Imperial Munitorum Manual Analysis and Discussion

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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Annatar Giftbringer wrote: I'm not arguing that clothing and armour are the same, I'm just suggesting that perhaps the fatigues have some protective properties, but the external armour plates - mainly helmet, vest, shoulder plates and possibly leg gaiters - provide the actual weapon-stopping protection, not entirely unlike the body-gloves of the Adeptus Arbites. IIRC it provides some protection from small-arms fire and close combat weapons, but they wear carapace armour on top of this, to maximize protection.

Or, the Primer's reason for calling it a full-body flak armour is because it does cover most of the body, if only partially. I mean, the gaiters are leg cover, shoulder plates cover arms, the vest takes care of the abdomen, adn the helmet covers the head. Yes, most of the body parts are very poorly protected, but there is armour on every location, at least enough of it to mention it in propaganda, since it sounds better to say full-body than 'bits and pieces here and there'.
Why are you assuming that the definition of "flak" for the Guard comprises only one particular kind of armour? I can reel off ample sources other than the primer that indicate that flak comprises both the "flexible" and the "hard" bits. THe Imperial ARmour supplements (particularly the Taros campaign and Vraks). Hell, if you look at the standard Cadian armour in all the images its got both hard and flexible elements, and it is defined as flak. And as noted, in "Only in Death" we learn that the TAnith are using "hard shell" components in their flak, despite being light infantry.

the "hard" components aren't neccesarily carapace either - carapace is a rather distinctive (And heavy) form of armour, and only employed by some regiments in certain cases (even partial carapace.) The hardshell components of flak seem more common/widespread (we rarely if ever see Cadians without it, or other troopers equipped to Cadian standards, for that matter.) Its probably made from similar materials that the helmets are, but isn't of the same bulk or quality as outright carapace.

They probably DO use the hard and "soft" components in combination as you describe - the hardhsell provides most of the resistancee (meant to stop attacks outright, at least against vital spots like the torso and head) while the lighter/flexible flak stuff is meant to minimzie damage and make wounds survivable. ARbites do use this (we learn about it in the Shira Calpurnia novels) and Storm Troopers and Grenadiers (or others who use Carapace) probably do so as well. But as Is aid, there's no reason standard flak or mesh couldn't either.

Insofar as coverage goes, the Primer just stipulates that Guardsmen will be assigned full body flak. This doesnt necceearily mean that all regiments will wear it - some may onyl go with partial flak, or (like the Catahcans) Eschew it completley. While other regiments probably will go with full body flak.
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

No, still not getting to the weapons yet. That will begin with the next update. I'm still not completely through the primer yet. This one does cover the body armour some.

Page 53
Knowing where to find the enemy is key to their destruction and the Departmenot Munitorum issues forward recon units the Auspex Surveyor units that register varying levels of background radiation, infrared signatures, and electromagnetic emissions to discover enemy troops. Commonly issued to specialised infiltrating troops to enable them to work their way into forward positions, sentires and fixed defense points in forward base positions, Auspex Surveyors are simple to operate and require only rudimentary intelligence to read.

All a Guardsman has to do is simply point the surveyor kit in the diretion he suspecst there may be enemy troops and depress the activation glyph. The pict screen then displays the machine's findings as coloured dots on the slate (red for hostiles, blue for friendlies wearing ident-tags) in the various range bands (ten metre increments.) Armed with such information, it is a simple matter to order a fire mission upon the location of the now uncovered infiltrators. Care must be taken to ensure that all perimeter patrols (if the surveyor is being used in its defensive configuration) are issued with up to date ident-tags to avoid any incidents where theri comrades fire upon returning patrols.
Surveyors seem to be operated quite simply like modern radar guns, and designed to be "fool proof" at that. Then again, not all auspexes behave that way. Some books have differnetly shaped auspexes, or smaller ones than this. Of interesting data is that the surveyors can be used in conjunction with artillery, ,as well as being able to pick up on "ident tags" - beacons that apparently identify friendly units.

Page 55
In order to prevent the spread of disease around the camp and within the members of the platoon or regiment, the Departmento Munitorum requires the highest standards of personal hygiene from the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.
Guardsmen, unlikle their Napoleonic era (and possibly later) counterparts, are expected to keep quite clean and healthy.

Page 55
The standard issue compass has been used by the Imperial guard for centuries and its durability and accuracy is a testament to the ingenuity of the Imperium. The compass is accurate, rugged and reliable. Protected by a steel case with metal hinges, the compass is both waterproof and shockproof. Azimuth is gradated in 5 degree increments, while the outer dial is gradated in mils. Most standard compasses also include a built-in magnifying lens (though these are often broken or cracked.) finger loop and cord lanyard. With correct training and an up to date map, it is possible to achieve accurate directional course ploting with night vision luminance. Partticularily advanced models of compass may be fitted with chemical flouride vials, allowing the compass to be read at light without an external light soure.

It is essential that each compass in the regiment be calibrated for the polar north of the particular planet reached!
Description of Guard compasses. It is wortth noting that the diagram of the compass shows it having a visible display screen with a map projected onto it.

Page 56
The Nine-seventy is a compact shovel with a "T" handled, collapsible shaft and spade-like point with sharpened edges. The Cadian pattern Nine-seventy has serrated edges for secondary use as a saw and doubles as an effective close combat weapon when it is the only object to hand.

The Cadian 91st train extensively in the use of their variant of the Nine-seventy as a close combat weapon and it is a brutal implement when used in this manner since it bears a serrated pick head on the opposite end to the shovel head. This reportedly makes digging more difficult, but the Cadians accept this disadvantage in favor of the superior qualities as a weapon.
One of the version sof the "Entrenching tool" looks like it has an axe head on one side and a hammer head on the other rather than a spade. Most Imperium entrenching tools seem to be designed with the functional use as a weapon foremost in mind.

Page 56

- the AdMech bring "purification machines" along with Guard armies deployed to planets so that the troops have acceess to fresh water supplies. Failing this, the Guardsmen are issued with water purification tablets to kill many of the microorganisms and bactiera that may lurk in it.

Page 56
There are no anti-contaminants that will effectively prevent radiations from damaging the human body cells that they strike, however, ,the standard Imperial Guard anti-contaminant kit contains tablets containing salt of the elements potassium and iodine, ,which, if taken orally before exposure to radioactive iodines, prevents 99% of the damage to the thyroid gland that otherwise would result. Excess iodine is rapidly eliminated from the body by urinating.
Guard anti-radiation measures.

Page 57
Each boot is waterproof and hard-wearing, with each pair expected to outlast the lifetime of the Guardsman wearing them. The standard Cadian boot is known as the "ankle-breaker" thanks to the rigidity of the had leather that protects the upper ankle and steel plates that protect the shins.


while the Rough Riders of Attila and Tallarn favour a flexible-soled, lightweight boot that allows the foot to breathe through semi-permeable membranes within the boot's fabric.
Variation in footwear of the Guardsmen.

Page 57
Most soldiers of the Imperial Guard are protected from harm by body armour known as flak armour (or flak vests), a composite material that becomes rigid when a pressure or energy threshold is reached - such as the impact of a bullet, laser pulse or close combat weapon. Against most forms of weapon, the flak vest will be sufficient protection, though against heavy weapons or large-creatures it is unlikely to have enough strength ot prevent injury.

There are a great many variants of armour throughout the Imperium, with locally available materials, tradition, and culture helping to shape the look and functionality of body armour.
The description of flak armour above seems to reach back to very early editions of 40K (Rogue Trader era, is as early as I can find it) rather than later editions (2nd or 3rd edition.) - the "stiffening" properties were later associated commonly with mesh armour rather than flak. Nowadays we may conjecture that flak and mesh armour overlap (that is, mesh is a kind of flak armour.) This would be consistent with certain novels (such as the Ghost's stories.)

It is also implied the flak armour will provide protection against "most weapons" save heavy weapons. We can take this to mean (At least) that it makes any hit survivable at a minimum, though other sources will indicate that flak can protect against most kinds of weaponry (bullets, laspistols, etc.) With the "hard shell" additions to flak, its protective properties can be increased (Especially against las-fire, as indicated in the Uplifting primer.)

Certain eearlie r2nd edition sourecs indicated flak was quite proof against laspistol fire, so the idea that flak makes lasgun wounds survivable (assuming lasguns are several times more powerful than laspistols, just as modern assautlr files are several times more powerful "per shot" than pistols.) is sensible.

Page 58
Imperial Storm Troopers often wear carapace armour - rigid plates of armaplas or ceramite moulded to fit parts of the body. This provides better protection than standard flak armour, but is bulky and heavy and really only suited to units certain to be under the heaviest fire, such as assualt units or those involved in urban operations. Officers often sport carapace breastplates of gold and silver and it is a point of pride that many disdain the risk of snipers by wearing such armour on the front line of battle.
Carapace may be assigned to units expected to be under heavy fire (such as assault units.) This would also fit with the fact that many "heavy" infantry regiments, assault, grenadier, or others of their ilk typically have been depicted as having carapace (Volpone, the Balurians, etc.) It would also explain why the Valhallans in "For the Emperor" had carapace (and hellguns) in their stores (which we learn Cain refrained from returning to the same stores.)

Page 58
In addition to such commonly available items, high-ranking officers may also be protected by energy fields, such as a refractor field or conversion field. Such advnaed technology is never available to the ordinary Guardsman, but works by deflecting the energy of an incoming shot or converting its kinetic energy into some other form of energy (light, in the case of a conversion field.)
Use and operating functions of personal shielding.

Page 58
Other regiments may utilise even more exotic forms of armour, such as the Vitrians who utilise unique "glass" armour apparently composed of tiny shards of a reflective material able to dissipate laser energy with greater effectiveness than traditional flak armour.
Vitrian armour (classified as both flak and mesh in the "First and Only" novel) is indicated to be far more effective against lasweapons (but not neccesarily other energy weapons) with grgeater effectiveness.

Page 59
The weaponry of the Imperium has been largely standardised, thanks to the foresight of the Emperor and the Adeptus Mechanicus in ages past, but each world in the Imperium produces its own local variants of the weapons described in this section. Other weapons are produced on forge worlds or are produced in newly consecrated forge temples on conquered worlds. Despite the many small variations that exist between weapons produced on different planets, it is enough for our purposes to assume that they function in a manner simialr enough to be called the same.
Discussion of variations and standardization as it applies to Imperial weaponry.

Page 59

- it is mentioned that all the weapon patterns discussed are Cadian pattern. This will tell us that we can expect all Cadian regiments to use something like them. By exntesion, since it has been mentioned that many other regiments seek to emulate the Cadians in equipment if not skill, that it can possibly reflect on other regiments.
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Annatar Giftbringer
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Post by Annatar Giftbringer »

Connor MacLeod wrote:
Why are you assuming that the definition of "flak" for the Guard comprises only one particular kind of armour?
Well, because of ignorance, I guess. Prior to reading this thread I was under the impression that flak armour was always hardshell, and that the softer armour types were 'automatically' mesh armour. Basically, pin it down to game mechanics thinking and lack of research.
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Yes, after being occupied with other stuff and such I've returned after nearly a month (so sue me, I can do that if I want.)

And with this, we actually start the weapons . I'm starting with lasguns and laspistols mainly cuz I want to. I may think I need to re-do a thread on lasguns at some point, or maybe insert it into one of the "misc 40K analysis threads" at some point. Oh well...

Page 60
It [lasgun] fires an explosive energy blast with a similar effect to a bullet or small shell.
This is again a direct lift form early 1st/2nd edition sources wargear/battle manual, as I've covered the calcs before, such as my lasgun analysis thread. I don't feel a need to repeat myself, particularily since its going to be a low end calc (hundreds of kilojoules easily.) and it doesnt tell us much about the model or settings or circumstances (or the fact that 40K ballistic weapons tend to be nastier than their real life counterparts.)

Page 60
Most lasguns operate in the nineteen-megathule range, as this has been proven through live fire testing to provide the optimum balance between lethality and energy efficiency.
"megathule" seems to mean a great many different things to many people depending on the source, it doesn't seem to be quite the same thing as "joule", though, given the usages elsewhere. Depending on where it is used, it may seem to refer to manyn things. In many cases it seems to be almost like calibre (both lasguns and powerpacks seem to be rated in it, like in the uplifting primers, or the Imperial Armour.) In this case, it seems to measure the effectiveness (lethality and energy usage.)

The fact we also know that "megathule" ranges are fixed despite the fact many lasguns have varible output settings also reinforcecs the idea that "thule" is not strictly "joule", even though energy does play a role in it. Thus, it can probably be used in an approximate manner to measure the relative strength of weapons, although it does not neccearily do so in a linear manner.

Page 60
The lasgun can be fired on two settings, single shot and full auto. Firing single shots is more accurate and provides more shots, but in some cases (for example during an assault or defensive action against a more numerous foe) full auto may be employed when marksmanship is irrelevant.
As has been discussed before, the implication here is that "full auto" drains the powerpack more rapidly than singel shots. In alot of ways this will make sense, since for many lasguns "full auto" will represent a continuous beam, which arguably would drain the powerpack more rapidly, and provide greater damage.

I doubt it means that "full auto" provides greater "per-shot" damage, as this would make the aforementioned "variable settings" rather redundant. Also the fact that "more shots" is mentioned with "accuracy" tends to suggest that single shot is employed more with precise, aimed fire (where time is taken between shots, rather than "spray and pray" type firing.)

Another way to look at it: consider powerpacks in terms of total energy and sustained power. Lets assume that a lasgun powerpack has 100 1 megajoule shots. On full auto it fires 1200 rpm. On single it fires 240 RPM. With the above given, a lasgun on single shot would have a sustained output of roughly 4 MW/sec and would sustain that rate for 25 seconds, On full auto it would have a sustained output of 20 mw, and would sustain that rate for only 5 seconds. Under this context, the "full auto" setting consumes more energy and yet also provides fewer "shots" than single shot.

Its also worth noting that base don many novels that lasguns can fire a sustained/raking/cutting type beam - this may very well represent "fully automatic" settings, a beam with enough duration to be raked or swept across the target by the soldier firing. A longer duration "beam" may encompass multiple pulses, which represent individual "shots", therefore consuming more power overall compared to single shots. Of course, under this interpretation, a single shot arguably is of shorter duration, and thus deliver its energy more quickly. If true, this would not neccecsarily apply to all lasguns: some are by design merely "single shot", and some seem to have what some sources call a "semi-automatic" mode, which seems to be like the "burst mode" on some rifles. And of course some on some rifles the "full auto" does not seem to be a sustained beam so much as a spray of individual shots.

Page 60
The Koltori Dragoons, however, favour a longer barrelled weapon with a heavy woodetn stock, since most of their firing drills take place greater emphasis on engaging at distance. Whereas the Salvar 'Chem Dogs' are known to faovur a lighter, skeleton-stocked weapon that can more easily be fired frrom teh hip on the move. A multitude of other lasgun variants exist (short handles, collapsible stocks, pistol grips, contour grips, high sights, etc.) but all perform in as close to the same way as to be gathered collectively under the term lasgun.
Different kinds of lasguns, based on role and emphasis of training. Some regiments emphasize longer ranges, others emphasize more close-range fighting. Presumably other things like output dictate this as well (since we know, for eample, heavy regiments favor higher output lasweapons.)

Variations can go beyond those described above. Many lasguns may be considered to be more like "battle rifles" rather than like an assault rifle. The main differencec between the two will be that a battle rifle tends to use a more powerful round (like the 7.62x51mm NATO) and emphasizes power and range. Assault rifles use a "intermediate" cartridge (5.56x45mm, or 7.62x39mm) and typically are meant for closer range engagements. Battle rifles can have selective fire modes (like an assault rifle) or single shot, but they're still designed for logn range engagement.

This is generally supported by most depictions of lasguns in the material: very logn ranges, emphasis on precision fire over number of shots - variable output settings also make ROF less significant.) Some sources also describe "assault las" (like the Last Chancers novel 13th Legion) which further reinforces the idea above. Under this notion, lasguns can encompass both "low" rate of fire (something more like a battle rifle, like the 220 RPM mars pattern) or "high rate of fire" weapons (assault-rifle like lasguns). Other "kinds" of lasguns that have shown up in literature include "high power but short ranged" lasguns used by Balurian heavy infantry in "Grey Knights". The bullpup, single-shot lasguns seen with the Elysians in Imperial Armour 3. Other variations may or may not include the "sustained beam" settings seem on some lasguns, variable numbers of power output settings, etc.

It is also interesting to note that some non-light infantry/sniper regiments do emphasize "long range" firing, but it is unsurprising as well. Certain regiments (as outlined in the Guard Codex) are listed as sharpshooters.

Page 60
The lasgun is powered by rechargable power packs, but carries a residual supply and can be recharged using its own solar converters. When in base, ,there will be designated power chargers, which may be used to recharge each Guardsman's power packs
This implies that lasguns have at least some stored power even wihtout a power pack, ,albiet presumably without very many shots (and recharges maily by solar power.) One presumes this is a sort of "back up" if the power pack runs out in a critical situation, the lasgun still has some power left to fire for a short time (hopefully long enough to reload safely.)

Page 61
In addition to the redoubtable lasgun's many variants, there are certain types of weapon that exhibit differences enough to be considered separate weapons. One such weapon is the Sniper Variant Lasgun, also knonw as the long las. Such weapons are only ever issued to those Guardsmen who have displayed a flair for marksmanship, stealth operations, and scout movement, for such weapons are difficult to produce and require more training and intelligence to utilise properly.
Presumably the "sufficiently different" types include hellguns as well as long-las. One might also wonder if there are other kinds of weapons that might qualify (needlers, which also can function as las-weapons.) Are there perhaps "machine gun" type lasweapons? It has been suggested elswhere (one of the shortt stories in "Let the Galaxy burn" has hunter/mercenary types using what are known as "auto lasers" which seem to be basically some harness/stabilzier mounted support weapon/machine gun.

Then again, some lasguns have such high rates of fire (or the sustained beam mode) and probably can serve as a "support weapon" by themselves, especailly using a heavier powerpack (or a hotshot.)
A long las is a modified standard pattern lasgun with an XC 52/3 strengthened barrel, which is both longer and thinner than the usual model. The strengthened barrel allows for increased range
and greater accuracy. The rifle does not have a charge setting slider, instead employing specialised ammunition known as a hotshot. A hotshot is a high-power energy clip with liquid metal batteries that fire fewer blasts (a clip is good for about twenty shots) but compensates with a greater lethality index. Due to the increased power of the shot, the stress on the barrel is considerable and due to the resultant metal fatigue, a sniper needs to replace the barrel with greater frequency than he would a standard pattern lasgun. A long flash suppressor fitted ot the gun muzzle ensures that the telltale flashes of his shots does not betray the sniper's position (though standard practice is to relocate after each shot). The long las variant is quieter than a standard pattern lasgun, which also works in the shooter's favour.
Again, hotshot packs are noted here to be worth 20 shots instead of the "single use" ones we're familiar with from the Ghost's novels. Of course, this probably means that "hotshots" can come in varying kinds and "outputs". Presumably standard power packs may as well (we know that lasguns can vary in power outputs, which gives merit to that idea.) If so, this would add to the versatility we already know about in the lasgun.

This may also be indirectly tied ot the whole "megathule" issue. Its likely that lasguns can operate other kinds of packs for varying results (possibly) but the efficiency may not always be as great.

In any case, going by the 300-150 shots "per pack/depending on setting" statements earlier, a hotshot pback would be between 8-15x more powerful, roughly speaking. Of course, this doesnt tell us anything about power settings - its quite likely that max power las-shots are close to the power of at least some hotshot packs (at least the lower power ones)

Page 61
Though the shots fired [by lasguns] are not as powerful as the weapons of the Adeptus Astartes, they are certainly more trustwortthy. Used conservatively, a laser power pack will last for many shots (typically around a hundred and fifty) and can be recharged from a standard power source or by exposing its thermal cells to heat or light.
While almost certainly true, this should not neccesarily mean that all boltguns/bolt pistols are neccesarily (or automatically) more powerful than lasguns/laspistols. It can depend on make/model, settings (for lasweapons) and ammo (for bolters). And Astartes weaposn are generally by nature meant to be more powerful than their "normal human" counterparrts, even the bolt weapons. Moreover, las weapons are almost certainly more accurate and longer ranged (for humans at least) than bolt weapons are, so if the number of shots are added up, its also possible the differencee in firepower becomes minor.

"one hundred and fifty shots" is considered typical by this source, although others (Inquisitor's book, Imperial Armour, 3rd edition rules) tend to hint at 40-50 shots as "typical". Again, power output seems to be a big factor here.

Page 61

- reiteration of the "thorwing a power pack in a fire to recharge it" idea, with the already known "shorten the pack's life". Though it does also add an increased probability of power pack failure to the consequences.

Page 62
The laspistol or laser blaster is a pistol version of the lasgun...


and fires distinct bursts of energy which, like those of the lasgun, explode when they hit their target. Because the laser's energy is rapidly dispersed in the atmosphere, the lethal range of a laspistol is nowhere near as great as that of a lasgun.


Unlike the lasgun, a laspistol does not have multiple fire settings and operates strictly on a single shot mode.
Again, much of the laspistol quote is derived from earlier sourecs, although the bit about being "single shot only" is new. Generally this is true, although some "continuous beam" laspistols have been seen.

Page 62
...due to its [laspistol power pack] reduced size compared to a lasgun, it fires consqequently less shots. Most magazines carry enough charge for around eighy shots before the require recharging, though soldiers employing a laspistol should be aware that the shots fired towards the end of a power pack's life will, in all likelihood, not be as lethal as the preceding ones.
In Storm of Iron we learn that on max power a laspistol is worth 3-4 shots before the powerpack dries. If we assume 80 shots is the lowest setting, this suggests that there are between 20-27x difference in power between low power and "max power"
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

More weapons.. shotguns, hellguns, and bolters oh my!

Page 62
The smooth-bore combat shotgun fires a massive low-velocity shot, which fragments in flight into a multitude of lethal pieces of spinning metal or plastic. Though the weapon has only a short range, it is exceptionally dangerous against unarmoured targets.


Combat shotguns have magazines for shells and are reloaded by means of a pump action.


A special feature of the shotgun is its ability to fire different kinds of shells, including solid shells and loose, scatter shot, making them ideal weapons for close quarter fighting when the expedience of putting a foe down is more important than accuracy.


Though shotguns are impressively noisy when fired, they are unlikely to penetrate the armour of anything stronger than flak, or its equivalent, and should only be employed in situations where their advantages outweigh their considerable disadvantages. Against foes without armour or that scare easily, a shotgun is a desirable weapon, but in most other cases, a Guardsman shouuld rely on his trusty lasgun when in combat situations.
Imperium shotguns described. This presumably includes both Naval and Arbites shotguns (probably the "combat shotguns") though the Guard can use them. Its noted that lasguns are better at pentrating armour than shotguns are.

The ammo (Standard) of a shotgun seems to be shrapnel or flechette-like fragments as standard, rather than just scatter shot (pellets, i imagine). Such is also suggested of naval shotguns in "First and Only" and hinted at elsewhere. Though some (like the arbites) do use scatter shot commonly. Curiously, the phrasing of the way the round works may suggest a bolter or grernade-like effect, rather like the FRAG-12 ammo developed for shotguns. Certainly some shotguns or shotcannon have displayed such properties before, and its not beyond their known.

Also of note: it is implied that shotguns are ineffective against armour greater than flak (ie mesh and carapace) though it also s uggests taht even flak (or some kinds of it at least) can offer at least some protection against shotguns (they're only "effective" against unarmoured foes.) According to Dark HEresy, Guard flak is as good as Xenos mesh, and we know from HArlequin that Eldar Mesh can stave off shotgun blasts without penetation (though there is blunt force trauma.) By "Guard flak", by the way, I imagine the stuff including hardshell.

Page 63
The Ogryn Ripper Gun is a drum fed automatic combat shotgun originally developed by the Imperium to issue to Ogryn unit leaders, but now generally issued to all such oversized abhumans.
When a ripper gun is fired, it unleashes a hail of shot in a deafening burst that literally rips its target apart. At short ranges the fusillade of fragments produced by the weapon is so dense that Ogryn literally cannot miss.


Due to such creatures' limited intelligence, the weapon's trigger mechanism incorporates a burst limiter that prevents the firer from shooting off the entire drum at once.
Ogryns use automatic combat shotguns. By extension, we can assume the Guard (and other forces) also use automatic shotguns as standard. Ripper guns appear to be as powerful as some high end bolters and shotcannon on full output, capable of virtually shredding the target (literally).

Also of note is that it is implied that the shotgun's rate of fire is such that without the "burst limiter" the shotgun could empty its magazine virtually instantly, which implies an insanely high ROF for a shotgun (machine gun like, in fact.)

Page 63
..Rough Riders employ explosive hunting lances that are capable of tearing through even the plate armour of the Adeptus Astartes. The lance is tipped with an explosive chage, which blows apart on impact to shatter armour and melt flesh alike.[
This implies that the explosive charge in a huhnting lance is much stronger than a bolter shell (which makes sense.) "melt flesh" suggests a significant thermal component (probably enough to cauterize) as well as an explosive one.

Page 64
To these exceptional men (storm troopers) are given more advanced lasguns known as Hellguns. Such weapons are the trademark of the Storm Trooper and fire more intense shots than the more commonly available weapon. Though not as powerful as the hotshot power packs of the long las, the power cells of the Hellgun allow for more rapid firing and can be switched between single shot and full auto.


Though the actual power of the laser bolt fired is comparable to that of a normal lasgun, its penetrative power is far greater and can punch through layered armours with ease.
Hellguns are stated to be "less powerful" than hotshots, and faster firing than lasguns, but also with better armor penetration. Curiously, on one hand it implies that lasguns and hellguns are of comparable power to lasguns, but also said to fire "more intense shots" (as well as other distinctions described later.) It may be that "intensity" and "power" mean something else other than energy (intensity is energy per unit area, and power is energy over a certain period of time. A hellgun could just deliver more energy on a smaller area, over a longer period of time than a lasgun, though this would be probelmatic with the higher ROF, since a higher ROF argues fro a faster discharge, so power may not be that.)

In any case, its worth noting that all of the above will vary depending on the powerpack used (hellguns can use hotshots as well, and a backpack generator as smetimes seen with hellguns offers ALOT of power), as well as power settings (hellguns could have more power settings than a lasgun, allowing for greater maximum possible damage per shot than a lasgun) and even model (not all lasguns are the same, so arguably not all hellguns are, either.)

Page 64
Like its smaller cousin, the laspistol, a hellpistol is simply a smaller version of the hellgun. It has a comparable range to the laspistol, but its power packs have a much smaller shot capacity - typically averaging around forty to fifty shots, depending on the age and condition of the power pack.
Hellpistols have 50-60% of the ammo capacity of a laspistol. As a deliberate design , this seems rather silly, unless the hellpistol powerpacks ovver more "per shot power" at the cost of fewer soverall shots (which would make more sense.) This would again also suggest hellguns can have greater potential enegy output than lasguns (at least on the right settings)

Page 64
The high power of the [hellpistol] laser blast cauterises the wound and vaporises much of the blood from the criminal to be executed, leaving the authorised officer (or Commissar's) uniform pristine.
Effects of a hellpistol blast on organic (human) matter. Note that in order to vaporise blood (much less cauterise), significant vaporization of the water content of the body must occur, which would also suggest significant vaporization of the wound caivity also occurs (the shot has to penetrate deep enough to cause bleeding before it can be vaporized.) By extension, a lasgun should have nearly similar if not similar effects, depending on how you interpret the prior statements of hellguns vs lasguns.

Page 65
though it is not unknown for certain high-ranking officers to bear such advanced and powerful weaponry, it is incredibly rare. Bolters are more effective weapons than the standard pattern lasgun and are able to punch through most forms of armour with little or no effot. They are, however, much more complex and are generally only ever carried by stocky individuals of great strength given that they are incredibly heavy and generate enormous recoil when they fire what is essentially a miniature missile.
It is implied bolters can penetate "most forms of armour", which one would presume to mean anything short of very heavy carapace or power armour. This would also, in turn, suggest that bolters are at least as powerful (in teh sense of the impact) as a stubber-tyhpe weapon (like a .50 BMG round or an AMR.) This is consistent with the implied recoil of bolters later on.

There is also an implication that some heavy weapons people might use bolters in the Guard (as well as some officers.)

Lastly, the whole "more effective than lasguns" is true in some cases, but it will depend on alot of factors - the kind of lasgun or bolter, teh ammo (or powerpack) being used, etc. Generally, though, a bolter should be better at causing explosive damage than a lasgun (though a lasgun will have a significant thermal effect, which a bolter may or may not have.)

Page 65
- It is noted that bolter ammo is a much "larger calibre than normal bullets" and "sheathed in an armour piercing tip" with the usual mass reactive detonator. They are fired at "a relatively low velocity" until the propellant kicks in (once clear of the barrel.) The detonator activates the explosive with a sudden change in mass (such as impact with armour) "literally blowing the target apart from within." They also create "very gory entry and exit wounds in their targets, causing sufficient trauma to kill the victims."

As noted before, this probably puts them in the par of a modern grenade or RPG, within an order of magnitude or so (given the effects of such weapons in Mythbusters specials.)

Page 65
A bolter can fire a single-shot, a four-round burst, or fully automatic fire, though without bionic augmentation it is not recommended that anyone other than one of the Space Marines fires on anything other than a single shot setting. Like most weapons in the Imperium, there are many variants.
Note that some bolters do NOT have fully automatic settings, but may only have single shot or "burst" modes (and it can be three or four rounds.. or very rarely two rounds) This is likely a difference in pattern.

Again, note that normal humans cannot handle a bolter save on single shot, implying tremendous recoil on the part of the weapon. (Though exceptionally strong individuals like Bragg, or those with bionic augmentations can.)

It is also interesting to note the implication that some exceptional humans (or those with exceptional modifications) may gain a fair percentage ofa Space Marine's strength.

Page 65

-Bolters can be equipped with many enhancements, such as "optical scopes, combat blades, or even combined with other weapons such as meltaguns, plasma guns, or flamers."

Page 65

- bolt pistols fire the same sort of round as bolt guns. Senior officers or seasoned Guard veterans sometimes carry bolt pistols, though it is an honour to do so. It is noted that only specialised forges on Mars and the Space Marine homeworlds can make the weapons. Commissars too, of course, may use bolt pistols. Ammo from boltguns are interchanable with bolt pistols w/o jamming.

I doubt bolt pistols are really that rare - they are fairly common among Guard officers, some sots of Enforcers (IE necromunda), the arbites, and so on and so forth.
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Also of note is that it is implied that the shotgun's rate of fire is such that without the "burst limiter" the shotgun could empty its magazine virtually instantly, which implies an insanely high ROF for a shotgun (machine gun like, in fact.)
Your misinterpreting this one slightly. It's not that the gun has a huge rate of fire, its simply that the Ogryn wouldn't take its finger off the trigger intil the noise had stopped.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Lost Soal wrote:
Also of note is that it is implied that the shotgun's rate of fire is such that without the "burst limiter" the shotgun could empty its magazine virtually instantly, which implies an insanely high ROF for a shotgun (machine gun like, in fact.)
Your misinterpreting this one slightly. It's not that the gun has a huge rate of fire, its simply that the Ogryn wouldn't take its finger off the trigger intil the noise had stopped.
I disagree:

1.) your interpretation won't change things much if the "Ogryyn doesnt stop until the noise does" - it just means that he'll learn to keep pulling the trigger between shots/bursts, which doesn't really seem to fix the problem.

2.) There IS the "instantly" bit, which suggests that it COULD shoot off its magazine in a very short time if it wasn't limited.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next update... bayonets and grenades. Not a big one, but I've been feeling lazy.

Page 66

- the body of Imperial frag grenades is made of steel, though the interiors may include metal ball-bearings to increase the weapon's lethality.

- melta bombs literally "melt their way through even the toughest armour" May be useful to remember for calc purposes for meltabombs.

Page 66

- the "effective casualty radius" of a frag grenade is greater than the distance most Guardsman can throw. Each grenade is also noted to weigh nearly one kilogrram.

Basically this seems to be a rip off of the WW1/WW2 "mills bomb" described here. The Mills bomb has a throw range of 30 meters (which is about its casualty radius as well.)

Note that by contrast modern hand grenades and have a casualty producing radius of 15 meters (and can be thrown out to 40 meters).

Page 67
Though every Imperial Guardsman is expected to be proficient in marksmanship with a variety of different weapons, it will sometimes be neccessary to fight in close combat with the enemy.


Though some regiments disdain the employment of bayonets, the Departmento Munitorum recommends that all commanders dril their soldiers thoroughly in the usage, as training to kill with the blade increases a Guardsman's aggressiveness.
The purpose and usage of bayonets in the Guard. Note especially that its noted that not everyone cares for them (or would seem to bother with CQB, as usually thought.) This, of course, woudl tend to argue against the image of the Guard being "fire a volley and charge" types, although this is obviously not necceearily true of all or even most regiments. (it probably varies from sector to sector and segmentum to segmentum)

Page 67

- bayonets typically have 25 cm long blades that are 3 cm wide, with a matt- finished, non reflective blade.

Page 67
A sharp point and serrations near the handle help penetrate body armour and even a moderately powerful thrust will penetrate a flak jacket.
Bayonets can penetrate flak jackets with "a moderately powerful thrust". Using a WW2 "mauser bayonet" as an example (seen here This would mesh (roughly) with bayonet sizes given here as well. Roughly 500-600 grams seems a likely mass.

From the IXJac debate on Mike's site
Mike wrote: The average person can deliver around 15-20 m/s with a knife, which typically weighs around half a kilogram. This gives us 7.5 kg*m/s of momentum, and roughly 56 J of KE. Even the California "ice-pick" protection standard stipulates only 115 J of KE to simulate a two-handed stab
The above should probably qualify for the bayonet's momentum in penetrating a flak jacket (Guardsmen are liekly to be alot stronger than an "Average person", but they're not using full strength either.) Of course, force/pressure is as important, and this assumes a Guardsman's knife is comparable to what we have today (similar materials or sharpness - either of which is unlikely. And that doesn't even address possibly mono-edged weapons.)

Page 67
Edged weapons are also known to be partticularily useful for controlling prisoners...


stabbing enemies to check whether they are alive or dead, instances where a Guardsman's power pack is depleted, or when he is so close to the enemy that firing his lasgun is impossible.
Other uses for bayonets.

Page 68

- IG Heavy weapons are considered to be "comparatively rare" and cannot be trusted to the care of a single man (hence heavy weapons teams, it would seem.) Once more we would see the whole "equipment more important than men" mentality of the Munitorum butting in rather than practicality, which probably helps explain Heavy weapons squads to some extent.

In a Heavy weapons squad "one crewman carries and fires the weapon, while the other carries and loads ammunition." It does seem then that some, possibly most weapons (including possibly lascannon and others) can be carried by a single man (at least in some circumstances) just like Space Marines do. Though one would assume that the "wheeled" heavy weapons are perhaps heavier/more powerful/more accurate.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Reaching the end of the Munitorum manual analysis... this time its heavy bolters, stubbers, a nd autocannon (oh my!)

Page 69

- Heavy bolters and autocannon can engage enemy vehicles "as a last resort"; This probably doesn't include tanks, however. It does give us an indication of how powerful they probably are (something in the region of a 20-30mm cannon), not including the high explosive tips.

Page 69

- Anti Tank squads deploy further back from "the main line". Mortar squads are held back even further and engage the rear of the enemy with indirect fire. "tagets beyond sight" can be engaged if reliable tageting information is available.

Page 70
An autocannon is an automatic, self-loading cannon that fires a high velocity hail of solid shells a great distance.They are rapid firing weapons that can lay down a burst of fire to cover advancing troops, or strafe enemy held positions. These weapons are considered ideally suited for attacking enemy vehicles and fortifications from long ranges. They lack the heavy punch of a lascannon, but can fire more shots and are less prone to overheating, though the need to carry large amounts of ammunition is a distinct disadvantage.

Autocannon shells once contained an explosive charge similar to that of a bolt round (only larger) though the means of producing this charge has been lost and now the rounds fired by an autocannon are less powerful than once they were. However, autocannon are still more than capable of eliminating heavily armoured infantry or light vehicles, and are employed by Imperial Guard fire support weapons teams due to their versatility and reliability.
Man portable/Infantry portable Autocannons seem to be (Basically) the next step up from a heavy stubber. (and the intermediary between stubber and battle cannons.), with the main difference being the use of different kinds of ammo.

It is also implied that lascannon can "carry more shots" than an autocannon, which probably qualifies as a drum or belt-fed weapon (though this probably depends on setting, since al ot of examples with "man portable" lascannon tend to have very few shots in them.)

I find it curious though that autocannon shells are no longer "explosive", given that heavy bolter shells (nevermind bolter shells!) exist, and tank-mounted cannon make use of HE shells. Hell, autoguns and pistols can be equipped with HE shells.. it doesn't seem all THAT lost to me. This does suggest autocannon shells are heavier/more powerful than heavy bolters, thoguh (probably because they dont incorporate the propellant element.)

Page 70
Though autocannon are designed to be fired from a standard pattern bipod with steel glacis, in extreme situations, it is not unknown for some of the stronger soldiers to carry them into battle slung from suspensor harnesses – though this ‘gung-ho’method of firing is unusual and not to be encouraged.However on one occasion, Guardsman Drasquez of the Cadian 91st was able to decimate an entire Genestealer brood that had infiltrated the rear echelons of his command platoon by lifting the entire bipod arrangement and marching towards the vile aliens as he fired.
This echoes a fairly common feat seen in battles, where certain strong and bulky Guardsmen (most notably Bragg, though there have been others) can singlehandedly carry a heavy weapon.

This also has a quantitative benefit - it tells us that autocannon recoil is not significant enough to knock a person on his ass, even on full auto. (Even if he is probably a big fucker.)

Note the mention of "suspensor harnesses" - this too indicates that suspensor tech is still fairly commonplace in the guard (as if Grav chutes and jump packs didn't prove this)

Page 72
The [heavy stubber] weapon is based on an extremely old design, making it too heavy to be carried manually, and is thus most commonly mounted on Imperial guard vehicles.


In penetrative power the heavy bolter has superseded it as an infantry weapon, but it has survived in use thanks to its ubiquitousness and reliability.

PResumably the "too heavy to be carried manually" does not include the "Bragg-like' Guardsman caveat above.

The real interesting tidbit is that the kinetic punch (mass/velocity) of a heavy bolter is greater than that of a stubber (which is basically a ma deuce or bigger weapon.). This gives us a nice lower limit on its capabilities (momentum, KE, etc.)
. the heavy stubber has an extrmeely high rate of fire, which goes some way to making up for its inability to pierce armour much thicker than flak. Heaby stubbers are extremely effective when deployed against massed formations of lightly armoured or unarmoured foes. It is also an ideal supporrt weapon for worlds of a lower tech-level that might otherwise struggle to maintain laser weapons through technological or resource limitations.


The heavy stubber is a weapon that has passed into the hands of many Imperial civilians and ad-hoc militias, rendering it a favoured weapon of insurgents and other troublesome factions.
The "inability to piercee armour much thicker than flak" suggests that stubbers at least cannot piercee carapace armor, and possibly also nto mesh (or at least some kinds of mesh.) It can (obviously) pierce flak, which puts the upper limit on the ballistic properties of most kinds of flak (though it may not include the hardshell bit)

Also, stubbers are considered "outdated" weapons it seems, but is commonly available to civilian and militias (which is a scary thought in and of itself, because how scary would it be for a Ma Deuce to be commonly available to civilians?)

Page 72
A heavy bolter fires a shell that contains a more powerful propellant and explosive chargge than the normal bolter, rendering its recoil too great for any but a Space Marine to fire without the use of a bipod and wheel-mounted recoil suppressor.

Only a space marine can carry and fire a heavy bolter, which tells us somethign both about its ballistic properites (via recoil.. the Marine probably isnt knocked on his ass by firing it) and the bulk/carrying ability of a Spacee Marine.

Page 72
The bulk of heavy bolters employed by the Imperial Guard are operated by two crewman as standard and even with recoil suppressors, the Guardsmen who have to carry such weapons often nickname them back breakers or bruisers. This is in part to their great weight, but also because of the terrible punishment they deal out to the enemy.

... and though its primary role is anti-personnelm it also has the capacity to destroy lightly armoured vehicles. Despite being large and cumbersome, it is a very fast firing and efficient weapon...
Presumably despite being "fast firing" their rate of fire is less than that of a stubber, else the stubber would have no real advantages over the heavy bolter. Also note the use of "recoil suppressors" Also, a heavy bolter despite being too nasty to fire by a normal person, can be carried by one.
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Connor MacLeod wrote:
Presumably despite being "fast firing" their rate of fire is less than that of a stubber, else the stubber would have no real advantages over the heavy bolter. Also note the use of "recoil suppressors" Also, a heavy bolter despite being too nasty to fire by a normal person, can be carried by one.
Not necessarily. Bolter ammunition is expensive and requires advanced industry to manufacture. Stubbers are cheap and easy to manufacture, as is their ammunition. Cost and ease of manufacture and logistical support favors the stubber.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last entry for the Munitorum manual. Bout frigging time really.

Page 73
There are two main variants of the meltagun, but both work on broadly the same principle. The Mars pattern meltagun works by sub-molecular thermal agigation of the target, which literally "cooks", melts or otherwise vaporises it in spectacular fashion. The Esteban VII pattern works by producing a small-scale fusion reaction using a pyrum-promethium fuel mix. This is projected a sa blast of incredible heat that can burn through almost anything imaginable - though the power of the blast is greater if the firer can close the range to the target.
Description of two kinds of meltagun. The first one sounds kinda like the old "microwave" type, while the latter sounds more like a more exotic sort of flamethrower (akin to the plasma super soaker guns authors like Ben Counter like.)

The second version seems almost contradictory. On one hand it uses "promethium" and some odd other fuel, which suggests a chemical reaction, while on the other hand it calls it a "small scale fusion reaction", which seems contradictory. In terms of sheer output, the Meltagun seems less likely to be merely powered by chemical reactions, unless the pyrum somehow "amplifies' the energy output (like Naquadha from STargate)

It may also suggest that the Imperium has discovered some sort of "intermediate" power source between nuclear and chemicla reactions, crazy as it sounds.

Page 73
There is little a meltagun cannot destroy, be it plasteel or heavy, chitinous armour, and its effects upon living tissue are impressive to say the least.


The meltagun makes almost no noise when ti fires, but the super-heating of the air producees a distinctive hiss that becomes a roaring blast as the body moisture of living targets vaporises explosively.
Meltaguns DO vaporize moisture, rather than technobabbling it. Also note that "explosively" does not mean "bomb like" neccesarily - gunpowder is explosive, but it is nowhere near as lethal as TNT.

Page 73

The energy coils of a plasma gun use magnetic fields to accelerate bright, glowing bolts of plasma towards the taget at extremely high speed. When a plasma bolt hits its target, tremendous levels of heat and energy are released, which destroys targets with an almighty explosion. A target hit by plasma bolts suffers the dual effects of searing heat and explosive shock as its substance is instantly energised into boiling plasma.
The portion of the body struck by a plasma weapon is also converted to plasma, which seems to have thermal as well as blast (explosive) effects much as lasguns do, just far more nasty. If one knows the size of the wound area, then one can probably calc the yield. (This is also another direct lift from earlier descriptions of plasma weapons, incidentally.

Page 73
The technology to create more reliable plasma guns (if such ever existed) has been forgotten over time, but such powerful weapons still find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium due to their incredible stopping power and their ability to make a mockery of even the thickest armour. Plasma weapons require careful maintenance and must be returned to a certified Tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus at the end of every engagement, whether they have been fired or not.
This seems a bit of a joke. "Reliable" plasma guns have existed (still exist) - they just require a longer cooldown time. The faster-firing (3rd edition onwards) plasma guns are dangerous because of the heat buildup over prolonged use. Moreover, we know the Tau use plasma weapons, and they made them reliable simply by reducing the raw power output of the weapon.

On the other hand, it does suggest plasma weapons are alot more common than other sources do.

Page 74
A common weapon amongst Imperila Guard infantry squads is the grenade launcher, a weapon that launches a grenade a greater distance and with more accuracy than a Guardsman could throw it. Capable of a relatively high rate of fire, these grenade launchers are primarily diesgned for suppressive fire and to destoy light vehicles and buildings. The standard Cadian pattern grenade launchers are man-porrtable, drum-fed weapons that fire 40mm grenades that more resemble smaller versions of the ammunition fired by missile launchers. A grenade launcher is capable of firing both krak and frag grenades (though neither are as powerful as the rounds fired by a missile launcher), the firer simply selects which he wishes to fire via a selection switch by the pistol grip handle.

The Cadian pattern grenade launcher can cary a load of twenty grenades and pivots forward to allow reloading. To aim the weapon, the Guardsman flips up a rear sight, which is notched for different ranges, and matches this up with the weapon's front quadrant sight. When preparing to pull the tirgger, a guardsman must first brace himself with a wide-legged stance, as the recoil from grenade launchers is significant, comparable to that of a boltgun, and recoil injuries are a common occurance amongst Guardsman unfamiliar with the weapon's power.
First - if Grenade launchers are just "miniature" missile launchers (rocket propelled grenades?), its possible they may have variable payloads than just krak and frag (such as perhaps melta grenades or plasma grenadeS?) The fact they can carry both kinds is also interesting to.

Second - the recoil of a grenade launcher is comparable to that of a boltgun, and both can cause significant injury if not prepared.

Going by modern grenades, we can derive the recoil from the following data: From here the velocity of a grenade launcher is obtained. call it 75-80 m/s

From here we can determine your average grenade is going to be between .23 and .3 kg in mass. (backed up by this refrencec

roughly, the recoil (assuming a modern grenade launcher) is between 17.5 kg*m/s, and 24 kg*m/s. if we assume a bolt shell is 1/4 or 1/5 the mass of a grenade (About 50-60 grams), the muzzle velocity of a bolt round is going to be at least 300-400 m/s.

Note that for a bolt gun, this is only the recoil the projectile itself imparrts on the gun, it doesnt include that imparted by the rocket propulsion. I'd expect the rocket to at least double if not triple the muzzle velocity. Also, space Marine bolters are arguably more powerful, since they are generally larger.

For amusement's sake, I'll point out that a automatic grgrenade launcher such as this that has a higher velocity and greater recoil, though I doubt any "normal" human could carry or fire such a weapon (Bragg probably could though.) I simply post it because its probably more "bolter like" than the other grenade launcher.

I should also note that Imperial Armour (3-5) descriptions of grenade launchers give a similar physical appearance, but the grenade capacity is significantly lower (6-8 rounds IIRC) This may suggest that grenade launchers vary in projecctile size/yield (Bigger grenade = less capacity.) or differences in the magazine size.

Page 74
The most common sniper rifle in the Imperial Guard arsenal is the needle sniper rifle, commonly employed by Ratling squds of abhumans. The rifle fires a small dart tipped with a deadly neuro-toxin chemical, which is held in a specially marked magazine. A specialised telescopic sight affords the sniper unerring accuracy, allowing him to pick out the target's weak points, be it a chink in his armour or patch of exposed flesh. If the target is armoured the beam automatically pulses when the rifle is fired, punching a tiny hole which allows the toxic dart to penetrate.

The chemical dartt is guided to the target by a tightly focused energy beam, which in the case of non-organic targets is what causes the damage rather than the toxin. Though the chance of causing any damage are slight, some snipers have been able to destroy vehicles as heavily armoured as Rhino APCs by delivering a perfectyl aimed shot through a vision slit or into the eye of a driver.
Long las rifles and needler rifles both exist and are employed by the Guard. Like alot of the Manual, this is lifted directly from earlier sources describing the weapon.

I would also like to note that its possible this suggests some "laser" weapons are actually hybrid laser/projectile weaponry. We knwo from some novels (Esienhorn, Necropolis, etc.) that some needlers can fire solid bullets rather than just toxin shells, and in many ways these weapons seem to be similar to "shuriken" weapons. (And some short stories or novels mention the Imperium using shuriken weapons. PErhaps the Imperium version of Shuriken weapons are needlers.) Such "hybrid" weapons would probably behave more akin to the Eldar "mandi-blasters", but it would also help explain some of the "bullet-like" references to lasweapons (partiucilarly in latter Ghosts novels, or some earlier fluff - ie "laser shells.")

Its also interesting curious to consider that needler rifles do not use chemical propellants (or any readily identifiable means of propulsion, aside from some vague allusion to the laser doing it somehow.) They may be magnetically accelerated by some means, but that is pure conjecture.

Page 75
These weapons [flamers] project an ignited stream of promethium over a wide area, bathing multiple enemies in an inextinguishable, burning gel. Flamers are usually deployed in Fire supportt squads, but if commanders deem it necessary, Infantry squads may also be issued with them.
Flamer description.

Page 75
Operating from the same basic laser principles as the smaller lasgun, the lasing chamber of a lascannon is much larger and the power build is consequently heavier than that of a lasgun. When it fires, the blast of a lascannon is a single blast, rather than a hail of lower intensity las blasts. Its incredible power and ability to pierce virtually any armour make it a formidable weapon.
Lifted from earlier fluff, again. Note that the distinction made between a lasgun and a lascannon is that apparently a lascannon delivers all its energy in a single burst, whereas a lasgun will deliver its total energgy over a series of "lower-intensity" bursts - bursts that would, in context, make up a single shot.

Page 75
Lascannons are very heavy and consume a phenomenal amount of energy; hence they ar eusually installed on main battle tanks or Sentinels. However, two-man teams are able to manoeuvre and operate a single lascannon on a tripod mount and this has become the standard method of deploying the man-portable form of the lascannon. To accomodate the increased power output, the lascannon's barrel is several times larger in diameter and length. While the lascannon is primarily designed to knock out tanks, it can also be used against single heavily armoured foot troopers where the high energy blast will easily penetrate armour or thick hide. In most cases, however, it is a poor antipersonnel weapon compared to a heavy bolter or autocannon.
Lascannon barrels are "several times" the diameter of a lasgun (and length, though this can vary on model. Diameter seems less variable.) this may (indirectly suggest a power/volume relationship between lascannon and lasguns (which could suggest a lasgun is 1/10th the power of a lascannon, or 1/100th, depending on variables.) In the broadest terms, it would tend to confirm that lasguns have multi-MW outputs, since lascannon are typically well into the high MW/low GW output.

Also, the "man portable" lascannon seem to be similar in size and power to tank and Sentinel-equipped lascannon.

Page 76
The missile launcher is one of the most common and highly-favoured heavy weapons in the Imeprial arsenal. Like all heavy weapons in the Guard, it is most commonly deployed in Anti-tank support squads to engage and destroy enemy armour, though with frag missiles, the two man crew can punch ohles in massed groups of enemy infantry. The concept behind the missile launcher is universal and versions are produced all over the galaxy by humans and xenos creatures alike.

The Cadian pattern carries a missile magazine containing individual self-propelled missiles, and can fire a variety of load types. The most unusual missile type is the krak armour-penetration missile, specifically engineered to crack open armour and destroy tanks. The frag missile, which is designed to explode amongst enemy troops and scythe down exposed foot troops, is another common load. Other missile types are available, ,such as smoke missiles, plasma, or anti pant (plant) missiles, but such munitions are either too situational or rare as to be discounted.
Description of the launcher and ammo for a missile launcher.

Page 79
The Tactica Imperium is the most widespread battle manual employed by the Imperial Guard. It is not a single tome, however, and has no one author; instead it is a massive living document, compiled from ten millenia of tactical wisdom, ,comrpising collections of documents, doctrines, manuals and notes approved for inclusion by the Departmento Munitorum and the office of the Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard.


If a full collection of the Tactica Imperium were to be gathered together, calculus-logi estimate that it would fill enough shelves that it would take a single man an entire lifetime to read even a tenth of it. The tactica Imperium is not intended to be a prescriptive instruction manual thoughl circumstancecs chance too quickly in warfare to refer every decision to a book. Its virtue is that it provokes thought and, through it, understanding of the core principles of warfare to be employed by a good comamnder as and when required.
The referencec to it as a "living document" and the second paragraph point to the fact the Guard is trained/encouraged to think independently or flexibly out on the field, rather than slavishly adhere to fixed tactical dogma of a parrticular kind.

It also tells us that with commanders who aren't efficient or effective (someone like Dravere), it is more than likely due to their own flaws (or the flaws of the culture that raised him/her. Or, perhaps, the person that mentored that idiot.) rather than flaws inherent to the Guard itself.

Page 85
Just as individual soldiers need to communicate the immediate battlefield situation to their squad sergeant and platoon leaders, so too do senior officers need to communicate grand strategic deicions and battle plans that shape the fate of thousands of soldiers. To do this securely and accurately, each Command Section is issued with the Standard Pattern Imperial Guard Master Vox. The master vox units employed by the Cadian 91st allow voice and data transfer in a tried and tested device that significantly improves command and control. The system consists of a network of trunk switches connected by multi-channel vox relay links that provide hololithic, voic e, data and telegraph communications.


In addition to its communications facility, each master vox is linked to overall strategic command and can be used in conjunction with Departmento Cartographe equipment to provide pinpoint fixes to other vox units, thus allowing regimental positions to be plotted and artillery strieks to be given a fixed datum point. This increases regimental effectiveness by reducing unneccessary vox traffic and removing any doubts regarding the location of Imperial forces.
Note that the "Master Vox" described here can transfer "voice and data" and can communicate in various ways: holotlithic (visual?), audio, data (Targeting info?) and hardcopy (telegraph.)

What's more, they evidently CAN transmit targeting data via comms, given the second paragraph. With the usage of auspex/surveyors (vehicle and hand mounted) as well as targeters and other such equipment, the Guard can obviously get some fairly good accuracy out of their weapons. It also points to a grgeater degree of computerized/informational networking amongst the Guard than some suspect. (eg: Master Voxes, can communicate with squad and platoon level formations, so this suggests they can transmit data to as well as receive info from them. And if the infantry can do it, the vehicles and armour almost certainly can as well.)
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