I noticed a few people asking about scaling for the Federation persuit ships, I'll get some screens, as there were some shots usable for scaling (in 'Duel', the Liberator almost collides with Travis' ship).
As for some preliminary thoughts:
Fleet sizes:- Have been well-established as less-than-impressive. Though we don't get a solid number for the Federation, the invading Andromedans fleet of 600 is thought to be fuckoff huge.
Territory:- Appears to be galaxy-spanning, with mention of intergalatic ships being developed (in 'Horizon', IIRC).
Industrial capacity:- Seems in line with the smallish fleet numbers, though I'm interested to see how many new ships come into play later on (this would give a better idea of post IG war rebuilding).
Firepower:- Hard to quantify. Unless there are some examples of asteroid blasting or planetary bombardment in the later episodes, we really only have ship-to-ship battles to go on, as well as the couple of examples of ships one-shotting space stations.
Speed:- We can get some idea of the Liberator's top speed, from Redemption. Orac's prediction occurs in the 12th Sector, which Blake states to be "halfway across the galaxy". Ordinarily, this could be a figure of speech, but Avon (who had earlier worked out the precise location) said the same thing to Jenna. Given that Avon does not generally exercise in hyperbole, this figure can probably be used as a decent approximation.
When the System takes control of the Liberator, the ship is accelerated to its maximum speed. Blake and Avon concur that at that speed, the energy banks will be completely depleted in ~2 hours. Given that there is no mention of a power transfer from the other System ships, we can assume that the Liberator arrived at Sector 12 under its own power.
Covering 50,000 lightyears in 2 hours (actually less) gives us a phenomenal top speed of 25,000ly/h, or 219,150,000c. That would be an entire order of magnitude faster than SW hyperdrive!
Even if we assume "halfway across the galaxy" was merely a figure of speech, the speed we're dealing with is still astounding.
WMDs:- There were a couple of instances of planet-wasting WMDs.
The Solium dirty bomb on Albion in 'Countdown', which could kill the entire population (6 million) with radiation, which would clear within days, leaving the planet completely reusable.
The Pyroans of Obsidian had a planet-busting bomb in 'Volcano'. From memory, I'd thought it was a BDZ-type event, but based on the statement that the bomb was located at the planet's core, I would tend to think it cause full planetary destruction. The special effects don't reflect this, but I believe in the name of suspended disbelief we can cut B7 a little slack.

That's all from me for the moment, it's getting rather late. Screens coming soon.