Material charicteristics

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Material charicteristics

Post by Ryu »

My knowledge of chemistry is EXTREMELY limited. I wanted to know if any of you could tell me what the charicteristics of a metal found in our fiction would be, based on what we know of it, as some of you will likely know more than I.

The metal is called ferrodiamond. It consists of iron, nickel, Zinc and diamond powder, smelted in such a way as to ensure an even distribution. The iron, nickel and zinc of course come out to a form of stainless steel, although with ratios of ~60%, 7%, 3%, I'm not sure exactly what kind of stainless it would result in. The remaining 30% is made of diamond powder, which is mixed in evenly and (in theory) add some hardness, and possibly an abrasive quality, to the metal.

My questions:
What would the properties of the steel be?
Are there any known grades of steel with a similar distribution?
What would the diamond powder do to the steel's properties?
Would the metal become harder and/or gain an abrasive quality?
Would the diamond powdermake the metal less malleable?
Does this belong in SLAM instead of here?
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Re: Material charicteristics

Post by Norade »

This would be better in SLAM, but I'll give you the advice they will. Just write the damn story and then, should you even care, work backwards and find out what some of the feats in it required.
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Re: Material charicteristics

Post by Dalton »

Thread split off into HoS.
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Re: Material charicteristics

Post by Ryu »

I'm asking too much here, aren't I? How about I just leave the specifics out, and stick with the predicted properties?
My name is Ms. Anthropy. Hajimemashite.

One who believes bigger is better should try giving birth. An infant is the biggest thing that ever passes through there, but is it the most enjoyable experience?

Technological advancement isn't everything. (Yeah, I said it.) In fact, if two items perform exactly the same, one being more advanced is a bad thing. -Jeremy Williams

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Re: Material charicteristics

Post by Isolder74 »

Well the big problem is the heat needed to forge the metals together would turn the Diamonds into just carbon. Unless you are in a place where Diamonds are as available as graphite then it would be cheaper to use something else. THe only way it would remotely work would be to fold the diamonds into the steel as it's being shaped but even then the Diamonds may still just turn into plain carbon. Also full diamond crystals might destroy the crystaline structure of the Steel itself.

Adhering them to the surface would work better.

BTW Stainless Steel contains Chromium.
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