Page 68
Inquisitor Lord Rex vs Bloodthirster. Again its quite likely that psychic strength played more of a role than physical strength (there is quite the possibility that Rex can be considered a "champion" - possibly directly channeling part of the Emperor's power given his background)Inquisitor Rex was bathed in holy light, whilst white fire crackled from his blade and brow, lashing the Daemon with the power of his mind, striking unseen psychic blows. The Bloodthirster was all fury and strength, but what strength! Its blows shattered stone and gouched the earth as Inquisitor Rex dodged and parried time and again, until his storm shield had become useless wreckage. Both were wounded, but An'ggrath never tired of battle and bloodletting, and the Inquisitor was being worn down, his own great strength sapped by the impact of blow after blow that could have sliced a battle tank in two.
..the Inquisitor Lord thrust Arias deep into the Bloodthirster's chest, plunging it into the Daemon's heart and channelling all his psychic power through it. Shrieking in rage and torment An'ggrath vanished, cast back into the Warp.
The bit about "slicing a tank in two" again may have less to do with strength and more about other qualities in context (sharpness, concentration of force on a smaller area, etc. Stopping it is still damned impressive though, as is the feat itself.) since the Inquisitor isn't flying around the place form every blow, per se (unmless he's psychically anchoring himself against them.)
It's also quite possible the Bloodthirster was not at full strength yet, having just been called forth FROM the warp (and subjectivley the damn thing doenst seem to be too big compared to the Astartes.) And of course the Grey Knights, whilst defeated, still almost certainly weakened it.
Then again, he was big enough to hold a Space Marine in his hand, and he was the "mightiest of Bloodthirsters." lol This is IA and the only thing likely to be shafted more is an Avatar of Khaine.
Page 69
More on Bloodthirster's abilitie.s Notice the much vaunted Krieg fanatacism isnt much against a Bloodthirster now. Also note that the Inquisitor in challenging the thing indicates that psychic shit plays a role in hurting/weakening it, and that it is confirmed that it is alot weaker now than it would otherwise be...the Bloodthirster plunged back to earth, the limp half-crushed figure of a Grey Knight still clasped in his blood-soaked fist.
..his whip crackled with dark energy, as it flicked out efore him, plucking another fleeing storm trooper from his feet and fligning him through the air like a rag doll, smashing to the ground with the sickening thump of brekaing bone and torn flesh.
Each sweep of his mighty axe scything down the ranks of guardsmen that quailed before his passage. All turned and ran before his fury..
"I know your name, slave of Khorne, and I knwo your nature. An'ggrath you are." and the mention of the name was like a blow to the Bloodthirster, who reeled back from it "and the bonds that hold you here are not strong. Go back to the chaos...."
Page 69
The Inquistior's magic sword and the effect it has on the DAemon (as in how it can hurt it.) basically acting as a banishment tool.The blade [Inquisitor's sword] sliced deep and An'ggrath roared in pain, the holy sword's wound far more than physical to the Daemon, each cut severing it from the Warp, the well form which it drew its power and fury. Each cut also severing it from the power of the god that sustained it in the material universe.
page 69
sword bolts and forehead lightning for the win! not quite emperor death ray eyebeams, but close.stabbing flashes of white lightning leapt form his brow and his blade, impaling the daemon...
..from the tip of Arias a bolt of power leapt forth..
page 69
the infamous scene. extendo arms? Did he perform some super-psyker ninja leap up and stab the guy in the chest (and hover in midair, or hang off the sword buried in the guy's chest, or...) Maybe Hector struck as the bloodthirster leaned over him and brought his chest within stabbing range? Was he shrinking as his warp connection was cut? i dont know how to explain it, really...the Inquisitor was driven down to his knees, sword held before him as the beast paused to roare its masters name once more, calling Khorne to see him at his moment of triumph and witness the kill.
Then, with the last of his strength, Hector rex lunged forward, thrusting the bright sword up, plunging it deep into the beast's chest. the halo of light exploded into a searing blast as inquisitor Rex unleashed all his power, channelling it along the blade and into the heart of the Daemon.
An'ggrath roared nad swatted the Inquisitor away..
Page 76
He has a point, but to be fair its probable tha tthe Malleus would spirit him away and not share him either. Politics, however, and the opportunity to utilize a fresh Space Marine force in his job force him to agree to let the Dark Angels have Arkos.Hector Rex could not disagree, but felt that such a prize [Arkos] as a high ranking Alpha Legion comamnder, with all the sensitive intelligence he coudl reveal, would be best used in the hands of the Ordo Malleus. THe Inquisitor's interrogations could extract no end of information about spies and traitors within the Imperium's ranks and would use it to strike at cultists and traitors across Segmentum OBscuras - such a wealth of intelligence should not be the preserve of a single Space Marine Chpater.
You would think they might strike a deal where the Dark angels get the guy but the information gets extracted from him regardless....
Page 77
Apparnetly some Void shields were still afcitve. I'm guessing the shield was not one single, all enclosing defence.The guns of the Krieg artillery cmpanies pounred shells onto the hill, overloading the remaining void shields and smashing the buildings within with concentrated fire that pummeled it day and night.
PAge 79
Terminator armour resisting heavy bolter impacts.Cresting the steps, Belphegor felt the jarring fire of bullets whining off his own Terminator armour, heavy bolter impacts made hims tagger as the veterans about him fanned out, droppinng into firing position..
Page 79
Plasma pistol shot vaporizes brricade and its human defenders (plural). Vaporizing, at least hundreds of megajoules perhaps several gigajoules per shot. If "vaporize" means just exploding it could be less.. single digit MJ.. maybe low double...the enemies who were taking cover behind barricades and rubble in the entrance.
Belphegor waved his squads onwards with his crozius arcanum, levelled his plasma guna nd fired. Instantly a barricade was vapourized along with its defenders by the super-heated hydrogen impact.
Page 79
Chaplain with a Crozius, and its effects on normal body.Chaplain Belphegor smashed his crozius into the face of a mutant and saw its skull shatter like thin glass. His back swing swept anothe rmutant off its feet, befor he stamped down on his screaming victim.
Page 79
Flamers do fuck all to Terminator armour also.From somewhere a flamer unleashed a blaze of burning promethium, a gush of flaming orange liquid washed over him, but encased inside his armour, he barely felt the intense heat.
Page 79
Bolter shell vs big mutant, and crozius smashing its chest open...pitching head long into a huge mutant creature, all slimy skin and festering wounds, its face insectoid with mandibles and fly-like eyess.
A second swing smashed its chest, exposing broken ribs and spilling internal organs.
Belphegor paused to fire a bolter shell into its head, which exploded in a shower of blood and pink brains that splattered across the stones.
Page 84
The void shields, again powered by the geothermal taps...the great geo-sthermal heat wells that drew energy from the planet's core and massive transformer chambers that thrummed with energy as they harnessed the power and then distributed it via underground cables to the rest of the planet. AT the base of the rock, the Citadel was actually a huge power station, next to which were the banks of void shield generators that sucked up that power to generate the Citadel's many defensive void shields.
Page 84
Neutron lasers are lost tech. big surprise, huh?the [valdor] tank hunters were ancient vehicles equipped with the powerful but dangerous neutron laser - a weapon of advanced technology now lost to the Adpetus Mechanicus.
Page 84
Posssessed hellhound doggies.They had once been guard dogs, great mastiffs commonly used by the garrison to keep rowdy and rebellious work gangs in order.
They had been used as hosts for the possesion of ravneous dameon-spirits, and now they were massive blood-thirsty dog creatures with huge fangs and claws that lived only to taste mortal blood. So large were they that only an Ogryn's brute strength could restrain them.
Page 85
More use of WMDs, against daemons. still no nukes though.The engineers fought back, usint gheir poison gas grenades to clear rooms.
Page 85
The fate of the remaining (loyal0 bodyguard of Xaphan. That means there were at least 8 or so SoB at the start.. Probably 10 for a full squad, unless it was a depleted force for some reason... discover within the terrible and ruined remains of six prisoners. All had once been Sisters of the Argent Shroud....
I also wonder if this qualifies as an example of Sororitas being "corrupted" by Chaos? I kinda doubt it in the spiritual sense (hard to do that) but physical defilement is possible.
Page 85
An Inquisitorial armoury... and the fact that psykers are/were transported to Vraks for holding, rather than invidiual psyker tithes being picked up from individual worlds. Seems a bit.. unusual. Nevermind that you're putting all your eggs in one basket - an under-defended one. Its like Vraks was purpose built to be taken over by chaos and used to resist the Imperium, isn't it?...the Inquisition had maintained their own inner fortress, the Aedificium, from where Inquisitors and their strike forces could be equipped and where prisoners could be detained and interrogated. It had also contained the holding cells for the sector's tithe of captured psykers, destined for the Black ships that would ferry them to Terra.
Page 85
Dangers of Warp portals - they can breed. It is also mentioend a Chaos warband used the portal to escape, trusting ot their Gods (Khorne in this case) to save them. The fact its a massive 'fuck you' to the imperials is probably a bonus.It was from here [the Inquistorial fortress] that the Daemons had been allowed to spill onto VRaks [where the wapr portal had been opened]. Even if the warp portal was now sealed, it must be destroyed lest it be re-opened at some unknown future date. Inquisitor Rex also knew that the warp portal had not only opened itself, but its monstrous power had also caused the weakening of reality to the point where warp-rifts had started to tear through from the ether wherever the fighting on Vraks was heaviest.
Page 86
The scale of Krieg's human contribution ot the war, all of it casualties. 14 million, with 34 krieg regiments, means 400,000 per regiment... which seems.. quite off. i wonder if that means the siege regiments were ACTUALLY getting fresh recruits brought in from krieg to vraks to top off the numbers.. which is supposed to be pretty rare as to be unheard of, but whatever. you can't acutally blame IA here if that's the case cuz lots of authors ignore that dictate sometimes, although in this case I'd still laugh at the idea they were hauling supplies and troops form the other side of the galaxy to conduct a war rather than doing the usual thing. might have saved time and resources, given the actual outcome.The projected twelve year campaign had lasted almost eighteen TErran years. It had seen the deployment of 34 Krieg regiments, and the lost of an estimated fourteen million guardsmen of Krieg. The enemy losses were likewise massive.
Note they mention taking tens of thousands of prisoners, some of which would be shipped off to penal colonies.
Page 86
Fate of Vraks. I should note as well the six Sisters of Battle taken became political as well.. they were executed to save them from Chaos, but the Ecclesiarchy and its minions deemed it a 'criminal act'. frankly in this case i actually side with the Ecclesiarchy.The surrounding landscape was left as a nightmarish vision of total war...
There was still many hidden minefields and unexploded shells buried in the mud. Worse were the chemical weapons still lying unexploded, or a sudden storm might re-energise ground soaked in poisonous chemicals that would billow up to form new deadly fogs of greenish gas, drenched in acid that coudl strip flesh from bone.
Vraks was now a world beyond reclamation. If the Departmento Munitorum ever hoped to rescue the planet as an armoury, then it was to be disappointed in that ambition. The original armouries were all gone, destroyed in the fighting. The supplies were also gone, used up by the war.
Automated sentry warnings were to be positioned to warn ships away..
Page 89
Aftermath of Vraks and why it was utterly utterly GRIMDARK pointless. the sad part is, it didn't have to BE that way, except that the plot demanded it, so everything had to be contrived to perimit it to turn out this way.Following the 18 year siege of Vraks against the heretic forces of the Apostate CArdinal Xaphan and his allies of the Legionii Traitoris, the unrestricted use of chemical and biological weapons and the attempted opening of the Vraks portal has resulted in Vraks becoming a world no longer fit for habitation. The residue of chemical weapons can kill in seconds and biological agents are still rife. VRaks is now a blasted war-scoured world...
These places are still haunted by heinous creatures and the planet (especially the now destroyed Citadel of Vraks) is subjected to unpredictable warp rifts.
and note, still no nukes or nuke analogues used.
Page 91
Various kinds of bolter ammo. Note the dragonfire uses 'superheated gas' as some sort of incendiary (or fae) core. bolter shells are 'micro explosive' but non fragmtation. Hellfire bolts are fragmetnation and chemical.Standard bolt - mass reactive, armour piercing, micro-explosive warhead
Hellfire Bolt - mass reactive, fragmentation warhead, bio-acid core
Dragonfire bolt - proximity fuse, super-heated gas vial core
Kraken bolt - mass reactive, adamantine core, improved propellant
Vengeance bolt - Penetrator warhead with usntable flux-core. Hazardous.
vengeance bolts (relatively recent fluff wise) are penetratros with funky magic explosive cores. supposed to be the primary astartes killers, as i recall.
oh and kraken bolts.. implies adamantine might be a very dense metal (akin to uranium or tungsten penetrator type rounds). Wonder why its mass reactive tho, since it doesnt have an explosive. unless we're talking reactive metals.
Page 105
Cyclone launcher described. Carries 12 warheads total as pictured, seems to have some sort of optical sensor or scope.The Cyclone is a shoulder-mounted, rapid firing mutliple missile launcher, pre-loaded with krak and frag warheads. It provides a Terminator squad with heavy, versatile firepower in addition t otheir storm bolters.
Page 112
Grey Knights get all the best stuff, and this wasn't even the Wardian era iirc...the Grey Knights hav ethier own Chapter foundry, forge and manufactorum..
The Forge provides the Chapter with all its material needs, including the capability to manufacture armoured vehicles, and its foundries produce the hulls of the Chatper's Land Raiders.
Having their own dedicated manufacturing faiclity means the Grey Knights can keep their armoury fully equipped. Uniquely, each Grey Knights squad can have a Land Raider as its battlefield transport should the need arise.
Page 112
Machine spirits agian can be possessed.It [Land Raider] has its own powerful machine spriit, which is well shielded against daemonic attacks by inscriptions, sigils and wards. These arcane symbols are often inscribed upon the hull along with litanies of fiath that keep daemons at bay.
Page 112
Magic flamethrower fuel. HAH!The Redeemer pattern Land Raider, itself an adapttation of the Crusader pattern, is armed with two large flamestorm cannons, which the Grey Knights' Master of hte Forge has replaced with their own incinerator units. Fuelled by a volatile mixture of pure, blessed promethium and psychically impregnated incendium, fuels specially developed to combat daemonic threats.
Page 113
Land RAider redeemr sats:
weight: 70 tonnes Length: 10.3 M Width: 6.1 M Height: 4.11 M Ground clearance: .45 m
Max speed on road: 55 kph off road 48 kph
Main armament: 2x Flamestorm cannons Secondary armranet: twin linked psycannon
Traverse 180 degrees Elevation -32 to +42 degrees
Main ammo: 14 shots Secondary ammo: 2,600 rounds
Armour: 95 mm Suprestructure, 95mm hull
Page 114
Razorback variantEach [psycannon] shlel is silver-tipped, psychically charged and ritual blessed, all the better to banish the damenoic forces of Chaos back to the warp. Storm Troopers squads in the service of Ordo Malleus Inquisitors can be mounted in a RAzorback adapted to mount Twin Linked psycannons..
Page 115
Its basically a super heavy, twin barreled Basilisk. Also similar to the Malcador which is honestly a suck tank, so i tend to consider the Minotaur to be lousy. the fact its 'lost tech' can only be a good thing here.It [Minotaur] is designed to lay down crushing barrages of ordinance from advanced position whilst under threat from enemy fire, before redeploying under its own power. THe minotaur remains a powerful weapon, far greater both in firepower and durability than the ubiquitous Basilisk.
The Minotaur series shares many design features in common with the similarily antiquated Maclador pattenr (in particular engine and chassis featuers), but in layout and dseign philsoophy stands almost unique among Imperial war machines.
Page 115
This is maybe the only good thing I could think of for the Minotaur design, the bakcwards arrangement. An added benefit is with "fire on the move" it could retreat in the face of an advancing enemy whilst still deploying artilleryThe Minotaur's most unsuual feature is its deck layout, which distributes the engines, drive systems and ammunition storage evenly across its superstructure and mounts its armament on a wide central axis point facing rearward, away from the crew compartment. THis centreline weapons mounting has a huge payload capacity and an inherent tolerance for recoil which serves to stabilise the vehicle when firing even the most massive of ordnance. The unusual 'backwards' design allows the Minotaur to reverse into firing positions such as prepared dugouts or emplacements or even into ruined structures, and if needs be, rapidly re-deployed 'forwards' through ground already cleared by its passage.
Page 115
"compelxity of advanced construction?" Its a fucking superheavy chassis that mounts two Earthsakers backwards and sticks a fuck ton of heavy armour on it!..the Minotaur is also unusually heavily armoured, with thick plating on all sides comparable to the protection levels of many heavy tanks - a fact that servesas a strong indicator of its provenance in the conquests of humanity's ancient past...
If the Minotaur has a deficiency, it is the complexity of its advanced construction, particularily in terms of its armoured defence and the sophisticated hydraulic and recoil compensation systmes that form a key part of its design. These factors over time may well have led to the steady decline of the Minotaur's manufacture to the point wher eit is only seen in the hands of certain specialised siege artillery regiments. Some reports place thousands of these machines held in the strategic war reserves of the Departmento Munitorum awiating the call to battle.
I'm thinking "complexity" means "overengineered" in this case. I really cannot see the loss of this thing as being a downside, any more than the Malcador is or the Destroyer tank huner with its fixed laser. Sure, it haas twice the firepower of a Basilisk, but that is offset by the fact that the Minotaur needs more crewers to handle the loading and firing process and the fact that the damn thing is bigger and heavier and hence slower than the Basilisk. Armour is all well and good, but artillery's main defence is to simply not fucking get hit and stay at range, and speed will definitely help there. Also I'd bet rate of fire is better with a Basilisk (I doubt you could only fire one gun on a Minotaur)
Page 116
Minotaur stats
weight: 98 tonnes Length: 10.7 M Width: 4.95 M Height: 4.7 M Ground clearance: .65 m
Max speed on road: 25 kph off road 18 kph
Main armament: twin earthshaker cannons
Traverse 0 degrees Elevation 0 to +58 degrees
Main ammo: 40 shots
Armour: 180 mm Suprestructure, 160mm hull
Page 118
Scaling the minotaur schematic interior by legnth (10.7M) yields between .92 and 1.17 cm per pixel by height its bouty 1.02 cm per pixel. So roughly 1.02 or 1 cm per pixel seems reasonable. The diameter of the shells in the ammo locker scale out to 24 pixels, so 24 cm. Or about 9-10"guns. lol.
Page 119
Malcador Shadowsword wannabe, with magic reactor and quasi-magic beam weapon. I wonder if its meant to be some fancy name for a fission reactor, or if its more exotic than that.Even though it is considerably more compact in consturction, and far less energy-hungry than comparable weapons on other super-heavy tanks, such as the Shadowsword's volcano cannon, the neutron-laser and the neutronic-coil arc reactor that power it consume much of the vehicle's interior space. THe relaitve lack of reactor shielding within can prove hazardous to the crew that operates the machine and disastrous should enemy fire rupture the reactor's containment coils. The neutron energy beam the VAldor's main armament unleashes is capable of rupturing the denses of protective mateirals, smashing apart its target's molecular structure and creating a massive electro-magnetic shock effect inaddition to explosive matter disruption. The shock-pulse can prove particularily devastating to smaller armoured vehicles which lack the thick shielding and mass of their super-heavy counterparts, making the weapon perfect for a purpose-designed tank destroyer. However the nature of the neutron beam is such that if it fails to transfer its energy discharge entirely to its target, dangerous feedback can occur to the cannon itself.
The beam weapon almost certainly sounds like its meant to be an oversided Particle beam weapon. According to here EMP effects are an ancillary kill mechanism of particle beams, and the ability to penetrate deeply into dense materials is a well known particle beam quality. However, NPBs suck in the atmosphere (Charged particle beams at least would be self focusing) and the whole "feedback" thing makes it sound horribly technobabblish unless its's referring to some innate drawback of the weapon (A tendency for the capacitor to possibly not discharge fully or something, but that would be a design flaw.)
Oh and "explosive matter disruption" and "molecular structure" being smashed apart, but the effects of a PBW can do that too. Rumors link this weapon to being used as a countermeasure to Traitor Land Raider superiority post Heresy.
Page 119
Not totally lost, still in production in at least 3 forge worlds. Of the Malcador type hulls, this is perhaps the least sucky, being a sort of pocket Shadowsword analogue. A few old armoured regiments might have small numbers of such. the Cadian 1st is known to have 5 such. Vraks only had around 20-30 of such vehicles tops.While the Valdor's chassis and superstructure has much in common with other war machines of this period, such as the Malcador and Minotaur, its core systems components are unique in their design and highly sophisticated, no well beyond the ability of most Forge worlds to replicate or maintain. It is likely then that the Valdor pattern was even in those shadowed ancient days principally a weapon deployed by the loyal ADeptus Mechanicus and those Imperial Army regiments and othe forces with close ties to the militant Machine Cult. So it remains to this day, with production facilities for the Valdor known to be situated on a small number of far flung Adeptus Mechanicus strongholds such as Lathe-het and Cyraxus II, as well as Mars itself.
Page 119
Oh joy.The payment the Steel Brethren took for this service [technical assistance with the Valdors] is believed to have been several working Valdors and a secured data-core detailing the design, which raises the dreadful possiblity of these powerful machines featuring in the arch-enemy's forces in the future.
Page 120
Valdor stats
weight: 96 tonnes Length: 11.5 M Width: 4.95 M Height: 3.7 M Ground clearance: .65 m
Max speed on road: 25 kph off road 18 kph
Main armament: Neutron laser Secondary armament: heavy flamer
Traverse 0 degrees Elevation 0 to +22 degrees
Main ammo: Unlimited from Generator escondary ammunition: 8 shots
Armour: 180 mm Suprestructure, 160mm hull
Also shown in diagrams to have a heavy stubber.
Page 124
On one hand, he shows the Imperium has some sort of technique to produce Astartes like humans without (obviously) using Gene-seed it would seem, unless that's what they did (and if so from what Chapter.) It echoes what has been done to other folk in the past (EG Luther and older Knights when El'Jonson was found.) We aren't told how common it is sadly, but it does seem it might be more than just an "Inquistor-only" project.A powerful psyker himself, Rex was first selected for Imperial service after being screened for psychic potential by the Schola Psykana. Such was his potency that he excelled in all training, soon outshining his calssmates, most of whom were destined for service within the Imperial Guard. In his youth he was subjected ot similar genetic enhancement to that ofa Space Marine, his physical body growing massively. He now towers 8' tall, is heavily muscled and is in superb condition. Genetic enhancement complete, Hector Rex was handed over to the Inquisition for more advanced training...
He's a Psyker AND a Space Marine AND an Inquisitor! Also known as Dragio 2.0, Emperor jr, and is MAT WARD APPROVED. Ok i've stooped to fifth edition mat ward jokes, I think I can be put out of my misery now. Still he sounds ridiculously over the top esp given he's a non-Astartes character. I wonder who's self insert he is?
Page 124
Yet anothyer fanboy addition - Blessed by the Emperor! I AM TEH PERFECT. i have to admit this wasn't the worst part of vraks by far, but as a conclusion to it it was just another jab of the stick in the eye so to speak.Hector Rex bears the honoured title 'Auditorii Imperator' which means he has been granted a personal audience with the Emperor himself. REx has entered the Emperor's throne room and knelt before the Golden Throne on Terra to commune iwth the Emperor himself - one of a very few number of living men who has known such a privelege. Many High Lords of Terra never gain such an honour.
On a more serious note, this confirms the Emperor is, to external observation still 'active' in some way and can interact to some degree with the outside world. He's not just a dead corpse with a warp presence, and agin this echoes JAq Draco's encounter with the GEoM.
Indeed it implies others have as well, so there are folk who can speak to that effect. Part of me wonders if this was merely just a variation on "Soul Binding" since the dude is an uber space Marine psyker type, but the fact it hints that some High Lords may have had the honour, and could (in theory) be so blessed, suggests it is a more general sort of thing (perhaps similar to what happened with the Daughters of the Emperor before they turned on Vandire.)
Page 125
One, Krieg regiments (siege) are "tens of thousands" of men. Second, it implies that armoured regiments (even Krieg ones) have at least some potential for mobility even though they seem to mostly specialize in siege/trench warfare crap. They also don't have dedicated mechanised regiments, but their armoured forces apparently have mechanised troops attached.The men of krieg usually form siege regiments with tens of thosuands of men. But others are trained and equipped as tank regiments. The tanks and carriers of the armoured regiments form the cutting edge of the Imeprial Guard's fighting forces. It is their task to take battle deep into the heart of the enemy, striking fast and hard with overwhelming firepower to smash enemy defneces.
Page 126
Krieg armoured "fist" forces. Not very mobile compared to other regiments of such. The fact they have any armoured vehicles is frankly amazing, especially given their size. the question is how extensively the siege regiments are so equipped. Also the grenadiers use the centaurs as well.Infantry must be deployed to support the tanks. Krieg siege regiments are not equipped with Chimeras for mobile battles, but they do have some armoured transports. Centaurs can carry command squads, whilst huge Gorgons can carry an entire platoon in a single vechile.
Page 143
Another example of continual reincarnation/resurrection by Chaos forces (like that of Kharn, or of Lucius the Emperor's Children swordsman.)..indeed sources both Imperial ad within the forces of Chaos have believed him [Necrosius] destroyed on numerous occasions, whether at the blades of Imperial ASsasins or in the flames of Ahriman's sorcerous fires, but always he has returned, earning him the sobriquet 'the Undying' among his devotees.
Page 145
Length: 6.6m Approx Width 6.4 M approx height: 6.9m approx ground clearance 1.3M approx
Max speed on road: 42 kph approx, Off road 40 kph approx.
main armament: Battle cnanon secondary armement: twin linked autocannon
Traverse 360 degrees Elevation -22 to +72 degrees
Armour: 60mm turret, 55mm hull, 50mm gun mantlet
Page 147
Brass scorpion fluff. Also has demolisher cannon and a tail weapon, but the really fascinating thing to me is how the physical structure of the brass scorpion looks like brass and iron that has been 'transmuted' which points to the whole 'magic metal' thing in 40K (not to mention things like wriathbone and th elike..) close range that the Brass Scorpion is at its most destructive, easily capable of ripping apart tanks and defence lines with its masive claws and incinerating whole swathes of foes with gouts of infernal fire and molten brass from its Hellmaw cannon.
its brass and iron construction transmuted by daemonic energeis and the bloody rites of the Skull Lord into an unholy substance not of the mortal realm, and porof against all but the most powerful shot and shell. Furthermore, the graven runes of the Blood God used in the construction of this baleful war machine and the savage Warp entites bound within grant it an unusually high reisstance to psychic powers..
Brass Scorpions have been encountered varying from the size of a Leman Russ battle tank up to colossal monstorsities the size of small Titans.
Page 151
Nurgle Blight Drones. chaos air support.Seemingly a weird conglomeration of insect larvae, flying machine and daemonic entity...
The maddening, inscsssant droning buzz of their rotor disks echoing...
Armed both with rapid-firing light cannona nd a maw-like wepaon capable of spweing jets of corrosive toxic bile strong neoughto eat through metla and liquefy flesh in seconds, they proved deadly to both entrenched infantry and light vehicles...
PAge 155
Blood Slaughterer stats
Length: 5.4m Approx Width 8.8 M approx height: 4.4m approx ground clearance 1.1M approx
main armament: 2x close combat weapons
Traverse 360 degrees Elevation -90 to +90 degrees
Page 161
Standard titan spiel..all [titans] cary firepower of a terrifying magnitude, able to slaughte ropposing ranks of infantry and armour with mocking ease and tear down cities in their fury.
Page 161
titan arms...the Reaver has long been part of the Titan Legion - if no longer as common as the larger Warlord. A Reaver class Titan's standard armament is threefold, carrying a single carapace mounted wepaon and two heavier arm mounts. This payload commonly includes laser blaster,s Gatling blaster,s and 'apocalyspe' multiple-missile launchers, although plasma blast guns, vortex missils and Huge Titan close combat weapons suge as siege hammers and Titan chain fists are not unknown.
Page 161
Chaos titans are litterally [minor] gods I suppose. OR at least daemons.Regardless of their origin, Chaos Titans are now as much Daemon as they are machine. Their once living crews are fused with their engines, mutated into a single being dedicated ot destruction and butchery on a scale incomprehensible to a mind bound by the constraints of human mortality.
Page 162
Chaos Reaver Titan
weight: 738 tonnes, Length: 15.4 m Width: 18.1 M height: 22.3 M
Ground Clearance: 8.25m
Max speed: 27 kph on road (12.5 M streide length) 19 KPH off road,
Main armament: Melta cannon, Titan close combat weapon
Secondary armmanet: Apocalypse Missile Launcher
Traverse - 100 derees, Elevation -33 to +28 degrees
Main ammunition: 50 shots from power pack,
Secondary mamunition: 40 missiles
Armour: Superstructure: 120mm, Hull: 120mm
Page 172
Chaos force son vRaks - all 8 million souls of the population subverted to war. 11 Traitor Marine warbands (3 Khorne, 4 Nurgle, one Iron Warrios, one Black Legion, one Alpha Legion, one non aligned.)
Legio Vulcanum and 20 Titans or so.
Page 173
Two forms of possession. I imagine that Daemon swords are a kind of Daemon engine.One way for a Daemon to break thorugh into the mateiral universe is via possssion. During a ritual a physical body is offered up as a vessel for the daemon to inhabit.
Rather than taking a living being to possess,the Daemon engine is a metal body, an inanimate object which, when the correct rites are performed, becomes inhabited by the Daemon, it sdark energy providing power to it smechanical form.
Page 173
Summoning is a giant pyramid scheme In other words. Summoning is anothe r(albeit temporary) means of gainign acess to the mateiral realmTo enter the matieral universe a Daemon must be summoned. It has no real existenc ein real space, it is formed of malign energy given a temporary form by its god.
Killing a DAemon's physical form does not destroy it, it simply banishes it from the material plane to return ot the Warp. Within the Warp the Daemon' spower remains untouched. Only a Chaos god can claim back the energy that gives a Daemon its power, thus ensuring a Daemon's utter loyalty to tis master, whohas the power of life and death over them.
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Warp rifts and portals. Portals being permamant (sustained) openings (oftne physical) they remind me alot of webwya portals.When reality becomes weakened and eventually tears it is called a Warp rift. DAemons burst through into the real world, taking material form and spilling out. The larger the tear in reality, the more Daemons that cna spill through. Some are only temporary phenomena, lasting seconds and reality cna quick repair itself and return the status quo. At other times the rift is large and remains for days, with legions of Daemons surging out to kill and destroy with wanton glee. By their nature Warp rifts are highly unpredictable and unstable. A more stable form of passage betwene the two realms is a Warp portal.
A more predictable form of Daemon summoning is via a portal (referred to by many names: door, gate, barrier, flux, vortex and cursus). These are gateways into the Warp which those with the correct knowledge can open. Often portals are hidden away or disguised, and there are those masters of the dark arts who know how ot create new portals. OFten secret cults will spring up to worship a portal, with the aim (often misunderstood) of masteirng the rituals required to open the door and release their 'masters' from within.
Portals are very dangerous and the Inquisition will go to any lengths to close an open portal or destroy a closed one.
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regular weapons only banish daemons (Sever their physical anchor to real space basically), but only the Malleus or Grey Knights can "destroy" one... whilst conventional weapons might destroy a Daemon's physical form, it cannot destroy the Dameon itself, who will simply be banished, only to return through another portal given a chance.
In the Imperium of Man only the Ordo Malleus and the Grey Knights have the arsenal of weapons specifically designed to destroy Daemons...
Page 174
I guess Astartes indoctirnation can be broken.Drugged, tortured and subjected to hideous psycho-corrective surgery to alter his brainwaves patterns, the World EAtrs broke his [Space Marine's] Imperial indcotrination and turned him into a raging psychopathic killer, tall and muscular behyond even his normal Space Marine physique.
Page 212
Sounds likea death sTar beamthe intersecting beams of the Valdor's Neutron lasers can shred the heaviest armoured vhicles to pieces, vaporising metal into a storm of radioactive flame.
Page 220
Destructive capabilities (over unknown timeframe) of squiggoths and large 'Nids of similar bulk.Creatures of this immense size can take on entire enemy armies, devastate cities and lay waste to continents. Normally only Tyranid beasts grow this large, as organisms native to this galaxy struggle to cope with such impossibly heavy organs and limbs. THere is, however, one exception to this: Ork Squiggoths, whose bodies, according to the Imperial bio-magi, should not even be able to move (not that this has ever stopped them from ravaging entire worlds of the Imperium!)