So? That point has no rebuttal value whatsoever when the point being made was weapons firepower.Eviscerator wrote: My previous arguements may have been knee-jerk and attempts at throwing chaff, but i assure you, every post i make now is done after reference to the appropriate reference books/material.
When i made my F-4 remark, i was trying to say that an Iranian F-4 will not have at its disposal the full range of weapons that are/have been available to an USAF F-4, and that the ground crew competency and pilot availability dictates how many missions said aircraft can fly in a day. Just as an example, if the F-4 drops 12 mk82 bombs a mission, and the Iranian F-4 does 3 missions a day, the USAF 5 missions a day, that is a large difference between ordnance on target.
Except the point has no value whatsoever in the original context. The warship of 3072 is STILL dealing out kt weapons firepower. Similarly, the Gauss rifle of 3072 is still the same damage range of 2750.I have proven the point that an 3072 HGR causes more damage than an 2750 basic Gauss Rifle.
And?No one disagrees. Is this supposed to be a rebuttal or are you trying to elaborate a point here?My contention was that time era dictates the available range of equipment which CAN be fitted on a vessel.
If so, you might want to actually create a point.... as opposed to just attempting to rebut a non existent strawman.
I'm serious, because in nBSG has no serious boarding attempts. What's next? The McKenna can carry a regiment of mechs, so those mechs can be used in PD against enemy boarders?You are attempting to tell me that IF the Mckenna has Manei-Dominei or WOB-tech battlearmor, any attempts of boarding or repelling boarders have no effect? Are you serious?
In universe, the difference is neglible. Seriously. You're disagreeing with both established game fluff and game derived mechanics here.You are then telling me, that in an dogfight a best-cased Clan aerofighter with superior weapons like ive outlined above, heat dissipation, larger armor factor efficiency base on weight, targeting computer, Artemis IV FCS and ECM suite/NARC beacon against an equivalent IS 3025 aerofighter both piloted by pilots of equal skill, the extra tech advantage does not make a difference?
The Clans standard weapons is more powerful, but its negated partially by the additional heat. They can and savy players do use the weight difference to gain an advantage but its isn't as dramatic as on the ground. Its entirely possible for a Lvl 2 IS AT to defeat an enemy aerospace fighter one on one. And of course, ignores the in universe fluff text.
Ah yes. The tech wank. You know, back in 1996, there's a name for players like you. You're so bedazzled by the lostech capabilities that you actually ignore that its the characteristics that count.Are you then discounting the advantages given by the NARC beacon, Targ Comp, and pulse lasers against a baseline IS 3025 fighter? Are you ignoring the Pulse laser -2 to hit, roll, NARC add 2 to missle hit roll, Targeting computer -1 to direct fire weapons? or the LB- autocannons "shotgun effect""? are you really serious? I will concede that the basic pilot skill may be the same, but saying that the Red Baron in his WW1 biplane is evenly matched against an WW2 late flight figther is ridiculous.
Hell, its how I survived against Clan players one on one in a lvl 2 match.
And of course, no one is discounting the advantages, so keep fucking the strawman somewhere private, k?
Only in the unit tables.In universe, the units don't change that fast. Pointing to the unit table is absurd.I have consistently attempted to show that just as an example, the 1st Lyran Royal Guards fields a totally different force in the
3025, 3039, 3050, 3055, 3058, 3060,3067, 3072 time eras. By taking the random mech assignment tables as a benchmark of commonly available units in said timeline, we get a completely different force composition with accordingly different weapons capability. As an example, the Lyran unit in 3025 would not be able to employ Fenris battle armor or light engines or heavy gauss rifles. They would not also be able to use the WLF-3S Wolfhound battlemech which was produced in the Civil War era or the latest WLF-4W Wolfhound.
The ingame fluff is dramatically different with regards to the availability of units and rarity of equipment. For example, the Phoenix upgrade to the Rifleman was driven by the lack of parts due to the Civil War disrupting supply lines.
Hell, let's just utterly disprove your argument.
2nd Sword of Light rolls on Table A.
Scenario 1, Hunting the Hunter, Dragon Roars.
DRG-5k Grand Dragon. Tai-i shigeru hirotsu
Third Benjamin Regulars rolls on Table C.
Scenario 2, Wild Justice
They receive mechs on higher Tables, namely Komodo and Raptors. An example of the table not having predictive powers, but let's be fair and discount this as this is a example shows the ubiquity of equipment as opposed to its rarity.
Scenario 8, Baiting the Jaguar Eleventh Alshain Avengers, Table B.
Yet, they receive lesser equipped mechs such as the Katana, Marauder and Orion.
Scenario 10, 300 Spartans, Ryuken Go, Table A.
Panther, Phoenix Hawk.
Battleforce scenario, In the Dragon Coils.
Eigth Sword of Light, 1st Battalion.
Hatamato Chi, Banshee, Phoenix Hawk, Warhammer, Awesome, Marauder.
To use the Unit Tables to suggest that all of the mechs in a regiment has been upgraded to new mechs is bollocks.
Who gives a fuck? You attempted to rebut the point that HGR are relatively rare in 3062. Prove that it isn't so.I have not ignored the basic idea that if "A" faction manufactures "B" type of weapon/equipment, logically then that that faction has easier access to the weapon/equipment. This is in line with RL and btech ingame rules
Really?Nobody has addressed the issue of boarding parties/repelling boarders because in modern 21st century naval combat, when does a boarding party even manage to get in range of the warship? This idea isnt even actively pushed around because modern Close-in Weapons Systems will make short work of any boarding parties. However in Sci-fi naval context just in Btech alone, it has been shown that troops can and do take over WarShips.
Even the capture of dropships is a risky business that caused elite AFFS and irregular Liao units considerable casualties in the Chaos March.
Jumpship for both, and in the first, it was a covert operation that succeeded due to surprise and the Ares convention.3055 - Gray Death Legion's battle taxi assault
3058 - DEST troops take over CGB warship
A unit operating with no aerospace and PD support and caught by surprise.New Ronin incursions: Elementals on their own floating in Zero-g assault and capture a Kirishima cruiser
Skye rebels lost 3 Fox corvettes...... against a cruiser with known weaknesses in PD and without the dedicated dropship/fighter support...... and of course, captured BY surprise in a sneak attack.Civil War - Avalon-cruiser over Hesperus succumbs to loyalist marines
With teleporters. What bearing does this has in the debate here?And as an asides, the idea of boarding is alive and well in Star Wars and WH40K as well. Even though on 21st century earth it is no longer feasible, it doesnt mean a sci-fi navy doesnt have to content with it.
Are you an idiot? The argument was NAVAL PPC or STANDARD PPC. Not Standard PPC vs Heavy PPC.I was doing that post in respects to painracks statment that "A Naval PPC or even an standard PPC in 2750, 3025 and 3072 has no fucking difference in terms of damage. " I have proven that availble tech in recent eras have differences in terms of damage because unlike then, we can employ other type of PPCs.
Because arguing that a Heavy PPC is more powerful than a standard PPC is a no shit sherlock statement.
Again, you ATTEMPTED to rebut my Warship weapons are only kiloton in level by arguing that different tech eras has DIFFERENT firepower. SHOW IT YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT.
Nobody is fucking your strawman that a Heavy PPC is more powerful than a Standard PPC.
Of course, even if I am kind and increase the parameters to include newer weapons, a Heavy PPC in warship parlance remains the same. The Heavy PPC only extends to the aerospace and dropship weapons. Once you divide it by ten via standard, the differences is neglible.
And OF COURSE, the damage increase is not in a full order of magnitude, which is what you need in order to actually rebut my Warship weapons are kiloton event. But its clear you have no idea what the argument is anymore.
Yippee.Eviscerator wrote:10 capital points of damage The entry further says "The largest capital missile in common use" and "a larger target hit by a Kraken will take severe damage from the massive warhead it carries."
I have gone over all existing capital ship details in detaild and Kraken-Ts are not present on any SLDF or Clantech warships. It only came into use around 3058 , and it is now present on Overlord-A3 and Excalibur Pocket warships. WHICH are NOT available in a 2750 timeline scenario.
Now use that to show that Warship weapons are MT in level then you dipshit.
Let's be fair. An idiocy parse of his stance could be that an inexperienced crew will take much longer to recognise when and where to fire an automated weapon than an experienced crew.Again, in bold: THE OPERATION OF FULLY AUTOMATED SYSTEMS DOES NOT RELY ON THE SKILL OF THE OPERATOR. That is WHY they are fully automated. Congratulations, you have proven yourself being completley retarded or a fucking liar. Pick your favorite.