment often causes his actions to see harsh and unforgiving.

Many believe Mindwarp to be a ruthless killer. Many think of him as a soulless monster. Many would lump him in with the vallians that he fights against. He simply does what he will and thinks nothing of those that stand in his way.

Elizabeth Wilson was a typical sixteen year old girl. She was going to school, a wiz on the computer, and making good grades. Of course, being a computer geek, she was not a member of the "popular" clique. That's why she had started tae kwon do at an early age. She is a first degree blackbelt and is working on her second.

Her abilities just suddenly appeared one day. She is able to control electricity. including making a shield for herself and projecting electrical bursts. She is also able to transport herself through electrical and phone lines. That's why she has taken the nickname Spark.

Master Fate

Jonathon Bate had a terrible childhood. Growing up in a well-to-do Upper middle-classfamily was a horrible burden for a boy that knew he was smarter than his parents and deserved far better. Matters were made worse at school, When as a young lower 4th year, at the tender age of 10 years old, he was bemused at being called Master Bate by the Upper 2nd year children. The groups of 12 year old students would call out 'Hey, Master Bate?" and when he politely responded "Yes." they would all burst into hysterics to his complete bemusement. ok so they were being overly formal in addressing him, but he felt they were simply acknowledging his natural superiority to them - so what was so damned funny?

Upper 1st Biology lessons (and his favourite science had been biology at Lower School) brought him into reality with a bump. The rest of his time at Uper School was a private hell. No matter how well he performed in exams, no matter what his IQ test said or how many Chess matches he won with ease, he was always 'Master Bate".

He drowned out the Plebs and those tht were jealous of his talents with Science. He had to know what it was about social structures that made the lower, less intelligent 'people' belittle the far superior and more intelligent that walked amoungst them? If only they could be made to understand their station, their purpose... if only the women would realise they were there for his pleasure, or at least let him touch them occasionally.

OK that's the character bit, I'll edit this and add the scope and application of his powers later after I've had a break

The history of The Guardian:

NASCAR driver John "Steve" Johnson's career was tragically ended at the age of 38 in a car crash. The bodies of his wife and two sons were found at the site of the accident. The other car was empty, and outside of it were the remains of three teens. They had been cut into small pieces and strewn about the road. Mr. Johnson's body was never found.
A short time later a costumed vigilante appeared. He called himself "The Guardian" and has taken it upon himself to punish reckless drivers with death. Investigators have linked seven murders to this madman. His most recent crime took place in Smackover, Arkansas family. He broke into their trailer and brutally attacked Robert Jones while his wife and daughter watched. "The Guardian" caused the man's head to explode, leaving pieces on the walls of the trailer. When police approached, he tossed their car with a gesture. The officers were unharmed, and opened fire on their attacker. He dodged their shots and pulled the guns from their hands with another gesture. He then fled by air.
A note was found on the body of the murdered man. It is reproduced below.

I am sorry. It was necessary. He killed his wife. I saw him. I had no choice. Him or me. Better it's me. I had to stop him doing what the unclean do. His daughter is still young and she hates me. Better it's me. His wife is not killed any more. I see her. Her death has been moved later. He was unclean. I stoped [sic] the death. That is my job. I am the guardian.

This is the only non-automobile-related murder so far.

Code Name: Battle Fist
Real Name: Charlie Wang
Occupation: None, financial support from the War God School.
Age: 20

Charlie Wang was trained under a Wu-Tang master and studied in War God Academy. The school's main purpose was to train all kinds of gifted people into a powerful strike force to protect Taiwan against the notorious Red Star Assassins of China.

After President Chen won the election in 2000, China was really pissed, they sent the RSA for a total onslaught. War God Academy immediately sent a quick response team, in the battle Wang was forced to use a special technique which was over his level, though he succeeded, he absorbed a whole load of negative Chi and begain to suffer a so-called "hellfire treading demon" syndrome. Although the syndrome enhanced his abilities, it also had impredictable results, he wasn't fully in control of his powers, and under a rush of rage or when hurt he would become more powerful, and unleash blind attacks. Wang left the War God Academy in search for a cure.


Enhanced Martial Arts:
Due to the vast amount of Chi and the Demon Syndrome, Charlie Wang has martial arts in a very high level, and increases strength in battle. He could either shoot energy bolts or beams out of his hands, the bolts are about 100m/s and causes explosions, the beams are in light-speed but only can burn an area as big as Wang's fist.

Demon Syndrome effects:
In combat, Wang recieves harm to himself the same time he increases strength, every time he shoots his energy bolts/beams the harm increases even more. Wang's rage also increases in battle, especially when hurt, which, after about half an hour (or sooner if angered/hurt) it causes him to become more powerful but also brutal and unleash blind attacks to everyone. So far known ways to end his rage is to confine him for 5 minutes.

Name: Swashbuckler
Former ID's: The Martian, "Master of the flying Monkey" & Horrorshow

HTH: Mastery
Copy technique
master craftsman

Lots of "Toys"

Real Name: David Marks
Age: 27
DOB: Oct 31
Intellegence Level: Genuis

A loner nerd who displayed an incredible amount of inventive genius even as a child. Around the sametime he began working out in order to deal with his abusive stepfather and local bullies. First came to public attention when at age 13 he built and pilotted a Replica of a War of the World's Martian Warmachine on his birthday (Halloween). After a run in with some SPB's and other events, the vehicle was confiscated and taken to a government lab. It did however get him his own source of income making "Gagets" for the US Special Forces, and intellegence agencies, as well as anti-spb gear for the Government SPB-SWAT teams. This money allowed him to eventually become a emancipated minor, and let him purchase an incredable collection of Comics and Movies.
He made a few other forays into becoming a coustumed hero like those he covets. Most notably using an antigravity suit to become the "Flying Monkey" and running around one Halloween as an Ash themed dark vigilante known as Horrorshow. (Finally he settled into the persona he presently enjoys.) He's the "Swashbuckler" his headquaters is the Zepplin/Galleon known as "The Flying Dutchman" (Which can stay aloft indefinatly as the nuclear powersource and Anti-Gravity shields keep it up, not the ridged alluminum frame pretending to be filled with light air.). His Impact pistols (Recoiless flintlocks that project a KE force strong enough to crumple a car at max setting), and his saber (Which has a forcefield around it allowing him to cut through anything.

Flaws: Incredable Narcissicisst (Result of his abusive childhood) David has never emotionally matured, he's still a acts like a child, and has unreasonable expectations.), Hated by many female SPB's (Ok he once used remote cameras, mapping radars etc. to manufacture a line of fully mobile Life Model Decoy's of the most popular female SPB's, and sold them on internet porn sites.... (again with the incredable narcissism) this has never been fully recovered.)

Other toys: "Launches" these small flying craft are unarmed, and provide speedy transit to and from the Duchman. Presently come in "Shuttlecraft" and "Treasure Planet Inspired Antigravity Windsurfers"
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Post by thecreech »

Opps... nevermind they are all here in CAM... Gr or aya please lock this thread
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Post by Demiurge »

I thought that they had vanished with the rest of the threads. :shock:
delicious pies