But we'll start with IA8. IA8 is, in my opinion, one of the WORST books in the series, and that's mainyl because there is absolutely no way it can justify its existence. For all the flaws in the Taros campaign, it's still at least technically possible for things to come about that way - politics can always lead to stupidity, and the tau are good at being lucky and exploiting flaws and weaknesses and it was never a vital cause for them. Siege of VRaks again can be excused (barely) on politics and probably being far less important than it actually was. Both are STILL stupid for the way they were conducted and the results, and they were contrived, but you can at least SORT OF see it happening that way given the nature of the Imperium.
IA8 however, does not even have that flimsy excuse to back it up. What we basically have in IA8 (at least from my perspective - I know others tried to put a different spin on it) is a situation where a conflict happens that never really HAD to happen - at least for the reasons given. The premise at the core of IA8 is more of an assassination mission. Remove a key figure from the Ork's side, and they'd be hampered. And this being the Raven Guard - Space Marine special ops or ninjas (take your pick), stealthy assasination should have been a cakewalk. Instead we get a long, unnceeseacry protracted ground conflict under the pretext of a diversion (using a regiment not known for fighting straight up head to head ground wars, static or otherwise.) whilst their Space Marine Allies dick around with their thumbs up their asses waiting for things to be JUST RIGHT to spring into action - because as we know, Space Marines are always reactive and never proactive. And the Space Marine captain is Short bus material, since he's apparently too subtle to figure out his target might be doing what they are afraid he might do if he isn't taken out (Building Ork Titan analogues.) Truly, IA outdoes itself in the contrivance department in this one.
I think the thing that usually bugs me isn't so much the stupidity (although that can be painful), or the fact that they want things to play out under a certain idea or theme (they're hardly the first ones to do that - lots of authors do) - but I think that they just do a poor job of explaining it away. More often than not, things happen because the plot or the game requires them to, and explanation seems to be more an afterthought - like Grimdark and 'hur hur, its the Imperium - futility and the unimportance of human life fix all' somehow would cover that. With just a little thought, or effort, they could easily have pulled off Taros or Vraks without having to resort to contrivance. But, they don't.. and we're stuck with the results. I really want to like IA, because it is in its way 'different' enough from the novels and mainstream 40K to be worth a look. But the way they fabricate these early conflicts just.. makes it difficult to do. Especially when others (FFG in particular) do it so much better.
Well enough long winded pontificating. Onto th emeat of the discussion. Probably will be in two, maybe three parts. Depending on my mood and level of impatience. I'm aiming for 3, maybe 4 if I can manag eto space it out that much. we'll see.
Page 6
Kastorel-Novem was a mining world for the Imperium before being taken by the Orks. From M38 to M41.. so 3 millenium and hadn't sstill tripped out resources, however much it started out with.Equatorial distance - 7160 miles.
Gravity .93G
Population 2.1 million approx
Rotation speed: 990 mph
Means urface tmeperature: 20C
Econcomy: Limited internal markets only, regulated by Adeptus Administratum officials. Principle export markets: Segmentum Tempestus forge worlds
Principle exports: Refined chemicals, merucry-chloridews, sulphides & fuminates, munitions.
Principle Imports: Foodstufs, engineering equipment, fuel, manpower
Food supply: Hydroponic, supplemented by imports [natural ecology and wildlife hunted to extinction and wiped out by strip-mining]
Urbanisation: The area of manufacturing and refnining facilities have been established ont eh continent of Itdarina. This includes space ports landing fields, workers' habitation blocks, hydroponics and other infrastructure. 90% of the population are contained here.
10% operate the strip mining facitliies on the northern and osuthern continents, accessible only by aerial transports.
Page 8
Munition manufacturing on Kastorel Novem.It was rich in phosphorous, mercury, sulphur and other useful chemical compounds. From the intiial strip mining operations, refineries for the chemicals were soon added ot reduce the mineral ore's bulk before transportation to forge worlds across Segmentum Tempestus. From tehse refinery operations manufacturing soon followed, bringing in other mateirals from surrounding systems to produce more complex chemicals, such as mercury-chlorides, sulphides and fulminates for use as explosives to meet the Imperium's insatiable demand for munitions.
Page 6
Imperial garrison on planet and one of thre regiments.Garrison station, including 49th Terrax Guard), destroyd during Ork attack.
Page 8
Imperial defences of the planet. Part of me finds it hard to believe they ignore these actual conflicts when they've written them in just so they can put in the Elysians and Raven guard together on one planet. HAve the IG fighting on one or more planets to hold the Orks back (and if you REALLY need the Elysians in there, have them deploying with some of the Raven Guard to help hold the places they need to hold and keep the orks distracted) whilst the assasination mission goes off separately. Not only would it have been less contrived, but it would have contributed a sense of 'epic-ness' to the whole conflict and that sense that the mission and its success were vital...the advent of Waaagh! Skullkrak [and being close to an Ork empire] in a neighboring sector meant that Kastorel-Novem required a substnatial Imperial Guard garrison force stationed there to protect the planet. One large raid by Ork pirates caused major disruption to production and resulted in the addtiion of two orbital defence stations and a squadron of monitor gunships to deter further Ork attacks.
Page 8
More Garrisons. One thing I will say I like about IA8 is how they actually seem to be paying lip service to the idea of garrison forces and locally raised troops, rather than contriving some excuse to haul them over vast distances to where they need to fight. Of course this could be because they aren't gaming these elements out, but at least they paid attnetion to that.Additional Imperial Guard regiments were quickly deployed across the sector to boost garrison strengths and help counter Garaghak's arrival. The majority were sent to reinforce the world of Tallarax, with the plan of turning it into a fortress world strong neough to deter the Ork's ambitions.
Page 9
Tallarax and the potential scale of the defences there, although millions could mean civilians as well as military losses, and it really doesn't convey a sense of epicness the way the assault on Cadia or the Boros Gate (Dark Creed) did, IMHO.The world only fell into Ork hands after a three year war in which millions died.
Page 9
Extracting stuff from the gas giants for munitions production? Kinda reminds me about the promethium comments from Caves of Ice or similar sources. Maybe they're extracting hydrogen?....the Ork invasion began with the destruction of the orbital defence platforms and the capture of the orbitla extraction stations circling the gas giant, Kastorel-Decimus.
Page 9
Kastorel Novem defenses, including at least 3 Guard regiments, as well as the PDFs and militia (professional and conscript forces.)The garrison regiments, Planetary Defence Force and hastily raised and trained workers militais put up a stubborn fight, with the 49th TErrax Guard providing the backbone of the defences.
Page 9
Ministorum forces raised (I'm sure that comes close to breaking the Decree Passive, but maybe the situation is dire enough the other Adepta ovelrook it hoping they can delay or distract the Orks.), and the Munitorum possessing a "local strategic reserve" of guard forces to deploy to bolster or re-take planets within a sector. Again this reflects the 'locally raised/deployed' forces, rather than bringing them in right off the bat from thousands of light years away.As yet the Imperium had not mustered an army capable of delivering an effective counter-attack or retaking any of the lost planets, but the Departmento Munitorum had searched its local strategic reserves for Imperial Guard regiments to deploy onto Forsarr itself. Meanwhile the Ecclesiarchy had raised huge numbers of Frteris Militia and they encouraged the zealous followers of the REd Redemption cult to defend their threatened shrine world of Magdalene IX.
I'm not quite sure what the 'reserve' represents, if its like the depots or armoury worlds we hear of or how extnesive. My guess would be they are meant to be 'larger than normal' garrisons at sector (perhaps subsector) capitals, meant to provide a ready pool of trained, experienced soldiers when a crisis arises (meaning the Imperium doesn't have to rely on conscripts all the time within a sector.) In a sense all garrisons are a 'reserve' but you may not always want to strip those out unless you have to. Also keeping the reserves centralized (at least at the sector level) can allow for more rapid deployment by drawing on the sector Naval reserves (mothballed ships and such) to haul them around.
Just how permanant or temporary such reserves are is unknown, although I doubt they are very permanant - troops will be needed in different amounts and at different places in the sector, and that would mean they logically get shifted about from time to time. Likewise, attrition and other factors (age, injury, etc.) can deplete the ranks, and the level of induction probably is not always fixed, so the numbers probably vary to some degree or another as well.
Page 9
Hive world of Forsarr.. 30 billion. Forsarr sector home to Raven Guard's homeworld of Deliverance as well.The next Imperial-controlled system to lie in Garaghak's path was the hive world of Forsarr itself, the sector's primary planet and centre of the Imperium's power in the sector. With a population of over 30 billion souls, Forsarr could not be allowed to fall.
Page 10
At last the Imperium [well the Space Marines] makes a serious effort at Intel gathering before a war is launched. I have to say I dont think this will matter much, this is IA after all, and as we discover the forces in this venture could fuck up a paint by number set requiring only two colors.Their [Raven Guard's] first mission would be intelligence gathering.
It was a neccessary first step before any offensve action could be taken.
Page 10
No trench warfare here derived from TI. There was also a small reserve. It also helps that they had air support from a Navy fighter and bomber wing supporting the Valkyries and Vultures.Drawing on their schooling in the Tactica Imperium, the ground attack would be a classic hammer-and-anvil assault. The 'Hammer' would be the first attack, driving the Orks back onto the waiting 'anvil'. which would be a strong stop-line with heavy weapons in place ready and waiting for the Orks to be driven into their killing fields.
To avoid this [attacks form behind and flank] a third force owuld be deployed, a screening flank-protection unit codenamed 'Dagger' force.
They would screen Shield force with mobile patrols and establish a skirmish line to intercept, divet and delay any Orks approaching form the North.
Page 11
181st Drop troop regiment deployment
Sword force: 2 captians, F, G (elements of), and I companies (I company is Sentinesl - elements of.) Plus 4799th Storm trooper Company (elements of again)
Dagger force: 2 Captains, plus A, E [elements of], and I [Sentinels- elements of] comapneis plus elements of the 4799th Storm trooper company (again)
Shield force: 2 Captains, B, C, D, E [Elements of], G [elements of], J [Sentinels] companies, plus the 4799th Storm Trooper Company (elements of)
Reserve force: 2 captains, and H company
Page 11
Assuming he had a force nearly as large or as large we could be talking in excess of 5-10 million orks. Not exactly an overwhelming force, but this is Forge World. Prboably doesnt include Gretchin though.Gogrok's space hulks along with its attendant Kroozers, Roks and his entire warband (estimated at between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000 Orks in total) all fell straight into Garaghak's green-claed hands.
Page 11
Millions of orks and a "days" long space battle.The Ork Fleet, led by space hulks and Roks, clashed with the Imperium's flotilla and orbital defences in a fleet engagement that lasted days, before millions of Orks descended upon the forlorn hive world's defensive bastions.
Page 11
Gargant size...he had begun construction on a Gargant, a huge stomping war machine the size of a Warlord Titan..
Why act so completely independent? It occurs to me that a significant Raven Guard force both hunting their target as well as assisting the Elysians would maximize changes of success, even if the Imperium has a mobility advantage here. Then again it seems quite likely this is intentional on the part of the Raven Guard, using the Elysians merely as a diversion for their own attack.This [defendable landing zones] would have to be well away from the Orks, but the Imperium's forces would be completely air mobile, so the distance mattered little.
The planners seletected two locations as their base of operations: one for the Elysians and one for the Space Marines
The attack force would make planetfall on the southern continent, out of reahc of the Orks (except of any roving Ork aircraft) and then quickly prepare their aircraft and tropos for the drop assault.
Of course as I mentioned before, the real question is why they are fighting on planet at all. It shouldn't be that complicated to locate the Mek by the gargant using Raven guard scouts and then using either orbital bombardment (or snipers) to take out the target. These are the Ravne Guard, after all.. so stealth should be their specialty. Hell given all the stuff they pull in novels (Hunt for Voldorius, Chapter's Due, Deliverance Lost...) it shouldn't be that hard.
Also if they are airmobile (and ground moble, with their Tauros) why are they bothering with bases AT ALL. The point is to distract or divert the Orks to draw out the Mek (which seems a bit stupid to me.. why is a big obvious attack going to draw the Mek? Wouldnt some other bait work better?) you should keep mobile and skirmish, keeping as out of contact as possible. Numbers are against them on Kastorel Novem, so minimial conflict would be desirable.
Of course I'm also reminded of Gunheads, where a relatively more effective (and larger) assault on an Ork planet was carried off. Without Astartes help, I might add.
Page 13
Raven Guard forces:
1st company: 2 veteran squads, 1 Dreadnought
5th company: 4 Tactical, 1 Devastaor squad, 6 Land Speeders and 5 Rhinos
8th comapny: Chaplain, 6 assault squads, one Dreadnought
10th Company: 7 scouts, 8 land speeder storms
Armory: 3 Techmarines, 10 servitors, 1 Land Raider Promethius (command vehicle), 6 Predator destructor, 3 predator annihilator, 9 land speeders 3 thunderfire cannons, 6 sentry guns
Other: 3 Apothecary, 1 Epistolary (Librarius), 1 Captain
Fleet: 1 Strike Cruiser, 2 Gladius-class escrots, 7 Thunderhawk Gunships, 6 Thunderawk transproters, 10 Drop pods.
Why are they deploying dreadnoughts on assassin missions?
Page 14
helmet comms for the Elysians IIRC.In his helmet communicator the pilot announced they were thirty seconds from target...
Page 15
Extensive use of ground scanners for this conflict it seems. Which is good, because of Intel. Intel as always, was off for the Imperium in this case. Not that it would have helped to have even perfect intel here, cuz I doubt Captain Short Bus would know how to use it properly.This small vanguard force preceded the main body by five minutes, with the task of clearing any enemy form the immediate drop zone area, marking the area with auto-direction finding beacons for the following aircraft and deploiying the tactical ground scanners. The scanners would give Xhyst and his air support a quick overview of where the Orks were and how many there might be.
Page 15
Grav chute deployment from 100 metres. Implied to be active for no more than a few seconds tops, suggesting decelerating of multiple gees, easily. Not exactly impressive given other feats (Dark Apostle, for example.)Xhyxt jumped from the Valkyrie's rear ramp at about one hundred metres.
..his grav-chute unit activating instantly. He had no time to check it, or to form the standard cruciform jump position. HE hit the ground almost before he knew he was airborne. His ingrained muscle-memory from countless training jumps meant he didn't tense on impact, making for a 'soft' landing.
Page 15
Its a binocs.. and a scanner?Once on top he pulled out his magnocular scanner and swept it across the horizon, pausing to focus on a distant tall structure that jutted skywards like a skyscraper under construction.
Turning his scanner to full magnification he could see the small figures of workers, Orks or gretchin...
Page 16
Sniper lasguns exploding gretchin heads. 3rd Edition had a chart for Orkoid heights.. gretchin topped out at nearly 1.5 metres. In early fluff of 1st/2nd edition, Gretchin were hinted at roughly being man size (~1.7 M IIRC) so logically they would be roughly the same mass.. mayb e a bit less since they are more skinny. Call it 50-60 kg.In his sight he saw a greenskin, small and child-like.
Next time it hopped out Orek fired first. The laser blast fizzed briefly, a white streak, and the Gretchin's head seemed to explode. The remaining torso fell hard, flailing. Moments later, a second little greenskin appeared and Orek dropped it too with another clean-head shot.
8% of the human body mass is head.. which we can call in this case 3-4 kg (about human sized) and roughly humanoid dimensions. It should be quite possible to blow it apart (ignoring thermal effects and inefficiencies) with single or low double digit KJ per shot (about equivalent to a Full power rifle round like 7.62mm Nato, up to a heavy round like the .50 BMG) - alot of this depends on the Orkoid head composition and how much less durable Gretchin are than regular Orks - gretchin could still be much toughr than normal humans after all. It also does not include potential thermal effects - double or triple digit might arise from significant burning, boiling, cauterization or if the explosive effects are more thermal than efficient mechanical (flaying flash burns for example.)
Also, as per IA3 and 4 descriptions and images, Elysian sniper lasguns seem to use the same powerpack as the Elysian trooper, suggesting that a normal lasgun model should be able to do simialr.
Page 17
Sniper has internal helmet comms too.He clicked open his comms-mike.
Page 17
Drop Sentinel deployment. Interestingly, given how much a Sentinel weighs, there are lots of other kinds of vehicles they could deploy this way, like the Centaurs (which would work as a rather nice, light heavy weapons platform. As would a Cyclops if they could be designed to do more than blow shit up.)Admist the drop droops came Sentinels, each mounted upon a grav-sled that ejected it out of the rear ramp. Each of the walkers also mounted a large grav-chute unit on its rear and as it fell the Sentinel righted itself before impacting the ground upon its reinforced leg-pistons...
Their weapons provided the infantry platoons with the sort of heavy firepower mere men just could not cary into battle.
It also indicates entinels are essentially a more mobile means of deploying heavy weapons than using heavy weapon squads. Hell Trojans are only a few tonnes tops and they aren't particularily bulky, so you'd think light tanks/APCs would be transportable.
I should note in the novel 'redemption corps' we do run into a Valkyrie variant that can carry Centaurs at least.
Page 18
Sniper again. Implies both that the scope's magnification allows it to accurately see out to the horizon (from an unknown elevation), and to presumably destroy the head of any greenskin (ork or gretchin) he targets (of course we know he can do it to gretchin, so he ought to be able to partly destroy an ORk's head.) As far as range goes, even assuming he's just a few metres up, the range could be a good several kilometers easy (up to 4-5.. although given Larkin's example in latter ghosts novels that far out would be extreme long range and therefore unlikely to fit this context.)He thumbed the scope's power to full and scanned the distant horizon. After his first kills he had changed position, as trained. Now he had climbed to the top of the tallest scrap pile around, and carefully dug himself in. From here he could cover the whole sector with accurate sniper file. If any greenskin poked its head out, Orek was waiting to shoot it off.
Page 18-19
Vulture gatling weapons vs Ork truck and driver.At that moment a Vulture gunship slid overhead and opened fire with its two large Punisher cannons.
Great chunks of metal flew up from a cloud of dancing sparks. Whn the Punisher cannons stopped the truck was a wreck, track links and road wheels torn off, its engine steaming. The driver was nowhere to be seen. either he had jumped clear or been caught in the hail of bullets and had disintegrated.
Page 19
The sniper can call in an air strike if need be.As yet he couldn't see any larger war machines..
If he did, his comms channel was ready to call down a missile-armed Vulture to blast it back into the scrap it was no doubt constructed from.
Page 19
"shredded" but still intact. Punisher cannons again? It is later identifed as a Vulture...when an aircraft appeared and opened fire.
somehow, by Gork's luck, they missed him, but old Mek Gorwaz was shredded by the hail of big slugs. Tuffruk paused to drag Gorwaz's body away and wedged it under a tottering pile of fuel barrels...
Page 20
Scanner-binocs again.Captain Xhyst watched the first Vulture gunship go down through his magnocular scanner.
Page 20
three multi meltas turne scrap metal pile of uknonw size to molten metal.Three Sentinels were just beyond them, firing repeatedly with the drmatic whoosh of super-heated air as their multi-meltas turned another scrap pile into pools of steaming liquid slag.
Page 20
Lasgun shot. Does not blow limb off, not sure what steam is from (partial vaporization?) and it bled. Assuming a 2 cm hole through the bicept, you'd probably require at least a couple kj for mechanical effects, although inflicting burns (steam?) could more than double that easily (even just third degree burns).As he ran, one laser bolt punched a steaming hole in his left bicep. It bled, but it didn't hurt.
Another way to do it is 'flaying' burns over a given area - assuming a 2-3 cm diameter crater (nevermind a deep hole) we're talking at least a good 10-15 kj at least, and that would create steam and burns and probably would still bleed.
Page 21
Elysian helmet not good at stopping Orkr ounds it seems. Considering their size and calibre, this is really not a big shock as even if it fails ot penetrate the helmet, the sheer amount of momentum of Ork gunfire is guaranteed to be fatal.He saw one humie shot in the head, his helmet flying off and rolling across the ground.
Kinda reminds me of Larn from fifteen hours (he gets hit by ork gunfire, his helmet is dented and flies off, but he survives. lucky in that case I guess.)
PAge 22
The Gargant facility was more heaivly defended than anticipated, basically, and the airpower is divided up amongst several objectives and needs to resupply. Still that sort of kill ratio is good for a Guard force. We take what good points we can from this.He estimated that they had killed the Orks at a ratio of maybe three or four to one, but he felt as if the initiative ont eh ground had ebbed away.
Page 23
Shrapnel of unknown size/momentum partly stopped by the kneepad, but still incapacitates...a mortar round landed, impacting no more than two metres from the officer. The blast lifted him clean off his feet, a smoking chunk of shrapnel smashed into the side of his knee. His armoured kneepad saved his leg from being cut clean off, but the metal had sliced deep through flesh and bone.
Page 23
Painkillers.Under fire he jabbed an ampoul of pain killing chemicals ino the captain's neck. It took mere seconds to work.
Page 29
More helmet comms.Captain Gerek activated his helmet communicator in a burst of static.
Page 29
Tauros vehciles of A company.Equipped with Tauros and Tauros Venator rapid pursuit vehicles, they [A company] were the regiment's forward reconnaissance unit.
Page 30
Height of a Gretchin. The thing is probably stooping some, as all Orks do, so its probably a bit taller than a metre.Trough his sight reticule Leto saw his target, a little green creature, maybe a metre tall. It was armed with a side arm of some sort - a Gretchin, and it was unlikely to be alone.
Page 30
Range aganst gretchin of ~400 meters. Multilasers and lascannon."Enemy contact front. Four hundred yards. All stations, weapons free."
The twin multi-lasers blazed a rail of bright bolts, blasting gaping holes in the meta l scrap.
Page 31
another binoc-scanner.Even at maximum magnification his scanner could not make out much..
Page 31
Sounds a bit like related telemtry data perhaps, like used with those visor displays from IA4. It is worth noting that in IA11 its implied those data readouts/sensors are implied to be standard issue to all Elysians.The three Vendettas had locked-on to GErek's target point, and the Captain watched as the wing mounted missile clusters fell away from th pylons, briefly racing to the ground.
page 32
Ork flamer weapon, more multipurpose in this case than Imperial examples. Also indication that Ork tech may be more robust than Imperial (by virtue of mass and design and possibly Waaagh effect.)Also, with their weapons turned to the searing hot point of a blowtorch flame, they can wield them to hack and slice up enemy armour and vehicles.
The boyz' main armament, the burner, is a heavy duty combination cutting torch and flamethrower, alternating between the two functions with a simple twist of the spigot and altering the fuel pressure. Burnas themselves, like most examples of Orkish engineering, are designed to sustain the worst sort of battering and are very robust.
In this case [fuel supply] it is a volatile mixture of pressurised squig-oil and promethium. Each Mek that manufactures the toxic liquid swears by his own special 'burnin' brew'.
Page 32
Ork slugga...this is a slugga, a high-calibre semi-automatic projectile firearm.
..sluggas have very limited accuracy but huge stopping power thanks to the massive shot they fire and the dangerously large powder charges that propel them. Misfires are common.
Page 35
Again sounds like data transmission/relay capability exists, at least between the vehicles and ground scanners. What kind of data, aside from being sensor data, isn't obvious. This would all be very impressive if it was actually used in a war that was.. neccessary.The Orks had sped away, no doubt to regroup or to find somewhere else ot attack. Gerek's own Tauros was tracking them, using data relayed from ground scanners he had positioned on first landing.
Page 40
Helmet comms for the heavy troops, bolter in action including a range."Enemy, 200 metres, ten o'clock.' blurted Loader Aginis into Yano's helmet communicator. Automatically, Yano swung the heavy bolter left, lined up on the targeta nd pulled the trigger. The bolter spat fiercely, each miniature missile-round igniting as it left the barrel in a whoosh of fire and air, speeding it towards the target. The first rounds flew high and Yano fought the weapon's ferocious recoil to bring the barrel down onto the target.