Nebfer once posted this regarding Gauss Rifles.
Tactics of duty (x6)
CH 22 x2 hypersonic, near end
At the last moment, the Bloodspiller pilot panicked and began backpedaling his Wasp, its medium laser swinging up to fire. Grayson fired first. With a shrill, harsh chirp and then a thundercrack that shattered glass for hundreds of meters around, the Gauss rifle mounted on his right arm accelerated a massive nickle-iron slug with a core of depleted uranium to hypersonic velocities.
The round slammed into the Wasp's upper right torso, opening a gash of a crater, ripping off the right arm entirely and sending it spinning end over end across the street. The shock staggered the little 'Mech and nearly knocked it down. Correcting his aim, Grayson sent a second hypersonic screamer squarely into the Wasp's center of mass. The impact picked the twenty-ton machine up and dropped it on its back; it slid across black pavement, striking sparks for ten meters before it came to rest.
CH 24
And as the bombardment continued, Grayson marched his Victor to the near side of the bridge, raised his Gauss rifle, and sent round after hypersonic round slamming through the massive gate. The rounds possessed no explosive, no warheads, but kinetic energy alone battered the massive gates back on warped tracks, set solid duralloy steel to glowing white hot, and brought down an avalanche of crumbling stone from the surrounding walls
CH 28 x3
A Davion Blackjack pivoted its torso to face him sixty meters away, and McCall triggered his 'Mech's left-arm Gauss rifle. The hypersonic round struck the lighter 'Mech low in the torso and to the left, punching straight through the armor in an explosion of shrapnel and scattering bits of internal circuitry.
Davis McCall fired again, sending a hypersonic round from his Highlander's Gauss rifle slamming into the Zeus, striking it in one bulky shoulder and spinning it halfway around.
With a sound like a giant thunderclap, the hypersonic projectile streaked into the center of the Zeus's back, where the protective armor was less than a third the thickness of the slabs of armor plate covering its chest.
The Zeus was driven forward a step by the incredible force of the impact, kinetic energy fusing an eight-square-meter patch of armor into a white-hot, molten mass. The projectile plunged through the 'Mech's thin back carapace like a laser beam through butter. Ricocheting off the much thicker armor encasing the power plant, the Gauss slug severed power cables, shredded the endoskeletal framework, and set off the store of long-range missiles stashed in the Zeus's right torso. As secondary explosions erupted from the 'Mech's torso, the right arm tore free, armor plates popped off, access panels blew open, and flame engulfed the machine's lower torso. An instant later, the head split apart as the cockpit canopy hinged open and the 'Mech's pilot inside rocketed clear On his ejection seat.
Black Dragon (x1)
CH 32
As if in direct response Ho Jung-V's 100-ton Pillager set down in the square, its HildCO Model 13 jump jets turning a dozen hapless onlookers into screaming torches before its great feet mercifully crushed them. The two Gauss rifles in its torso fired, the hypersonic rounds cracking like thunder before they slammed into the back of a Black Hawk-KU. One shot instantly locked the shoulder-actuator of its left arm, which carried a total of five medium lasers. Black smoke poured from the hole the other hit had punched in its armor.
The Hunters (X1)
CH 11
Still, the computer-generated hypersonic Gauss slug arrived before the slower missiles. The computer figured out the amount of damage each shot should have done in the 65-ton OmniMech, named for the nearly unkillable monsters of Irish myth. Like its namesake, the Cauldron-Born shrugged off the damage and turned to face its assailant.
Sword of Fire (x3)
CH 17
Barclay returned the Vindicator's fire with another pair of hypersonic Gauss slugs, backed up by a stuttering blast of laser fire from her 'Mech's pulse lasers. The vicious attack savaged the smaller 'Mech, leaving huge, glowing craters in the machine's right torso and right arm. Incredibly, the smaller machine stayed on its feet. Barclay gaped at the sight of the shot-riddled Vindicator, seemingly defiant in the face of her superior firepower. Hot anger welled up inside her.
CH 20 (Protomechs)
In response MacLeod pointed his right arm at the darting figure and triggered the Grizzard Gauss rifle mounted in that vambrace. The hypersonic slug streaked across the intervening gap to smash his assailant into dust. But, the fast-moving miniature 'Mech wasn't there when the Gauss slug arrived. So rapid was its movement that MacLeod had trouble tracking his target effectively. The head-size chunk of nickel-iron slammed into the ferrocrete pavement of the factory compound, throwing shards of gray, iron-reinforced concrete around like shrapnel. MacLeod tried to walk fire from his pulse laser into the enemy machine, but the Clanner moved too quickly for his 'Mech's pivoting torso to follow. The strobing laser bolts slashed into one of the factory buildings, leaving a series of smoking holes in their wake.
CH 22
Instinctively, she brought her 'Mech to a skidding halt and settled the screen-projected targeting discrete onto the target's center of mass. Twin bolts of azure energy lanced into the humanoid shape before her, followed by a hypersonic Gauss rifle slug. The enemy machine, now identified by her computer's warbook subroutine as a Loki Prime, took both PPC blasts in the right arm.
Shadows of War (x1)
CH 9
Cursing, Winston dropped the scarlet HUD-generated targeting reticle over the battered Clan 'Mech's center of mass. Caressing the triggers, she sent a pair of laser lances into the odd, petal-like structure on the Clan OmniMech's torso. A chunk of nickel-iron, moving at hypersonic speed, slammed into the Mad Cat's back-slanting thigh, smashing halfway through the heavy leg armor before ricocheting away
Flashpoint (x1)
CH 14
The Bushwacker traded another one-two combination of autocannon and laser against the Gunslinger's hasty—and only—gauss shot, the hypersonic slug smashing her right flank protection into ruin as she worried away more of the Gunslinger's heavier armor.
Call of Duty (x3)
CH 1
The Hollander further slowed its run and fired its only weapon, the massive gauss rifle jutting from one of its shoulders. The silver blur of the deadly gauss slug raced at hypersonic speed toward Archer's 'Mech, missing him by only a couple of meters.
CH 8
But the Vulcan did not remain in the fight long. Rhonda's silvery gauss slug had done its job. The hypersonic slug had slammed into the right thigh of the Vulcan with such force that the smaller 'Mech spun as if dancing a jig. As it came back around, she could see that the leg armor was all but gone and that what was left of the leg was mere mangled debris, torn myomer muscle, and leaking coolant. The Vulcan dropped from her field of vision as she moved to the side, worried about how Shorty was faring.
CH 13
"Looks like we have them on the run," Damon Huntt added as he brought his War Dog up. He fired his gauss rifle, which found its mark on the Thug that Archer had missed. The hypersonic slug buried itself in the mashed armor plating on the Thug's left shin. Not deterred, the Irregular 'Mech fired its pair of PPCs at an Avenger SRM carrier, sending armor spraying in every direction.
The Dying Time (x1)
CH 17
Lori fired the paired medium pulse lasers set into her Victor's much-abused left vambrace, and touched off the gauss rifle again for good measure. The pale green energy darts chewed into the enemy machine's legs, while the gauss rifle's hypersonic slug smashed into almost the same spot as the first shot.
Storms of fate (x1)
CH 4
"Surrender!" he called out to his opposite number just as the Falconer's gauss rifle caved in his BattleMech's left knee joint.
The raw kinetic force of the hypersonic mass shattered what was left of the armor, snapping the Exterminator's leg out straight and wrenching it back. Warning lights for his 'Mech's upper leg actuator and hip joint flared red, and the machine spun lazily to the right.
Operation Audacity (x3)
CH 2
Without hesitation, the enemy War Dog unleashed a silvery hypersonic slug from its gauss rifle. Finding its mark, the round plowed deep into Roshak's already damaged right leg, shearing off shards of armor plate and leaving other pieces looking as if they'd been torn by a jagged set of teeth. Roshak throttled his 'Mech forward, swinging the targeting reticle of his primary display onto the War Dog's image just as it faded back behind a cluster of thick trees.
He bit his lip, then said, "All forces, download my coordinates and concentrate on the roadway of my current position."
CH 7
Adam held his stand on the hill and locked onto a rushing Hellhound. The Falcon 'Mech moved into the valley below and began to sweep to his left as Adam locked onto it. He fired two of his gauss rifle slugs, and the Thunder Hawk almost lifted in the air from the force of their launch. Both hypersonic slugs found their marks on the running Falcon 'Mech. One hit in the Hellhound's right torso, cratering the armor plating like a massive bullet wound on man. The other slug tore into the hip joint.
CH 17
He twisted his Thunder Hawk around toward the advancing Falcons, bringing his targeting reticle onto the Black Hawk that had fired at him. As the tone of target-lock rang in his ears and through his brain, he let loose with a pair of his deadly gauss rifles, their hypersonic rounds slamming soundlessly into the Black Hawk. It was time to make them pay for their boldness.
End Game (x6)
CH 1
"Command 'Mech," he called out as he short-cycled his autocannon and jerked at the trigger. Pressed too hard, too fast, his right-arm cannon jammed. The other spat a long tongue of fire toward the advancing 'Mech, smashing eighty-millimeter slugs into its chest. "Banshee, 6S. On Kow—" It was all he had time for as the Banshee's heavy gauss rifle flashed with coil discharge and accelerated 250 kilograms of nickel-ferrous material up toward hypersonic speeds straight into his JagerMech's right side.
CH 14
An attack that never came as a Victor, the prince's namesake 'Mech, smashed a gauss slug through what was left of the Typhoon's right side. The hypersonic mass spent most of its kinetic energy in the crew compartment, leaving the UAV a gutted shell.
CH 15
A new gauss slug loaded through the breech, and capacitors discharged through acceleration coils, pulling the nickel-ferrous mass up to hypersonic velocity. The silver blur flashed out from the end of the rifle, and Tancred quickly toggled for his particle cannon as well, which chased after the slug with an arc of man-made lightning. Both slammed into the other assault 'Mech with stunning force, smashing armor into shards and splinters and cutting a deep, angry furrow up one side.
CH 27
Peter braced the Fafnir forward, leaning into the heavy recoil as each of his gauss rifles spat out a hypersonic mass. Both took the Viking in the left leg as the missile exhaust cleared on a light wind. One gauss slug lodged itself in the hip, fouling the joint. The second smashed through the lower leg actuator, gimping the ninety-ton machine and all but rooting it in place.
CH 29
Peter's gauss rifles spoke again and again. He cycled them as fast as he could, determined to distract his aunt from the distraught Cestus and any more of his warriors who might arrive. One hypersonic slug missed wide, punching through a building behind the Hauptmann and leaving an impressive wound behind. His others all slammed home, cratering Nondi's armor and wrenching her 'Mech's right arm so far back in its shoulder socket that it froze.
CH 30
The ex-champion of Solaris was not about to stumble over his own feet, not in a 'Mech he piloted as if born to it. He walked quickly out of the perilous, leaning position, moving back several meters. Enough that the blue-and-red militia Falconer had a clean shot at Prometheus, able to slam home the gauss slug no doubt meant for Kai's back into Victor's midriff.
Kai spun Yen-lo-wang and hurled an identical hypersonic mass back at the Falconer, still faster on the trigger—even in an awkward cross-body shot—than Victor would ever be. Prometheus was not to be forgotten, however. Its trio of pulse lasers chewed emerald teeth into the Falconer's side, sending armor streaming down to the ground in fiery runnels. Victor also pulled into an extra-long burst form his twelve-centimeter autocannon, digging slugs tipped with depleted uranium in behind the laserfire damage
By temptation and by War (x1)
CH 11
High-energy capacitors dumped their stored power into a series of coils, creating a magnetic funnel that latched onto the nickel-ferrous mass loaded into the Gauss rifle’s acceleration chamber. In a fraction of a second the mass had been driven up to hypersonic speeds, flashing down the short city block and into the left knee of the Wasp.
Flight of the Falcon (x1)
CH 32
Fifty meters to her left, MechWarrior Tyrus’Cougar staggered as a hypersonic nickel-ferrous slug from a BattleMech Gauss rifle took it just to the left and below its protruding cockpit
Hunters of the Deep (x2)
CH 12
“There,” Jesup interrupted, as the arm of Torrin’s Mad Cat III tore away under the horrific assault of twin hypersonic Gauss rounds from the Beta Sun Cobra. The fight ended immediately, the Beta warrior victorious.
CH 16
He closed his eyes, but he could almost predict where her footfalls would echo next in the small room, where her ministrations would take her, in a path as surely determined as a hypersonic Gauss round slung from a ’Mech.
Illusions of Victory (x1)
CH 23
One of the nickel-ferrous slugs, launched at incredible velocity, impacted directly centerline, smashing aside nearly every ounce of armor but failing to penetrate to the vulnerable skeleton beneath. The second slug hit the Banshee against the right hip, cracking the armor case protecting its side and pushing support struts through the bulky shielding of the 'Mech's extralight fusion engine.
25 years of art & fiction (x1)
The Walking Dead
The abominations had smuggled a towed Gauss rifle into the structure, and despite the fire that
the building had taken, they were still operative. The hypersonic shot had traced a path through
the air and hit warrior Dimitri’s Nova.
TRO 3050U (x1)
Fury Entry
Sniper Squad: Collectively dubbed by the rest of the
Davion Assault Guards, this six-man crew leads the
first Fury company (or its remains, anyway) delivered
to New Avalon between Blakist sieges. The crew has
proven to be a frighteningly effective hunter-killer team
as they escort the remaining lance of C3-equipped Furys,
often outperforming their C3-enhanced compatriots.
The Sniper Squad is noted for its tenacious retreat
from the suburbs of New Avalon City, where Word of
Blake units often zeroed in on the emissions of the C3
Furys only to have the Sniper Squad’s tank emerge
from the rubble behind the WoB units to pour hypersonic
shells into their backs
Project Phoenix (x1)
I was getting ready for to right my own epitaph, when a barely seen hypersonic slug skipped across the ground to slam into the Penetrator's lower right leg. It was Driscoll's Battlemeaster, propping itself up on one arm and levering its right straight out.
He followed up that hit with another, the Gauss round shattering away armor and pulverizing the hip joint.
Field Manual Federated Suns (x1)
Behind him, he heard a succession of sonic Booms, followed by the unmistakable spark-crunch of the
hypersonic nickel slugs fired by his Alacorns slamming into the already beleagured group.
For some fucking odd reason, I misplaced my copy of Tac/Strat Ops, where I was going to post and rebut Focht asinine comment that the Clans don't do combined arms warfare and offer a retcon..... So.... No joy on that project for now.