Targeting Computer, TechManual.It therefore comes as no surprise that, in addition to the enhanced
variations of Star League-era missile targeting systems, the Clans also
developed advanced targeting systems to aid their direct-fi re weaponry.
Only recently matched by our own engineers at the NAIS, the targeting
computer is a sophisticated “smart” system that enhances the accuracy of
lasers, particle cannons, gauss rifl es and autocannons. More than just a
basic sensor tracking and targeting array, the targeting computer actually
helps its gunner aim physically. This is accomplished through a series of
recoil compensators and gyroscopic stabilizers that combine to counter
much of the routine weapon drift caused by the shooter’s own lurching
motions, muzzle recoil and other environmental conditions. All of this is
mated to core computing elements that help the pilot adjust more quickly
for atmospheric conditions and such, providing a more accurate “lead” for
almost every shot.
By the way, before you say this is a retcon, the EARLIER fluff text is also similar. The main difference is the word "more" accurate. So, the TC aims the weapons ITSELF, while also making it easier for pilot input to help refine the targeting solution.