Last entry for the Munitorum manual. Bout frigging time really.
Page 73
There are two main variants of the meltagun, but both work on broadly the same principle. The Mars pattern meltagun works by sub-molecular thermal agigation of the target, which literally "cooks", melts or otherwise vaporises it in spectacular fashion. The Esteban VII pattern works by producing a small-scale fusion reaction using a pyrum-promethium fuel mix. This is projected a sa blast of incredible heat that can burn through almost anything imaginable - though the power of the blast is greater if the firer can close the range to the target.
Description of two kinds of meltagun. The first one sounds kinda like the old "microwave" type, while the latter sounds more like a more exotic sort of flamethrower (akin to the plasma super soaker guns authors like Ben Counter like.)
The second version seems almost contradictory. On one hand it uses "promethium" and some odd other fuel, which suggests a chemical reaction, while on the other hand it calls it a "small scale fusion reaction", which seems contradictory. In terms of sheer output, the Meltagun seems less likely to be merely powered by chemical reactions, unless the pyrum somehow "amplifies' the energy output (like Naquadha from STargate)
It may also suggest that the Imperium has discovered some sort of "intermediate" power source between nuclear and chemicla reactions, crazy as it sounds.
Page 73
There is little a meltagun cannot destroy, be it plasteel or heavy, chitinous armour, and its effects upon living tissue are impressive to say the least.
The meltagun makes almost no noise when ti fires, but the super-heating of the air producees a distinctive hiss that becomes a roaring blast as the body moisture of living targets vaporises explosively.
Meltaguns DO vaporize moisture, rather than technobabbling it. Also note that "explosively" does not mean "bomb like" neccesarily - gunpowder is explosive, but it is nowhere near as lethal as TNT.
Page 73
The energy coils of a plasma gun use magnetic fields to accelerate bright, glowing bolts of plasma towards the taget at extremely high speed. When a plasma bolt hits its target, tremendous levels of heat and energy are released, which destroys targets with an almighty explosion. A target hit by plasma bolts suffers the dual effects of searing heat and explosive shock as its substance is instantly energised into boiling plasma.
The portion of the body struck by a plasma weapon is also converted to plasma, which seems to have thermal as well as blast (explosive) effects much as lasguns do, just far more nasty. If one knows the size of the wound area, then one can probably calc the yield. (This is also another direct lift from earlier descriptions of plasma weapons, incidentally.
Page 73
The technology to create more reliable plasma guns (if such ever existed) has been forgotten over time, but such powerful weapons still find regular use throughout the armies of the Imperium due to their incredible stopping power and their ability to make a mockery of even the thickest armour. Plasma weapons require careful maintenance and must be returned to a certified Tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus at the end of every engagement, whether they have been fired or not.
This seems a bit of a joke. "Reliable" plasma guns have existed (still exist) - they just require a longer cooldown time. The faster-firing (3rd edition onwards) plasma guns are dangerous because of the heat buildup over prolonged use. Moreover, we know the Tau use plasma weapons, and they made them reliable simply by reducing the raw power output of the weapon.
On the other hand, it does suggest plasma weapons are alot more common than other sources do.
Page 74
A common weapon amongst Imperila Guard infantry squads is the grenade launcher, a weapon that launches a grenade a greater distance and with more accuracy than a Guardsman could throw it. Capable of a relatively high rate of fire, these grenade launchers are primarily diesgned for suppressive fire and to destoy light vehicles and buildings. The standard Cadian pattern grenade launchers are man-porrtable, drum-fed weapons that fire 40mm grenades that more resemble smaller versions of the ammunition fired by missile launchers. A grenade launcher is capable of firing both krak and frag grenades (though neither are as powerful as the rounds fired by a missile launcher), the firer simply selects which he wishes to fire via a selection switch by the pistol grip handle.
The Cadian pattern grenade launcher can cary a load of twenty grenades and pivots forward to allow reloading. To aim the weapon, the Guardsman flips up a rear sight, which is notched for different ranges, and matches this up with the weapon's front quadrant sight. When preparing to pull the tirgger, a guardsman must first brace himself with a wide-legged stance, as the recoil from grenade launchers is significant, comparable to that of a boltgun, and recoil injuries are a common occurance amongst Guardsman unfamiliar with the weapon's power.
First - if Grenade launchers are just "miniature" missile launchers (rocket propelled grenades?), its possible they may have variable payloads than just krak and frag (such as perhaps melta grenades or plasma grenadeS?) The fact they can carry both kinds is also interesting to.
Second - the recoil of a grenade launcher is comparable to that of a boltgun, and both can cause significant injury if not prepared.
Going by modern grenades, we can derive the recoil from the following data: From
here the velocity of a grenade launcher is obtained. call it 75-80 m/s
here we can determine your average grenade is going to be between .23 and .3 kg in mass. (backed up by
this refrencec
roughly, the recoil (assuming a modern grenade launcher) is between 17.5 kg*m/s, and 24 kg*m/s. if we assume a bolt shell is 1/4 or 1/5 the mass of a grenade (About 50-60 grams), the muzzle velocity of a bolt round is going to be at least 300-400 m/s.
Note that for a bolt gun, this is only the recoil the projectile itself imparrts on the gun, it doesnt include that imparted by the rocket propulsion. I'd expect the rocket to at least double if not triple the muzzle velocity. Also, space Marine bolters are arguably more powerful, since they are generally larger.
For amusement's sake, I'll point out that a automatic grgrenade launcher such as
this that has a higher velocity and greater recoil, though I doubt any "normal" human could carry or fire such a weapon (Bragg probably could though.) I simply post it because its probably more "bolter like" than the other grenade launcher.
I should also note that Imperial Armour (3-5) descriptions of grenade launchers give a similar physical appearance, but the grenade capacity is significantly lower (6-8 rounds IIRC) This may suggest that grenade launchers vary in projecctile size/yield (Bigger grenade = less capacity.) or differences in the magazine size.
Page 74
The most common sniper rifle in the Imperial Guard arsenal is the needle sniper rifle, commonly employed by Ratling squds of abhumans. The rifle fires a small dart tipped with a deadly neuro-toxin chemical, which is held in a specially marked magazine. A specialised telescopic sight affords the sniper unerring accuracy, allowing him to pick out the target's weak points, be it a chink in his armour or patch of exposed flesh. If the target is armoured the beam automatically pulses when the rifle is fired, punching a tiny hole which allows the toxic dart to penetrate.
The chemical dartt is guided to the target by a tightly focused energy beam, which in the case of non-organic targets is what causes the damage rather than the toxin. Though the chance of causing any damage are slight, some snipers have been able to destroy vehicles as heavily armoured as Rhino APCs by delivering a perfectyl aimed shot through a vision slit or into the eye of a driver.
Long las rifles and needler rifles both exist and are employed by the Guard. Like alot of the Manual, this is lifted directly from earlier sources describing the weapon.
I would also like to note that its possible this suggests some "laser" weapons are actually hybrid laser/projectile weaponry. We knwo from some novels (Esienhorn, Necropolis, etc.) that some needlers can fire solid bullets rather than just toxin shells, and in many ways these weapons seem to be similar to "shuriken" weapons. (And some short stories or novels mention the Imperium using shuriken weapons. PErhaps the Imperium version of Shuriken weapons are needlers.) Such "hybrid" weapons would probably behave more akin to the Eldar "mandi-blasters", but it would also help explain some of the "bullet-like" references to lasweapons (partiucilarly in latter Ghosts novels, or some earlier fluff - ie "laser shells.")
Its also interesting curious to consider that needler rifles do not use chemical propellants (or any readily identifiable means of propulsion, aside from some vague allusion to the laser doing it somehow.) They may be magnetically accelerated by some means, but that is pure conjecture.
Page 75
These weapons [flamers] project an ignited stream of promethium over a wide area, bathing multiple enemies in an inextinguishable, burning gel. Flamers are usually deployed in Fire supportt squads, but if commanders deem it necessary, Infantry squads may also be issued with them.
Flamer description.
Page 75
Operating from the same basic laser principles as the smaller lasgun, the lasing chamber of a lascannon is much larger and the power build is consequently heavier than that of a lasgun. When it fires, the blast of a lascannon is a single blast, rather than a hail of lower intensity las blasts. Its incredible power and ability to pierce virtually any armour make it a formidable weapon.
Lifted from earlier fluff, again. Note that the distinction made between a lasgun and a lascannon is that apparently a lascannon delivers all its energy in a single burst, whereas a lasgun will deliver its total energgy over a series of "lower-intensity" bursts - bursts that would, in context, make up a single shot.
Page 75
Lascannons are very heavy and consume a phenomenal amount of energy; hence they ar eusually installed on main battle tanks or Sentinels. However, two-man teams are able to manoeuvre and operate a single lascannon on a tripod mount and this has become the standard method of deploying the man-portable form of the lascannon. To accomodate the increased power output, the lascannon's barrel is several times larger in diameter and length. While the lascannon is primarily designed to knock out tanks, it can also be used against single heavily armoured foot troopers where the high energy blast will easily penetrate armour or thick hide. In most cases, however, it is a poor antipersonnel weapon compared to a heavy bolter or autocannon.
Lascannon barrels are "several times" the diameter of a lasgun (and length, though this can vary on model. Diameter seems less variable.) this may (indirectly suggest a power/volume relationship between lascannon and lasguns (which could suggest a lasgun is 1/10th the power of a lascannon, or 1/100th, depending on variables.) In the broadest terms, it would tend to confirm that lasguns have multi-MW outputs, since lascannon are typically well into the high MW/low GW output.
Also, the "man portable" lascannon seem to be similar in size and power to tank and Sentinel-equipped lascannon.
Page 76
The missile launcher is one of the most common and highly-favoured heavy weapons in the Imeprial arsenal. Like all heavy weapons in the Guard, it is most commonly deployed in Anti-tank support squads to engage and destroy enemy armour, though with frag missiles, the two man crew can punch ohles in massed groups of enemy infantry. The concept behind the missile launcher is universal and versions are produced all over the galaxy by humans and xenos creatures alike.
The Cadian pattern carries a missile magazine containing individual self-propelled missiles, and can fire a variety of load types. The most unusual missile type is the krak armour-penetration missile, specifically engineered to crack open armour and destroy tanks. The frag missile, which is designed to explode amongst enemy troops and scythe down exposed foot troops, is another common load. Other missile types are available, ,such as smoke missiles, plasma, or anti pant (plant) missiles, but such munitions are either too situational or rare as to be discounted.
Description of the launcher and ammo for a missile launcher.
Page 79
The Tactica Imperium is the most widespread battle manual employed by the Imperial Guard. It is not a single tome, however, and has no one author; instead it is a massive living document, compiled from ten millenia of tactical wisdom, ,comrpising collections of documents, doctrines, manuals and notes approved for inclusion by the Departmento Munitorum and the office of the Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard.
If a full collection of the Tactica Imperium were to be gathered together, calculus-logi estimate that it would fill enough shelves that it would take a single man an entire lifetime to read even a tenth of it. The tactica Imperium is not intended to be a prescriptive instruction manual thoughl circumstancecs chance too quickly in warfare to refer every decision to a book. Its virtue is that it provokes thought and, through it, understanding of the core principles of warfare to be employed by a good comamnder as and when required.
The referencec to it as a "living document" and the second paragraph point to the fact the Guard is trained/encouraged to think independently or flexibly out on the field, rather than slavishly adhere to fixed tactical dogma of a parrticular kind.
It also tells us that with commanders who aren't efficient or effective (someone like Dravere), it is more than likely due to their own flaws (or the flaws of the culture that raised him/her. Or, perhaps, the person that mentored that idiot.) rather than flaws inherent to the Guard itself.
Page 85
Just as individual soldiers need to communicate the immediate battlefield situation to their squad sergeant and platoon leaders, so too do senior officers need to communicate grand strategic deicions and battle plans that shape the fate of thousands of soldiers. To do this securely and accurately, each Command Section is issued with the Standard Pattern Imperial Guard Master Vox. The master vox units employed by the Cadian 91st allow voice and data transfer in a tried and tested device that significantly improves command and control. The system consists of a network of trunk switches connected by multi-channel vox relay links that provide hololithic, voic e, data and telegraph communications.
In addition to its communications facility, each master vox is linked to overall strategic command and can be used in conjunction with Departmento Cartographe equipment to provide pinpoint fixes to other vox units, thus allowing regimental positions to be plotted and artillery strieks to be given a fixed datum point. This increases regimental effectiveness by reducing unneccessary vox traffic and removing any doubts regarding the location of Imperial forces.
Note that the "Master Vox" described here can transfer "voice and data" and can communicate in various ways: holotlithic (visual?), audio, data (Targeting info?) and hardcopy (telegraph.)
What's more, they evidently CAN transmit targeting data via comms, given the second paragraph. With the usage of auspex/surveyors (vehicle and hand mounted) as well as targeters and other such equipment, the Guard can obviously get some fairly good accuracy out of their weapons. It also points to a grgeater degree of computerized/informational networking amongst the Guard than some suspect. (eg: Master Voxes, can communicate with squad and platoon level formations, so this suggests they can transmit data to as well as receive info from them. And if the infantry can do it, the vehicles and armour almost certainly can as well.)