Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

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Connor MacLeod
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Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I've put this off partly because I was deciding whether to add this to Eisenhorn (and have one of the mods retitle it) or to just put it all in a separate thread. So to spare the mods and because I'm lazy, RAvenor and (eventually) the rest of the Bequin trilogy will go here, and I'll leave Eisenhorn separate (For reference, the Eisenhorn thread is here)

So now, like I've promised, I'll get to Ravenor. Ravenor is the continuation, one might argue, of what Eisenhorn began. Its the side of Abnett's work that deals with the 'non-war' aspects of the Imperium. But in alot of ways, though, Ravenor is a different creature than Eisenhorn. The Eisenhorn novels focused more heavily on Eisenhorn as a character and his development through three distinct books (and his more or less fall from grace as a radical.) The Ravenor novels are more 'group' focused - its Ravenor and his team that take the stage, rather than the specific Inquisitor Ravenor (although he's still prominent.) In alot of ways it reminds me of the Dark HEresy and Inquisitor RPG stuff (and I wouldnt be surprised if Abnett's POV was a big influence on these things) The story revolve around Ravenor and his attempt to track down some sort of illicit and dangerous drug trade, which spirals out of control into chaos cults, conspiracies, etc. Again some of these elements bear some similarity to Eisenhorn, and that is a mixed bag.

Honestly, I'm not as big a fan of Ravenor as I was of Eisenhorn. The characters are great as always, and I loved the first and much of the second novels. That said... I feel that the serires really promises a great deal (esp in the second book) and does not deliver quite what it expected. Not unlike the Inquisition War novels really.. the third novel just feels really out of joint (to me) compared to the rest of the series. Some parts do resonate (the character interactions like I said, are top notch) but the parts of the story as laid down really just don't... mesh for me. The parts that try to emulate Eisenhorn just don't do it, and they stand out from the ways the Ravenor series tries to be different. The Eisenhorn approach, I feel, worked because it focused more heavily on Eisenhorn as a character and his development/interactions with others. RAvenors 'group-centric' approach reminds me much more of the approach with the Ghosts series, where the events encompass the regiment as a whole (or at least symbollically key parts of it) rather than any one individual. RAvenor seems to be wedged somewhere in between those two, and I think trying to straddle the fence between the two kind of distracts from the work as a whole. I'm not saying it COULDN'T have worked.. its just not really convincing (again to me) the way it was portrayed.

So, all that said we start with the first novel. I think this is the one that is 'truest' to the intent of the series, and of the lot its perhaps my favorite, because it carries the flavour of the short stories I've covered in the past and that whole Eisenhorn-style 'detective' writing (which did, in my mind, work well with the first two books.) Since I'm lazy I'll draw this out in thre parts, rather than trying to chuck it out all at once. We'll see how long my patience lasts with that.

Page 12
She walked over to them, mopping perspiration from her brow. Her bodyglove was set to max-chill, and rapidly thawing frost was fuming off her lean figure.
Chaos cultists.. albeit well equipped/connected/trained ones. Not unusual stuff for a FFG book.

Page 12
Boros Dias sighed. Just eighteen months earlier, he had been magister tutorae xenos at the Universitariat of Thracian, one of the most admired academics in his field.

Yet more proof there is an educational system of sorts in 40K. At least, if you have the money (much as in the USA)

Page 14
Hehteng had brought the drone monitor handset from the camp and Molotch took it from him. He studied the little screen display. None of the sentry drones ranged around the camp area and site zones had triggered at all.
- "Sentry drones" (like servitor skulls I assume) connected to a screen display and remotely controlled. Used for patrol and scouting and an early warning system.

Page 15
There was a flash, a whoop of superheated air, and the world tumbled over on its end. Molotch found himself lying on his back. His face was wet. A dull, concussive numbness was in his brain, a raw ache in his right thigh. The canopy above him continued to form a lattice of light and darkness. As he watched, two incandescent bolts of las-fire, each shaped like an elongated spearhead the length of an adult human forearm, squealed overhead.

There was a bloody hole the size of a bottle top through his thigh. Mulch worms and flies were already invading it.
More las-fire whined past.
The implication is that the wound was caused by a las-bolt, but we don't actually see this (but no other weapon before and after the wound is mentioned and it's not explicit enough for me to be certain (at least I know if I am someone may scream about it.)

This is also late-era Abnett lasfire, which means that rather than being a beam its a visually distinct, blaster-bolt stype 'las' weapon that has more in common with bullets than energy weapons.

In any event, if this really IS a las-weapon, the characteristics are one of a highly focused, penetrating shot rather than the 'exploding' type we're more familiar with. assuming 'bottle top' is analogues to a bottle cap we might figure 2-3 cm in diameter, which is consistent with other sources (CAdian Blood, Dawn of War, Gaunt's Ghosts, 13th Legion) describing finger thick lasbeams. Partial cauterization or coagulation perhaps or its hit that didn't hit any vital arteries or the bone (EG he's not spraying blood.) We also don't know what kind of lasweapon it was, although there may be gusses.

It also implies he may have gotten knocked down by some sort of explosive vaporization (its been known to happen with lasweapons) but this is a "pov" sort of thing and it coudl be he fell or dropped due to involuntary reflex or muscle spasm or something similar.

As far as calcs go? If we're talking a pulse train 'blaster' style weapon we might be talking a few kj considering (probable) overpenetration. If it is less efficient (vaporization) we might be talking tens of kj (say 40-50 kj). I'd lean more towards the first one, since that's less likely to 'explosively vaporize' the target in this case but lasweapons can be magical sometimes so it could happen.

Assuming any burning happens (3rd degree, 50 j per sq cm) we might figure a few kj to the wound channel.

Page 16
Beyond him, Emmings was hosing the forest with rapid fire from his precious pulse rifle.
Ever since he’d picked up the handsome tau weapon as spoils of combat, he’d been itching to use it.
Tau pulse rifles have automatic.

Page 16
Like Molotch, the ogryn had been caught by the first salvo. He was bellowing, Blood was squirting out of a scorched hole in his side.

Molotch stuck Nung with a one-use tranq-blunt from his belt pack.

More (probable) lasfire. We dont know how many hits were in the second one, but we do find out that the bolts probably aren't highly cauterizing (but they do inflict burns) and Molotch apparently was lucky enough not to have anything vital hit.

Page 16-17
...unshipped the Korsh 50 assault cannon from the syn-hide boot on his back. Nung wore three heavy dram magazines from his waist belt the way an ordinary human carried water bottles. His fat fingers fumbled to connect the belt feed.

Then he had it. The cannon shook into life, tongues of flash-fire dancing like an afterburner around the rotating multi-barrels. It roared out a great blurt of noise, undercut by the metallic grate of its cycling mechanism. A cascade of spent cases flew into the air and pattered down onto the ooze.

The cannon-blasts stripped away the vegetation before them, pulping it into matted, wet debris and a sticky mist of sap-vapour. The las-fire ceased abruptly.
Ogryn using assault cannon. He must be a rather genius Ogryn by Ogryn standards, but this is hardly unprecedented (they've used autocannon, grenade launcher,s etc.) Also we get further probable confirmation of lasfire as the source of all the damage above.

Page 17
Emmings’s head snapped sideways, whip-cracking his reedy neck. The Shockwave travelled down his bony body and twisted it violently. Before his feet left the powder-white ground, his head began to deform, to wrench out of shape, to lose all semblance of Emmings. Then it burst, and Emmings folded like a snap-shut clasp knife. He fell sideways into the dust. Molotch glimpsed a lean figure with a bolt pistol duck back into cover behind one of the pillars.
Bolt pistol this time.

Page 18
Molotch raised his rifle and tried to draw a bead on Thonius, but Nung knocked his aim aside. ’Zygmunt hit her!’ he wheezed.
Again, this ogryn seems rather more intelligent than usually assumed. Possibly a recipient of the "Bone'Ead" procedure.

Page 21
He found the hand-flamer Boros Dias used for frying off lichen and algae.

It ignited with a single pump of the trigger, and Molotch wound the nozzle up to full. The flame was blue-hot. He ran it along the lines of the carving, frying out dust, blasting away loose matrix. The narrow chamber filled with the acrid stink of cooking stone.
The flamer was no good against the thicker coverings of ancient rock that caked the base and upper left quadrant of the relief.
I dont quite know how to calc it, but this implies a pretty damn (magically) powerful flamethrower.

Page 22
"Doctor, I think it only fair that we conclude our professional arrangement here and now. Consider yourself freed of the terms of our contract."

Boros Dias began to smile. Then his face melted, just as it had started to scream. His bared skull cracked like pottery and he fell onto his back. Molotch dropped the hand-flamer. "I never liked you." he said to the smouldering corpse.
Again a magically powerful hand flamer. The thing can't carry more than a few kilos of fuel to be used in one hand and it can't have been completely full when it did tis. Yet it cremates the flesh off the skull - we're talking several MJ of energy at the very least.,

Page 22
He tossed away the hammer and located the portable brass picter from amongst the late doctor’s overturned kit. Two or three wide angle shots of the whole, then a series of close-ups, one section at a time, with as much overlap as he could manage.

His thigh throbbed like hell.
Molotch hasn't bled out, despite seconds (minutes?) must having passed. Again, at least partial cauterization (enough to slow bleeding) and/or a very lucky hit.

Page 22
Nung. Blood-loss from the ugly gunshot wound had finished him. He lay as he had fallen: propped up over one of the excavators. Nte-flies foamed around his face and the hole between his ribs.
Implied here to be a gunshot, wide enough to pass between the ribs without penetrating. The 'bottle top' diameter lasfire would do that. Implies it was a single hit, and it must have been a penetrating, powerful lasweapon (or a very well aimed, lucky shot that hit something vital) to do that kind of damage.

Page 23
Burned out and panicking, he fell down on his hands and knees and began to cry. Then his Cognitaes-chooled intellect took over: the mind that encompassed noetic techniques, polished and refined by the great and abominated academy. He sat up, and breathed deeply to slow his panic. Then he methodically consulted his wrist-mounted locator. Over to the north, a hundred metres.
Molotch is identified as Cognitae here. sort of like Inquisitor-version of Blood Pact. We get clarifications later about what that is, but here it shows us some of what is behind the thinking and abilities of the Cognitae.

Page 23
Sunlight invaded the clearing where the drop flier sat. It was a handsome little thing, a Nymph model recon flier, removed surreptitiously from a Guard munitions depot in the Helican sub. It crouched on six long hydraulic legs, its wings folded back. It looked like a giant metal mosquito.
He popped the cockpit door and leaned in to fire up the engines. The vector fans began to whine into life.
Guard issue 'recon flier' some sort of skimmer or aircraft/gunship type thing, although it doesn't mean it is antigrav, or even armed. Still it's interesting as a further indicator that some sort of 'air-vehicle' capacity can exist amongst the Guard. And it isn't an inconsistency, we know a Garrison regiment in the 3rd edition IG codex could get sub-stellar system ship transports, skimmers, and civilian/PDF requisitioned vehicles of different kinds. A similar case probably applies here (EG its a 'locally made' Guard designed, and it relies on the local, inter-sector/subsector logistics chain to be maintained and used. Outside the sector you're probably SOL.)

Page 25-26
Noiseless, arch-winged, ominous, a Valkyrie assault carrier rose from the forest before him, washing the canopy growth back in a wide, concentric ripple. It was dressed in black camo paint, its Imperial Guard insignia removed. Its chin-turret began to flash. Molotch’s Nymph lost a wing in a shower of splintering metal. It began to descend hard, auto-rotating . Multi-laser shots burst its belly and exploded its leg assemblies.

Then the first rocket struck home and blew off the flier’s tail boom. More followed from the Valkyrie’s under-wing pods, snaking out on curling spits of smoke. The Nymph came apart, burning, and dropped like a stone towards the inky forest cover, scattering casing fragments, engine parts and glass specks as it fell.
IG-issue Valkyrie. Might be owned, might be borrowed, migth be loaned, but its further proof they can and do have them.

Page 26
Zygmunt Molotch, ablaze from head to foot, was still alive when the hull finally met the ground.
A firestorm rushed out from the impact point, sucked back in again with the Shockwave overpressure, and left a scorched circle ten hectares across in the undergrowth.
Crash of the recon fire. SEems rather messy.

Page 28
I am an administry clerk called Olyvier, tapping at the keys of my codifier, the screen reflecting green phantoms at my augmetic eyes. I have awful halitosis because of an abscess in my gum. I cannot afford the medicae fees unless I put in extra shifts all month. I have a scheduled break in one hundred and nineteen minutes.
Ah, the wonderful life of an Administratum peon. We get views of this several times in the series.

Page 28
I am a servitor, stacking boxes in a stock-house. I had a name once, but I have forgotten how to say it. It takes an effort just to remember to stack the boxes the right way up. The boxes have arrows on their sides.
Ravenor is powerful enough to 'scan' a servitor, for all the use it is.

Page 29
I am a sheet-press worker called Aesa Hiveson. I am sound asleep in my one-room hab in the stacks of Formal K. The doubleshift left me exhausted, so I fell asleep the moment I sat down. The feeble shower I intended to get under is still running. The water pipes are thumping and banging.
Reassuring to know that basic hygiene still exists int he Imperium, at least on some planets. :P

Page 30
I am anonymous, gender uncertain, a very long time dead, undiscovered behind a false wall in Formal B.

I am two girls in PDF youth uniforms, left in shallow graves in the north end flowerbeds of Stairtown Park...
Ravenor can sense dead bodies, or at least some remnant of them. I'm guessing he's detecting the residual psychic imprints - the remnants of their own lives and auras, and possibly the ones of the killers. It might also combine some form of visual scrying.

I'll also add this is rather tame by the usual levels of grimdark (EG we have only two people being killed rather than entire planets purged for someone sneezing the wrong way) but I personally find it more effective because of the manner in which it is presented.. it has more of an element of the personal to it, and really emphasizes that 'faceless' aspect, especially how Ravenor doesn't seem to flinch at finding this (he's a hard dude - imagine how you would react to finding a couple of slaughtered girls?)

Page 30
...felled by a heart attack on my way home on a transit mag-lev.
mag lev.

Page 30
I had almost lost sight of myself in the discordant psyk-noise. Slowly, out of the mass of fidgeting data, I lock down the signals. One at a time, each one is almost drowned out by the polyphony of living minds. It is like trying to single out a lone voice from a choir of ten billion.
even with wriathbone pendants, its hard for Ravenor to filter out ten billion people to locate his own agents. This also represents a mention of the population of Eustis Majoris, the hive world Ravenor is currently on. Whether that is a precise measure, an estimate, or what, we don't know.

Page 35
Four months before his eleventh birthday, the Departmento Munitorum shut down two fabricatories in the district. Nineteen thousand indentured workers were, in the Munitorum’s words, ’’decruited’’. No reason was ever offered for the closures. But it was common knowledge that there was a trade slump right across the sub. Stories went round that new, automated plants had been opened in the northern-most zone: plants where a single servitor could perform the work of twenty indents without the need for sleep shifts. Other rumours said the fabs had lost a navy contract to manufactories on Caxton. Whatever, the work was gone. The fabs were shuttered up and boarded. Nineteen thousand able indents were hung out to rot.
The take on "automation" is rather intriguing since it gives us benchmarks for Imperial industrial capability (although only potentially, since various factors can randomize the usage: economic, the availability of servitors and the technology in general, other means of automation like in Execution Hour, etc.) The "twenty time" modifier is tricky to apply to, since it doesnt neccesarily have to scale linearly (eg a cruiser that takes a little over a decade to build in BFG will not instantly be built 20x faster in the case of servitors.) And unlike twenty workers, a servitor can only be in one place. Still I'd expect the fact that a servitor can work without food, sleep, etc, to mean that it can produce things at least several times faster than normal human labor, which can account for inconsistencies in building things like starships.

Also interesting is the implications about informtion and data flow between planets, at least at the subsector level (the rumors of the subsector economic conditions influencing the planet, and the people on the planet bieng aware of it, and the indication seems to be this is recent and ongoing.) This is a different picture contrasted to the "worlds in complete isolation from each other" picture other sources give. The two viewpoints are not inconsistent with each other, as the Imperium is large and diverse enough (and warp travel inconsistent enough) for both conditions to exist simultaneously. It does suggest though, that the more "local" one gets (eg sector or subsector level) the greater the level of inter-connectivity in economic, political and other terms. The FFG material seems to have taken this interpretation and run with it as well, given how they've built up other sectors (like Calixis.) in their materials.

Also interesting is that these were Munitorum operated factories... which suggests military factories of some kind.

Page 36
It got hard, fast. Welfare and subsist tokens couldn’t feed them. Zael was forced to cut scholam sessions to earn money, by doing errands for local traders.
In the Grim Darkness of the Future, there is only filthy left-wing socialist practices. While again this isn't something we can generalize from world to world, and simply having a welfare/subsistence program is not indicative that it is a good one (the quote actually indicates it isn't.) It is rather interesting to think that Imperial worlds might actually bother doing something that say, the USA considers to be abhorrent. And I'm pretty sure this isn' the first quote to that effect either.

Note that this doesn't make up for general shittiness in other ways we've seen (The Administratum or Munitorum strip mining worlds or economies for their own purposes mentioned elsewhere, or the fact that the Munitorum shut down a hab plant to go with automated production. "Human fuel" indeed.)

Page 36
She’d been afraid it was the marshals, or a surprise knock from the ministorum temperance division. They’d been working the stacks in Formal J that week, going from door to door bearing pamphlets and disapproving expressions.

Again, this may be a seemingly "civic" minded thing to do, but knowing the Imperium there's a logical reason. Drug use is likely an activity one is going to associate with "cultist" behaviour (or at least certain kinds of drugs.) and we do know for a fact that some drugs can increase the risks of warp-associated catastrophes. Hell, the 'flects' in the Ravenor series are a prime example, but anything that, for example, might draw Slaaneshi attention is naturally going to be bad. Pity they aren't as ardent when it comes to the indolent and corrupt upper classes.

Page 36-37
Zael ignored her and looked for the last of the citrus-flavoured drink he’d hidden in their larder.
Nove had already found it and drank it. He set a pan on the stove to boil water for a dehyd soup mix instead.
The cynical part of me wants to think the soup and citrus drink are made from recycled corpses in some way, but Abnett is generally not prone to that sort of thing :P

Page 38
The only recent memory that stood out was the removal of his granna’s body by the Magistratum.
They removed Zael's sister as well. Again, I suspect practicality (health reasons have to be a major concern in something as tightly packed as a hab/apartment building.) Again in 40K you'd generally think they'd leave the dead body to be eaten by rats or something, the way 40K usually runs :P

A more cynical part of me wants to think they recover the bodies for recycling into water and/or meat.

Page 39
A steam train rattled over the boxgirder elevation above him, strobing carriage lights down at the unlit river.
Earlier Ravenor psychically detects a dude on a mag-lev. Clearly transportation of variable tehc levels exists on the planet, which isn't unusual in 40K. That said, I don't find 'steam power' to be all that 'primitive' - in a society with the energy consumption and technologies of 40K, you can probably get alot of mileage out of steam power.

Page 41
Two dozen centuries of dirty industry had poisoned the atmosphere of Eustis Majoris. Ninety per cent of the time, the immense city-state of Petropolis stewed under a roof of toxic stain cloud, its streets choked with hydrocarbon smog. Every now and then, the clouds burst and drenched the surface quarters with acid rain. The rain ate into everything: stone, tiles, brick, steel, skin.
Epidermal cancer, a by-product of exposure to the rain, was the planet’s second biggest killer behind pollutant-related emphysemas.

The moment the rain-burn alarms started to sound, gampers flocked out of alleyways and sink shops and began loudly offering their services to passers-by.
The enviromental conditions of Eustis Majoris. Not quite as bad as the ash-wastes of some worlds like Necromunda, but hardly a nice sort of world.

Page 42
Patience Kys had been born on Sameter in the Helican sub: another dirty, smoggy, deluged hab-stacked world. The Imperium was full of them.
Sameter is an agri-world/industrial world as I recall.. likely what Kys means is that the Imperium is full of worlds that are heavily/over populated (hab stacked), and horribly polluted, and may run across various classifications (eg hive, industiral, agri, mining, etc.) rather than falling into one partiuclar category. Sorta like the "billions of hive worlds" from Heart of Rage.

Page 43
It was morbidly fascinating to see how many pedestrians around them had skin burns. Some old and faded, some raw and new. Some - and Carl Thonius pressed his fragrant kerchief tighter still - no longer burns, but discolouring into lethal melanomas. The received remedy was faith paper. You could buy it from street corner vendors and stalls in the sink-shop arcades. Tissue-thin and gummed, it had been blessed by various ecclesiarchy somebodies and infused with palliative serums like thisde, milkroot and flodroxil. You cut it to shape - usually into little patches - moistened it, and stuck it to your rain-burns. Faith, and the God-Emperor of Mankind, did the rest. The civilians around them were speckled with faith paper patches. One old man had his entire neck and forehead wrapped in it, like papier-mache.
It sounds hilarious, and I suspect that out of universe its meant to be hilarious grimdark. But in-universe, with the existence of psychic shit and the fact gods are a real, tangible phenomena means that such things could do as advertised (unconscious psychic healing. Hell that sort of shit works for the Orks. The main difference being that for the Orks, the phenomena is widespread and consistent, while faith/religion isn't as consistent.)

Page 45
The rain alarms had stopped - the downpour had abated - and as he approached the ceramics shop he adjusted the dial of his signet ring. The anti-acid scales that had loricated his skin retracted into the slit pockets behind his ears and under his eyebrows.
Useful toy. Not unlike synskin albeit more mecahnical seeming. I wonder if its a augmetic, or if its some sort of worn device?

Page 46
He received an assurance, far softer and quieter than Kys’s crude mind-jab.
Kys has some telepathic talent as well as telekinetic, presumably only to the point of reading thoughts (and possibly only of people she knows or is familiar with.)

Page 48
"Great golden throne, you’re such a whore, Kys."

+Shut up, pussy. +
Whatever the flaws of the Ravenor novels in general, I will admit that the bantering of the characters is quite enjoyable.

Page 49
"Where is he?’ she whispered, testily."
+Five metres to your left, coming forward. A sense of high anxiety about him.+
Ravenor provides useful intel to his agents. One imagines that either he's watchng thorugh psyk senses of some kind (like astropaths have), clairvoyance of some kind, or he's able to pick up the guy's thoughts/impressions due to his ability to single out Kara and focus on nearby individuals.

Page 50
Kara Swole shut her eyes. After a moment, a clear, slightly fish-eyed vision appeared to her. The service parlour of a dingy public dining house, as seen from somewhere up near the ceiling vents. Every few seconds the view blinked and jumped momentarily, like a badly formatted pict-track. She saw the tables and chairs lying where they had been overturned in the stampede, the litter of broken crockery and food bowls.
RAvenor is able to also provide Kara with the point of view of another individual in the locale psychically.

Page 50
The extended magazine projecting down from the pistol grip of his auto was so long...

+Apart from anxiety, I can’t assess anything. He’s smoked obscura some time in the last thirty-five minutes. It’s blocking everything. +
Extended mag and limits on Ravenor's skills.

Page 51
Kara Swole had never been in the Departmento Magistratum, but a hardnut chastener, name of Fischig, had taught her the skills some years back.
Either a local departmento, or something that has ties/associated activities with the ARbites given the connection to Fischig. Magistratum are a kind of enforcer, so my guess is that local Eustis Majore custom is to copy Imperial naming conventions in this regard.

It may also reflect closer ties between the planet and Imperial Adepta. Some worlds are more Imperial than others.

Page 51
The establishment was called Lepton’s, one of a chain of family-run public dining houses in the Formal D district of Petropolis.

Like all the independent bars and eateries, it was in the sinks. Eighty levels of habs and manufactories weighed down upon it and neither the wan sunlight nor the burn-rain ever penetrated this deep. Only the grim, Munitorum-subsidised canteens could afford higher-level positions on or near the surface street-ways. All of the public places were open round the clock, and catered for the constant shift-work. People came to eat breakfast at tables beside other workers chowing supper and getting addled on cheap grain liq at the end of a hard shift. Down here it was a dark world of artificial lighting, metal decks, flakboard walls and an indelible layer of grease that coated everything.
Belowground on Eustis Majoris. Another of those nice 'behind the scenes' civilian touches that always makes me like Abnett

Page 51
Kara ran down into the kitchen. Heedless servitors laboured at bulk skillets or broiling vats, and there was a constant clatter of utensil limbs.
The handful of actual humans working the food line were just emerging up from hiding places behind coolers and workstations.
Even the restraunts have servitor access, it seems. Here anyhow, they do. This also leads to an interesting question of how much of the planet's population is servitors, and whether they actually count (Ravenor was able to detect them from orbit and get into their minds, so that is possible. Although they by no means count as 'people'.)

Page 54
There were six big friggers in the alley behind her, all leather smocks and studded jackets and vat-grown muscle enhancements.
Muscle enhancement.

Page 54
...one, the leader, had a chain-fist. It buzzed menacingly as the oiled blade-tracks idled.
A hab-ganger type (They call them "Moody Hammers" on this planet) carries a chainfist. How and where he got it from I have no fucking clue.

Page 55
"You gotta ware me! You gotta ware me right now!"
+The distance is too.+
"Screw the distance! I’m dead meat unless you ware me!"
He obliged. She knew he hated it. She knew she hated it. But there were times when only it would do. The little wraithbone pendant around her neck crackled, and lit up with psyk-light. She convulsed as he took hold and everything that made up Kara Swole - her mind, her personality, her memories, her hopes and desires - folded up and went away into a little dark box made of solid oblivion.

Kara Swole’s body, blank-eyed, leapt up from prone by arching its back. It deflected a mallet-swing with an under-turned hand, and then side-kicked one of the sling-bladers in the chest so hard his sternum snapped like a dry branch.
- Ravenor demonstrates the ability he has known as "Waring" -the ability to take control of another person's body psychically (like a puppet.) Their own personality/consciousness gets minimized/pushed into the background while this occurs. Evidently it also allows for better "body control" or greater reactions (a gift of Ravenor's abilities I suppose.) since Kara kicks the ass of all the enhanced Hammers (who are still armed with blades, hammers, etc.) unarmed.

Page 56
The leader came in, chain-fist shrilling. One of the abandoned mallets was now turning in her hands. She swung it out so the head of it met the punching glove-weapon coming the
other way. The mallet-head was completely abraded away in seconds, but it was a duracite tip, and eating it up burned out the drivers of the chain-fist’s mechanism.
Chainfist vs industrial mallet.

Page 57
"The authority of the Ordo Xenos, officer. This is an officially sanctioned operation and I am Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor."
Ravenor identifies himself as part of the Ordo Xenos. This leads to some interesting questions, as to why he is hunting down Molotch (A chaos cultist) and hunts flects and gets involved (generally) in chaos oriented stuff. One would think the Hereticus would be better suited, or perhaps Malleus.

Of course the Dark HEresy stuff makes mention that Inquisitors, even specialists, will deal with whatever threats they find even if it is technically outside their jurisdiction. They are Inquisitors, after all.

Page 60
Sometime way back in the whenever - history was not Zael’s thing - Petropolis had outgrown the patch of land it had originally sat down on. It had spread, like a fat arse on a bar stool. Up in the north, in Stairtown, it had invaded the hills. In the south, it had bulged out over the river bay. Originally, stone piers had been built out into the estuarine flats and over the water, their wide bases sunk deep into the ooze by the guild masonae. Then, as demand grew for cheap habs, elevated prefab sections had been constructed between the radiating piers, creating a whole city slum-quarter, forty storeys deep, suspended twenty metres above the silt and water.
Sounds like a big-damn city although different from the volcano-like Hives of Necromunda and Armageddon

Page 61
Typical snooty off-worlder. By then, that’s what Zael had decided the guy definitely was. An off-worlder. The name was a dead-give away. ’’Ravenor’’. Shit! Why not just call yourself ’Imperial aristo from a much richer planet than this’ and have done with it?
This curiously suggests that Zael does not consider himself an "Imperial citizen." Of course, what a world's inhabitants think and what the Imperium think are two different things, and generally it's what the latter thinks that matters more.

Page 62
Plumage had been torn or broken off, or eaten away, and eyes and limbs lost. Metal was exposed in many places, delicate wired mechanisms succumbing to rust and acid-gnaw.
On the bench in front of her, a sheen bird was stretched out and pinned down for cleaning in the manner of an anatomical study. Its neck filaments buzzed as its head jerked around, and it piped piteously out of its tiny metal beak. Another bird, much larger and totally devoid of implanted feathers, perched on her shoulder. It was quite a splendid thing, its wing blades and chassis polished chrome.
Sheen birds. Discussed later on.

PAge 64
It [door] was a simple but hefty wooden door, and it swung in on a mechanical bracket.
The real door was the shimmering void-field behind it. Through the glitter of the energy screen, Zael could see a moody hammer glaring out at them.
- Void-field screen protecting a doorway of a major Gang lord's base of operations. Technically I don't think this is a void shield pre se, but probably some form of power field, or perhaps a variation on refractor field tech.

Page 65
"Hell, I’ll even show him to the Officio Inquisitoras myself. That’s in Formal A, isn’t it?"
The hammer stopped. "What’s the frigging Inquisition got to do with anything?"
Not only is the Inquisition well known on Eustis Majoris, apparently, but they have official offices in the city that does walk in business.

Page 66
+Three heartbeats, closing from the left.+
Ravenor can track life signs psychically.

Page 66
..both held wirestocked lasrifles.

Zael had never seen a lasrifle before.
Lasweapons must be rare on Eustis Majoris. This marks a significant difference from places like Cadia or Necromunda

Page 66
The man was far more terrifying. He was over two and a half metres tall and extremely thin. Not even stick-thin like Jibby Narrows, who everyone said could get good money working part time as a noodle. This freak was emaciated-thin. He wore a beautiful housecoat of vitrian glass, floor-length, and his arms hung from the sleeves like twigs. Twigs coated in gold foil, that was. His head was a skull with the merest hint of skin. His eyes were augmetic plugs; sutured in, multi-facet insect jobs. He smelled really good - a classy cologne or maybe even a flesh-wired pheromone aura. He didn’t walk. He hovered.
Augmetic human. Identified as a Seneschal.

Also Vitrian glass must come form fairly close by, becuase lots of places in the novel have it show up in civiilan hands. Either that or the Vitrians have quite an extensive and far reaching export trade going for their stuff (case in piont. The Dragoons show up on the edge fo Segmentum Pacificus during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade (to be fair, so do the Cadians) but much of Ravenor (and Eisenhorn) takes place in Segmentum Obscurus.

Page 67
He hovered over to his waiting hammers, and held out a bony hand. One of them obediently drew a gang knife and put it into Taper’s palm.

Taper turned and snapped the blade. He didn’t even use both frigging hands. He simply snapped the twenty-centimetre steel with a flick of his twig fingers.

"I am significantly augmetic, my friend. I chose to be elegant and slender because I despise obvious physical threat-postures. A massive torso, thick arms, a shaven head. such as yours, for instance. But I did not stint on strength. I could poke your bastard heart out with my tongue."
Our aforementioned augmetic man.

Page 69 -
"I’m a newbie to this world. Just got in a few days back, pulled the long haul from Caxton."
"Easy said. I can’t afford another out-ticket, not even a freezer bin."
Caxton, it seems, is another planet. At least in this subsector and in some form, there is interstellar travel between planets.

Though I'm not sure if the second quote implies going to another city, or naother planet.

Page 69
The hammers by the door brought their lasrifles up, slicking off the safeties and making the cells hum.
He heard two hard, dry bangs. The hammers slammed back against the doorposts, their rifles tumbling from their hands. Both had blackened, bloody holes in the centres of their foreheads and no backs to their skulls any more.
The guy suddenly had a gun in his fist. A great big Navy model Hecuter 10, the muzzle smoking.
This is from Nayl's Hercuter 10 autopistol.

Page 69
He put two more rounds into Taper’s chest, point blank. Oblivious, Taper flew at him, twig arms outstretched.
The Augmetic dude must have body armor of some kind implanted. Or he's mostly metal resistant to weapons fire.

Page 70
The guy threw something small and black at Taper.

Instinctively, Taper caught the small black thing. He looked at it for a split second. A split second was all he had.

The grenade's blast vaporised him and brought down the wall behind him.
Either we have a metal man blown apart into tiny pieces, or we have a metal man vaporized. Either way is going too be vastly more powerful than a normal grenade, I suspect.

Page 73
He distinctly saw a hammer with rake-hook spin over onto his back, blood puffing from an exit wound the size of a dinner plate.
More of Nayl's Hercuter 10. I wonder if we can make comparisons between the Hecutor (autoweapon I think) and a lasweapon?

Page 74
The guy seemed completely oblivious to the fact he had just taken out a room full of moody hammers, single-handed, in under ten seconds. Zael knew he’d cost the guy that finger. The guy had been saving him.
I suspect its possible Nayl was being wared, but given how shortly before Ravenor had gone silent trying to save Kara, its quite possible this was pure Nayl.

Page 75
Out of the city’s heart, the Administratum clerks flowed in a monotonous grey tide. Along walkways and pavements, across pedestrian bridges and stack-level galleries, ten hundred thousand pale men and women in sombre rain-coats of emerald and black made their routine way homeward in slow procession. Many had shaven heads, or the scalp or neck punctures of neurolink sockets.
More administratum goodness. MIUs or MIU-like links seem common.

Page 75
Eustis Majoris was capital-world of the Angelus subsector. Its heavy manufacturing industries may have begun to slump, and its fabricatory districts fall into decay, but it had one ancient craft that still thrived. It was the bureaucratic hub of two-dozen Imperial worlds.
Implies the Angelus subsector has some two dozen worlds. Given around 6-8 sectors involved we're talking around 150-200 worlds, which is approximately akin to what the Gothic Sector had.

We also get an indication of the relative importane of Eustis Majoris.

Page 75
Here, in the massive ouslite towers of Formal A and Formal C, the minutiae of Imperial life was recorded, processed, evaluated, stored, examined, compared, scrutinised for levy and, ultimately, filed. There were more clerks and scribes, and more processing cod-ifiers, in this ten kilometre square slab of city than in all the other subsector worlds combined.
The exact definition is up for debate. On one hand is it referring to "square kilometers" (a unit of area), or is it saying the city is 10 km to a side (about 100 square kilometres.) Context wise,
this suggests the latter interpretation, but it is still may be debated. (I will note that wikipedia here under the "founding" heading discussing Article 1, subsection 8, and the link here also suggest the latter interpretation has greater validity, for what it is worth.)

In any event there's still the question of whether it refers to the city as a whole, or just the parts devoted to the adminstratum.

Page 76
This was a new world to Zael. He gawped at it in a state of mounting unease. It was less than seven kilometres from the formal where he’d grown up and spent all of his however-many-it-was years.
Formal J was a dump
This implies that part of the 7 is roughly 7 km, but we can't really know if it is striaght line, or in what dimension (vertical/horizontal, diagnoal, what) Also a formal J... at least 10 "Formals" (which seem to be sub-sections of the petropolis.)

Page 78
"The local info-systems are damned hard to wire into. Actual decent Arbites cryptography for a change, wouldn’t you just know it?"
Thonius comments on the info systems capabilities on Eustis Majoris. One would presume he means relative to Inquisitorial standard,s of course.

Also apparently Arbites info security sucks (at least by Thonius' standards) although we're talking about the Magistratum folks.

Page 79
Mam Lotilla was dutifully processing case files at her old-model codifier...

..wide wooden stairs led down into the main vault of the department, where hundreds of his officers worked at console stations or long rows of desks.
Eustis majoris has at least "hundreds" of MAgistratum officers. Probably just for this city, and probably not all of them by a long shot. Theres billions on the planet after all.

Page 80
Sankels, the bull mastiff from interior cases, had been up to his tricks again, and had managed to get all the finance additionals from narco, homicide, xen-ops, special and prohib-pub thrown out in favour of booster funds for his own office.
This implies that the above were just one department.. which may imply thousands. There's also various departments, possibly not all of them. Some deal with xenos of course.

Page 80
If the chief magistratum hadn’t made nice with Sankels, the chief magistratum would have been back on stack-beat in Formal X come morning.
Formal X. We're up to possibly 24 sectors/stacks whatever. That assumes it's linear of course.

Page 80
In all truth, Rickens wondered why the city bothered with a Departmento Magistratum at all.
Departmento Magistratum. Enforcers, in other words. It presumably is a local title, aping the Adeptus, but perhaps the Enfrocers really do get some measure of oversight from the Adeptus Terra? That would be odd considering the PDF doesnt seem to be, and Enforcers are basically the Arbites version of PDF (EG local law enforcement.)

Page 81
Rickens headed up the Department of Special Crime. The smallest of the hive’s Magistratum divisions, it was a catch-all division, designed to investigate anything that didn’t neatly fall into the remits of the other departments
Rickens department is the "smallest" one, with a mere hundreds of officers.

Page 81
For seventy-two years, he’d walked with a limp caused by a ball-shot from a hammer’s pivot-gun that went through his hip.
This implies pivot guns are some sort of musket-type smoothbore weapon. I'm pretty sure that ball shot isn't usable in rifled barrels. At least not without some sort of patch.

Page 82
"...a female, lacking citizen validation, work dockets, status codes or visitation permits. physical age twenty-five years standard by approximation, though some traces of juvenat procedures..."
The Magistratum can find evidence of the juvenat procedures (or at lest some kinds, since its probable 'juvenat' is a class of procedures rather than 'one size fits all' type.) I also believe this is Kara, so she's been alive at least 100 years or so, meaning she's lived 4 times longer than her physical age. And she's had none of the usual visual effects associtaed with some kinds of rejuv.

Page 83
The light of the electrolamps glinted off the Inquisitorial rosette.

Rickens didn’t react. He took a scanner wand from his jacket and played it across the badge.
"Stackers have been known to fabricate this sort of thing out of tin and glass." he said. He sat back and regarded the wand’s readout. "This, however, is genuine. "
Some people apparently are daring enough to impersonate Inquisitors, so there have to be security measures to ensure its a genuine rosette.

Page 83
"It’s not that simple. Not at all."
"You would impede the operation of the Holy Inquisition, deputy magistratum?"
"Throne of Terra, of course not." Rickens looked at the young man. "But there are protocols. Procedures. I know the Inquisition has the power to run rough-shod over every law and statute on Eustis Majoris. It may demand the release of an accredited agent. But. I would expect such a demand to come from the Officio Inquisitoras Planetia itself. Formally. Not like this."
The main obstruction to Thonius and Nayl's requests seems largely tied up in the bureacracy of Eustis Majoris. Unofficially (as happens) ti can be resolved quite neatly, but probably not without all sorts of adminsitrative/political trouble should that come to light. Again, despite in theory having absolute authority, Inquisitorial power is conditional on various factors (influence, resources, etc.)

Again, we see the Inquisition seems to have "official" offices/embassies/whatever on the planet, that are well known.

Page 84
The house, like those of all Petropolis’s worthies, was on the surface level. Despite the burning curse of the rain, it was thought improper for the wealthy and the respectable to dwell in the deep sinks. Sonsal’s house was in Formal B, one of the three core districts of the city-hive, and the only one given over exclusively to residential buildings. To the north and west rose the many massive towers of A and C, the hub of subsector bureaucracy and government.
Indication about the layout of the hive city.

Page 85
Engine Imperial was proud of its association with the machine cult. Like other incorporated commercial firms, it leased tech processes and construction secrets from teh guild, and manufactured them under license. The great financial returns made it worth the huge lease fees and the pressure of regular inspection.
Comments on the relationships between the AdMech and the commercial interests of the Imperium.

Page 85-86
"You’re very faint. Why is that?"
+I’m tired. That, and the landspar. Very heavy, very dense. Most of the residences in Formal B are made from it. It is particularly resistant to the acidic rain. A rich man does not want to lose status by having his house crumble around him, after all. +
+It’s psi-inert. Dead stone. It’s all I can do to hear you and let you hear me.

- Very "Heavy" and "dense" stone (at a great distance and fatigued, ,from geostationary orbit) seems to interfere somewhat with Ravenor's telepathic link to Patience Kys. The :"reactivity" (or lack thereof) of materials can affect psychic phenomena, like communication, it seems.

Page 86
She strolled around the room, thought-feeling for niches, hidden panels, hiding places, though she doubted Sonsal would be foolish enough to keep anything in a public room. There was a panel, however, in the west wall, the size of a small door. She could sense its hollow-ness. She traced its catch mechanism delicately with her mind, and then popped it open.
- Patience is able to use her TK to pick locks. That shows quite a bit of finesse.

Page 86
She turned her head slowly, feeling around. A particular density in the third drawer down on the left side of the desk.

The drawer’s lock was significantly more complex than those of the other seven drawers. It refused to pop with a simple, blunt thought-thrust. She was forced to analyse it, component by component, comparing and matching tumblers and pins. The intense mental effort made her perspire. Finally, with a triumphant blink, she turned the last drum and heard the lock click.
More in Kys TK lockpicking.

Page 87
When Sonsal wasn’t looking, Kys glanded an antioxidant to keep her head clear.
Whether she injected something in herself (hence why she waited til he wasn't looking) it was some in built augmetic, or a psychic power, we aren't sure.

Page 87
They both drank too much, but where she was glanded against it, he became loose-tongued and over-familiar. Gently, she mind-stirred the air-molecules around him, heating him up and making him sweat. Then she started to custom-build her own pheromones to suit his veryreadable templates, and steer them towards him.
- Patience can manipulate/excite air molecules to create heat. She can also manufacture her own pheremones and tailor them to a particular individual, displaying a degree of control over her own biology.

Assuming a roughly 1-2 meter cube volume (anywere from 1 to 8 m^3) and a 10-20 degree change in temperature (say starting out at around room temperature) we'd be talking injecting many tens kilojoules of energy into the enviorment. Not excessive, but not trivial either. It is also obvious it is not an instantanoues change, but a gradual one, over (probably) a course of minutes. Again the sort of fine control involved here is rather impressive, as is the area of influence. Since Kys is not known to act as a pyrokinetic, I suspect she cannot rapidly agitate molecules like that for something more.. visually impressive and destructive.

Page 93
Kys used an alphabetiser to locate Bazarof, punched up his address, and memorised it. For good measure, she skin-wrote it too, on her left forearm, gently mind-nudging pores open and closed to form a pattern visible only by microscope.
- Kys "skin writes" information on herself - mentally manipulating pores open and closed in such a way to form a pattern "visible only by microscope." Again, evidence that psykers can manipualte their own bodies to certain extents. I wonder if this is an application of her TK powers or if its something else.

Page 94
and with a nod of her head slid the entire dining table down the length of the room, crockery and glassware tumbling off it. It slammed into the doors and pushed them shut. Outside, the bodyguards began hammering and kicking at the blocked entrance.
- TK sliding of a dinner table up against a door. Either the table is heavy enough to keep a pair of bodyguards from getting in the door, or Kys TK stops it. Kys also demonstrates her "kineblade" - knifelike blades without a handle and designed to be manipulated-propelled purely by telekinesis.

another thing we note is that Kys uses alot of body gestures or motions to control her TK. Blinking, nodding, sighing, other similar feats depicted through the novel as some sort of trigger to specific actions. This may tie into the effort she expends in prolonged activities, (like having to hold a breath, or not blink or hold still or similar actions.)

Page 94
She ducked into cover and crooked her left wrist backwards, drawing the long, handle-less kineblade out of her bodyglove sleeve with a jerk of her telekinesis. The twelve-centimetre blade hovered in the air.
Kys' kineblades.

Page 95
With a fierce burst of directed telekinesis, she leapt out into the open. The kineblade zoomed up the stairs and pinned Sonsal’s left sleeve to the banister rail. At the same moment, she plucked the slide-away clean out of his hand and whipped it through the air.

She caught the gun neatly, and aimed it back at him.
kineblades in action.

Page 98
At the warning sirens from Sonsal’s house, the other residences in the street fortified themselves automatically, like herd animals reacting to the distress signals of one of their number. Gates and doors were mag-locked, window shutters furled into place, and roof armour, designed primarily to guard against rain, clattered out into full extension. I could feel the tense sensor-cones of alert-ready sentry servitors, taste the ozone stink of electrified wall-tops, and smell the stirring heat of suddenly armed anti-personnel mines.
security measures of the wealthy on Eustis Majoris.

Page 97-98
Alarm protocols had drawn the marshals to the neighbourhood of Sonsal’s house, along with other, less identifiable officials. My mind lingered with her for some minutes as she hid in a temple porch while fast-dispatch cruisers and prowl-tracks scoured the streets.

Thirty-five minutes after she had quit the south entry, Kys was still no more than a half kilometre from Sonsal’s house, and seven hundred and seventy three armed officers were hunting for her.
Assuming that was the total force for just Formal B, that would mean there are in excess of 10,000 Magistratum officers in Petropolis. For a city as large as it is implied to be, that isn't unreasonable. IT is probably at least several times that number, as it is possible a significant number, but probably not the majority were diverted there.

Page 98
Kys plied the shadows, forced to keep to the surface streets because the crime-alert had locked out all the descender wells into the sub-levels.

presumably because they don't want criminals getting underground where it is easier to hide.
Dr. Trainwreck
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Dr. Trainwreck »

I'll also add this is rather tame by the usual levels of grimdark (EG we have only two people being killed rather than entire planets purged for someone sneezing the wrong way) but I personally find it more effective because of the manner in which it is presented.. it has more of an element of the personal to it, and really emphasizes that 'faceless' aspect, especially how Ravenor doesn't seem to flinch at finding this (he's a hard dude - imagine how you would react to finding a couple of slaughtered girls?)
A million is a statistic. The Codex saying about how billions die every day? Yeah, so what, they're the mooks, they are supposed to die. We can't put faces on three billion different persons, because the human mind simply doesn't work that way.

Meanwhile Abnett not only makes it personal, he makes it real. There is a solid wall of separation when someone nameless is described getting eaten by a daemon. But reading the two girls' bit brings to mind female abuse in modern militaries. The paragraph right underneath, "I'm a little girl that disappeared on her way to classes" (paraphrased), conjures even more disturbing realworld images. It's effective exactly because it breaks this separation to punch you in the gut, and the briefest touch of reality helps the book to absorb you.

But reading "I am a rat, and I am gnawing" was funny as hell. Ravenor talking about all these people and things he sees, and then blam! Rat bastard. Nobody expected that. :lol:
Ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμϐαίνουσιν, ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ. Δὶς ἐς τὸν αὐτὸν ποταμὸν οὐκ ἂν ἐμβαίης.

The seller was a Filipino called Dr. Wilson Lim, a self-declared friend of the M.I.L.F. -Grumman
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Lost Soal
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Lost Soal »

Connor MacLeod wrote: Page 74
The guy seemed completely oblivious to the fact he had just taken out a room full of moody hammers, single-handed, in under ten seconds. Zael knew he’d cost the guy that finger. The guy had been saving him.
I suspect its possible Nayl was being wared, but given how shortly before Ravenor had gone silent trying to save Kara, its quite possible this was pure Nayl.
It is Nayl. Further more in none of the multiple books and short stories he appears in is there any mention of augmetics, its all purely his own natural un-augmented abilities
Page 78
"The local info-systems are damned hard to wire into. Actual decent Arbites cryptography for a change, wouldn’t you just know it?"
Thonius comments on the info systems capabilities on Eustis Majoris. One would presume he means relative to Inquisitorial standard,s of course.

Also apparently Arbites info security sucks (at least by Thonius' standards) although we're talking about the Magistratum folks.
I read it a different way, that actual Arbites cryptography is good but that the majority of local off shoots don't use it.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next Ravenor update. I've been busy recently so I've let this lag.

Page 99
Continuing west, I located by chance three Munitorum contractors performing after-hours repairs on an electrical supply substation behind Lontwick Arch. I rested gently in the forebrain of one of them for a few minutes, figured him out, and guided his hands. By the time I departed, he had misconnected two street-quarter grids and caused a blackout across eight city blocks.
Methinks Abnett confused Munitorum with some other organization (Municipal?) since the Munitorum is involved with the military, not civic work.

Page 99
By then, Kys was crossing the pedestrian footbridge across the hydroelectric canyon that divided B from E. There, she was nearly caught. A Magistratum flier, cruising overhead, caught her on pict. I got into the observer’s mind just in time to block his recognition.
A flier, more of Ravenor's psychic ability, and hydroelectric power.

Page 99-100
It was hard to watch them all at once. Hundreds of minds, hundreds of personalities, some of them intoxicated, some of them high.

The minds of the non-uniformed marshals were disguised by their well-rehearsed cover idents.
some more limits to Ravenor's abilities. I suspect the marshals are referring to the detectives below.

Page 100
I’d just sensed two detective chasteners closing through the crowds towards her.
Undercover arbites/enforcers. What's interesting is they are chasteners here. In the Calpurnia novels they are generally espionists.

Page 101
Wariness, weariness, gripes about too-tight boots or too-loose jacket armour, worries about
pension prospects, longings for the end of the evening shift. Occasionally, I brushed by the thoughts of a more senior officer, and felt the agitation of failure, of crime-solution quotas not met.
Thoughts of magistratum enforcers. police quotas, jacket armour and pensions.

Page 103-105
I threw up three mind-walls to cover my escape, but he punched through them as if they were paper. He left his body and came rushing after me.

As I soared up into the roof of the atrium, I saw his body go limp and fold.
Non-corporeal, he took the form of a ball of fire, fizzling the same blue-white as his eyes. I could feel the steel-hard lattices of his thought-traps closing on me and blocking my escape.

..thrust out at him with a charged mind dagger that formed, sharp and scarlet, in the air
before me.

The ball of blue fire knocked it aside...


I had been inhabiting a small, fragile sylph of white light, but in the face of the oncoming blue fireball, I resolved my noncorporeal self and became an eldar kon-miht, furious, winged and golden. I had been tempted to become an aquila, but I didn’t want this mind-warrior to gather any clues.

The fireball balked slightly at the sight of me renewed. Then it surged on, forming ectoplasmic skins of milky flame around itself.

I could feel it pressing at my heart, reaching for my home form.

Circling away, up through the atrium ceiling and out into the night air, I raised more fundamental barriers. Thorn-walls, memorybarbs and dense, delaying layers of crackling deja-vu.

This Kinsky was good. Frighteningly so. He did not even begin to sidestep my countermeasures. He went through them, disintegrating them. The psi-echo shattered the glass roof of the atrium and all below scattered for cover from the cascading debris.

Kinsky dragged his trap lattices shut around me. I broke through the first, and then struggled to find a chink in the second. He was laughing. He spat darts of pure pain into my golden flanks.
With sheer force of will, I broke out of his trap. The psi-shockwave burst windows down the entire length of the street, and ripped security shutters off their hinge-mounts. I doubled back and started to flee down the road, feeling the dazed Magistratum officers picking themselves up from the asphalt. Kinsky, whirring now with the guttural throb of the warp, pursued. The bow-wave of his mind sent Magistratum vehicles and officers flying on either side. Cruisers overturned, buckling and exploding. Men flew backwards into walls and armoured windows.
He was fast. He was faster than me. Stronger than me.
Windows cracked and roof tiles rippled away in the wake of our chase. I went low under the iron bridge at F crossing. He punched through the girder bars, leaving ectoplasm crackling along the handrail. At Tangley Tower, I banked left. He came right through the huge building, filling the minds of the sleeping occupants with nightmares. Two of them had terminal heart attacks. I
could feel their lives shutting off as I climbed away through the steep ranges of the administry towers.
Anguished, I severed a part of myself, left a part of my soul quivering between the brutal teeth of the vice, and fled.

I could not fight him. Extended like this, I had nothing like his power.
- Ravenor and another powerful psyker, Kinsky, engage in a psychic duel. Interesting about the battle are several things:

- the combatants seem to rely on psychic manifestations for offense and defense: forming weapons (like daggers) or viscious animals for purposes of attack, or physical barriers for defense.

- the fight is psychic, but evidedntly has effects that can be felt in the "real world" - shattering windows, filling the minds of normals with nightmares (or giving them heart attacks) by the passage of said psykers, etc. RAvenor's opponent, Kinsky is able to fling people and vehicles aside on both sides of him in his passage pursuing Ravenor, flipping ove rand crushing the vehicles. This is evidence of substantial TK ability on Kinsky's part.

I would assume that what causes all the raw destruction is a side effect of tapping the warp - ripples or shockwaves from the passage of the psychic attacks. It is not neccesarily their own power causing it (but it may be, or they may be able ot indirectly trigger such effects directly somehow). Of course direct TK isn't impossible either.

Page 106
M was an especially decaying sub-borough, famished by a forty year long downward arc in trade. Many of the six century-old stacks had been cleared by optimistic landlords hoping to raise new cheap pre-habs and cash in on the worker influx to the petrofactory combine when new contracts came through.
More on industrial and economic conditions on Eustis Marjois.

Page 108
"Looks like I won’t be able to protect you effectively from orbit. I feel a more intimate range is necessary."
comment on the range of Ravenor's powers and how they influence the strength/skill of those pwoers.

Page 108
He’d been part of the team for three years, and no one knew much about his past, except that - like Nayl - he’d once operated as a licensed bounty hunter in the outworlds. His eyes were little coals of red hard light framed in the slits of his lids.
Zeph Mathuin.

Page 110-111
For now, at least, Frauka was wearing his limiter, but there would be a time, probably quite soon, when that limiter would be deactivated, and she’d have to tolerate the numbing void of his being. The attribute made him indispensable as well as unpalatable.
Wystan Frauka was one of those rare beings known as a blunter or ’’untouchable’’. It wasn’t just that he was a non-psyker - like the majority of humans - he was the antithesis of a psyker. His mind was psi-inert. It could not be read or probed by a psyker, nor could it even be detected. Moreover, it totally inhibited psychic activity in his immediate location. The moment the limiter was
switched off, Kys felt her telekinetic powers ebb away, felt even the essential vibrancy of her mind stifled. It was almost intolerable, like being blindfolded and muzzled. She wondered how the inquisitor - a profoundly more powerful psyker than she - could bear it.

Whatever the discomfort, it was useful. With Frauka’s cold blankness loosed around them, and with the anti-snoop devices Mathuin had set up, they now enjoyed virtually seamless privacy.
Ravenor has an untouchable/pariah in his band, who is not only "untouchable" by psychic phenomena, but undetectable (and can shield himself and others from psychic detection as well.) Also interesting is that the untouchable wears a "limiter" a device that can nullify his "psi-blocking" abilities. So its evidently an active/radiative effect that can be neutralized.

Page 111
Untouchables had first been utilised by Ravenor’s mentor, the legendary Eisenhorn, who had built up a cadre of them known as the Distaff.
And in other ways. I'm not sure if Pariahs and untouchables are the same thing, but Eisenhorn can't be the first dude to have discovered or employed them.

Page 111
Prediction was a mind-skill that Ravenor had long tried to master, without success. It was pursuit of that secret that had made him tolerate the eldar for so long.
Presumably he's thinking of something more precise than the TArot or other similar divinatory methods, because divination and precog isn't at all unusual in the Imperium - something on the level of Farseeing is, however.

Page 111-112
"A psyker, level gamma, perhaps higher."

There was a murmur. Ravenor’s own latent ability hovered somewhere between high delta and low gamma, an extremely potent capacity that he was able to boost to truly scary levels using the psi-amplifiers laced into his chair.
Kinsky was rated as a "gamma level or higher" psyker, while Ravenor himself is a "high delta to low gamma" level psyker. Ravenor also has psi-amplifiers in his chair to further boost his capabilities.

The scale seems oddly inverted in this context, as I recall the scale depicted in other sources. Indeed if Alphas are the most powerful, deltas should be more, and gammas less.

Page 112
"He appeared to be operating as an agent of some kind of private Magistratum unit, but the psykana register shows no one licensed to operate anywhere on Eustis Majoris except at the Guild Astropathicus."
Unsurprisingly they want to keep a tight rein on psykers, whcih includes licenses and lists.

Page 112
"I’ll burn likenesses of all three into your short-term memory later."
Another of Ravenor's skills.

Page 114
Thonius had told her all about the sheen birds. Machine birds. Centuries before, the original architects of Petropolis had commissioned them from the Guild Mechanicus - simulacra of bird life, programmed to flock and sweep around the city spires as an adjunct of the architecture. Time and pollution had dwindled their numbers just as they had eroded the face of the towers.
A variation on servitors, I imagine. Or possibly animal servitors like psyber-eagles, Grapplehawks, and cyber-mastiffs.

Page 117
Kara watched the huge hive-city glide by the window. Stacks, manufactories, broken lots jailed in chain-link, a transit station with an elevated track-section that ran along the inter-route for six kilometres...
Implies the city is at least 6 km.

Page 119
Vast spiral stairways of iron, lidded with tintglas so they looked like vast models of genetic double helixes, rose out of the vapour into the upper levels. Powerful pendant lamps hung down on rusting chains three kilometres long, like shackled stars.
3km tall 'levels'

Page 120
Gymnasts and acrobats, some of them enhanced with poor quality mechanical augmetics, twisted, rotated and swung from scaffold structures suspended off the sides of the staircase, defying the fathomless drop.
The augmetics were cheats though. Three-sixty differential wrists and autolock digits made some of the moves too easy, too safe.
'cheap' augmetics.

Page 120
The grotto thrived on passing trade. It offered contraband, tariff-free Iho-sticks by the carton,
reheated pasties of mechanically recovered meat product, low-quality erotica slates, dubious mech-ware, knock-off copies of small calibre urdeshi weapons, cheap clothing, promise-bonds.
...a grubby trader who offered her a new ident and a facial re-sculpt for the price of three courses with wine at a Formal B trattoria.
Commerical ventures of the more common kind. It shows what the sort of tech level available to the more average citizen is.

Page 121
...the sound of poorly-tuned vox broadcasts...
Vox = radio?

Page 121
The only real illumination came from an old pict-viewer set in the corner, distorted black and white images dancing and flickering on its cracked valve screen. A woman sat watching it.
TV? Wonder what they watch? I'd imagine its all a mix of the miltiary channel and EWTN.

PAge 122
Kara looked again and saw that inside the glass tanks were pallid, deformed lumps of flesh. Limbless, formless, supported by the filterpipes and the chem-pumps.
Fun way to live, isnt it?

Page 123
"Metal poisoning. Industrial accident. They got workers comp, but it’s not much. Ten years I cared for them. Can’t even afford to flush their tanks as often as I’d like."
Workers comp. In the Imperium. I don't know whether to be scared, or impressed. Supports the above mentioned deformed lumps in the tanks. A rather horrible way to live, but it's probably better than what you would get in the United States.

Page 123
"Hundred crowns." she said.

A hundred was paltry, pocket change. Not to the Bazarof sister, though. More than she’d see in a year.
A relative commentary on economic differences between a hive commoner (or the impoverished) and an Inquisitor, isn't it?

Page 125
The interrogator had set up his portable cogitator set, and spliced the data-leads into one of the
municipal communication conduits. A branch of them ran down the alley beside the hall, and Thonius had used a sniffer to find their voltage and a uni-plug on the end of an extension lead to hack in. The risk of detection was minimal. The whole of the hive was wired up, and given the city’s state of decay there were breaks in the system all over the place. Finding his splice would be like identifying one hole in a fishing net.
He had a slew of whisper programmes and encryption tools, some of them ordo issue, some of
them self-written. Through his spliced link, he was rifling the data-blocks of Petropolis for information.

The portable cogitator, leather-bound, was the size and shape of a passenger trunk and so heavy only Nayl could carry it any distance without help. Thonius had got it up onto a pair of packing crates and it now formed a makeshift knee-hole desk. Skeins of wires ran out the back to the junction point with the extension feed. Three more wires ran up into the sockets behind his right ear.

The lid of the trunk, which formed the screen, was propped open with a little brass elbow joint. Thonius was typing slowly using the oiled mechanical keyboard.
- "municipal communication conduits" that one of Ravenor's minions, good with computers and such, splices into. Evidently this is a reference to some hive-wide computer network (internet like or probably BBS like), given that there is later mention that the "whole of the hive was wired up."

A "portable cogittator" the size of a passenger trunk. Only the bounty hunter Nayl can carry it any distance without help. Thonius, the minion in question, also has sockets that connect his mind to the computer (And the computer to the network.) Not exactly a laptop, but then again I can't be sure what sorts of capabilities are built into it.

Page 126
"As might be expected of an administry world, the info-systems are vast and well governed. I have to watch every step for fear of detection as an unauthorised user."
"The city datacores are divided into discrete sub-blocks, which means separate encryption protocols and user codes. I’ve already burned out one decrypter. I’ve had to rescribe the Geimanrys paradigms from memory."
This probably should be taken with a grain of salt, though, since Kys (or the other agents) have no idea what Thonius does, and Thonius is flat out noted to be lying.

Page 126-127
This was the upper realm of the Stairtown towers, a place called the deadlofts, six kilometres above sea level. Originally, these levels had been luxury habs and penthouse apartments, but then Stairtown - like so many other boroughs - had fallen into slump.
Without maintenance, the summit levels had succumbed to decay.
It was a sparse and inhospitable zone. There were no amenities. No power, no plumbing. Some areas were entirely exposed to the lethal ministry of the rain. Others had lost their tintglas and were traps for murderous radiation and ultra-violet light. Where the window ports were broken, the high-alt gales could get strong enough to rip people right out of the tower or rupture them with
extremes of atmospheric pressure.
More multi-km architecture.

Page 128
Mathuin put down his kitbag and unfastened it. He pulled the rotator cannon out and settled its bulk over his left shoulder, buckling the support frame around his torso. The weapon was about as long as a man's arm, a counterweighted cluster of ammunition hoppers from which a swathe of six aluminum barrels projected. The cannon actually depended from a gyro-balanced armature that extended from the harness frame under his left armpit. Mathuin took off his left glove and revealed the polished chrome augmentic connector that replaced his left hand. He clunked the connector into the receiving socket on the back of the cannon so that it became an extension of his arm, and brought it to life. The autoloading mechanism clacked and shifted the first of the ammo hoppers into place. The swathe of barrels test-rotated as one with a metallic whir.

"I’d like to be able to talk to him before you paint the walls with his body."
Mathuin has his own human sized cyborg assault cannon. This, aside from his total lack of personality, seem to be his defining traits in the novels.

Page 130
Beside the mattress roll was a polysty tray full of glad-stones. The Bazarof woman had said Bergossian had a habit. The smooth stones, mined on a distant outworld and strictly prohibited, were slightly psyk-reactive. Held in the hand or put under the tongue, they produced a warm, blissful sensation. The sense of euphoria and well-being could last days apparently. They were popular in the twist clubs down in the undersink.
Another psychic-related drug.

Page 135 -
Kara pulled back the cuff of her jacket and activated the little tracer sewn into the lining.
There was a rune flashing on the fold-out screen of his compact auspex.
Kara has a locator beacon sewn into her clothing. The locator projects a signal that is received on Nayl's auspex, allowing him to track her location and keep an eye on her.

Page 142
He slid into view, hands first, then his face, then his body. He was still gripping the cable, but it was Kys’s telekinesis that was dragging him up. Face down, the whimpering man slithered up the tiled slope like a snail...
Kys stood back, exhaling softly from the effort.
Kys using her TK to pull a grown man back against his will.

Page 145
The guild mechanicus kept a tight watch on their franchised workforce, with random urine sampling and blood tests. If he used, he’d lose his job.
not sure if this is a local group or a reference to the AdMech (or an affiliated party.) It's not something I would expect from the AdMech, but then again you probably don't want junkies around your sacred tech either. And if you fuck with adMech sacred tech, getting fired is probably the best outcome you can hope for.

Page 146
I felt Kys start as she sensed the tingle of increasing psyk in the room. A little pattern of frost flowers bloomed along the window.
Blunt as they were, Kara, Mathuin and Nayl could feel it too now, their wraithbone markers glowing slightly.
Their wraithbone jewelry reacts to psychic power, as well as the usual drop in temperature thing.

Page 147
I kicked out a little psi-slap that slammed Bazarof off his feet and back into the kitchen wall.
a 'little' slap from Ravenor.

Page 153
They were big men, noisy, filthy, their vat-muscled bodies rippling with studs and piercings and the distinctive acid-tats of their clan.
more vat-grown muscle enhancements. cloned muscle seems dirt cheap on this world.

Page 154
On the third outer stage, four twist clowns were pantomime fighting with mallets. They were all big, lumbering mutants, hunchbacked and ogrish, their disfigurements accented by white face-paint, rouged mouths and striped pantaloons.
Clown mutants. 40K finds a way to make clowns even more horrific.

Page 157-158
Nayl handed out the data-slate.
"I’m reading the guy’s slate coding now. decoding. decoding..."

"Code’s clean. Feeding it through to your slate."
"A slight registration delay."
"This is non-wired hacking. I had to wait until Nayl’s slate was close to the steward’s so I could get clean reception."
Again Thonius' response (the last bit) needs to be taken with a grain of salt somewhat (at least how easy it is) because it is implied he might be exaggerating. Note the wireless connections.

Page 162
The tailgate slammed open and Mathuin leapt out. He was carrying a pistol, but Nayl knew the murderous rotator cannon was zipped up in Mathuin’s kitbag.
And the ammo for it. either its very small caliber ammo or he's incredibly strong. OR both.

Page 163
Non-human flesh was sold off by the kilo to buyers from the food markets.
Bushmeat was a cheap and ready source for the hive’s provisioners. Bear, lizard, twist. it all looked and tasted the same once it was macerated, spiced and roasted on a street-vendor’s stick.
A few other meat brokers had arrived before them, and were lounging around, smoking, waiting, under an arch nearby.
The "nonhuman" carcasses from such duels are recycled and sold off to food market purchasers. Hilariously, "twists" are a term for mutants we learn about in the Eisenhorn novels. Not quite the outright cannibalism, human flesh recycling we learn about in other novels, but not exactly a pleasant thought either, especially considering the Imperium's aversion to mutation.

Page 165
The galley halls were rattling with activity. In a hellish, smoky environment, squads of cooks and their underlings and servitors slaved to cater for the paying customers in the stadium.
servitor cooks.

Page 167
"Augmetic." she said. "The index finger is a micro-calibrated poison snooper. If it detects any trace venoms, the result is displayed in the ring screen."
No idea if such a device truly exists, but its not impossible,

Page 167 -
Kys raised her little finger on her left hand. "This digit cases a tight-focus digi-weapon. If I find any food tampering, I am authorised to use it to incinerate the line chef resonsible for the contaminated area."
This one is a bit more open to interpretation, since "incinerate' could mean cremation, or just badly burning the guy. And a "tight focus" digi weapon, unless sutained won't burn a large area.

Page 167
"I’m very troubled. Livestock. including xenos-breeds. penned this close to the main food manufactory."
"xenos breed" livestock. Not unusual considering Rough Riders can use xenos mounts, but at the same time you have to remember back to Eisenhorn and how 'xenos-grown' grains were considered a no no.

Page 168
Chained at intervals around the main stage’s edges were four professional pit fighters, armed and gleaming, and four inhumanly massive greenskins, glanded out of their minds on spika and slavering at their leashes.
Now THIS has to be illegal. Importing Orks to Necromunda was a violation, so why not here? More to the point, killing an Ork would simply give it a chance to give off its spores, and that risks a dangerous infestation that one cannot easily dispose of. One would think Ravenor, of the Ordo Xenos, would take exception to this.

Page 169
Ranklin Sesme Duboe, accredited handlerman-chief of the Imperial pits, ran the cavae. He was two hundred years old, standard, and had benefited from judicious juvenat work. He looked forty-five, was strong and well muscled. His grizzled face sported a bushy salt-and-pepper moustache.
- he's a supervisor type, high up, but not the owner. His good shape is probably due more to rejuvenation than any augmentic work. He later confirms he doesn't run things.

Page 174
Upright, a slightly surprised look on his face, and his hands at his sides as if to keep balance, Nayl rose up out of the tank-pit, suspended on empty air. He wasn’t even wet. Duboe’s goons blinked at him. Nayl landed on his feet, gently, on the edge of the tank in front of them.


But he cried out in alarm. Although his feet had stopped moving and he was willing his body around, he was continuing to surge forward. His feet dragged and pumped weightlessly on the pit edge and then he was suspended out over the tank itself, held in space by some soft, invisible force


Kys walked into view, breathing hard. "Sorry it was a bit last minute. You’ve put on weight."
- Kys, the psyker, is able to telekinetically suspend Nayl in midair for a brief period of time. It seems to be a non-negligible effort for her, however.

Page 175
He tipped up the barrels with a slight tug and fired off a blurt. The sound of it boomed across the chamber. Hyper-velocity shots howled over the heads of the two men in front of him.
- MAthuin's rotator cannon fires "hypervelocity" shots. The closest RL equivalent, the xm214 minigun appears to have a Muzzle velocity close 1000 m/s. That qualifies for one possible definition of hypervelocity (at least as far as tank guns go) but it could go higher (say 1.5 km/s as defined here Possibly Mathuin's gun uses some sort of saboted slug like the .50 SLAP ammo of HMGs.

Note that considering that the minigun IRL alone can mass some 15-20 kg, nevermind the ammo, and Mathuin is lugging it around/wielding it (even augmetically), the guy has to be pretty damn strong and heavy to handle the recoil. Bragg strong, quite probably. It could be the gun is lighter, which would make carrying it easier, but there is still the ammo concerns, and recoil is going to be worse for a lighter gun (And recoil will be nasty for any rotator cannon.)

Page 176
Mathuin turned and felt the rotator-cannon shudder against his hip. White flame danced around the muzzles. His pursuers pulverised explosively in puffs of blood and meat and several shots tore into the catwalk itself, shredding the decking and shearing support cables.A whole section of catwalk tore away and plunged twenty meters to the floor below.
Effect of Mathuin's rotator cannon. Not as bad as an assault cannon of course, but those are Terminator weapons and would scale up accordingly.

Page 176-177
Mathuin turned grimly to continue on his way when something of extraordinary force struck him on the left shoulder and wrenched him off his feet. He spun off the walkway and into the air. He blacked out for a microsecond, then woke in time to black out again when he smashed, face first, into a cage roof.

Fifty metres away across the cavae’s crowded, chaotic floorspace, the game agent, Skoh, lowered his custom-made long-las.
Mathuin woke with a start. Before he had even tried to remember where he was, he knew he was hurt bad. Broken ribs, seriously frigged arm and shoulder.
Then he tried to raise his head. Pain made him close his eyes. Whiplash, maybe, from the fall, combined with the damage the las-load had done punching through his shoulder.
- Mathuin is struck by a long-las shot in the shoulder that "wrenches him off his feet" and pitches him off the catwalk. His shoulder and arm are apparently damaged (by the shot), that "punches through his shoulder." and there is pain. However, no bleeding is mentioned, which suggests the wound cauterized. Probably wasn't explosive either, since he's still apparently got an arm (unless he's heavily augmetic rather than mostly flesh there, which is possible.)


An electroprod stung him a glancing blow on the right hip, but the armour of his bodyglove soaked the worst...
Bodyglove providing shock protection. Probably fairly standard.

Page 178
"Right with you." she said, making her words audible over the commotion by way of a little T-nudge boost.
She straight-armed the heel of her left hand into the solar plexus of a third, catching the barbed pole the man dropped with a little telekinesis and then spinning the pole straight into the face of another.

A twist with a cleaver swung for her, but she did a nimble three-sixty walkover to get out of his way and then TK’ed the floating pole round in a fast circle and cracked the twist around the back of the skull with it.

Kys stepped forward over the twist and drew four kineblades that had been concealed as boning in her bodice. The four sharp slivers began to orbit in slow circuits around her.
Kys' fighting abilities, including the TK aspects.

Page 180
Ekkrote was one of the Carnivora’s headline gladiators, something of a local hero in G. Two and a half spans tall, an ex-clanster, formed like a mountain range from grafter muscle, he was blessed, oiled, armoured in gold mono-bond ceramite armour, armed with a chainsword...
mono-bond ceramite armour, and more vat grown graft muscle. Not sure how big a span is though.

Page 180
Nayl and Kys came up out of the cavae into the dock, and straight into the path of the Magistratum squad. They saw the heavy pistol in Nayl’s hand and aimed their riot-guns and red laser-taggers
The four kineblades zipped away from their orbit around her and flew into the open barrels of the four nearest pump-guns. Two misfired on the spot, blowing their users back hard. A slamming wave of telekinesis and the butt of Nayl’s pistol left the rest sprawled and disarmed.
Presumably the Magistartum people werne't fatally injured. Not sure what the laser taggers are for.

Page 181
Kara ducked and did a handspring sideways, landing neat and next to her fallen compact. She snatched it up and fired off four or five shots. Ekkrote’s armour and surface muscle stopped
them all.
handgun rounds stopped by ceramite armour and graft muscle. Apparently this says something about its composition/toughness or the enhacnement in general.

PAge 181
There was a shot - something chunky like a las-carbine - and the crocodilian let go and flopped over onto the cage floor, leaking black ichor from its split brain pan.
Carl Thonius was staring up at him from outside the cage, carbine slung in his hands.
Not sure how "split" is meant. Blasted open? How extensively? Even so, that's fairly impressive given that in real life a Crocodile (if this creature is anything lik eit) can mass anywhere from 500-1000 kg - that's alot of head to blast, even partly. I'd bet you'd need a high powered rifle, or perhaps even an elephant gun, to do that kind of abuse (single digit KJ or so.) at least. That doesn't include possible thermal damage (burns), but clearly the injury is not fully cauterized either, so it can't be too significant.

Page 182
He was still fifteen metres away. He raised his heavy pistol and opened fire, striking the gladiator’s back armour several times.

Ekkrote lurched under the hi-cal impacts. He wheeled away from Kara, not interested in her any more, and took another bullet in the cheek-guard. He charged Nayl and Kys. Kys met him with her telekinesis, but he was too massive for her to lift. All she could do was stop him in his tracks for a moment. Ekkrote struggled against the invisible barrier and Kys wobbled back a step.
He’d slapped home a fresh clip and was busy emptying that. The pit-fighter was clearly hard-wired against pain and hyped up on some serious glanding frenzy-maker. Nayl was inflicting serious tissue damage to the gladiator’s chest, but still he was fighting to reach them, his face a rictus of kill-hate.
Her telekinesis stalled, exhausted, and Ekkrote thundered towards them. Then a huge force lifted the gladiator off his feet and drove him hard against the chamber wall. He continued to thrash. The force, invisible, slammed him into the wall three or four times until the stone facings cracked and he went limp.

The inquisitor’s force chair powered towards them across the dock.

- the"two and a half span" tall gladiator, heavily muscled (muscle grafts) is too heavy for Kys to lift, although she can mostly slow him down (but not immobilize). Ravenor however, can toss him around like a rag doll.

Page 185
I didn’t want a mind-fight. I certainly didn’t relish the prospect of going up against this one again. But I would if I had to. And I was on the ground now, face to face. He’d find me more of a match.
Ravenor vs Kinsky again.

Page 189
"I’m very familiar with the writings of the lord governor. A perceptive man, a reformer, an innovator. His election to office last year was a thing to be welcomed."

I meant what I said. Oska Ludolf Barazan, who had been in his time hive mayor, senator plenipotentiary, and, since 400.M41, lord governor of the Angelus sub, was an erudite and forward-thinking politician whose reformist attitudes I much admired. Given the segmentum-wide trend for such offices to fall to under-achievers via nepotism and birthright, Barazan’s election seemed like a miracle of liberalism. Generally stagnant men inherited control of stagnant subsectors and thus further stagnated them. The Ministry had been part of his election platform. He had wanted to create an active, sharp-toothed instrument that would oversee the workings of Imperial bureaucracy on Eustis Majoris and beyond. Clean them up. Cut the crap. ’’Reform’’ was not wide enough a word.
Ravenor's POV on subsector politics in general and the segmentum at large. The "Minstiry" is the Minsitry of subsector trade. As Ravenor said, its seemingly quite liberal. The funny part is how this isn't considered an inherent sin, eve n allowing for this to be a RAvenor novel.

Page 189
"He is an avid student of your own work."

I had written a few things: a number of treatises, an extended essay or two. They had been well received.
As we know form Gaunt's Ghosts, Ravenor has written some public works.

Page 190
"Prompted by my ordo masters, I have undertaken an investigation into the nature and origin of the addictive substances know as flects."
"The flects are not narcotics, provost. Not in the chemical sense, whatever their characterising traits. They are most definitely xenos in nature."

"They are artifacts. Tainted artifacts. Their abuse has spread, these last two years, down through the Angelus sub, into the Helican sub and the Ophidian too."
More on the flects, and why a Xenos Inquisitor is involved in something that likely borders on both the Warp/Chaos/Daemonic and probable heresy. This probably serves as a good indication of how imprecise and varied the work of an Inquisitor can be, and how the distinctions can blur between even the major Ordos. (although politics is another matter, I'm sure some in the Hereticus and/or Malleus would be miffed at a Xenos Inquisitor, even of Ravenor's stature, treading on their own perceived bailiwicks, even if there was a Xenos element to it.)

Page 191
"The Imperial pits are a focus of contraband crime on many worlds, inquisitor. The staff has powerful contacts with rogue traders and commercial outfitters, all licensed to import xenos-breeds on-planet for the games. It is an obvious source. A trader imports a snarl-cat from Riggion for the circus, under license. What else does he bring in the snarl-cat’s cage? Grinweed. Gladstones. Phetamote thrill-pills baggy-packed into the animal’s intestine."
"The ship traders and outfitters are moving flects through the circus businesses. Through other outlets too, I’m sure. Wood, metals, weapons perhaps. But the Imperial pits are key. They have the most open trade permits, necessarily, to cater for the creatures they bring in."
Commericalism and its impact on the drug trade as it is in 40K.

Page 192
"Our investigations have shown that Duboe’s source was a game agent from the outworlds called Feaver Skoh, one of a famous dynasty of xeno-hunters. Skoh operates from a rogue trader called the Oktober Country, captain of which is one Kizary Thekla. The Country runs the lanes up through our sub to Flint, Ledspar and beyond, sometimes as far as Lenk, every half-year, to buy choice stuff from the beast-moots there. Sometimes they go on into Lucky Space so that Skoh can hunt for himself on the rip-worlds up there.
Xeno hunters, wildcat rogue traders, and a trade route. Given the locales mentioned (Antimar subsector where they are out to Lenk) every half year we're talking tens or hundreds of c average travel speed on average. It's probably conservative given I'm assuming zero time for stopovers and we dont know how many they may make in that half year. It also doesn't account for the possibility of round trip.

Page 192
"The Oktober Country broke orbit fifty minutes ago, without permission from ground traffic. Its last vectored course was up the line to Flint."
They can somehow tell the destination of a ship from its course. One presumes either by their projected course to a particular warp route, or the particular place where they may or may not emerge into the warp.

Page 198 -
The bastard had been hurt bad. There was a lot of blood, and a spew-making smell of crispy flesh. Kara and the guy carried Mathuin into the rear compartment to patch him up.
Still, Mathiun hasn't bled out in something like close to an hour (at least), so the wound has to have had some cauterization to prevent him from bleeding to death. Rather 'lucky' that Matthuin gets hit by a round that doesn't cause him to bleed or powerful enough to blow his shoulder out, isn't it? :P Again augmetics or possibly body armour may acocunt for this - it's hard to say.

Page 202
"Thonius tells me we’re off to Flint."
"’It could be a long run. Right up the lane to Lenk, if needs be."
"Flint’s bad enough. It’s only borderline Imperial these days. But Lucky Space? I am not taking the
Hinterlight out of sub territory, especially not there. There are pirates out there, dark kin, brigands, death worlds, rip-worlds"
commentary on travel within a sub compared to different subsectors, which pretty much illustrates the way the Imperium is set up - isolated pockets of humanity that are separated by varying gulfs of 'wilderness space' and unsettled territories. Even within a sector (which is usually the most cohesive unit of territorial organization in the Imperium, you can have wild spaces separating the subsectors, which makes travel risky. Probably even true within a subsector, but I'm guessing its relatively safter than betwene subsectors, and sector travel is probably safer than segmentum. )

Page 204
The Hinterlight’s bridge was surprisingly small for such a large vessel, essentially because it had been rebuilt in drydock after the Majeskus incident. Six months’ expensive reconstruction,
courtesy of the Guild Mechanicus, who’d only agreed to touch a rogue trader because of the influence I’d brought to bear through the Ordos Helican. A compact strategium well contained the actuality sphere. Behind it, a double hatch let into the shipmistress’s ready room. Fore of the strategium, a simple, sloping bay contained the helm stations and the Navigator’s socket. Bridge crew and servitors scurried round. Oliphant Twu of the Navis Nobilite was already plugged in to that socket, his lids shut, reading ghost stars on all three retinas.
Another 'wildcat' rogue trader, this one allied with Ravenor. Note the reference to an actuality sphere, which shows up alot in Abnett novels where spaceships are involved (Eg Sabbat Martyr.)

Page 204
"I have a course, mistress."’ he reported in a slow, lazy voice. "Flint. To orbit, four days."
That includes travel time in sublight, and whatever stops, but basically we're looking at low thousands of c. I suspect they would make few if any stops, although it may not be a straight line course either. It is also probably a piloted jump, given they mention Preest having such (and she is a Rogue Trader..)

Page 204-205
Cynia Preest was mistress of the Hinterlight, and my pilot. She was two hundred and eighty-four years old, although she always gave her age as ’’twenty-seven and a bit’’. Clad in a gold-suede bodyglove and red velvet robes, she was an imposing figure, womanly but robust, and just now becoming stocky and matronly.

I always thought she could have passed as a tavern hostess or a smile-girl madam, but for the tracery of fibre-wire inlay that ran down the left side of her face.
The owner of the Hinterlight, and another rejuv recipient.

Page 205
"Eustis Majoris control has cleared us for system exit. Course is ready and held. Enginarium reports jump speed at your discretion."
Implies they are close to the warp jump point already. we don't know how long it took to get close to the point, or how far it is out, but given the lack of eating or sleeping for anyone involved prior ot warp jump (presumably at least) we're perhaps talking less than a day. Given the usual one AU transit distance I assume, we might be talking 8-9 gees constant thrust, and a max 'speed' of 3000 km/s or so (1800 km/s averaged velocity.)

Page 206
"They are agents of an official department known as the Ministry of Subsector Trade, and answer
directly to the lord governor subsector himself. They have influence and power. A mis-handled situation could cause a rift between the ordos and subsector government."
Again despite the theoretically unlimited power of the Inquisition, politics and the relations between sector/subsector governments and their components can influence (or even hamper) that power.

Page 207
A buzzer sounded and amber lamps began to flash along the length of the corridor. Halstrom stepped back and took careful, experienced hold of the nearest handrail, and I cut my chair’s lift and maglocked it down to the deck. There was a slight tremor, then twenty seconds of vibration combined with a flickering, time-lapse impairment to my vision. The rumble of the main drives grew louder.

Then the buzzer stopped and the lights ceased. We had passed the translation point. Now the Hinterlight was travelling at something close to maximum velocity, outside realspace, traversing the treacherous oceans of the warp.
Warp translation. I'm not sure what 'maximum velocity' is implied to be - sublight speed whilst in the warp, or FTL speed, or perhaps both. What the speed this is we can guess at, but not with any certainty (thousands or tens of thousands of c perhaps.) or how it may apply to other vessels outside of the novels (It would be like taking the 'across the segmentum in a few days' the Blood Ravens made in the DoW novels and applying that as a standard.)

Page 208
"But her agreement with you and the ordos is up for renewal on the anniversary. She has mentioned that it might be time for a change. Time to return to free trading, perhaps in the Ophidian sub, where merchant business is said to be booming. Of course, she will miss the security of the ordos stipend and retainer fees."
I'd gather thatn Preest's rogue trader warrant gives her a certain amount of leverage in dealing with the Inquisition, since Ravenor either can't or won't use his authority to force Preest to do what he wants (can't, I suspect.) It again shows that Inquisitorial power is not absolute, and can be curtailed or even blocked.

Page 209
In a long, bruising life extended by juvenat treatments - Nayl was just over a hundred, standard, but looked a robust late-thirties - he had known a number of homes."
Nayl seems to have aged differently compared to Kara, despite both of them being holdovers from Eisenhorn's band. How and why this is probably depends on how rejuv works and what it does (or possibly on the methods) It may actually stop aging so long as it is taken, or it may just slow it down, or it may do both depending on the type. The effectiveness could even depend on at what stage in one's life it is taken at (Kara might have started in at a younger age than Nayl, for example.)

Page 209
Both of those were memories now, just as Eisenhorn himself was. No one had seen the inquisitor since the affair on Ghul back in the eighties. Nayl often wondered if Eisenhorn was dead. So many of them were from that time. Fischig, Aemos, Tobias Maxilla, Eleena Koi.
Nayl reflects on the past and previous events in Ravenor short stories and Eisenhorn stories.

Page 209-210
Nayl pressed the hatch-stud and closed the door behind him. He moved through the gloom, and snapped on a few glow-globes. A status monitor by the door showed a pulsing red light. They were warp-bound now. He’d felt the shudder.
Nayl wandered across to the bulkhead cupboards. He was limping. He ached. The free-for-all in the Carnivora had been less than fun. Reaching out to the cupboard latch, he noticed how skinned and raw his knuckles were. Grime-black, caked in dried blood, the calloused skin torn. He needed a shower. The effort didn’t appeal to him.
Apparently Nayl's been onboard only long enough to have gotten back to his cabin. Definitely less than a day for them to reach the warp point. Again we dont know how far away they travelled before entering the warp. :)

Page 211
A carapace armour unit occupied most of the table top. He’d been repairing it on the way to Eustis Majoris, and the job was unfinished. He pushed aside powered drivers and stinky pots of
Powered carapace? Depends on what the 'driver' is and what it is for, I suppose. I suspect Abnett treats carapace as coming in 'powered' and 'unpowered' varieties, which isn't too far fetched really. As we'll find out in later novels when we meet Worna, this is not the only example.

Page 211
He took off his boots. He was hungry. He was sleepy. He was pissed off.
Again, much less than a day must have passed since getting onboard and transiting to the Warp.

Page 218
The planet boasted a few thriving colony cities down in the temperate south, but it was out here in the unforgiving west that the trade on which Flint prospered was conducted: stock, beast-flesh, meat.

Dynasties of stockmen, drovers and herders inhabited the great plains, dutifully following routes and trails established by their ancestors, driving the super-herds. Straight-horn, flange-horn, demi-pachyderm, the behemoth tuskers. Drove-dynasties specialised in one breed or another, catered their skills and disciplines to that breed, but all for the same purpose: driving them west each season for the beast-moots along the Western Banks.

Moot-towns studded the broken coastline like buckles on a tangled belt: Droverville, Salthouse, Trailend, Huke’s Town, West Bank, West Trail, Endrover, Fleshton, Slaughterhouses, Ocean Point, Mailer’s Yards, Beastberg, Great West Moot, Tusk Verge.

To each one, at the close of each season, the stock was brought in to market. Off-world traders thronged around each moot, landing their fliers and bulk-lifters on the scorched commerce fields to inspect the best of the merchandise.
Seasonal trade in meat. The planet probably qualifies as a sort of agri-world.

Page 220
"It’s the key to Flint’s economy. The big placental herbivores grow fast, put on a lot of mass. The great plains are lush. A demi-pachyderm can develop enough bulk to be worth slaughtering in under five years. But their tusks don’t grow half as fast. Given the rate of supply and demand, this world will never see another giant bull with eighteen metre tusks."
"I know what every trade economist worth his salt knows. and what every slaughterbaron on Flint chooses to ignore. at this rate of slaughter, Flint will be wasted out in another century."
Yet another Imperial world with an unsustainable rate of production. Except instead of mining, its agriculture. And it's not even Adminsitratum-level dickery, this is just pure economic greed. It's rather interesting that at least in Scarus sector the unsustainable approach seems to be frowned upon, if we go by Thonius' comments.

Page 221
Flint had no centralised record of its visitors. The moots compiled their own archives. Space traffic was deregulated. High orbit above Flint was filled with thousands of trading spaceships, none of which advertised its identity with a transponder.
..sober-suited agents from the Departmento Munitorum went from dynast to dynast, performing the never-ending task of assessing trade for the purposes of Imperial levy.
Flint, a (probable) agri-world known for raising cattle/meat for shipping to other parts of the Imperium draws "thousands" of ships (traders and the like) for bidding and purchase. They're probably warp capable, and they probably are all from all over the sector. The interesting thing is that it cannot in any way constitute the majority of the Scarus Sector's commercial traffic. Hell it probably doesn't even represent the whole of the subsector's traffic.

This in turn suggests that the commercial (freight) traffic in Scarus encompasses tens of thousands of starships of various types (Navigators and chartist captains both, of all sizes) Imperium wide, we could be talking hundreds of millions, or even billions of transports.

Page 223
There was money to be made from collecting up a herd’s droppings and selling it on for phosphates and fertilizers. Colonies on mineral-poor worlds paid generously for Flint’s excrement.
Well they're killing their planet, but at least they make use of what they do have.

Page 224
Some traders bought dead meat and salted or froze it for shipment to the cheap food-marts down sub.

Others bought live and shipped it - sometimes in stasis - to more discerning clients on the wealthier hive worlds of Angelus. Some bought low quality in bulk, others high quality animals, individually chosen and purchased. Some came for the mechanicallyrecovered meat products of the rendering plant, others for phosphate dung. A ten tonne demi-pach might fetch twenty crowns a tonne, get turned into thirty thousand meat patties to be sold at half a crown a time in the food-stalls of a hive’s slum-hab. A sixty kilo shorthorn might fetch five times as much, because it was destined to sell as a prime imported delicacy in the up-hive restaurants of Eustis Majoris and Caxton at fifty crowns a pop.
Some subsector meat-based economics. We get 'crowns' used here instead of thrones, but it means the same thing really.

Page 229
Thonius made his way through the crowd. Despite the gale off the sea, the night was warm. Four hundred thousand head of stock generated a significant amount of heat.
at least 400K stock. IF we assume between 10 tons and the 60 kilo we're talking between 24,000 and 4 million ton of cattle here.

Page 229
The man swore again. "I’m meant to be in Caxton in eight days with a hold full of sirloin."
At a guess, a striaght line course from Flint to Caxton is ~30 LY. ~1400c at the very least, probably faster.

Page 230-231
He had no discernible mind-talents, but parts of his brain were unreadable. I had interviewed him a dozen times in the six days since we’d set out from Eustis. His mind had become ever more impenetrable. It also seemed as if he had been getting stupider.
6 days from Eustis Majoris to Flint it would seem. 15-20 LY call it 900-1200c.

Page 232
Lilean Chase had been an abominable blight on the Imperium eighty years before. A radical of the
Recongregator philosophy, she had forgone her ordo loyalties and founded the Cognitae school on Hesperus. There, for three generations, she had hard-schooled the brightest and best that had fallen into her clutches and formed them into sociopathic monsters, driven by a will to undermine the fabric of the holy Imperium. The Cognitae had only come to an end thanks to a purging raid led by Lord Inquisitor Rorken, now Grand Master of the Ordos Helican. Damn! Molotch himself had been a product of that deranged academy!
Ah, those wacky Recongregators! Always trying to strenghten the Imperium by destroying it! Of course this implies she may have actually gone rogue and turned to Chaos with her little plan.

One thing I will always give credit to Abnett for, he likes to come up with some creative Chaos enemies.

Page 240
Will had warned him the Six had a beefy kick. Thonius knew it. He’d trained with the gun on the Hinterlight’s range, exhausting hundreds of clips for ten-zero groupings. This was the first time, in anger.

The Hecuter 6 was a hand-made piece. The body and slide were brushed chrome, the grip satinized black rubber machined out to fit his hand. It formed an inverted ’’L’’ shape because the grip housing, built to contain an eighteen round clip, was longer than the polished body. The safety-off was a steel rocker that the thumb depressed automatically when the weapon was gripped. When it discharged, white flame burped from the snout and the slide banged back and forth, flinging out the spent case with a chime like loose change. The buck-recoil wrenched his wrist. .
- Thonius is using a Hercuter 6 auto-pistol, eighteen shot capacity and a recoil that "wrenches his wrist" It could reflect his lack of experience in using it in a combat situation, but given his use of it at the practice range, and the repeated warnings about its recoil, you'd think he'd be used to that and compensated. It probably references the power of the weapon, but I have no way of judging that from vague recoil estimates since it can be a combination of propellant and projectile.

With an eighteen round clip it probably is more in the 9-10mm range.

One shot hits a man and his "face is missing", though.

Page 240
The slaughterman with the lance jerked back four or five metres, his face missing. The man with the chainblade did likewise, tumbling over on the cobbles. The axe man turned to flee. It was all too easy to put a round through the back of his head. Such force. Such monumental destroying force
Effect of Thonius' gun. seems rather excessive for a handgun but eh. Maybe its firing bolt rounds :P

Page 241
He stopped for a moment in the shadow of a drystone wall and reached into his coat for his microbead, tracing the tiny plasteksheathed wires from his earpiece to the compact set in his pocket. The wires had been torn out, presumably when the drovers had manhandled him. His heart was still beating fast. He checked his weapon. The tiny LED display informed him he still had fourteen rounds left. And he had another clip in his hip pocket.
micro-bead. and his pistol has an LED display showing ammo capacity.

Page 242
"I know as a fact the average demi-pach on this scum-world weighs in at forty tonnes and has shovel-tusks the size of an ork’s billhook."
Average 'demi-pach' weighs 40 tonnes. going by the 400,000 head esitmate before we're talking 16 million tonnes, and thats probably only part of the whole herd (millions of cattle). Still just an estimate though.

Page 245
Left-handed, it raises the gun. The grip doesn’t fit its hand.

Who cares?

A tight squeeze puts it on auto. The charging spearmen come apart like gristle dolls.
full auto of Thonius' handgun. Either powerful shells, lots of shots, or a combination of both. Probably something on the scale of an assault rifle at least (say .223 NATO that tumbles/fragments on full auto) to cause that sort of injury, which would mesh with the autopistol described in 'Pariah' (which had assault rifle range and ammo capacity.)

Page 247-248
It was Zeph Mathuin.

The bodyguard was naked except for a pair of white, draw-string shorts and a heavy packing of surgical dressings strapped across his broad torso. Thonius could see the entirety of Mathuin’s left arm: the polished mechanisms of a chrome-plated augmetic limb.

He could see the old scars where silver metal and caramel flesh folded into one another at the shoulder.
Mathuin described.
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Lost Soal
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Lost Soal »

Connor MacLeod wrote: Page 111-112
"A psyker, level gamma, perhaps higher."

There was a murmur. Ravenor’s own latent ability hovered somewhere between high delta and low gamma, an extremely potent capacity that he was able to boost to truly scary levels using the psi-amplifiers laced into his chair.
Kinsky was rated as a "gamma level or higher" psyker, while Ravenor himself is a "high delta to low gamma" level psyker. Ravenor also has psi-amplifiers in his chair to further boost his capabilities.

The scale seems oddly inverted in this context, as I recall the scale depicted in other sources. Indeed if Alphas are the most powerful, deltas should be more, and gammas less.
Scale goes Delta-Gamma-Beta-Alpha, from my original post
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Final update for Ravneor.

Page 249
"It saps me, especially over such a distance. And. in such traumatic circumstances."
Waring is taxing both due to range and extreme situations (stress). It probably remains true of other psychic abilities as well.

Page 249
Thonius looked down at himself for the first time. His entire right arm was swathed in dressings, with many drug-shunt tubes and wound-drains curling out of it. But they were his fingers protruding from the binding gauze.
"We were able to re-attach it."
"He spent sixteen hours on you with micro-servitors."
"But I think the regraft is taking. You might have some long-term loss of function, but the injury was surprisingly clean."
Imperial spaceborne medical tech. They can reattach severed limbs (at least if its cleanly done) using micro servitors. I wonder what sorts of brains inhabit those.

Page 253-254
"He’s borderline psy. maybe nascent. Growing too."

"The boy was picking my transmissions up on Eustis Majoris. He’s clearly sharp. I want to examine him further, when time permits."
"But, if he’s sharp. he could be dangerous. Shouldn’t you hand him over to the Black Ships for processing?"

"No. He’s sharp, but he’s passive sharp. Not active. I can read that much. He’s a reflector. An echoer. I don’t think he’s going to turn into a Kinsky. Or a Ravenor. But I want to know what he’s absorbed. Recorded, if you will. Of all the flect users we traced on Eustis, he was the only psyker."
You can apparently have 'active' and 'passive' psi, and there are differences. Some like Ravenor or Kinsky are 'active', but Zael is passive. I gather that the difference is that they don't directly tap the warp, but they 'tap' the power of others (reflecting/echoing..harnessing the backwash or the excess a psyker may channel.) In a way it seems a bit like sorcery or Orkish "WAAAGH", but in a more indirect and non-controlled manner.

Page 256
"You bested me before, Mr Kinsky. Well done. But you were right there and I was at my range limit from orbit. Do not. not for one moment. expect a rematch to be so easy. I will burn out your mind in an instant."
Ravenor seems confident that up close and personal he can best Kinksy.

Page 258-259
On almost all of the wide plots sat a freighter, cargo doors agape. Inter-orbit lifters of every size and design were ranged along the commerce field plots, often with small fliers and landers parked next to them.
Each plot was about three hundred metres long. By the time they had reached the far end of the plot and had turned in and behind Siskind’s vessel, it was raising thrasters and sealing for take-off.
The size of the plots give you an indicator as to the size of the ships that can land there.

Page 259-260
The roar of the lifter’s power plant rose abruptly by a factor of ten. There was a fierce downrush of jetted air and AG repulsion that Kara and Nayl could feel even from the edge of the plot. It was suddenly like trying to walk into a gale. Dust and dry grass kicked up in a blizzard. The lifter began to rise, arduously, into the air, creating a heat-haze distortion between itself and the soil.
Lifters using AGI and thrusters to lift off.

Page 260
The bow-shot load had been custom made. A wad of adhesive suspension coating a disk of very special material. Wraithbone.

Siskind’s lifter rose into the morning air, nose dipped, gouted black smoke, swung heavily to its left and then turned and began to climb on full down-thrust, its burner-flares blue-white.
Wraithbone pssychic tracking device.. used to follow a ship through the warp.

Page 260
Nayl keyed his link. "Mr Halstrom?"
"Mr Nayl?" the vox contact crackled. "On your scopes, I trust?"
"Tracking it now."
Apparently they cna track the wraithbone 'tracker' via the warp. It must emit some sort of signal or something.

Page 261
The allure broke orbit five hours later. It performed a smooth series of mass-velocity transactions and turned out, sliding effortlessly away from the shoal of anonymous rogue trade ships at high anchor above Flint. To all intents, it was just as anonymous as the rest - none of the trade ships chose to identify themselves electronically. But Halstrom’s scopes had followed the bulk lifter to it. It was most certainly the Allure. It powered clear of Flint’s gravity trap, bending its course rimward and under the elliptic plane. Cloaked behind extremely nonstandard disguise fields, another ship went with it.

The Allure was nine astronomical units from Flint and accelerating towards its encoded translation point when its master finally became aware he had a problem.
The Hinterlight has stealth/cloaking fields.

The warp exit point from Flint (the safe one at least) is 9 AU out.

PAge 262 -
Once the Allure had coasted down, the outlets of the huge drive assemblies at its stern glowing frosty pink as potential power descaled, the Hinterlight made itself visible. The Allure was a medium-sized sprint trader of non-standard design, heavily modified during its long life. It was long, craggy and bulky, its only concession to elegance the long chevrons of armour ridging its prow like the steel toe-cap of a pointed boot.

The Hinterlight was somewhat smaller and a great deal sleeker, shaped like a blade, with the flared bulk of its drive section at its stern. It [Ravenor's ship] flickered menacingly into view, appearing on Siskind's sensor panels a few seconds before it was eye-visible. A combination of xeno-derived technology and Ravenor's own mental strength generated the disguise field. It was a system that Ravenor would be forced to have removed from the Hinterlight if his arrangement with Preest wound up.

As it visibly manifested, the Hinterlight tracked its primary batteries to target the Allure. PReest made damn sure the Allure's systems got a clear indication of multiple target lock. Neither ship was military, neither an outright fighting vessel, but they were both rogue traders, and where Rogue Traders went, a decent level of firepower as a professional asset.
A description of the two different rogue Trader vessels and shapes, as well as ravenor's nonstandard cloaking tech.

Page 263
Even out here, just a few days’ voyage from Lucky Space, no one fooled around when the Inquisition called the tune.
I'd call that 30-40 LY based on the maps... Still thousands of c, but on the higher end of that, definitely.

Page 264
"My papers and my letter of marque as an Imperial free trader are in order. If you wish, you may inspect them."
Free trader and letters of marque instead of rogue trader. It could be that they're all different things and Siskind (The man running the ship) has license for all those jobs.

Page 264
"I am hunting a ship called the Oktober Country, a ship that I know has had contact with you in the last week."
Benchmarks a bi tof the timeframes and travel distances up to this point, still in the thousands of c range I think.

Page 265
To his right, Kara Swole had an assault cannon on them.
Mathuin smiled. The barrel-cluster of his rotator cannon cycled menacingly.
Everyone in Ravenor's retinue seems to have access to assault cannons. Unless Kara's is not a gatling type (which would make more sense.)

Page 266
Rogue traders, even the best of them, tested the limits of Throne Law. Don’t ask and you won’t be disappointed.
Preest and Siskind and the others seem to mix "free trader" and "rogue trader" quite a bit. It could be that they are considered one of the "lesser" rogue traders mentioned in other novels like Legacy and suchnot, the "wildcat" charters rather than the true ones (the ones of truly powerful Rogue TRaders who are in theory equal to Inquisitors and shit.) given how rogue traders are presented in the FFG material, it could be that the distinction lies in how the rogue trader's charter is written. Some could be granted the rights of a Free trader as well as other more normal rogue TRader rights.

Page 266
The Allure had a crew of seventy-eight, thirty more than the Hinterlight.
Damn. These must be some very small, or very heavily automated (servitor run or otherwise) ships. I wonder if this is normal for the chartist variety.

Page 267
"But I have traced an astropathic communique received the day after the Oktober Country left Eustis Primaris. It’s filed and logged, uncoded. From Thekla. It says what we already know. asks Siskind to make his apologies to Baron Karquin."
Thonius is hacking into the Allure's logs to trace its communications. You would think the Cognitae/Cultists would not use astropathic communications. Since they are, after all, loyal to the throne, and such commuications could be tapped/eavesdrooped upon.

Page 268
The last time I’d checked - about two years earlier - ninety-four cases under prosecution by the Ordos Helican had involved someone or something with Cognitae connections. As secret orders went, it was one of the largest and most pernicious in modern memory. Also, the Cognitae had prided itself on using and recruiting only the very brightest supplicants. It was no low cult, feeding off the poor and the uneducated. Lilean Chase had not only pulled into her influence the Imperium’s finest, she had instigated several eugenic breeding programs that mixed her corrupt but brilliant genes with the bloodlines of the most promising of her students. Her offspring were everywhere, many of them unimpeachable men of high standing. To be a rogue trader, one needed savvy, smarts and panache. Just because Siskind was of her line didn’t automatically mean he was a heretic himself.
More details on the Cognitae and the crazy recongregators.

Page 269
"Angwell was old. Four hundred and some. He died of a fever."

All true so far.
someone living to 400+ years.

Page 273
"It’s a festival. On Bonner’s Reach."
+That’s out in Lucky Space. +
"Yeah, five days in. From here, two weeks. The last Free Trade station."
Flint to Bonner's reach would be 30-40 LY straight line. however, it's possible that the route is not straight line and requires a more curving path, although I doubt this would do more than double or at most triple the distances involved. From the "edge" Bonner's reach is maybe only 10-20 LY from the designated edge of the system, although that's largely an estimate based on roughly the closest angle to Flint. Either way you're looking at maybe 700-1000c tops travel time.

Later they make a trip to Lenk from Flint, which is maybe 15 LY or so. Lenk to Bonner's reach is maybe 30-35 LY approximately. 45-50 LY assuming a still fairly straight line course. a bit over 1200-1300c to cover that distance in ~2 weeks.

Page 277
Lenk was the end of the line, the most rim-ward world in the Angelus sub. Once it had been an important trade gateway through to the neighbouring Vincies subsector, ideally placed on a stepping-stone line of systems that formed a convenient trade lane down through places like Flint all the way to the sub’s capital world.
A bit more on trade-based warp routes.

Page 277-278
There had been a gradual slump in trade, and a marked increase in lawlessness over a period of years, though nothing terminal. Slowly, the Vincies had become the Angelus’s rougher neighbour. But the real collapse had been triggered by a warp storm that had swept, without warning, through a great rimward portion of the sub in 085.M41.

It was a notable disaster. The lethal storm had engulfed eighteen systems, including that of the Vincies’s capital world, Spica Maximal. All of the subsector’s primary population centres and industrial worlds were lost at a stroke. The death toll alone was unimaginably vast. Shorn of its central government, main markets and vital heartland, the subsector fell apart. Fifty or so Imperial worlds in the core-ward territories of the sub escaped the storm, but they were all minor colonies or secondary worlds and none had the power or wealth to assume responsibility as a new subsector capital. Some attempts were made to align them instead with the Angelus sub - effectively turning the remains of the Vincies sub into a fiefdom of its wealthy neighbour - but it never quite worked. The region fell away into lawless decay, no longer Imperial territory in any meaningful sense. Even the name withered. It was just Lucky Space now.
The loss of the Vincies subsector has some interesting implications on the scope and nature of the Imperium and the compositions of a sector/subsector in a number of ways. We have eighteen systems, most of which seem to be the major/important worlds in the subsector. There are another fifty or so secondary/minor worlds in the subsector as well. This makes aroudn 60-70 Imperial planets in the subsector, and I imagine the other subsectors have similar scales - for a total of around 400-600 worlds per sector, and all of varying status/importance which ties into the different 'tiers' of importance for Imperial worlds - it shows that not all the 'worlds' in a sector/subsector may get mention, because not all of them may be known (or are big/important enough to be known.) and thus it can explain why territorial sizes are misleading (As well as contradicotry.)

Page 290-291
The jetty was sealed against the void by shimmering, intersected screen-fields projecting between hoops of infinitely old technology that formed archways along the stone walk.
It had taken them seventeen days to reach it from Flint, but the view alone was worth the trip.
Effective installation of power plants, void shielding and atmosphere processors had made it habitable, and it had remained so ever since.
Looking out through the crackling void-fields that kept in the jetty’s atmosphere, Nayl could see the vast, blackened elevation of the bastion, seamless stone cut by a non-human hand.
17 days from flint.. a bit over two weeks. Also atmosphere containment voids. Almost certainly not warp based :P

Page 293
Fat cables spooled out of the chair via opened access points in its surface armour, and connected to four chunky portable units arranged around the chair on the deck. Psi-booster units. More cables ran from the units to an open inspection hatch in the side of Thonius’s console, linked directly to the Hinterlight’s potent astrocommunication dishes.

Astrocommunications dishes - for directing/receiving astorpathic communications? Its implied to have some ties to psychic tech, given its linkage to Ravenor. and the hwole psi booster thing. I guess he's using the ship to amplify his own talents.

Page 296
Their exposed arms were either bionic, or encased in some form of skinplant technology. It was a techdesign neither Nayl nor Ravenor had ever seen before. Sheathed over their shoulders they carried ceremonial hand-and-a-half swords.

Their heads were bare and shaved. More of the curiously-wrought skinplant tech encased their necks, so that their heads seemed to be resting on slender columns of intricately inscribed metal. The skin of their faces and scalps was entirely covered in swirling flame tattoos, echoing the design around the doorway. Their eyes were augmetic implants that glowed a dull green.
- mention of "skinplant tech" - something implied to be distinct from bionic/augmentics, but similar. given the description ("intricately inscribed metal") and what we know from Eisenhorn, this is probably similar to the inlaid circuitry that Glavians possess and use to control their ships. Or Electoos.

Page 300
She reached her hands up and detached the fibreoptic patch from over her left eye. The adhesive took some lashes with it. She rubbed her eye and wound the patch up in its long string of wire, unplugging the far end of it from the inside of the casket. Thanks to the fibre-optic, she’d been able to see a coldlight view of the outside and judge the best time for emergence accordingly.
Useful bit of tech.

Page 300
Two almost empty tribute caskets would be more than a little suspicious. She tore open the shrink-wrapped packs of dehydrated kelp and shook their dry contents out into the bottom of each casket. Then she tore the top off a water flask and emptied its glugging contents after them.
dehydrated kelp. Imperial food production at its finest :P

Page 300-301
Then, like an arachnid, she went clear up the sheer quartz wall. The palms and soles of her bodyglove were angle-ribbed with razor-steel filament hooks that could find purchase on almost any surface. She reached the top of the wall, slid into a rocky cavity, and lay still.
That would still take some strength/endurance to do (Consider the Mythbusters episode pertaining to climbing the side of a building as an example.) Not neccesarily superhuman for either, but considerable. Perhaps she's incorporating suspensors into her climbing gear.

Page 301
The rest of the casket was chock full of glistening kelp. She heard the labourers scoff and moan. It was typical cheapskate rogue trader behaviour. Come bearing plenty when in fact most of the makeweight was sea cabbage.

Page 305
A quick muster of my mind, boosted as it was by the amplifiers on the Hinterlight’s bridge, told me some various booths were vox-screened, some pict-opaque, and most of them were psi-shielded. A trader entering a booth could activate discretionary barriers to keep his commerce private.
- the Hinterlight has psi-amplifiers on its bridge that further boost Ravenor's abilities, which supports my earlier conjecture.

Page 306-307
Races mixed. I saw eldar, of a craftworld unknown to me, resplendent in polished white armour, engaged with a fat human ox in furs riding on a lifter throne. Nekulli hunched and chattered around a trio of methane breathers who were tanked inside bizarre viro-armours that glistened like silver and exuded noxious odours. A bounty hunter in full body plate strode past us, trailed by his servitor drones. To my left, a kroot cackled and barked. To my right, a trader whose body was entirely augmetic chortled a mechanical chortle as the shapeless ff’eng he was dealing with cracked a joke. The trader was exquisite: his body parts and face were machined from gold, his dental ivory set perfectly in gilded gums, his eyes real and organic.

Some abominable form of opal-shelled mollusc hovered on a lifter dais and fluttered its eye stalks and elongated mandibles at a rogue trader in a red blastcoat. As we went by, I saw that the rogue trader was human except for his transplanted feline eyes.

Something humanoid but not human, an elongated figure in a white vac-suit, its skin blue, its neck serpentine, blinked its large mirror eyes at a monthropod and its larvae. The monthropod and its kin curved their tube forms backwards and clattered their mouthparts to pay homage.

Forparsi drifters in gowns embroidered with stellar charts examined the product examples of jokaero technology. A human trader with mauve skin-dye studied an outworld prospector’s gem samples through a jeweller’s lens. I saw guildsmen amongst the rabble.

The Imperial merchant guilds were supposed to limit their activities to inter-Imperium commerce, but it was well known they had no desire to see the potentially vast profits of the outworld markets go only to the free venturers and rogues.

Everywhere, tenders went to and fro. Some were girls, some boys, many were xeno-forms. They scurried to serve drinks and provide other diversions.
commerical business on the lawless fringes of the Imperium

Page 307
One, however, was especially persistent. He was a mutant or a hybrid, unnaturally short and wide, a dwarf by human standards. His hair flew back behind him in a great crest. His thick chin sported a shaved-back goatee. He was dressed in a dark red body-glove armoured with suspended metal plates. His bodyguard - a single, unimpressive elquon manhound with dejected eyes and heavy, drooping jowls - accompanied him.
A squat! also some sort of.. man-dog.. thing?

Page 308
I tried to scan him, but realised he was wearing some type of blocker.
Psi blocking tech seems pretty common among spacegoing types.

Page 310-311
..a big brute wearing carapace armour that looked as if it had been made from mother-of-pearl. The armoured man was bare-headed.
The other bodyguard flashed in, stabbing with his sword and deflecting the maul with his buckler. The sword made no dent whatsoever on the pearl armour.
Worna's got carapace here. Later its described as power armor. Either way it stops a short sword thrust.

Page 312
"Lucius Worna? Of course. Been in the game fifteen decades."
- Lucius Worna, bounty hunter, has been practicing his trade for "fifteen decades" and is still in very good shape physically and mentally (not noticably old.). Indication of the scale that life prolonging technologies exist on (and who can get them.)

Page 312
Waring a body like Mathuin, I expended a lot of my power simply controlling the form. It deprived me of the full scope of abilities I enjoyed in person.
limits of Waring.

Page 321
Then a scything blow from the kroot’s billhook ripped a chunk out of Nayl’s quilted coat. The coat was lined with wire-mail, and severed metal loops and scads of downy quilting shredded into the air.
Nayl's current body armor.

Page 322
Nayl had never tangled with a kroot before, though he’d had sight of them often enough to know what one was. Rumour said they were a mercenary race or a slave-kind, serving some technologically advanced species beyond the Imperial fringes, a species that only a few rogue traders had ever encountered.
Kroot seem to be rare in Scarus.

Page 325
"Something’s wrong. I’ve lost contact with the mistress’s landing party."
"We’re being blocked."

"Are you sure?" Thonius said, leaning in over Halstrom’s shoulder.

"No, I’m not." Halstrom said. He depressed another few keys. Nothing happened. "Bridge controls just went offline."
- contact with Ravenor's "away team" is being blocked. As we learn, the ship's systems have been compromised, but they did nto know it at the time, suggesting they suspected jamming. Psychig jamming.

Page 326
He dropped it to the deck, unfastened it and pulled out a metal object that looked for all the world like a limpet-mine.

He twisted the setting dial, and a red indicator light began to wink on its surface. It was a psionic nullifier unit, extremely high powered, with a mag-clamp built into its base.

Ahenobarb strode over to Ravenor’s chair, slammed the device down onto its sleek casing, and locked it into place.
A more direct form of psychic blocking.

Page 333-334
The cabin was littered with armour, equipment and junk, not to mention dirty laundry. She picked over a few pieces in the gloom, discarding heavy blades and team-portable infantry support weapons. She didn’t have time to make a thorough search. On the top of a cabinet, she found a Hostec Livery ten-shot, a decent, rugged autopistol.
..drew the auto to check its load. Fat to the max. Nine in the clip and one in the pipe. The loops of the rig supported three more loaded clips.
Holstec autopistol in Nayl's quartes. 9+1 capacity. Also mention of 'team portable' infantry support weapons of some kind - stubbers or autocannon of some kind maybe.

Page 335
...thick-set brutes in various types of camo-armour. Some carried long-las, some autocannons.
Arms and gear of of Skoh's crew. All have micro-beads as well.

Page 336
"Shut up!" instructed the bounty hunter in the blue battleplate. His angular visor was still closed, and his voice came out as a vox distort through a helmet speaker.
"battleplate" nowadys is power armor.

Page 338-339
They ran down the hallway, across a through-deck junction, and on into the ship’s servitor bay. It was a large, long chamber with an oily, stained floor. Along each wall, dormant servitors rested in restraining cradles, most of them wired up to recharge transformers in the bulkheads behind them. In the cold green half-light, the rows of frozen, semi-human, semi-augmetic slave units seemed eerie and macabre.
servitor recharge station. I can't remember which rogue trader ship this is, but it seems to explain the relatively low crew complements.

Page 339
Kys felt her way forward with her telekinesis, sensing the sidebays full of servicing units and tool racks, the dangling hooks and clamps of the overhead maintenance crane-tracks.
Telekinetic... 'scanning' I guess? Some sort of tactile response? Makes a kind of sense, you'd have to be able to 'feel' something to manipulate it.

Page 339
Making a low buzz like an angry insect, a cyber-drone flew in through the hatchway. It was travelling at head-height, and as soon as it was in the bay, it decelerated and began to hover gently along, as if sniffing the air.

The drone was small. It had been built into the polished skull of some deer or grazer. The red glow of motion-tracker systems shone from its eye sockets. Under the base of the occipital bone, the drone’s tiny lift motor whirred and pulsed.
- Skohl's Xenos-hunters make use of "cyber drones" which seem to be detection/scouting devices akin to "cyber-skulls"/servo skulls. - equipped with antigrav and motion tracking sensors.

Page 341-342
Void-shields kept the atmosphere in, but the huge archway afforded them all a panoramic view out over the docks and quays towards the luminous white expanse of the Lagoon.

A hooter was sounding, indicating the hangar vault should be cleared promptly.

Interior hatches and field-protected doorways were already sealing. Processors were beginning to pump the air out. In less than five minutes, the void shields would disengage and open the vault to space, allowing the lifter to take off.
More of the void shields keeping air in.

Page 346
Kinsky’s mind was inside Halstrom’s, forcing the Hinterlight’s first officer to pilot the vessel. Kinsky was a terribly powerful active psyker, but he had nothing like Ravenor’s finesse or training. He could not ware subjects, he’d never developed the technique. But he could get inside their heads, and essentially hijack them. None of Madsen’s team had decent shipmastering skills, so Kinsky was coercing Halstrom to use his expertise. It was difficult. Halstrom was resisting. Kinsky couldn’t apply too much pressure for fear of burning out the shipman’s mind altogether.
differences between Kinksy and Ravenor, and between mind control and Waring.

Page 349
Even with one hand, it wasn’t difficult to push the chair around on its frictionless grav plates.
"frictionless" grav plates.

Page 353
The light cargo holds were towards the bow section of deck four. The Hinterlight had two principal holds, a legacy to its days as a trader, to accommodate gross cargo. But often, a free trader was required to ship smaller masses of high-cost goods - fine wines, artworks, precious stones. The small cargo holds were built for that purpose, a series of armoured chambers that could be locked off, sealed and, if necessary, environment controlled individually.
differences between traders, free traders and rogue traders, as well as the different kinds of holds they use.

Page 358
The compact rucksack she’d been carrying ever since emerging from the crate in the kitchens of the Reach was still with her - she’d strapped it around her belly and fastened the baggy vacsuit up over it. Kneeling, her hand still shaking, she put the rucksack down and peeled open the seam-seal. Inside it, side by side, was a matched brace of Tronsvasse auto-pistols. She’d been carrying them concealed as a back-up for Nayl’s team...

She slipped the pistols out and checked the loads. Each handgrip held a clip of thirty caseless rounds.
- Kara using a pair of Tronvasse auto-pistols, each with a 30 round clip of caseless ammo. Unless they'r eextended clips those have to be prtty small bullets.

Page 359
Two shots rang out, their sounds magnified by the large chamber. Gorgi's head broke apart in a pink mist and he tumbled backwards like he'd been yanked on a chain.
From Kara's pistols I believe.

Page 359
More shots were aimed at Verlayn, and they dented his battleplate with enough force to knock him down.
The dude int he blue armor from before.

Page 360
The clips in each of Kara’s guns were nearly spent. The firefight had only been running for a scant fifteen seconds since the first shot, though it felt like an eternity.
At least 2 shots a second.

Page 360
She fired the left handgun, a single shot at Verlayn. His polished blue armour had withstood the caseless punishment, but now she hit the left eyepiece of the battleplate's visor. Verlayn's helmet snapped back and he rolled over. Then she turned both guns on the remaining crewman and blew him apart.[/quote]

Effects of Kara's guns again. They seem quite powerful. I wonder if they use explosive rounds?

Page 364-365
"Basically, they’ve shut down and locked all my darling’s primary systems - all of them, from drive and life support right down to lighting - and initialised all the secondary and auxiliary systems in preference. The Hinterlight is working on back-up, and that network has been entirely secured."


"This is a countermand. It’s personally encrypted. Whoever did this was a genius. They’ve taken over the ship using my own backdoor."

"My dear, no shipmistress worth her salt, no rogue trader, leaves herself open to this kind of piracy. I have secret, core-level protocols to overwrite this kind of crap. Whoever did this hasn’t found those."
A bit of detail on ship computer systems, and rogue trader security measures.

Page 367
The Hinterlight thundered on into the blistering flares of Firetide, its real-space thrusters powering it away from Bonner’s Reach. Already, the Reach was just a tiny, tumbling rock behind it. The solar storm had set the void ablaze. Gigantic forks of plasma and photonic energy lashed and slapped the vacship’s hull like striking lighting, causing the vessel to buck and shake. It powered onwards, despite the onslaught, heading towards the unstable star.

Like a phantom, running with shields raised against the storm, a second spaceship closed in behind it.
Ships in a 'solar storm' of some kind.

Page 368
"Are we course-set?" Madsen asked him.
Halstrom looked down at his display with difficulty. "Not quite. Another fifteen minutes. Then we’ll be sliding into the star’s gravity well."

"I'm reading a ship," Halstrom added. "Sprint trader, on the auspex, less than one AU aft of us."

Madsen studied the helm display. She activated the main-beam vox and tuned it to a tight band.

"This is Hinterlight. identify yourself."

"My good woman," the vox crackled back, "this is the Oktober County. Put Feaver on."

Madsen turned to Skoh and he leaned forward. "Thekla?"

"Good afternoon to you, Feaver. Everything in place, I trust?"

"Of course. We’ve got them all locked down and the bastard’s ship will soon be heading for the heart of the sun."

"I am pleased. I’d hate to have to start shooting at you."

"That won’t be called for, Master Thekla.’ Skoh said. ’Fifteen minutes and we’re done."
This is definite proof of some sort of FTL comm and/or sensor capability on the part of 40K ships. In the text (twice, same page) it is stated that they are "fifteen minutes" from putting the Hinterlight into an orbit into the nearby star.

Also of note is the comment by Thekla (Oktober County) that he would hate having to "start shooting at them", which implies the ship has some weapons that can reach out to millions of km.

Page 370
They were approaching the main heat sinks for the gravity generators and the corridor was lined with red insulating tiles....
Gravity generators need heat sinks for some reaosn.

Page 370
Kys didn’t have time to get a decent shot at him. She seized the returning drone with her telekinesis and applied all the force she could. Already rushing back in the direction of the hunter, the drone accelerated and smashed straight into its master’s astonished face. The impact knocked him over onto his back.
Kys TK. the drone has to weigh a good several kilos.

Page 371
Mathuin raised his laspistol and fired off a trio of shots that impacted around the hatch frame and discouraged the man from coming through.
A cyber drone came swooping into the room. Mathuin blew it to pieces in the air.
Laspistol blows apart a cyber drone. That should be like blowing apart a partially metal skull.. many times more destructive than blowing apart a human head, quite easily. (single to double digit kj at least)

Page 372
This man had an autocannon. He hosed the shop with a furious rapid fire of hard slugs. Mathuin ducked again.

The bullets smashed benches over, dented locker doors, shattered the screen of a portable codifier and struck a power-pod trolley with enough force to make it roll sideways.

Hands over her ears, eyes shut, Preest shrieked in terror. Shots were hitting the weighty battery cells they were sheltering behind, rocking them. One cell fell off the top of the stack with a resounding slam.

The huntsman with the lasrifle had taken advantage of the suppressing fire his colleague was providing, and had got into the shop too. Las-fire now joined in support of the cannon. More wholesale destruction. Chips of metal were being blown out of the floor.

More glass exploded. Despite their serious weight, anotiier battery cell was knocked off the stack. Their cover was being taken away.
Solid shot autocannon. Lasrifle seem to have similar kinetic effect to the autocannon.
Note the portable codifier (some sort of computer.)

Page 375
The hailing chime sounded. Skoh opened the vox. "Hingerlight"

"Oktober Country. Skoh, what are you playing at? That hulk of yours just went dead in the vac. Your drives have shut down. you're not even holding a stabilised course.
"Stand by, Oktober Country. Temporary glitch. We’ll have it sorted soon. Out."
This is shortly after the first transmission, when Ravenor's team has shut down the ship's systems, so the Country couldn't have covered a great deal of distance (certainly not an AU's worth, even at near-c velocity, which he's unlikely to be traveling at.) So this tends to indicate the existence of some form of FTL sensors and comms yet again.

Page 377
As he sped on, he extended his awareness. He could taste the entire bulk of the Hinterlight, its hollowed metal form, every subduct, every cross-spar, every rivet. It was like a three dimensional schematic to him. And inside it, tiny pinpricks of life heat, the feeble mind-fires of the other humans aboard. Puny little dots. A handful on the bridge, a heavier cluster down in the light cargo holds. Others, spread singly or in small groups through the remainder of the big ship. Skoh’s hunters, no doubt. And two, far down at the stern, in enginarium basic.
Psyker scrying/detection.

Page 379
Two of Skoh’s hunter pack had suddenly appeared in the doorway of another hold forty metres away down the hallway. They began to open fire. Shots sang past the two of them. Nayl raised the bolter and fired back, running into the cover of a hold doorway to his left.
Kara fired a couple of shots in the direction of the hunters, and then dived into the sub-hold.
Engagement range with guns at close quarters.

Page 380-381
Blunt as she was, she felt the awesome surge of psi-power unleashing from the battered chair.

Duboe left the ground and flew back ten metres into the far wall. The chipped axe clattered from his hands. He remained pinned there by invisible power, like a specimen insect, two metres off the floor. His mouth opened and closed. His eyes bulged. He gasped.
Ravenor’s mind crushed him. Every single bone in Duboe’s body shattered as it flattened into the wall.
Ravenor comes back to life.

Page 382
Kara leant out of the doorway and rained caseless rounds down the hallway with both guns.
More caseless gunfire.

Page 384-385
The air was shimmering, unfocused, above the main space of the enginarium bay. As they watched, a dent appeared in the decking, then another, another two, in the plated wall. Something invisible tore through one of the metal walkways along the flank of the second drive chamber and it disintegrated, shearing apart, cascading sparks as it tumbled the nine metres to the main deck. Gigantic toothmarks hammered into view on one of the side ductings. It tore loose, venting columns of steam, and flew into the air. High up, it seemed to strike something and bounced back onto the floor with a dreadful clang. Stripes of ice tracked across the deck and vanished as quickly as they had been made. Corposant flames erupted along the railings of an upper walkway.
effects of psychic combat between Kinsky and Ravenor.

Page 387
"My Navigator reads your ship as lousy with psi-force!"
FTL detection of psychic activity.

PAge 389
I became a cyclone, sweeping away the shoals of his mind-darts like leaves. Kinsky dropped low beneath my storm-force bowwave and lunged upwards with a mental lance. I changed into a glittering avalanche that fell on him and snapped the lance, but Kinsky slid away like oil and drove the broken-off spearhead into my side. Psi-energy drizzled out, spattering like blood. I shook off the pain, turned and exhaled a gout of pyrokinetic flames that ignited Kinsky like an oily slick.
Then we closed again, our non-corporeal forms shifting and changing rapidly as we tried to out-think one another and prepare for the other’s next ploy. Undecided, our ectoplasmic shapes bent and twisted and malformed, rupturing like the skin on boiling milk, puffing out like cysts, spurting like soft lava.
While he was still reeling, I rolled my non-corporeal form into a porcupine ball and launched a shower of quill-shots at Kinsky, pinning the Ministry agent’s mind against the sliding fabric of space-time. Howling, Kinsky tore free. Reality was so badly damaged where I had pinned him, the noxious, infernal light of the warp shone through the punctures.
- Ravenor exhibits the ability to use "pyrokinetic" fire, as well as mention of the psychic-forms that Ravenor and kinksy taking as being "ectoplasmic." However, they are not visible to Mathuin or Preest except as a sort of heat-haze shimmer. (though the effects of the combat on teh surroundings are visible.)

Page 390-391
The Hinterlight shuddered violently. On the bridge, Skoh saw hazard alerts begin to light up all the station displays. He looked at the nearest one as another thump shook the deck. What was that?

Were they being fired on?

The scope said yes. Two hits, amidships. Starboard hangar voided, hull damage. Fire in the real-space drive chambers. Locked open doors had slammed automatically as the emergency safety systems had cut in.

Astounded, Skoh activated the main-beam vox. "Thekla? What the hell are you doing?"

"Firing on you, of course." the vox gurgled. "I’m tired of waiting, and I’m worried that inquisitor bastard has got loose."

"Thekla!" Skoh snarled. "Cease fire!"

The Hinterlight bucked again. "Can’t do that, Feaver. Sorry. I have to make sure that ship and its crew are dead, and if you won’t be a sport and dive it into the star for me, what can I do? Nothing personal."

Another brutal shudder. Klaxons sounded. Skoh could smell smoke now.

"You bastard, Thekla." he said.

"Whatever. I recommend you get off that death trap, Feaver, my old friend. I’ll be waiting to pick you up. But hurry. I intend to make short work of that ship."

The vox went dead. As if to prove the shipmaster’s point, the Hinterlight shook again.
- Thekla is now firing upon the Hinterlight. While we are not explicitly TOLD now he has moved closer, it seems likely, given the relateivley short durations between impacts (seconds at best.) So its not terribly likely now that they are firing from an AU out, although it is possible (as noted, Thekla hinted at it.) Even so, its quite possible we're still talking millions of km away at least.

Page 391
The hunter’s las-shots fireballed and deflected off the hatch-housing where Nayl was tucked in.
Stalemate. at least until one of them ran out of ammunition. Skoh didn’t believe they had that long anyway. Thekla’s batteries would have the Hinterlight dead in just another few minutes.
Fireballing suggests explosive vaporization/plasmatizing.

"a few minutes' of fire would destroy an unshielded Hinterlight.

Page 391-392
Ignoring the bolt rounds slamming against the bulkhead, he popped the powerclip out of his rifle, and replaced it with another from his belt. Special load, hot-shot, useful for when big game got really big.

Under these circumstances, at this range, the round would go right through the hatch-housing. And the idiot standing behind it.
Hotshot round. Over penetrates like hell, big game rounds (bigger than elephant gun rounds?) Implies hotshots may be comparable to really high end rifle ammo.

Page 392
AGainst the dazzlign backdrop of the Firetide storm, the Oktober Country closed in, its weapons turrets flashing every few seconds. Neither ship was a military class vessel, and neither possessed the sort of Fleet-grade weaponry that could annihilate a rival instantly. But like most rogue traders, the Oktober country had enough firepower to take care of itself. Its sustained bombardment would eventually blow Preest's ship apart.

Drifting, helpless, shieldless, the Hinterlight soaked the damage up. Sections of plating blew out like foil. Scabbed patches of hull crackled with shorting power sources or glowed red-hot.
Inside, significant chunks of the ship were obliterated, holed to space. Others were auto-sealed, ablaze.
Apparently Rogue Traders in Scarus don't have access to naval grade weaponry that would instantly destroy their own ships, but they do have enough for anti-pirate work. Also turrets fire rate of every few seconds.

Page 398
Still locked out. The auspex showed the Oktober Country all but alongside, firing still.
They're definitely alot closer now.

Page 399
I hit a series of controls and raised the shields. Not all ignited. Thekla’s attack had already vaporised some shield nodes and power feeds, and those that did come on were weak.

Still, the vibration from the bombardment abated slightly.
Effect of shield activation.

Page 399
The shields, like most of the ship's systems, derived their power form the ship's primary reactor, which drove the real-space drives. But the fire in the real-space chambers had cut that back by about seventy-five per cent, taking the hinterlight's motive power array with it. Instead, I woke up the secondary reactor, whose only function was to power the currently deactivated warp drive. I transferred that power into the primaries and immediately boosted the shields by forty per cent. IT was unorthodox practice, risky too, but an old and very workable Fleet captain's trick, courtesy of Halstrom's experience.
Interesting in that it implies warp drives have their own separate, backup power supply, but that they can tie that into other ships systems (like shields) in an informal/emergency manner. The secondary reactor, of course, is considerably weaker. Given what we know of the energy inputs needed to activate a warp portal (stellar level :lol:) this says something. On the other hand, the difference in power between main and secondary reactors is not vast (less than an order of magnitude.)

Page 399-400
Despite the boosted shields, large parts of the starboard flank, the focus of Thekla’s onslaught, were still vulnerable, lacking as they did any remaining shields to reinforce. The Oktober Country would still kill us in short order, unless.
More on the shields. not sure what they mean by reinforce.

Page 400 -
With what little motive power I could squeeze from the damaged real-space drive, I got the ship moving and turning. We slid through coruscating flame walls of the solar storm, turning hard to port. Thekla’s ship spurred after us, still firing its fusion batteries.
Thekla is firing on them with "fusion batteries". Whether this is beams, projectiles, or what we dont know.

Page 400
"Most of it’s shot out. Forget lasers, fusion beamers. I’ve got one missile battery under the prow that’s still live."
"Arm it and target it on the Oktober Country’s bridge."
"They’ll be shielded." Nayl scoffed. "Especially around the bridge section."
"They’ve been whaling on us for a good ten minutes. We’re junked. They’re still at optimum. We’re not going to achieve anything firing at their bridge except wasting our last missiles."
Nayl mentions taht the Hinterlight is equipped with lasers, fusion bamers, and missile batteries (of which only one prow missile battery is active.) Nayl also notes that Thekla's ship had been firing on them for a good ten minutes (only a small part of that with partial shieldng.) And while this isn't naval grade weaponry, it is interesting in a relative sense - two rogue trader vessels of simialr size/capability and all that.

Page 401
Through plating, through insulation layers, through inner and outer hull sections, through raised shields, into open space.

It was a gigantic sprint trader, ornate and exquisite, one of the most ancient human ships I had ever seen.
I swept on, through the cavorting radiance of the storm and went in, through its shields, its hull.
- Ravenor is able to pass effortlessly thorugh the Oktober' Country's void shields in his psychic form. Curious, but evidently its other things on the ship (Gellar field) that block warp based phenomena (like psi attacks) from penetrating, although those aren't doing anything here either.

Page 402
His face was an organic tracery of inlaid circuitry. MIU linkage cables tracked out from the base of his skull, from under the powdered wig he wore, and connected his mind to the sprint trader’s systems. His hands were augmetic. He was shouting orders to his bridge crew.

There were thirteen of them, arranged around the edge of his platform, operating polished brass stations. Helm, sub-helm, system control, vox-and-com, navigation supervisor, ordnance officer, defence officer.
The captain apparently has glavian-like circuitry inlays and is MIU linked to his ship.

Page 402
"The Hinterlight has launched missiles, master!" the ordnance officer called out beside me.

I heard Thekla laugh. "One last effort, eh? Rather too little, too late, I think."

The defence officer was fighting me. He struggled and contorted.

"Lefabre? What the frig’s the matter with you, man? You’re twitching around like an idiot!"

I was hurt, weak. The man’s mind was strong. At this range, and through the turmoil of the storm, my abilities were desperately limited, especially without the boosting relay of a wraithstone marker.

But I would not let him go. Frantically, I blew out his neural system, and forced his twitching hands onto the brass levers of his station.

And cut the Oktober Country’s shields.

In the last millisecond of his life, Thekla realised what was happening and screamed out a name.

My name, in fact. Eight missiles, in tight formation, screamed in silently out of the storm and vaporised the Oktober Country’s bridge, taking
everyone with it.
- eight missiles destroy the Oktober Country's bridge. Evidently that was the entire volley of the single missile battery. Also, the attack occured at the edge of Ravenors (unaugmented by the ship) operational range, and it took seconds for the missiles to cross this distancee (implying missile velocity of hundreds or thousands of km/s, easy.)

Page 403-404
"Where do the flects come from?"

"The Mergent Worlds," he said simply.

"The Mergent Worlds are out of bounds. Forbidden, interdicted by the Fleet."
"Contract thirteen is an off-books arrangement between the rogue consortium and the Ministry of Subsector Trade. The terms of the contract are simple. The traders go to the Mergent Worlds and recover tech salvage."

"Spica Maximal is the target of choice. Hive cities, population centres, whatever, all just resurfaced from the warp storm. They’re loaded with stuff. Hive towers of the Administratum, full of codifiers, cogitation banks, out-use terminals. That’s what the Ministry wants. The consortium hauls it back, holds filled to bursting, and delivers it to Petropolis."
"What about the flects?" Kys said.

"They were there. Everywhere. I mean, on a place like Spica Maximal, they were all over the ground, far as the eye could see."
We learn the plots of the traders and the source of flects. Basically just wapr-infused glass.. but they also haul chaos-infused computer gear.

Page 406-407
Spica Maximal. Mergent World. Lately resurfaced, dead, from the horrors of the warp storm, like lost ships dredged up, dripping and rotten, from an ocean depth.
The visions of the flects.

They were under my feet. The endless, shattered pieces of glass blown out from the numberless windows of the great hive. Each one charged with power from the long ages they had lingered, submerged in the warp. Each shard was loaded with a reflection of something.
This was what Skoh and the other freebooters had collected and dealt. Broken glass from the ruins of a warp-engulfed hive.
Like I said...

Page 408
So badly wounded, the Hinterlight would need months to limp back to a safe harbour outside Lucky Space and begin repairs.
Damage to a ship's systems (realspace or wapr drive) can slow down its travel speed.

PAge 408
"He’s more than nascent." Kys said to Ravenor. The chair coasted up beside her.
"Much more."
"Passive like you thought?"
"Yes. Mirror psyker. From what you told me, I think he’s very rare. I think the flects he’s used have touched off something in his mind. Empowered deep potentials. He’s not active at all, but I think he might become a powerful reflective. I think I might be able to teach him to farsee. To predict. To foretell."
More on a passive/mirror psyker. Apparently passive psykers are far less common than active. Given Ravenor's hopes, this tends to suggest that passive psychic power is more akin to xenos psychic power (Again Ork, Tyranid or Eldar tech, all of which have different ways of tapping the warp indirectly and generally more safely.) What's interesting is Ravenor thinks he can teach the boy to control it.

Page 411
That’s the new codifiers they’ve been promising us. Upgraded units, more powerful cogitation. They’ve been shipped from a provider planet.
The Spica Maximal cogitators. DUM DUM DUM! The plot thickens.

Also the various organizations running the sector/subsector evidently make use of computers in all forms, which is why the Spica Maximal stuff can end up so prevalent and be used to replace existing stuff.
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Zinegata »

The passive psyker thing actually confused me a bit too, although your point that it may be related to Xeno-style psykering is interesting. Ravenor did spend a lot of time with the Eldar so he would be familiar with this sort of Xeno magic.

Also, as a spoiler, our passive psyker eventually becomes...
A Grey Knight. ABD confirms in "Emperor's Gift" that he becomes Hyperion, the guy who broke Angorn's blade at Armageddon
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Now we begin Ravenor returned. Second book in the Ravenor trilogy. Ravenor and crew have gone into 'special circumstances' mode (described later) to ferret out a conspiracy within the subsector/sector and uncover a nefarious threat. Meanwhile, we discover there are other parties (multiple parties) at work in the sector, each with their own ends, including the Divine Fratery from one of the Ravenor short stories, and another organization with its own agenda. Oh and the culmination of the whole Slyte thing.

For me the book really started out slow, although towards the ends things really picked up and became more enjoyable and left off on a good cliffhanger. part of the problme is, I suspect, that the Ravenor books are still trying to in some ways emulate the Eisenhorn stuff whilst remaining distinctive (having it focus on the group rather than the Inquisitor specifically.) This, I think, creates some of the problems, as having to juggle all the different characters tends to dilute the overall effect. Eisenhorn was great because it was about Eisenhorn and his interactions, and it chronicles his downfall. THere simply isn't enough room in a trilogy to create the depth to cover Eisenhorn's team in any great detail (although Abnett tries.) THey're still great characters I think, but it really just means the story misses the point.

I also do not think it helps that you have so many other disparate factions involved in this book (with most of them gone by the end of it) as that dilutes the page count you have for developing your main characters. The Divine Fratery, I think, was not really neccessary here except maybe to introduce Culzean but I think that could have been done other ways. Also the way this 'flects to sector conspiracy' subplot, whilst interesting, does not directly tie into the whole Slyte thing much and the disjointed nature, for me, only exacerbates the problems. I really think the series would have worked more as 'Ravenor and team in action' and focusing more on the interpersonal dynamics more than on character development. That was the strong point of the first book and the short stories, and it remains the strongest parts here.

Anyhow, three updates and we'll start with one here.

Note the map o fthe sector seems to have 4 subsectors with 60 or so worlds presented. Given what we have posted in the previous novel about the Vicenes subsector, that probably isn't all the worlds.

Early page
"Under certain circumstances, an agent of the Holy Inquisition may elect instead to carry the mark of Special Condition, which shall be a rosette bearing an azure sigil. This denotes the bearer to be operating alone, beyond the resource or support of any ordo: rogue, driven to independence by extremis, who will act with singular devotion, and recognise no law or master save the God-Emperor himself"
Super Secret special agent status. What the difference is betwene this and a Rogue, I don't know.

Page 12
Lucius Worna had been in the bounty game for fif­teen decades...
The carapace armour he wore had been pol­ished until it shone like mother-of-pearl. Even without its plated bulk, he would have been a big man.
Worna is described with carapace, and again he's been around for 150 years as a bounty hunter. And seems to have no sign of stopping.

Page 13
"Armand Wessaen had himself phys­ically disassembled by a black market surgeon on Hesperus. His component parts - hands, eyes, limbs, organs - were grafted onto couriers, hired mules, who conveyed them off planet. Wessaen himself, wearing a body made up of all the transplants removed from said mules, followed them. He later slaughtered the mules instead of paying them what he'd promised, and har­vested his component parts back, reassembling himself. All except... the face. "
Not unlike a feat some Orks can achieve, although humans need progressively greater tech to compensate for their fragility. It's not terribly surprising though considering what they can do with augmetics. If they use stasis or osme other means of preservation it shouldn't be impossible.

Page 14
"Surgically rebonded. A process paid for by the four hundred thousand crowns you embezzled from the Imperial Guard Veterans' Association on Hes­perus while you were acting as their treasurer."
I guess that's the procedure referred to above.

Page 15
This should have been as successful as kicking a Baneblade. Wessaen was slender and un-armoured. It seemed insanity for him to try and take on a giant in a suit of powered battle plate in close combat.

But the kick connected, and Lucius Worna was flung sideways, thrown by a force even his suit's inertial dampers couldn't deal with. He crashed into the high table, knocking over the drinks and two of the chairs. Then the man in the lizard-skin coat was on his back, right hand raised to strike at the nape of Worna's neck.

Just for an instant, the onlookers glimpsed that hand and understood. It was folded open, like the petals of a flower, hinged apart between the middle and ring fin­gers. A double-edged blade poked from the aperture. A graft weapon. An implant. The hideously folded fingers seemed to form a hilt for the blade.
Now Worna is described as having powered armor. Also we get the appearance of implant (or fragt) weapons of some kind.

Note that Worna's suit has 'inertial dampers' - whether they are a mechanical or force field device, however, we don't know.

Page 15
Something laced with grafts and glands and implants. Something so augmetically re-engineered it would take on a monster without hesitation.
A cyborg/gland warrior composite, I guess. It shows what their surgical/cybernetic tech can really do, at least.

Page 16
Wessaen's left hand produced a cisor from the pocket of the lizard-skin coat. The warmth of his hand woke the large, black beetle-thing up, and its exposed mandibles, razor-sharp, began to chitter and thrash.
The cisor ripped into Worna's lumbar plating, the mandibles chewing through it like it was tissue paper.
- Cisor, some sort of organic weapon. I wonder if its Tyranid based.

Page 16-17
Wessaen kicked him in the face, and then followed the kick with another stab of the graft blade. The blade punched through the bounty hunter's midriff armour.
graft blade penetrates carapace.

Page 17
Glanding, he was faster than the massive bounty hunter, and almost as strong. Almost.
Straggling, Worna raised the man's right wrist until the graft blade was in front of his face. They were locked, quivering with matched fury. Worna slowly leaned his head forward.
And bit the graft blade in half.
Capabilities I suspect which would reflect what 'Gland Warriors' can also do. I also have to wonder how Worna bit the blade in half, given it punched through his armour.

Page 18
It wasn't actually a whistle. It was a smooth piece of rock that had been hollowed out by a technology unknown to the Imperium. But blowing through it was the only way a human could activate it.
Ten metres from Armand Wessaen, the nature of space-time buckled and popped apart. The surface of the air itself bubbled and began dripping, like the emul­sion of an old tintype pict exposed to flame. A seething, iridescent vortex, whisked up from molten, pustular matter, yawned into being, and the hound stepped out of it.

Just a skeleton at first, dry-clicking into view. Then, as it came on, organs materialised inside its ribcage, blood systems wrote themselves into being, muscle grew, sinews, flesh. It solidified, clothing its reeking, yellow bones in meat.

It was hyenid in structure, its forelimbs long, its back sloping off to short hind legs. Its skull was massive, with a pincer jaw and long yellow fangs that could shred any­thing, even a man in ceramite armour. It stood two metres tall at the hunched shoulders.

Its eyes were white, the hair on its hunchback a bristly black.
Psychic warp daemon dog whistle.

Page 22
I have to admit, after ten months aboard the Arethusa, I am filled with an almost unquenchable desire to throttle shipmaster Sholto Unwerth.
This implies it took ten months to travel from Bonner's Reach to Eustis Majoris. I'd guess maybe 50-60 LY tops, so we're talking double digit c-speed, although it probablty wasn't much of a direct route. Even then its probably no more than a few hundred c. Either Unwrth's ship is much slower than the Hinterlight, or they encountered some warp turbulence on the way back to slow them down. It's also possible Unwerth simpyl doesn't have a Navigator - I don't remember if the series specified whether he did or not.

Page 23
The chair is dark-matt, sleek, suspended and propelled by a humming field projected by the ever-turning anti-grav hoop.
Ravenor's antigrav tech seems to rely on some sort of rapidly spinning anti-grav thingamajib.

Page 25
Flects are dangerous things, abom­inably dangerous. They are splinters of glass from the billion broken windows of the decaying hive ruins out in the Mergent Worlds, swollen with abhuman energies due to their long exposure to the warp. They have soaked up the light of Chaos, marinading for centuries in its glare.

In these little splinters of corrupted glass, a user might glimpse a reflection of something wondrous and be uplifted for a brief time to some transcendant high. When they come down, they immediately crave another glimpse of the wonder, another 'look', as the slang goes. But a great number of flects contain nothing except a flecting vision of ultimate cosmic horror, a true vision of the warp. Such a sight destroys minds. And, of course, no user ever knows what he or she is about to see until they look into their next flect.

Flects are a curse. A disease. A plague. They are more addictive and destructive than any of the prohibited chemi­cal drugs that blight Imperial culture. Not only do they kill, they corrupt. Every single flect that passes into the commu­nity carries with it the potential to open a gateway to the Ruinous Powers and destroy the Imperium, piecemeal, from within.
Ravenor discusses flects in his report.

Page 26
My chartered ship, the Hinterlight, seriously damaged in the battle, is moving at low speed to the Navy yards on Lenk, where I have made arrangements for it to be repaired. Along with my warband, I have procured transit aboard a freelance merchant ship called the Arethusa, which is giving us passage back to Eustis Majoris, via Encage, Fedra, Malinter and Bostol, in other words, by an indirect route away from the Lenk/Flint trade lane.
4-5 separate trips. Bonner's reach to Encage is ~15 LY or so, slightly less than 10 LY to Fedra, maybe 5 LY to Malinter, and another 5 or so to Bostol, and then maybe another 15 or so to Eustis Majoris. Give or take 5-10 LY I'd say my earlier assessment of a 50-60 LY transit was roughly accurate. It was still a roundabout path though, and probably accounts for the lower overall speed.

Page 28
On our way back down through the edgeworlds of the Angelus sub, we diverted to the waste-world Malinter because of a summons from an old friend. Call him Thorn. He warned me of a danger, a danger that had been predicted and foreseen.
I wanted to believe it, but I couldn't see it. Thorn, God-Emperor watch him, was not as reliable as he used to be. I feared his judgement was off. I am sound.
This is a short story involving Eisenhorn meeting with RAvenor's band and a battle with the Divine Fratery. We know as of the story Eisenhorn was still alive, possibly still is.

Ravenor's perspective on Eisenhorn is also interesting. This may also be setting the scene for the eventual Eisenhorn vs Ravenor battle.

Page 31
Jairus found his gun under a sweat-wet pillow. A knockoff Hostec 13 long-jaw, twenty in the clip, two in the spout. Reassuring as a mother's love
Does this mean the handgun has two barrels? A combi-pistol of some kind?

Page 31
He saw himself. A mound of vat-grafted muscle, a face peppered with clan-piercings. A tongue - and he unrolled it now - fitted with its own snapping teeth at the tip.
Oh those wacky hive gangers. Again its amazing what sorts of grafts/impalnts/augmentations one can get even as a ganger.

Page 32
Down the aisle, the gentlemen were settling in the front few pews as the cleric took the silk cloth off the triptych of Saint Ferreolus, a patron of automation.
Interesting that they have a patron (Saint) of 'automation' - not that they would pray over tech (which we knew) but that the Ecclesiarchy might sanction this. Either it means it's a rare case of cooperation between the church and AdMech, or its one of those undherhanded means by which the Ministorum tries to co-opt the AdMech (War of the Empty Churches thing mentioend in FFG material.)

Page 35
He was a slab-ox, vat-built, he ought to be able to crush a wimp like this in a heartbeat.
"vat built' ganger again. Implies he may have more enhancements than just his muscles. Amazing what you can do to hive gangers, ain't it? :P

Page 37
The man uttered something. A word that wasn't a word, a sound that wasn't a sound. A single syllable.

Jairus reeled. He felt as if he'd been smacked in the face with a jackhammer. Blood sprayed from his mashed nose.
He said three more un-words in quick succession, his lips flexing oddly to make and accommodate the sounds. Jairas shuddered as something broke his collar bone, something else shattered his left elbow and something else splintered his right knee.

He fell down. The pain was enormous. Years before, he'd been beaten by a rival clan crew. They'd used panel-hammers. He'd been in the public ward for eight months.
The man announced some more un-words.

Jairas's teeth exploded out with the first. All of them. Incisors like cracked porcelain, molars like bone pegs with their bloody roots. His tongue burst. The second un-word detonated his spleen. The third caved in his ribs and collapsed his right lung. The fourth relapsed his colon. Blood was pouring out of him, through every natural exit it could find. A final un-word. Jairas's kidneys were quivered to mush.
Revoke uses Enuncia for the first time. Also a possible indicator of the (augmented) endurance of our 'vat built' ganger. I'm not sure if normal humans could endure that, but it depends on the kind of abuse dealt to him. Panel hammers seen here

Page 38
He took a psyber lure from his belt, unwound the silver cord and began to spin it in slow circles. The lure made a humming murmur.
the lure draws in sheen birds. We saw these in the first novel.

Page 40
It had been well over twelve months since we had last stood together upon that dark, overpopulated planet, and we returned now incognito.
A year since the last novel. we know alreay 10 months of that was spent on Unwerth's ship, so that means the way out was less than two months.. probably far less given all that happened in the book.

Page 43
The two silver kineblades pinning her long black hair plucked themselves free and circled towards us in the candlelight.
I brushed them aside carefully. Even in dreams, such weapons can wound.
Illusions can be deadly if the belief is there.

Page 46
...the Arethusa translated back into material space on the edge of the Eustis System. The old freighter had been so often repaired and rebuilt during its lifetime, that all clues to its original class and designation had long since vanished in the patchwork mess of its hull Unwerth liked to think of it (and, by extension, himself too) as a rogue trader, but it was little more than a tinker ship, scraping a living in cheap trinkets and surplus perishables up and down the trade lanes.

From retranslation, we joined the busy in-system route, and finally picked up the services of a pilot boat which led us in through the overcrowded rafts of the high anchor harbours to a vacant dock. Berthing fees were twenty crowns a day, and we reserved the anchorage for a calendar month.
comments on unwerth's status (which has implications for his ability and those of his ship) - probably more of a chartist captain than a genuine rogue trader.

Also orbital berthing space costs money, which makes sense (what? Space is free? not in this Imperium!)

Page 47
The stained globe of Eustis Majoris revolved slowly beneath us. The orbital harbours were superstructures of brass and steel, resembling in their structure and their glittering lights giant circus calliopes the size of continents, linked together in a loose string. More than ten thousand vessels alone clung at anchor to the scaf­fold-wharves around us. Some of the ships were private merchantmen, hauliers, trade-runners; others vast mass conveyance vessels from the noble chartered companies and the franchised lines. Rows of dull, grey Munitorum freighters suckled against raft-edges. Gold and crimson mission-ships of the Ecclesiarchy, splendid as ceremo­nial sceptres, dragged at the titanic chains that moored them to private, consecrated docking areas. In the dis­tance, threat-black warships skulked in armoured pens separate from the main harbours. Near-space bustled with traffic: shuttles, service ships, mobile derricks, tankers, lighters, lift ships bound for the surface, taking the traders' merchandise down to the markets of Eustis Majoris's cities.
10,000 (or more) ships docked at Eustis Majoris in 'continent sized' orbital harbours. It's implied that most or all of these are all warp capable, although it is quite possible that most of that is in-system craft (although the in-system craft as described in, for example, Rogue Trader, - lighters, lift ships, etc. - are all described separately. The in-system craft are also described as ferrying between docked ships and the surface, wheras the 10K are all baiscally docked.)

Like the Flint system example in the previous book, this has massive implications for trade and shipping. 10K warp capable starships is quite a bit, even for mercantile vessels. And while Eustis Majoris is a major world ( a subsector capital) that is JUSt for a subsector and it is unlikely it represents the vast majority of warp capable ships in the sector - indeed, given Flint we may suggest there's probably many times the number here spread across the subsecotr, nevermind the other subsectors. Which means we're probably talking tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of warp capable merchant ships of varying types in Scarus, and easily many hundreds of millions ot billions thorughout the Imperium (a mix of chartist, Navigator-piloted, etc.)

Even more, assuming that warships make up a tiny fraction of this number (less than 1%) we're talking many hundreds or even thousands of warships per sector in all probability (although as with merchant ships I'd assume that the bulk are escorts without navigators used primarily for convoy and patrol/recon duties, corvettes, scout ships, and the like. Probably nothing over 2 km, and most probably less. but also probably greater than 500-1000 meters depending on source.)

Further, since in-system ships are supposed to outnumber warp capable, this sets a lower limit on system ships (both nonmilitary and military).

Note as well the Mass Conveyors, munitorum and ecclesiarchy ships.

Page 49
I still had some doubts about Zael. He was very young and inexperienced, and displayed the beginnings of a potent psychic gift that he as yet did not understand. That rare quality of a mirror psychic, not active but pas­sively reflective. I kept him with me to watch over that growing talent, to nurture it.
active vs passive psychic power again

Page 51
His papers declared him to be a dealer and purveyor of antiquities, but that merely described the legitimate business he conducted to disguise his real work. It allowed him to travel widely through the sector, and availed him of opportunities to acquire curios and inspect the reserved collections of many museums and archives.
Culzean the facilitator. A specific sort of Chaos contract agnet or mercenary. Interesting how he can use a civilian 'trade' to facilitate passage between systems. I suspect this is the sort of agent that acts on behalf of planetary companies without requiring the nobles/leaders of those businesses to risk their own life or sanity offplanet.

Page 52
The Fratery had summoned him to Eustis Majoris, financed his passage, and paid for an exclusive suite at the Regency Viceroy in Formal C, at the heart of Petropolis.
This means they had to use astropathic communication probably, unless they're relying on couriers. It also represents yet another high end chaos organization that is well funded, spans multiple worlds, and has access to travel, trade, and other important tools.

Page 52
The magus-dancular was called Cornelius Lezzard. He was three hundred and ten years old, infirm and rad­dled with disease, his crippled body supported in an upright exoskeleton.
Another augmetic exoskeleton like what Eisenhorn has now (I think) and also over 310 years old, although apparnetly reaching the ends of his life. Given how often you see civilians in unarmoured exoskeletons you have to wonder why people screech about power armour being so rare. (Rather than it being available, just having drawbacks that make it undesirable for certain uses. Some people have this weird belief that in 40K power armour = uber soldiers.)

Page 52
He was sitting in a leather armchair, caressing a little simivulpa that played on his lap. As the fraters came in, he put the pet down and got to his feet. The silky fox-monkey barked and clambered up to perch on the back of the chair.
Something like the manhound Unwerth has. apparently the Imperium (at least in Scarus) has some sort of industry in engineering unique anmimals.

Page 54
"A deodand."Culzean said "is an object that has directly caused the death of a person or persons."
"Why do I collect them? Cherish them? You know what I do, Frater Arthous. I engineer destiny. These objects fascinate me. I believe they contain a vestige of some outer force, some happenstance. Each one crude, and of itself worthless, but empowered. I keep them by me as charms. Every single one has changed a person's fate. They remind me how fickle and sudden fate can be, how easily twisted."
Culzean's hobby. It seems to be tied to his activities with the warp and chaos. In a way it makes him a sort of scholar. Which is a pity, since I think he gets horribly under-utilized in Ravenor Rogue. In a way he's the real enemy of the series unlike Molotch (who is more of an anti-hero) - Moltoch and Culzean together form the Pontius-Glaw analogue for Ravenor.

Page 55
"The Fratery's seers on Nova Durma have seen something in their silver mirrors. A prospect that is - and I understand this is almost unheard of - almost one hundred per cent likely. Something will occur here, on Eustis Majoris, before the end of the year. A daemonic manifestation. It will shake history. Its name will be Slyte."
We first discovered the FRatery in the short story pertaining to Eisenhorn, which set up everything leading to the whole Slyte thing. Another sub-plot of the Ravenor series (and one that Abnett manages to pull off well) is the multi-faceted nature of Chaos, and how often those aspects can be at war with each other as much as with the Imperium.

Page 56
"Eisenhorn? That old bull? Now he I've most certainly heard of. Where is he in this picture?"
"He attempted to warn Ravenor of the prospect on Malinter last year. We were unable to stop him, though it seems Ravenor himself did not believe the warning. Eisenhorn was later tracked down and slain by our brothers on Fedra."

"Glory! You killed Gregor Eisenhorn?' asked Culzean."

"We believe so. He was confronted on Fedra, at the Mechanicus temple on Mars Hill. A considerable battle ensued, which ended with the explosive destruction of the entire site. His thread vanished from the seers' vision thereafter. To a degree of certainty, we are sure he is dead."

"To a degree of certainty?"

"He no longer appears in our scrying mirrors."
They believe Eisenhorn is dead and he is no longer persistent in their visions. A bit arrogant, given that its likely Eisenhorn is still alive (I think Abnett si writing the Eisenhorn vs Ravenor thing) and that Its possible to hide or muddle your presence in the warp. Eldar and daemons do it frequently, so why can't Eisenhorn with his daemonic ally and his knowlege. Hell it may even be Slyte muddling things.

Page 56-57
"This is where the clouding troubles us. There is contradiction in the seers' visions. Some say he is dead already. Others say he is here, amongst us, in Petropolis. It is possible he is here under a veil of the utmost secrecy. If so, that might explain the contradiction."
Fortelling/scrying in 40K seems to be affected by secrecy (or the lack thereof. Given that the nature of the warp is connected to people, and that thoughts and emotions leak into the warp, along with the whole time/space fuckery, this makes some sense.

You also have to consider just how much precog, scrying, divination and the like (not to mention other related, psychic acvitities) form a strong part of every aspect of both Imperial and Chaos activities in all walks of life. It isn't neccesarily accurate, but it does give them an info source that alot of universes don't always have access to. It also adds interesting and dangerous dimensions to intel, info security, and the like. not just in psychic scrying, evavesdropping, mind scanning, or such, but warp-based/daemonic attacks like scrapcode.

Page 57
"I'll need a psyker, immediately. Non-aligned, black market. Find out if Saul Keener is still operating on Eustis Majoris. He does good work."
There's apparently a black market on psykers. Powerful ones I imagine, astropath like or better, rather than just wyrds. This isn't the first time such is suggested, but that renegade psykers might operate semi-openly in the Imperium like that is interesting.

Page 57
"We can't worry about these determiners. They are all fungible elements. We have to clear the field and hone the prospect down to a bare, simple fact."
"You mean we have to kill them?" Arthous said.
"Probably. It's like surgery. We have to excise the muddle. I think we should start with him."
A rather interesting way of influencing prophecy, but it makes sense. Although it can effect its own changes to precog (by the absence of their input or the effects that absence creates) so it probably isn't that simple.

PAge 58
"Sacrifices?" asked Lezzard.

"At least a dozen." said Orfeo Culzean. "The Brass Thief gets his name because he steals lives. And when he wakes, he will be so awfully hungry."
The Brass Thief. First mention,a nd the importance of sacrifices.

Page 60
The Mansoor Hagen Manufactory in Formal H had once, proudly, been the subsector's chief producer of buttons and other quality clothing fasteners. Twenty years before, it had ceased production and closed down; maybe there had been a new trend in button recycling, maybe the citizens of the Angelus Subsector had begun to care less if they were decently fastened up.
A rather trivial yet still interesting aspect of subsector trade. you generally don't think about buttons and where they come from in 40K :P

Page 61
The manufactory itself was a massive ouslite blockhouse a kilometre long and half a kilometre wide, rising nearly four hundred metres above the top of the upper stack levels. It lay across eight sink blocks, arranged roughly east-west along its longest sides.
The western end looked out to Formal F and the sprawl of factory residuals. The eastern end faced the vast donjon of the Informium Depository on the boundary of Formal D.
I'd guess if it lays across eight blocks each block must be 250x250m, which fits with more 'mdoern' definitions of blocks. It's not the only example, but its worth noting as one possibility. Alternate interpretations lie in various sources: Let the galaxy burn, Mechanicum (km high hab blocks) and hive blocks a km across from Salamander

Page 62-63
The docent produced a datawand from under his mantle and flipped it on. A hololithic list of headings and sub headings projected up into the air from the wand's tip. "Do you require births? Deaths? Marriages? Lineage? Augment or cloning records? Land rights? Set­tlements? Copyright manifests? Historical and/or analytical claims? Tithe records? Buskage? Tullage? Vellement? Remallage? Gubernatorial records-"
list of records on Eustis Majoris. The Tithe, Copyright, and augment.cloning records are interesting, although unsurprising (no unsanctioned clones or illegal augmentations which could cause problems.)

Page 65
The vast, illuminated shape of the Informium was coming up.
It was one of the largest single buildings in the inner Formals, and the depository of all civic documents and records for Eustis Majoris.
baiscally they hold the records for ten billion or more people over countless years/decades/centuries. Given the obsessive nature of the Administratum towards info that implies some pretty impressive records searching ability (since its doubtufl they are super organized)

Page 66
The street was a necklace of lights a kilometre below.
The Informium is about a kilometre in height.

PAge 66
Kara quickly unwound the mono-filament line wrapped around her waist.
- Kara uses mono-filament wire to help Nayl. It must be different from a more lethal kinds because it ain't cutting him.

Page 67
She sent a nudge.
+Carl? We're waiting.+
+I didn't know you could cast. Since when could you cast?+
+I dunno. I just thought out loud and there you were.+
Kys again can communicate telepathically. So can Zael (at least with another psyker.)

Page 69
Most of the data storage in the Petropolis Informium was beneath the ground in colossal vaults, or housed in crypts in the building's massive outer walls. The sheer quantity of cogitator activity in the donjon was so great that it generated a staggering amount of bleed heat. Superconductor nets, laced throughout the Informium's superstructure, channelled the heat waste away to prevent the files from corrupting or combusting, and it was vented into the central flues of the building and out through the roof vanes.
Commentary on the data storage and computer systems of the aforementioend Informium. Gives a rare insight into cooling/heat dissipation tech in the Imperium.

Page 71
Part of the silver podium's front slid open to lever out an articulated glass palm reader.
"Place his hand on the plate, mamzel."
There was a pause. A light on the podium flashed diffidently. "Now that can't be right…" the clerk began.
earlier noted as a "gene-screen" for Zael.

Page 73
"The reader's posted an extreme crime link,' the clerk said, as if he didn't believe it himself. 'It's sealed the building, and sent an automatic response to the Magistratum headquarters..."
"He's a malefactor. Wanted on seven worlds. High profile, max security case."
Multi world criminals, but also security systems in the event of a crime.

Page 74
Zael had already peeled the moulded plastek glove off his hand, removing the fake hand print.
neat toy.

Page 75-76
The system was still running, open. In their hurry to evacuate, as Carl had predicted, none of the
clerks had shut down their cogitators. No user codes to break no passkeys.
Carl punched up some data gates, and the screen showed entry to the main banks. Then he opened his document case and took out the compact codifier concealed inside. Carl connected it to the desk's out-ports, and the little machine began to murmur and sigh.

The Informium's vast data system was programmed to hibernate if an overheat was experienced. It was automatic. The databases shut themselves down, and subsystems also disengaged, to try and compensate for the problem. The first routines to close off were the activity records. Which meant that any operation conducted during hibernation would not be logged. When the system came back up, there would be no trace at all of any tampering or adjustment.
Carl delicately loaded the graft program from his codifier. It sank into the Informium's oceanic mass of data and vanished. Literally without trace. But it would stay there, and through it, Carl would be able to access any material he needed.
Thonius goes a-hacking again.

Page 81
Carl rolled the man so he was staring up at him, and I wore Carl's eyes for moment to get a clear view.
Ravenor's waring again.

Page 81
I reached out with my mind and gently began to kneed the muscles of Carl's face. He whimpered in discomfort. I slackened some, tightened others, caused flesh to swell and droop, pinched eyelids. His face was like clay.
It hurt him a lot.
- Ravenor psychically rearranges the muscles in Carl Thonius' face to make him look like something else. I guess polymoprhine isnt the only way to do it.

Page 85
"Facial transfiguration by psionic manipulation is a complex process, painful, and may take many hours to relax. Four to five hours is the norm, after the initial slackening, though some tics and discomforts may be felt as long as forty-eight hours later."
After effects of Ravenor's psychic manipulation.

Page 87
The grand templum was an ancient, towering place, though it was dwarfed by the enormous Administry towers around it. It was just one of the tens of thousands of Ecclesiarchy temples and chapels in the wide city....
Temples in the city.

Page 96
Carl had set up in the east bedroom, his equipment resting on packing cases. His cogitators had a vapour link to the local wireless mast (registered, via the graft, to an invented rickshaw firm) and dry.'ground splices to the main civic data conduits in the street outside, cour­tesy of a midnight pavement excavation by Nayl and Zeph. He also had click-links to the municipal vox sys­tem and landlines.

Page 97-98
I'd told him everything about the warning my once-mentor Eisenhorn had delivered on Malinter, six months earlier. Thorn had been quite specific. The Divine Fratery, a cult of seers based on Nova Durma, who delighted in farseeing the future and then manipulating it to their own dark ends, had seen something - a prospect - that concerned either me or one of my team. We would awaken something here on Eustis Majoris before the end of the year, which was just a few short months away now, and the Imperium would pay dearly for that mistake. The danger went by the name of Slyte or Sleight or Sleet or something of that form. I hated farseers. I'd done enough farseeing myself in my early days with the eldar to know that way led only to madness.

I was also concerned about the Cognitae connection. The Cognitae was - is - a cult school for genius heretical minds ran nearly a century before by a witch named Lilean Chase. My nemesis, the now-dead Zygmunt Molotch, had been a pupil of that school. Though shut down, its hand was in everything, stirring, tainting, fiddling. So many of its brethren were out there, unrecognised. I had encountered a shipmaster on my way into Lucky Space, a man named Siskind. He had been of the Cognitae bloodline, and his cousin, Kizary Thekla, master of the Oktober Country, had been the primary architect of our fate at Bonner's Reach.

Although deceased, one member of the Contract Thirteen cartel had enjoyed strong Cognitae associations. It made me worry. Were we entering a war as bloody and deceitful as the campaign we had waged against the bastard Molotch?
Ravenor reviews his little meeting with Eisenhorn in the short story 'Thorn wishes Talon' IIRC. This means it occured during the 10 month return trip to Eustis Majoris (eg between the end of Ravneor and this novel)

Also Ravenor Rogue will conclude within 'a few short months' which suggests the entire span of the series takes place in fewer than two yeras.

Ravenor seems to lump human precog/diviniation techniques (like Chaos cults such as the fratery use, although I imagine the Imperium have their own versions) in with Eldar farseeing - as in being the same thing but not on the same level of skill, obviously.

Page 98-99
Autoguns, laspistols, bolters, sense-rifles, grenades, daggers and estocs, throwing darts, revolvers, pump-guns, sting-blunts, synapse disruptors, ammo drums, mags, individual loads, a matched pair of fighting poniards, a longlas, an Urdeshi-made assault weapon.
He reached down and grabbed a twinned set of nine mil Hostec 5 autos, burnished in gold, raised, them, one in each hand, spun them forward, spun them back - Click! Clack! Click! - smacked them into grip, forward spun them again and then set them down.
"The 5's? They kill folk."
"Your basic squeeze and forget. Self-aiming. One touch drains the clip. Here's the slide, see?"
Nayl beckoned him over and racked back the top of one of the golden pistols. "See, the ejector port here?
Nayl's arsenal, running from the mundane to the exotic. The main interesting bit are the synapse disruptors and sense rifles - the latter perhaps being some self-targeting weapon.

Also Nayl comments on a 'basic' autopistol that is 'squeeze and forget' self aiming, and can rapidly empty its clip of 9mm ammo (15-20 rounds maybe?) It suggsests executioner-like homing ammo is neither rare nor expensive, at least at the Inqusitorial agent scale. I'd bet the sense rifles are something similar. Given that 'Pariah' had autopistols with 30 round clips and 500 m ranges, and the autopistols from the last novel that could empty their clips rapidly and take apart bad guys, autopistols are insane in these books.

Page 100
Carl and I had not been idle during our months spent in transit aboard Unwerth's vessel. We had been prepar­ing the ground, investigating, searching data, developing evidence. All inquisitors do this. If they tell you they don't, they're either lying or incompetent. I know for a fact my old mentor Eisenhorn would spend months, years sometimes, locking together the intricate webs of data that supported his investigations. Any effort of the Inquisition founders immediately if the ground is not well prepared.

I had a back-file of data on Contract Thirteen that filled twenty-six slates. Carl and I charted the threads together on a tri-D strategium that Fyflank rigged up in the belly hold of the Arethusa.
Two light-days out from Eustis Majoris, Carl and I finally settled on our preferred strategy. The names, the places, the links.
Ravenor makes comment on Inquisitorial procedure, at least within Scarus. Wehther it extends beyond that (or beyond the segmentum) we don't know. This tends to really ruin the image of the cruel, fanatical Inquisitor types,b ut it echoes the FFG material so I approve.

It also (pervesely) suggests there may be some sort of legal problems even Inquisitors face. I'd guess it doesnt matter with the average soule, but with nobles, adeptus officials and the like, politics can be a hinderance.

Page 102
Kara leapt off the balcony into the bay, somersaulting, an Urdeshi machine pistol in each hand.
She was firing before she even landed. Her caseless rounds stripped through the hammers around Tchaikov, bursting blood steam into the cold air of the dock, dropping them like stones.
Caseless machine pistol rounds gaing.

Page 102
"Let's hope Carl's right." Kara replied, drawing the shiv­ered sword sheathed over her back.
The sword had been mine - when I'd been a wielder of such hand weapons - long ago. Forged so hard by the hammers of master smiths, the blade had been knocked slightly sideways in time, so it resonated and shivered against the mundane now.
A beautiful weapon, and Kara Swole was beautiful enough to wield it.
Tchaikov produced her weapon. A litoge whip, just as Carl had predicted. Eight metres of thin, coiling, sen­tient iron, manufactured by an abominable race who dwelt deep in the outworlds.
She swept up with the sword, and took a metre off the whip. The cut length fell to the deck, its fused end fizzling.
Tchaikov cried out and lashed again. Another two metres of living metal flew away, smouldering at the cut.

Tchaikov dropped the litoge whip. It fell dead on the deck.
Yet another fun xenos/choas weapon, and a funky magic sword (psychic power vibro blade?) seems to generate alot of friction however it works.

Page 103
She turned and reached a hand out towards the open hatchway of her flier.
A sword flew into her grasp. It was a power-weapon, the blade wide and long, the grip double-handed, keyed to her response. Even from a distance, I could smell and taste its thirst. Blood. It was vampire steel, hungry and insolent.
Vampire steel, yet more magic weapons (or daemonc?) and a power weapon that is 'keyed' to the person. I'm gessing that might be why it leaps to her hand.

Page 104
For this endeavour, where the rest of the team were wearing bodygloves and wire armour....
Wire armour. some sort of mail/mesh variant perhaps.

Page 104
My mind had possessed Mathuin's body for the duration of the mission.

Waring is a skilful, strange activity. I am able to ware almost anyone, though the level of trauma for both me and the subject increases dramatically if they are unwill­ing. I hardly ever used Nayl, Kys or Carl this way, except in emergencies: it was too much like hard work. Kara was more pliant, though waring left her weary and strung out. For some reason, Zeph was the most usable candidate in my team. I could slip in and out of his mind with a minimum of pain. He never objected. It was one of the reasons he remained in my employ.

Waring gave me a physical presence I otherwise lacked, and the opportunity to empty the skills and tal­ents of the subject directly. Zeph Mathiun was a tall and powerful man, an ex-bounty hunter like Nayl. His skin was dark, and his black hair tightly braided out down his back. His eyes were little unreadable coals of red-hard light. His left hand was a polished chrome augmetic tool. He was a mystery, his past a secret, a blank. Even from inside his mind, I knew little about him expect that which he was prepared to tell me. I never probed. Mathuin worked for me because he liked the work and he was good at it. He could keep his secrets: that was all that mattered.
Waring, and Zeph again.

Page 105
"We were forced to mount this raid because I couldn't hook in to Tchaikov's data systems covertly from outside. Couldn't get a line, not even the whiff of data heat. This is why. She doesn't use a data system."

"Not at all?"

"You see any cogitators? Any codifiers? Any data engines at all?"

He was right. The room was devoid of any computation devices. There wasn't even any electrical wiring, no ports, no vox links, nothing. Tchaikov ran her entire operation on paper, the old-fashioned way. There was nothing that could be hacked or broken into.
Cognitae sneakiness, as well as a bit on data systemh acking from Thonius again.. I guess 'data heat' is a wireless connection.

Page 105
"Plus, of course, the records suggest Tchaikov was Cognitae-trained. The Cognitae use machines as little as possible, preferring to trust their own minds."
I guess this suggests mentat-like abilities :P

Page 106
He stroked the edges of the glass cube gently. "They were made by the gullivat three thousand years ago, before they suffered their cultural backslide. The gullivat are now a proto-primitive race unable to fathom the mechanisms they created. They adored secrets and puz­zles. Indeed, to this day, no one knows why their culture collapsed in the first place. The riddle boxes are arte­facts. They come up for sale, once in a while. I doubt Tchaikov was rich enough to buy one. The cartel must have given her this to run their dealings."
"How does it work?"
"It's inert, a crystal cube within a crystal cube within a crystal cube, et cetera. There's no way of knowing how many layers it has. Usually, they are built with anything from ten to seventeen layers. You see the figures carved into the sides?"
"The riddle box must be turned, each layer in sequence, carefully rotated, until a final alignment is made. Then it opens. Inside, there will be a codex stone, the size of a small pebble, a perfect glass sphere onto which all Tchaikov's secrets are etched in microscopic form."
He pointed to a side table on which sat a complex instrument that looked like a microscope to me. "There's the reader. You place the sphere in here, and study it via the scope. And look, here's the etching needle mount that swings in when she wants to add new information."
"'It's constructed to grind the sphere clean if the cubes are tampered with."
riddle, security device, and safe of sorts for info.

Page 109
She clutched her belly and stared in disbelief. Blood was leaving her body. It was leaving her body through the cut, tumbling in droplets through the air, the slow arc of red drizzle pulled towards Tchaikov's blade.
Kara fell on her knees. Her blood was flying out of her now, like red streamers, flowing towards the thirsty sword, collecting like dew on the blade.
It was sucking her dry.
Effect of vampire steel.

Page 109
Patience Kys landed on the loading deck with a thump. Her kineblades orbited about her body like pilot fish around a shark. She blinked and they flew forward at Tchaikov… and then clattered to the deck, dead, a few metres from her. Tchaikov's damper had cancelled out Kys's telekinesis.
- Tchaikov is wearing a psi damper that blocks out Kys' telekinesis. The interesting thing about Kys' blades is that they seem to be constantly propelled by her TK, they aren't 'thrown' as they are manipulated by invisible hands all the way to the target. hence without TK driving them, they apparnetly lack actual force.

Page 109
Nayl fired. Tchaikov swung the sword and deflected the shot so it ricocheted away across the warehouse and buried itself in a bale of fabric.

Nayl fired again, and again Tchaikov knocked the round aside in mid-air with her sword.
Either Tchaikov or the blade (or both together) deflect rounds frm Nayl's handgun. Says alot about skills/reflexes and strength.

Page 110
Nayl raised his handgun again and slid his thumb across the selector lever.
"How do you do on full auto?" he asked.

The gun began to fire, roaring, one squeeze of the trig­ger unloading the full clip at auto-max. To her credit, Tchaikov parried the first three shots.

The fourth hit her in the left thigh, the fifth took off her right leg at the knee. She fell and the rest went wide.

The sword clattered to the deck, and then began to inch itself towards the pool of hot blood spreading from Tchaikov's severed leg.
Full auto vs bullet deflecting magic sword. Nayl's pistol round takes leg off at knee. I think this would require either some very frangible/expanding/explosive ammo, or a very high velocity tumbling round. Laspistols might be capable of similar.

Page 121-122
"The Departmento Medicae struck me off and stripped me of my practice. They took away my credentials because I was found guilty of serious malpractice. "

"Malpractice. Serious professional misconduct contrary to my oath as a Medicae Imperialis."
"My community practice had a budget. It was nothing like enough. You've seen the way it is down in the J. I could barely cope. Malnutrition, low-grade pollution disorders, addiction, chronic disease. People were dying - really, actually dying, I mean - because I couldn't afford the treatments for everyone. So I tried to work the system. I filed false subsist vouchers, claimed for practice expenses that didn't exist, defrauded the welfare system, just so I could bulk up my budget and afford the things I needed. The things my patients needed. The Administratum caught me, fair and square. Tore up my licence, kicked me out and told me I was lucky not to get a custodial."
"The formal infirmaries automatically deny treatment to any clan members injured in street clashes. Any drug addicts. Any persons who've lost their subsist code. Any child who doesn't present with a registered parent or guardian. The Administratum, by its own figures, recommends there should be one practising medicae for every five thousand citizens of any Imperial city. You know what the split is here in Petropolis? One medic for every hundred thousand habbers. A hundred thousand, so help me!"
Doc Belknap enters the picture. We get a bit more of a grimdark look at medical practice in 40K and how inequalities play into it. Reminds me alot of American medical health care, although on some level I suspect this might be better in some ways and worse than others.

Interesting as well that the Administratum enforces certain 'regulations' -at least in this subsector/sector, with regards to health care, although it doesn't do it severely.
Dr. Trainwreck
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Dr. Trainwreck »

The scale seems oddly inverted in this context, as I recall the scale depicted in other sources. Indeed if Alphas are the most powerful, deltas should be more, and gammas less.
No, the scale is on the Greek alphabet. Gamma is C, delta is D.
Ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμϐαίνουσιν, ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ. Δὶς ἐς τὸν αὐτὸν ποταμὸν οὐκ ἂν ἐμβαίης.

The seller was a Filipino called Dr. Wilson Lim, a self-declared friend of the M.I.L.F. -Grumman
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I really continue to be bemused at how I utterly failed to look that up before commenting, given how simple a mistake it is to make :D
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next Ravenor update. Part 2 of 3

PAge 127-128
The little golden pyramid shook again, and then unfolded.

It didn't unleash a figure. It bent and deformed to cre­ate one. The folding golden sides twisted and extended, doming a shape that coalesced out of a mist that spilled from the opening centre of the pyramid. A crouched, hunched figure formed, head down, curled. The golden tracery of the device wrapped itself up and down the fig­ure's limbs, creating armour, an encasing suit, a crested helmet.
The Brass Thief rose to its feet. Smoke poured off it, gusted from its awakening. It was thin, wrapped in segmented plates of gold and brass, faceless but for eyeslits in the high-crested helm.

"The incunabula is awake." Keener whispered.

"Tell it to feast." Culzean said.
Keener spoke with his mind, via the orb, and the golden figure stepped forward. Warp-smoke dribbled off its golden limbs. It raised its hands and, with a wet click, extended the rhyming swords.
It took a step towards the nearest cage. The sacrifices within saw it coming and squealed.
It lashed through the bars, its blades meeting flesh, and began to feed.
Six minutes later, with the cages reduced to buckled frames full of fuming bones, the incunabula clacked to the edge of the scribing and folded its rhyming swords.
The Brass thief awakens (I hate the other name) and the use of the sacrifices. It seems that the thing is similar to Eldar Avatars and wraithguard/wraithlords, Khornate and other Chaos Daemon engines, and similar devices. It's basically some sort of physical, inorganic frame that houses a daemonic/warp essence. Although here I think it is of unaligned chaos (like Furies)

Page 128
Culzean held up one of the scraps of paper. "You see? Read it right. Understand?"
The Brass Thief gently nodded its crested helm.
The Brass Thief rocked and vast metal wings articulated out of its back. The wings flapped and it ascended, turning out of the scribed circle, out of the lighthouse.
The Brass Theif can fly, and it understands human language.

Page 129
...smiling at the cheers he had raised from the assembled highborn dignitaries of the Manufactory Guild. The guild was one of the most influential bodies in the subsector, representing both state and private business interests...
The Imperium incorporates both 'state' (Imperial) and private business interests, and unites them in a single guild that has influence across the whole subsector. Again an interesting glimpse into the economic/industrial side of the Imperium, and multi-planet corporate/guild entities.

Page 130
Halwah was a tall, poised woman in her one-seventies, who looked a youthful forty-something thanks to the expensive juvenat treatments she had enjoyed.

Wise, thought Trice, to choose a cut that conceals your elbows, my mistress. It was always the elbows that gave away a woman's true age, no matter how strenuous the juvenat work.
170s and looks in the 40s.. ~aging reduced by 1/4 basically. And yet another biologicla hint of juvenat.

Page 132
"The value of the crown in the rimward market is.still declining. I have to put in a call to the chief treasurer on Caxton before the market closes. Once that onerous duty is done... the chief treasurer does so enjoy the sound of his own voice amplified by astropath..."

More laughter.

"...I will return. Between you and me, honoured friends, it's jitters. Our Lord Barazan came to office three years ago, and the honeymoon period is over. Investors and some trade amalgams in the rim are getting edgy that the liberal reforms our lord promised at inaugura­tion are slow to be fulfilled. What is it I always say?"


"So excuse me while I take a moment to dampen their nerves. You'll appreciate it on the morrow when you slate-read your trading portfo­lios. As for you, dear Mistress Halwah, I swear on my mother's pristine honour that I will return in no more than fifteen minutes."
Subsector finance and economics. Like all other areas, it involves psykers (both for communication and, I suspect, divination/prediction) and we also get indicators that the 'crown' is the unit of currency in this sector.

Also 15 minutes tops to conduct an astropathic discussion between two people - one on Caxton and one on Eustis Majoris. I'd guess maybe 15-20 LY between Caxton and Eustis Majoris as per the Ravenor maps. We know that he must listen to the guy talk, so there's at least 2 if not 3 messages back and forth. Assuming at least 3 messages back and forth (two responses and one more from the source)

At the absolute minimum its 7.5 minutes lag (back and forth both ways) so at last 1 million c at 5 minutes (3 messages) 1.5 million. Millions of c at LEAST for a single astropath, and quite possibly faster (even nearly realtime) depending on how extensive the conversation is. Probably alot faster, since the comments suggest it may take less than 15 minutes, there's awlays time to encrypt and translate the message,s and so on.

Page 132
Immediately, four waiting house guards from the Gubernatorial Service closed around him: bullish men in dark blue leather and ceramite, visors down, hellguns mag-clamped to their chest plates. As a senior official of the subsector Administratum, Trice enjoyed all the pro­tection benefits of the lord governor himself.
Private government troopers... Elite PDF I'd guess, given their stormtrooper grade equipment (rigid armor and hellguns and visors)

Page 133
The suite was a series of luxurious meeting rooms, designed to be completely surveillance-opaque, so that the senior ambassadors of the diplomatic department could conduct conversations in the strictest secrecy.

As soon as he was inside, the door closed. Trice felt the vibration hum of audio-bouncers, vox-inhibiters and psy-blunt systems activating and overlapping.
Security measures against intrusion.

Page 136
Half a dozen armed Magistratum officers spilled out into the long hallway and found themselves between the chief provost and the golden daemon.

Two more armoured heads were carved in half, then the daemon speared its blades into two chests, somersaulted, and brought the rhyming swords down in scything strokes that cleft the last two from their shoulders to their navels. One of the final pair opened fire, but it was just a nerve spasm. Hellgun shots whickered up the processional wall as the man collapsed.
Magistratum troopers have hellguns.

Page 136
Trice gawped in dread as the razor-edged blades swung at him simultaneously. But he was a quick-witted man. He had already activated the displacer field built into his amulet of office.
Jader Trice vanished in an oily smudge of air, and reappeared ten metres away down the processional. The incunabula's blades sliced through empty space.


"Avaunt thee!" Trice yelled at the oncoming mon­ster, his hands forming a hexagrammic sign in its face.

The incunabula recoiled for a moment, then spun its blades and pounced at the chief provost.
Displacement device and Trice attempting to repel the daemon.

Page 136
Auto-fire of tremendous force blew it out of the air before it could reach him. It crashed sideways into the wall, crazed the stone facing, and hit the ground.

Before it could rise, a second blaze of auto-fire smacked into it, tumbling it away across the marble floor. By now, the music in the hall had broken off and hundreds of voices were rising in loud panic.

Toros Revoke strode towards the crumbled incunabula, keeping the hellgun he had snatched from one of the butchered house guards raised and aimed. It wasn't dead. He could see that. It had soaked up a lot of punishment, but still it wasn't dead. Revoke started firing again, ripping the creature backwards.

Then the powerclip was out, the weapon dead, and the Brass Thief was surging up at him, renewed, blades whirring. The first chop sheared the hellgun in half.
Revoke appears again, using Enuncia to drive off the Brass Thief.
Also, hellgun fire with considerable kinetic effect. I'm guessinv explosive vaporization. We dont know how much the Brass thief weighs, but assuming it weighs as much as an Astartes (call it 200-500 kg) and a bit faster than speed of sound in water (2 km/s) it probably vapes 100-250 grams of matter, for 200-500 kj over a short period of time.

Page 136-137
Revoke flicked aside like a dancer, turning a one-handed spring that took him clear. The Thief jerked its golden head round, cocked on one side, as if curi­ous. It swung murderously for Revoke again, and again he evaded, this time with a rapid backwards handspring.
Revoke is able to match speeds with the Brass Thief, ableit temporarily.

Page 138
"He.." Culzean began, uncertainly. "He is fighting with it. He seems to be unarmed, but he has closed with it. He... Oh, so fast! He's matching it move for move, reading every cut it tries to make, evading. The speed, the skill is... phenomenal."

"No one can do that." said Leyla Slade. "Not against the incunabula. It's not possible."
"The movements are so fluid, so fast, I can scarcely track them. But it won't last."
Revoke is, I think,a psyker, so this may explain his ability to (briefly) It could be tied to the Enuncia.

Page 138
Instinct told Revoke he was just two, maybe three, strokes from running out of luck. He couldn't sustain this pace of combat much more than a few seconds longer. He sidestepped the Thief and yelled an un-word in desperation.

The force of the un-word smashed the incunabula back fifty metres. It hit the processional's side wall, cratering it, and fell to the floor.
I'm guessing Revoke's enhancement, whatever it's form, is temporary because it puts a strain on his body.

Page 139
Almost dragging Trice, Revoke reached the stairwell that led down to the palace's wide courtyard. Behind him, the incunabula stirred and got up. It flew after its prey, down the hall, down the staircase, into the courtyard.

And halted. The raised weapons of sixty palace troopers faced it.

The men opened fire.

The vast barrage blew the stone doorway apart, shat­tered the lintel and punched deep shot-craters in the stones of the wall. The night lit up with a dazzling storm of energy bolts.
The incunabula came out of that fire, las-rounds bouncing like raindrops off the primaevally-forged metal of its sheathing armour. The rhyming swords glowed red with heat as they swung.
Mass hellgun fire agains thte Brass Thief (an the immediate surroundings)

Page 139
There was an especially vivid flash of light. A spe­cialist trooper team hefting a plasma cannon had begun to open fire. The Brass Thief lurched as it was hit, turned, and threw one of its rhyming swords at the weapon-team.

Tip-first, the whistling blade tore through the plasma weapon's breach and impaled the chief opera­tor. Its power-pod ruptured, the plasma cannon exploded, incinerating the entire team in a boiling cloud of violet energy. The shockwave felled another dozen men nearby. A fragment of razor-sharp debris from the cannon's focus ring zinged out and sliced through the neck of a guard officer.


Then it held out its empty hand and the rhyming sword it had thrown flew back into its grasp, plucked from the burning corpse.
Brass thief resists a man portable plasma cannon. Plasma cannon explosion badly burns or cremates a heavy weapons team.

Brass thief can throw and retrieve its swords.

Page 141
Revoke tried to reply, but his mouth was bleeding from the un-word he had used to knock the daemon down in the processional. That had been the only thing that had worked.
Though it hurt and tore his throat, Revoke howled another un-word. The advancing incunabula rocked back as if it had been hit in the chest by a tank round .

Revoke could smell psychic powers suddenly. The trace had probably been there all along, but he'd been too busy to taste it. He reached out with his telepathy, not at the approaching daemon - that would have been futile - but at the distant mind that guided it.

"Toros!" Jader Trice cried out. The Brass Thief was pow­ering forward. Two more un-words, agonisingly voiced, slapped it back. Revoke's real counterattack was some­where else. As he shouted the monster down, his mind was soaring elsewhere, into the dark, into the depths of the city.


Orfeo Culzean tore his hand away from the orb to break contact. He had felt what was coming. A vengeful telepathic fury of hideous force struck Saul Keener like a hammer blow. He stroked out at once, his brain pulped. His eyes burst into flames. With a violent, twitching fit, he toppled over, dead.
Use of Enuncia has severe physical side effects on REvoke. Also there is obviously a strong psychic connection between the Brass Thief and its psychic controller, which is a rather severe drawback (for the controller.) We also get confirmation that Revoke is a powerful psyker.

Page 143
"And - we will need another psyker. Someone very able. I'd like the Fratery to procure one this time, preferably someone from off-world. Bring them here."
Fratery again has access to off world transport.

Page 147-148
I activated my chair's display mechanism. The slot opened and the projector slid out, casting the hololithic image of my rosette. It was not the regular red sigil. I had adopted the azure mark of Special Condition, the grave, winged skull.
"I am an inquisitor, yes. Once of the Ordo Xenos Helican. Now in Special Condition operation here on Eustis Majoris."
More on the "Special Condition" status. The interesting bit is how Ravenor specifies that whilst under Special Condition he is no longer "officially" part of the Ordo Xenos in the Helican subsector. I wonder if this is a general Inquisitional thing, or just specific to Scarus/Helican in particular, since the FFG RPGs hint at a somewhat different structure existing in Calixis. Also, the above would imply that few, if any, Inquisitors in Scarus are truly unattached to one Ordo or another, since by the third novel Ravenor is considered to have gone "rogue." Another possibility is that the only way one exists as an unattached inquisitor in Helican/Scarus is simply by avoiding the Ordos entirely.

Page 148
"...we are here in total secrecy. That's what Special Condition means. We cannot contact the authorities for help. Not even medical help. "
I guess it's a grace period before being declared rogue, basically :P

Page 148
"I have a salve, a certain tincture. I can arrest the blood loss for a while. Then, if I can run some tests, I might be able to counter the damage. But, my resources… I'll need a transfuser, of course…"
Belknap, the doctor and new member of the entourage, thinks he can save Kara from the nonstop bleeding of the Vampire blade.

Page 149
"I read the dying fibre-traces of a daemon in the air. It was loose, somewhere, a being so powerful I didn't want to find it. Something primaeval, an atavistic throwback to the pre-formed ages of Chaos, an incunabula."
An explanation of the Brass Thief's origins.

Page 151-152
Plyton lived in the spare room of her elderly uncle's town-hab in Formal E, and usually travelled to work on the rail transit.
So she'd borrowed her uncle's transport and driven in to work instead. Uncle Valeryn was getting on, and pretty much housebound. He'd been a musician in his day, though mental infirmity meant the clavichord no longer sang under his fingers. But he'd been successful enough to accumulate modest wealth, and afford a two-storey town-hab in an inner formal, and a private nurse.
Plyton's lifestyle (a Magistratum officer.) I suppose her uncle would qualify as upper middle class.

Page 152
He hadn't driven the Bergman since '89, when the Administratum had cancelled his permit on health grounds. But he kept it garaged in the private bunkers under the hab block...
Personal transportation, and the Administratum actually has the good judgement to prevent old people incapable of driving from actually driving.

Page 152
He looked at her, in her full Magistratum harness, body-plate, helmet hooked at her waist..
Magistratum outfit. I guess the body plate is carapace.

Page 152-153
The Bergman Amity Veluxe was a four-litre carbide coupe with slate-green bodywork and extravagant chrome. Plyton adored it, adored its leather and linseed smell, its rumbling under note. On her salary, even allowing for promotion, she'd never afford a private transporter like the Bergman herself. The story went her uncle had been given it as a gift by a conductor who had been brought to tears by the way Valeryn had played a particular work.

As she drove up through the expressways and interlinks of the inner formals, the traffic grew denser. Thick clouds of acid fog had draped the streets with a yellow mist.
I wonder what STC pattern it comes from? :P

Also apparently on Hives like Eustis MAjoris personal transport is a sign of wealth or status or connections.

Page 155
"By the way, speaking of the sacristy case, I pulled that file for you."
"Yeah? From home?"
Limbwall blushed slightly. "Yes. Throne, please don't tell Rickens. He'll have my guts. I've enhanced the cogitator in my hab with department codes so I can keep up with the workload after hours. I'd never manage otherwise."
"Limbwall, you know that after hours is meant for recreation? A relaxed meal, a drink or two with friends, maybe even a relationship?"
"If I didn't take the work home, I'd never meet the deputy's needs. Six hours, maybe seven, I work off-duty. Don't tell me you never take work home."
Limbwall is technically magistratum, but he's more of a clerk/secretary/Administratum type than anything. Still, considering the status of the Special Department he and Plyton work for, and that he apparently lives in a hab, suggests he's not exaclty upper-upper tier. Maybe what passes for "middle class?"

Page 157
She was checking the magnetic charge of her hand picter when she realised a service-issue blunt was being aimed at her face.
Two men stood before her, blocking the entrance. Both wore Magistratum armour, but armour which entirely lacked any ident or badge. Their visors were down. Their handguns were threatening.
'blunt' seems to be a kind of handgun. Presumably not a stubber or autoweapon though, but knowing Abnett it could be just that and he made up another (local) name for em. Also yet more indications of the MAgistratum wearing enforcer-like outfits.

Page 158-159
Plyton sat down at her desk and code-entered her cogitator's data-function along with the Canticle of Awakening. Surface data fluttered up, but nothing deep. All her precious records of the Aulsman case, including the first round of picts she'd taken of the secret ceiling, were inaccessible.

A squad of cogitator adepts from Technicus, escorted by a phalanx of Magistratum marshals, entered the Special Crime department. The adepts set to work at once, dismantling the department's cogitators.
Plyton accesses her work computer.

Page 162
Besides, he'd sent the twenty men of his crew ashore for relaxation at the harbour taverns, and total silence would have been unnerving.

Unwerth was assessing the general repair of the ship. Three small servitors clattered after him obediently. Two were basic maintenance units. The third carried a massive, leather-cased book in its upper limbs, supporting it open as if its arms were a lectern. The book was the Arethusa's repair ledger. At every inspection point, Unwerth would make some observations then walk over to the book the servitor held for him. With an ink pen, Unwerth carefully added any work needed to the manifest list, which the crew would consult later as they rostered for repair duties. A simple data-slate would have done the job, but Unwerth had a particular devotion to the sheer material substance of paper.
- the Arethusa has a crew of twenty including Unwerth presumably not including servitors.

Page 165
The bounty hunter idly began to unclasp and remove the armoured gauntlets of his carapace armour, and set them on a side table.
- Worna is described having Carapace (again)

Page 170
The sheer scale of the Contract Thirteen operation was becoming evident. It had been going on for years. I had suspected that thousands of tainted devices had been smuggled into Petropolis, but the actual figure was currently close to five million.

Five million! If that were true, vast substrates of the Administratum in the hive were currently using warp-infected engines on a daily basis.
An indication of the scale of cogitator devices present on Eustis Majoris.

Page 172
...some of the cartel members had grown so rich on their profits that they had already quit and retired. That was virtually unheard of, a rogue trader selling up his ship and retiring to a life of luxury.
Again I have to wonder if Abnett is confusing what a 'rogue trader' and a 'free trader' are out of universe, but in universe we would rationalize it as the various "wildcat" or 'lesser' rogue trader charters that the Adminstratum is reputedly said to mass produce - newer, less impressive, and generally more specialized. (as opposed to the older, 'true' charters, which give a person the potential power equal to say, an Inquisitor.)

Page 172
Athen Strykson came from Eustis Majoris. The place he had purchased was in Farthingale, a rural seat fif­teen hundred kilometres inland from Petropolis hive. For the first time in our investigation, we had an opportunity to meet with a cartel member face to face.
Nayl, Kys and Mathuin were en route right now.
They seem to take much less than a day to get out there and back. In any case, the range of a rented flier is some 1500 km, and has a hypothetical speed of at least several hundred km/h, assuming 6 hours back and forth.,

Page 175
"Vox from Nayl." Frauka said. "They're in position and await your pleasure."
"Understood." I said. "Listen, Wystan, things are going to be quiet around her for a few hours...."


Waring Zeph Mathuin, I walked up the gravel path to join Kys and Harlon. Farthingale was a quiet interior town of broad avenues and pollarded trees. The sky was cloudy and morose. Athen Strykson's mansion lay before us.
Ravenor communictes with his team over 1500 km, and that includes Waring.

Page 176-177
"What matters is I know what this is. Astroblastoma. Last year, I took a leap off a docking bay in a vacc-suit. Exposed myself to megawatts of rad. I hoped the suit was shielded."
"How long have I got?"

"Belknap looked at the floor. 'No more than six months, Mamzel Swole. I'm sorry."
"The condition is terminal. You understand that? There are certain palliatives that can make you more comfortable. And angiogenesis inhibitors that buy you a little more time, although carcinomatosis has begun."

"The cancer's spreading to other parts of my body, you mean?"

"Yes. Or you were so comprehensively irradiated you are developing multiple oncological responses."

"How long will I remain… active?"

"With good fortune and the proper care, three or four months."
Kara is in error here somehow. You don't measure radiation dosages in "watts". I believe you can actually calculate it from the energy involved, but it's something specific. Given the Firetide event (an unstable star giving off alot of excess radiation/energy, from what I recall in Ravenor.) what Kara described is not impossible, although she is at least being imprecise in her units. besides which if her body had literally absorbed megawatts of anything she'd be covered by severe third degree burns (and thus dead)

What one can derive from it will depend on how one chooses to interpret the scene. On one hand, if we take Kara's words literally the scene could be totally unquantifiable due to misuse of terminology. ("megawatts of rad")

On the other, one could interpret it more loosely, in the sense that Kara endured megawatts of exposure over a large percent of her body, and that enough radiation leaked through the suit to irradiate her as depicted above. Given "megawatts" in that interpretation, the suit failed to provide total radiation protection, but it provided quite a bit of protection in the sense that Kara wasn't incinerated ("megawatts" of energy over the body would be quite sufficient to inflict nasty, lethal third degree burns. Much less enduring that over the entire time.) Enough radiation (or enough of a certain type, say gamma or x-rays or some charged particle radiation) leaked through, however, to infect her. It's not totally implausible given what we know, and it would fit the situation, but it is definitely a less literal interpretation of what Kara said. It would also mean that whatever suit she was using endured many many megawatts of EM energy striking it for however long it took for KAra to cross the distance (minutes?)

What it comes down to is how much a person wants to work to make sense of it, I suppose.

Page 180
I sensed the primed sentry gunpods concealed behind the vestibule doors, auto-tracking our heat as we went by. I sensed the guard with the hellgun poised behind the side arch of the hall, and the other two guards, both armed with lasrifles, up on the stair­case landing out of sight. I felt the heartbeats of the men concealed behind the salon doors, weapons drawn, ready to enter. I touched the hard metal shapes of remote-operated plasma beamers in the false wall behind the salon's wood panelling, their focus-nozzles aimed at us. I saw the electromagnetic shimmer of the multiple security picters tracking us as we walked, and gendy psy-blurred our features so they wouldn't read cleanly.
RAvenor's ability to detect the various living and mechanical security measures.

The autoweapons are neat (Servitor controlled, or machien spirit) but the fact that they have hellguns AND lasrifles is also interesting (support weapon, perhaps?)

Page 182
I had been probing him gently while the discourse distracted him. He was wearing a psy-blocker in a silver charm around his neck, a fairly powerful device, but nothing like strong enough to keep me out. By the time he was half-smiling and raising his hand, I had deactivated it and moved into his mind.
A matter of seconds, at most. And whilst waring Mathuin. Ravenor is actually able to rifle the guy's mind to recall not just specific thoughts, but to (effectively) reconstruct a past conversation.

Page 183
From his surface thoughts, I could read all the things that he thought had een covered up.
There we go. I didn't want to rip into his mind and strip it. I didn't want him to even know what I was doing. This form of telepathic manipulation was akin to hypnotism, to gentle persuasion, to suggestion. His brain whirling with financial concerns, he was ripe and ready to give everything up.
An interesting distinction between active and more "passive" sorts of telepathic influence. As we see in so many novels, raw power isn't everything. (but it can help)

Page 183
I spoke the words, forming Mathuin's voice into a smooth tone that would play mesmerically with a susceptible mind, but I also cast them, a telepathic echo to the speech. The echo was what really got under his skin.
A version of Eisenhorn's "voice" ability I suppose.

Page 183
"On the sale of your vessel, the Bucentaur. If the affidavits of fiscal gain and letters of dispensation signed by the agents are accurate, then the figures for anchorage tax and mercantile process duty are out by a factor of thirty-two percent."

The true figure was twenty-six, but I wanted him to be alarmed. A startled mind is even easier to control.
The "ship sale" bit is intereting, since technically, all ships are supposed to be owned by the Adeptus Terra via the Navy.

Page 184-185
+Is this, Athen. How long were you working for the cartel?+

Still caught up in his financial worries, Strykson shrugged. "No more than four years." He thought he was telling us about freight stamps.

+Who brought you in?+

"Akunin and Vygold."

+How many runs did you make to the Mergent Worlds?+

"Nine"' Strykson murmured, believing he had just explained how hard it was to get the fiscal reserve to advance mortgage on a ship sale.
"I need caffeine. Do you need caffeine?"

+You don't need caffeine. +

"I don't need caffeine." he said, sitting down again, shaking his head.
A sample of Ravenor's "hypnotic" telepathic manipulation. Reminds me a bit of the Jedi from ANH. "You don't need to see his identification."

Page 184-185
"The sale was handled by the brokers of the Navis Nobilite."
In his mind, he was gleefully telling me how the Navis Nobilite brokers couldn't be trusted with a decent ship-sale if their eyes depended on it.
The Navigators having a significant interest in the transactions of interstellar trade, as indicated by many other sources.

Page 188
"I am an officer of the Imperial Magistratum." Rickens said. "Sworn to uphold civic law and the justice of the Emperor of Mankind. I protect the codes and practices that make our common freedom possible. I am not going to stand aside and make things easy for you."
This perhaps sheds light on what the "Departmento Magistratum" is. It may be an over-reaching organization that oversees the various "local level" police and judicial departments on a world (wihtin a subsector or sector.) It could perhaps be tied to both the Administratum (on the civil/adminsitrative side) and the Arbites (on the legal/judicial side) After all the Adminstratum and Munitorum maintain influence over the PDF forces on a world, as I recall, so why not the same with the law enforcement?

Page 189
"I have been in correspondence today, sir, with the Justiciary, the Advocate's department, and the office of the Subsector Arbites. I have consulted with legal counsel. If I refuse to resign, you'll have to impeach me or charge me. Either way, there will be a thorough legal examination of this matter. No cover up. No conspiracy. If the accusations levelled against this department, and the men and women who serve it, are true, you will have to evidence those facts and develop a case that the Justiciary can try."
"I have the first of what I imagine will be a considerable number of meetings with Justiciary counsel in preparation for your investigation. They will of course require access to all the files and digital documents you removed from this office. And I'm sure that one of their first recommendations will be for me to contact the Officio Inquisitoras Planetia to inform them of the impending legal action."
Legal/judiciary matters at the subsector level.

Page 190
The current volume under inspection was written in a xeno script, and he was hav­ing to hold up a bulky brass translation viewer in front of his eyes like opera glasses. The simivulpa was playing under his chair. Orfeo Culzean had almost filled the memory of a data-slate with notes from his reading.
Alien language translator.

Page 202
The fight lasted ten seconds. In that brief time, the two men traded almost fifty strikes and counter strikes, whip-snake fast, the precise martial skills of the Throne agent pitted against the brute force and cunning of a game hunter who had survived the dangers of countless bar-fights and rip worlds.
Two men, blurs, engaged in a level of physical war that was seldom seen, even in a city that boasted the Carnivora. Every punch, every kick, was a potential killer, every block, every smash, bone-breaking.
Throne agent unarmed combat. 5 strikes a second, although whether they re all on one side or on both is up for debate. That's pretty fast in human terms.

Page 207
As soon as I had left him, they led the slightly woozy Mathuin up the hill to the rented flier parked behind the
Flier rental. Not neccesarily cheap.

Page 209
Traces of digita inlay spread across his jaw.
Akunin.. another 'rogue trader' shipmaster. They seem to get alot of electoo/glavian like circuit inlays.

Page 216
A tide of trudging people, millions strong, flowed into the inner formals of Petropolis.
Pale-faced, this was a multitude starved of sunlight and drained of expression. Dark eyes, tinted goggles, suits and robes of emerald, black or grey, the regula­tion colours of the clerical workforce.

Ocular augmetics here and there, skin-plugs and neuro-link spinal ports, mechanical braces perched like brass spiders on hands deformed and crooked by carpal tunnel syndrome. Ear-jacks for transcribers and stenographers, vox-grafts in the mouths or throats of dictators and transcriptors. Wheezing quadrupedal walking frames, their stilt-legs folded, for the archivists and filing officers who worked amid the towering shelves of the index vaults. Almost four hundred thousand allergies to paper, dust, ink, or all three. Nearly two thousand undiagnosed malignan­cies to face, brain or throat from excessive exposure to screen radiation.

All of them moving in the same direction, into the vast towers of the Administry.
The Almighty administratum workforce of Eustis Majoris. In all its glory.

Page 216
The various departments of the Administry never slept. The cogitators ran all day and all night, chattering and processing.
Not surprising.

Page 217
Patience saw PDF guards watching over various junctions, weapons slung, but they were not checking papers. Wall-mounted optic scanners at each doorway or hall-mouth read every worker permit that passed through, marking each one with a flashbulb flicker and a tonal ping, logging them into the system.
PDF troops being used to guard an Administratum facility? Wouldnt they have access to the IG if they needed guards? Or just their own (or private) security forces?)

Also security measures.

Page 218
Patience arrived at the entrance to department G/Fl. The optic scanner flash-pinged her again as she entered, and a hololithic sign lit up with the words WAIT HERE.
More security measures.

Page 218
There were at least a dozen rows, an aisle between each, and Patience counted something in the order of a hundred stations in each. There was a cacophony of rattling keys. Copy boys and gatherers moved up and down the aisles, delivering and collecting files. Servo-skulls drifted down the aisles like bees hunting pollen.

Page 220
Patience sat down at the station and woke the cogitator. It mumbled and shuddered as it warmed up, the valve screen slowly glowing into resolution. It scrolled data noise for a moment, then opened to display an entry gate and invited her to type in her serial code and destination database.
Patience, along with the other workers, are transcribing physical documents into the cogitators. How "plausible" all this is depends on your POV. on one hand, they have to maintain a facade that at least somewht resembles what the Adminstratum usually does, or someone might get suspicious - at least assuming that someone knowledgable about the organization investigates. On the other hand, the entire organization is part of the whole Eunacia plot, probably cult activity, and could be abnormal. It is quite possible given the secretive, and intricate nature of the Adminsitratum, someone might be too ignorant to suspect anything is wrong.

Page 220
The little analyser Carl had given her was there. With her fingers, she played out its tiny plug-wire and, with the analyser still out of sight in her pocket, brought the wire end up onto the station and plugged it into one of the spare data-ports on her cogitator.


+Carl's getting a signal now, thank you. He says you're operating a late model K-phyber cogitation engine with numerical reinforcement sub frames.+
More cogitator stuff. I guess its a wireless connection.. you'd think the Adminstratum would want to jam those or prevent them from being used inside their facility somehow.

Page 221
Nayl took each file out of the carton and waved them in turn past the optical reader built into his cart.
optical file readers too.

Page 224
"By the new system. On Caxton we loaded them plug-end first."

"Well, Carvort, you're not on Caxton now."
The pneumatic tube despatch hall was a massive room in the sink-levels of the tower. Like stalactites, festoons of tube pipes fed down into the room, curving slightly to deliver the cylinders into rows of wire racks. They looked like inverted church organs. Schools of operators sat at the ends of the racks, sorting the cylinders that arrived with a burp of air, loading new ones into the ascender pipes. Newly-arrived cylinders were opened and their contents filed into cartons for the gatherers to wheel away. Fresh files came in to be wound into scrolls, cylindered, and sent on their upward journeys.
Pneumatic tube delivery. I guess they aren't quite up to email standards :P

Also it seems that Nayl's cover story had him coming from another planet to work on this one. Again more interestellar travel.

Page 228
"Monicker? She's a dissembler. They're very rare. It's a form of albinism, an extreme mutation form. A dissem­bler's pigmentation is so shockingly absent, they act as living mirrors, reflecting back likenesses. It's very useful. Monicker observed your friend Siskind when he visited you earlier today, and mirrored him. Oh, Master Akunin, the look on your face."
A sort of mutant or abhuman I suppose.

Page 232-233
"You told me you'd enhanced your personal cogitator with department codes to keep up with the workload."
Crouched in front of the battered second-hand cogitator set up in the corner of his hab, Limbwall thumped the keys.
Limbwall's hab has its own computer and net access. it would seem.

Page 235-236
The Tronsvasse 9 was where she'd hidden it, in the cavity, wrapped in vizzy-cloth. She had no permit for the weapon, but every Magistratum marshal owned a back-up piece.

Heavy, chromed, rubberized grip. Ten in the clip, one in the spout.
Unregistered weapon.

Page 237
Plyton fired. Her first shot took off the left side of Drax's face. The second went through his chest and blew out his back. Drax slammed backwards into the ruined spinet, the half-slung lure wrapping around his body.
Effect of the Tronsvasse pistol. Again laspistols doing similar damage comes to mind, and that slug projectiles in the Ravenor novels are quite powerful/effective in blowing big holes in people.

Page 238
The weapon servitor reared automatically as Revoke approached. It cycled up its gun-pods and played its pink recog-beam up and down his face. Its handler yanked at its leash and brought it to heel.
Revoke stepped past the handler and his chrome-plated cannon-hound...
something like a militarized cyber-mastiff, I guess. Only with guns.

Page 238
Then he closed the drawer and took down one of the blunting charms that hung from the row of hooks above the rack. As Revoke put it around his neck, he felt the pendant weight of the heavy lodestone against his chest. More particularly, he felt his precious psy stutter away into temporary exile.
Psy blocking necklace

Page 242
Revoke handed his master the glass. "We know it was some form of incunabula, some slaved proto-daemon. A killing tool, directed by a psyker. I've had the psy-adept arm of the Secretists searching covertly since the attack, but in a hive this size, without wanting to show our hand..."

"Would Ravenor use a daemon? I mean, really?"
More on the Brass Thief.

Page 246-247
"If Ravenor's here secretly, it means he knows he's out on a limb and can't trust anyone, not even the local ordos. Which, of course, is very wise of him. He'll be operating on… what's it called?"

"Special Condition, sir."

"Just that. A virtual rogue. And therefore infernally dangerous."

Page 255
Nayl could smell sour sweat, blood and a corrupted odour that suggested the man had developed sores from too many hours in his seat. Such gross physical ailments were common amongst the Administry workers.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last Ravenor update for Ravenor Returned. Next time the last book.

Page 260
Though invisible and intangible to all but the most gifted or sensitive persons in Petropolis, such overt, proactive psy activity would unsettle the general population. As it was, the data reports were busy with stories of panic attacks, freak weather effects, unprovoked domestic violence, numerous suicides and reputed sightings of the manifesting dead. Formal complaints had been made by the Astropathic Guild, the Navis Nobilite and several other august Imperial institutions that utilised psy-adepts by legal covenant.
Five powerful psykers over a period of 3.5 hours of bodiless searching.

Page 261
"Hive like this is a target-rich environment. Over nine thousand potentials, but you can rule out all the ones I've put a cross through. Low-level sensitives or latents who don't even know what they've got. That leaves about two hundred higher grade returns, true actives. Most of them will be hucksters, faith healers, backroom clairvoyants, spiritualists, maybe even the odd sub-cult member. Some of them are interesting, and we should pass the locations to the Magistratum."
results of the psychic search. Just in the city in question. Assuming 1 billion people we're talking 1 in 100,000. That fits with the ratio from Faith and Fire. If it were 1 per million as per other sources, we're talking 9 billion people. This seems unlikely given the population of Eustis Majoris implied.. although its not impossible.

Of that we also get a useful comparison of 'low levels' vs 'active'. Out of 9000 potential psykers, 200 are genuinely useful - about 1 in 45.

Page 262
"If we're looking for a gamma or a beta, an alpha even, there are only a few hits that match." He tapped his finger on the graph at a particularly large wobble in the signal. "Like that. Except that's the Astropath Guild. And that, that's the guild's sub-station at Tenthe Arch. In fact, most of the big returns here can be identified as legit psy uses. Except these four."
"This one. It fits damn well. High grade activity, delta at the very least."
3 of the 4 were unsanctioned (black market) psykers. The other was the Fratery.

Impiles that the 'sanctioned' psykers are all fairly powerful (gamma beta or alpha even.) THey also seem to be the rarest. More than 4, but fewer than 200.

Page 268 -
The armoured fliers dipped down towards the target location, mobbing through the evening light and the thunderstorm.

Clad in black body-armour, his hellgun cinched across his belly, Toros Revoke climbed to his feet in the red-lit hold of the lead flier. He looked back at the secretists harnessed to the bare metal walls.

"Make ready to deploy." he called above the purr of the jet wash.
The Secretists (which are part of the subsector forces) use armoured fliers, therefore having some form of military antigrav. Another example of military grav vehicles existing and being used, at least in specialised cases.

Page 269
The psyker who Orfeo Culzean had ordered them to procure, an evil-tempered renegade astrotelepath called Eumone Vilner, had arrived that afternoon, and he was hard at work relaying the whispered messages of the fraters on Nova Durma.
A black market astropath. I wonder who he is soul bound to to enable him to work safely? Could Chaos use daemon-bound telepaths as psychic communicators? It might not have the range or power of what the Imperial astropaths can do, but it certainly seems possible.

Page 270
"When you have served the silver mirrors as long as I have, you will know that from time to time such urgency breaks out. A sea-change has occurred somewhere, perhaps a quiet, subtle thing. Someone has experienced a change of heart or inadvertently reckoned upon a new course of action. Some subtle thing. Its effects however, may be far-reaching for our prospect. So the future is reshuffling its deck, rearranging itself to compensate, a knock-on effect. That is what causes these occasional flurries of contradiction. By the morning, it will have calmed, just as this storm will pass and calm, and a new, true picture will be readable."
Fratery POV on precog/farseeing.

Page 272
The first group of fraters to have found firearms clat­tered down the main staircase into the entrance hall and met the wrath of the invaders head on. Ill-armoured, and firing only poor quality las-pieces and autoguns, the fraters were cut down without quarter. The intruding killers, grim figures in their black combat plating stalked forward out of the smoke billowing from the ruptured threshold, placing shot-bursts with their hellguns. Fraters were blown off their feet as they tried to return fire, or were hit in the back as they broke and fled. The hallway and stairs were quickly littered with tangled bodies.
The Secretist combat troops vs Fraters. "combat plated' troops with hellguns vs unarmoured fanatics. They were much better equipped on Malinter. Again note the extreme kinetic impact of the hellgun rounds.

PAge 272
Boneheart led his squad up the staircase, firing from their shoulders at the landing above as they went. Clipped by the whining energy bolts, sections of the old wooden banister exploded and shattered.
Hellgun fire on surroundings.

Page 273
They swung into each doorway, firing their hellguns on rapid. Fraters jerked and fell, blown backwards, some dismembered by the searing shots.

He ran at the looming secretist, firing his lasrifle. Two bolts scorched off Bone-heart's shoulder guard. With an amused grunt, he altered his aim and fired a single shot. It exploded Bonidar's sternum, communicating such force to the frater's body that it flew backwards across the room, smacked into the wall and dropped on its front.
Hellgun fire dismembering troops (presumably one bolt per dismemberment) kind of impressive, but not vastly more powerful (in terms of raw damage caused) than lasguns. They might have way more penetration though, and they certainly have more impact. Although exploding (even partly) the chest is pretty impressive given it sends the guy flying. Double or triple digit kj, maybe?

Page 274
Frater Arthous and about twenty of the brothers, armed with autoguns and las-locks, were defending the stairhead...
The quadruped weapon-servitors pounded forward, heavy and hunched as mastiffs. They came up out of the smoke and began to thump up the stairs, their eyes pro­jecting the pink lances of their recognition beams. The fraters immediately began to concentrate their fire on them, but hard round and las-shot alike bounced off the servitors' chrome armour. For a moment, both can­non-hounds were lit up with white sparks as ordnance spattered off them. Then they returned fire.
Each weapon-servitor was armed with a pair of gun-pods mounted either side of its hulking shoulders. The combined firepower of the four lasrifles shredded the stairhead and most of the defending fraters along with it. The cannon-hounds padded forward through the burning devastation they had wrought, playing their recog beams across the charred bodies, looking for any­one still alive. Any they found was despatched with a single close-range las-pulse.
Frater Arthous had lost most of a leg in the fusillade. He tried to drag himself clear, granting in pain and fear as the hounds closed in behind. Arthous glanced over his shoulder just as the first pink beam found him. Then the las-pulse cracked and the hater's head vaporised.
The cannon hound servitors supposedly they have a lasrifle, but I'm not sure if this means they'rea ctually equal in power to human-carried lasrifles. Inflicting severe (charr)_ burns on the bodies implies at least hundreds of kj, or megajoules from sustained 4 lasgun fire.

Vaporizing the head (if literal) with a single pulse might be 10 MJ or so, but much less (double digit kj maybe?) if it is less literal (EG exploding)

Page 276
His hellgun came up and he started to fire. One of the fraters pitched over, his face blown off. Vilner grabbed the other two brothers with his potent telekinesis and dragged them together so they formed a shield of flesh and bone between himself and the oncoming secretist.
Revoke fired again and the psy-bound fraters con­vulsed as the energy rounds ripped into them. Vilner held their exploded carcasses in the air for a second with his mind, then threw them aside, spearing his telekinesis forward to wrench the weapon out of Revoke's grip.
More hellgun damage sustained hellgun fire basically rips apart two cultists (although still intact enough) we dont know how many shots.. but assuming each person is 10,000 sq cm in frontal area, and 400 j sq cm to flay flesh off bone with steam explosions (flash burning) we're talking 8 MJ for both. Assuming 100 shots total we're talking 80 kj per bolt.

Page 281-282
"In wartime, call it courage. In peacetime, call it faith. In the Guard, I saw men do amazing things... fight off infection, heal wounds... just because they believed. And I saw men die just because they didn't."
"Oh, I know." Belknap replied. "And that's good, but it is easy to believe in Him, isn't it? We know He's real, after all. The faith I'm talking about, the real faith, comes from the belief that He's watching us and has the power to transform our lives."

"Fair enough." said Belknap. "But the ritual can be good too. It focuses the mind on the act of belief. Devo­tion through deed is fair enough, but most of the time all you're thinking about is the deed itself, not the devo­tion. Making time to go to the temple reminds you it's just about the divine. About you and your relationship to the power above us all. Sometimes worship should be a choice, not a by-product."

Belknap got to his feet, clearing away the torn paper packet of the dressing. "That's fine. You asked my advice. In my experience, faith is the strongest medicine of all. Especially in cases, such as yours, where the illness is so..."

"Terminal?" she suggested bluntly.

He nodded. "In such cases, there can be a measurable effect. Just through faith and positive thinking, patients have reduced painful symptoms, enhanced their quality of life, extended their expectancy, even, in rare cases, found remission. I mean to say they have survived can­cers that absolutely should have killed them. Because they believed the God-Emperor was watching, and He was."
Belknap discusses the whole faith angle. It's something Ive mentioned before and we know exists.. faith can have a legitimate, tangible effect on reality in 40K. So while this sort of thing might seem silly in real life, it is more appropriate in 40K's warp based universe.

PAge 287
"Data-analyser, expensive model. That's odd, isn't it? Why would a junior scribe be transmitting data for analysis?"
. 'Then there's this. Hand-vox. Common enough. So what? Well, this is odd too. It's new. It was purchased locally not more than a week ago. And it's been altered. Altered by someone who really knows his way around tech-priest stuff. No stored calling codes, which is funny, because everybody stores calling-codes. And it doesn't log. It's been fixed not to log. Outgoing or incoming, no codes get recorded. So there's no way of telling who Merit Yevins calls or who's been calling Merit Yevins."
Some interesting bits of (civilian, I think) technical equipment, but modified for Inquisitorial use. Not exactly sure what the data analyzer is an analogue for, but the voxx thing is like a cell phone in this context.

Page 287
"Thin blades, without handles, seriously sharp...

.. he says these are kineblades. Designed for use by adepts with telekinetic powers.

...the scan reads you as a telekine. What's more, the sort of telekine it doesn't pay to mess with."
"Merit Yevins isn't a trained combat telekine with access to these sorts of toys."
Kys kineblades. They seem to be trademark of a combat telekinetic (a common weapon of psychic specialists like that?)

Page 288
"Standard limiters, even lockable ones, can be removed or tampered with. So we injected a fluid suspension of micro-blockers directly into your bloodstream. You won't be able to use your psychic powers again for at least another twelve hours.'
Psychic nullification techs.

Page 289
He took a palm-sized scanner pad out of his jacket pocket. "Bio-metric reader." he said. "Set to register physiological changes like heart rate, pupil dilation,breathing fluctuations and skips in synapse activity."

"Truth reader." said Kys.

"That's right." Suldon nodded. "It reaction-scans even non-verbal responses."
Lie/Truth detector.

Page 291
"You are a facilitator, an expeditor, and you work for cult concerns such as the Divine Fratery, so long as they can afford your fees."
"I have skills and means. If something needs to be facilitated, I'm the one people come to."
Culzean explains his skills.

Page 292
Her [Slade's] handgun was drawn in a nano-second. Revoke was faster. With his telekinesis, he threw Slade against the wall, smashing a gilt-framed mirror, and seized her. Slowly, unwillingly, Slade raised the gun and aimed it at her own forehead.
She walked in after hearing voices. It's also debatable whether Slade can really react that fast, unless she has psychic or bionic/genetic augmentation of some kind.

Page 293
"If the ordos knew what you were up to, they would purge this planet by Exterminatus. Just for starters."
Enuncia and whatever chaos activity they're involved in are worth Exterminatusing the whole planet. The "starters" is what ,akes me wonder (Somethign worse than Exterminatus?)

Page 293
"It can find any target, anywhere, no matter how well hidden said target is?"
Culzean nodded. "That's what it does. The Thief doesn't need an address. The warp shows it where to go."
This is unique? I'm pretty sure there are other warp entities that this is true of. some of Khorne's followers for example.

Page 294
"I want Enuncia. You've decoded the fundamental controls of reality. I want to share in that. Say yes and I will operate this shining weapon for you. Say no and you might as well leave now and watch your backs for the black ships and their virus bombs."
Black ships - inquisitorial ships I gather.

Page 294
"Unfortunately, the scanner says otherwise. A massive brain spike. Synapses firing all over the place. He knows you."
The scanner again.

Page 303
Below them, a large number of gigantic machines rat­tled and spun, circling streams of light and coherent energy around their spindles and rushing gears. Tiny fig­ures moved around the machines beneath them, adjusting and fine-tuning the rate of flow. Processing flow.
Kys did a quick calculation and counted sixty machines. Data-looms. The secretists had sixty data-looms, working in unison.
"Holy Throne." Kys breathed. Even the Administratum centre on Thracian Primaris only had four looms to process the planetary data-flow. Carl had once told her that Scarus itself boasted thirty looms, through which the accumulated business of the sector was handled. The stuff he knew.
Sixty looms...
Data looms and their implied capabilities... When we learn their true purpose it becomes much more interesting. Just note that 30 is enough to handle sector level business.

Page 308-309
"With your help, I can instruct the Thief in a different way. No need for feeding no need for psyker manipulation. We command it using Enuncia."
"That's quite a deduction"' Revoke said. "Enuncia is extremely obscure, its appearance in Imperial records fragmentary. Even the most learned people have never even heard of it."

.. as you said, there are probably no more than two dozen refer­ences to Enuncia in all of the Imperial archives, and all of those in extremely restricted works. Only a couple of those references actually contain any operable seman­tics or accidence. I presume therefore you have uncovered a significant new lexical source for you to be so fluent?"
Enuncia's origins, or at least the origins the Imperium is typically aware of, and its uses in controlling daemons. It has to be noted that while we've never heard of it in any other sources, thsi sort of thing isn' t unusual or out of character.. the fact that chaos can be triggered by certain words, phrases, planetary alignments or other weirdness fit in with this. Chaos is always about thoughts and ideas influencing the warp, so why not words?

Page 310
A compact eight mil.
The young man fell over and lay still.

She crept over to him, rolled him over. His body was going cold. Two huge laser wounds had cut through his torso.

"Oh, Throne." Kara said as her hand came up wet with blood.
8mm pistol.. and two 'laser wounds' in the torso No cauterization.

Page 312
Unwerth turned them down into an upper alt traffic flow. Fliers and lifters zipped about them. The collision alarm made at least three warning bleats.
Air traffic in Eustis Majoris seems fairly common

Page 315
The vox systems let out a painfully loud wail of distortion, and died.
Simultaneously, Carl's cogitators flickered and shut down. The house lights dimmed.
The incunabula's preceded by the above.

Page 316-317
The incunabula flew at me, its swords coming together to form a two-pronged spear held out in front of it.

A shockwave of immense firepower blew it backwards out of the air and clean across the hall, through a wall, into the lower lounge.

Zeph Mathuin strode forward across the hall below me, his rotator cannon slung in place, the multi-barrels still spinning as he came. He fired another blurt, destroying more of the wall, the rotating muzzles kicking out star-shaped flashes of ignited gas.
A scratching, slithering sound came from inside the lower lounge and the incunabula reappeared. There were sooty marks on its chest plating, but no sign it had been damaged at all. Mathuin opened fire again and threw it backwards once more, walking forward to press his attack, mercilessly blasting streams of high-velocity shells at the golden killer. It reeled, bucked, jerked, unable to ignore the kinetic impact, but was still undamaged.

Gradually, it began to crunch towards Mathuin, one foot after the other, weathering the blizzard of shots like a man trudging head down into torrential rain. The rotator gears of Zeph's cannon were whirring shrilly. It was close to overheating, running out of ammunition, or both.
Three metres from Mathuin, two, shrugging off the hail of shells one struggling step at a time.
Ravenor vs Brass Thief.

Page 318
I was pinning it with my mind as I fired cannon shot after cannon shot into it, actually splintering slivers of gold off its armour. It fought back to break my grip on it with furious power, but my will was no trifling thing. I actually had it fast, tight in a vice of psy-energy—

Then the psykers swirled in. Bodiless, they burst into Miserimus all around me, streaking comets of vile white light that swirled and circled and laughed with gleeful inhuman voices. Every lamp, window, glow-globe and drinking glass in the house shattered. Floorboards ripped up like twigs.

Doors burst off their hinges. Flying nails and screws and tacks peppered through the air like hail.

The banisters behind me collapsed and I heard Frauka cry out as he was thrown off the stairs into the hall below.
Eisenhorn gets sideswiped.

Page 319
Invisible forces, laughing at the edge of hearing, grabbed Carl and slammed him hard against the wall, pinning him, spread eagled, two metres up. Zael screamed out. The boy had fallen to his hands and knees and gazed up at Carl's helpless body. Terrible pressures were crushing Carl into the wall.
the Secretist psykers again.

Page 326
My will was stronger and more ferocious than I had ever known it.

It was as if I were drawing vast supplements of strength from the psychic powers loose in the house around me, or as if some vengeful force of balefire from the most alien recesses of the warp was invigorating my mind.

I wrenched the transfixed sword upwards and split the incunabula's chest armour through its brass sternum. The golden cage of its ribs broke open, releasing a gout of fetid, violet light from the daemon's inchoate core.
I fired my chair's psy-cannon. Not just once, perhaps a dozen times, two dozen even. Every scalding bolt I aimed into the incunabula's ruptured chest cavity, and I kept firing until the relentless salvoes had the desired effect.

The brass and gold mechanism of the incunabula's form ripped apart in a blossom of fire, whizzing frag­ments in every direction. The blast was of such force that the shivered sword came spinning away to thump, tip down and quivering, into the floorboards beside my chair. The empty helm was driven upwards by the fire­ball and embedded itself in the ceiling by its crest.

The feral essence of the incunabula, the azoic dae­mon-spark, came shrieking out of the blast, free from the ancient device that had bound it for so long. It van­ished, never, I imagine, to be found or enslaved again.
I think we learn that Ravenor was getitng bolstered by a daemon later, so the value of this instance is debatable.

Page 326
A decompressive boom shook the walls as his untouch­able effect closed the area down. The bodiless forms of the invading psykers were banished, negated by the sudden deadness. I heard roof tiles dislodge and shatter as the forces were ejected from the building. Within seconds, a torrential rainstorm began to drench the ninth ward of Formal E.
apparently freak weather patterns are a side effect of psychic disruption from FRauka, the untouchable.

Page 327
Unwerth pulled the nose around again, racing them along an up-stack canyon, missing oncoming air-traffic by the most horrifying of close margins. Heavier lifters, enter­ing the canyon flow from above on guided descent, were forced to abort violently, and rose away from the stacks, sirens sounding. Unwerth yawed frantically from side to side, just avoiding a flier that came head-on, lights blazing, and banked them around the tail end of a massive cargo lifter by executing a virtual stall-turn.
Antigrav traffic again.

Page 329
Flier traffic in the undersink was seriously restricted: it was darker and tighter, and there were many, many more bridges and crosswalks. Roadside klaxons and hazard lamps began to hoot and flash. Indicator screens lit up red with notices to Abort flightpath or Slow down.
Yet more flier traffic.

Page 341
The southern stack-rises of Petropolis had grown so fast that they had extended out across the river bay, the lower levels of the undersink actually built up on silt-sunk piles above the water, creating a district known as the over-float. It was a dark and stinking catacomb down there, forty-eight stack levels down from surface level.
some sort of overhanging part of the city as I recall

Page 344
And what a thing. Even newborn, it had destroyed perhaps three of the psykers. It had also, I was quite sure, playfully linked its power to mine and assisted with the destruction of the Brass Thief.

That was where my almost mindless rage had come from.
Slyte was what enabled Ravenor and his band to survive.

Page 345
Zael's unformed talent was so rare and so passive. A mirror seer, a reactor. That was precisely why I hadn't executed him or consigned him to the black ships the day I discovered him. His nascent talent was a precious thing, one that could benefit the Imperium of Mankind so very much. And it was not an active talent. It seemed so unlikely that a passive gift could be the womb, the cradle of a manifesting daemon. Such things inevitably came into our world through minds twisted by madness, greed, psychosis, or potent, active psyker power.

Like mine, for instance
Ravenor comments on the nature of a passive psyker... again the parallels betwene this and an Ork Weirdboy are strong, but it gives a good indicator about how such thing scan work. With large numbers of low level psychic activity, individuals are less prone to possession even not factoring in strong faith, but the 'passive' reflector can pick up/draw up on and amplify the effects of that passive power. I imagine 'nid synapse creatures do similar. And the reflector is protected form the warp because they have little/no signature themselves.

This offers an interesting insight into how other psykers might come up... what if some Sisters or Saints are actually passive psykers/reflectors. If they are considered an object of veneration or worship, they can benefit from tapping inot the collective psychic unconscious of humanity through that faith.

PAge 346
"I followed that bastard Molotch all the way to Zenta Malhyde when he was looking for it. He never told me much or shared any of what he had learned, but I know the taste of it, the smell of it. Trice's Ministry is engaged in the production of a working grammar for Enuncia."
"I believe they're processing, one piece at a time." said Kys, "one morpheme at a time. They're not deciphering it from some archaeological cache or ancient text. They're weaving it from our own, known language bases."

"You mean randomly?" Thonius asked, doubtful.

Kys nodded. 'Yes. They're taking raw language, raw symbols, alphabet characters, scripts, syllables, numer­als, number bases, etymons and word roots, syntax and grammar structures, and they're breaking it right down to the smallest units, to phonemes and morphemes, which they are then systematically recombining at ran­dom into every conceivable permutation."

Nayl sniffed. "Recombining?"

"In any way they can"' Kys said. "Ciphering, deci­phering, transliterating, substituting. They're forcing the raw material through patterns of anagram, acros­tic, pangram, hell, rhymes for all I know. At the most basic level, they are taking every morpheme and try­ing it against every other possible combination of morphemes. And every now and then, they get a strike. They get a piece of Enuncia that they can iden­tify and secure into... well, I suppose they are producing some kind of primer program."

"And like completing a puzzle." I said. "The more pieces they get, the more help it gives them finding the rest."

"Wait, wait!" said Carl, getting to his feet. "I understand what you're saying, but you're talking about a massive undertaking. Truly massive! Just handling that amount of data and processing it randomly, that would take thousands of years!"

"But how about the entire Administratum of a subsector capital? Millions of scribes using, as far as we know at least five million cogitators brought in from the Mergent Worlds? Sixty main system data looms?"
"Sixty..." Carl breathed.
Really puts that 'sector level business data processing' stuff mentioned before in perspective isnt it? In a matter of years (decades at most?) they've been deciphering Enuncia from all known human languages and variations of language which is probably pretty damn impressive considering the number of cultures and such in the Imperium.

I can guess at two ways to estimate it. According to Carl it takes 'thousands of years' to process the data of entire language. If we ues the internet as a benchmark (for amassing data- see here) there are maybe an estimated 5e18 bytes of data on the net, developed over maybe 20 years. That's just for one planet over a couple decades. And Google estimates to have indexed 2e14 bytes of that, 1/25000th of that number, in 7 years. There has been 5 years worth of time between the first Ravenor novel (The Molotch flashback) and this current event. You can argue those numbers lots of ways, and there probably is some wiggle room to play with development, but the context is that the people here have rebuilt the language significantly (call it within an order of magnitude 10-100%) in under a decade, workign with maybe that much data at least, implying their computer capabilities are equal to or better than what we have by a considerable margin (orders of magnitude, possibly, at least in terms of dealing with that much data, given Carl's estimate of processing millenia rather than decades of data, and implying they can do a much more sizable chunk of that at that.)

Anotehr way to do it is to guess at the amount of languages (in bytes) they might have tod eal with. According to here (and they cite the book 'Language death giving the figure") some 64,000-140,000 languages have 'died' in human history. We know there are arouend 6000-7000 'current' languages estimated. English (as a further benchmark) has around 150-200 thousand words or so, with some variation. Assuming only 2-5 letter words (2-10 bytes, average of 5-6 bytes) and some estimated 1 billion words at least, if not tens of billions of words.. we're talking tens or hundreds of billions of bytes (at least!) for language. That's not as big as the last number but remember..this is just for our planet, and there's some million or so worlds estimated in the Imperium so we're talking tens or hundreds of quadrillions of bytes of data, more likely..e16-e17 bytes to be precise, and that much data is played around with (combined, recombined, etc.) in different forms to produce Enuncia, at random, in under a decade.. with the resources of a subsector capital (Albeit augmented.)

I haven't figured out a way to translate this into something less vague, but it still sounds incredibly impressive nonetheless.

Page 348
"Enuncia is the name ancient scholars gave to a lost, pre-human language, Master Unwerth. Its origins and use may have associations to the warp itself, or to antique super-races that may once have existed in our cosmos. Tiny scraps of it have occasionally been discov­ered. We don't know how it was created originally, or even used. It's possibly the source of the arts we now understand as 'magic'. Simply put, the language was a tool, an instrument. By the power of words alone, the fabric of reality could be changed, transformed, con­trolled, manipulated, reshaped. It was a fundamental device of creation."
"Or destruction." Kys added.
Which as I said is pretty much in line with how we know the warp works, esp by the FFG definitions. I'd guess the data looms are equal to processing hundreds of thousands, or millions of computers' worth of data.

Page 351-352
His hand servants woke him at the third bell, with night still sprawled across the city and dawn another four hours away.
He'd been planning for it for the last fifteen, and actively working towards it for the whole of the previous decade.
A decade or so of planning, it seems. Also take note of the time. Thousands of years of work handled in a day.

Page 353
Forty-five minutes after Trice had been woken, a colonel of the Eustis Majoris Planetary Defence Force arrived at the governor's palace in a military pinnace, escorted by four lifter gunships. He had come directly from PDF watch command, Station Lupercal, a star fort in geosynchronous orbit above Petropolis.
Geosynch star fort, with its own pinnace, plus PDF gunships.

Page 353
"Good morning. You have the weather station reports and the global attitude?"

"Yes, lord. Reports as of midnight, equatorial, with a thirty-six hour plot as commanded. Attitude was calcu­lated by the officers of the watch at Lupercal, Fraylees, Antropy and Kuskin stations, triangulated via astropath through Navy flotillas at Caxton, Lenk, Tancred and Gudrun. The attitude was further confirmed by Adeptus Astrocartographus, at the Deep Relay Discemer at Kobish, the Massive Circular Array at Lockmore Heights and the Kristophe Cartenne Observatory."
This implies a fairly short propogation time for information over those distances

Page 356
For three and a half years, the secretists had been running private masses in these nine hundred and ninety-nine churches. Ostensibly Imperial in nature, these masses were a skilful and insidious process of conditioning. A variety of methods had been employed, not the least being the fact that the temple bells had been subtly retimed so that their peals created a subliminal call that lured the congregation in.
Then the clerics in charge of the masses had begun to drop mesmeric subtexts into the services, using ciphered forms of Enuncia, conditioning the congregations into absolute cooperation.
...when the clerics slid open their trip-tychs and displayed, not the God-Emperor and his saints, but stark, almost psychedelic symbols of Enuncia.
Mass conditioning. I wonder if the Imperium can do similar things. Or maybe they already do. It owuldnt surprise me if the Adepta (or the Ecclesiarchy) incorporated deliberate forms of pacification/conditioning or mesmerism in their practices.

Page 357
One particular church, St Pilomel Highstack, was the one preferred by the Officio Inquisitorus Planetia, and thus over a hundred interrogators, explicators and other ordo servants had been inducted.
Number of non Inquisitor ORdos agents on Eustis MAjoris.

Page 357
Trice rechecked the time on his pocket chron. Sunrise was now just six minutes away.
its mere minutes from sunrise as of now.

PAge 358
In the previous thirty-five minutes, he had conducted a series of final briefings with some of the key operation groups. First, with the eight-man team of secretists who would fly out just after dawn and travel to Carbonopolis, the second city of Eustis Majoris, a sprawling, balkanised hive near the southern pole.
There, through the course of the day, they would plant and detonate a series of devices and leak disinformation suggesting a system­atic program of cult attacks. By nightfall, there would be a state of global emergency, with Carbonopolis the focus of attention for the PDF, the planet's Imperial Guard garrisons and the Navy.
Eustis Majoris has multiple IG Garrisons and a naval detachment.

Page 358
Then Trice had briefed the chiefs of the Ministry's technical departments, whose task later in the day would be to hijack, by means of cogitation, digitation and vox, all of Petropolis's newscasts, air-networks, audio caster systems and sundry pictchannels.
Eustis Majoris media stuff.

Page 358
Heavy duty inhibitor units would be set up at each astropath centre, and by late evening, all legal telepathic activity in and around the hive would be blunted.
Hive traffic interference.

Page 361
Everyone inside was asleep, except Carl, who was toying with Belknap's cogitator.
- Belknap has a cogitator.

Page 367
"He was an architect, a city planner, a diviser, who believed - and this is evident in his writings - that the hivecities of mankind should follow a pattern that, in his words, "must follow the gracious schemes of heaven""

" He planned buildings that were designed to resonate with the warp. He con­structed towers that channelled the Astronomican thanks only to their architectural structures. And, as it turned out, he was a madman. The ordos penanced him and later executed him, as an enemy of the Throne. All of his known works were demolished and levelled."
Cities and strucutres that 'channel the warp' due to their designs. Stuff like this has been seen in other sources, including FFG (used as a terorr weapon by Chaos.) Much as with language, symbols can be a potent tool against or for the Warp.

Page 370
No human had ever read the lexicon either. The primer had been compiled remotely via the servos. A very few secretists and cipherists had viewed individual pages, even studied particular sequences. But no one had regarded the plenary contents. No one had that much sanity or willpower.
The Enuncia primer. Part of me wonders if perhaps the Emperor might have had knowledge of it. We know in the HH books he was fascinated by all manner of things like that, and he could acquire that knowledge,

Page 370
..chamber would hinge away so that the lexicon could be carried, by means of manipulation beams into the hold cavity of a specially refitted bulk lifter.
Force field manipulator beams. EG tractor beams.

Page 370
"The lifter pilot?"

"A surgically lobotomised operator, as you specified." said Revoke. "General flight governance will come remotely from palace control."
lobotomised pilot. Non servitor?

Page 372
Age and weather had worn it down to a silver wire skeleton, with stiletto-blade plumes and a secateur beak.
"Carl told me the sheen birds of Pettopolis had been commissioned from the Guild Mechanicus by the city founders. Machine birds, you see. They were meant to be part of the architecture, programmed to simulate the flocking activities of real bird life, a mobile decoration to complement the city spires."
He took a stainless steel probe and levered open the sheen bird's thorax, exposing the core of the mechanism. "I mean, they'll break if you hit them hard enough, but the power source - it's a solar-charging unit - and the miniature cogitation box are incredibly well protected. Meant to last forever, after all."
More on the sheen birds. They seem to be purely mechanical, although if they use a cogitation engine the might have some bit of organic components.

Page 373
Carl, the marshal woman Plyton and the inquisitor himself were grouped around Belknap's old, underpowered cogitator at the far end of the lockup, trying to discern some comprehensible pattern from the ancient - and incomplete - designs of the mad architect Theodor Cadizky.
Belknap's cogitator again. I think it implies it has 'internet' access.

Page 375
"Arrange for a clerk or lawyer to leave Petropolis at once with this tile, and travel to the nearest conurbation with an astrotelepathic office. He will then have the contents of this pod sent immediately to the ordos on Thracian Primaris.I've attached all the necessary codes. You'll have to pay him well, so access our funds and use your discretion. I don't really care what it costs."
Contact with Thracian primaris (very shortl?)

Page 380
Overhead, fliers and gunships buzzed past with increas­ing frequency, some obviously patrolling the district.
More military fliers and gunships. Probably PDF.

Page 388
Nayl, a huge shape in his brown armoured bodyglove, held a custom plasma rifle up to his chest. He'd fitted it with an underbarrel grenade launcher.
Nayl with a plasma/grenade launcher combi weapon.

Page 389
They began firing. Riot guns boomed in the mailed fists of Interior Cases officers, and the lasguns and pistols of the secretists quickly joined them.
I transponded and began to let rip with my psy-cannon. My shots ripped through the front rank of riot marshals at a distance of twenty-five metres, bursting their armour and sending them sprawling.
Ravenor vs security troops.

Page 389
He began to fire, raking with his plasma rifle, simultaneously pumping grenades from the under-barrel launcher.
Mayhem swept across the Templum Square in front of the great church. A ferocious ripple of explosions from Nayl's launcher raised fireballs across the broken flag­stones and up the entrance steps, sending bodies flailing into the air. His plasma bolts licked like daggers of sunlight, blowing men apart or ripping through them.
Pausing only to reload his launcher from the pack on his hip, Nayl was up again, running and firing.
Nayl is using a custom plasma rifle. Given the implied power of the plasma gun, I'd expect its grenades to be considerably more powerful. And given that the plasma gun's power here is at least equal to a modern hand grenade or better (hundreds of kj to several MJ), I'd imagine the grenade launcher mamo is many times greater than that (what's more, modern grenade launcher grenades are smaller and less powerful than hand grenades.)

Page 390
The gunpods on the servitors' backs began to fire, drizzling me with murderous fire from their four lasrifles.

Fortunately, the adepts of the Guild Mechanicus, who had manufactured my support chair at Gregor Eisenhorn's personal request, had made it with the same care they used for main line battletanks and striding war titans.

The devastating onslaught spattered off my housing like rain. The cannon-hounds hesitated, bemused. I knew my chair would not easily withstand a second full-on salvo.

I reached out with my psy and lifted one of the hounds off its feet, activating its gunpods as I swung it around to face its companion. Crippled by the first blizzard of las-bolts, the other hound instinctively returned fire, and the two weapon-servitors destroyed each other in a searing exchange of dose range shots.

I let the mined servitor go and it crashed to the ground, parts of its mechanism spilling out and scattering across the flagstones. Its companion had been fused into a crater by the ferocity of fire.
Durability of Ravenor's chair. It seems to be ont he same grade of qualit as a tank. gunhound barrage reduces another one to a 'fused crater' - implying a multi-m diameter crater as well as significant melting of the body. Definite MJ range.

Page 391
Belknap raised his lascarbine out of his practice bag and shot the man three times through the torso, slamming him onto his back.
Belknap's weapon. Not sure if it's involuntary reflex or kinetic impact doing it.

Page 392
the five marshals and three secretists she had encountered had tried to fall back into cover..

But she had nudged out with her telekinesis and frozen them all in their tracks: startled, immobile targets.
Kys immobilizes eight enemy.

Page 394-395
He wrenched out with his mind and slammed me backwards. Belknap tried to shoot him, but the yelloweyed man merely nodded and tossed the good doctor twenty metres backwards through the air.
Aware of the stench of my own mental wounds, I reinforced my armour and met Revoke again, lancing skewers of psy-force into his red mind form. They transfixed him like quills.
He howled.

The aftershock rattled the wooden pews of the grand templum and blew out several windows.
Ravenor vs Revoke. They then go towards the "bodiless psi-form" type combat we saw between Ravenor and Kinksy in thef irst novel.

Page 398-399
Hands still playing the pages of the lexicon, he formed new un-words that first froze and then evaporated the shots from Carl's pistol and Kara's bolter in mid-air before they could reach him.

Then he spoke another un-word.

The force of it hit them like a wrecking ball. Plyton was thrown right back off the dais. Kara, hurled into the air, crashed into the raised seating, breaking both it and herself. She felt ribs and collarbone go before pain blacked her out and left her sprawled amongst the broken wreckage of the seats.
Carl had taken the full force of the un-word. His coat and most of his clothing was shredded off, his skin blistered. His back had hit the platform so hard that it had dented under him. It felt as if all his internal organs had been pulped and his mind set on fire.
Enuncia as a weapon again.

Page 399
The Unkindness sliced in and Patience Kys met it with a laspistol in each hand and four kineblades orbiting her lean figure. Her telekinetic gifts had never been tested by such a huge and complex threat before, but she didn't falter. The guns began firing, flicking from target to tar­get between shots. Exploded, smoking sheen birds fell out of the rushing formation. The four kineblades swept into the oncoming flock like surface-to-air missiles. She drove each one independently, slicing them through individual birds and immediately on into the next.

She also hit the birds themselves with her telekinesis. She caused collisions, impacts that sheered wings off, even hammered some sheen birds beak-first into their neighbours like iron nails.
In seconds, before the Unkindness had even reached her, hundreds of their broken chrome forms littered the flagstones.
...she was pushing the swirling mass away from her in every direction as she continued to shoot, and stab with her blades.
Concentrating hard, Kys howled out in frustration. She was killing a dozen birds every second, but it just wasn't enough.
With a desperate grunt, she flared out her telekinesis and billowed the entire flock away from her for a second's respite.
But only for a second. It immediately rushed back. She no longer had the strength to drive it away.
Kys' multi-tiered TK/lasgun attack mode. Hundreds smashed, a dozen a second, shows both the scope and scale of her offensive abilities - nt so much in raw power to influence mass as in the simultanous numbers downed at once in multitasking attacks.

Also her laspistols explode (aprtly) the sheen birds. I'd imagine it's alot like a shotgun or varmint grenade ammo shot.. call it a few kj either way. Probably more, since the birds are mostly metal and metal is many times harder to pulverise than flesh

Page 401
The Unkindness burst apart, the mass of it exploding away in all directions from the central focus, spilling out across the square, dissipating.

It left in its wake thousands of dead or damaged sheen birds, carpeting the flagstones like autumn leaves. And Patience Kys, still standing, her clothes ragged, her flesh covered in scratches and cuts

She bolstered her spent laspistols, mind-called her now-buckled kineblades back to her, and looked up at the hanged man dangling in the air.
Kys took out thousands of birds. I suspect most were with TK, but even if the bulk were TK, you could expect hundreds of shots from laspistols together, easily. Indeed 12 birds per second, assuming only 2 were killed by laspistol shots in that time would require close to 3 minutes, (~166 seconds, which is over 330 shots for both guns.)

Page 405
Carl bent down over him and gently placed his black, bone-hand on the top of Trice's head, like a temple deacon administering a benediction.

Jader Trice rotted away into a dry, mummified husk, then that too disintegrated, and scattered away as dust on the wind.
Slyte's power.

Page 405
Leyla Slade pulled out her custom handgun and fired six times, not at the oncoming daemon, but at the dais stage in front of it. As each specialised bullet impacted, there was a burst of green vapour.
The hooktors bubbled into being. Six of them, each one twice the size of a large man, released from their bondage in the painstakingly engraved bullets.

They were slaughter-daemons of Nurgle, mindless warp-forms of immense physical power, each one a noxious, sticky cluster of diseased eyes, bulging from a swollen, panting body sack of reptile flesh and pulsing viscera. The hooktors moved on tripods of long, mem­branous limbs, like the furled wings of ancient flying lizards. Each limb culminated in a huge, hooked toe­nail, a hoof-claw as heavy and grey as stone.
Abnett version of daemon bullets. Ben counter could take notes.

Page 406
Revoke's psy-control was staggering. He had left a sliver of his mind aware of his surroundings, to protect it from harm. He saw Nayl coming forward, and barked an un-word that punched Nayl in the stomach and dropped him to the ground.
REvoke's abilities again at least in multitasking.

Page 407
My armoured chair slammed down the nave, crunching straight into Revoke's kneeling body and dragging it along. Revoke was still draped across the front of my chair when it struck the massive bronze altar at the end of the nave at close on forty kilometres an hour.
My chair rebounded, shivering backwards. Revoke's limp, broken corpse tumbled off onto the flagstones.
Doesn't work so well against Ravnor unfortunately. Interesting that his AG can push him so fast. Thats quite a respectable speed.

Page 410-411
Certainly the planet was plunged into civil chaos. Months of rioting and unrest followed, and spread throughout a subsector terrified that Imperial rule had been overturned. It led to civil wars, to famines, to plagues. Two decades later, the effects were still being felt.
Martial law was imposed on Eustis Majoris. It took a year to return Petropolis to a state resembling order. In that time, the ordos intervened, led by my Lord Rorken himself.
Thousands more died, executed for heresy or complicity to that offence. Subsector governance was switched to Caxton for two terms, until a new lord governor subsector was found and elected under the supervision of the Inquisition.
Effects of the conflict with the Secretists and their minions (revoke, Trice, etc.) as well as the emergence of Slyte. Note how governance transfers from one planet to another (suggesting Caxton isn't much less impressive than Eustis Majoris) and it still involves elections. how democratic!
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And we hit our last entry to the Ravenor/Bequin segment of the series, with Ravenor Rogue. I know that on this board there were lots who liked Ravenor, but I felt it was a weaker series than Eisenhorn, and I have to say a fair bit of my disappointment stems from this novel. I liked the first, and I could have tolerated what I disliked about the second if the third novel had delivered... but it didn't. The characters are still well written and I even admit that the idea has merit it just... didn't resonate with me. It could be that there is too much going on and the focus scattered in a number of different ways - the series focuses not just on Ravenor and his crew, but there's also Molotch and Culzean who are 'important' figures and the whole 'additional Inquisitors.' There could be the fact that despite the idea Ravenor has 'gone rogue' there is no real feeling of that here - not like the way you could see/feel Eisenhorn's gradual descent, bit by bit, into radicalism with every action. It could be there's that whole time travel subplot with the Tyranids (which seems to serve no real purpose storyline wise.) And while I hate to say it, I couldn't really find myself emphathising with or feeling bad for Carl Thonius. Of Eisenhorn's brood he was perhaps the one I could least engage with, and that really just makes him feel... disposable plot convenience. Overall there was lots of buildup and promise but a fumble on delivery, at least as I view it.

Now, all that said, 'bad' is relative. This is bad as I judge it compared to Abnett's other works. As relative to BL publication as a whole its still got lots of good points and is a solid book that is at worst 'average.' The interactions between Ravenor's group is still great, Molotch and Culzean come off as refined villians who can be likable even though they are the 'bad guys' so to speak (it makes it hard to judge chaos when its not an obvious psycho cultist mob howling for your blood.) and there is plenty of tragedy (I genuinely feel sorry for Kara Swole and Belknap, for example.)

As a result I'll be chucking the update out in a single sitting with two separate posts (as standard) First part 1:

Page 14
Some informal code. It was fascinating to hear. Molotch divined the principles quickly. He'd always had a talent for languages. His opponent was instructing the bounty hunter to keep Molotch alive, pending interview. The bounty hunter - Nayl, it seemed his name was - was leaning towards Molotch's claim to be just a hapless accomplice to the day's events.
Molotch breaks Eisenhorn's old Glossia.

Page 15
She was typical of her breed: taller than most grown men, almost Astartes height, but slender, her hair tight braided, her body cased in leather armour, a tasselled cloak flapping out like wings in the wind. Every centimetre of her tight armour and her cloak was ritually decorated with scrollwork, knotting and bronze studs.


She had a sword in her hands, clenched firmly as if it was feather light and about to fly away on the mountain wind. It was a sabre of extraordinary length, two-thirds as tall as she was. The blue cast of the metal told Molotch it had been folded eighteen or nineteen times, which was typical of ancient Carthaen metalwork, and indicated it was a masterpiece weapon, a priceless antique and, very likely, a psychic blade. The oldest Carthaen steels all were. That meant the woman and the sword were united in sentience. Yes, he could see it quiver ever so slightly in time with her breathing.
Remember the CArthaen's from Eisenhorn? They're back as are their super magical super swords.

Page 16
"Arianhrod," Molotch said, using the tone of command.

She hesitated. A hesitation was all he was ever going to get out of a Carthaen swordswoman, especially as he didn't know her full clan name. But it was enough. A momentary wrong-foot.
More psychic voice tricks. Molotch seems to have some level of wapr power, either through sorcery or through innate psychic power.

Page 17
The sabre fought him. It didn't want his touch. It pulled like the reins of a bolting steed.
The PSychic samurai saber.

Page 17
There was surprisingly little blood, even when he slid off the blade. It was so sharp that the lips of the wounds it had cut through flesh and bodyglove closed tight again, sealed along perfect incisions.
Stab from a Carthaen blade.

Page 18
She was strong, three or four times as strong as him.
Carthaenan swordswoman.. not just superhuman height and proportions but also strength.

Page 19
He was already making mental notes and annotations. The Cognitae trained a man to recognise defeat or failure the moment it happened, and to be empowered by that knowledge. Men are often crippled or undone by the prospect of defeat, and that makes them vulnerable. A Cognitae was never vulnerable unless he chose to make himself so.

A defeat was something to be identified, analysed and used. A defeat was a springboard to launch a man onwards. That was what Madam Chase had taught them. Schemes failed. Plans came apart. Nothing happened with dead certainty. But men only perished when they allowed themselves the weakness of disappointment or maudlin regret.

A waste of effort, when the effort expended on regret could be put to much better use.
Cognitae training and mindset. It's the sort of thing that makes them far more than just the mindless, crazy chaos rabble.

Page 19
Ordion was twelve years his senior; Molotch a new, unproven graduate. No matter his extraordinary achievements as a student - extraordinary even in a school of extraordinarily able souls - Molotch was still obliged to wait his turn. He fancied Chase had appointed him to Ordion's team to keep an eye on the venture.
At least 12-13 years worth of Cognitae graduates, I'd guess. How many classes that is worth, w ho knows.

Page 20
The pale blue air shimmered with heat haze. The vents erupted periodically, boiling vast tides of super-hot plasmatic flow up from the planet's ugly heart. They'd timed their visit to coincide with an eruptive period. The voices were said to be louder and more talkative at such times. Now, it seemed as if the plasma vents were booming and lighting up the sky in sympathy with the afternoon's violence.
More wierd 40K plasma. Maybe this is what the geothermal atomic/plasma/fusion reactors run on :P

Page 21
"It's Molotch. Everyone's dead. It's time to leave, Oktober Country, before they find you in parking orbit."
"Fire up the teleport and lock onto my signal."
"The teleport's too valuable to risk-"
"I'm too valuable to leave here, you bastards. Fire it up."
"Molotch, I'm telling you, the vents are in flare. That activity is going to play hell with the teleport. Maybe even fry it, and that's if we get a fix."
"That's why I headed for high ground, to make it easy for you. I'm right up on the cliffs. Lock onto my signal."
"Move around. Into the open. Hurry."
Another showing of Cognitae owned teleporters. Also teleport in risky conditions can damage the teleporter.

Page 21
Plasma heat and the sunlight stung his face.
. Plasma bloomed in bright clouds from the crags a couple of kilometres west.
Yet more magic plasma.

Page 22
"Getting a fix now. We've fixed your signal. We're just…"
"'Molotch, confirm which bio-sign you are."
Teleporters work on bio signals I guess.

Page 22
Molotch made a flicking gesture with his right arm. It was unexpected and subliminally fast, but so ridiculously obvious, it shouldn't have worked. Except that, as with all things, Molotch had practised it to the point of obsession.

The flick knocked the man's laspistol up out of his hand into the air. The man looked honestly surprised to be disarmed so foolishly, but he was far from defenceless. He was a psyker, a strong one. Molotch could feel it. Only the hexagrammic wards tattooed on Molotch's scalp under the hairline were keeping the man's mind at bay.
Molotch's finger-flick gesture trick. Also hexagrammic wards as tattoos. More sorcery I suspect.

Page 23
His scalp began to smoulder. The oppressive weight of psychic power was burning out the tattooed wards, turning them into bloody welts. In another few seconds, they would be gone and he would be open to the man's mind.
Wards of this type can be 'burned up'

Page 24
He saw the plasma flare surging up to meet him. A rising fireball of blossoming yellow and green. He felt his hair singe. He was falling into it and it was rising to engulf him, to devour him, a searing, white wall of
Yes a magic yellow green 'plasma' fireball.

Page 24
The plasma flare boomed up out of the vents, and trembled the rocks. Heat wash licked back across the crag top. The inferno withdrew, and revealed the man, standing beside the rim. He had encased himself in a cone of frigid air, and held it there as the flare erupted around him. He had no wish to be burned away to nothing.

It had been close. If the flare had lasted a few moments longer, his psychic shield would have failed.
Psychic shield against plasma crap that implies it would cremate.

Page 25
I've been blanking their polite messages for six months, and their stern demands for two. It is tiresome, but if I intend to carry on as an inquisitor of the holy Inquisition, I must make time for them. One can be on Special Condition for only so long.
Implies that Special condition has a definite time limit of a year or so,

Page 26
Passing her, coming up the street, are two boys with a pet simivulpa on a string.
Another simivulpa thing. Again they must be engineered pets.

Page 26
On a roof terrace, a young man plays a viol in the sun while his lover, another young man, sits in the shade of an awning and learns lines for his part in a play.
Another facet marking Ravenor as a progressive - no homophobia.

Page 27
I cast my mind wider. Forty streets, fifty, a radius of two kilometres… five. Thousands of minds, thousands of lives, twittering on, en masse but individual
Thousands of minds in forty-fifthy streets.. 5 km radius.

Page 29
Death is the most usual end to service, I'm sorry to say, but there are other circumstances: disenchantment, incompatibility, fatigue.
Ends to Inquisitorial service.

Page 29-30
She wants to step back from the duty, her duty done, and embrace the ordinary, miraculous world of love and parenting and, I wager, grand-parenting.
Kara's juvenat treatements apparently don't interfere with the biological processes in any obvious way, or if they do it is reversible, given Ravenor thinks she can both have kids and age naturally. Of course she's only lived a bit more than 100 years, it oculd only be the really extreme Juvenat prolongation (300+ years) where problems creep in.

Page 30
The armoured chair is dark-matt, ominous, sleek, suspended and propelled by the ever-turning grav hoop's whispering hum.

I slide, frictionless, down the hallway..
Ravenor's frictionless anti grav spinning hoop device.

Page 31
Not just a psyker, a mirror psyker, that rarest of rare beasts.
Zael, the passive (mirror) psyker. I've alreay speculated on the nature of this before.

Page 32
Many of my fellow inquisitors, including my beloved ex-master, would chastise me for this. They would say I am being too lenient. They would say I am a fool, and I should take no chances whatsoever. I should extinguish Zael's life, right now, while he is helpless.

I choose not to. For one thing I cannot predict how such a course of action might provoke a sleeping daemon.
Ravenor reflects on how his attitudes and approach in the Inquisition differ from his contemporaries.

Page 33
Enuncia, Zael. A primaeval language that grants the speaker the power of creation, the power to speak a word, and have that word make or destroy. He'd been years planning it. The city was the mechanism to bring it to life. And we stopped him. That's good. Thousands of people died, but that's preferable to billions. We couldn't have allowed him to walk free, empowered like a god.
Enuncia and the aftermath of the last book. Also a narrative synopsis masked as a report to a comatose little boy.

Page 34
There was a school, Zael, an academy: private, esoteric, long since closed down. It existed about a century ago. It was run by a renegade called Lilean Chase, now long dead. Its aim was to develop, by means psychic, eugenic and noetic, a generation of people who would work to further the cause of Chaos in this sector. Every one of them was a genius, a devil, a monster. They, and their handiwork, have plagued the Inquisition for decades. A secret society. A weapons-grade secret society. Molotch was one of the academy's graduates, one of Chase's star pupils. His intellect was astonishing, and it was tempered with extraordinary noetic training. Zygmunt Molotch, you see, is one of the Inquisition's most wanted. He is abominably malicious. He is Cognitae.
The Cognitae and more masked narrative. This time it is confirmed that Chase was involved in Chaos, although that doesn't rule out REcongrgator BS being tied to this - leave it up to those radical loons to figure out making a smart chaos opponent would help the Impeirum somehow.
And the techniques used were 'psychic, eugenic and noetic' whicha re all pretty interesting.

Page 38
"Really, you don't need that." he repeated, using the tone of command this time. She lowered her aim, but she was strong and well trained. She didn't put the gun away.
More Molotch voice tricks.

Page 39
He nodded, half turned, and made some kind of quick, flicking gesture with his right arm. She flinched, felt a slight impact against her wrist, and then the Hostec 5 was in his right hand.
More Molotch hand tricks.

Page 42
"I won't speak their names aloud, or all the food in this emporium will spoil and all the wine turn to vinegar. They are Ruinous Powers."
"So, you see, I had to give thanks. Though my mission to Eustis Majoris failed, I escaped with my life, to continue my work. I had to give thanks for that."
I wonder really if Molotch thinks the Chaos Gods give a damn. I doubt they really notice, but one of their lesser minions might, and the worship probably does feed them. Also note again how words can have power where the Warp is involved (although this effect isn't a consistnet one - perhaps it is only out of the mouth of someone like Molotch that it has this effect.)

Page 42-43
"To the old gods I serve. I had to make appeasement, benediction. I had to make a sacrifice of thanks for deliverance, even though that meant risking discovery. A sacrifice must honour the eight, for eight is the symbol, eight-pointed. A common follower might have killed eight at the eighth house on the eighth street in the eighth enclave, at eight in the evening, but I eschew such crudity. The agents of the Throne would have recognised the occult significance in a moment. Even they are not that stupid. So I made eight subtle sacrifices that, according to inspection, would seem random and unconnected."
"The beggar in the alley I made eight incisions with a knife that weighed eight ounces. I did this at eight minutes to the hour. The housemaid had eight moles on her left thigh, and took eight minutes to suffocate. I was very particular. The gamblers both held double eights in their hands, and eight shots were discharged. And so on. The moneylender, killed at eight minutes past the hour, was slain with eight primary blows, no more, no less, and had been busy accounting the books for the eighth trading month. I anointed all the bodies with certain marks and runes, all made in water now long evaporated. It was ritual, Leyla. It was worship. It was not the act of a psychopath."
Again you have to give it to Abnett.. when he writes a Chaos villain, he usually does it quite well. The ability to predict and plan out to that degree as well is.. impressive. And as I noted in the intro he is both likable, you can respect him, and it makes it hard to just go 'good/bad' when it comes to the Imperium vs Chaos.

Page 43-44
"I was trained from birth to utilise the full dynamic of my mind. Trained in noetic techniques that give me an edge. More than an edge. What would take another man a week to plan, I can do in a moment."
"This is what the Cognitae does to a mind. Acute observation, for a start. The ability to read low-level, passive body language. The ability to notice and compare. To analyse. To predict."
Molotch speaks to his abilities and training.

Page 46
"Osicol Plague, in suspension. I took it from Orfeo's personal kit. If I release it here, I could decimate the entire city quarter."
"The banker at the table to our left. He works at the city mint. He has a brooch on his waistcoat, before you ask. The sigil of the banking guild, and the office of coinage circulation. If I dropped the phial into his business case, he would find it and open it when he returned to his office. The mint would be contaminated, and would have to be sealed off for fifteen years. The local currency would crash, and bring the subsector economy down. Decades of damage."
An 'example' of the sort of plans Molotch could choose to execute on the fly. It also kind of demonstrates how in some ways the Imperium can be fragile - alot of the interdependency and specialization creates this sort of weakness that can cause ripple effects (destruction of an industrial world or agri world can lead to nasty consequences in other places, economically, militarily, and even in terms of human life.)

Page 47
"That drunk by the bar. I've been gently hypnotising him with finger movements since we came in. Allow me to prove it."
Hypnotic hand tricks again. As it turns out he was hypnotising the guy to be an assassin of a prominent official as I recall.

Page 48
"That's what the Cognitae are trained to do. To look, to see, to find, to use. In the course of this delightful lunch, Leyla, I could have brought the subsector down three or four times over."
Self explanatory.

Page 48
"I can see the fortress of the Inquisition from my seat. Such a big fortress. Towering over the city. It was built by the Black Templars, you know? Long since vacated, but one day they might be back. Until then, the Inquisition uses the keep. It's going to be a bloody fight the day the Templars return."

Page 49
There was a sudden, brutal crash. Voices around the eating house rose in alarm. Garnis had slipped over in the pool of suspension fluid and brained himself on the edge of the bar rail.
He was dead.

"That's nine." Leyla whispered. "I thought you only wanted eight?"
"I did, but I'm not stupid. This one isn't ritual. This is a ninth to ruin the pattern. The Ordos are sharp and clever. They would have seen a pattern of eight except for this."
More of Molotch's prediction and influencing abilities as well as his sneakiness.. because he implies that Inquisitiors can be potentially as effective as he is.

Page 50
He wore a tight grey bodyglove reinforced with articulated ceramite plates around the shoulders, neck and torso.
Bodygloves with rigid plate reinforcement.

Page 52
First, an outrider on a long, low, powerful warbike, its engine issuing an indignant splutter that resonated around the courtyard walls. Then, one after another, three Chimera carriers, like monolithic stone blocks, their track sections clattering and squealing. The carriers were finished in a matt grey, as if they were supposed to be incognito. As if a trio of thirty-eight tonne armoured vehicles could be incognito. Their turbines grumbling, they drew up on the lower part of the courtyard, side-by-side. Six psyberskulls droned in with them, and took up hovering stations, like dragonflies.
Inquisitoiral entourage.

Page 53
They were clad in matching scale-armoured bodygloves....
They removed their helmets, yanking free the skeins of wires and plugs that linked them to the weapon-systems of the bikes.
Imperial Bikes with MIU-linked ewapons systems, and scaled bodygloves.

Page 54
..an old man with a cane, a tiny, child-framed woman in selpic blue leading a pair of servitor gunhounds, an ogryn slaved to a massive plasma cannon...

- Ogryn wielding a plasma cannon, part of Inquisitorial retinue. Again another smart Ogryn.

Page 57
"And this is Inquisitor Lilith."

The woman in the ochre gown with the ash-blonde hair offers me a respectful nod.

+Lilith. I've read your work and admired it. You have, I understand, a particular interest in the eldar xenotype.+
Given that Lilith was existing around the time of Ghostmaker, and still seemed to be somewhay youthful and going strong (which was around 765-770 M41) and that this novel takes place in 404... Lilith is at LEAST 350 years old by the time of Ghostmaker, and probably 400 or so (assume at least 30-40 years of life prior to her status as an Inquisitor.)

Hardly surprising. Inquisitor Horst has been knocking around for at least 500 some years, and Rorken himself has to be Inquisitor Lord at least as long. And we know that Heldane himself
lasted around 400-500 years at least IIRC (dying around 765 by the time of First And Only).

Page 59
"It's going to take years to rebuild the subsector capital. This whole region is in crisis, you understand? Crisis?"

+I know what crisis means. +

"Eighteen planetary governments about to fall. There are currency issues. Faith issues." Interrogator Ballack was speaking fast, quietly. "A loss of belief in Imperial rule. General unrest. Strikes and civil disobedience on nine major planets. A mutiny at the Navy yards on Lenk. The list is extensive. I won't bother you with every detail, but you need to understand... if Molotch had succeeded, he would have busted this sub-sector, this sector even, apart at the seams. You stopped him. But the price of you stopping him was still extensive. Scarus sector is damaged and fragile. Repairing the infrastructure will take generations. We need your help."

+My help?+

"It is essential that you and every member of your team is extensively debriefed." says Interrogator Gonzale. "That process might take months. We can learn from you, inquisitor. And what we learn from you may save us years in the rebuilding process."

It is a necessary part of any inquisitor's work. After the Gomek Violation, I spent three years in restorative, cooperative study with the planetary government. After the Nassar case, my old master Gregor Eisenhorn devoted the better part of a decade on Messina, tidying up behind himself. After the Necron Wars, Inquisitor Bilocke, blessed be his memory, set aside the remainder of his life to repairing the governments and substrate of the Tarquin Stars.
The aftermath of the last book's events. Again at least eighteen governemnts (planets) in the subsector, at least nine of which are major (possibly as part of the eighteen, or in addition.) At least one Navy Yard. It gives you a real idea of the size and scope of Scarus asa whole.

In addition we get more details on the responsibilities of Inquisitors yet again. Not only do they have to doe xtensive, thorough, painstaking research and investigation to build ironclad cases, they are expected to clean up any messes they make, with many examples given. Again this is a side of the Inquisition you rarely see (contrast with the Inquisitors in Inquisition War on STalinvast.) Perhaps it is more a matter of creed or faction (Amalathians would do this, but REcongregators Isstvaanites probably wouldnt.)

Also some Inquisitors seem to be aware of Necrons at this point (Even though Nids aren't here yet.)

Page 68
Culzean looked at him. "My friend, I had no idea you were fluent."
"I'm not. But it's easy enough to pick up."
"From a few sentences?"
"Orfeo, I believe you still underestimate me."
- Molotch can apparently learn a language from a few sentences.

Page 71
"Again with this." Molotch said, making that particular flicking gesture with his right arm. Slade's weapon tumbled up into the air. He caught it.

Her left hand was aiming a las-blunt body pistol at him.
anoterh use of 'blunt' to describe a weapon

Page 77
A servitor peered in through the drape.
"What may I fetch for you, master?" it whirred.

Page 79
"We needed a body and we had one lying around. Not a great likeness, but then who knows what you look like any more?"
"Will it suffice?"
Lucius Worna, massive and massively scarred in his chipped power armour, nodded. "I had it typed and matched to your gene, palm and retina. They won't know the difference."


"That sort of typing and gene-scripting costs dearly." Leyla Slade said.
gene-sculpting. Again another indication of Imperial medical/genetic tech.

Also Worna wearing powered armor.

Page 80
Worna shrugged, a tectonic gesture of his powered plate.
Again powered armor.

Page 82
Misdirection was Molotch's favourite game. He threw his voice well.
Another of Molotch's skills.

Page 82
The gunhounds took off towards Molotch. They were heavy and powerful, their scrambling paws slapping on the deck, their iron claws scraping. Their razor jaws opened.

"Kill, good..." Molotch murmured, getting a true measure of D'mal Singh's palate and tone. Gunhounds of this model were voice-controlled, specifically keyed to their owner's voice pattern.

A voice pattern he now used, perfectly. "Down, good!"

Five metres short of him, the gunhounds skidded to a halt and lay supine, whimpering, resting their chins on their forepaws.

Molotch smiled. He saw the look of bafflement and horror cross the small woman's face. Confused, she was vulnerable to the tone of command.

"D'mal Singh." he called. '"Mute."

She opened her mouth to command her hounds again. No sound came out. She gaped, her jaw moving uselessly.
More of Molotch's skills.

Page 89
"I'm hot"' He walked across to the chapel's stone basin and washed his face in the holy water. She was amazed the water didn't spit and boil on contact with his right hand.
Thonius can go into a chapel and even touch the "holy" water. This suggests that there is some element to "blessing" things than just words, gestures, or whatever. I'd assume its belief strong enough to subconsciously tap the warp and imbue the object.

Page 104
+I've blocked his comm. Now, Patience, please walk out of there. +
psychic comm blocking.

Page 104
All around her were the rich and privileged of a double-dozen worlds, strolling along, some body-guarded, some carried in ornate litters, some sporting parasols or long trains.
There is inter-sector/planetary travel across at least 24 worlds in either the subsector or sector.

Page 108
"Every single hall in Berynth pays a retainer to the House in return for coherent information about new seams, stone beds and metal deposits. The jewellery business here is what Berynth is famous for, but it's just a by-product of Berynth's heavy industry. The first halls to set up here in the old days made their profits from the spoil of the intensive ore mining, but no one these days is going to sustain a business on accidental finds. Neither do the halls have the financial resources to maintain comprehensive mining operations of their own."
A hive and mining world both and the multiplicity of its industries.

Page 113
Evisorex had severed his left hand cleanly, and his wrist stump was sealed in a black leather nub packed with micro healing systems. It would be another month at least before it was ready for an augmetic graft.
Ballack lost his hand two months ago, as outlined in the source. This means 3 months of preparation time. Note the micro-healing systems. Micro servitors? Nanotech?

Page 114
As soon as they had arrived at high anchor above Utochre, Unwerth had turned off the commercial transponder and deactivated the ship's carrier number and beacon. They had no wish to advertise their location, let alone their identity. Every three hours, automated systems lit up the Arethusa's vox-grid and allowed her to check in with the surface team.
time frame, as well as ship identifiers.

Page 117
Unwerth was telling Belknap some long and involved story about his own family history.
"...it is much derailed, in places high and low." she heard the shipmaster saying, "that there ever was a race of beings of the name the squats, and many scholams and those of the high mindful claim it's just a myth, a thing that never was, but my direst old grand avuncular sweared to me that the Unwerth lineament has some timbre of that blood in it, right back in all perspective, I mean..."
A possible hint to the fate of the squats. I think its rather intersting (indeed hilarious) that Unwerth might be one of their number. It certainly is not.. impossible but I dont know if the abhumans generally diverge far enough from humanity to make breeding impossible. Maybe not all of them do. And it's possible squats differ in genetics as much as other abhumans and humans do. I mean we have highly intelligent, weapon using ogryns.

Page 117
Belknap had used it to diagnose her condition and monitor it. He still checked her once every fortnight or so. She remembered the last occasion, en route from Tancred.[/quote]

They go from Tancred to the planet Cyto. Straight line I estimate between 65-70 LY between the two planets. Following the roughly outlined warp routes (more roundabout), I estimate a distance of 90-100 LY consiting of roughly 6 different stops. It took less than a month, although the fact she only had one examination between leaving Tancred and arriving suggests the transit took less than two weeks.

Assuming about 2-3 weeks you're looking at anywhere from 1200c to 2600c, assuming a virtually nonstop passage.

We know for sure its been two months at most since the event by direct statement (lenght of time Interrogator Ballack has been with them), Minimum FTL speed would be 200-300c.

Page 122
Berynth is a dark, dirty, ugly hive clamped to the south-western tip of Utochre's second main landmass, ringed by fifty smoke-belching mine stations. This mass of industry and habitation, over ten thousand kilometres in area, cannot be seen from orbit. It cannot be seen by the Arethusa. This is due to Utochre's miasmal cloud cover. Most of the moon, land and oceans both, is ice-clad, and the atmosphere a dense, opaque cloud mass, thanks to an impact winter that has lasted thirty thousand years. Astronomers blame the foul climactic circumstances on a past collision with a lesser moon.
A moon itself, the eighth moon of twenty-eight, Utochre circles the well populated Imperial world of Cyto at a great distance. Notably a claw-shaped new moon in Cyto's winter skies, Utochre has a reputation as a dark place. The early settlers on Cyto had invested Utochre with myths...
A hive-mining facility. Probably not a single mass like some hives, but definitely of the 'continental' scale nonetheless.

Also a 'hive world' that is a moon. This can help greatly in explaining 'billions of hive worlds' in the Imperium, considering how densely settled some systems can be.

Page 122-123
Fecund with minerals, metals and precious stones, thanks to its complex and active structure, Utochre has become, over the years, a place of intensive ore mining and, secondarily, a centre for lapidary craft. The rock seams under the moon's ice regularly yield the best uncut gems in the sector.

All the key Imperial jewellers, and many hundreds of lesser halls, have set up premises at Berynth, exploiting this resource. The sector's nobility come here to indulge themselves...
More on the planet's industrial and other economic activities.. including some sort of tourism - at least for nobility.

Page 123
Not Special Condition, rogue. The word has a specific definition in the Inquisition's rubric. It denotes an agent or agents who are deemed negligent, insubordinate and criminal. I have broken direct orders from my superiors. I have turned my back on an assigned duty. I have taken a mission upon myself without leave or permission. I have hidden myself so that I cannot be rebuked or stopped. Rogue.
Apparently Special Condition and Rogues are separated by a rather thin line, but are basically two sides of the same coin.

Page 128
"Look, the halls don't like to be mucked about. They have real pull here. Magistratum, Arbites… hell, even the Inquisition. That's a no-no. Especially the Inquisition."
Magistratum and Arbites are treatd as two distinct branches. Also politics and the influence it has on power.

Page 132
"I mean to say, what if a person did this, right in front of you?"

He waved his right hand. Plyton set her cup down and drew her sidearm out of her jacket. She cocked it and set the muzzle against the side of her head.

"I think you're fretting, Carl."
CArl/Slyte is poweful enough to fool the senses of Ravenor and Plyton to any actions he does, much in the same way Ravenor did it in Ravenor Returned.

Page 137
+The whole place is psy-opaque. Fielding, I think. I'm not surprised by that, though. Standard security practice for a high-class jewellers to be psy-blunted.+
Commerical ventures (at least wealthy ones) engage in psychic security measures. Makes sense givne the pervasive nature of psychic powers.

Page 143
A man much larger than the red-haired man plodded out of the shadows. He was wearing heavy power armour, but he made very little sound. He handed a weapon to the red-haired man. The red-haired man activated the blade. It made a shrill, grating whine.

"Chainsword." said the red-haired man lightly.

He raised the whirring weapon, and swung it at Stine. Stine was too astonished to attempt any evasion. The chainsword struck him on the left arm just below the shoulder, and carried on through, slicing him laterally across the upper chest. Stine's head and shoulders, like a statuary bust, flopped backwards over the chair back, and his arms, severed at the top of the biceps, dropped leadenly onto the ground. The top half of the chair's back rest, severed along with the upper part of Factor Stine, hit the floor too.
Chainsword. Also Worna.

Page 144
The Underboat Nayl had leased left pen sixty-one three hours later. It was a chisel-nosed grey tube of steel and ceramite twenty-four metres long, with a quiet cavitation drive along the centreline and two heavy-bladed propulsion fans fixed ventrally in cage nacelles.

Imperium submarine.

Page 144
A few bulk capacity underboats went by along the same channel, inbound to the hive, laden with ore.
Submarine transports/carriers for commercial purposes

Page 145
"That's some distance." Nayl said.
"Eight hours minimum."
"The House is currently sitting Neath side about forty kilometres south south-west of that. The chart resolution's too large to show it. That's Berynth Eighty-Eight, one of the deep water mining rigs, sitting in a two-kilometre hole it's made for itself in the pack ice."
40 km in 8 hours?

Page 146-147
"It's deep, too." Ravenor said. "The ocean floor depth varies, but in some places it's technically immeasurable."

"I mean it's so deep, any instrument sent down to sound it is crushed by the extremity of pressure."

"What about auspex? Modar?"

"That deep, that cold, that pressurised, the water starts to behave in very strange ways. It doesn't give up its secrets."
Auspex and modar.,. modar must be some kind of radar like device What sort of radiation it uses.. who knows. Whatever it is, it works underwater, as does Auspex, which has some interesting connotations about the abilities of both (to my knowlege radar and lasers have harder times penetrating underwater, which is why they use sonar.)

Page 147
+Just so you know, we're out of contact. The vox isn't making it through the water and the ice, not even via a relay at the hive. Something - the ice I think, but I don't know why - is bouncing psychic transmission. We can't talk to Kara.+
Weird enviormental psychic blocking shit.

Page 148
It takes the best part of eleven hours just to reach the vicinity of the Berynth Eighty-Eight deep water rig.
more timeframe stuff.

Page 148
..but I extend psy-feelers gently into the periphery of her mindscape and work to reduce her clogging panic by influencing her respiratory rate and slowing her pulse. I adjust her metabolism into an instrument to fight her fears.
That's when I see the footprint.
It's been carefully disguised, like a track in snow scuffed over to conceal it. It's been so carefully disguised, I cannot be sure it's what I think it is without a more invasive probe, and this isn't the time or the place for that. But I know what I think it is. I know what my years of experience scream to me it is.
Ravenor's calming tricks, as well as detecting Slyte's activities. I guess even daemons can leave psychic footprints.

Page 150
He made a course adjustment with the pilot servitor's approval.
A more aware sort of servitor it seems? Possibly a cyborg.

Page 153
Kara settled down. She started to adjust the console controls. "You're getting a vox signal? Another ship? Or just back-chatter traffic from Utochre's vox-space?" Sholto Unwerth simply shrugged again.

Kara gently turned the dials. A ghost frequency fluttered across the scope. "There!" Unwerth said.

"I saw it. Hang on."

She made some alterations. The signal wave became cleaner. Kara peered at it. "That could be another vessel, pinging us with its primary auspex."

"In all assurity, there is no other vessel in range."
There seems to be some connection between vox and auspex.. the same sort of radiation perhaps.

Page 154-155
They were thirteen hours into the trip. The pilot servitor was suddenly slowing the cavitation system and back-thrusting with the ventral fans.
The Wych House was an armoured metallic orb three hundred metres in diameter. 'Neath side, everything was upside down. The orb was supported on five articulated mechanical legs, which gripped the canopy of ice above them.
Sub with cavitation systems, and a weird psychic house thingy on legs.

Page 155
"There's a legend on Loki." Nayl began. "The hut of a witch that runs through the forest on the legs of a game bird."
"Baba Yagga's hut." Kys murmured.
+Baba Yagga's hut.+
"Baba Yagga." Nayl nodded. "You've heard of it?"
+It's not an old Loki legend. It's an Old Earth legend.+
Heh. How appropriate.

Page 165
"Checking in." Plyton said into her link.
The pilot servitor's voice crackled back an acknowledgement.
Again the servitor seems unusually self aware.

Page 166
"I agree the ocean is part of it, functioning as a resonating medium, but I think the real secret is the moon itself."
"How often do we find crystals or crystalline materials employed in divination and prediction? Sensing crystals, scrying crystals, crystals used to refract and focus psy-impulses?"
"Crystal balls?"
"Exactly. The technique and belief is as old as man, and we're not the only species to appreciate the method."
"The eldar?"
"Precisely - the eldar. Mineral resonance. Let's face it, it wouldn't be wildly incorrect to define wraithbone as an organic gemstone. This moon is infamously rich in a myriad different forms of crystal deposit. The Wych House-"
"-uses Utochre as a gigantic crystal ball."
discussion of magic psychic crystals. The interesting thing is despite the divination/prediction shit, it actually sounds more technological (sensing/scrying, psi impulses, etc.) and the ties to Eldar precog and wraithbone (organic gemstones).

PAge 168
"A propylaeum tripartite?" Thonius ventured, speaking in hushed tones. "A... tri-portal?"
"Access to such works is restricted but, like Carl, I have made use of my interrogator status for the purpose of study. Three years ago, working with Inquisitor Fenx on Mirepoix, we were called to investigate a cult, which, it was claimed, operated a functional propylaeum tripartite. It proved to be a hoax, but I did my research. This design matches the woodcuts in Sarnique's work."
"A three-way door." Carl Thonius corrected with a disdainful look at the heavy bounty-man. A mythical device of augury and divination. Its manner of function has never been explained, not even in psionic terms, though it may simply be a totem for psychic focus. An elaborate fetish."
"It has one side here." said Thonius.
"And a second here." said Ballack, from the other side of the door."'But if one passes through the door..." Ballack hesitated. Neither he nor Thonius showed any willingness to perform that act. "Well, Kys, it is said that one finds a third side. A third way. The door transports the subject to another location in space-time entirely, a site where the answer to a specific question of augury may be learned."
"The door is said to be able to convey a subject elsewhere. In fact, to more than one place, depending on the sequence of use and the complexity of the answer sought after."
"Unless it proved to be fraudulent, the Wych House was always going to contain a truly dark secret. This is what we came all this way to find. I just don't like the idea of using it."
An odd sort of warp portal/gate way. Like the webway it seems to transcend space and time, although this one seems to be more of non-eldar origin and have uses in divination as well.

Page 174
"Checking in." she called.
"Nothing to report." the pilot servitor crackled back from the docked underboat.
Again the oddly intelligent pilot servitor

Page 182
Her left hand emerged from a deep pocket holding a worn, old link device.
"Since when was it against the rules to own a link?"
Rather dingy prospector apparently can own a vox link. again they seem to be like cell phones on some worlds.

Page 183
The heavy hatches around the theatre chamber's walls slammed open and figures surged in onto the raised walkway: a dozen grizzled, hard-bodied men in grubby combat armour and fur-trimmed hostile environment suits. They aimed their lascarbines and shotguns with a professional confidence that matched their stony expressions.
Mercs I believe.

Page 184
His carapace armour gleamed like mother of pearl in the lamp light. His head was a mass of livid scar tissue, with a bleached stripe of hair across his scalp. He held a psy-scanner in one gauntleted hand.

"She's telekinetic."
Psy scanne rcan identify Kys' talent. and Worna has carapace again.

Page 188
"You have been bound by the forces of the warp, Gideon, bound together to accomplish a great task."
"The warp has chosen you, selected you both carefully, and set you about its work. Without realising it, as you wage your sporadic bloody squabble down the years, you are acting as facilitators. As midwives."
"For Slyte." Ravenor said.
A bit of farseeing going on by Chaos, it seems.

Page 190
"You don't really understand us, do you, Gideon? You don't really understand our beliefs and our ambitions. We're just evil, an evil to be stopped. And all evil is the same to you. It carries the same weight... me, Zygmunt, Slyte. You're so blinkered."
"I know what Zygmunt and I saw when we went through the door. A galaxy in flames. An age of apocalypse. Daemon time. No Imperium except a burning shell populated by the last dying dregs of mankind. You don't want that, I know you don't. You've spent your life defending society against just such a doom. We don't want it either. Our ambitions are wildly different to yours, Gideon, and in definite conflict. But Zygmunt and I can only flourish, prosper and achieve our own goals so long as the Imperium persists. The Imperium is our playground, mankind our instrument. We weave our schemes through the complex fabric of Imperial life, to benefit ourselves. I'm not pretending you'd like what we want from our lives, but it would be nothing compared to Daemon time. Slyte must be stopped. The alternative is too awful for any of us to contemplate."
This perhaps is a great indicator for the ways in which chaos can compete or conflict with itself. For all it's power, for all its pervasiveness and insidiousness, it lacks the sort of cohesion and unity that enables the Imperium to be the stable force it is in the galaxy. different factions can have their own agendas, and it takes some efofrt to get them to cooperate. In this case we see that cultists like Molotch and Culzean don't want complete chaos or the destruction of the Imperium, the way Daemons would want pure, chaotic destruction. Heck, they even differ from the Traitor Legions in goals, since they do want to bring the Imperium down. Unity for the Chaos side is bought through charisma, self interest, power, and even intimidation/fear.

Page 192
It was gloomy and oppressively muggy. Water - probably not rainwater - pattered down on them from high above, down the sheer ravine depths of the stack foundations. High above, a thousand metres up, tiny moving dots showed the criss-cross of upper level air traffic buzzing between the hive towers.
More hive-based air traffic.

Page 194-195
The wave was made of organisms, a swarm of fast-moving black and white creatures. They came on in a rippling, scurrying tide, chittering and yapping. Organic armour glinted like lacquered steel in the sunlight. The organisms were man-sized bipeds with torsos and heads hunched low and forward like sprinters, and rigid, spike tails held out high to counterbalance them. Their limbs and bellies gleamed off-white, like dirty ice, but their backs and long heads were a polished onyx black where the armour was thickest. Dead black eyes, mere slits, gazed out from behind heavy nasal horns. The snapping, chittering mouths were full of needle teeth. Four sickle-hook arms were neatly folded under their upper bodies. There was a smell coming off them that was even more distressing than the clicking, chattering cries they were making. The smell was worse because it was not like anything any of them had ever smelled before. It was dry, and musky, and caustic, like wood polish, like fermented fruit-mash, like the funerary spices of a mummified corpse. It was all of those things and none of them.
And RAvenor has a meeting with genestealers... or Tyrnaids in general.. but they dont seem to know that.

Page 197
Tall and coarse, with a well-conditioned body of sinewy muscle, and a face that had been decorated with puckered burn tissue down one side, he wore a bodyglove armoured with reinforcing plates, and a quilted, fur-trimmed jacket. His weapon of choice was a cut-down lascarbine, ex-Guard issue. The man himself was probably ex-Guard issue too.
Ex guard soldiers as mercs. LAscarbine (cut down even more) and bodyglove with plates.

Page 201
"Oh, yeah. I heard of him. Eisenhorn. Tough old bird. But he's dead, right? That's what I was told."

"I think he's dead."
again aren't sure about Eisenhorn's fate.

Page 205
Ballack is firing his weapon, yelling out. The wave rolling in on him falters, punctured. Vile, purplish ichor explodes from shot-blasted bodies and clumps the dry sand where it splashes. How long can he hold them back?
Ballack's laspistol seems to be gouging big holes from the Genestealers.

Page 205
Carl turns from the door, firing his autopistol wildly. He scores hits. It's difficult not to, given the sheer wall of squirming menace driving into us. Leaping forms burst in mid-air and tumble, twitching.
Thonius' pistol seems to exhibit significant fragmenting/explosive properties.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2

Page 205
I fling the increasing layers of gouging, yapping bodies off me with a mind-flick. Some of the creatures sail back a long way into the ranks behind them. Righting my chair, I send out another telekinetic burst that pulps the front rank in a blizzard of purpleblack jelly and shattering chitin.
Ravenor TK flipping the Nids

Page 206
I sustain my fire, as long as my hopper loads last. Leaping horrors pop, burst, fracture, explode in showers of viscous matter.
Ravenor's psycannon.

PAge 206
The Great Devourer. The Great Devourer…
The action is savage, unstinting. The more I hit and burst, the more of them there are, capering and bounding in.
- Ravenor and co meet the "Great Devourer" early on.

Page 207
Thonius has also reloaded. He fires his pistol point-blank into the wall of jabbing, black, chitinous snouts and sees braincases burst with each pump of his trigger.

Thonius pistol exploding 'Nid heads. assuming a similar percentage of body mass devoted to the head that humans have (around 8% IIRC) and Gaunt/Genestealer masses we're talking 16-24 kg.. which is easily 3-4x the mass of a human skull. when you factor in the chitin carapace/exoskeleton it's much more impressive exploding a 'Nid head than a normal one. Even if its just partial.

Page 207
I try to reach out, but I can't 'ware him too. I'm stretched too far with Ballack, Angharad, and my own chair.
More limits to Ravenor's abilities.

Page 210
The two men chosen advanced nervously up the steps onto the upper platform, carbines raised. The creatures stopped in their tracks and seemed to observe the slowly approaching men with curiosity.
The entire kill had taken barely a second. With an anguished howl, the other man opened fire, blasting the predator off his colleague's messy corpse. The shots blew its torso open in a spatter of purple, sticky sap, and knocked it clean off the platform. The second monster yapped like a feral dog and sprang at the shooter.

All of the other bounty hunters opened fire instinctively, shooting from their positions on the raised walkway and the upper steps. The broadside of frantic shots shredded the thing in mid-air. They also slew its intended prey. The bounty hunter toppled forward in a mist of blood.
Assuming a 30x30 cm torso, and 400 j per sq cm to steam explosion to the bone, we might be talking 360 kj. triple digit kj for pulsed blaster style laser for a single pulse. depending on how big the hole is. Might be high double digit kj.

The carbines can blow out chests of the 'nids wigh a burst (multiple shots, although not neccesarily full auto) which ought to compare to blowing out their skulls (or at least a few times better than that). sustained fire from all the hunters (no mor than 10 in this case) can apparently obliterate both the nid and the guy its leaping for in a short barrage of fire. We're probably talking multiple MJ for the 'steam explosion' type thing again (or comparison to grenades/etc) so we're probably talking hundreds of kj again per gun. That said I am not sure of the ratio of shotguns to lascarbine so this one probably should be taken more as an order of magntiude estimate than the first one.

Page 210
Worna's men began blasting indiscriminately. The red glow of the burning chamber lit up with a shower of bright white las-bolts. Gleaming alien bodies ruptured and fell, thrashing in death agonies, but there were too many of them.
More lasgun explody effects.

Page 211-212
The monster calmly bent down and nipped meat from the corpse with a delicate snap of its teeth. She saw the glossy blackness of its upper armour, scribbled with lines of old scars, the waxy whiteness of its lower body, where patches of thread-worm parasites clustered.
Nids actually eating.

PAge 212
Kys rolled furiously. Her paired kineblades met the pouncing thing in mid-air, punching clean through it like high velocity rounds. She'd aimed for the throat sacs, the softest, least armoured part of it. The sacs burst as the blades punctured them, and yellow fluid sprayed out. Chitinous dorsal plates cracked a nanosecond later, as the exiting blades blew out of the monster's back in foggy sprays. The kinetic shock stopped it short, mid-pounce, and dropped it onto the walkway beside her. It writhed, snapping at her, tail curling and flopping, its hook limbs thrashing. Then the entire walkway section it lay on fell away, eaten to pulp by the bio-acid that had poured out of its throat sacs. It crashed down onto the theatre floor space below.

Kys leapt to her feet, summoning her kineblades back. There was nothing left of them. They had been reduced to spurs of dissolving metal by the corrosive contents of the throat sacs.
Kis and TKing the nid.

PAge 215
The creature lunged at Kys. She met it with her kine-force, and hurled it away from her along the walkway.

That took effort. The creature was strong, vital, bristling with energy, and its chitinous structure was as hard as steel. It landed in an ungainly sprawl, powerful hind limbs skidding and scrabbling for purchase. It sprang up again, undeterred, and charged back towards her. Kys turned and leapt across the gaping walkway section that the acid had removed. She landed beside the dead bounty hunter, held out her hand, and his fallen carbine flew from the deck into her grasp. She turned back and blew the bounding creature in half.
Again Kys and her TK, plus lascarbine. Depending on the exact pulse parameters and duration and assuming bone for the armor (call it 2-5 kj per pulse for a ~2 cm wound diameter) you'd need several hundred kj worth of shots to slice the thing in half with a sustained/raking barrage (assuming something like a cutting beam) A single shot is likely to be far more explosive, and more destructive - a megajoule or more to blow the creature in half.

Page 216
"Siskind!" Worna yelled into his link. "Teleport me! Now!"

Lucius Worna smiled at her, fired his pistol, and vanished. A cyclonic blur of pink light sucked him away. With a pop of decompression, the teleport cone removed Worna, his weapon and his smile.
All it left behind as it faded was the bolt round, ripping towards her.

Kys caught it. It took all of her telekinetic strength. She stopped the blistering round in mid-air a metre from her body and held it dead, at bay. She fought, her mind bending with the effort. The bolt round, stationary, began to deform and melt against the mind-wall her kine force had thrown up. It thrust against her will, half a metre away, gouging through her telekinetic defence.

She could see it clearly, spinning in space, metal sweating off it in slow, blobby droplets as it superheated.

With a gasp, Kys threw herself down. Released, the bolt round tore over her head and hit the wall behind her with an explosive crump.
Worna' teleportin gand Kys using her TK on a bolt round. considering she can immmobilize people and lift them up, its rather interesting she can 'barely' stop a bolt round it says alot about her momentum handling ability (double digit kg*m/s I'd guess somehow.) This is also a human scale bolter. Assuming a bolt made of

It also says something about her reaction time to TK down a bolter round.

Page 216
They leapt.
They burst in splashes of ichor.

Gun pods blazing, Ravenor's chair swept out of the doorway. It was horribly gouged and dented. Suspension fluid trickled out of deep cut scars.

Ravenor turned slowly, raking the walkway with sustained pod fire. Skipping, jinking predators exploded and died.
More of Ravenor's psycannon.

Page 217
A black and white form pounced at his chair. He blew it apart with his cannons.
And more...

Page 220
Plyton fell in behind her, moving backwards, shotgun raised. Something black and white scuttled down the spiral staircase, and smiled. She blasted it apart.
Shotgun blasting a 'Nid apart.

Page 220-221
"If the House goes." the servitor replied, "it'll take us with it. We won't have clearance to exit the dock pool. Cut the chain loose."
"The sea chain!" the pilot servitor shouted at her. "What about the sea chain?"
Released, the underboat rolled, righted, and fought the rising, crushing energy of the sea. The pilot blew air ballast and gunned his cavitation drive and attitude fans.
"What are you doing?" Kys screamed.
"We have to get out!" the pilot servitor yelled back.
More of the servitor pilot, emoting and generally acting not like a cyber-zombie.

Page 228
Only the pilot servitor, strapped into his chair, was intact.
"Because I've already blown the ballast." the pilot replied. "What am I, an amateur? I'm hardwired to drive underboats..."
and yet more of the odd Servitor.

Page 234
"It was just there, a daemonic spasm from the depths of the immaterium. It lashed out, and burned the creatures off us. It threw them back, melted and twisted and broken."
Slyte's work, again. It decimated the 'Nids, which threw the porta out of whack.

Page 241
"Last time, you called them the Great Devourer, Iosob. I heard you. What are they?"

"They are the future. Passing through the three-way door, we have seen them several times. Three hundred years from our now, they will come. Behemoth."

"What is Behemoth?"

"Behemoth, Kraken, Leviathan."
"The Imperium will shake. They will be the worst enemies mankind has ever faced."

"What are they called?" I ask.

"They don't have a name yet."
"Three, four hundred years gone by from our now. This is what we have seen, sometimes."
the premonition of the arrival of the 'nids. you'd have to wonder if Ravenor reported this, and why they weren't more prepared/aware of their potential arrival. Also it was clearly an incomplete precog, since it only mentions three of the major hive fleets.

Page 242
"I've got eighteen shells in this pump-shot."
The shotgun Nayl snatched off one of Worna's hired goons carries 18 shells.

Page 243-244
...there was something artificial in Ballack's head that previous scans had not shown to me.
To ware someone, though, gives a different, deeper insight.
It was a block. A baffle, artificially imposed, almost undetectable, a very sophisticated piece of psychic architecture. It was designed to keep a part of Ballack's mind invisible to me. I have seen the type of thing before in my life, most particularly in a technique honed by the Cognitae, which they called the Black Dam.
What was he hiding behind it? What was his connection to the noetic school? Did he install the dam himself, or was it placed there without his knowledge by someone else?
More mental blocks to stop mind probing.

Page 254
The compound was surrounded by a high security fence, and the summit of the hill had been entirely denuded of thorn brush within three hundred metres of the fence line. Inside the fence lay a complex of modular buildings surrounding several tall masts.

The masts were high gain vox antennae. The modular buildings were of a recognisably Imperial template.
Modular fort/base thingy.

Page 255
They were male, clad in dusty Guard-issue uniforms that had been heavily reinforced with chainmail and shielding plates. They wore heavy, full-visored helmets like pit fighters. The visor plates, like the shielding they wore, were scratched and shabby. All three of them were aiming heavy, dirty flamers.
"Stay where you are." ordered one of them. His voice crackled out of his helmet relay.
Guard troopers. Full visor helmets with a mic relay.. also chainmale and some sort of solid plate. All built into the uniform.

Page 256
A squad of regular Imperial Guard had assembled to meet them. They carried bull pup-format lasguns, and wore more standard combat fatigues, lacking the mail and plate armour of the flamer team.
The men wore helmets, but their faces were bare except for dust goggles.
bullpup lasgun. Body armour describedas mail and plate, suggesting a more primitive sort of regiment

Page 257
"Listening station, you think?" he asked.
"Yes." said Ravenor, his voice just a dry wheeze, like an asthmatic whisper.
"I thought so. From those masts. High security in places like this."
IG listening outpost? On planet or orbtail?

Page 262
"My master Ravenor is a psyker." said Nayl. "For some reason, he can't read you."

Lang nodded. "It's because we're implanted with blockers when we do a tour here on Rahjez. The ku'kud screams when we burn it."

"The what?"

"The thorn weed. It grows very rapidly, and would choke the station if we didn't use the burn gangs to crop it back on a daily basis, but it is psy-active. At night, it whispers. When we kill it, it screams. The cumulative effect of either can be lethal. When we are sent here for a duty rotation, we are psychically blocked to preserve our sanity." She leaned forwards, and pulled back her hair to reveal the implant lodged in the base of her skull. "Unblocked, you will quickly start to suffer."
IG troops can be implanted with psy blockers if the situation requires. I imagine its used on garrison because they might be available for maintenance and repair (whereas if they move around on the offensive or invasion..)

Page 265-266
"Kara told me the ship has been troubled while we were away."
"Have you experienced any of the phenomena the others have reported?"
"They've told me things. Sobbing on the vox. Boguin was in the galley last night, and he heard laughter coming out of plumbing. Fyflank says he hears footsteps following him every time he takes a stroll along the holds. Other stuff. 'I dunno, Kys, show me a ship that isn't full of noises. The crew's agitated, especially now they know he's not coming back. Imagination does stuff to you."
The Arethusa's crew think the ship is haunted, but Ravenor's group (or some at least) don't buy it.

Page 267
"Nosebleeds: secondary indicative symptom of proximal psychic activity."
- nosebleeds are a secondary "indicative symptom" of "proximal psychic activity" - presumably the drop in tempreature and formation of ice is a primary one.

Page 267
She reached out with her telekinesis, still pinning him physically, and pulled the autopistol out of his pocket. It floated up beside their faces.
Frauka is vulnerable to TK so long as his limiter is on.

Page 268
He blinked, dazed, at Belknap fighting brutally to contain Kys. Kys had caught the doctor in a telekinetic hold and was lifting him away from her.

Frauka reached up and turned off his limiter.

More TK and the limiter goes on

Page 268
"Drop it!" Belknap ordered, tightening his hold. He pinched at the soft pressure points, and then yanked Kys's hand back and squeezed until she let go of the gun. It clattered onto the decking.
He forced one of his knees forwards to pin her right forearm and then, reluctantly, chopped a punch into Kys's spinal nerve cluster. Kys backed out and went limp.
- Belknap uses pressure points to immobilize and render Kys unconscious. His knowledge of pressure poitns and nerves seems to be as good as Dorden's. (Abnett relaly likes doctors who can do that it seems.)

Page 271
Graphic display detail lit up on the main viewer: the digitally enhanced plot of one of the sixty starships at high anchor over Utochre.
a more modest showing of starships over the planet comapred to the last two novels.. but 60 isn't exactly trivial either... especially for a subsector. This might represent the more typical ship allotment

Page 272
"We don't have the manpower or the firepower to board or seize them. They're three times our displacement."
Arethusa doesnt have the complment to take on the Allure.

Page 273 -
"they'll have chosen a heading, begun stellar translation computations, started the disembarkation rituals. The Navigator will already be focusing and preparing, readying himself for the trials of the Empyrean…"
Ships apparently need to perform "stellar translation computations" prior to entering the Warp, and these are conducted while the ship travels out-system. I'd guess it refers to making calcs to compensate for the gravity of the star and open a portal into a safe route. They're also mentioned to have "chosen a heading."

Page 274
"Yes. That still bothers me. I shouldn't be able to."
No, you shouldn't. I think the time's coining when you won't be an untouchable any more. I've burnt you out. I've made you touchable. I'm sorry about that.
Zael seems to have burnt out Frauka's untouchable-ness.

Page 275
Once again, she tried to kine her way through the tumblers and align them so that the bolt would slide. Ravenor himself had inscribed the tumblers with wards to make it hard for a psyker to manipulate them the day he had taken over the Arethusa.
Security measures against TK lockpicking.

Page 278
She gently steered the chair into the diagnosis bay, pushing aside the gurney where her more regular patients usually reclined. Nayl watched her. Bashesvili turned on a number of the devices, including an array of raised scanner pads held upright on a chrome frame. She bent a few of them over to better address the chair. Monitor screens lit up on the display consoles, and she studied them. Then she took out a paddle sensor and ran it over the casing.

" Trouble is, it's so thick, I'm not getting any kind of useful imaging through it."
IG medicae gear, and Ravenor's chair immune to penetration by teh sensors.

Page 279
"We have consulted with the local ordos. They're searching their records. So far, they cannot find any trace of your credentials."

"Hey're still checking," Lang said, "and signals have been sent astropath-ically to nearby sector conclaves. I have been promised an answer with all due haste, but realistically, this could take days, even weeks."
This apparently took less than a day (less than a few hours, since they weren't fed, or haven't slept or anyhting) as Ravenor and Nayl were sent to see the Medicae while their companions were put in detention while Ravenor's credentials were checked.

Page 280
She reached up into her hairline and slowly unscrewed her blocker implant. She set it down on the polished table beside her.
A rather interesting plug and play implant.

Page 285
I see the war. Thirty years long already. Rebels on Veda have risen in the cause of emancipation. Imperial secessionists. The Guard has locked the systems down. Protracted fighting on three worlds. Rumours of Guard-sanctioned massacres. A dirty war. The Imperium fighting itself.
This is interesting in the sense of Ravenor's feelings on the issue..

Page 289
"How long now?"
"Thirty minutes, and we'll be shot of the last supplier." Siskind replied. "Then another hour as we light the engines, disengage anchors and calculate the last of the mass-velocity transactions."
An hour to reach the edge of the system basically, I think.

Page 292-293
"It's left grav anchorage."
"..accelerating onto an out-system vector."
The Allure was departing. There was nothing they could do.

The vox-bank behind Thonius chimed.
confirming the ealrier bit.

Page 295
Patience Kys remained in the brig aboard the Arethusa for thirteen days. In part, her stay was enforced, in part voluntary.

On the first day of her incarceration, less than an hour after the terrifying voice had spoken to her from the keyhole, she felt the deck shiver. Various rumbles and vibrations followed, and she knew they were casting off. The main drives cycled up until the air filled with a long, throbbing background hum. An hour after that, she felt the brief, disconcerting shudder of translation.
nearly 2 week transit following Siskind's ship.

Page 297
"I experienced a major psychic event." she insisted.
"One that nobody else felt? One that didn't set off any of the ship's detectors?"
Psychic sensors.

Page 298
On the twelfth day, the ship shuddered, and the tone of the drive altered, and she knew they had returned to normal space. Carl came in two hours later, but he seemed preoccupied and his visit was brief. Pausing only long enough to comment that she wasn't eating enough as he picked up the last tray, he left and locked the door.

After that, no one came at all.

The drone of the drive cut out, and the Arethusa fell silent. Kys paced. She waited. The silence bore down on her, total silence, apart from the sporadic stress creaks and groans of the settling hull.
Twelve days from Cyto to Gudrun. Maybe 20 LY along the route? 608c

Page 306
Gudrun, the screen told her. They were at high anchor above Gudrun, in the Helican sub. The ship had been set to dormancy.
So either the ship emerged out of warp close to the planet, or autopiloted itself all the way in system. Given the small crew complements I'm betting they have extensive (servitor?) automation.

Page 306
She picked the axe up too, with her telekinesis, and lifted it into the ceiling above, just under the roof stanchions. It began to spin, chopping around like a murderous propeller.
Patience Kys, turning any bladed object into a buzzsaw.

Page 308-309
"A ship." said Unwerth. "Bearing in towards us."

Kys looked at the flaring screen. It was a mess of complex graphics, with little clarity. "Are you certain?" Kys asked. "It could just be an imaging artefact." Unwerth fine-tuned the scanners, and the display cleaned up. The track became very legible. Plotting data overwrote the curving trajectory marker, showing comparative speed, position and size. The approaching ship was decelerating from an immaterium exit point nine astronomical units out. It seemed twice the size of the Arethusa. "Pict feed?" she asked. "Can we get a visual with the stern array?' He stabbed at some of the controls. On a secondary imaging plate, a ghost image appeared, a fog of green and amber pixilation. The screen image jumped and panned as the pict array grabbed focus and range.

They could see it. A long way off, and small but, to Patience Kys, unmistakable.

"Oh Throne." Kys gasped. "That's the Hinterlight."

The vox bank lit up behind Unwerth. "Hailing signal." he said, "pict and voice in simulation."

"Take it." said Kys.

Unwerth nodded to Saintout, who hurried to the comm station and woke the vox bank. The main screen blinked twice and then lit up.

The distorted, blinking view of a woman's face appeared, peering at them.

"Hello, Arethusa? Hello, Arethusa" The words came through a yowl of white noise.

Kys lifted the vox mic on its heavy cable. "Hello, Hinterlight, hello. Mistress Cynia, is that you?"

The fuzzy visual frowned at them. "Confirmed. Who am I speaking to? Is that you, Kara?" More white noise squalled.

"No, it's me." Kys called into the mic. "It's Patience."

"It's Patience." the blur on the viewer said to someone off screen. There was yet more crackle and fuzz. "Get me a clean link, Halstrom, for Throne's sake." they heard her say.
The viewer image suddenly sharpened. Kys looked up at the unsmiling, troubled features of Cynia Preest, mistress of the Hinterlight.

"This is an unexpected pleasure." said Kys, aware she had tears in her eyes.
"'I imagine you're surprised to see me." said Preest over the speakers. 'Believe me, you're not half as surprised as I was a week ago."
This is almost certainly yet another case of long range FTL communications and sensors, gioven the ship is 9 AU out and they are very shortly able to identify its tonnage and direction after its emergence as well as hold a communication. For the record 9 AU is 1.25 light hours and even at close to the speed of light it would take over an hour to get close

Page 313
"There are vents there, Leyla, volcanic vents. They have a special quality. The skin of reality is thin there, Leyla. One can hear the vibration of the Immaterium, just out of reach. The vents speak."
"Voices from the warp, mumbling fragments from the daemonverse. With the correct equipment - in this case a very curious and expensive device called a gnosis engine - the voices can be collected and stored."

"For analysis?"

"Yes, and as a source of infernal power."

Culzean had then rambled on at length, his terminology becoming more and more technical and arcane, until Leyla was lost. She knew he knew she hadn't the slightest hope of understanding the workings of the gnosis engine, but he insisted on explaining it.
gnosis engine - a device for reading/collecting audio data from the warp.

Page 315
There were six cogitator desks arranged in a star pattern, all facing into the centre. The machines clacked and hummed, their valve tubes glowing, and their imaging plates rippling with green sine waves. In the centre of the circle, in the heart of the star, was a large, three-sixty degree hololithic display. Each cogitator desk had a vox assembly bolted on to it, linked under the floor to a bulky, high gain voxcaster in the corner of the room.
a command center type setup, I believe.

Page 320-321
He led her into the Hinterlight's well-equipped infirmary. The ship's medicae, Zarjaran, nodded to her. Kys came to a slow halt. She stared.

A vague shape, amorphous, hung suspended in a stasis tube, veiled in a sheen of blue light. The tube apparatus was connected to a wealth of humming, pinging, gurgling mechanical equipment. It looked as if most of the infirmary's battery of devices had been hooked up to it.
stasis tube inside the Highterlight.

Page 321
Cynia Preest was more than two hundred and eighty years old, although she always claimed, not unconvincingly, a much lower figure. She had a womanly, matronly frame, cropped blonde hair, and a penchant for heavy eye make-up and ostentatiously dangly earrings
Cynia preest age again.

Page 325
"In dry dock anchor, at the Navy Yards at Lenk." said Preest. "This blooming door had taken your lord and master literally again. It had brought him to his ship, all right. My bloody ship."
"How long ago?"
"Two weeks ago." said Nayl.
- the Hinterlight was in a Naval Dockyard at Lenk when Ravenor returned back. This was noted to be two weeks in the past. They meet up in Gudrun, so we have 2 weeks to cross across the subsecto a good 60-100 LY I'd guess, straight line or roughly that 1500-2600c or thereabouts

Page 326-327
+A planet somewhere, in affordable jump distance of Utochre, no more than a subsector or two away at most. There were birds, local flora, evening stars. Once I got here, and the excellent medicae Zarjaran made me comfortable, I started to go back through the records I'd made, comparing them to the Hinterlight's extensive database. The asset of having a support chair with perfect recording systems is that you can store things in the most extreme detail, more extreme than a regular mind could remember. I compared star patterns, the cellular detail of crop husks, the patterning of small birds. It took a while, but ultimately, there was no doubt at all.+

"Gudrun." said Kys.

"We set off immediately." said Preest. "I could tell Gideon was in no mood to tarry."

"Oh Throne, you pinpointed Gudrun by some birds and corn husks?" asked Kys.

+Every planet has its own specific and quite characteristic microculture. And, actually, I didn't pinpoint Gudrun. +

"What then?"

+I pinpointed the Upper Sarre provincial zone of Gudrun, within twenty kilometres of the Kell Massif. +
Ravenor's predictive abilities to pinpoint a location, and 'affordable jump distance' for a starship is 1-2 subsectors for in-sectort raffic.

Page 332
"Thonius Slyte, Thonius Slyte, Thonius Slyte."
Funny enough, "Thonius Slyte" was mentioned in Hereticus. That should have been a dead giveaway long ago methinks.

Page 332
Frauka had slumped forwards, letting Zael's body go. Both of them dropped like stones from the cross beam and plunged towards the hold deck.
+Kys! +
"I've got them." she said.
- Kys can TK catch a falling Frauka and Zael (Frauka being a big adult human male and Zael a teenage boy.)

Page 332
Ahead of them, two kilometres away the sudden, grim bulwarks of the Kell Mountains rose like a threat. They were sheathed in mist and storm cover, almost invisible
the distance of the mountains Culzean and his crowd are hiding in.

PAge 333
Belknap had crossed to the far side of the track and was playing his electro binoculars at the crags ahead. The lenses whirred and clicked. None of them had wanted him to come along: they all considered him a non-combatant. But he had insisted, for Kara's sake, while there was still a hope. None of them could argue with that.

"Big place up there." Belknap said, squinting through his field glasses,
The distance is 2 kilometers. Belknap is using I think Guard issue binocs.

Page 340
"I have spent a week being tortured by that animal Siskind. He had Worna's help."
Kara. This implies it was a week long transit (roughly) from Cyto to Gurdrun which is closer to 1200c

Page 341
"It's a kinebrach oculous. See?"
He held it out in front of her. He showed her the head brace, and made the coloured lenses flip and exchange.
"They liked to know what was coming. Of course, they're long dead, so maybe this device has its limits, although I like to think that, through such instruments, they saw their impending doom."

"A kinebrach oculous is very like that. It doesn't hurt. It just shows you the truth. Pretty patterns of truth."
It went around Kara's head and basically broke the mind block Thonius put on her.

Also the kinebrach make an appearance again.

Page 345-347
"That's definitely Thonius." she said.

"Bio-print confirms." Drouet said.

"Pinpoint, please."

Drouet adjusted some of the cogitator's controls. "West flank of the cliffs, between markers thirty-six and thirty-seven." he replied. "That's about sixty metres shy of the summit. I've got him painted by three motion and pict scanners. Positive ID."
"Confirmed sensor hit. Eastern side, a little closer than target one."

"Show me."

"He's in deep shadow, and partially concealed. I'll punch up night scoping and enhance."
An image - just a portion of a profile boosted by low-light enhanciles - flickered onto the 'lith projection.
"Ley, tell me quickly, have you confirmed Thonius?"
"Bio-trace and visual."
"Knock your systems back to passive before they realise they're being targeted."
"Orfeo, that's madness! The sentry guns are seconds away from acquiring them both. I can hose them off the rocks!"
Sensor capabilities of Culzean's defenses.

Page 349
His scanner pad bipped, and he pulled it out to check it. The pad showed him the contact prints of several scanner pods built into the rock face above. They read as passive. That was good. Lucky, in fact. He'd expected serious electronic countermeasures, an active system, probing and stabbing at them as they came up, but a passive system was easy to beat.
ECM and scanner deteciton measures.

Page 352
The one-shot las was a small device, just a tube, and Ballack had fitted it to the stump of his wrist, just behind the cuff. It was so small that a cursory pat down wouldn't find it. He swung his arm up, popped the tube forwards on its spring catch with a flex of his forearm, and fired the shot. Its bark was lost in a thump of thunder.

Drouet smacked backwards. The shot had punched in under his chin and gone up through his skull. The entry wound made a neat, fleeting black hole that closed again into a tiny blemish as tissue shock rippled across the flesh of his throat. The back of his head came off in a spray of blood and tissue.

He fell back, slumping against the terrace wall and almost pitching off. Then he fell down heavily. Thick, acrid smoke billowed up from the exit wound in the back of his cranium. What remained of his ruptured brain was still cooking and burning. His limp legs began to spasm and
One shot las. probably roughly equivalent to a laspistol in damage. Exploes out the brain (single digit KJ) as well as severe theremal effects. double or triple that for third degree flash burns or so?

Page 357-358
Belknap seized his chance. He slipped down the length of the old kitchen, hugging the shadows and the wall, his rifle clutched to his chest. Old skills, never forgotten. Hug the cover. Stay low.
Belknap had been taking risks all his adult life: six years in the Guard, nine as a community medicae, and then the rest as a back-street, unlicensed doctor.
He was just an ex-soldier who knew his way around a rifle, and had a little training in stealth work and the use of cover.
Belknap contemplates his training and his past. Note the use of stealth work and cover. :P

Page 359
"You are a poor excuse for a Cognitae. Diluted fifth or sixth generation, an affront to our tradition."
At least 5-6 generations of Cognitate.

Page 360
Molotch made a flicking gesture with his right hand, and Worna's bolt pistol flew out of his grasp. Molotch caught it, turned, and aimed it at Ballack's head.
"Molotch! It's a matter of the most pleasant fraternal confidence!" Ballack slurred. "Molotch!"
"Shut up." said Molotch, and pulled the trigger.
Ballack's head exploded.
Bolter head sploding.

Page 360-361
The cutter skimmed in low and fast out of the night towards the high perch of Elmingard. The sensor web of Culzean's fastness had been set, by the master's own recent command, to passive, but even that did not explain the way the cutter had come into airspace proximity without any prior detection.

There were three other factors in play. The first was the way the cutter was being flown: ultra fast and ultra low, what Navy pilots called 'crust kissing'. The flight path had hugged the terrain all the way from the Sarre borders. In places, the craft's downwash had parted treetops like a comb, or whipped up com stooks from the harvested fields. The method of flying kept the craft's profile low and tough to paint. It also required a very experienced and dynamic style of piloting.

The second factor was the way the small craft was obscured. A shield or veil had been employed, its mechanism and type unidentifiable to Tzabo and the other professional experts in Elmingard's security control centre. The cutter was suddenly just there. They heard its thrusters before they saw it on their scopes.

The third factor was the night. The storm was a filthy, howling monster, worse than any they'd known. It straddled the mountaintops like a drunken ogre, roaring at the heavens. The storm's savage electrical pattern flared and sparked and wallowed, creating blinks, false artefacts, phantoms and idiot flashes on the instrumentation. It caused two of the cogitators to short out. Bizarre whines and squeals emerged from the speakers, causing Eldrik, the duty man on station with Tzabo, to tear off his headset.
sensor-evading flight measures as well as other factors that mess wit h sensors.

Page 361-362
"Sir." said Tzabo, "we have an airborne contact two kilometres out, coming in strong. No marker, no registration, no handshake codes."
"I can hear it already." replied Culzean's voice. "It must be really moving."
"It is, as I said, sir. I am about to light the house defences and switch to active, with your permission."
Down in the clammy gloom of the under pantry, the ghastly stink of Ballack's detonated skull still clinging to the air, Culzean glanced at Molotch and then nodded.
"Light them up, Mister Tzabo. Activate all perimeter and surface to air systems. Stand ready to deny them and annihilate them."
Implied range of Culzean's anti-air defenses.

Page 362
"Orfeo, if the Inquisition had found us, they'd have called in Battlefleet Scarus and wiped us off the map already."

BF scarus to wipe out the base from orbit.

Page 364
"Are the systems active?" Slade asked the duty men.
"Sentries are live. Missiles armed and ranged." Eldrik replied quickly, clicking brass switches on his desk.
Base defenses again.. mainly missiels it would seem.

Page 366
Gunmen, hireling guards, weapons ready. I count twenty of them. I taste the old, high wall behind them, and find it full of automated weaponry.
20 guards plus automated defenses.

PAge 367
There's a small, robed woman beside him. She's a blunter; not a good one, but the best Culzean could afford, and she's good enough to keep my mind back.
- Culzean has his own blunter, weaker than Frauka but still able to stop Ravenor from affecting Culzean.

Page 367
"Turn off my blunter? Seriously, Gideon, you're an alpha-plus psyker. What makes you think I'd do something as suicidal as that?"
Its also noted that Ravenor is an "alpha-plus" psyker. It seems his rating has changed somewhat from novel to novel. Between sources like this and Rynn's world we can conclude that it is possible (albiet rare) for the Imperium to develop alpha class psykers. Of course there's also Eisenhornw ith his force staff.. so artificial means can help there too.

Page 368
He clicks the wand and a void shield suddenly covers him, opaque and fizzling in the rain.

Culzean, shielded, walks calmly back into the rambling hulk of Elmingard.
Yet another portable void shield.

Page 369
As the firestorm began, Ravenor had desperately raised a force wall with the last of his strength. The hard rounds and las fire laid down by Culzean's men and the wall defences spanged off it. Ravenor projected the psi barrier wide enough to shield Molotch as well as himself. It seemed odd to be expending precious effort trying to protect a man he had spent a large part of his life trying to kill. Shells and las-bolts continued to punch against Ravenor's shield, rippling and dimpling the air in brief crater patterns.
- a weakened Ravnor can throw up a psychic barrier against the las fire and hard-round fire of multiple automated serivtor cannon and twenty gunmen.

Page 370
Nayl and Kys followed Angharad out of the door. He wore an armoured bodyglove and carried a Voss-pattem automatic grenade launcher, heavy and pugnacious, with a fat drum magazine. Patience was wearing a dark green bodyglove with long black boots, and a billowing overskirt. The pleats of the skirt contained dozens of concealed kineblades. Four needle blades already circled around her.
Armament of Ravenor's crew.

Page 370-371
Nayl fired two rounds from the launcher, lobbing them down the length of the approach. He was rewarded by a meaty fireball that hurled rock chips in all directions. He sent another round over into the gate itself, throwing two of Culzean's gunmen headlong with the blast, and then ran forwards, firing single grenades up at the backs of the sentry pods built into the old wall.

The grenades were magnetic. Each one thumped onto a pod's metal cowling and stuck fast. A sentry gun exploded, blown out of the wall top in a fire shock and a rain of bricks. A second blew out, and then a third. Each pod had been firing on full auto until the moment it was obliterated. Nayl took out a fourth pod, and paused to reload the drum mag. His handiwork had torn holes along the monastic wall, like a gum with the teeth extracted. There was a sharp tang of fycelene in the air.

Kys brought down a gunman on the wall steps with her kineblades, and then reached out with her telekinesis into the mouldering bricks and stones of the wall itself. She found the hot, heavy power cables and datawire bundles that fed the rest of the wall's automatic defences. Gritting her teeth, she pulled.

A long, fat snake of armoured tranking tore out of the wall in a shower of plaster and masonry. It came clean out like the spine of a cooked fish and then snapped in two places, sheeting electrical sparks and voltage flashes across the wet stone.

The remaining wall defences went dead.
Nayl and Kys in action. Nayl's grenade launcher is pretty cool.

Page 373
"As for my own talents... I don't know. I have dabbled. I have studied. I have bound certain lesser fiends, and created a daemonhost or two over the years. I understand the basic principles of gate and portal rituals, but Slyte is a Daemonicus Arcana Majoris. I would never try to summon him, because even with the correct rites and wards, he would be too powerful to bind. As it is, he's already here. It's long past the time for prophylactic rituals."
"The only control a man can ever have over a daemon is by way of transaction." Molotch said. "A man provides the daemon with a way into our dimension, and in exchange, the daemon is bound by the terms of that favour. It is a very complex, hazardous thing to do, and takes years of precise preparation to pull off. If a daemon is already here, in our universe, there is no transaction left to hold it to. No terms, Gideon. There's no way of asserting power or command over it, because it owes us nothing and wants nothing from us. It is simply a material fact, ungoverned by mortal powers."

+What about banishment?+

Molotch laughed. "Like binding, it's a complex process. It takes months or years of preparatory study. It also requires the correct time and place."

+And this isn't the correct time or place?+

"Does it look like it to you?"
Molotch gives Ravenor the benefit of his own chaos knowledge when it comes to daemons, and also showin the extent of his training and learning in this regard from the Cognitae. Thety seem to use chaos as a tool (As well as worship), but they seem to take the same attitude some of the unaligned chaos Chapters do (like the Night Lords or Iron Warriors or such.)

Page 374
Culzean's hired guns offered resistance to the bitter end. Nayl came up some crumbling stone steps onto a paved terrace several levels above Ravenor and Molotch, and immediately came under renewed fire. Las shots shrieked at him from a large doorway across the terrace, forcing him into cover behind a stone urn that quickly became a shapeless lump.


The gunmen at the doorway had him pinned. With a grunt of resignation, Nayl hoisted up his launcher and banged a grenade into the air. It landed in the doorway and detonated in a sheet of fire and grit.

He was up and running at once. Two gunmen lay dead, mangled by the blast. Another staggered, deafened, in the ruin of the doorway. Part of the building facade had collapsed and smoke poured out of the broken door.

Letting his slung launcher bang against his hip as he ran, Nayl drew his autopistol and capped the staggering man as he went in past him. The hall inside was thick with smoke. Another survivor was crawling around on the debris-strewn floor on his hands and knees. Nayl put the wretch out of his misery, and then headed on.
Nayl taking cover behind a man shaped urn that is,, I guess melted very shortly by lasfire from.. 3-4 gunmen maybe. No more than 20, but far less than that.

Assuming a metre high urn 50 cm in diameter, and 1 cm thick at the walls we might figure it weighs 30-40 kilos, assuming silicon. call it 60-80 MJ to melt over an unknown time frame, and an approximat enumber of guns. Call it 10 rifles and 100 shots apiece (100 shots) we're talking 60-80 kj per shot. call it double, triple digit kj per shot as an order of magnitude.

Page 376
The room was a dining hall of sorts. It was dominated by a huge refectory table of old, sturdy timber, big enough to seat thirty. There were the chairs to prove it.


Worna grabbed hold of the long table with his left hand. The fingers of his metal gauntlet sank into the wood. With a whine of power armour, he hurled the huge table right over. It left the ground and crashed down on its side, shattering some of the chairs.
Capabilities of Worna's powered armour.

Page 376
He fired the grenade launcher he was clutching against his chest.

The grenade round hit Worna in the sternum, with enough kinetic force to knock him back several steps.

Recovering his balance, the grizzled bounty hunter looked down. The round had magnetically attached itself to his breastplate. Worna scrabbled at it to knock it off.

It exploded.

The blast sent Nayl sprawling along the floor. It threw Worna's mighty, spread-eagled form violently across the chamber in the other direction, demolishing the far doors as he ploughed into them.

Nayl picked himself up and hobbled down the room to the wreckage of the doors. Smoke threaded the air. He could see Worna's corpse on its back, half buried in broken hardwood door panels.

The armour of his upper torso was buckled and blackened, and his face was a raw, red mask of burnt flesh.
Winded, Nayl tried to struggle, but Worna was already rising, black eyes burning savagely out of the blast-flayed remains of his face. Blood wept from the seared flesh.
Worna survives the blast. That's some durable power armor for civilian purchase. Hell, Worna himself is damn durable for a 40K civilian.

Page 380
Culzean reignited his void shield for cover against the elemental fury, and the rain sizzled and steamed off its field.
Porrtable void shield. It may have been installed in a wand device, but then again it may be static in the facility.

PAge 384
The first las-shot blew out his spine. The second chopped the back off his head as cleanly as an axe blow. Siskind staggered, gaping, smoke streaming out of his mouth. Blood poured down the back of his expensive coat of Vitrian glass.
He toppled over the stair rail and fell.
Belknap's guard issue lasrifle/lascarbine (term is used interchangably.) Call it single or double digit kj to blow off half the skull. To blow out the spine, assume about 5-10 cm diameter wound some 15-20 cm through the body. Call it ~8-10 pulses, at 10-20 kj apiece for blaster (5 microsecond delay betwene pulses and 5mm spot diameter) it will make a 5-8 cm wide hole 15-20 cm deep.Total energy is somewhere between 100-200 kj.

Thermal damage to brain is roughly double digit kj probably, so we're probably looking at high double digit low triple digit kj

Page 385-386
He glanced at his weapon. It was a trusty tool and had never malfunctioned before. He tried again. He realised that something was preventing his finger from squeezing the trigger.

He turned instinctively. A kineblade impaled him through one eye like an arrow. Two more struck into his chest.

Patience Kys walked towards him across the ruined dining hall, her skirt flowing.

"There's more where that came from." she promised.

Worna tried to fire at her. She lashed out with the full fury of her telekinesis and grabbed him around the neck, throttling him.

Worna choked.

Kys raised her arms like a sorcerer casting a spell and propelled him up off the floor and out through the window. Advancing, she lifted his struggling bulk up into the sky and suspended him there.

A bolt of lightning slammed into his metal-clad form. A second later, two more monumental lightning strikes hit him.

"End of story?" she asked sarcastically, her hands raised.

"You... wish..." Worna gasped, blood streaming out of his mouth.

Kys determinedly held the bounty hunter in the sky a little longer. Eight more forks of lightning slammed into Worna in rapid succession. His armoured carcass began to burn.
Once it was blazing like a torch, she hurled it away. It arced across the rooftops of Elmingard like a comet, leaving a trail of fire behind it.

Kys vs Worna. Shows Kys TK skill again (lifting a guy 100-200+ kilos in armour, holding him up, and Worna surviving all sorts of stuff, including multiple lightning strikes.)

Page 389
Molotch was speed-reading the crumbling parchments. "He's right. It's like I told you. To cast out a daemon, one must choose the right place and time. One must find a location where the walls between dimensions are tissue-thin, a rift or fissure, a place of weakness. There are only a few such places in the entire cosmos and Elmingard isn't one of them. Any banishment rites we try here are a waste of effort."
Molotch showing off again.

Page 400
Nayl yelled out her name. He opened fire at the glowing figure. Ravenor's chair started firing at it too. The heavyrounds bounced off the burning, black-taloned thing.
Angharad's sword did not. She took off its head in one stroke. Pressurised black ichor squirted up out of the severed neck with such force it spattered the ceiling. The thing clawed at her with its jet-black hooks. She took its bone arm off, and then cut it entirely in half.
"Evisorex thirsts!" she cried as the daemon fell apart, reducing to dust, its red glow evaporating.
Daemonic host resistant to Ravenor's gunfire, but the psychic Carthaen sword is another story.
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Cykeisme »

Are they meant to be a form of Force Swords, where these books were written before the term "force weapon" hadn't yet become commonplace in 40k?
"..history has shown the best defense against heavy cavalry are pikemen, so aircraft should mount lances on their noses and fly in tight squares to fend off bombers". - RedImperator

"ha ha, raping puppies is FUN!" - Johonebesus

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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Dr. Trainwreck »

I like how daemon summoning is described less as sorcery and more as a business contract of sorts, where the other guy eats you if you don't keep up your end. It's more Faust than D&D.

It also lends weight to my theory that Tzeentch has an inside man somewhere in Wall Street, and Fulgrim is secretly working in Deutschebank. That's an added bonus.

Cykeisme wrote:Are they meant to be a form of Force Swords, where these books were written before the term "force weapon" hadn't yet become commonplace in 40k?
As far as Lexicanum is concerned, force weapons were there since Rogue Trader. The Daemonhunters Codex, which dealt specifically with Grey Knights and their stuff, was published in 2003, so make of that what you will. Or it's just a case of Abnett being weird (again), since he writes in multiple franchises and doth not a fuck giveth about small details.
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The seller was a Filipino called Dr. Wilson Lim, a self-declared friend of the M.I.L.F. -Grumman
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: Ravenor/Bequin series analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I assume we're talking about Carthaen blades, and in my experience they're related to but different from Force weapons, mainly in the sense Carthaen blades seem to have a sentience, whereas Force weapons are (generally) non-sentient. There are exceptions (such as if they acquire xenos blades, like in Dawn of War Ascension) but generally not. Oddly this means Carthaen blades have similarities to daemon weapons or the Anathema from the HH novels (a sentience) although they seem to be less corrupting and dangerous than a Daemon weapon (relatively speaking.)
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