NecronLord wrote:Or they might only have one set. Earth doesn't have Asgard logistics. Say making one of those things requires ten kilos of neutronium. Where would Earth get it? They're stuck with making crude tools, to make slightly less crude tools...
The same could have been said about many of the advances made in the series, with the difference being that Earth was stumbling about with only reverse engineering as a guide to building the X-302s and X-303. Minus any special tech they have/had (transporters, rings, shields) they still are a huge step above modern space capabilities (Sublight engines, missile technology, metalergy etc).
Considering their homeworld had a source of neutronium, I think getting the material wouldn't be the hard part, it would be refining and processing it. Earth has done a fairly decent job with blindly finding ways of refining exotic materials in the past (Trinium for example), but I agree that particular mineral may be too hard for them unless the Asgard core has information regarding how the Asgard came to be capable of refining and using it.
The limiting factor I see is the time it would take for Earth scientists to process and understand the information, which, yes, might take a few years, and then the construction of some kind of inferstructure. This took several years for Earth to get going for the X-302 and 303 projects, but it was well within the timeframe of Stargate.
As an established spacefaring culture (I know, this is Stargate, where prolonged use of FTL appears to retard common sense) they should be able to utilise such knowledge far better than petrol-age savages.
Naquada-age savages. Get it right.

And given the Wraith seem to use primarily organic based technology, I think they'd have as much trouble as Earth in some areas. Certainly their own infurstructure would have to be massively retooled.
What you're basically saying is that the Wraith could well become a frightening force again if they showed more brain power than the humans of the show and actually started fighting smart. Of course, this could be applied to Earth or the Atlantis Expedition as well. It generally is a quality based on the writers' whim that week. As a general over-arching rule, though, I think Earth has been given a major boost in technology beyond the Wraith, and if they exploit that, the Wraith will likely not be much of a threat beyond "evil-doer plan of the week" that you suggest.
Incidentally, I don't really think this is how it will go down. The Odyssey will be destroyed in a final battle with the Ori followers, Earth having only downloaded from the Asgard core about X% much of information, and so their advances are limited in only a few select areas when the plot calls for it. End of problem.