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Support weapons ranges. The larger ones (torpedo types?) implied to have ranges in the millions of miles, perhaps even multiple AU (edge of the solar system can be upwards of 30-50 AU away, depending on what one defines as the 'edge')They [support weapons] may be fired from silos many miles away, or from orbiting spacecraft or overflying aircraft. Some of the larger missiles can be launched from the edge of a solar system towards planets many millions of miles away.
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Another 'edge of system' range weapon, and a MIRV as oppsoed to the 'bolter style' penetrate and detonate warheads. The implied accuracy is also pretty hilarious, given latter editions had it so ships had to get into low orbit to even have a chance of hitting stationary ground targets.A barrage bomb is a long range tactical missile designed to be used primarily against cities or emplacements.
A barrage bomb can be fitted with drives, enabling it to be launched from the edge of a solar system at a target on a distant planet. Before striking its target, the missile divides into 6 fragments.
Page 97
Nasty shit. Sounds like a tyranid weapon though.Missiles are used to despatch this strange weapon. Each bomb contains special seeds, growth medium and nutrients: The plant that grows from this from thsi material is called bio-wire. Bio-wire grows almost instantly, it is extremely tough, regenerates very quickly, and its sharp thorns will penetrate most armour or lacerate exposed flesh. Rapid speed of growth allows the thick tendrils to move with animal precision, entangling and strangling living creatures. Once caught, acidic secretions will reduce a man-sized creature to bones inside a minute.
Page 98
EW device, basically. Implies vox back then was simply radio (and it may still be in some cases.)Disruptor beacon: These are missile launched devices. They serve a tactical role on the battlefield, making communication difficult. A disruptor beacon emits a constant signal that dampens all other radio signals..
Page 98
Interesting device. Homing beacons are mentioned and that is self explanatory. There is also a mine missile which acts to deploy micro-mines. There is also a scatter missile which drops grenadesHolographic lasers, or skywriters, project words or pictures onto cloud cover that can be seen by anyone on table.
Sky-writers are designed to have a morale effect, reminding the enemy of past defeats, taunting individuals, or promising comfort and safety as a POW.
Also the use of skywriting as a psychological weapon. And the fact the Imperium actually takes POWs
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This is interesting for the 'continent scale' destruction, and can apply to any kind of weapon - vortex, virus, toxin, or even plasma and melta or blast or radiation and the like. That would suggest gigaton to TT range in general, but we might estimate continent scale 'flesh boiling' missiles as well. Assuming a 1000 km diameter 'continent' and a 10 km height we get 750 Gigatons estimated, for example.In theory there is no reason why any of the grenade and missile types shouldn't be available in larger support veshions. It would be possible to manufacture a missile of any size: from a weapon little larger than a normal launcher shell, to one capable of wiping out a city, province, or continent.
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The support weapons. melt a 'city block' Assuming a 200x200 m block and only rock (ignoring any buildings) and a depth of 1 m we get around 186 TJ."A plasma bomb is a large missile typically used by or against spacecraft. They are also used for planetary sieges. The missile energises at launch, converting intoa mass of seething plasma, each missile becomes a ball of boiling energy sufficient to melt a city-block. As it converts to palsma, the missile divids into 6 fragments. This enables the plasma to spread out and saturate its target. A target under plasma attack becomes a blazing inferno which only the very fortunate survive.
Which doesnt sound alot compared to some of my other calcs but..
a.) I believe I'm lowballing it like hell. We dont know the exact block sizes and while there are commonly accpeted definitions it's not definite. Some sources (like Ravenor, or Salamander) hint at km+ hive blocks, and we aren't factoring in anything on TOP of the block. Nor are we really acocunting for depth. Melting a crater in a block is 4.7 MT for example. And it doesn't account for materials.
b.) Not accounting for the stuff on top of the block. buildings and such, and the Imperium can build pretty tall (and strong) buildings (Again hundreds of m, or km, tall or wide or whatever)
c.) inefficiencies of course
d.) a plasma 'bomb' doesnt tell us the manner in which it is used. We know in alot of novels, for example, that plasma submunitions are used and sometimes even called bombs. These might be individual broadside missile warheads rahter than torpedoes as well.
Given what we learned already with 'missiles', and earlier about support weapons demolishing cities, its safe to say that this is very very conservative, despite what some critics migth say.
Also like plasma cannons it converts to plasma en route, suggsting its more a physical projectile.
Page 98
Plasma 'torpedo' - agian 'edge of system' ranges suggesting multi-AU targeting.A plasma bomb can be fitted with drives enabling it to be launched from the edges of a solar system against a target on a distant planet - a powered missile of this kind is sometimes known as a plasma torpedo, or plasma lance.
Page 107
Landing pods also known as drop pods. In-system targeting ranges. Not unlike some missiles as we learn later. Again contrast this with the 'have to be in orbit' from later editions.Landing pods can be launched towards their target form almost any distance, even from the very edge of a oslar system. THey have fuel enough to manoeuvre, but are poorly armed and armoured.
Page 114
Carapace - not much different except for being innately air sealed and having plastic plates reinforced with ceramic or syntheetic fibres, where in latter sources its usually just one solid plate of ceramic or such.Carapace armour comprises especailly thick plates of flexible plastic reinforced by synthetic fibre or ceramic.
The main advantage of this form of protection is that it is air-sealed, offering protection from gas wepaons when worn with a resperiator.
Page 114
Much as in 2nd edition and FFG material, primitive armours are shit against projectile and energy weaponsAgainst the weapons of the Warhamer 40,000 universe these [chainmail]offer only minimal protection...
PAge 114
Conversion fields. We know that sunlight (as it strikes the earth) is 1.4 kw per square meter (or .14 watts per sqare cm) we could figure several kj from a conversion field to 'blind' at sunlight brightness at least. Several times that more if we account for all sides (omnidirectional blast, which is likely) So at least single/double digit kj for a conversion field to dissipate.conversion field: This is an energy field and except when actually taking effect it is invisible. The field converts all energy into light...
A conversion field will also protect the wearer's eyes, so that no ille ffects are suffered from his own light blast. This counts as a photo-chromatic visor ot other blinding lights.
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Displacement fields.This is an all enclosing field...
The field responds to any combat or shooting damage by activating a tiny warp-drive mechanism contained in a belt pouch.
A safety mechanism prevents the model transporting into a wall or other solid object.
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Flak armour... also the 'ablative and impact absorbent' materials mentioned before, with the 'rigidity' stuff from the Munitorum manual and other sources, which is a tad more sophisticated. I imagine that working in tandem is a bit useful, as the ablative layer will trigger the 'explosive' effects of a lasweapon and both spread the energy over a larger area to the under layer as well as causing the stiffening to trigger. At least as long as the ablative layers last, that is. The stiffenign bit is what will also make it rather effective agianst gunfire, blast effects and fragmentation. The ablative probably helps against flamethrowers and incendiary effects.Flak: This is a common type of body armour. It is often worn by civilians with dangerous manual jobs. It has an outer layer of ablative material. If struck by energy weapons this will burn away thus dissipating most of the damaging heat. The middle layer comprises a honeycomb of interconnected air bubbles which absorb the neergy of a physical blow. The inner lining is a special, thick plastic. Under normal conditions this is fairly pliable, somewhat like canvas, but it responds to physical pressure by becoming hard and tough. It is very effective at stopping shots already slowed down by the outer layers.
Its main advantage is that it does not restrict movement at all.
It may or may not have the heat diffusing properties of mesh, but it wouldnt surprise me if it does. Incidentally there is something called shear thickening fluid that can imitate that rigidity effect, interestingly enough. Not sure if it could handle the thermal effects (for mesh at least) but some of the fringe tech carbon material shit like nanotubes might.
It is also quite flexible, which is a real advantage (although other sources like Necromunda suggest it is bulky.)
Page 115
Mesh armor. Sci fi chainmail probably. Given that its made form the same lining as flak (inner lining I am assuming) we might figure the heat-dissipating properties of mesh apply to the inner lining of flak (to a lesser degree) I assume that the mesh like nature and the shapes improve its protective properties without relying on the extra layers (better spreading/dissipation of energy) As I noted with flak this has some properties of 'shear thickening fluids' but could also have that energy effect.Mesh armour is made from the same plastic material used in the lining of flak armour. This material is formed into very small shapes, usually hexagons or octagons about 2mm across. These are fastened together, or meshed, with further material to produce a flexible fabric. This gives the apperance of reptile scales, or old-fashioned mail armour.
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Power armour properties.Powered armour consists of an all-enclosing protective suit, life supporrt system,a nd many technically advanced features. The natural weight and cumbersomeness of the armour is overcome by a system of electrically motivated fibre-bundles which replicate in every way the muscualr movements of the wearer.
Auto senses and communicator are included, ,together with respiraotrs which enable the suit to be used in any atmosphere or hard vaccuum. Controls are minimal, most of the suit functions are automatic. Control messages and hazard warnings can be given by the suit either audibly or visually, an the suit's built-in computer will respond to vocal commands.
Like carapace it is air-sealed.
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Refractor fields.. disispate energy over larger areas. Unlike latter editions, hand to hand damage is affected.Refractor field: This is an all-enclosing energy field powered from a small pack. When it is turned on the wearer is surrounded by a hazy band of light. This gives away hidden troops in the same way as weapons fire. WEapon and hand to hand combat damage is partially refracted around the field, dampening its effects.
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Stasis tech is linked to the warp.Stasis fields: This is an all-enclosing enery field. It works on a similar principle to warp-drives as used on spacecraft.
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Various kinds of robots, back before there were servitors and the Imperium had its own Butlerian Jihad.Small robots are man-sized or smaller, medium ones between 2 and 4 metres tall, and large robots are taller than 4 metres.
Page 120
- Bionics I won't cover this in detail, except that bionic arms can give enhanced strength, bionic legs increased speed (or nastier kicks), bionic lungs can protect against hazardous gases or poisons (Acting as a respiroatr for 12 hours - allowing underwater or de-oxygenated atmsopheres for prolonged periods) Bionic eyes can act as a targeter, a bio scanner, or energy scanner. And bionic ears give enhanced hearing. Basically not a whole hell of alot different from augmetics as depicted in the RPGs and stuff.
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Autosenses.Auto-sense. These are a combination of different artificial sensory organs that relay information directly into the brain, bypassing the creature's own natural sensory organs altogether.
Autosense can be fitted into helmets, vehicles, or almost any item of equipment, and have safety mechanisms that prevent extremes of sensory stimulation. This means that weapons designed to blind (such as photon grenade) will have no effect. Auto-senses are not normally capable of infra-vision, but can be modified with suitable visors.
PAge 121
Autosystems again. In latter editions they are machine spirits and are much more restricted than in earlier editions.Auto systems are simply robotic systems that negate the need for a human operator. They can be fitted to vehicles in the guise of auto-drive (repalcing the need for a driver) auto-aim (taking the place of a weapon crewman) and auto-fac (which operates all other facilities - radios, doors, etc.) Auto-systems can be fitted to any equipment, no matter how small or large. Automatic robotic defence guns featuring auto-aim are commonly used to defend all sorts of installations as well as public buildings, jails, etc.
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Bioscanners. Bakc then they didnt have the fancy names like auspex and stuff.A bio scanner detects living matter of any kind...
Readings will indicate abnormal concentrations of tissue, such as large creatures or close groups. The scanner can differentiate between animals and vegetation and can read through rock or metal up to 5 metres thick.
Page 121
Robot bombs. I suspect they were resurrected as Cyclops demo vehicles in Forgeworld.A bombbot is a simple robot. It is desigend to move towards a target and explode.
Bombbots explode with the effect of any of the grenade type.
Page 121
Various kinds of breathing/respirator devices. The Gill reminds me of shit we learn about in the FFG RPGs.There are several types of breathing apparatus allowing idnividuals to breathe alien amtospheres or harmful gasses. Most of the gases used as weapons are absorbed through tehs kin, and equipment of the type described here is not effective on its own. The exceptions are choke, knock-out and scare.
An artificial gill extracts oxygen from oxygenated water or gas, enabling a character to breathe underwater or in any polluted or poorly oxygenated enviroment - such as a fire. It is worn as a backpack...
Filters are inserted into the nostrils. They filter out harmful gases but do not enable a chracter to breathe underwater or in a vacuum.
Gills are an internal, bio-engineered implant that enable a character to breathe oxygenated water.
Masks are worn over the whole face and are conspicuous. THey function in the same way as filters.
Respirators have a supply of oxygen contained in a cannister. THe Character can breathe normally from one canister for up to 12 hours.
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Cameleoline. Unchnaged from early days to modern times.Cameleoline is a substance that can be woven into the structure of most fabrics. It is unusual in that it offers chameloen-like protection - appearing to merge into the background. The material is fashioned into cloaks, coverings, ponchos and canpopies of all kinds.
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Comms change of course depending on era, author, etc. They actually got longer ranged in 2nd edition, though in latter stuff the ranges varied or went down (micro beads are from 1-10 km for example.)A communicator is a multipurpose radio transmitter and receiver. Most communication is achieved using pre-set channels, and communication is instantaneous. Channels can laso be 'closed' so that the signal can only be received on another communicator programmed with the pre-arranged descrambling code.
Maximum range is about 50 miles. High pwoered versions have longer range, but are larger and are carried as backpacks... additional 50 miles of range. Vehicle mounte units ... have planet-wide braodcast and reception capabilities, with a total range of about ten million miles - local conditions will usually moderate this maximum.
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Energy scanners. Again pre-auspex.An energy-scanner detects energy emissions...
This will indicate the position of functioning equipment, vehicles, robots, weapons, etc. It will not detect ordinary life functions, but psychci activity will show up as an extremely high reading. Radiation sources will not show up as distinct from other emissions.
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Photochromatic (flash protection) measures. Some still crop up even now.There are several different types of visor, chemcial and devicec that offer protection for the yes against photon weapons and such like.
Photochromatic visors fit onto all forms of headgear adn can be worn as goggles.
They darken almost instantly...
Photochromatic contacts are simple contact lenses that darken to protect the eyes against sudden light. THey are invisible undedr normal conditions..
Photochromatic drops are a chemical that is dropped into the eyes and which is normally transparent. THe chemical remains good for about 24 hours. Under a sudden light stimulus the chemical darkens dramatically.
Photochromatic injections are made into the eyes using a light-sensitive chemical. This cannot be deteted in any way and remains effective for about 28 days...
Page 122
Flight packs seem to have been lost and jump packs remain, although some jump packs have a limited hover/flight capability depending on the author.A flight pack is worn on the back. It can be controlled either by a manual control (which requires a free hand) or by direct mind-impulse link. The pack enables the wearer to fly , using a small thrust jet combined with suspensors.
PAge 122
[qutoe]Frenzon is the generic name given to a number of psychological control drugs that are available to high level officers of the Imperium. Comparable drugs may be availabe to other advancecd raecs too. A single does of one of the specific types can be used to induce a state of frenzy, confusion, fear, or hatred.
Frenzon drugs are favoured by some fighting units of the priesthood. They are administered by means of a device that resembles a wristwatch, but which actually contains a supply of frenzon drugs which are injected directly into the skin.
Frenzon is used extensively amongst the penal legions, army units consisting entirely of convicted criminals, debtors, liberals an dother social transgresors. In their case, however, the wrist despensers are permanantly fastened to their bodies and controlled by an officer veia a closed-channel communicator.[/quote]
Frenzon of course is still around.
Page 122
Grav chutes still exist. Note the upper atmosphere deployemnt range.. that could imply 50 or more km away depending on how one defines 'upper' atmosphere. This owuld be akin to the altitudes from Dark Apostle, for example.A gravity chute is a pack-sized suspensor that allows a character to float safely to the ground from any height. Such devicese can be used to drop troops onto a battlefield, either from a low flying aircraft or from the upper atmosphere.
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We never hear about this specifically again in other sources, although various novels (like the Ghosts, etc.) hint at it. And logically one expects the Guard and all starfarers get thse semi-regularly given the variety of worlds and dangers that must exist and be protected against, so I suspect they're fairly common.Immune is a broad spectrum immunisation that offers some protection against virus attacks, as well as from general disease and ill health. A single dose remains effective for about 100 days.
...against disease, and, specifically, from a virus grenade/shgell/missile/or mine.
PAge 122
Nowadays these are preysense devices. Although infravision from surgery has never been mentioned since to my knowledge (unless we count augmetic.)Infravision. This is a form of enhanced vision - it enables creatures to see heat, and to see through most forms of soft cover as if it weren't there. This means that an enemy can often be targeted even if it is otherwise hiding. Infra-vision enables a creature to see in the dark as if it were normal daylight.
Infra-vision surgery is used to graft artificially cultured heat-sensitive itssue on or in the recipients eyes.
Infra-vision visors can be fitted to all forms of headgear (including those with auto-senses) or worn as goggles, giving full infra-vision to the wearer.
Infra-vision contact lenses are colourless and cannot nromally be seen. They are not totally effective, giving only a restricted (shorrt) range of vision...
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Jump pack capabilities.A jump pack permits a wearer to make a long, powered jump insted orf a normal move.
A trooper can jump into hand-to-hand combat if desired.
Grenades can be dropped at any point directly under the jump...
..reaching a maximum height suffiicent to clear linear obstacles, vehicles, and human-sized troops. Woods and single-storey buildings can be cleared...
Higher buildings can be jumped...
PAge 123
Not all medipacks are machines, but its ben hinted some are (the Vostroyans are implied to have them in the models for 5th.)A medi-pack is an automatic medic-machine capable of ministering to a wounded or disabled chracter. It is contained in a case about the size fo a portable typewriter.
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I think these might show up randomly, but under other names.Parawings are sophisticated versionf of parachutes, with many of the handlign characteristics of hang-gliders. THey are used to drop from low-flying aircraft, enabling their pilots to glide into battle.
PAge 123
Still exist, but rare or losttech in many respects. Alot of stuff in 1st edition either is no longer accessible to the Imperium (like shuriken weaponry) or is extremely rare (conversion beamers, vortex weapons, stasis weapons, phase field generators, etc.)Phase field generator. This useful tool was originally developed for use in the mining industry, being another technical spin-off from the warp drives employed on spacecraft. THe machine projects a small area into warp space, and holds it there for a short period - possibly several minutes. Living creatures caught in the affected area will be killed. Solid objects literally disappear, opening up a gap or hoel through which troops can move. Once the machine has stabilised the field, creatures or objects can move into the affected area without being affected themselves. THe only problem with the dvice is that the material can only be held in warp space for a limited amount of time. The unpredictability of the machine is a major drawback -individuals caught in the area during a sudden and unexpected re-materialisation of the warped material are killed instantly.
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Polymorphine.Polymorphine is a shape altering chemical that breaks down a creature's natural muscle structure for a few minutes, allowing new features to be moulded either by hand, or by use of a former of some kind. It can only be used by individuals hwo have undergone sub-muscular surgery to loosen their muscular structure. Even so, special training is required, and no ordinary creature could benefit from the drug. Only the Assassins of Earth can really make use of it.
PAge 123
Don't show up as often, but have been mentioned occasionally (Inquisition war, etc.)The porta rack is an essential tool fo the inquisitor - it is used for extracting the truth from recalcitrant subjects. It resembles a small black box, from which protrude many hundreds of fine wires. Placed against the skin these extend, delving deep within the subject's central nervous system, enabling the Inquisitor to control the individual's emotions and state of mind. With a little fine tuning, uncooperative individuals soon become compliant.
Page 124
Basically a forcefield to provide cover. The Imperium rarely if ever has these, I think.A power canopy is a field generated screen that can be used to seeal off a vehicle from the atmosphere - especially open-topped vehicles.
the screen offers no protection for the vheicle from normal damage.
Page 124
These still exist in varying forms.Power field generator.
This is a dvice which creates a barrier of pure energy around itself. The resultant field can be of any size, depending on the amount of power fed into it. It is invisible, and takes the form of a spherical bubble centered on teh generator. Any object encountering the field will feel a slight shock; this is usually sufficient to discourage animals. Any object or creature trying to force a way through the shield will be stopped, ,whether originating from within or without the enclosed area. It is impossible to destroy a barrier except by overlaoding its power source. Power sources are graded acording to the radius of bubble they can maintain.
However, a bubble may be many miles in radius and encompass a considerable area.
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Rad suits exist still in some manner. Frankly wearing it over armour seems risky (you'd want the armour protecting the suit, not the other way around!)A rad-suit is an all-enclosing sealed suit which will protect the wearer against all damage from radiation. It is very loose-fitting and can be worn over armour or other clothing.
SEaled suits are simply self-sustaining life support suits. They are usually flimsy and transparent, and always include respirators. Such a suit isolates the wearer frfrom all gases and harmful atmospheres. A sealed suit is very loose fitting and can be worn over armour and othr clothing.
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Stimms. Show up from time to time.A general purpose stimulant is a chemical that can be injected, ingested, or inhaled. It takes a whole turn to administer and will awaken an individual who is unconscious.
Stumm antidote protects the nervous system against confusing effects of stumm gas.
Page 124
Spray on ASsassin synskin.Syn-skin is a spray-on second skin. It is airtight, watertight and proof against all gasses. Syn-skin can be used to seal a character's natuiral skin, ,covering mouth, eyes, eyes, etc, and will provide protetion against hard vaccuum or gas weapons. Syn skin feeds the body with oxygen for up to 12 hours, after which the user will collapse and die if the material is not removed.
Internally worn oxygen/carbon dioxide exhcangers can be inserted into the throat, and will keep a living creature alive foro a further 12 hours. Speech and hearing are afforded by a small communicator inserted into the throat and at the base of the ear.
As well as protecting the body against atmosphere, the syn-skin layer also feeds a booster cehmical that heightens the wearers senses, speeds his reactions and invigorates all of his physical functions. ...
Syn skin also protects the eyes completely against damage by blinding lights.
Page 124
Suspensors are sitll around of course. MASS LIGHTENING.suspensors re small anti-gravity generators, similar to those used in hover vehicles, flight packs, power boards, ,etc. They are quite small, usually no more than 10 cm across, and re usually round and flat like a yo-yo.
Each suspensor cancels out the equivalent to ten kilos. An item under s uspension will float freely, and will move around if pulled or pushed.
PAge 124
Targeters are around and still more of a category of devices,Targeter: A targeting device enables a more acurate shot to be made...
These devices combine various optical and electronic sights, togehter with a guidance systme in the case of missiles.
Targeters are specific to weapons - a vehicle mounting a lascannon and a plasma gun can have a targeter for either or both, but they are not interchangable. A single targeter can be used if two or more of the same weapon are mounted to fire in unison.
Page 125-128
Teleporters are rare and lost tech too. Its kinda funny though because even in second edition, BFG and such teleporters weren't really all that rare. It wasn't until later that only Space Marines and Inquisitors and 'special' sorts got access to Teleporters. Of course early teleporters mimicked the Star Trek versions (some sort of matter transfer beam) whilst latter teleporters were warp based like the Ork Shokk attack gun. Who knows maybe the two types still exist side by side!Teleporters: A teleporter is a large piece of equipment and must be built into a spacecraft or building. It comprises a set of centrla controls and teleport chamber. Objects more than twicee man-height can never be teleported..
Teleporters will transport cargoes from s hip to ship, ,ship to planet, or vicee versa. They cannot be used to move objects from one part of a planet to another. Teleporrt beams can penetrate only a limited amount of solid matter (about 5 metres) but always travel in straight lines. This is why planet to planet transport is not possible- the curvature of the planet imposes a significant blockign thickness.
Up to six man-sized objects or creatures can be teleported from the teleport chamber at once. A teleporter will rarely place its carggo 100% accuratley, althoguh safety features do prevent materialisation inside another object.
Teleporting back into the chamber is similar. The teleporter must be locked on with a homing signal (A communicator iwll provide a source.)
The maximum range of a teleporter is 100 kilometres..
Note: - all teleporters are built so that a harmful weapon or creature teleported into the chamber can be safely dealt with, u sually stunned by a chemical dart or picked off by an auto-aim controlled laser. Grenades and other explosives (apart from vortex grenades) are supperssed by an automatic power field and will not harm the teleporter - although they will affect creatures in the same cargo.
Page 128
I believe these are a kind of pre-mechadendrite mecahdendrite.Tendril sensors are a special type of implant, similar to a bionic implant, but functioning in a radically different way to normal huhman senses. Each sensor is formed from a metallic trunk about half a metre long, 6 cm thick, and terminating in a bulb of metal.
all normal senses are destroyed, but the tendril sense allow the character to be aware of everything...
.. matter whether hidden or obscured by solid objects...
Radiation, heat, and all communication beams/waved can be perceived...
A psyker, or psychic forcec, can be detected by touch. Noises can be perceived..
Page 130
400 billion stars in the galaxy.The galaxy contains some four hundred thousand mililon stars of various types.
PAge 130
State of exploration in the galaxy.The very size of the galaxy means that, despite the use of faster-than light warp drives, most of it remains unknown.
New worlds are constantly being discovered and investigated, along with their attendtant civilisations, creatures and resources.
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The Warp and warp travel. Not terribly different from how its been depicted later on, really. The oceanic/fluidic metaphor is even extended to 'age of sail' type weather and navigation, up to even having 'warp weather' known as immeteorologyWarp space is the medium trhough which faster than light spacecraft travel between the stars. It is, in a sense, an alternate reality or parallel dimension in which the laws of time and space are diffrent from those of our own universe. Movement within warp space bears a distinct relationship to distance travelled in normal space, and this relationship can be manipulated to make faster than light travel possible. It is not stirctly true to say that distances in warp space are "shrunk" compared to those of normal space. A more accurate analogy would be to think of warp space as a dense fluid medium which is subject to constant movement, currents, undertows, etc. This is not perceptible in real space itself of course, because the fluidity is only relative to our own reality. A spacecraft can exploit this phenomenon by entering warp space, allowing itself to be shifted along by its natural flow, and then re-entering normal spacec a distancec away from the starting point. A metaphor commonly used to explain how warping works is that of the fast flowing stream. The stream represents warp space, moving rapidly along its motionless banks, representing real spacee. A leaf dropped into the water upstream will move along, ,floatin gon the surface of the water. The leaf does not move relative to the water, but is merely carried by it until it lodges at some poitn downstream from its orginal location. This is a useful metaphor as far as it goes, but it must be remembered warp space is far more complex in its movements than the linear stream, for it can move in all sorts of convoluted and bewildering patterns. Spacecraft are able to make corrective movements in warp space and can enter or leave warp space at a chosen moment. Even so, warp travel is never totally predictable, either in its duration or eventual destination.
Page 131
Warp drives. The 1-4 'short range' warp jumps still exist. In warp space this translates to between 2000 and 35,000c. In realspace the speeds are 60 to 1460c WE might treat the 'in warp' speed as the ideal - the more stable and reliable a route is the closert the ratio between warp and realspace would be, and get worse from there. (The "in realspace' days example might be one for a 'less stable' route or general travel. 1-4 LY/hr is treated as the speed is 8760-35,000c and 1/3 that for realspace. (close to 3000-12000c) This is for non-navigator warp jumps as well. This is much slower than 2nd edition or even Epic/Realms of Chaos implied (tens or hundreds of thousands of c or more from those sources.) although its quite consistent with the Space fleet stuff.A warp drive, or warp engine, is a device that enables a spacecraft to enter and leave the medium of warp space. Warp drives incorporate their own navigational units, able to briefly glimpse into warp space in order to observe its current movements. From these movements it is psosible to calculate a course, any corrective manoeuvres that may have to be made whilst in warp space, and the moment to return to real spacee. The distance travelled in t his way is called a jump and a jump may be of 1 to 4 light years depending on the conditions prevalent in warp space. Such a journey typically takes between 1 and 6 days of real space time, contracted into 1-4 hours of perceived time for the spacecraft. A spacecraft plunged into warp space at random will travel at 1-4 light years per hour of perceived time/3 hours of real space time. Whilst in warp space a craft is isolated from real space. However, psychics are able to maintain or establish telepathic contact if they are sufficiently strong, if they are human astropaths for example.
It is dangerous for spacecraft to leave warpspace close to the proximity of stars. The mass of a solar body possesses a comparable mass in warp space, and acts as an irresistible attractive force to bodies near it. This makes it almost impossible to leave or re-enter normal space within a solar system without being drawn inside the sun itself. Even with the utmost care, occasional acidents do happen, and this is one of the constant dangers of warp travel. THe usual practice is to aim on breaking warp space well outside a solar system and complete a journey using conventional space drives.
We also discover the dangers of warp entry/exit close to a star, which is something that has generally remained true throughout 40K's history barring certain exceptions, although other reasons (risk of contamination by ships and stars passing through warp rifts for example) have been introduced over time.
It is also possible for astropaths to maintain contact between ships in the warp and realspace if the distances are fairly short (a few LY) This probably forms the premise of things like astorpathic relays and such mentioned for navigational purposes in Battlefleet Gothic (and also is the main source of implication for how Astropaths or other psykers could navigate by homing in on these short range beacons.)
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Warp gates.. sort of a pre-webway thing, but still existing (in different form, I think.) Implied speed in warp of 8000c to 17000c for a 4 LY distance. Faster if we go with the 20-30 LY apart speed. Speed in normal space 120-730c. Heck FFG's Deathwatch RPg is formed around the whole premise of some sort of long-ranged warp gateA warp-gate is a point in real space which is linked to another point in real space by a tunnel through warp space. The tunnel somehow avoids the normal disturbances of warp space, allowing a journey to be made within a fixed time and in perfect safety. The existence of warp gates represents something of a mystery; are they a natural feature or artificial. If arrtificial, who or what craeted them and for what purpose. Some warp gates have certainly been artificially enhanced, beacuse their entrances are delineated by mechanical constructions whose exact function can be only guessed at. Other warp gates are mere black holes in space.
Warp gates occur in different sizes. They occur in the depths of space, at the boundaries of solar systems, within solar systems and even on planets. The largest are easily big enough to permit the passage of spacecraft, and are usually situated at the edge of a solar system, or amongst its outer planets. Other gates are only large enough to permit the passage of small vehicles, or perhaps human-sized creatures. These occur mostly on planet surfacecs and lead directl to other gates on the surfacees of other planets.
Planetary gates are often disguisd, or respond only ot electrical , pyschic, or other signals, whcihw ould seem to indicate a certain amount of intended secrecy on the partt of their builders.
Many gates appear to be defective, and can dump a ship randomly into warp space.
Warp gates have the disadvantage of being pre-determined, permitting travel only within a fixed lane. They are also quite slow, taking 2d4 hours of perceived time and 2d6 days of real time to traverse distances of up to 4 light years. Most warp gates appear to be within the reigon of 20-30 light years apart.
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Basically its a naturally occuring version of what warp engines open up to access the immaterium. The fact aliens can use them can make them dangerous. The Tau are noted to have used wapr rifts (And gates) of this type to facilitate their navigation and I believe the development of their 'ether' drive capability, although with the advent of 6th some implications hold that the tau no longer have FTL (to which I say 'bullshit' lol)The term warp portal is often coined to differentiate these warp space/real space interfaces from warp gates. A warp portal is simply an entrance into, ,and exit from, warp space. It does not lead to a tunnel, and a spacecraft entering a portal is cast to the chance currents of warp space. With careful manoeuvring it may be possible to reenter normal space using the same portal from the other side.
Some aliens use warp portals to travel betwewen warp space to real space, specifically the creatures known as enslavers which live within warp space itself. Like warp gates, portals occur in all sizes and places and may appear on a planet's surface.