Doctor Who - "The Shakespeare Code" (spoilers)

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Dartzap wrote:I really did enjoy it, and i got all the references as well, which shows I'm clever.. right? :wink: Anyway, why didn't the Psychic paper not work on Billy?

Oh, I was also very disappointed that no-one kicked him in the nadgers to punish him for 500 years of children falling asleep in class. :wink:
Hehehehhe. Blackadder. Never gets old.
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Post by Big Orange »

Lord Woodlouse wrote: Saxon is pretty much the season arc. Bad Wolf and Torchwood had their references, I'd be surprised if Saxon lacked one in some sense.
Bad Wolf was almost universal, not matter what setting, Torchwood was in contemporary Earth since the 19th century and Mr. Saxon is firmly set in early 21st century Britain; isn't it obvious?
The Doctor himself clearly said the Elizabeth thing was to do with being a time traveller, basically saying he must have done something in the future.
As far as I can tell something like this has not happened before. Has it?
...and this episode felt nothing like The Unquiet Dead to me. If nothing else this episode was MUCH funnier than that ep. Besides being about an author in the past it felt totally different.
Things that "The Unquiet Dead" and "The Shakespeare Code" have in common:

* Old English setting.

* Spectral monsters trapped in another dimension and struggling to break through.

* Said spectral monsters banished by ancient conflict.

* Important historical figure that the main characters brush shoulders with.
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Post by Stark »

Needs less Shakespeare wanking and more Doctor wanking. Since when could Time Lords not use maths to close dimensional portals in the middle of psychic resonators? PAH! :lol:
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Post by Majin Gojira »

Dartzap wrote:Edit: Freedonia. I'm pretty sure that was the shithole that the Marx brothers frolicked around with in Duck Soup...
Yup, it is.
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Post by Gustav32Vasa »

What is it with the Doctor pissing of Queens?

I cant wait for the seventh HP book now. Got the Doctor to cry. :D
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Post by Xon »

Hey, an actual referance to the Eternals. Wonder what the suckers did to piss the Eternals off.
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Post by Stark »

Xon wrote:Hey, an actual referance to the Eternals. Wonder what the suckers did to piss the Eternals off.
Probably tried pirate-ship race fixing. It's happened before. :)
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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

Big Orange wrote:
Lord Woodlouse wrote: Saxon is pretty much the season arc. Bad Wolf and Torchwood had their references, I'd be surprised if Saxon lacked one in some sense.
Bad Wolf was almost universal, not matter what setting, Torchwood was in contemporary Earth since the 19th century and Mr. Saxon is firmly set in early 21st century Britain; isn't it obvious?
Yes, thank you so very much for your wisdom. The point is that it's the season arc, and the previous season arcs were shoehorned into every episode some way or another. I know perfectly well that Saxon would be harder to shoehorn into an old episode than the other two but I'm still curious to see if they tried. Stop being such a pretentious dick about it.
As far as I can tell something like this has not happened before. Has it?
No idea. But it's not especially groundbreaking even if it has, and it's definitely no major mystery since the Doctor pretty much told us what was going on for our benefit.

Things that "The Unquiet Dead" and "The Shakespeare Code" have in common:

* Old English setting.
I think the flavour of Victorian England and Elizabethan England is rather different.
* Said spectral monsters banished by ancient conflict.
A minor plot point, but the Gelth were not banished. They suffered because of the conflict between Time Lords and Daleks. They became physically weaker because they were some kind of "higher life form".
* Important historical figure that the main characters brush shoulders with.
Shakespeare and Dickens. Different people. This IS a time travelling show, afterall. It's a bit like you criticising each episode of Primeval because "it has dinosaurs in it again".

There are some basic similarities between the episodes, yes. But the feel of the episodes was, to me, incredibly different. The Unquiet Dead struck me as an episode designed to be a little scary, the Shakespeare Code struck me as a full-on comedy episode.
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Post by Jawawithagun »

Big Orange wrote:
The Doctor himself clearly said the Elizabeth thing was to do with being a time traveller, basically saying he must have done something in the future.
As far as I can tell something like this has not happened before. Has it?
It has. Seventh Doctor episode Battlefield
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Post by Mr Flibble »

Well I have just seen it and I have to say I really enjoyed it. Loved the comedy (even the HP bits). It was also nice to have the doctor facing consequences from actions that he is yet to take. It was a good fun episode.

I think the interaction between Martha and the doctor is great, and I actually appreciate that he still considers Rose, character development and continuity is always a good thing.
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Post by mr friendly guy »

Gave it 4 out of 5 myself. Good comedy, and I like how the Doctor can explain "magic" as just some complicated science, which continues on with the Doctor's attitude to such things in the old series.

On another note, in the preview for next weeks episode, was one of the aliens (Cat person) Ardal O'Hanlon of Father Ted and My Hero fame. I could have sworn that was his voice.
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Post by Bounty »

On another note, in the preview for next weeks episode, was one of the aliens (Cat person) Ardal O'Hanlon of Father Ted and My Hero fame. I could have sworn that was his voice.
Yes, it's him.
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Post by mr friendly guy »

Good. O'Hanlon is a good actor and hopefully his character gets a decent showing in the next episode.
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Post by Big Orange »

Lord Woodlouse wrote: Yes, thank you so very much for your wisdom. The point is that it's the season arc, and the previous season arcs were shoehorned into every episode some way or another. I know perfectly well that Saxon would be harder to shoehorn into an old episode than the other two but I'm still curious to see if they tried. Stop being such a pretentious dick about it.
OK, I didn't mean to be so blunt or condescending, what I really meant was that the Mr. Saxon story arch and references seem to be firmly rooted in near present day Britain, so this sub-plot would likely come to a head in 2008/9 London where Mr. Saxon would be elected as the next PM or something (and he would likely be a villain of sorts). I didn't mean to sound so smug and vindictive; who do you think I am? brianeyci?
No idea. But it's not especially groundbreaking even if it has, and it's definitely no major mystery since the Doctor pretty much told us what was going on for our benefit.
Well this is a good opportunity for a future episode and the Doctor has a persistant habit of upsetting irrational queens, but it was silly that a 14th century English arrow could embed itself within the doors of the TARDIS when it could supposedly passively defend itself from all forms of attack (but the exterior is an illusion anyway).
I think the flavour of Victorian England and Elizabethan England is rather different.
It was a lot less formal than Victorian England and the Doctor did not seem to so bothered about blending in (with bystanders taking notice abouth Martha's very exotic looks and dress). Elizabethan England was a lot more rustic, un-PC and shitty than the England in the mostly shite Robin Hood.
A minor plot point, but the Gelth were not banished. They suffered because of the conflict between Time Lords and Daleks. They became physically weaker because they were some kind of "higher life form".
But the Gelth were fully entombed within the Cardiff Rift, unable to enter the mainstream Universe (not unlike those witch like creatures that were entombed by the Eternals).
Shakespeare and Dickens. Different people. This IS a time travelling show, afterall. It's a bit like you criticising each episode of Primeval because "it has dinosaurs in it again".
Well Doctor Who is a lot more varied than other more formulaic sci-fi franchises such as 90% of Stargate and Star Trek; I find it odd that the current run of Doctor Who (according to fan complaints) is supposedly too fixated on Earth (when in this series alone we've visited the Moon and the upcoming episode is going to set on an alien planet in a alien galaxy, located at the far side of the known Universe, which is as alien as it could be).
There are some basic similarities between the episodes, yes. But the feel of the episodes was, to me, incredibly different. The Unquiet Dead struck me as an episode designed to be a little scary, the Shakespeare Code struck me as a full-on comedy episode.
They are quite different episodes, despite the many mild similarities, but so far most of the recent Doctor Who could be placed into different categories or themes.
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Post by NecronLord »

Big Orange wrote:But the Gelth were fully entombed within the Cardiff Rift, unable to enter the mainstream Universe (not unlike those witch like creatures that were entombed by the Eternals).
I don't know which bothers me more. That that's wrong, or that you confused it with Torchwood. The Gelth were coming from somewhere else in the universe. That was 'Abaddon.'
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Post by Big Orange »

NecronLord wrote:
Big Orange wrote:But the Gelth were fully entombed within the Cardiff Rift, unable to enter the mainstream Universe (not unlike those witch like creatures that were entombed by the Eternals).
I don't know which bothers me more. That that's wrong, or that you confused it with Torchwood. The Gelth were coming from somewhere else in the universe. That was 'Abaddon.'
I'm sorry, but wasn't the Rift that was featured in "The Unquiet Dead" and "Boomtown" the same Rift that predominates Torchwood? It makes sense that the Rift can lead anywhere else and it also has a link to the Void where "Abaddon" the one mile tall demon lurked.
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Post by Rye »

I thought that episode fucking rocked, I've only just seen the two new eps of this season and I'm really impressed, there seems to have been an increase in the budget and both stories have whooped.

As for Saxon links, I suspect Shakespeare himself is connected (he practically said he was a timetraveller), as is the queen (who didn't say she was a timetraveller, but her reaction probably links into a future ep).
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Post by mr friendly guy »

The Queen doesn't have to be a time traveller. The future Doctor could have travelled into the Queen's past and did something to slight her. This can explain her reaction without the Queen needing to time travel.
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Post by Big Orange »

Also Shakespeare seems to be just very intelligent and insightful, rather than a time traveller himself (it is hinted he is more of a high end psychic, hench why the "witches" were using her and why he could see through Psychic Paper).
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Post by Stark »

Yeah, Shakespeare was simply a remarkable man, not a time traveller. He's no 51st century omnisexual, he just really understands people. He saw straight through the Doctor, but this isn't surprising: the Doctor simply deflects or avoids questioning with confidence.
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Post by Vympel »

I thought this episode was naff. Pants. Rubbish. The introduction of the villains alone made me cringe.

I'm getting sick of London. Future London, past London, whatever London, getting annoyed.

Thank god for New New York next episode.
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Post by NecronLord »

Vympel wrote:Thank god for New New York next episode.
Humm. How long until you get sick of New Yorks, I wonder... :lol:
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