Necron 5th edition codex (SPOILERS)

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Re: Necron 5th edition codex (SPOILERS)

Post by Juubi Karakuchi »

Sinewmire wrote:The Enslaver plague. The C'tan really don't like warp energy, and when psykers started collapsing the barriers between our universe and the warp at the fall of the Old Ones, and the birth of the Chaos gods, the C'tan and the necrons went into hibernation to let the Chaos pass.
That's fair enough in itself. But I meant why haven't they wiped out the galaxy now that the danger has passed and they've awakened once again? It's essentially the same problem as 'if the Empire can build Death Stars so easily, why does it never build more than one?'

As I attempted to say, the new arrangement works well in that the C'tan are currently limited in their power to the point where the problem does not arise, but at the same time their original power is retained by implication. Before being shattered they were unstoppable godlike beings who did pretty much wipe out the galaxy and were a credible threat to the Old Ones. One of them, Llandu'gor the Flayer, actually managed to inflict the Flayer curse on the Necrons in its final moments, and said curse is still spreading to this day in the form of the Flayed Ones.

Also, I was interested to discover that the Silent King has returned and is gathering Necron forces to fight the Tyranids (perhaps kicking himself for destroying his command codes). That provides a convenient explanation as to why the Tyranids haven't wiped out the galaxy for that matter, because the Silent King has been actively intercepting at least some of the Hive Fleets.
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Re: Necron 5th edition codex (SPOILERS)

Post by Stravo »

Todeswind wrote:
Stravo wrote:Started reading my codex over the weekend. Can someone explain to me the difference between Ever Living and Ressurection Protocols? I read the descriptions twice and not sure why the Ever Living rule exists since as best I can tell you still use the Resurection protocols to come back and don't see any other special rule that attaches to Ever Living but it was late last night so I may have missed something obvious.
If you outright kill a squad you can't resurrect because at least one member of the squad needs to still be alive to make them. So if I were to hit a squad of ten models with ten power weapon attacks and kill all of them you wouldn't get to take your resurrection rolls. Ever Living is different because you can make if regardless of the presence or absence of a squad so if a squad with the IC in it gets wiped the IC model would still get a chance at getting their reanimation protocols.

Thanks! Ok now that makes sense. Guess the next question I should ask the more experienced players is whether you consider this a nerf of the We'll Be Back Rule or a streamlining. I like that you no longer have to worry about the AP of the weapon or if its a power weapon or not. As long as a unit survives you get to make your 5 up save, or 4 if you have a resurection orb handy.
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Re: Necron 5th edition codex (SPOILERS)

Post by Ryan Thunder »

Stravo wrote:Thanks! Ok now that makes sense. Guess the next question I should ask the more experienced players is whether you consider this a nerf of the We'll Be Back Rule or a streamlining. I like that you no longer have to worry about the AP of the weapon or if its a power weapon or not. As long as a unit survives you get to make your 5 up save, or 4 if you have a resurection orb handy.
Depends on how you would take advantage of it. WBB used to render Warriors nearly impervious to small arms fire, giving them the statistical equivalent of a 2+ armour save in bigassed squads.

Now its like an after-the-fact version of Feels No Pain but it works against everything. I think it reflects the fluff that I've read a bit better without being broken.
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