Well it might not be exactly rigged but the shell fired by the Merkava was at least sub-prime. How?
Well the gauss cannon is a devastating cannon of the Battletech universe "destroying" light to medium mechs in a shot in the fluff and does 25 damage in the game. An impressive cannon. Well this cannon fires a shot that weights at the max 125 kilos and fires at a speed of mach 2- 3 depending where you look apparently.
mach 3 = 340.3 m/s X 3 = 1020.9 m/s
KE of the shell is: (1020 m/s)^2 X 125 Kg = 130 MJ
Now lets look at a modern tank weapon: An M829A1 120 mm KE pentrator. A modern KE penetrator. The sabot itself weighs 4.6 Kg and moves at a speed of 1575 m/s. Source: link Page 8
KE of this shell is: (1575 m/s)^2 X 4.6 Kg = 11.4 MJ
Now you may say that the KE of the penetrator is fraction of the gauss rifle. No matter. I am not proving that a tank round is more or less lethal than a gauss round yet... For now I am proving that the Merkava is less than prime.
First thing one must remember is that a gauss round is one of the most deadly rounds fielded by a mech. This penetrator round, not the best one is only 11.4 times (130 MJ/ 11.4 MJ) weaker than the gauss round or has a damage of 2 in game terms (25 damage/11.4= 2.1). Sure this is not a great number but it is a number much greater than zero meaning that there should have been damage.
Now that I have been able to prove that the round that the Merkava fired was below prime. I will now prove that KE penetrator fired by a modern tank is more lethal than what the energy comparison show.
A gauss round is made of nickel-ferrous (or something like that) which is more or less is equivalent of iron. This round is typically depicted as being spherical or cigar shaped and is cited to be a 200 mm round or larger. I will take the 200mm round because it presents the smallest surface area which will result in the highest penetration...
The equivalent frontal contact area is: (200 mm/2)^2 X 3.14 =31400 mm ^ 2
The energy per mm^2 is: 130,000,000 J / 31400 mm^2 = 4140 J/mm^2
Now lets see how the DU penetrator fare:
The equivalent frontal contact area is: (22mm/2)^2 X 3.14 = 379 mm^2
The energy per mm^2 is: 11,400,000 J / 379 mm^2 = 30100 J/mm^2
Since the ratio of energy to contact area of the DU round to gauss round is nearly a magnitude greater it would mean that it should do more damage than the energy comparison numbers would indicate. Also it would also mean that the round would pass from one side of the mech to the other due to its high ratio of energy to contact area.
So if it was a modern round the Merkava was firing, it should have gone in the front side and come back out the rear side still flying which would mean that done massive amounts of damage, the the very lease it should have given the mech a very bad limp.
Later I will post the round that the tank should have been using... ( I will give you a hint, its guided)