W T F ...

Are they for fucking real? We already know what happened on this mission!
They succeed and they all die except Vega and Shepard defeats the Collectors.
If the had released it before ME3 or at the same time or shortly after ME2 it might have been interesting...
BUT NOVEMBER 2012 - nearly a year after the story is over?!
If they hadn't revealed Vegas past in ME3 and only gave hints at an Alliance attempt at stopping the Collectors this might have worked.
Or a secret Alliance Spec-Ops mission to investigate the Reaper found by the Batarians... to actually have a prequel to ME3 instead of a sidestory to ME2.
Fuck you EA or whoever greenlit this.
Krogans look like shit instead of hulking behemoths of doom.
And those people in N7 gear?! Are they supposed to be soldiers or the next winners of Alliance Got Talent?