Run out of conters?Now who's wanking? It takes a long time for a person being choked to die, definitely long enough to fire a missile or a burst from your chaingun.Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:And Sakura has how long to kill X Sith lord before being murdered? Not long enough.SAMAS wrote:
But you have to see the target, and the victim can still act. It's hard to keep a choke when you're being shot at.
This is assuming that the Sith got close enough, and stood still long enough, to even attempt a force choke, which would mean he got shot up anyway.
I was just displaying how your generalization was wrong.Big deal. Saber cuts through Arataka like nothing. Then the Darth uses Force Lightning on Sakura. And you are drawing a false analogy by saying that since Vader's armor can deflect a saber hit all armor can deflect saber hits.Does it matter? Its an example of armor blocking a lightsaber. Besides, Sakura's an excellent swordswoman out of her mech, too. This is a girl who makes a living figting demons.
No bloody wonder the mecha side is losing if you are doing the "debating"
And you still have to get past Sakura's guard.
None needed by that time. Time has frozen, and you have lost.CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOPFive more coming right up.
Well, then happy wanking, then. And please stop embarassing mecha before you get banned.Yes.
Here's what's likely going to happen:
Kahzan rules:
Yamazaki sends out two or three spirits, while Kusanago and Shinguuji either attack, or take defensive positions. Sakura(Renegade) opens fire with whatever weapon is at hand(Helicopter or otherwise. Yes, she can be on foot for this, too).
This is all, naturally, a diversion. The Darths, already outnumbered, move to deal with the immediate threats, while all of a sudden, their lightsabers are gone.
While the other Sakuras have made their moves, Kinomoto has done hers. Time Card, and taken the Darths' lightsabers away. Oh, and one of them is in Shinguuji's posession.
That leaves the Sith with their normal abilities. That will actually help them for a good second, until the Erase Card comes out and removes them.
PIS in effect:
Darth Sidious spends about a minute taunting the girls, sending one of the Sakuras into a counter-taunt, until Renegade Sakura gets impatient and shoots at one of the Darths.
The girls go into combat, with Kinomoto using her cards in a more suppourtive role, using Windy and Shadow to at least temporarily bind the Sith, leaving them open to attacks from the other Sakuras. This lasts until Sidious realizes that Kinomoto is the biggest threat(this came after she uses Create to give Renegade Sakura that Apache. The Darths try to concentrate their attacks on her, and Kinomoto is badly injured at least.
This pisses Kusanago off(hint: never attack the little girl), sending her into the Sastui no Hadou(a.k.a. Dark Sakura). One Shun Goku Satsu later, and the Siths are really regretting their career choice... literally!