Not really. He couldn't ask John to go a private place without arousing suspicion. If he knew any private places they'd feel comfortable going to, he wouldn't have tried this gambit.Actually, that brings to mind how STUPID Cromartie was to set the pier as the meeting spot. He should know his own weaknesses and not set himself up into situations where he'll get burned.
Given that, the pier seems to be the most logical choice, since it gives John less room to run and evade. And it worked. You realize Chrome Artie came within a centimeter of drowning him, yes? He was unlucky, not outmaneuvered.
Still an insane risk, given that he and Cameron are evenly matched for the most part(aside from the fact that he presumably outweighs her), and that he was standing in plain sight. Even IF he had been anonymous.... Cameron continually scans people around her, and would presumably have ID'd him very quickly.That is why I assume he packed the gun - shoot John before Cameron notices/tackles him.
People keep bringing this up. Where have we seen Cameron functioning below her Season 1 abilities this season? Did I miss something?Remember, she is still not fixed and may have been distracted.
Regardless, she was making no secret of the fact that she was following him. Why not sprint after him?