You don't say. I hate Doctor Who catchphrases.Amy Pond says "Geronimo!" and no, it still doesn't work as a catchphrase.
Undoubtedly. I haven't liked the Ponds since their second season began. I'm honestly fed up with them by this point, and I'll be glad to see them go.Something has happened to the Ponds, and you won't like it.
You know, I actually consider myself a bit of a feminist. When I write stories I love to have strong leading ladies. I once wrote a book in which all of the main characters were women. So it really astonishes me that I find myself hating the female characters Moffat creates and prefer the men instead. I never thought I'd end up liking Rory more than Amy (especially being a Scottish girl myself) but I did. I like Matt Smith as the Doctor and want him to stay even though I'd love to see a female Doctor. My favourite villains from the last two seasons were House and the Dream Lord. I'd rather have Craig (from The Lodger) join the TARDIS crew than River. I thought Canton Everett was cool, and Madame Kovarian was lame.And, as it seems there always must be in Moffat Doctor Who scripts these days, there is a woman who is not all she seems.
I could go on, but you get the idea. I don't really understand it myself. I get the impression that Moffat likes strong female characters (as I do) but whenever he makes one I can't stand them. Actually, there have been virtually no female characters from nuWho that I have liked, but I've seen old series episodes on DVD and I really liked some of the female Companions and characters from those. I mean what the hell? I can't stand modern female characters in Doctor Who, but I like the ones from a more sexist time? That just doesn't seem right.
Anyway, as far as Asylum of the Daleks goes, I already started dreading it when I saw the trailer, showing that Spoiler
Really? I mean really? They don't think that's been overdone just a tiny little bit? Ehhh, whatever. Maybe the episode will surprise me. Not holding my breath though.