Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

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Connor MacLeod
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Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

We begin the last of the four "primary" game systems for the Renegade Universe, called Legionnaire. It is basically the RPG system for the universe, and so it tends to be the most detail oriented and also the one most focused on individual technology and personal equipment, rather than ships and vehicles (although a fair bit of that is there.) It will also be (to date) the largest update for Renegade Legion I have done.

I happen to like Legionnaire the most because it is the most well developed of all the game systems thematic and story-wise.. it takes everything that has come before and builds on it in some interesting ways as we shall see.
It woudln't be until sometime tomrrow that the steering cables would disintegrate from the detonations, causing tons of titanium armored tanks to careen uncontrollably to certain death.
Titanium-based armor on the tanks. Which burns as I've recalled hearing. Or maybe that's aluminum. In the novels it does actually burn. Go figure. I dont really know whether or not Titanium would be a good building material for combat tanks or what.. maybe its magic titanium?
Suddenly the lookout's light-enhancing goggles picked up a brief shaft of light cutting into the darkness forty metres away.
NVG's with an effective range.
With the thin beam of thermal radiation continuing to silently meld armor. the lookout pulled out his 5mm needle pistol and gripped it tightly.
Needle pistol caliber.
Flechette rounds ripping into him, the saboteur let out a valiant cry and squeezed off as many rounds as he could in the direction of that one movement.
not sure if 'flechette' rounds describes the spike/needle weapons, but I'm guessing spoke, needle and flechette are all basically the same thing.
Given the state of weapons technology in the 69th century, only good body armor stands between an individual and death when hit by a military weapon. When rifles shoot projectiles designed to penetrate a Grav tank, there's not much in a human body that will even slow the slug down.
self explanatory.
Most occupied worlds in the Renegade Legion universe have a level of gravity very near to the Terran norm.
Meaning that very high or very low gee worlds are uncommon.
Women by law are not allowed to rise very high in TOG society and it is preferred that they stay home to raise children. This can be tracecd back ot th efact that 2000 years ago, around 5000 (give or take a century) the Snow Plague wiped out 80% of Humanity and most of the survivors were conquered by the KessRith and teh Ssora. It took more than 1300 years for mankind to throw off their alien masters. As a result, most of the TOG citizenry are xenophobic and are very concerned about maintaining a sufficient population base ot insure that Humanity never again falls under alien dominance. Thus the idea of any woman staying long in the military is anathema to them.
Snow Plague and the origins of human/TOG xenophobia and patriarchy.
County-wide recognition: This range of fame points indicates that the character is well known and recognized ina region of 40 or so planets.

Dukedom-wide recognition. The name or face of the character is recognizabel on several hundred worlds.


District-wide Recognition: a characte rthat attains such a level would be known throughout Naram Spacee, the KessRith Empire, or the Commonwealth.

There are 21 Dukedoms as I recall.. with several hundred worlds apiece thats 4000-6000 worlds at least to several tens of thousands.. Its implied that the Naram and Kessirth are of roughly similar scope.

A character with this skill has a working knowledge of hand-held beam weaponry. This includes laser rifles, carbines, and pistols. These power hungry but very effective weapons are designed primariyl for use in zero-G combat, since they produce no recoil.
lasers consume more power than spike/slug weapons, but have no recoil.

A Century is made up of 3 platoons and one Headquarters platoon. The line Platooon are made of the vehicles and/or personnel needed to carry out its mission.


Three vehicles make up a Platoon. If the platoon has infantry, they are arranged into squads of 8 men, with a vehicle assigned to transport each squad.

Combat Centuries contain both infantry and tanks along with some type of indirect fire weapon such as a mortar.
Military formations. Additional infromation given si that examples include (Signal unit Centuries have signal platoons, armoerd platoons use armor vehicles, Headquarters have supply, maintenance and recovery assets, etc.) ARmored centuriess have two tank and one infantry platoons. Infantry centuries have two infantry and one armored platoon.
The basic ground forceces unit is the legion. modeled after the early Imperial Roman legions (with some variations to account for the complexity of modern equipment) they all share the same basic structure.

A TOG legion consists of 10 combat Cohorts, a supporting artillery manus, ,a military police Cohort, a signal Cohort an Engineer cohort and Headquarters units.


The 1st Cohort is always manned by the est combat troops in the Legino and are issued heavier equipment than the other Cohorts. Thefirst Cohort consists of the Headquarter sCentury of 9 support vehciles, and 10 combat Centuries. The other 9 cohorts control onyl 6 combat Centuries each, along with a headquarters Century.


The combat Cohorts are grouped for specific missions into temporary detachments of 2 to 5 Cohorts, each called a Manus.
Legions, Cohorts, etc. Manuses can assign support units (artillery, signals , supply , MP, engineer, etc.) and a LEgion can usualyl form up to 5 separate manus.
The Artillery Manus of the Legion consists of 3 Cohorts of ARtillery, 1 Air Defense Cohort, and a Rocket Century.
Rocket Centuries also deploy and maintain satellites and Artillery Cohorts are never broken up into smalle runits. Air Defense Cohort Centuries are assigned pieceemal to Manuses or defense as needed. Rocket Centuries are tied to the HQ Cohort.

The Supply Manus controls the activities of the Legion's maintenacee, supply, medical and other adminsitrative units.


The Signal Cohort is responsible for all aspects of communications.
Signals enable communication between Legion HQ and Manuses, and includes use of comms satelllites. They also take care of SigInt, Signal security, and ECM. Nice to know they pay attention to this.
The Engineer Cohort is responsible for the construction and maintenance of any permanant Legion facilities, clearing or reducing obstacles, erecting barricades, and constructing fortifications. The Cohort has 3 combat engineer Centuries and 3 Construction engineer Centuries.
Nice to know they pay attnetion to military construciton too
The Military Police Cohort consists of 6 line Centuries and functions as a rear area security force.
They also maintain discipline within the legion.
Depending on its mission a Legon can be assigned a Wing of supporting space craft and/or an auxiliary unit known as an Auxilia. An Auxilia has 4 to 6 Cohorts of special troops, such as Penal Infantry, Military Police, Marine Assault Troopsm or Population Control Troops (riot police.) An Auxilia is about the Size of a Manus.
Auxlia differ from Manuses in having organic support troops assigned, ,allowing them to operate without additional troops for limited times. Manuses.. the "extras" of military forces.
There are 8 million TOG Legions along with innumberable specialized Auxilia. The majority of TOG legions are designated as Strike, Infantry, or Garrison Legions.
The typical Legion/Auxilia numbers fluff. Also note that they imply other kinds of Legions may exist.
Ther [strike Legion] mission is to destroy all enemy forces that they encounter. They are not expected to GArrison a planet, ,just to seize it.

A strike Legion consists of 1 heavy Grav Armor Cohort and 9 Medium Grav ArmorCohorts (this mixtury may vary) The HEavy Grav ARmor Cohort is the first Cohorrt and consists of 4 Heavy Centuries, 3 Medium Centuries, and 3 Light Centuries of Grav Armor.

The MEdium Cohorts contain 3 Medium and 3 Light Grav Armor Cohorts.

All VEhicles in the Strike Legion are equipped with Grav Drives. This allows the Legion to use the strategic and tactical advantages of Grav Drives to their fullest extent, because their logistical tail is as manueverable as the combat elements.

A Strike Legion is almost always permanantly assigned a Space Fighter Wing, to provide it with organic ground support and local air/space superiority. The Strike Legion or its Fighter Wing does not have anyn organic interstellar cpaability.


The Strike Legion has tremendous offensive fire pwoer available, but is very deficient in combat infantry. T his is rectified by assigning the Strike Legion an Auxilia of some type of infantry. The Strike Legion has only 1536 combat infantrymen, while an Infantry Auxilia typically has ove r2000 legionnaires.
Strike Legions. shouldnt be new stuff
Infantry Legion are viewed by the TOG high command as defensive troops whose mission is to hold the ground won by the STrike Legions. A typical Infantry legion has 1 Heavy Grav ARmor Cohort, 2 Cohorts of medium Grav armor and 7 Cohorts of GRav ARmor Infantry.

All vehicles in a front line Infantry Legion use Grav Drives. The supply and artillery Manus of Infatnry legions assigned to rear areas use the ground vehicles for transportation. THis means these second lin eunits are tied to a relatively fixed logistical train, but the cost of raising an dmaintaining the second line units are less. If a second line Infantry Legion is assigned to the front, its support and artillery vehicles are usually replaced with Grav Vehcilse.

An Infantry legion can be assigned a Space Fighter wing, but normally it is not...


Auxilia are assigned to the Infantry Legion as needed. Typical auxilia assignemnts include Grav armor, Air/space Defense, or Construciton units.
Typical infantry Legion fluff.
All of TOG's 286 Praetorian Guard units are Infantry Legions. All Praetorian units are composed of 1 Heavy Grav Armor Cohort, 2 Cohorts of medium grav armor and 7 Cohorts of Grav Armor Infantry. All infantry are carried in medium grav APCs. Every Cohort contains 10 centuries rather than 6. They permanantly have an Auxilia of Heavy Grav Armor attached, alogn with a permanant reinforced Fighter Wing.
The Praetorian Guard.
Garrison legions are te most numerous Legions in the TOG military. A Garrison Legion's primary mission is population control, over and above normal civilian police activities. TOG doctrine clals for the stationing of 1 Garrison Legion per 1 million population that a planet has.


A typical Garrison Legion has 1 Heavy Armor Cohort, 1 Cohort of Medium Armor, and 8 Cohorts of armored or airmobile infantry. The Military Police Cohort is upgraded to Manus size and contains 1 Militay Police Cohorrt and 3 Cohorts of Riot Control Troops. The Engineer Cohort has only three Centuries of construction troops and the Artillery Manus exchanges 2 Cohorts of armored artillery for 2 Air Defense Cohorts.

The Garrison Legion does not possss any organic grav vehicles. All of the Legion's vehicles are either hover, wheele dor tracked.
Garrison legions defined. Of particular note is the implied "most numerous" status (which make sense) as well as the 1 legion per million. As mentioned in the past this could imply huge numbers but it probably doesn't work that way. More likely is that it defines the potential number of worlds the 8 million Legions could conquer, which could be in the hundreds of thousands or millions depending on pop density.

TOG maintains penal infantry auxilia as a means to discipline soldiers who have commited cirmes that normally would have sentenced them to a prison at hard labor. Rather than lose the services of combat veterans, TOG offers them a chance to redeem themselves. Service in a Penal Infantry unit is for one campaign only, no matter what the actual sentence was. Survivors of the campaign are re-instated at their old ranks, though assigned to new units. Given the 75 casualty rate that most Penal Infantry units s uffer, no one who survives one campaign in a Penal Infantry unit wants to be reassigned again.


All Headquarters and support unit are mounted on Grav vehicles. The Penal units are carried unarmored ground transports. In an assault, the Centuries are broken up by squad and ride on the outside of the attacking Grav tanks into the city. Once there they dismount and fight on foot. They normally are not equipped with bounce packs.
soldier recycling. No bounce packs and unarmored ground transport but thats still smething.

Renegade Legion ground forces are roganized in the same manner as TOG Legions, with 10 combat Cohorts, an artilery Manus and support torops.


Organizationally, the combat Cohorts are permanantly assigned to one of 4 Manus. The 1st Manus (or Manus Primus) contains the 1st Cohort and three other Cohorts. The other 3 Manus are assigned 2 Cohorts each. The vehicles of the fifth Manus are used to suppelment the Headquarter slements of the Manus Primus.

Another major difference is that the military police unit of a Renegae Legion is only at Century rathe rthan Cohort strength.
Legion and TOG differences.

The Renegade Ground forces number 300,000 Legions along with a significant number of Auxilia. Auxilia and fighter wings are assigned to the Legion in the same manner as TOG assignments.


There are 200,000 Legions in the Commonwealth's Armed Fores (CAF). Half of these Legions are organized and operated on the Renegade Model. Te other half represnet a wide variety of planetary and racial military organizations and nomenclature.
Commonwealth Legions are also known as Brigades instead of manus, Auxilia are REgiments, Cohorts are Battalions, and Cneturies are Companies.

the variation of Commonwealth units was covered in PRefect, and I dont feel like d uplicating it here

Half a million Legions total vs 8 million.
A Naram special forces Regiment is trained in non-conventional warfare and employed in general sabotage and reconnaissance missions. They also help to raise, train and lead guerilla forces form the local populaton on occupied planets. They are excellent stay-behind forces on planets overrrun by TOG.

The Regiment is made up of 4 line Battalions with 4 line Companies each. Thge line Companies have 4 line Platoons each. Supply and Sginal companies are attached at the Regimental level.

The Regiment has no organic vehicles. All equipment is man packed, though by the use of bounce packs and anti-grav cargo skids, mobility is fairly high. Never-the less all equipment used by the Regiment can be broken down into man-size loads and carried without the use of anti-grav devies.

In raid operations the Regiment is inserted by drop pod or landed directly on the target by ship. Raids are conducted by forces of at least Company size or more. If the raiders landed in a vehicle they ar eextracted in the same manner. Extraction to orbital vehicles is much more dififcult and many times the raider swill break into squad-size units and vanish into the countryside to wave a guerilla war.

Guerilla operations by the Regiment are carried out in a slightly different manner. Insertion is by drop pod or the Regiment can be deployed as a stay-behind force prior ot TOG occupation. The Regiment operates as individual squads, with each squad reporting to its higher headquarters. Squad members have no knowledge of the locations or operational orders of other squads or headquarters. This cell type operation insures that TOG security forcese are unable to eliminate more than one unit at a time.

Beyond stnadard infantry and wepaons training, each member of a Special Forces squad is trained in some other military speciality such as communicatrions, medicine, engineering, maintenance, etc. They also have heavily cross-trained in the use of enemy weapons and ocnstriction of field-expedient equipment. A squad is expected to be able to train and lead a Company-sized unit of local guerillas.

Narram Special Forecs units can operate easily on any Human or Naram World. Ssora, Baufrin and KessRith special forces units also exist to operate on TOG worlds where those races predominante.
Specops forces.. although apparently not as badass as they are in american milkwank books. Or something like that.
The [Vauvusar Volunter Marine Battalion] has 8 companeis: 3 companies of Boucne Infantry, 1 Company of assault boats, 1 artillery company, 1 Engineer company, a supply company and a head quarters company.

The Infantry companies are organized noramlly, with 3 line platoons a nd a headquarters company, but they hav eno organic vehicles. All heavy equipment is mounted on unarmored grav slaeds, while the Infantry are equipped with bounce packs. In addition to typical infantry tactics, Marine sare trained in Zero-G/vaccuuum combat, drop pod operations, and shipboard assaults.

The Assault Boat company is composed of 12 small streamlined spacee shuttles capable of lifting 1 squad or peice of equipment each. The boats have very little weaponry, but have high shield ratings, thick armor, and good acceleration. The boats are dessigned ot land their cargo safely in the face of stiff opposition. They can provide limited air support, but it almost alway inferior to that of a fightr. The Assault boats allow the Battalion to land a reinforced comapny in one lift. If the MArine companies land in drop pods, the battalion can land all of its combat elements in one wave.

The Artillery Company consists of a HEadquarters Platoon, 2 Platoons of conventional artillery and one air defense Platoon. Like the infantry, all of the artillery pieces are mounted on unarmored grav sleds. Each assault boat can carry one Artillery piece and its crew.

The Engineer company is composed of 3 Platoons aof construction engineers. The construction engineers are used to rapidly fortify a bridgehead captured by the Infantry. The platoons include three squads of construction engineers, and their neccessary equipment. Again all eq uipment is Grav sled mounted.
Vauvusar units.
Naval organization is based on the battleship squadron. This force is powerful enough to handle most missions and serves as the basic building block for larger formations. In the naveis of the Renegade Legion universe, there are hundreds of thousands of these Squadrons. Like their counterparts on the ground, the vast majority of these are reserve fleets.

A battleship squadron is usually stationed at a major naval base and spends most of its time at a docking facility or in a stable oribt. ITs active duty consists of patrols lasing t amonth or two. Only rarely ar ships reassigned to another squadron.
Battleship squadrons fluff.. the hundreds of thousands isnt new, and they're mostly reserve fleets. The bulk are likely TOG. And the typical deployment times, which carry the implication of operational endurance (EG less than a year)
Naval organization is based on the Battleship Squadron, though other Squadrons organizations exist. A typical Battleship squadron is composed of a single Battleship acting as flagship, a single cruiser, two frigates, four destroyers, and two patrol class ships, normally escort class ships. A battleship squadron can operate a Wing of fighters and carry anywhere from a Cohort to an Auxilia of Marines. Squadrons operate indepentdently or in groups that are made up of 2 to 5 different Squadrons.
squadron organization (likley the final say, since this was one of the last major systems published) and the number of squadrons in a group. Presumably cruiser and carrier groups follow a similar pattern.
The basic biuidling block of any Fighter Wing is the Squadron, which consists of 6 fighters as well as a small headquarters staff of crew chiefs for the indivdual fighters and some amdinistratinve personnel. Four squadrons make up a flight...


Three flights are a group, and five groups make up a Wing for a total of 360 fighters in a typical fighter wing.


All Group shave a Century of marines, or other security personnel, to provide security for the unit's installations. Also at Wing HEadquarters there is normally a detachment of intelligence analysts who are responsible for providing the unit with teimely tactical intelligence. IF the Wing operates out of a system, rather than a large Carrier or battleship group, a squadron or even a Group of light patrol class carriers are normally assigned to it.
Fighter formations and how they' re organized,m including the flights/wings as well asthe ground units and security forces.

Almost all armored combat suits have a built-in power supply for powering weapon systems and other eqipment. All firearms, with the exception of anicent weapons, require power. All can draw power from the combat suit's supply or from some other extenral source; a few also have internal reserves.


Power can be had from a number of sourcse. Auxiliary power packs are available to power weapons.


Furthermore, all military vehicles are equipped with a number of ports that allow infantry to "wire up" alongside the vehicle. The power cord is an elastic material, 8 meters in legnth. It is not an uncommon sight to see a squad of infantrry marching alongside a vehicle, hooked via power cords, tapping power from teh fusion reactor onboard.

While hooked to a vehicles by a cord, any combat suit without full power rehcarges regains power at a rate of 60 power points per minut (10 per round) that the character is hooked up. While hooked up, the suit draws any weaponry power directly from the vehicle, but it does not continue to charge during any round in which the weapon is fired. If the vehicle pulls away sharply, the power cord will automatically disconnect and the combat suit will return to its internal supply.

Characters can also recharrge fom commrerical power outlets where electricity is avialable. Commercial outlets recharge at a rat eof 12 power points per minute.

Shibpoards provide a number of power sources. Ship control monitros all have power tps, as do all air locks. Several power atps are always installed on the outside of vessels, as well. All of these recharge at a rate of 60 power points per minut (10 per round.)
Technically this makes armor "power" armor but not in the sense we're used to (not the physically augmenting type.) It just has some really good sensors and electronics gear and a built in power supply to sustain weapons. Also the built in recharge function, which is pretty damn versatile I think.

Also note that ground vehicles (at least of the grav persuasion) Ae fusion powered. This likely means fighters are as wlel at least.

The average legionnaire is better protected than his fellow soldiers at any other time in history. Unfortunately he needs it, and more, given the power of modern weaponry.


Normally a suit is compoed of several types of armor, with more vulnerable areas more heavily armored. For example, a TOG light infantry suit has Lorica (AF3) on its lwoer wroso, arms and legs; Lamina (AF4) on its upper torso; and Freox(AF6) on its head.
This implies RL verse body armor (and weaponry) are vastly better than modern equivalents, although how much better is up for conjecture.

Bombyx(TOG)/Bal-cloth (CW)(AF2)

This is a two layer ballistic cloth armor designed for reisistance to laser and light penetrating attacks. Energy is dispersed through the material, ,rather than allowed to penetrate. This material is very light =weight and can easily be worn under a uniform.


Lorica (TOG)/Shocksheet (CW) (AF3)

This material is somewhat heavier than Bombyx or Bal-Cloth, and is better at dispersing energy-based attacks. With a tighter weave, it is also more resilient to penetration attacks. Like the lighter armor, this can be worn under clothing.

Lamina (TOG)./Loplate (CW) (AF4)

This armor consists of semi-rigid plates of carbon-core material. These small plates are usually bound with Bal-Cloth threading. It is possible to hide a vest of Lamina or LoPlate under a jacket, but they are quite obvious when protecting the arms or legs.


Ferox (TOG)/Shock Plate (CW) (AF6)

This armor is the lighter of the two heavy infantry armors. It consists of much larger plates than those in Lamina or LoPlate, magnetically linked, adn are very durable.


Vertex (TOG)/H-Plate (CW) (AF12)

This is the heaviest of the infantry armors. It consists of heavy carbon-core plating, with a weave of energy dispersing material connecting the plates. By far this is the most desired personal proetection on the battlefield.
Various body armours. The soft flexible stuff is made for dispersing/conducing energy attacks over a larger surface area, and I assume mimics kelvar and similar for ballistic attacks. Solid plates are Carbon based solid plates.. again carbon is a good thermally resistant material so probably ideal for stopping lasers as well.
Light helmet:
AF: 6 Power use: 1 per hour

Heavy Helmet:
AF: 12 Power use: 1 per hour
Helmet usage seems to go between 6-12 hours of continuos use.
Each helmt worn in the REnegade Legion universe has several standard features:

A flash suppresisng visor with a full dispaly inside. Even the flash from a nuclear warhed is shielded form the weaerer.

A sensor that can display terrain in thermographic or motion detection mode, negating the effects of darkness or other limited visibility.

A targeting dispaly for a personal firearm or vehicle weaponry, which can also function as the display for an Expert system. MAny weapons require that they be connected to a combat helmet in order ot function most effectively. If sucha weapon is not hooked into a helmet, subtract 2 form the Firer's Total.

Nuclear/biochemical warning sensors that can seal the helmet (and suit, if attached) air tight for several minuts if such a threat presents itserlf

A personal communication device with a range of 20 kilometers.

Breathing filters.

In addition, both heavy and light helmets worn by squad leaders are equipped with a device that can detect friendly Basic Lifeform Sensors (BLS's) within 300 meters. Other field commanders (usually Optios or higher) have BLS's with a range of over 4 kilometers.
Various neat helmet features, including weapons links, sensors, NBC type protection, and so on. The BLS sensor ranges are interesting.

Currently there are a number of small, lightweight helmets used by supporrt personnel in both the Commonwealth and the TOG. These are typically rated at AF 4, cost about 250, and provide only slight protection for the ears and face.
I'm guessing its like the medical personnel, computer techs, repair crews, etc.
The following suits of armor are standard issue in the military, unless otherwise noted.

All armored suits are watergiht, and each combat suit is equipped with a Basic Lifeform Sensor (BLS). These devices consume little power but communicate with a commanding officer's helmet to display if its wearer is dead, alive, or someplace in between.

In general it takes 5 minutes to put on or take off any of these suits;l however tha ttime can be cut to 2 minutes...


All armored suits are treated with a permanant chemical compound of Bucktesium III. This usbstance, when modified with a Camo-tinter, provides a wide specturm of colros and camouflage. A treated suit can be easily modified for winter, forest, desert or even urban enviroments.

All armored suits are equipped with a "Go to Ground Mode" or GTGM. At a verbal command, at he suit shuts off all medium and high power energy emissions, allowing the trooper to greatly reduce his visibility to energy sensor sweeps.


This system, when engaged, doesn't allow the weaerar to fire a weapon or use any other helmet feature.
Armor features again... they're time consuming to wear but they offer alot of protection. Camouflage and a low-energy/no signature 'stealth' mode are both common,
Light Infantry suit (Garrison issue)
AF by location: Arms 3, upper torso 4, ,lower torso 3, head 6, ,legs 3
Power reserve: 100

This suit is worn by light infantry units or those assigned to garrison duty on relatively safe worlds. It provides ample head and torso protection as well as light armored protection on the arms and legs.
Lightest body armor given. Note that like all armor it is 'powered'

Bounce Infantry suit
AF by location: Arms 4 Upper torso: 12 Lower torso 6 Head 12 Legs 4
Power reserve: 500
Boucne pack

This armored infantry suit is one of the most common currently issued in both TOG and the Commonwealth. It uses the heavy helmet, as well as very storng torso protection. The torso armored plates are interchangable and one can be replaced within 20 seconds (2 combat rounds.
I'm not sure how to take "most common" -we know Garrison legion sare the most common -does this mean most of them are bounce-suit equipped? Seems odd given their purported lack of grav vehicles and such. One would assume the aformentioned "gArrison issue" suit is more common among garrison Legions.

the ability to change armor plates is important too, given that damagned plates will provide less or no protection.
Marine Combat Suit (Combat issue)
AF by location:
Arms: 4
Upper torso: 12
Lower Torso: 6
Head: 12
Legs: 4
Power reserve: 700
Bounce pack

This suit is designed for use by Marines on garrison or standard planet-based duty. It uses the heavy combat helmet, provides ample chest proteciton, and is little difference from the standard bounce infantry suit. However, this suit can store significantly more power, useful for the lasers common to Marine units.
Marine suits just have better batteries.

Tanker combat suit:

AF by location: Arms 4, upper torso: 12 Lower torso 6
Head 12 Legs 2
Power reserve: 50

This armored suit is commonly worn by Grav or ground tank crews. It provides strong head and torso proteciton, wh ile the legs are only minimally armored.

This suit is specially coated with a fire resistnat material to protect tankers from their greatest fear, that of burning in their vehciles.
Makes sense, given the things tankers would face (their torso and head are most likely to appear outside a tank, for example.)
Ranger stealth suit

AF by location: Arms: 2 upper troso: 6 Lower torso 4 Head 12
Legs 2

Power reserve: 300
ECm unit
bounce pack

Ranger Stealth suits are found in limited numbers, and only in the Commonwealth, although TOG ihas begun manufacturing an experimental version of its own design. of Naram design originally, the Commonwealth suit is difficult to find and rarely issued as standard gear for operations.

These systems re equipped with an ECM unit (in the torso plateS) that acts as a jamming system for sensor arrays
Super duper stealth armor, although "jamming" isnt really a form of stealth :)

Space suits provide ample radiation protection and usualyl carry oxygen for several hours of work. These suits are also equipped with ZGME (Zero-G motive equipment) for mvoement in space. Life support (Basically an oxygen supply) requires 1 poitn of power for every 5 or 10 minuts of usage, this pwoer requirement varies from suit to suit.

All space suits are equipped with a layer of semi-liquid emergency sealant that automatically clsoes any small breach. I
Space suits and standard stuff.

Standard space suit:
AF by location: Arms, upper/lower torso, ,LEgs: 3 Head 6
Power reserve: 500
Life support 2 hours,
life support power use 1 per 5 minutes

This is the classic space work suit. While not very bulky, it isnt designed at lal for combat. It only lightly protects the weaera nad is intended for repair or construciton work in space. Power connectors on the suit provide powr to construction and other equipment as needed.
Your basic model. like all RL armor it has its own power supply.
Interceptor Fligth suit (standard issue)
AF location: Arms, LEgs: 2, Upper/lower torso: 6, Head 12
Power reserve: 100
Life support: 30 min
Life support power use: 1 per 5 min.

The flight suit is not only an armored suit, but also a full space suit for limited periods of time. It uses a heavy helmet modified with air intakes from a portable tank buitl into the chest plate. IF a cockpit is breached and air pressure drops or the onboard life support system fails, the helmet's sensor intiiates a full sealing and pressurization of the suit within 3 seconds.

Thge suit also has thin but fully insulated gloves that allow for delicate finger movvements in the cockpit.
Pilot armor, as noted.

Marine Zero G space Suit

AF by location: Arms 4 upper torso 12 lower torso 12 Head 12
legs 4

Power reserve: 600

Life support: 2 hours
Life support power use: 1 per 10 minutes

Both TOG and the Commonwealth make use of the Marine Corps ability to fight in a Zero G vacuum enviroment. This suit, with little variation, is common to both militaries. The Marine Zero G space suit is heavily armored and provides full atmosphere and radiation rpotection for the wearer.
I suppose this qualifies as marine "heavy" armour. I wonder if it would be possible to adapt it to ground use as a "heavy" bounce suit (if such a thing were needed/exists) probably.

One interesting thing about armor of all kinds - its not 'powered' in the traiditonal sense, no strength or sped enhancments, etc.
Navla Fleet suit:
AF by location: Arms 2 upper torso 3 lower torso 2 head 4 legs 2
Power reserve 50
Life support 30 min
Life support power use: 1 per 10 min

This light suit is used by naval fleet personnel on shipboard duty. It is a non combat suit that has the same pressurization system found on Flight Suits.

This suit's lighter helmet has a retractable visor. This helmet has a short range communicator for shipbaord transmissions, but lacks any of the other motion/thermogrgahpic tracking gear found in combat helmets. IT does, however, have a sensor that can detect a loss of pressure. When this occurs, it seals the suit, giving its wearer time to put a heaveir duty suit on over it.
Even naval crews have suits rather than uniforms.
This modifer is listend in parenthesis after the maximum distance (in meters) for that range.
Game mechanics, but this tidbit may prove useful to know as far as determinint range values for the rifles and such.

Laser stiletto: Power per use (Reserve) 1 (10)

The laser stiletto is a small power pack shaped liek the haft of a dagger. On top of this narrow pack si a Gennium-ARsenic crystal which focuses a short laser beam for a range of 6 centimeters. The laser can only be activated for short bursts no longer than 5 seconds. This is done from the control stud built into the haft.

This stiletto consumes one power point each time it is activated. The control stud can be depressed twice quickly (Double clicked) so that the laser beam remains on for a full five seconds. This allows it to stay on when it is thrown.
RL version of lightsabers. It goes without saying that these cannot be real life lasers, since RL lasers would not just "stop" like that. More to the point, given the Gennium-Arsneic magic crystals it probaby means starhip and fighter lasers aren't conventional lasers. Hardly a shock though, since I suspected it might be possible (Those magic crsystals can create X-rays!)

The other interesting bit is that it's not "always on." it is activated/operates for short durations which suggests it loses energy (to the surrounding air) if it isn't in contact with a target. Also interesting is that it can be thrown. This probably has similarities to the hammerhead rounds used in tanks.
The most modern technology provides a lightweight carbonfiber blade and a shock resistant haft (for a short sword
Modern "melee weapons".
Stun staff
: Power per use (reserve) 1 (10)

The stun staff is a short powered rod capable of producing an electric shock on contact.
A taser staff, in other words.
The price listed above is for the carbonfiber verison (of a staff) that elongates from 30 cm to 1.5 meters in length by touching the proper spring-loaded stud
Which really makes me think of Babylon 5 Rangers.
The best spears are carbonfiber reinforcecd shafts with titanum strike heads.
I'm not sur ewhat a "strike head" is (unless its just a fancy way of saying "the part you stab into someone") but it sounds high tech.
This spike-tipped carbonfiber shaft is a weapon with little striking power but a longer range than other thrown weapons [javelin]
Its roman analogue so of course they have javelins.
Laser Pilum:
Power per minut (Reserve): 1 (10)
The laser pilum is a logn haft reinforceed with carbonfiber for strength. The haft contains a small power pack, similar to that in a lesser stiletto.

The top of the pilum has a GEnnium-Arsneic lasing crystal and a focused series of optically corrected lenses, producing a laser energy point that extends 2 centimeters from teh tip of the weapon. The laser porton of the pilum is activated by a control stud in the handle. Each time ti is pressed, teh laser pilum produces a laser point that remains on for 2 minutes time.


An unpowred laser pilum can be used as a spear...
Like the stiletto, just on a longer pole. What would exist if the lightsaber was a spear.
Special forces crossobws are made of a high-strength polymer with a specially fitted micro-tension cordin-unit bow string. The bow accepts a clip of 5 arros w hich also contains a power pack sufficient to drive the automatic recocking mechanism 5 times. This crossbow is equipped with a thermographic scope and is virtually silent in operation.

Normal bolt: this is the normal high strength polymer shaft with a titanium hunting tip.

Explosive bolt: This bolt's shaft is a chemical compound of hardened plastic explosive. The tip holds a micro-contact detonator.

ARsonic Bolt
: This arrow has a tip loaded with two unstable chemical compounds that, when combined on impact, immediately cause high temperature combustion. This arrow is commonly used for setting fires at long range,s where heavilly pwoered weapons are not avialable or practical.

Stun bolt: This arrow shaft is a disposable power pack. The tip of the arrow is rigged to discharge the pack's energy in a single stunning burst. This damage is only temproary; it might knock its target unconscious, but the taget recovers at 1 per minute, regardless.
Even crossbows can be powered in this universe. Which isn't a bad idea in some ways. The ammo variaitons are interesting.
These weapons use caselsess rounds of ammunition fed from a vertically or horizontally mounted clip. They are heavy and cumbersome, and have limited range and practicality. Still many are in use on the more primitive worlds on both sides of the war.

All caseless pistols and SMGs are capable of automatic fire.

Caseless weapons are not electrically powered, therefore they cannot use a painting laser and do not need to tie into complex targeting systems.

"low tech" ewapons in RL are caseless guns, which is pretty neat, although as we've noted in my 40k stuff, caseless isn't all around better than cased ammo. The really interesting bit is that they are explicilty not "electrically powered" since as I recall most modern caseless designs involve electrical ignition systems - how do they pull it off, then?
Westron 12mm Caselss pistol (CW/RL)

Range 30 m (short) 60 (medium) 120 (long)

Ammuition 12

This weapon is manufactured by the Westron armament works in the Commonwealth and is used extensively by the renegade Legions. For the past two ceenturies Westron has been the only firm still making this class of pistol on a commercial basis. The Westorn 12mm has gained popularity over the years as the classic sidearm of the 2nd ACR, as well as many smaller garrison units.
Caseless pistol. Note the 120 m long range. Given that and the automatic fire option its more like a compact SMG or PDW than a pistol. Note the calibre as well - thye go exclusively with high calibre bullets for caseless ammo, which is oppiste of what we do IRL.

Marcus SMG [TOG]
Range: 70 short, 140 medium 200 long
Ammunition: 30

The Marcus class caseless SMG is the only mass-marketed casless weapon found in TOG space. somewhat larger and bulkier than the Westron 12mm, this gun has a longer range and more impact power. Over the years this SMG has managed to become popular with penal units and other legions deprived of proper supplies.
A bulkier SMG. I wonder if they have any rifle variants. Priobably. Again very high caliber, but thats not too surprising for a sMG.
Spike, Slug and Omni weaponry

Each of these weapons types has its individual distinctions, but first the similarities among these guns ar elisted:

They all use the same type of ammunition

They all require power. Each has a power supply built into its stock, but this power reserve is only sufficient to fire a single block. Weapons taht use a combined power pack/poylmer block are available, but these weapons (and blocks) are twice as expensive.

If they are fired without being hooked into a combat helmet or targeting goggles, a -2 is added to the attackers DX. Howevre, the targeting and thermographic equipment normally found in a combt helmet can be built into them increasing cost by 50%.

They re all capable of automatic fire

They can be equipped with a painting laser mounted under the barrel; if not plugged into an external source, it draws off the main weapons power supply. The laser cannot be used simultaneously with the main weapon
Ah the fun weapons. RL gauss/railgun type guns, although they have more in common with Eldar shuriken weapons and Mass Effect small arms. The only other interesting part (which I'll comment on in the relevant section) is that they fire plastic bullets.
Spike weapons

Spike weapons, also known as needle weapons, are a series of pistols carbines and rifles designed for use as anti-personnel weapons. They lack the slug weapons' ability to penetrate heavy vehicular armor. Each shot is actually a short stream of spikes. automatic fire is a more concentrated and prolonged stream.
Basically a hose of low mass/high velocity projectiles, not unlike the ringoverse ACS guns and eldar Shuriken weapons. Real life analogues would be the flechette guns tested like the steyr ACR They resemble a small arm version of fighter/grav tank mass drivers, more or less.

Slug weapons: There are two key differences betwene slug projectors (or "Sluggers", as line trooper srefer to them) and Spiek weapons. Slug weapons can peentrate vehicular armor, makign them useful in anti-vehicular combat. On the other hanmd, slug weapons have an incredible recoil, often making them difficult to wield in combat.

Slug weapons consume power at a much higher level than spike weapons and use up much more polymer per shot. However, even though they are bulky and heavy, many infantry prize them for their penetation power in a firefight.
More similar to "bullet" weapons, although it is mor especifically HMG/AMR grade weaponry in practice. What kinds of "vehicles" it can penetrate isn't specified here. Gauss cannon to the spike weapon's mass driver, in other words.

The really interesting thing is, if they can do armor piercing slugs, why can't they do toher kinds of ammo? Same goes for spikes really. (like doing discs/shurikens, or such.)
OMNI clas rifles are in use exclusively by both TOG and Commonwelath legions. These weapons use the same technology as spike and slug projectors, combining the features of both into a singel system. These guns have the ability to adjust between a shower of spikes and a single armor-piercing slug. This adjustment takes 10 seconds (one combat round.)

Damage, energy consumed, adn effective ranges all depend on which setting is in use.
The really versatile weapons, The interesting part is how they cna apparently change ammo size. One imagines they could even be more variable/selective, but at the cost of greater complexity overall.
Ballistic-grade polymer ammunition

Spike, slug and OMNI weapons all use the same type of polymer block for ammunition, so these blocks are interchangable throughout the entire group of weapons. The material is sliced off length-wise for rifles, width-wise for carbines, and depth-wise for pistols. (This accounts for the varying number of shots that each weapon gets from teh same block.) IT is not uncommon to see infantrymen scouring a battlefield after a fight, ,gathering up leftover blocks.

Spike weapons shave the block into a series of spikes and launch them at hypervelocities. Slug weapons cut the blocks into larger, solid "slugs" before launching them. Omni rifles can swithc back and forth between slug and spike modes.

Ballistic polymer blocks are very lightweight and cost only 5 talents each.

Again they fire plastic bullets. Its an interesting idea, but I'm not really sure how well plastic would work as bullets IRL. Not very well, although there are polymer knives here and here for other references. but a knife isnt a bullet either.

Best guess in universe is that the process is not just plastic but some sot of composite, or its a magical plastic of the same variety like they make stormtrooper armor out of, or like 40K plasteel, or whatever.

Also note that spike arms fire their projectiles at "hyper-velocities" - this implies speeds in excess (in strict definition) of 1.5 km/s if I remember for small arms, but in all probability it means at least several (2-3) km/s, if not higher (possibly several tens of km/s)
Grant Omni Rifle (CW)
Spike setting:
Range 500 short 1500 medium 2700 long
Ammunition 12
Power per shot (reserve) 1(36)

Slug setting:
Range: 700 short 1800 medium 3200 long
Ammunition 12
Power per shot (reserve) 3(36)

The Grant rifle was deisgned after the defection of the Renegade Legions. When replacement part sfor the old Mercury Class wepaons ran out, a Naram team constructed a similar weapon for the CAF. The result is the sleek Grant rifle. It can hold two polymer blocks at one time, extending it suse between reloads (although it then takes 20 seconds-2 rounds- to reload)
Our first look at the neat rifle stats. Note the long ranges.. nearly 3 km no spike setting, and over 2 miles on slug. That's damn impressive considering modern rifle ranges.

What is even more impressive is that they can be accurate out to those ranges, which speaks of some very high muzzle velocitiies (at least as fast, if not faster than modern tank guns, and probably matching the STeyr flechtete weapons which ar ~1.45 km/s)

Mercury Omni Rifle (TOG)
Spike setting:
Range: 450 short 1300 medium 2100 long
Ammunition 10
Power per shot (reserve): 1 (40)

Slug setting:
Range: 600 short 1650 medium 3000 long
Ammuintion: 10
Power per shot (Reserve) 4(40)

The Mercury class OMNI rifle was first introduced into TOG forces 300 years ago and is today's most popular rifle. Its boxy, unimaginative shape is well recognized. It has proven to have many deficiencies, however, including a reportedly high jam rate, and is an overall nightmare to maintain. Still, it is highly prized by the common infantryman of TOG.
Slightly shorter range than the above rifle, but its still damn impressive.
Hantrus Spike Pistol (TOG)
Range: 300 short 600 medium 850 long

Ammunition: 25
Power per shot (reserve) 1 (25)

The Hantrus spike pistol is standard issue in the TOG legions arrayed against the KessRith and the Common welath.
A "pistol" with an effective long range that matches or exceeds many assault rifles.
Divider Spike Carbine (TOG)
Range: 400 short 1100 medium 1500 long
Ammunition 15
Power per shot (reserve) 1 (15)

It is a sleek black carbine and is considered one of the most accurate of these weapons at close range. The Divider has a specially modified hollow stock fitted for carrying two extra polymer blocks.
Carbine spike rifle. Outperforms modern carbine/SMG equilvaents and even some assault rifles in temrs of range and quite probably firepower.

Mantichore Spike Rifle (TOG)
Range: 700 short 1700 Medium 2200 Long

Ammunition: 10
Power per shot (reserve) 1 (10)

.. this gun is the standard issue rifle in the TOG fighting legions. It was poorly designed and often lost power after switching from the painting laser. This deficiency has been resolved, but the system has a bad reputation still among the infantry.
This is a badly designed rifle by RL terms. And it has a 2+ km long range (which is something only heavy AMRs can match, and then only with a good rifleman)
Hornet Spike Pistol (CW)
Range: 200 short 500 medium 900 long
Ammunition 25
Power per shot (reserve) 1( 25)

Manufactured by Artibarmast Industries, thsi weapon is the standard issue of the Commonwealth armed forces. It is a small gray pistol capable of firing a stream of 2mm thick plastic spikes at a rate of over 500 a second.
Againa nother "pistol" with assault rifle ranges. Note the calibre (2mm plastic spikes) and the insane rate of fire of 500 rnd/s.

If we take the 500 r/s figure as literal, it leads to some interesting numbers. The Steyr ACR spikes fired a .65 gram spike at around 1.45 km/s. Momentum is .94 kg*m/s. KE is 683 joules.. for a total of 341.5 kj of KE... but also 470 kg*m/s worth of momentum, which is flat out impossible for anyone to reasonably fire. Since I don't believe in "recoil damping" bullshit tricks, this can't be the case, at least at that rate of fire. shotugn flechettes exist firing a .52 gram projectile at a mere 583 m/s for a "mere" momentum of .3 kg*m/s and a 'mere' 88 kj per flechette. "only" 44 kj of KE, but 150 kg*m/s of momentum. Possible, but still probably too high for anything resembling remotely accurate fire and I'm not sure they would retain velocity or accuracy out to 900m at that speed.

To work the projectile would have to weigh .1 grams at 1500 m/s, or .2 grams at 1000 m/s to be possibly managable, and even then we're talking tow handed assault rifle like handling which means accurate fire is difficult. Momentum would be 75 kg*m/s and 100 kg*m/s respectively, with 56 kj and 50 kj respectively for KE. A comparable sort of weapon recoil-wise would be the ingram MAc-10.

Another possibility is the ROF represents some sort of short range "shotgun/lead hose" mode where you shoot a large number of low powered bullets. Sort of like the American 180

The other alternative is that it represents a "hyperburst" capability - that is, it has a theoreticla high ROF, but only for the purposes of firing highly accurate bursts like the AN-94 or the H&K G11 500 rnds/s comes out to 30,000 rpm, wjhich would suggest the "burst" mode fires some 30-35 needles. Recoil is still pretty damn high for either sort of flechette type but it is managble.

Novel evidence can support any one of those, although the hyperburst mode is most supported. And either way you get a probable KE somewhere in the double digit to triple digit KJ for "pistols." Carbines and rifles more than likely extend into triple digit kj, although higher than a say 500-600 kj is unlikely (megajoules is very unlikely unless we get very hyper-velocity - like tens or hundreds of km/s)
Tektara spike carbine (CW)
Range: 500 short 1000 medium 1800 long
Ammunition: 15
Power per shot (reserve) 1(15)

Tektara is the Baufrin word for "Painful insect sting" and illustrates this CAF spike carbine's reputation. It has a longer barrel than its TOG counterpart, and is very light for transporation purposes. The Tektara is well proven in combat and considered to be the premier of the spike carbines.
Spike carbine with a range of a RL heavy sniper rifle. That's scary.
Raktarus Spike Rifle (CW)
Range: 700 short 1700 medium 2300 long
Ammunition: 10
Power per shot (reserve) 1 (10)

The Raktarus is a modification of a very old weapon originally used during the early years of the Terran Republic. It is old itself and somehwat bulky to use, but it has well-established accuracy and exceptional range, ,explaining why it is still in service with the CAF.
at this point at the end of the spike rilfe entry, I'd like to try doing some generalized calcs. Now we know they're hyper-velocity weapons, but exactly HOW hypervelocity are they? We know the ranges, but how does this bear on velocity? Well for modern weapons (like an aK-47, M16, M14 or similar) there seems to be a usual half second to a second travel time involved for a given range (the more precise the target the shorter the time should be. This roungly means that the velocity shoudl be (at minimum) equal to the long range, to being two or even three times that number. 2-3 km/s seems a good minimum (assuming 2/3 of a second to a second), although 4-6+ km/s is equally possible. 10 km/s or higher is also possible: the needles being plastic probably do not mass very much and would slow down rapidly in the air, so velocity may be needed to compensate over extreme ranges.

If we assume the momentum of the rilfe (eg recoil) is equivalent ot a mdoern weapon (say between 50-100 kg*m/s or so), we can approximate KE values for the rifle. At 2-3 km/s you're looking at between 50-75 and 100-150 kj respectively. AT 4-6 km/s.. you get 100-150 kj and 200-300 kj. Any higher (say 8-10 km/s or higher) is just more multiples really. at 10 km/s you get 400-500 kilojoules. tens of km/s can starte going into the high hundreds of kilojoules, and even start breaking into the megajoule range.

Likely, though, the rifle values will fall closer to the smaller end of the scale - say 100-150 kj or so. Which is still impressive, as it is many times the KE of a modern assault rifle.

Tonitrus Assault Rifle (TOG)
Range: 600 short 1600 medium 2000 long
Ammunition: 6
Power per shot (reserve) 3 (18)

The Tonitrus assault rifle is a large slug projector capable of inflicting heavy damage against both personnel and vehicles. Despite three recoil compensators, this assault rifle is still very heavy and difficult to manage. It is one of the primary infantry-carired anti-vehicular guns employed by the Terran Overlord Government. It is often referred to as "Old Armbuster" by those troops who have to deal wiht its kick.
Implication that "recoil compensators" might help offset weight like Mass effect "mass accelerator" tech, or 40K suspensors. Given bounce packs can serve a simialr role tha tisnt surprising, but I still wouldn't assume it comes standard on all rifles, or that it magically negates excessively high recoil/momentum (EG no HMG-grade spike pistol recoil.)

Also stated as "anti-vehicle" but that doesnt tell us what kind of vehicles. Unlikely to bypass [grav] tanks, unless it fires very heavy ammo and has magic recoil nullification tech,.
Terere Heavy Assault Rifle (TOG)
Range 800 short, 1700 medium, 2700 long
Ammunition: 4
Power per shot(reserve) 4 (16)
The Terere heavy asault rifle is a rifle only in the loosest sense of the word. In reality, it is a shoulder-mounted slug-projecting cannon designed for use against Grav tanks and other heavily armored vehicles. TOG troops erfer to this as a "Kess-Crusher"

I guess this answers the vehicle question. I suppose if deployed from a fixed position and braced it might have some powerful punch iwthout brutal recoil. But you ain't going to be moving the damn thing, I can tell you that.
Nitronic Slug Rifle (CW)
Range: 650 short, 2000 medium 2800 long
ammunition: 8
Power per shot (reserve) 3 (24)

The Nitronic model 1 Assault rifle is the lightweight Commonwealth slug projector. This weapon is the core of the very mobile and effective B'ekkal Assault Legions. The model 1 is very compact in its design and has several strong recoil dampers that help reduce its kick when firing. This gun is also found in many strike elements of the CAF's Naram Special Forces. It is exceptionally accurate at close quarters.
A "lightweight" slug projector which makes it sound like almost a normal assault/battle rifle in function - especially given the "close quarters" use. But it still has low ammo and insanely long range.
Monty Heavy Assault Rifle (CW)
Range: 900 short, 2100 medium 3100 Long
Ammunition: 4
Power per shot (reserve) 4 (16)

The Monty-class Heavy Assault rifle is also known as the Can-kicker" in rebuttal to TOG's Terere (see above) This slug projector is very heavy to move and difficult to fire for any length of time. Moving targets are difficult to track with it in close fighting, and it is preferred for use at long ranges. It does have excellent penetration and range hgowever, and is one of the most advanced anti-vehicular wepaons in the Commonwealth Armed Forces.
Loingest ranged man portable rifle. It's description suggests they aren't meant to be deployed in any mobile fashion, but set up in a fixed position.
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Re: Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by Ahriman238 »

Good stuff. The organizational bits seemed like a repeat of the stuff from Prefect, but then we actually get to see RL infantry.

A question, as someone who mostly only knows Renegade Legion through your analysis threads, what precisely is a bounce pack? From the terminology I'd expect it to be some sort of antigravity harness, but that still leaves a lot of possibilities. Do they use it to moonwalk? Fly? Is it just like a more effective parachute? Or can they reduce their weight to a couple of kilos, tie themselves to a nearby grav tank and let it tow them?
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Re: Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by Ford Prefect »

'Polymer' doesn't necessarily mean 'plastic'.
What is Project Zohar?

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Re: Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by paladin »

How does their rank structure break down? (enlisted ranks, officer ranks, etc.)
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Re: Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Ahriman238 wrote:A question, as someone who mostly only knows Renegade Legion through your analysis threads, what precisely is a bounce pack? From the terminology I'd expect it to be some sort of antigravity harness, but that still leaves a lot of possibilities. Do they use it to moonwalk? Fly? Is it just like a more effective parachute? Or can they reduce their weight to a couple of kilos, tie themselves to a nearby grav tank and let it tow them?
Think of it as being something like a 40K grav chute, except that it allows you to move more like a jump pack. Basically it enhances movement so that each step you take carries you farther than it otherwise might.

Ford Prefect wrote:'Polymer' doesn't necessarily mean 'plastic'.
No, it doesn't, but they actually do use the word "plastic" in reference to the spikes at least once. I'm choosing to ignore that though and assume polymer is something else (and less insane than plastic.) It might just be called plastic.
paladin wrote:How does their rank structure break down? (enlisted ranks, officer ranks, etc.)
TOG and RL Navy is

enlisted: Naftis Junior Grade, Naftis, Dipos, Keleustes Junior Grade, Keleustes

Officer: Archikeleustes, Plutarchos Junior Grade, Plutarchos, Navarchos, Commodor, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Admiral Grand Admiral

The above covers Fleet, Smal craft, Technical, but not marines, whos eranks follow more along the lines of the TOG/RL LEgions. I'm guessing the one before the line is Navy, the latter is aerospace.

CW Royal Navy and Aeropsace Corps (Fleet, small craft, Tech suppport, Marine Corps have their own separate ranking)

Enlisted: Ordinary Seaman/Aerocraftman, Able Seaman/Leading Aerocraftman, Lead Rating/Corporal, Petty Officer/Sergeant, Chief Petty Officer/Flight Sergeant, Warrant Officer (applies to both sides)

Officer: Sub-lieutenant/Pilot Officer, Lieutenant/Flying Officer, Lt Commander/Flying Lieutenant, Commander/Squadron Leader, Captain/Wing Commander, Commodore 2nd Class/Group Commander, Commodore 1st Class/Aero Commander, Rear Admiral/aero commander, Vice Admiral/Vice aero Marshal, Admiral/Aero Marshal, Admiral of the fleet/Chief AEro Marhsal, Grand Admiral/Grand Marshal, Sky Admiral/Sky Marshal

TOG Legions (Combat and TEchnical support), Tog Marines, and RL Combat arms/technical support and MArines:

Enlisted: Trianti, Principes, Mastati, Sergeant

Officer: Opito, Centurion, Centurion Maximus, Legatus, Legatus MAximus, Prefect of the Legion, Brigadier General, Major General, Lt General, General Grand General

CW Armed Forces (combat and Technical arms)

Enlisted: Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Staff Sergeant Major, Warrant

Officer: 2nd Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lt Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier, Major General, Lt General, General, Field Marshal, Grand Marshal

CW Navy - Marine Corps

Enlisted: Marine, Lance Corporal, Corproal, Color Sergeant, Quartermaster Sergeant, Warrant Officer

Officer: 2nd Lt, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lt Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier, Major General, Lt General, General, Grand MArshal.

They also have Intel ranks, but no names are given.

I pulled all this from the Legionnaire book, the only one I had on hand.
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Re: Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Throwing in a short RL: Legionnaire update. two more to go roughly
In combat, ,there are a number of explosive devices that can come into play. They range from grenades (launched and/or thrown) to anti personnel mines and even utility explosives.
RL uses both hand and fired grenades.

C34 plastic explosive

C34 is a very stable plastic explosive that is applied in 50 gram stickletts. It is waterproof, impact proof and even reisstant to electrical shocks. It can only be set off by a very specific light/sound pulse.

C34 does 12 points of damage at ground zero (a 1 meter radius circle) for each 50 grram sticklett.


Detonators for C34 (about 2 centimeters across) are applied directly to the sticklett. The deivce can be rigged for timed detonation (up to 48 hour delay) or can be set with a trip wire or remote control devicee. When activated, it sends a short pusle of light (at C34's vulnerable spectrum) into the translucent stick, momentarily priming the charge. The light is immediately followed by a sound pulse which detonates the plastic. If the light is not immediately followed by the sound, the priming lapses. The detonator is programmed by a Det-Kit.
High tech plastic explosive, but its still chemical explosive. Probablhy
Grenades in the current conflict betwene TOG and the commonwealth/renegade Legion are small circular devices. The outer casign is made of durable plastic that fragments into sharp shards in the explosion. The inner explosive is coated in a dimpled layer of lightweight alloy that also separates on impact.
not mcuh different in principle from RL hand grenades, except in shape, and the fact you can create armor piercing sharp shards.

the smoke released [from the smoke grenades] effectively refleccts most of the electromagnetic spectrum.


This cloud will block all sighting attmepts by any tpye of sensor: visual, thermographic, radar, etc.
Much like 40K Blind grenades, which is damn cool IMHO.

Anthony-class Grenade launcher (T)OG)
Range: 100 short 200 medium 500 long

Power per shot (Reserve) 2 (8)

The anthony class Grenade launcher can be side-mounted on a spike rifle or slug projector. IT can also be triggered by hand. In either case, it consists of a specially packaged cylinder of 4 grenades that can be fired individually or all at once as automatic fire.

This launcher is disposable and cannot be reloaded after discharging the four grenades. If rifle-mounted, it is removed and replaced with a new, loaded tube. Replacement takes 30 seconds.
WEapon mounted grenade launcher.
Douglas Grenade launcher (CW)
Range: 90 short 100 medium 200 long
Power per shot (Reserve) 2 (8)

Like it's TOG Equivalent, the Douglass class gerenade launcher can be stock mounted or handheld. It has a shorter range than the TOG equivalent, but significantly better accuracy at close qruaters.

The Douglas launcher can easily be field stripped and refitted for reuse, unlike the TOG launch mechanism. The Douglass is seen by many infantry as a solution to the age old difficulty of small explosives - how to get them to the enemy wthout getting too close to get kileld yourself.
RL/CW equilvaent of the mounted grenade launcher.

Mine scan be rigged for timed or remote cointrol detonation, either of which requires the use of a Det Kit. They can also be rigged to go off when pressure is applied, or when a GRav or magnetic field passes over them.
Ways to trigger mines.

Mortars come in two parts: A base unit containing a power pack and fire control, and a clip of four rounds, already in a launch tube. The rounds are electromagnetically launched from their tubes either individually or in an automatic fire volley. A mortar can be fired at a line of sight target or an unseen target designated by a friendly painting laser.

AT arrival the round discharges up to 30 "bombelts" THese devices streak down to the target, exploding on impact. All discharge a hard alloy tip on impact that can create havoc with grav tanks an dinfantry personnel alike.

Moratars are very heavy devicees, cumbersome ot carry while fighting for your life, making them unpopular with light, mobile troops. Normally a squad manuvers with two base units (each carried by a single man) and have the other six men in the squad carry one clip of roudns along with their personal weapons.
Mortar rounds and their ammo. This is the kind used by bounce troops, and like all RL weapons is an EM/grav accelerated one.

OShaka mortar (CW)

Range: 500 short 2200 medium 4000 long
Power per shot (reserve) 4 (32)
ammunition 4

It is interesting to note that his mortar has sufficient power reserve to fire off two complete clips, rather than just one.
Mortars only have a slight range advantage over the firearms.
Range: 200 short 600 medium 1200 long

TVLG is the truncated acronym for "Tub eor Vertically launched laser guided missile" Both the Commonwealth and TOG use TVLGs in combat. This is not the standard vehicle-mounted version but an infantry-carried version, though both do identical daamge. Normalyl a squad of eight has four of this missiles available to it, one soldier to fire each one and a partner to designate the taret with a painting laser.


This single missile - a slightly modified hammerhead round - is packed in a disposable tube for firing. It is the primary anti-vehicular weapon used by infantry troops, due to its light weight, ease of use, and devastating penetration capability.

The infantry- carried version can only be fired at line-of-sight targets. Sincec its immense power is wasted on the few infantryman it can affect with a singel round, it is more commonly used against vehicles. IT takes 10 seconds (1 combat round) to accuratle yactivate and aim theis weapon.
Rather curious that TVLGs have such short ranges whether they are man portable or vehicle mounted. You'd think a missile would out-range a tank. Not ethe hammerhead round, which is a ke -impact "pumped" x-ray laser.
Lasers use Gennium Arsenic laser crystal mounted to a power supply, usually an armored combat suit or external power pack. The GA crystal focuses the energy into a short burst of deadly firepower.

Lasers as firearms have been available for centuries, but they are still very expensive and consume a great deal of power. On the other hand there is no recoil when firing these weapons, making them a classic space Marine sidearm.

Laser pistols and rifles are equipped for double duty as painting lasers. They have comm-units and can relay shield information automatically when set to paint. (They cannot fire normally while painting)

Additionally, military issue laser weapons come with couplings which allow them to integrate into the targeting and night vision systems in the helmets of all combat suits. If these weapons are fired withotu being hooked into a combat helmet or targeting gogles, modify the attacker's total by -2

Laser crystals can oly endure short bursts of fire or they overheat and crack, becoming worthless. Thefore, all standard issue laser firearms have governors which only allow single shots (or the rapid burst so f uatomatic fire) The average crystal can withstand over 3000 shots before it is so weakened that it must be replaced as part of general maintenance.
Other than the magic crystals and the firing endurance, we aren't told a great deal about lasers that helps us. The "short burst of deadly firepower" might imply mechanical damage effects, but its hard to say. We do know they have (effectively) no recoil, which limits how much firepower they can put out - single digit MW at best (without strecthing things too much) but it could be even less than that - triple digit KWs would serve most of teh explanations, especially if it operates like a pulsed-laser "blaster" type of the sort Luke Campbell favors.

It's also implied all lasers are semi-automatic by design but may fire in short bursts.

Lastly note the painting function and shield piercing properties. It's not just regular lasers that can do that. It also implies that, if you have any sort of targeting/painting laser that provides telemetry or other kind of firing data, it can probably be duplicated.

K-burner laser pistol (TOG)
Range: 60 short 200 medium, 500 long
Power per shot (Reserve) 1 (10)

The K-burner, short for KessRith burner, has bene the stnadard TOG marine pistol for several centuries. This weapon has a long barrel and a menacing appearance.
A laser pistol with a 500 m range.
Akley laser rifle (TOG)
Range: 350 short, 1000 medium 1500 long
Power per shot (reserve) 2 (40)
Manufactured by the Jankowski Armaments small products division, the Akley replaces the older Gilmore class laser rifle. This is the standard weapon of the TOG Marine in combat and there are millions of them in use throughout civilized space. The Akley is known for its ease of use and its special laser stiletto/bayonet mount (which double the cost of the rifle (stillet included) and can be triggered frfom the rifle's stock)
they can use bayonets.. but like the weapon itself it is a "laser". Considering marines are employed in close-quarters ship to ship action this probably isn't a bad idea, although I wonder why it has to be a separate mount rather than a modification of the weapon itself. Can't they just adjust the firing mode of the laser?

The other interesting thing is that the rifle apparently consumes more power than a spike rifle (but less than a slug rifle. We dont know slug rifle performance, but we have some idea about spikes, suggesting that lasers "per shot" are in the triple digit kj range as well (several tiems more energy than the spiek rifles anyhow.)
Protector LAser Pistol
Range: 50 short 200 medium 450 long
Power per shot (reserve) 1 (15)

The Protector Class laser pistol is a common sidearm in the commonwealth armed forces. While it lacks some of the range of the equivalent TOG weapon, it is lighter and carries several more shots worth of reserve power - often the difference between life and death for a Marine or infantry trooper
Not much to say about the weapon, slightly shorter range (although still instane for a pistol) and lsightly greater ammo capacity.
Sabre-cut laser rifle (CW)
Range: 500 short 1200 medium 1900 long
The Sabre-cut laser rifle replaces the much older Baurfin-designed Sly Class rifle used by the Commonwealth marine corps. Over the psat 50 yeaers this weapon has become the standard for Marine sand has proven to have al ogner range than its TOG counterpart. The Sabre-Cut is easily recognized by its massive stock and bulky power attachment gear.
nearly 2 km range for the laser rifle, which is pretty damn useful.

Bounce Pack
Power use: 6 per minute (1 per round)
Reseve (if not part of a suit): 300

bounce packs are anti-gravity devices worn on the back of infantry troops. When activated via a link to the voice command unit of an armored combat suit, a pakc negates the soldier's weight, allowing him to move more quickly and carry a heavier load. The pack also has a governor on it to insure hat the soldier does not exceed 36 kph; speeds higher than that could easily result in the soldier inrjurying himself since his mass and inertia havent changed. This governor also hallows bounce troops to deploy from grav vehicles flying at high speeds ad altitudes. When traveling faster than 36 kph, the grav vehicle must be at least 20 meters bove the ground when the trooper deploys.

The advantage of a pack is that it negates the gravity of the weaer and his equipment. Thus infantry can carry large weapons and quantities of supplies for short periods of time without tiring. A bounce pack can negate 200 kilograms of mass at 1 gravity, though bulk is still a problem. In addition, a pack triples the land speed of anyone using it.

Bounce packs can recharge at a rate of 120 points per minute (20 per round) when connected to another power supply. Their power reserve can also be used to recharge other items.

* when jumping, it also costs 5 power points for each 5kph that the vehicle is travelling.
Bounce packs. They serve two essnetial functions. The first and most obvious is to enhance mobility in the sort of combat Renegade Legion has. 36 kph is a crawl compared to most speeds vehicles and such move at, but its damn fast in real life terms - its easily car speeds.. but its as fast as the fastest human runners can go. Bear in mind that the speed limit is not the top speed the pack can move at, but rather a "safety limit" to prevent injury. One imagines that given the right training, circumstances, or whatever they could exceed that speed, but that it is not commonly safe to do so.

The second is to enhance carrying capacity. It negates "gravity" allowing the soldier to carry hundreds of pounds worth of extra gear. Which is not trivial, when you consider how heavily weighed down modern soldiery is. It's also rather a different approach to the issue (as opposed to strength-enhancing power armor) - a more magical one, perhaps, but I kinda like it. It suits the setting.

Power use is game mechanics, but if we tried calcing it the basic power draw is 50 minutes worth (300 units/6 per minute). A suit that can travel at 36 kph (governed top speed in 1 g enviroment) and carry 200 kg (plus armored trooper, it is assmumed, call it another 50-100 kg or so) is a good 12.5-15 kilojoules each second. Due to game mechanics I do ont think we can actually scale power draws relative to different devices, but if we did this might provide another benchmark for weaponry (at least, a lower limit on such, disregaridng various factors like efficiency, higher gravitational fields or ungoverned bounce speeds, and whatnot. Centurion hints, for example that 60 km/hr speeds are possible, but highly dangerous for the infantryman. It also only assumes acceleration but not slowdown, both of hwich will consume energy.)

Also the "tripling land speed" ting suggests normal speed for troops without the bounce pack is 12 kph
Power use (Reserve): 1 per 10 minutes (15)

The Camo-tinter is a light generating device about five centimeters on a side. It has a sensor device that keys into the color patterns of surrounding terrain, and projects a trigger light out from the front of the tinter. If any armored combat suit is within halfa meter of the light, the suit adjusts its color pattern chemically to fit that of the sensor's input.


Thus in winter troops hold up a Camo-tinter, taking in the whites and grays of the snow. Then they turn it on, pasing it over their combat suits. This device chemically alters the color pattern on the exterior of the armor, turning it into a pattern of whites and light grays.

It takes 5 minutes to completely tint a suit. Usually one tinter is assigned to a Company/Century sized unit.
It's not quite as impressive as sci fi uniforms/armour that automatically adapts to surroundings (such as 40K cameleoline) but it is an interesting (possibly cost effective) means in the field.
Power use (reserve) 1 per 5 min (25)
A Det-Kit is about 6x12x4 centimeters large. It is designed to rig and set explosive devicecs. It allows its operator to set detonators and control their explosions. Furthermore, a Det-Kit analyzes the combat frequenices being used in the immediate vicinity and selects detonation frequencies not currenlty in use, so that the explosives will not be triggered accidentally.

A Det-Kit includes 30 detonator disks. These are fed into a small slot, and with the appropriate Demolitions skill roll, are programmed for timed, remotely, triggered or booby-trapped detonation. (possible Booby Trap triggers include motion sensors, or even detection of a specific motion.

Each Det-kit has a very small communication system with a 5 kilmoeter range. Up to 10 charges can be rigged to detonate via the switch.circuits on the system.
I'm not sure if this has any specific/direct military use, but it sounds damn impressive.

Each [disgusie] kit includes a wide range of chemical makeups, dyes, and tints, all for changing a person's apperance. More advanced kits (those with higher ratings) include hypodermics and drugs to relax muscles for reshaping and realigning, common in facial restructuring.
I bet this is quite useful when it comes to spying and espionage activities. I think it also might say something about their medical technologies.
Drop pod:

Power usedin landing: 700 + (100x planets gravity + 1 per minute)
Power reserve: 1000
Life s upport 60 minutes

Drop pods are often used in military operations to place troops in a specific area. Both Marine and strike units use drop pods to drop individual trooper sfrom low orbit onto a planet.

Each drop pod is roughly egg shaped and made of materials that are very difficult to detect. It is 5 meters tall and 3.5 meters in daimeter. It can carry one fully equipped combat soldier from orbit ot planet-size, taking about 15 mnutes to do so.

Pods can be recharged in the same mmanner as all other military equipment. Likewise, all drop pods ahave four power adatpors on the exterrior for infantry to link-up once landed.
They have a 60 minute air supply for the occupant. each one can carry 450 kilograms of materiel and supplies.


In addition to these common pods, tehre are also pods for inserting and retrieving agents. These pods have triple the normal power reserve, ,sufficent life support to allow a person to spend up to three days in one, and anti-grav lift capabiitiles that cna push the pod to a suborbital trajectory in gravity wells up to 1.75 Earth normal.

Drop pods can be preprogrammed to land at specific coordinaes or manuall guided in. Another rather useful device which is in line with the general "mobility and rapid strike" philosohpy of RL universe ground combat, although unlike 40K drop pods these re all single use. The "multi use" ones are interesting as miniature starships/escape pod type thingies.

Again we can derive a "power unit" figure in joules, although it is dependent upon game mechanics and those may very well be abstracted. Given the dimensions/shape and assuming an average desity of 200-300 kg*m^3 we get a mass of between 7-10 tonnes for a drop pod. IT can make orbit to ground in 15 minues, which if we assume a low orbit of 2200 km we get ~9000 kph (2.5 km/s). This is a bit slower than shuttle reentry speeds (around Mach 25 or 8-9 km/s) For a relatively straight-line reentry I'd assume a much higher velocity (10-20 km/s probalby, more like a meteor.) For the sake of simplicity I'll use 2.5 km/s and 25 km/s and assume it probably falls somewhere in that range.

For a 7 ton pod at 2.5 km/s, the KE involved over the descent is 21.9 GJ. For 10 tons at 25 km/s we have 3.1 TJ. Over 15 minutes this works out to an average power usage of 24.4 MW and 3.44 GW respectively. Per "unit" power depends on power used (at least 800 units for 1 g planet, but less than 1000 units) but even then we're well into the megajoue per unit range at least, if not gigajoule. That's rather excessive and highly unlikely to scale towards other devices (EG weapons are not going to be pumping out megajoules or gigajoules, especially not the spike rifles!)

If we scale power units relative to the sustained power output it is more appropriate (it gets to the double digit kj range, although the 3.4 GW output still gives single digit megajoule.) but it is unlikely that this is the correct context. All in all it's still better to treat "power usage" as an abstraction.
ECM jamming device
Power use (reserve) 1 per minute (20)
Range 200 meters

This device is a small box usually worn by a platoon commander on his equipment belt. It has several control knobs nd is used to jam the enemy's energy based sensors locally. It can also scramble opposing communications.
Portable jammer. The range ironically matches the "hex" of a Centurion map, which is the rough dispersion of a a bounce infantry squad of eight. Useful device, and I expect it helps make targeting more difficult.
Forgery Kit
Power use (reserve) 1 per minut (70)

This small, box like device is a portable kit for the manufacture of fasle documents and identification. It is highly sophisticated, having th abiiltiy to capture photogrpahic images and transfer them onto a variety of documentation. with it, signatures can be duplicated, and fales letterhead and scan cards can be manufactured on the spot.


It is a simple system to operate, but requires a variety of input frm the operator including samples of similar materials, magna-codes for scanners, et.c Often, gathering these samples is more difficult than creating the actual forged document.
Another highly interesting and useful device, and probably indicative of what their fabircation technology can accomplish in terms of variety. It certainly suggests automated fabrication exists, at least in some ways.
Grav Stretcher
Power use: (Reserve): 1 per minute (50)
A grav stretcher consists of two telescoping rods linked to grav lift devicecs. Between the two rods is a lightweight but durable cloth material. The complete assembly has limited potential and can do little more than hold a fullyy quipped person one meter off the ground.
Another interesting use of grav tech.

Grav transport platform:
Power use: 1 per minute (100)

A grav platform is a lieghtweight metallic platofrm that has small Marshman field genertor and power supply built into it. Its size is 2x4 meters. It can lift a total of 1000 kilos, up to half a meter off the ground. Once activated, this load can be easily be pushed and maneuvered by hand (although inertia can still be a rpbolem) there is no propuslion system on the platform.

This device is commonly used for moving large quantities of gear, supplies, and in some cases, even personnel. It has governors which prevent it from traveling faster than 36 kph
The governors must provide a braking influence to prevent it from exceeding the given speed, but that really doesnt tell us much. It can at least hold 1000 kg half a metre in the air, and presumably can provide a braking force of at least 1 m/s... so we could figure 500-1000 Watt power output, Since it uses 1 unit per minute (60 seocnds) we have a power output of 30-60 kw per power point.
Ground sensors:
Power use (reserve) 1 per 5 minutes (20)
Range 100 meters x rating
Rating: 1-10

Ground sensors are used to remotely monitor areas. They are noirmally limited to line of site detection - motion, ,visuals, multibands and spectrums. They employ a laser/radar mapping system, constantly mapping terrain and feeding an expert system which looks for enemy profiles.
Interesting look at their sensor tech, probably applies to other vehicles and such. It goes to show some of the neat gear they use in warfare though.

Power (reserve) 1 per 10 minutes (15)
A holotarp is a reflective cloth device powered form a small control pack the size of a flashlight. When activated, this system refracts light from the surrounding terrain, effectivley becoming camouflage for anyone unde the tarp.

Holotarps measure 4x4 meters square. They are packaged in brick like blocks sealed in plastic. They are water resistant and effective even in full daylight. Sensor sweeps are able to detect the power source on holotarps, but often cannot visually lock on the target.
Another form of concealment, along with the camo devices and the rarer stealth suits. Probably complements jamming systems quite nicely. The really interesting thing I find about this is it is some sort of "powered" light reflection system, suggesting some sort of exotic material or forcefield effect. Such might have other (defensive?) applications (a thicker/heavier/more powerufl sort of 'tarp' might reflect lasers.

Listening Device
Range: 100 meters
Power use: 1 per minute (30 reserve)
This device is only the size of a large pocket calculator, but is very important in surveillance operations. It is designed to monitor forms of communication including electronic transmissions, magnetic data transfer, and even voice communication.
Interesting toy.


Power use (reserve): 1 per use (30)

A Medikit is a small, hard-covered case fileld with the tools of a MedTech's trade. These kits contain several dozen drugs and painkillers, as well as sterilization sprays and hypo-guns for adminsitering the agents. Each is outfitted with an Expert System adaptor and menu screen.

Most medkits also have monitors which realy a patient's vital signs to the screen. A single medikit can mnoitor up to five patients at any one time.

Each medikit contains two small limb, two large limb, and three torso boosters, each with the same rating as that of the kit.
Your typical high tech, futuristic computerized medical kit.
Night vision goggles

Power use: (reserve): ! per 5 min (20)

Night vision goggles are for use in situations where combat helmets might not be practical, such as an espionage raid. These goggles are outfitted with sensor sweeping gear and enhanced displays. Functioning very similarly to a targeting/nightvision sight, they replace the sensors in a combat helmet, negating non-guidance and darkness penalites.
Self explanatory.
Painting laser:
Range 400 short 800 medium 1200 long
Power per shot (reserve) 1 (10)

A painting laser has two components: one the laser itself, the other a comm unit. A painting laser does no damage, being used to designate targets for mortar and other fire. When it strikes a shield it can red the flicker rate and transmit that information to other units, effectively negating the shield's modifier for other immediat attacks against the vehicle (after a few seconds, the targeted vehicle will have perceived the painting and adjust the flicker rate.)
Again, largely self explanatory. We see againt hat flicker rates can be adjusted in some odd way to make "ignoring" shields difficult. How they vary it is hard to say, since there is a limit to how many times they can be on/off" for a second, unless they play around with the durations of how long a shield is on or off or osmething.
P-comm communicator
Power use (reserve) 1 per minute (75)
Range: 1 light month

This device is oval and about 35 centimeter slong. It is a small Phase polarization communciation transmitting and receiving unit. While this version has a comparatively limited range when matched against those of a capital ship or installation, it is very popular with grgound military units and intelligence operativesa like.


This system is durable, and can communicate within a star system easily enough for troops to signal for help, or for operative sto relay information to waiting courier ships. Line of sight isn't required to use it.
The implications for the cost and minaturization of ftl comms devices is, for me, amazing. For example, remote, FTL/realtime control of robotic/automated objects: Probes, missiles, remote control combat drones, robots of various kinds, and so on. Indeed its rather surprising/amazing that this sort of potential has NOT been exploited, as it could greatly extend the the offensive range of starships (via missiles or guided projectiles or whatnot) nevermind extending sensor ranges and general intel.

Note the one light-month FTL range for such a compact device - If I did the math right (20,000 LY/month transmission speed) it comes out to a lag time of several minutes one way.
The Perscomp is a standard travelling device used by anyone who ever jumps in T-space. It is a wafer-thin band worn around the wrist which indicate sthe amount of Shimmer-tau that a person has accumualted, as well as serving as a diary, notebook, and appointment calander. All of these are addressed through a small readout on the band.

Most military-issue PersComps tie directly into the ship's computer system and issue a warning to the bridge if the present course settings would over-expose anyone onboard to Shimmer-Tau.
Not really a "computer" in teh truest sense, it is an information storage device rather interesting for its apparently compact and wearable size. That does say something about the technology, methinks.
Power use (Reserve): 1 per 5 minutes (20)
Range 10 kilometerx rating
Rating: 1-10
Personal communicators are lightweight affairs capable of transmitting voice communications over long distance. High-rated communicators can be difficult to jam or intercept
Non-FTL comms have some pretty cool ranges too, 10-100 km.
Power Packs:
Small: power: 50
Medium: power: 100
Large Power 200

One of the most common items carried by infantry troopers is a bakcup power pack. It is usually worn in a belt compartment outside of an armored combat suit. Most packs are about 2 centimeters th ick; they range in size from about three centimeters square (small) to about 15 cecntimeter square (large) While their weight is negligible, their purpose in combat is not.

Each of these can be plugged into an armored combat suit or attached to any weapon ro devicee that has a power adaptor plug (which includes every piece of powered military gear) Plugging any item requires 10 seconds (1 combt round). In that time the time can be set eithe rto drain power out of the pack and into the item (at one point per second) or to operate directly off the pack.
Atomic rockets gives energy density per cubic centimeter of around 1-1.25 KJ/cc. this website goes roughly comparable. It is worth noting they list the Lithium Thionyl Chlorid batteries which are close to 4 kj per cc, but are a special use battery differnet from normla. Within recent years there are talk of purpored "nanowire" batteries with 10x greater energy storage, but I dont think that has been more than supposition. For the sake of argument assume between 1-10 kj/cc since its a back of the envelope calc anyways.

Small batteries are 18 cc and large are 450 cc. Power storage thus ranges from 18-180 kj for small, and 450 kj to 4.5 MJ for "large". Small batteries give a power "per point" rating of 360-3600 J per point, while the "large" range from 2,260 to 22,600 J per point. Again there seems to be a potential "compatability, but its still game mechanics and thus still suspect.

Targeting vision/Night vision set:

Power use: 1 per 5 minutes (20)
This systme is essentially a sensor box and dispaly that is mounted on a weapon. Functioning very similarily to night vision goggles, it replaces the sensors in a combat helmet, negating non-guidance and darkness penalties. This lightweight box can draw power fom the gun or from any other extenral source. It provides excellent visual sighting for distance sup to normal daytime visual ranges.
A really high tech gun sight really.
Zero G motive equipment (ZGME)
Power use: 1 per 2 minutes)

Zero G motive equipment is a combination of jets and compensators which allows a character in zero-G (or micro-G ) to manuever as though walking or swimming on a planet, giving its user SP 12. It is not useable outside of zer oor micro-g enviroments. It is quite bulky (50 kilograms)
Later on in the book it notes:
Characters using Zero-G motive equipemnt can move no faster than 12 metres per round.
A round is around 10 seocnds, which suggests a top "speed" of 1 M/s at most. Go figure.
Ground vehicles operate off standard internal power cells. Like other equipment, they use power and must recharge it. These cars are enviromentally clean, make little noise, and often are very fast and power efficient.


Maximum speeds listed are for off-road travel. Double the listed maximum for road travel.
They must have significantly better battery tech than us if they made electric cars practical. Also the idea thea ttheir "on road" speeds are greater than the already high off road ones is.. frightening.
Epica [tog]
Power use (reserve) 1 per km (2000)
Occupants 4
Max speed: 140 kph

It is manufactured with government subsidies and is thus found in large numbers on almost all TOG occupied worlds.

This four-wheeled vehicles has been standard for over 30 years...
Standard wheeled vehicle can go nearly 300 kph. Compare this with [url= ... p-10-list/]some of the fastest cars in the world[/url, and frankly I'm impressed. The 2000 km range is also impressive considering 1000 km range would be good for a normal car, nevermind one of these superfast cars.
Astral [CW]
Power use (reserve) 1 per kilometer (2000)
Occupants: 5
Max speed: 120 kph
The AStral is a large three-wheeled grround car capable of accepting a small cargo container or additional seating.
Slightly slower, but still damned impressive.
The creation of the Marshman drive has caused a boom in the use of Grav vehicles commerically. Faster, sleeker and more powerful than ground transport, these cars operate in the same manner, using a battery cell as a core for power to lift the vheicle. THese cars cannot hover more than 5 meters off of the surface however, due to power restraints.

generally speaking, only people wihth high incomes can afford Grav Vehicles. Grav limos are very common but Grav vehicles are relatively rare.

Also listed in this section are several sliders, comparable to a two-wheeled ground vehicle.
Rich folk have grav vehicles.
Famius (TOG)
Power use (reserve) 2 per km (3000)
occupants 5
Max speeD: 200 kph.
Actually its cool for cars, but less impressive compared to their ground vehilces. I wonder how relevant this is go grav tanks as far as range and performance goes.
Hathaway (CW)
Power use (reserve) 2 per kilometer (2500)
Occupants 5
Max speed: 250 kph

Almost all Hathaways are equipped with an extre emergency power pack that stores 100 power points in case of failure of the main reserve.
I like the redundancy, although again it speaks of some impressive battery tech to pull this off
Stallion Slider [TOG]
Power use (reserve) 1 per 2 km (1000)
occupants 2
Max Speed 300 kph
Now we're talking better speeds.
Vonda Slider (CW)
Power use(reserve) 1 per 2 km (1500)
Occupants: 2
MAx speed: 310 kph

Self explanatory.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And then I changed my mind. I want over with Legionnaire. I have lots of little things to cover and get out in the open. So Part 1 of the final update...

The TErran Overlord Government has many strict regulatiosn on the arming of commercial vessels, though these laws are relaxed in counties that are currently on the front lines.

The Commonwealth has a Merchant Marine service which allows civilians to equip their vessels with the weapons an dfirepower to protect themselves.

The Merchant cartel's small commercial freighters are essentially heavily armed patrol class sh ips tha tcna carry cargo.[/quote]

Some freighters and transports of varying sizes are armed. Note that this does not neccesarily mean capital ship weapons, since some such vessels are Corvette scale.
The Tramp class (commercial freighter) whcih has been in use for over two centuries, has not seen any new ships commissioned in over two decades, but there are literally hundreds of thousands of these vessels still in operation.
"hundreds of thousands" of merely one class of freighter. Though to be honest when TOG's navy has 3 billion freighters already this isnt surprising.
The [combat] sled is actually a small marshman grav drive platform armed with a single laser cannon.
The entire platform can hover off the ground as high as 3 meters when in operation.


It takes 10 minutes to break down a sled, and 15 to assemble it.
This, along with that aformenetioned transport platform, comprise two technologies that tell us how miniaturized Marshman grav drives can get. It also tells us that there are probably any number of combat vehicles aside from Grav tanks and APCs built on a marshman drive (for scout or other purposes.) Although the fact they make civilian cars on them is a good indicator fo that all its own.
Loren Marine Combat sled (CW)
Max speed: 50 kph
Power use (1 for every 5 km)
Power reserve 750
Occupants 2

Loren 3/6 lase cannon:
Range: 750 short, 1500 medium 2000 long
Power per shot (10)
The aforementioned sled. Seems to have some sort of modest laser.. I dont remember the ratings so I can't tell offhand how this matches up.
Stikes Marine Combat Sled)
MAx speed: 45 kph
Power use: 1 for every 5 kilometers
Power reserve: 800
Occupants 2
Stikes 3/6 laser cannon
Range: 800 short 1400 medium 2400 long
Power per shot: 10
The Marines have their own version too.

Side note: What follows after thisare fighter stats. Having done this in intercecptor, most of this is repetitive, and I won't repeat most of it.

Ground crews can quickly exchang the NPCs (penetrator) for missiles and install a module compensator. In this configuration, the Penetrator is capable of 9 Gs of thrust while still carrying an impressive punch.
This just goes to show how performance figures are not absolute, but can be modified depending on circumstances (Eg thrust/accel is not absolutely fixed, and the Penetrator can be configured to carry missiles)

The interesting thing in all this is stripping out the Neutron Particle cannons from the Penetrator gives the ship 2 extra gees of acceleration. That should put the firepower of the guns well into the high Gigajoule/low terajoule range per shot, bearing in mind the oft-dangerous premise of playing with game potential game mechanics here.
The Prototype Petal had two 7.5/6 lasers in place of the MDC 8s, and tiny 1.51 lasers instead of the current hard points . This weapons mix resulted in a 4 g acceleration for the ship.
Again changing the weapons configuration on the ship alters firepower and acceleration performance. In this case a 1 gee decrease in trading one weapon set for another

All combat takes place in 10 second combat rounds.
Self explanatory.
Unless otherwise noted in the equipment section, all powered ranged weapons (I.e., those which don't rely on muscle to propel them) are capable of both semi-automatic and automatic fire. When using semi-automatic fire, one round of ammuniton and/or power is expended. When using automatic fire, up to 4 bursts[/] can be fired and up to four different targets can be engaged in a single combat rounds, as long as all of the targets are in front of the attacker. 3 rounds of ammunition and/or power per burst are expended when using automatic fire.

Ingame semi-auto vs automatic fire described, although not a perfect indicator it does suggest the average RL verse person is not dramatically different from human norm WRT reactions. Also "automatic" fire is actually some sort of burst mode. This would tend to confirm the idea that the 500 Rnd/sec ROF mentioned for that 2mm spike pistol was perhaps a "hyperburst" capability or some such. Or, t the very least, actual ROF is a fraction of the "per second" rating.

All firearms require either ammunition, power, or both. Semi-automatic fire expends one round of ammunition per turn. automatic fire expends three rounds of ammunition per burst.


Many weapons expend power units when firing. "Power per shot" is based on semi-automatic fire - with automatic fire, ,the rate is tripled for each burst.

Again, weapons seem primariyl to be single and "burst" modes rather than full automatic. Probably to conserve ammo. even energy weapons have this (considering they have limits on crystal endurance this does make some sense.)

In the example below, Brennus hit the first renegate with a shot from a spike rifle.


However, the Renegade is wearing an armored jacket under his coveralls...

The cloud of ballistic plastic spikes rip into his chest; some are turned by the armor, but not enough.

Much like real armor it seems like penetration is a "percentage" deal, it's not absolutely guaranteed armor will stop a shot. Not terribly surprising of course, although interesting considering that, for all intents and purposes, each "needle' is basically a flechette.

When striking a shield, it [painting laser] can read the flicker rate and transmit that information to other units, ,efectively negating the shield's modifier for other immediate attacks against the vehicle (after few seconds, the targeted vehicle will have perceived the painting and adjusted its flicker rate, so painting only nullifies the shield modifier during the round of painting.

Painting lasers once again,

Budding is the repair and regrgowth of limbs or organs where some f unction still remains. Regrowth of a limb is triggered by the stimulation of cells left at the site, or cultured from a remaining limb. The technique is advanced enough tha ta right arm will grow to replace a right arm, etc.

The only bad things about regrowing a limb or replacement organ is that it takes time and requires that some portion of the organ or limb (or a related limb) still be available. It would be convenient for all if people were allowed ot keep mindless clones on ice so they could be sliced up for instantly compatible body parts, but rumors of the Renegade Undergrround trying to clone an Emperor to put their own agent on the throne has made cloning illegal in TOG, and has made clone facilities primary targets for Praetorian suicide squads when they are uncovered in the Commonwealth.

Cloning and something like it (budding) exists in RL and is a primary medical technique. Like in Star Wars, cloning is considered to be generally illegal as far as the public is concerned.

Limbs go through two stages of growth. The budding phase takes placec with the bud protected inside an artificial limb that functions...

The artificial limb remains in place for about 5 months. When it is removed. THe new limb has virtually all of its long bone growth.

The second state is maturation, in which the limb attains its full power again. This takes another 5 months...


At the end of 5 months, the limb has returned to full health, with only smooth, ink baby skin to mark the new growth.

Replacement organs for the torso or head require ten months of growth in an outside medium. They are then transplanted into the patient, who must spend 1 week under a doctor's care before he is fully functional again.

It is possible that an acceptable full-grown replacement part is available. IF so, the character need only spend one week recovering from the transplant operation.

The "budding" process.

Cybernetics is the artificial replacement or repair of a limb or organ. This can be the simple replacement of a damaged hand with a mechanical one, or the repair of the brain itself with synthetic neurons.


Cybernetic replacement of organs in the head or torso function normally. All organs require a yearly payment of 6,000 talents to keep them in good working order, including refilling them with the chemical compounds they cannot synthesize on tehir own.


It is possible for a replacement to actually function beter than the original. The reason for this is not fully understood, but it is believed to have something to do with the interaction between the individual's nervous system and the replacement.

The mechanical alternatives to regrowing limbs, and the variation in scope of such things. They can offer some measure of bionic enhancement, but have the drawback that they aren't fully self-sufficient, so outside of the right industrial base they may suffer or fail to work at all.

Tachyon space, or T-space, is essentially a dimesnion that exists perpendicualr to the normal universe. In that dimension, the minimum speed that an object can exist (and travel) is at 12 times the speed of light.

Travel over interstellar distances follows several basic steps. The first is for the ship to aim itsel fin the direction of its intended destination. This aim is very important, since all travel in T-space occurs in a stragith line.

Second, the vessel must be moving at a very high speed. A ship's speed before entering T-space is directly proportional to its velocity in T-space. The slowest possible speed in T-space is 1 light year per month (ly/month). The fastest speed is 10,000 ly/month. The minimum entry speed to T-spacec is 27,000 kph. The minimum time possible in T-space is .018 seconds, and the minimum distance that can be jumped is .5 AU (one sector, see below.)


The maximum velocity that a ship can have to enter T-space is 750 (675,000 kph). In any case, ,a ship must spend six or more minutes of course calculation time prior to entering T-space, or the vessel risks a dangerous and far off-course exit point.

The maximum time that an object can spend in T-spacec is 725 continuous hours, or just over 30 days. For every hour of accumulated T-Space travel time, a person must spend in hour in normal space. The evidence of this ccumulated time is an increasingly bright glow called Tau shimmer. If a character approaches 725 hours, he starts to glow with Tau Shimmer. If he exceeds that limit, he begins to take damage at a rate of 1 CN point per excess minute. An average character will be severely injured after 11 minutes of excess time, and dead within 35 minutes.


An object with over 725 hours of accumulated time in T-space implodes, turning itself inside out.

T-space travel. Most of this is already well covered, but the "minimum" speeds and minimum times inside T-space are a new and interesting twist, with some curious implications for tactics and such (how far away they need to be to T-jump in close to a target)

I should note I still find it rather silly that there is an arbitrary "upper limit" absolute speed rather than one imposed by practical constraints (material/structural limitations, engine/thrust limitations prior to entering T-space, things like that.)

Given the dangers of prolonged exposure to t-space, the obvious thought is to accelerate a ship to the maximum entry velocity (750) and pass through as quickly as possible.

when a ship exits T-space back into normal space (N-space), the ship resumes its entry velocity. A vessel that entered at 750 also exits at 750. It takes hours for the vessel to slow down enough to engage a stationary target in combat.


Also A ship moving through T-space at a high rate of speed disrupts T-space over a broad area, announcing its passage to T-space doppler arrays and virtually eliminating the chance of sruprise. Thus, a slower speed is often desirable, reducing the disruption and the chance of detection, , as well as reducing the amount of time needed to slow down to a reasonable velocity for engagement.

Max T-space entry velocity is supposeldy some 187.5 km/s At a full 24 hours that would be a mere 2 m/s^2.. any ship could pull that easily. One assumes, however, that it would be a maximum performance burn at 2 hours that would be 26 m/s^2.. a little over 2.5 gees.

A ship can accelrate to T-space entry velocity at a rate equal to its thrust per minute.

Normal velocity is measured in Interceptor units, 1 unit being about 900 kph. The minimum velocity needed to make a jump to T-spacee is 30, and the maximum possible is 750. A ship with a thrust of 6 takes 5 minutes to reach the minimum speed( 30/6=5); it takes 125 minutes (750/6) for the same ship to reach the maixmum speed possible.[/quote]

Entry speed T-space Speed (ly/month)
30 1
35 2
40 5
45 10
50 20
55 50
60 100
65 200
70 500
75 1000
150 2000
225 3000
300 4000
375 5000
450 6000
525 7000
600 8000
675 9000
750 10000

Entry speed/T-space correlation. It's game mechanics and it certainly isnt linear, which strikes me as odd.

Light Years minimum calculation time (minutes)
up to 100 6
200 12
3000 18
400 24
500 30
600 36
700 42
800 48
900 54
1000 60
2000 120
3000 180
4000 240
5000 300
6000 360
7000 420
8000 480
9000 540
10000 600

This is less odd, and probably more useful if still potetnailyl game mechanics. 600 minutes for a maximum speed jump, and a minimum of 6 minutes for any sort of jump. That sets a lower limit on the time between (safe) jumps.

Because distance traveled is a function of the time spent in T space, and because T-space velocities are incredibly high, even an extra second at maximum velocity in T-space means an overshoot of .003 light years. That translates to roughly 28 billion kilometes, or 187 times the distance fomr the earth to its sun. The shipboard clocks used to control T-space entrance and exit are better than that, but exit errors are sometthing that only can be minimized, not elimintated.

Time to intended ddestination table has timings of 5, 15, 30 minutes, and 1-10 hours, depending on the roll. The obvious question is, why cant entry and exit be automated if precions in such a big deal?

Spacecraft in the 69th Century use hydrogen as a reaction mass. In generla, a fighter can store enough hydrogen to accelerate to a velocity of 750, then decelerate to a stop. Larger ship tanks are large enough to thrust up to a velocity of 750 and then decelerate, twice (or up toa velocity of 1500 and then decelerate, once.) Capital ships usually refuel by skimming a gas giant ( a plane twith a diameter of at least 30,000 kilometers), this costs nothing. Fighters usualyl refuel onboard their carrier.

hydrogen sereves as propellant as well as (possibly) for fuel. The idea they only have enough fuel for a few maximum distance/velocity transits like that is kind of cool, but it isn't universally held to in the fluff as I have noted elsewhere (anywhere from close to several thousand km/s, to the "up to half the speed of light" bit from Interceptor long long ago.)

Like most other inconsistencies, I merely chalk this up to ship design and tradeoffs. They sacrifice fuel/propellant to give internal volume over to something else (weapons, engines, etc.) With the way T-space drives work, they really don't have to rely on sublight engines as much as other universes do (say, 40K.) Sadly, we dont know exactly what tradeoffs represent.

Each of these rings is an orbital radius zone. Each zone is divided into sectors, which are about .5 AU in arc. (an AU is an astronomical unit, or the distance from the EArth to its sun).

Game mechanics. I thought about using the zones and stuff to try to run calcs, but its uesless. Not only does it fail to account for three dimensions, but the zones vary in dimension depending on which "sides" you talk about. Makes it very hard to do any calcs of fof. And if that wasn't enough, the zones themselves differ (as we'll see below)

Zone AU Solar System planet
zone 0 0 Sol
Zone 1 .25 Mercury
Zone 2 .5 Venus
Zone 3 1 Earth
Zone 4 2 Mars
Zone 5 4 ASteroid belt
Zone 6 8 Jupiter
Zone 7 16 Saturn
Zone 8 32 Uranus
Zone 9 64 Neptune
Zone 10 128 Pluto
Zone 11 256 *

Note the solar system map typically goes only ot 8 AU, which suggests alot of planets are typically smaller than the solar system (Fewer planets, etc.) Again though I'm more than distrustful of this for calcs or anything becuase the Zones and the AUs don't match up as I alluded to above. Best to take it as just an abstraction.

Normal space travel time between sectors takes a very long time (Days or even months) given the reaction mass capability of most ships. Insted, FTL-caable ships use T-space to make micro-jumps. A T-space micro-jump is just like any other T-spacec jump, with the same possible errors (However, given the smaller scale, ,errors are usually much less drastic.)


However, also remember that a standard fighter, for instance, ,can only acclerate to 750 and then decelerate to a stop once on one tank. at 750, it takes about a day to travel from one sector ot the next, plus another 3 or 4 hours to speed up and slow down.

One point of thrust is equal to an acceleration of approximately 900 kph each hour.

This probably means for a figther scale or corvette scale. I would hesitate to put it at a scale higher than that, except maybe Destroyers. This means fighter airspeeds can vary from as low as 3600 kph roughly to excess of 10,000 kph. This suggests that fighter speeds (unsurprisingly) range from near-hypersonic (mach 3 or so) to very hypersonic (2-3 km/s or around Mach 7-8)

The Thor strike will fall three rounds after it is called in.

that implies orbit to ground in 30 seocnds. Assuming some orbit between 200 and 35,000 km (a bit above the atmosphere to.. we're talking anywhere between 7 kms to 1200 km/s. I'm kinda doubting the latter end of it.. since a Thor KE rod big enough to survive reentry would probably inflict low yield nuclear scale damage. It might be possible as an upper limit, perhaps (some cases might demand it for all I know) but in "tactical" terms I'd expect the velocity to be much less.

On the other hand I expect the transit to both be fast, but also fairly straight (it doesn't help if the damn thing can't go straight down where it is targeted) so it probably would be faster than 7 km/s. Tens of km/s seems a good compromise in that regard. A 10-20 kg impactor at around 25 km/s would have the energy equilvalent of several tons of TNT, which should suffice for most ground targets (tanks, whatnot.)

Hsieh Ho unveiled a new branch of mathematics, Polydimesnional Non-Euclidean Geometry. He tied it closely to the physics theory of Superstrtings, and through mat which was both brilliant and beautiful, provided a proof for the existence of 496 particles, including tachyons. Hienh Ho theorized, based on his proof, that any of the 12 dimensions posited by his research should be accessible from our normal space. Im fact he stats that one of the dimensions, which he labelled Tacyhon Space, or T-Space, s hould allow Faster-than-Light travel.

Hsieh Ho likened travel in T-space to riding an escalator beside a lfight of stairs. THe escalator, he noted, carried one along faster just because of its flow rate.

T-space travel analogies.

The craft successfully returned in a week. It entered T-spacec at .0003C, a velocity of roughly 90 kilometers per second. In T-space this was boosted to an equivalent speed of 17 billion kilometer sper second, or .00185 light years per second (tahts a light year every 9 minutes or about 58,000 times the speed of light.)

Thats a bit less than half what they're supposed to be capable of now, speed wise (5000 ly/month In other words.) The odd thing I've always wondered why is they never managed to go faster. That's partly why I never fully let go of the 100,000 ly/month thing from Interceptor.. I figured that could represent the "maximum theoretetical" in current times, but one they cannot regularly/routinely achieve in practical travel, whereas 10K ly/month is "commonly available" travel times. EVerything else falls betwene those two extremes.

Dr Wayne Marshman of Northwestern university discovered a way to warp gravity, which lead to the developkent of artificial gravity and gravity compensators.

Although there is implication of several kinds of anti-gravity drive. I wonder if this means that there might be several kinds of gravitational "defense". as well.

Phase Polarizaiton communication system (P-Comm) was developed by scientists who were investigating what happened to electromagnetic wave polarization. By running one wave filter at right angles to another, the sicentists effecitvley trapped the energy from the wave. While they knew the energy could not have been destroyed, it was not until they passed a tachyon detector over the experiment that they discovered the energy had been transformed into a tachyon flux.


Though the distance between the worlds was approximately 20 lightyears, the message sent from Omicron Tau reached Delta Alphecca 43 minutes and 12 seocnds later. The message moved at .46 light yeaers per minute, which is almost twice as fast as current shps can travel and only a fracton as expensive.

I can actually accept the "arbitrary" limit on P-comms in context of how Pcomm and VLCAs interact. The thing that really bugs me is thta there is P-comm, VLCA, and absolutely fuck-all in between, even though the implicatio nof the relationship between the two says there should be something else. (to simplify, Pcomm and VLCAs detect the same sort of signal, just at different.. frequencies.. and the higher/faster ones require more sensitive hardware to detect it.)

I do kinda like how they imply that FTL travel speeds for ships are only the "current possible", elaving it open that faster speeds are possible.

He discoevered a curious interaction between planetary gravity and the antii=gravity field, that crated a layer of gravity pressure, deflecting shots and causing electronic devices to detonate prematurely.

Greerson quickly designed and perfected a device that oculd create th is sort of "shield" without the interaction between gravity and anti-gravity. In testing the prototype, the shield drew in as much pwer as the local grid could give it and collapsed in on itself. This killed Greersons assistant and caused Greerson to reduce the power requirement through an intermittent flickering of the shield on and off. THe flicker rate deterines how much power the machine woudl draw and is determiend by the number of power/no power cycles in a minute. The higher the number, teh better the shield protection, but the greater the need for power.

As far as "reasons" for shields needing to consume large amounts of power (much less constantly needing to) this is probably one of the better ones... although it can also carry some unpleasant implications (What happens to energy "lost" in constantly recreating the shields? What form is it lost, etc.) At the best that means shields will emit energy that can quite probably be detected by sensors (bad for stealth in other words). At worst, they may radiate excess energy into the enviroment - this might not matter in space but it would on the ground....

There's also some implications for the technology that dont seem to be explored in-universe, at least in any obvious way. The first one is the interaction between gravity and anti-gravity. It wouldn't be hard, I imagine, to create the pressure gravity barrier between artificially generated gravity and anti-gravity devices. This wouldn't work too well on the "outside" of the ship, as armor or anything (just shooting out the generators) but it could work under the armor/hull as a means of protecting internal components and devices.

The other, and more obvious application of course, is as a weapon. It almos sounds like a black hole or pseudo-black hole weapon, although it doesnt tell us the exact area of effect (although the test device was enough to kill a person, however it managed that)

A spin off of the P-comm system, T-doppler (so named because it invovled pairing a P-comm system with a doppler radar unit) produced a picture of the surruonding sphere of T-space). Not only did this make space traffic control easier, but it also provided the military with a way to detect incming warships before the arrived.

I've commented before on the sensor implications of T-Doppler so I wont' bother to again.

Stomtra theorized that a new type of particle, one he called a Hotron in memory of Hsieh Ho, was produced when electromagnetic wave was converted into tachyons. The hotrons, he further surmised, managed to shoot through yet another of the dimensions making up the Calabi-Yau reality manifold. Only with a very large reception aray could one be certain of catchign enough hotrons to receive a message, and for interstallar communications, the array would have to be very large indeed to allow for hotron scatter and grvitational deviations.

as I said before, this implies that P-comms and VLCAs are sort of related.. not really frequenices like I said before.. but particles of the same type (different kinds of tachyons) that require different kinds of arrays to detect. And like I said, it stnds to reason that there would be other kinds of particles in between the P-comm and VLCA particles. It's not IMPOSSIBLE for only two kinds of particles to exist.. but it is possible. Another possibility is that they never did much research/work into anything in between, because they found the VLCA first for long distance communication, whereas P-comm covers everything below that.

Whereas a message from Earth to Epsilon Eridani took over an hour by P-comm, it took less than 2 seconds by VLCA.

VLCA is close to 2000x faster than P-comm. - 40 million LY/monthm or 480 million c.

After transporting the KessRith leaders to his flagship and providing them with a feast, Ivanolo opened the shields over the massive window inh is chambers. Below, all could see Durmella in all its striated blue and white glory. IT was a beautiful, lush world - a magnificient prize in the Human-KessRith war.

Buntari ordered his fleet to bombard the planet. They hit it with everything they had. Billions of KessRith aned enslaved humans died in the first moments of the assault. Buntari continued it well past the time any living creatures could ahve survived. He continued the assault untilall water evaporated, ,and the atmosphere boiled off and the sterile cinders glowed with the heat of repeated attacks.

On a whim, he had annihilated a world.

I've commented before on this attack, and noted that the scale of the force was no greater than a Battleship group if not smaller (say a couple battleship squadrons.) I've already done the past calcs for the "ocean vaping/atmosphere removal" bits (the results of which mesh with other sources, like Renegade's Honour - although the latter implies far more ships involvd.)

The mainly interesting thing here, aside from corroborating the results of the previous calc, is that the oceans wre evaporated prior to the atmosphere completely burning away. At the low end it confirms (assuming a roughly Earthlike planet) the e27 joules or so end of the scale for the calc. However if the "atmosphere" is composed of both water vapour in some quantity as well as the air itself, the outputs needed to achieve the effect become greater (Atmosphere is 5e18 kg roughly, while oceans can mass 1e21 kg... we're talking almost two orders of magnitude difference mass wise, and that means a potential two OoM difference in energy intput required, depending on the percentage of vapour taken away with the atmosphere. Stripping off air + water of an Earthlike planet takes nearly 1e29 joules all told itself. Assuming about a day and 100 ships or so that comes out to 1e22 joules per ship per second, or a couple of teratons per second.

That isnt the only benchmark we can derive from here. We know the opening bombardment killed "billions" in a space of seconds. Assuming a fairly even distribution of nuclear detonations, or fairly low level atmospheric heating of a good portion of it (a few hundred K temp rise, say) you might need something in the e22-e23 joule range at least to kill off that many - about on part with the K-T asteorid impact. That would imply a firepower per ship (assuming a couple of seconds for 100 ships) of around e20-e21 watts. A bililon megatons is possible (although context implies that the firepower in those opening moments hadn't quite reached true extinction event threshold..) and would be equal to some 10 TT/sec or so per ship.

Either way it seems to broadly suggest the same "gigaton to teraton" level firepower scheme, at least as far as bombarding planets go, and a good indicator of the levle of firepower they can amass in a short time if needed even if for some reason this isnt the same level fo firepower they chuck at each other routinely.

When Kershaw called the Senate to order, a .5 kiloton nuclear device exploded under the Capitol building. The Senate and all who were in it died immediately. The shockwave caused massive damage in teh surrounding core fo the city and over 2 million more inhnabitants died as radiation and the resulting firestomr ravaged the city. Worse yet, the explosion damaged the support structure holding the city above the wate.r Slowly and inexoroably bits and pieces of hte flaming city fell into the oceean, and within only half an hour only boiling water and a steam plume marked the grave of new rome.

Pretty much as described in Interceptor, although I dont think the "boiling water/steam plume" wsa there. Not sure it is quantifiable as we can't ascribe it to any one source (a city is harly an inert object any more than a starship is.)

On 15 September 6681, over 300,000 Legions, 3,804 Battleship groups, and their families followed Constantin's flagship, the Righteosu Fury, into T-spacee on the long journey across the KessRith Empire to the Commonwealth.

a well known number by now. Note the date.

Not only was Constantin's taskforce three times the commonwealth's total troop strength...

At the time the RL allied with the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth had a mere 1200-1300 Battleship groups and 100,000 Lgions. This translates to 5 billion troops and between 25,000 and 62,500 some warships, at least.

With quadrillions of people scattered across billions of worlds. Representative government does nto work - despite claims from idealists that it might function given a chance. The TOG structure, then, is the most workable model for efficient government.

Implies the TOG is made up of "quadrillions" of people on billions of world. This is more worlds than Interceptor tagged them with, but it is not neccesarily inconsistent. Many of those worlds might just have some sort of small colony or outpost station built on some moon or dead world, or perhaps underground, for example. The actual number of habitable/Earthlike planets could be considerably lyess (in the million+ category.) Still it implies large populations and huge territorial potential.

I've been told that "quadrillions" is small for a humanocentric Empire that spans the galaxy as well, but we dont know how many quadrillions is quadrillions, how accurate the census taking is... and don't forget that humanity suffered a debilitating plague not long ago and was nearly wiped out, so it takes time to recover from that sort of thing. Especially when you have to compete with other races like the Kessrith or Ssora.

Unlike the old Roman Empire, TOG's Caesar is elected or confirmed by the Senate instead of inherited by one bloodline.


The Caesar rules without open quiestion - his word is law and the Overlords carry out his laws.


The Praetorians are notorious in their devotion to the Caesar, but they have not been above removing an Emperor when they deme it best for the Empire itself.

One example given of the removal of an Emperor is Buntari. The funny thing is is that while the TOG is not a "good" empire by itself, and even Trajan was something of an ass, it isn't exactly the "moustache twirling" evil empire as a whole that say, the Galactic Empire is made out to be. IF it weren't for those currently in power since Buntari (including the Caesar in question) things might not be quite as bad. (at least as much as any government with slavery, an anti-alien bias, and strong nationalism oculd go)

Of course even if you get rid of the Caesar and put some new guy in office, the various "Extra" organs like the Overlords probably would not go quietly.

The interesting thing is tha even though the Caesar is basically a tyrant/Emperor figure, he can still be said o have certain restrictions on him. Basically "Do not fuck things up for us or we will kill you" such as the way the Praetorians are both guardian and executioner.

The Imperial Warlord, if one is appointed, is second in command to the Caesar for military affairs. He answers only to the Caesar and, technically, is next in line in case the Caser is unable to fufill his term of office.

Sort of like Warmaster in 40K, it sounds.

The Imperial Consuls serve the Caesar as a Cabinet of sorts. There are ten Consuls (more or lesS). Seven (one for each distrcit) advise the Caesar on regional matters. Three other Consuls usually handle internal, external, and economic affairs but their duties vary.

Some more on the TOG politics.

Senators are ranked by the scope of their electorate: By world, by province (about 40 or 50 worlds) or by prefecture (12 to 30 provinces.) Prefectures are divided into a total of seven distrcits empire-wide.

The "several levels of Senatorship" as before. Note that each Prefecture is around 480-1500 worlds. Average of a thousand.

Clarissimi Senators reprense tone world and are elected by the populace.


One Spectabiles Senator is elected per province; he is the TOG ruler of that province.


One Illustrus Senator is elected per prefectur, but the Caesar or Illustrus Senate may reject a Canidate if the find him wanting for any number of reasons. For all intents and purposes the Illustrus Senator is the ruler of his Prefecture...

Senators serve as representatives as well as leaders, more or less.

Each Planetary Governor is the Caesar's directly appointed representative on a world. He controls the ICS worldwide and is usualy able, ,agianst long odds, to maintain it as a useful informatin source.

Praetors are district supervisors in charge of different ICS departments.


The Governor Praetor is the exception to this rule about Praetors. His purview is tax collection and nothing wills top him in his duties. Nominally in cahrrge of all the ICS within his distrcit..

More governmental stuff.

The foillowing three divisions of government (Overlords, Praetorians, and Lictor) are the express route for retirbution and discipline.

The Overlords were created by Ivanolo Bunatri to act as "fixers". CAesar seees a problem and htey fix it.


As long as an Overlord does not hideously overreact and run amok - and he is givne plenty of latittude with the defintiion of "amok" -he acts with teh power of te Caesar.


The most powerufl Overlord is the one who heads the Lictor, and he is repsonsible for all espionage, counter espionage, assassination and blackmail within TOG. The other Overlords are accorded status within the Lictor and often make use of Lictor agents and resources in the course of their duties. They are laso able to weild power within the normal military structure - above and beyond commanding their prateorian Guard units - but that sort of appointment comes only after a direct order from teh CAesar or Senate.


The Praetorian Guards are 286 f the most elite TOG units in existence.


Not only are they given special training, but they are subjected to intensive indoctrination that makes their loyalty to the CAesar unquestioned.

One unit is assigned to each Overlord as his personal troops, and a couple of Illustrus Sneators have been given Guard units as a sign of favor from the Caesar (or to keep an eye on them.)]


The Lictor has two divisions. The Internal Security division (IS_ handles all counter-espionage and anti Renegade Undeground activities. The EXternal Affairs Division (EA) deals with froeign realms.

The "not nice" face of the TOG government, and probably the one responsible for it being the bad guys. If you put a different set of folk in charge I wonder if it owuld be nearly as assholish. Probalby never "nice", but at least they wouldnt be any worse than needed.

Citizenship is hereditary and Citizens comprise approximately one third of the population-
A citizen does have duties to the state, the primary two which are:
1) 3 years of compulsory military/public service (the latter category was added after Aledander Trajans death for those with "infirmities" that prevented them from putting their Patricion sensitiviities on the KessRith Line.) and
2.) voting for Senators.

Satirists have noted that a 3rd duty is to occasionalyl visit mercy upon their slaves and freeman employers, and the Reneagdes hae suggeste dtha tremaining deaf, dumb and blind about TOG excesses is yet a fourth duty of a good citizen.

Citizen ship has rewards and responsibilities. Under a brutal regime it also has a intersting side effect of making a nice chunk of the populace complicit in supporting/sustaining said regime due to those obligations.

An interesting implication of this is that approximately 1/3 (but probably less than 1/30th, since its unlikely women greatly outnumber men) of the population of "quadrillions" implies a rather large number of military personnel available to TOG - many trillions easily. I've noted before that there is probably reason to believe the TOG military (ground forces at least) are under-utilized and this might be another indicator. Bear in mind of course that simply having the warm bodies isn't enough - you have to equip them all, be able to transport them, to mainain the logistics to support them, etc. Which can also influence numbers.

Plebians, at 45% of hte whole, are the largest population block in teh Empire.

The Plebian class has grown to contain many artisasn and semi-powerufl corporate officers.


Plebians cannot paritciapte in defense related employment, save the military, unless they have clearancec from the Lictor. Within the military, a Plebian can even win Citzenship if he distinguishes himself with an act of heroism.


Plebiasn can improve their lot in life thorugh marrying "up", but children of half Plebian descent may later be repudiated by their noble father and returned to the class from which they were born. Slaves can be elevated into the Plebian caste, as can aliens from a race that has "proven" itself to TOG....

Having more workers than fighters makes sense even in a high tech society - someone has to watch over the machines. In any case they also serve as a backup line of dedicted soldiers should you need them (since you can just promise citizenship as a reward.)

I have to like the fact that it is possible to move from one class to another (even if it is difficult, especially in "modern" RL era) offset alot of the bad things about slavery and such (inasmuch as slavery can have an upside). Again while its hardly an ideal or nice government, the TOG government in its current form is more a corruption of what it was.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Renegade Legion: Legionnaire Analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And.. Part 2. Next time we start chucking out tons of the little supplement thingies.

Between the two branches, the Imperial LEgions and the Imperial Navy ,there are over 8,000,000 Legions boasting 50,000 men each, and over 100,000 Battleship Groups with all their attendant escrot, troop transport and supply ships.


Each male citizen, u pon his 16th Birthday, is conscripted for a term of service not less than 3 years.


Human women make up 20% of the military, and vairous aliens account for 30% of the total number of troops.
I actually forgot about this, meaning that there's actually a potentially larger pool of recruits than I expected. The fact they recruit very young just also widens that pool.

In reality (and this will be touched on later) having 400 billion or so active troops simply means thats all TOG really needs now.. they'r eonly fighitng the Kessrith and Commonwealth, and they may not want a swift decisive victory. I imagine the rest form a ready reserve in case they WOULD need another military force, although not neccesairly as "good" as the active service forces.

As noted before 100,000 bttleship groups works out to between 200,000-500,000 battleship squadrons, which si around 2 million to 5 million warships, 1/10th of which are guaranteed to be battleships, another 1/10th cruisers, and the rest smaller ships. This however IS an under-estimate.. since we know TOG currently has sometjhing on the order of a billion warships and 3x that number of transports and such. The rest could be reserves, cruiser/carrier squadrons, or the like. There's actually lots of tidbits of evidence lying around (dfiferent grades or qualities of fleets or squadrons) that allow us to break down that 1 billion number without tossing out the stated numbers for battleship groups/squadrons. (hell the number of squadrons per "group" isnt always consistent!)

The Imperial Legions are the shock and garrison troops for the Empire. Its their job to take and hold hostile worlds.


Aliens are represented among the Legions.
Again they're the "active" military force, and pretty much an offensive one. It actually makes sense in this regard for them to be less numerous than a more defensive force, due to logistics, need to transport and the like. And event then, the enemy (Kessrith and Commonwealth and the Renegade Legion) don't require greater numbers than that to deal with.

This could suggest that the greater portion of the military in the TOG simply serves in some planetary defence force, which is handled at the local scale. (interesting neough is the implication the same idea exists for naval ships also. Thus 100,000 Battleship groups are the "active strength" offensive force, rather than the sum total of TOG naval strength.)

The Imperial Navy has over 4 billion ships in its registry, a quarter of those being warhsips and the rest being troop transprots or supply/tender craft.


The power of the Navy cannot be underestimated, as the occasional total devastation of a planet by naval assault points out.


Ships range form Battleships and Cruisers down through frigates, destroyers, escorts, Corvettes gunboats, ,transports, supplky tenders to fighters. Ships in the Corvette class and larger generlaly carry fighters, and "carrier" s hips are placed within the class appropriate for their size even though their firepower is determined by the fighters they carry.
The 4 billion/1billion/3 billion figures again. Again it seems unliekly that 1 billion warships includes fighters, although it *might* include patrol craft (at least, escorts.)

Also note the "planet devastation" by the Navy, although the effects are not alluded to in any obviously quantifiable manner.
The Commonwealth is comprised of some 40,000 inhabited stars at the far end of the Orion arm of the galaxy. From end to end, it stretches approximately 45,000 lightyears and is divided into 21 Grand Dukedoms. Each Grand dukedom has about 50 counties, and each County has about 40- to 50 inhabited planets. With (on average) 1.3 habitable planets per star system, the Commonwealth is densely popualted with huhumans and Baufrin, along with refugee Naram, KessRith and Ssora Contingents.
40K systems in the Commonwealth.
A baron, appointed by the Count or Duke of the are, oversees the Prime Miniester and insues a lack of despotic rule.


Counts adminsiter the Cmmonwealth on the County level, and Dukes handle business on the Dukedom level.
Commonwealth government.
There are 300,000 Renegade Legions stationed in Commonwealth territory, each organized under the TOG model that places 50,000 troops in a legion. BY comaprison, the 200,000 legions within the Commonwealth Armed forces are not exactly overwhelming.


Half of the 200,000 Commonwealth legions follow the TOG/RL talbe of organziation...


The other 100,000 Legions are structured into units fvored by one or another of the different species in the Commonwealth alliance.
Commonwealth and Renegad eLegion gorund force numbers Half a million Legions all told, much like the TOG the bulk seem to be human. IT could be that the aliens form their own groups (The Kessrtih do have their own separate military which isnt' factored in here. I would tenatively guess the Kessrith are similar in size to the Commonwealth)
The Royal ARmy handles planetary assaults and garriosn duty.

- The Royal Navy deals iwth space battles, transport and s upport of gorund troops.

The royal marines, a small, elite force, specializes in ship to ship boarding actions and quick assaults of ground targets like a spaceport or industrial complex.

the Royal Aerospace force handles fighters in grround actions or Garrison duty; fighters carried on Navy vessles have their chain of command hooked inot that of the Navy.

- The special forcees units of the CAF handle all anti-terrorist activitiesin the commonwealth and foster terrorist activites in TOG space. Ther efficiacy at getting supplies to the REengade Undegrround has been hailed as one of the greatest reasons for hte Undegrround's success.

- Each Planetary militia is composed of natives to that world and are responsible for its defense. They also help out during emergencies - vast floods, life-threatening storms and the like. OFten a militias' officer corps is totally filled iwth retired CAT officers. Militia troops are also trained to become guerillas if their wolrd is overrun, and serve as special advisors to Marine and Army units active on tehir world.
Lots of variety, but the major drawback that occurs to me with all this is that there is very little unity amongst Commonwealth armed forces. Nevermind that they're a multi-species/racial effort and the coordination and logistical problems that creates, but having so many separate arms complicates things (compared to how TOG does it, at least.) I mean look at the US military forces for an example. And then on top of that you have the dual Commonwealth/Renegade Legion structure, nevermind the Kessrith being thrown in... its a mess.

The Free Traders, who at various times call themselves the Merchant Races, or a religious organiztion, serve the galaxy in the same way hemoglobin serves the human body. The trade, in information and material, that flows through their worlds keeps the galactic economy healthy on both sides of the war.

Their claim to the label of "Merchant Races" stems from the fact that the Free Traders include anyone and everyone who sees safety in mobility. Many of the races that TOG hit with a Diaspora, like the Huldice, Lungdo, and Ritha, have their last surviving members in this loose clonglomberation of hucksters.
One of the few "neutral" factions still in the RL universe. Funny enough they seem to have gone to the logical extreme of capitalism and do treat it like a religion. I wonder if they worship the great INVISIBLE HAND of the Market or something. :)
The Free Traders gathered their people and headed out for the next closest free Trader world, but before they entered T-space, they sent a P-comm signal that detonates a 500 kiloton nuclear device planted beneath the trade center, utterly destroying it, the garrisoning personnel and a great deal of the surrounding landscape.
500 kt nukes and a pcom signal detonation. That sorta does lend credence ot the idea they could do some FTL guided missiles and such.
The head of the holy Cartels is the Chariman of the Board...

Below him is an Association of CEOs[/io]. They administer the individual Free Trader worlds and help maximize delivery of products to the various markets. Worlds themselves are divided not into geographic districts per se, but into Market Segments...

Each of thee Market Segments is overseen by an ARbiter. He controls a staff of Arbitrageurs who arrange most of the deals.

Procurators are the next step down adn are elected by individual merchants in a local, geographical market segment to represet them with the upper echeolons. Invidiual merchants are generlaly just called merchants, but their official name within the Holy Cartels is Profiteers.


Even given their willingness to commit suicide by destroying their cities, TOG could make an effort to neutralize such devices in the future. While it is true that the Free Traders efforts to punish TOG did hurt, TOG has the personnel and resourcees to fully blockade each and every Free Trader world until their lack of trade starves them into submission.

This is the beginning of waht is an interesting trend in this book - analysis of TOG Tactics in the way they do things and a big questin of "why they don't own the galaxy yet?" given the disparity of forces.

TOG sees the Free Traders as armed neutrals, unwilling to take on anyone else's struggle but absolutely willing to fight back in the best way they can when attacked. They are too difficult to take, really do not have enough resources to make owning them valuable, and are more than willing to allow TOG agents to operate on their worlds so long as theri neutrality is not comrpomised. Given that set of facts, leaving them alone makes logical sense in that, ,at the very least, TOG does not have to commit garrison troops to keep their worlds.

In theory. Although if TOG really wanted them they can take them, it seems like political pragmatism keeps the Free Traders free of overt TOG conquest. For the time being.

Most people don't realize the true size of the TOG military machine. It boasts 8,000,000 Legions, while the Commonwealth and Renegade Legions together total 500,000 legions. That gives TOG a 16 to 1 advantage in grround troops. Best estimates put the Renegade and Commonwealth Battleship groups at 10,000, compared to TOG';s 100,000. That gives them a better battleship ratio with TOG, but still puts them behind 10 to 1 in naval strength.

In short, TOG should crush their opposition like a steamroller flattening grapes. Why they have not done so is not much discussed - just quoting the above figures is enough to depress any of TOG's foes. Many people suggest that the Renegade Underground successfully hampers TOG's efforts to organize the massive offensive tht could crush the Commonwealth. THey also point out that people who hate TOG would make taking each world difficult, raising the stakes to the point that TOG is reluctant t omake a wholesale attempt.

This, mind you, is said of a government founded by a man who destroyed a planet on a whim.

What most scares the highest circles of anti-TOG leadership is the possibility that TOG has not won because TOG does not want to win! In fact, as some critics within the Commonwealth point out, TOG has established the war as a unifying element within the Empire. If not for the war, people wouldn't have anything to unify them. They would start ot protest taxes and other sacrifices they tolerate in the name of the war. In the worst light, the fight against TOG is sustaining TOG.

The very idea puts the Commonwealth in a curious and uncomfortable position. If TOG has no desire to end the hostilities, then the Commonwealth is faced with an interminable war certainly not the type of thing they'd want to pass on to their children. Then the only way they can be left alone is to bloody TOG badly enough that TOG loses its taste for war. Still, that may not be possible. What would TOG see as unacceptable losses when they outnumber the enemy 16 to 1? A reduction to 15 to 1? And if the objective were to be reached, would would have been the cost to the Comonwealth.

Of all the passges in this book, I think I love this one the most, because it shows someone actually put some thought into the universe in order to explain it, and insofar as human and political motivations go, it makes sense.

But that's not really all. The disparity in military forces is high, but what about disaprities in size/population? The TOG has at least a million inhabited worlds, if not billions, and the Commonwealth has 40K. With only 500K Legions thats around 12-13 Legions per world. the CW/RL space forces are some 10K battleship groups (not bad for their size I guess), which is one BG for evert 4 systems roughly. If TOG had a similar level of militarization its navies would be at least 2-3 times greater, and its Legions would be 3-4x greater. And this is still an underestimate as it goes with a mere "1-1.5 million" world TOG ratehr than the "billions" mentioned The ratio of planets in that case is something like 50K to 1, and nets you something like half a billion Battleship groups and 25 billion Legions. Possible, but a bit excessive methinks.. so it probably would fall somewhere in those extremes, possibly closer to the low end.

If we factored in population its not much different. I estimated some 40 trillion (or so) people on average in the Commonwealth. The TOG has "quadrillions - 50:1 population difference, assuming 2 quadrillion at least. If we scaled that it would be 500,000 BGs, and 25 million Legions if I didn't screw up my math, which again is larger than they have.

The one thing the analysis doesnt factor in of course is the Kessrith, who have their own empire and seem to be of similar scope to the Commonwealth (although that would make the disparity "only" something like 7-8 to 1.)

In any case none of these numbers are meant to be absolutes - they're simply showing that TOG could probably be more militarized if it needed to be or chose to be, and they aren't useful except largely in that context.

The Renegade Legions suffer from the classic refugee problem: The grass is always greener in the lands that grandfather left behind. They believe their best chance at living a normal life is to overthrow the Empire. A noble goal to be certain, but is it one that can be realized. Given that the trip from the front to Earth would take a year and a half at maximum speed, TOG could summon a taskforce three times the size of any Renegade strikeforce they detected without noticable disruption of normal business. While stout heart and strong back might account for much in warfare, 30,000 battleship groups would chop 10,000 battleship grroups into chaff.

And of course the free Traders have evne less trength with which to oppose TOG.

Renegade Legion perspective and philosophy vs other factions. Another thing I liked about Legionnaire.

The Baufrin are most easily described as centaur-like spidermen. Six legs extend down from their abdomen and their thorax is held up at a 90 dergee angle to the ground . Their throax has four arms. The upper pair is used for delicate and precise actions an the lower, longer pari is used fo rthings that require strength. Baufrin stand about 1 meter tall and weigh in at 60 kilos - most of that coming in the chitinous exoskeleton that covers their body.

Baufrin have a quadruple set of mandibles and three pairs of eeyes. Each set of eyes sees light in a slightly different range, so they have sight that is considered much sharper than human sight. Two hornlike protrusions from the sides of theri heds are used to conduct sound to their ear sacs, but do not function that well and make them somewhat deaf by human standards.


The Baufrin continue to grow throughout their 50 year life span and molt every eight years. This molting process is traumatic and occurs after the Baufrin enters a period of fertile, ,sexual frenzy.

Baufrin described.

The exoskeleton works as well as Lorica armor (AF3) mainly because it can provide both shock and ablative protection without hurtting the Baufrin.

An interesting perspective and possibly an indicator of how durable RL armor can be, assuming we're not talking magical organic armoring.

The molting does omore than just change the outside of the Baufrin, it also creates radical personality shifts. In many cases the Baufrin totally forgets who they were and seek out new relationships. Because they have an affinity for tsks they once performed, and are very adept at recovering these skills almost immediately afte rmolting, it is believed their brain is not "wiped clean" during the change. Instead, researchers believe, tehir former personality retreats into theri brain and a new personality is allowed to appear.

One of the odder/interesting aspects of the Baufrin as aliens. I wonder how this would have been to role-play.

Researchers have theorized each mother cares for two cluches of young for roughly 16 years before they go off and molt or die. Those mothers who molt become independent Elders, and Independetn Elders, they believe, undergo a reintegration of their various personalities (iwth a molt every 8 years or so, that givs an Elder 7 personalities, including the mother personality) These elders then have 7 personalities to provide input on problems.

No one has even begun to guess at the age which an Elder might die, but references to certain Elders suggest htat it might be as much as two centuries.

Some more on Baufrins and their society and such.

Centauroid in configuration, they combine the body of a rhinoceros with a powerful tail and a torso that makes human gladiators look weak. Their head rests on a strong bull neck and their gaping mouth is lined with teeth that look and fucntion like those of a terrestrial shark. Their hands have four fingers and an opposable thumb, but their four feet have only two toes apeice.

Thick, fleshy plates cap their tail and protect their torso, arms, neck and skull.


Kessrith are built for heavy combat. They are, without a doubt, the strongest of the sentient races and they value physical strength. In fact, struggle is so noble, for all but pregnant females, that few KessRith actually reach the 100 years of age their physiology woul dallow them. Most die 20 to 30 years prematurely, athough no KessRith would use that term if an individual died in battle.

They're your typical "wariror race" stereotype in Sci fi. in other words.

Menelvagoreans stand over two meters tall and easily tip the scals at 200 kilos. There is no doubt in the mind of anyone just seeing one of these purple-azure creatures that they are capable of incredible feats of strength. Howver, they are also incredibly quick and dextrous for being so large. Their thick flesh is worked with bony plates, much like the flesh of an armadillo.

Bipedal, they rely on their thick, muscular tails for balance. Their hands and feet have three digits which end in sturdy calws. The feet have one toe reversed, for grasping, while the hand has a powerful, opposable thumb. The tail ends in a bony tip that, when certain muscles are flexed, splits into three prongs, similar to a grappling hook.

The head has a narrow, jutting muzzle that protrudes about 15 centimeters from its face, and three eyes arranged in a triangular pattern. The eyes see from the norma light through ultraviolet and a sensory pit on the ends of the nose as limited heat sensing ability. Menelvagorean ears are little more than holes in the sides of the head, but they have a range of hearing that extends from human norm down to low frequencies, including the sounds of earth tremors and other subtle vibrations.


This self awareness manifests itself in a selective breeding program and societal segregation that has produced highly specialized individuals. Like terrestiral dogs, all of the Menelvagorean "breedS" can interbreed, but they tend not to. The castes, in descending order are: warriors, pathfinders, ,rockshapers, Drones and philosohpers. While philosohpers are considered the lowest in society, mainly because they produce nothing tangible, they exert considerable influence on society.


The Menelvagoreans are believed to live about 400 to 500 years, so they perform this soul searching approximately 50 times during their lifetime..

One of the longer lived species. Their society is caste based largely, sort of like a "hive mind" but not nearly so insectile, with various factions (Warriors, philsoohpers, etc.) They are an essentially "neutral" group, much like the Vauvusar.

Menelvagoreans have joined the Commonwealth militarey in highly specialized units. The Menelvagoreans organize themselves into "Eyes" or triads of warriors. Three Eyes are a Squad, and three Squads are a Grgoup. Menelvagoreans resist being placed in grgoups numbering more than 27 - a number that has nearly religious significance to them.

Oddly though they are playing both sides - they don't want the Commonwealth OR the TOG to take them over, which provides an interesting insight into how an outsider might view eithe rfaction.

The Pathfinders are the scholars of the society and include scientists, politicians and invetnors.


AT thje time of first contact, Menelvagorean society had progressed to a technological level roughly equivalent to early 22nd century Earth.

..Rockshapers are the next highest class because they located and maintained rock chambers. As civilization became more sophisticated, teh Rockshapers broadened their areas of expertise until they become the technicians and practical folks of the world. THese are the "skilled labor" of Menelvagorean society.

Drones can be skilled labor, but their skills are difficult to quantify. Drones include bookkeepers, computer programmers, artists and writers.


Philosophers form a unique class in that it stands at the bottom fo the social later, but is a class into which one is "elevated" by the Warriors. THe Warriors assign people to thsi class so the will be free to do nothing but think and examine and report. It is considered a great honor to e made a philosohper, and is generally seen as the reward for a spectacular life, but because they produce nothing, they are set on the lowest rung of society. [Editor's note: The warriors say that what they themselves contribute to society is the opportunity for life to continue. As violence is almost solely their province, this could, in fact be true. By taking that burden on themselves they prevent the society from sinking into the morass of violent anarchy.

Again the various "castes" of the Menelvagoreans.

Warriors, who listen closely to the advice of philosohpers, are the final arbiters of all disputes. The pathfinders organize and elect government officials who write and pass legislation on local and planetary levels.

Bits on their legal side.

The DNA compatability worked out at 99.974825%. This has lead to a test that can establish if an individual is Naram or human, but the test has some difficulties associated with it. First, it is very expensive. And second, the fact that Terran Mayans were actually a Naram colony means that Naram genetic qualities hae already spread throughout the Human population.


The Naram also seem immune too many of the diseases that afflict mankind, though te Snow Plague did take its toll among them as well.
Naram life expectancy is slightly higher than Human norm.

Naram/Human compatabilitiy. I suppose the Space elves in this case aren't a wholly different species :P

By 6727 roughly 40% of the Naram Republic's territory was ceded to create TOG's Dalvik District, and the rest of the nation became little more than a puppet state.

Not much different than has been explained before, I believe.

The Zog are highyl social creatures that live in family bands consisting of one dominant male, several subordinate males, a number of females and all of their infant and juvenile offpsring. Their organization has been closely compared to that of TErran chimpanzees, as has their physiology. Except for the patches of lizardlike flesh on their face, forearms, hand and lower legs, the Zog are covered with a thick fur that makes them easily mistakble for large chimps. Like chimps, their strrength is out of proportion to their small size, and their triple digit hands and feet can be used for grasping. On the average, they stand 120 centimeters tall and weigh 70 kilos.


Zog undergo three moltings in their lifetime. IF they have not become immortal by then, they die of old age at about 95 standard years.

Another "new" Race, the Zog are interesting in that they are highly supportive (it seems) of the TOG despite essentialy being looked down on. That makes them something of a minority.

TOG scientists still have not been able to test dominant males for latent psychic abilities, but they have not been abel to discount that possibility. Telepathic communciation would help explain how these pre-industrtial people were able to step into the atomic age in fifty years...


Evidence of telepathic capabilities among the Zog is just as elusive.

Zog also represent (I believe) teh first actual evidence of telepathy or psychic phenomena of any kind creeping into this universe.

They alloted 21 Legions (12 Commonwealth and 9 renegade) as the first line of defence and parceled them out to cover the worlds they saw as most likely to be attacked. Another 12 Legions (5 Commonwealth and 7 Renegade) were designated as a reserve force, and 5 Carrier groups and 10 Battleship Groups were left ot form the bulk of the naval strength in the region.

Indicator of shannedam County's military strength, both in naval and ground force terms (30 Legions as well as Battleship carrier groups.) Note that the Carrier groups are outnumberd by Battleship groupsl 2:1 - this might imply TOG could hve as many as 50,000 Carrier groups of its own if the ratio held.)

In 6829, a full Carrier Group with two Legions in tow entered the Shannedam system, intending to bsh their way through the system defenses and land troops on Defiance.

More Carrier Groups, also carrying two Legions (100,000 troops.)

The disaster of the strike at Defiance has not been fully realized back on Earth - after all, what's the loss of one Carrier Group and two Legions from among millions?

Hilariously enough this implies that a Carrier Group (some scores if not hundreds of ships) is considered trivial, and that there may be "millions" of them. Of course with 1 billion warships thats not impossible either.

Moons and asteroidal belt Planetoids are listed as Major (diameter of over 1500 kilometers), Medium (between 150 and 1500 kilometers) and minor (under 150 kilometers)

The parrenthetical number for each world and moon is it sdiameter, all diameters are given in kilometers.

All orbital periods are given in TErran STandard Years

All rotational periods are given in TErran Standard hours.

All surface gravities are relative to Earth's

Useful benchmarks for calc and analysis if I ever needed them, at least.

In addition, Caralis does a booming business with the large number of insystem freelance asteroid miners and small lunar mining cartels.


The system's asteroidal debris invited freelance, or wildcat, mining.

They don't mine mateirals just from the ground like in some sci fi, they strip asteroids and space stuff as well. Always nice to know.

This base has at least a cruiser squadron and a wing of fighters stationed on it, alogn with 2 to 4 cohorts of Imperial Marines.

Cruiser squadrons alongside Battleship and carrier squadrons. I assume Cruiser squadrons to be more numerous.

Armor-piercing discarding sabot round. An anti-vehicular Guass cannon round which penetrates heavy armor.

Basically a sub-calibre munition that does not behave much differently from modern tank guns.

Autoloading hard point: Rapid fire missile launching system. A hard poitn (q.v.) which allows one missile to be fired from teh launcher each turn. THe maximum number of missiles that can be launched from an autoloading hard point during the course of a combat (I.e. before realoading) is 10.

These are mentioned in one of the Interceptor supplementary sources, and will be discussed in detail there.

Dead Fire ClusterS: A one shto spacecraft weapon system which explosively discharges thousands of fragments into an area. IT is very effective agianst heavily shielded targets.

Space flechette/cannister rounds.

Elecotronic Counter MEasures- an ECM pod is an electronics suite that is mounted on a hard point (q.v.) to jam and disable the tracking systems on hostile missiles. It is avilable only on spacecraft.

Self explanatory.

Electron partticle cannon: a shortt-range weapon that fires electrons. It can only be used in vaccuum (I.E. In space)

Again, self explanatory. note the interesting fact it can only be used in space. This is actually counter-intuitive - since CPBs in real life actually work better in the atmosphere than they do in space. then again the way they inflict damage and behave in general in RL hints that they aren't like a electron-based CPB really.. or at least they're more magicla than that

Gauss Cannon: A direct fire ballistic weapon similar to a Mass Driver Cannon (q.v.) Gauss cannon shells can not be deflected by a shield, because of their high mass. However, their muzzle velocitty relative to the MDC's muzzle velocity makes them inferior wepaons for space combat. Gauss cannons are rated by diameter of the shell that they fire: 25mm, 150mm, etc.
They are used only for ground combat.

Self explanatory. The implication of course is that MDCs are also a form of gauss weapon.

High Explosive Armor Piercing Round or hammer Head round: two similar anti-vehicle gauss cannon rounds which peentrate heavy armor and then explode a shaped charge.

Basically they seem to combine a kinetic impact with a "shaped charge" sort of effect. The ufnny thing is Hammerheads use a glorified X-ray laser effect pumped by KE of the round on impact.. or some suhc.

HELL round or Hell Missile: An artillery system or missile that causes small thermonucealr explosions through the use of gravitic energies.

Magic nuke. By itslef this might imply they use some sort of gravity-based compression to touch off a nuke (much the way stars use gravity to cause fusion reactions), but in practice/gameplay they tend to be more magical than that.

Laser: A weapon system which fires (pulses) coherent beams of light generated through a Gennium-Arsenic crystal. LAser weapons are normally rated by the length and diameter of their focusing crystal. Thus, a 7.5/3 laser has a crystal that is 7.5 meters long and 3 centimeters in diameter. They are used in both ground and space combat.

Magic lasers fired by magic crystals.

Mass Driver Cannon: A weapon system consisting of a long tube made of superconductive materials. small projectiels are fed into the breech and accelerated down the barrel. Used in both ground and space combat.

used less often in ground combat, unless they are hinting at small arms. (although they never quite explained how tank shields make MDCs useless when grav tanks are baiscally slow moving space fighters, and MDC rounds can be used on fighters...)

NEutron Particle cannon - A long-range weapon system that fires tachyon-charged neutrons. It can only operate in a vacuum. (IE In space.)

Magic tachyon neutron weapon again.

Phase-Polarization Communication system. An interstellar communication system that sends messages at a speed of 20,000 ly/month. Some P-Comm are small enough to be carried by a person.

The super duper super compact and highly versatile/useful FTL tech that they somehow fail to utilize to their full extent.

Painting Laser: A laser that "paints" its target, identifying the target's exact location for indirect fire and analyzing shield flicker rate (q.v.) of the target in order to negate its shield's effecitveness. A painting laser can do no damage by iself.

Self explanatory.

Radiation Intenisty seeking Misile: A spacecraft missile that homes in on a radiation source.

high tech heat seeker. Covered in Interceptor.

Shields are pressure-gravity waves which are imeprvious to all forms of energy and which violently disrupt electronics. Therfore, they are effective protection against energy weapons, low-mass projectiles, a nd missiles. Because of their immense power requirements, shields rapidly flicker on and off. Weapons mounted on the shielded vehicle are fired as the shield flicks off, and all of the vehicle's electronics are in synch with it sflicker rate. Sheilds do not deflect objects whcih mass greater than 100 grams (.1 kilogram) Shields are rated in terms of their flicker rate; the higher the rate, teh less likely they are to be penetrated, ,but the more power they require.

Self explanatory. Note the repetition of the "shields don't stop objects of a mass greater than 100 grams") bit.

Shimmer Heat (or Tau Shimmer) is the slight glow that surrounds an object that has been in T-space (q.v.) I tis the result of the disharmony between normal matter and the tacyhon Dimension. BEcause of this disharmony, the maximum continuous time any normal object can spend in T-space is 30 days and a few hours. For every hour spent in T-space, an hour must be spent in norrmal space to "bleed off" the shimmer heat which has built up.

as I've noted, I really wonder if that "disharmony" between tachyonic and normal matter is detectable at FTL.. as some means of FTL sensor capability.

Sub munitons Laser guided missile: A long-range anti-tank missile normally mounted on Vehicles

Scanner Silhouette Seeking missile: A spacecraft missile that scans its target prior to launch, and then uses the resulting three-dimesnional image for guidance.

T-Doppler: A detection system which combines P-Comm and doppler radar technology to detect ship movements in T-space.

Tachyon Space: An alternate dimension in which faster-than-light travel is not only possible, but neccessary.

Transponder Guided Missile: A spacecraft missile (or mine) that attacks any target which does not exhibit proper IFF (IDenfity: Friend or Foe) codes

Thor: an orbital bombardment systme that luanches kinetic energy penetrators against ground targets.

Tube or Vertically launched laser guided. A short-range anti-tank missile which can be mounted on a vehicle or carried and fired by dismounted troops.

More self explanatory stuff.

Very Large Communications Array: A massive communications system, using an array that is over a kilometer in length and width, that provides nearly instantaneous communciations across the galaxy.

"near instantaneous" would suggest less than a few minutes, and suggests billions if not trillions of c potential velocity

a point defense anti-missile system used by ground vehicles.

Final bit and self explanatory.
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