How are they not warp gods now? The Orks have warp gods still and they didn't become "Old one constructs" - whatever the fuck that term is supposed to mean.Purple wrote: Well, the hate is not so much directed against the C'tan but against the whole change in lore that they necessitated.
You see, back in the day things sounded a bit different in 40K. Like for example, there was newer any talk of the old ones. The Eldar gods were something closer to warp gods and not just Old Ones/Old One constructs.
As far as I know this hasn't changed. Where was it stated that the Emperor was a product of the Old Ones? Or, for that matter, humanity was?The Emperor was likewise not an Old One/Old One construct or what ever they like to paint him as but actually simply the greatest of all man kind.
What is "meaningless" about the Necrons? There's nothing in there that was inconsistent about them. The backstory about early times in 40K has never been fleshed out that well to begin with, so I don't see where slipping the Necrons in required these massive changes.You had a feeling that yes its grimdark and yes things are going to shit but at least it had some meaning. Now the whole thing just turns out the be the meaningless fallout of some war that happened ages ago.