Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcome)

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Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcome)

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

A note before I begin, I wish to say that this is largely a feedback thread. I am hoping for constructive, and at times I am sure brutal criticism on the following spaceship design. Enjoy!

The follow thread started almost three years ago, when a friend of mine explored the following question…

Suppose a civilization with a StarWars level of tech and industrial capacity, wished to colonize another Galaxy. Well a number of questions come up that we followed to certain conclusions.
1: If you have advanced to the level StarWars tech, it is a safe bet that many other races have too, IE Going to another Galaxy you will most likely run into groups on par with your power.
2: With this in mind, ‘Colonizing’ another Galaxy may involve a fair amount of conquest as well. You would need a mix of warship and colony ship. From an efficiency standpoint, it would be very costly to have a large military fleet protecting a number of civilian colony ships.
3: If you can build something like a ‘DeathStar’ a mobile battle station of immense size, than you could build a similar ship but instead repurposed as a colony ship. Such a colony ship could be it’s OWN Defense ‘fleet’ as it were.

To explore this idea in a bit more detail, I created a thread back in 2011 exploring the use of a DeathStar sized ship for colonizing purposes.
Link Here

After a few pages of wonderful feed back, including a bit from Darth Wong as well, the consensus came down to the following conclusions.

*Such a ship should if Deathstar sized, should not need to be any larger that 100 to 200km in diameter.
*Such a huge ship should not be alone, there should be at least a few of these so as not to have all eggs in one basket as it where.
*A perfect Sphere is in fact not the optimal shape, it was discussed that you want a Reactor closer to space so there is less distance for waste heat to travel to a ventilation system. A sphere means having the same distance to travel in all directions.
*With the stated goals, the purpose of the ship would be much more than simply getting people from point A to point B. With the goal of building of a lasting multi-systems civilization in mind, as well as the possibility for military encounters and engagements, the Ship will also need to be a mobile command center as well, capable of defending not only itself but surface colonies once they are formed on a planet.

After re-discovering the thread recently, I decided to go back and to form a far more refined and finalized version of my Mega Colony ship.
So without further Adieu, I give you The Legacy Class Colony Ship / Mobile planetoid


The first thing is a quick overview of the size. The grid behind the ship represents 10km by 10km blocks. So the over all size is a ship that is ‘just’ 160km across and 230km from top to bottom. This design is also for the “Main” colony ship, there will be five other ships, similar in shape and construction, but on a slightly smaller scale of 120km across.

You may notice the odd shape. In concordance with being energy efficient as well as splitting certain parts of the shape up, I landed upon this Inverse bell shape for the over all haul design. To better explain things, let me go next to a Cut away view and go through just what everything is.


(Firstly a quick note. Much of the details shown in the cutaway will obviously NOT be to scale. The transportation tubes, energy tracks, vents are obviously not as big as depicted. )
As one might expect, the ship is divided into two halves, the upper half is ‘mostly’ habitation. While the lower half is mostly industrial spaces and ship systems.
I use the word ‘mostly’ because one of the things Wong stressed was, with that with a ship of this size; primarily you focus on building the “important” parts of the ship first. Engines, reactor, drive systems, ships systems, shields and weapons, machine shops, on and on. Despite being a colony ship, things such as living spaces are actually of a secondary concern.
An exception to this is what I call the “open air habitats”

Overview 1A: General Habitation
In such a trip the need for large open areas will be essential. People on a ship for a long duration will need large open air spaces to shed the feeling of being crammed into a giant enclosed space. The habitats I have come up with are spaced out in four levels. The middle two rings are comprised of individual domes, each one approximately 20km long and 5km long. 20 by 20 gives a flat square meter space of 400 square km in total.
The lower middle set is comprised of a ring of eight individual domes, while the upper middle ring has six. Every other dome is either a mostly urban city dome (much like New York or San Chicago in population density) or a mostly rural natural park setting. This gives a total of seven mostly city domes and seven mostly nature domes for the middle part.
The top and bottom rings however are full “Rings” still 20km across and 5km wide, but full ‘donuts’ instead of individual domes. These are designed for more high-density habitation. Still ‘open air’ but a far denser environment.
The bottom ring, being located closer to the lower half of the ship, is constructed to house for the most part, ‘industrial jobs’. Those that spend much of their time working on the ship itself, which are in the lower part of the ship; this puts them physically closer and allows for quicker access.
The top most ring is of a similar size and purpose, however it’s habitation and use will be gone over in a later part.

Overview 1B: Population sizes
As stated earlier, of the middle rings, seven would be nature based, and seven would be Urban City based. At 400km surface area per dome, that is a total of 2800 square km of space for the “City” domes.
Doing some rough calculations on large cities in America, looking at places like NYC and Chicago, at ‘modern’ city densities you could fit a population of 6,000,000 into a single dome with relative comfort. That gives an approximant total population of 42,000,000 for just the seven domes of the middle rings. The bottom habitat ring, having a larger density will possibly have a similar population mix.
(note, with my poor math skills, calculating the square Km of the bottom ‘donut ring’ habitat was something I couldn’t quite figure out how to do. I know the formula is “Area = pi (R1squared – R2squared) Where R1 is 40km, but I wasn’t sure how to exactly find R2 just by eyeballing my pic)
This gives a population for JUST the open air spaces of roughly 80,000,000.
Given the immense cubic space available throughout the rest of the ship, there will be living space enough for easily the same amount (though in not as much comfort obviously) giving the ship an approximant Civilian population of 160million.

Overview 1C: Climates
The vast habitat domes and habitat ‘rings’ on the shape try to mimic a real world environment as much as possible. To this end, they will cycle through winter and summer like heat patterns. Heating for the habitats in generals is provided in large part by utilizing waste heat from the main reactor. The amount of heat from the reactor would of course be more than sufficient for virtually all of the heating needs of the population, both for maintaining a pleasant temperature in the habitats themselves as well as other civilian and industrial needs.
A further method of establishing a somewhat ‘realistic’ environment within the habitats, is the inclusion of ‘winter / summer’ cycles. Through out the course of a given calendar year, heat would gradually be reduced to a dome to a cooler (although not harmful) temperature to simulate a cooling of season toward winter.
A further step in terms of ensuring a ‘natural’ feel is a slow rotation of this season within the dooms.
Basically instead of them all going cold to warm at once, the ‘season’ would gradually shift from dome to dome. As an example, it would be ‘winter’ in one dome, and ‘summer’ in the dome on the other side of the ship.

Overview 2: Large scale transportation
In a vessel of such size, moving from point A to point B in a speedy method is of course of the upmost need. With a circumference of aprox 500km (502.4 exactly), the longest distance one could expect to travel would be along the edge from one side to the other, or about 250km. With the speed of even modern day rail trains pushing pass 300km per hour, such distances will not be an issue, especially as one might expect that trains using more advance tech would travel even faster.

In the cut-away of the ship, you can see a number of blue lines going back and forth, representing the largest of the ships passenger rail lines.
(There will be of course innumerable smaller tram lines for service work, repair, military and other needs that are not show for purposes of not cluttering the image too much)
These main civilian transport tunnels are set in groups going horizontally around the main habitation areas, and than vertically connecting the rings to one another.
Each habitat dome has a primary transportation artery connecting it to the adjacent dome as seen in the image below.

Upon reaching the dome, the artery splits and encircles the dome allowing for entrance or exit at any stop along the circumference of the dome. Additionally the artery also moves under the dome, to all direct trains to bypass the dome completely if making a large train trip. Once again there would be innumerable smaller transportation hubs within the domes to allow quick access to the main hubs along the edge.
Travel from level to level would be obtained through similar methods and indeed even using the same high speed trains. In such an advanced tech, it would be trivial to make large transportation tunnels utilizing a separate gravity grid so that “Down” becomes the floor of the tunnel instead of ‘down’ in relation to the rest of the ship. This would allow the use of the exact same trains, parts and components, instead of devising a whole different transportation system, say some sort of giant high-speed ‘elevator’

Overview 3: Primary reactor, Engines and energy conduits
It goes without saying that with a ship of such size, an equally large power source shall need to be required.
However, knowing that we are working with a ‘StarWars’ tech level, and knowing what sort of power outputs they are capable of, it does not need to be as large as those of the DeathStar that all of this was originally based upon.
Back in the original discussion thread, one of the problems I ran into was, because I used the word ‘DeathStar’ to describe the nature and size of the ship, many posters thought the ship was some sort of Battle station converted to civilian use instead of a purpose built ship. This led to many people assuming that the interior would be needed to devote similar space to power and weapon systems as the original DeathStar (Cutaway view below)

The main power core for this ship, while still large, is noticeably smaller than that of the original DeathStar, as it does not need to fuel a planet-busting weapon, although it DOES have a large offensive weapon system, which shall be reviewed in more detail later on.
One aspect of the Power core that should be noted are the dark brown tubes leading away from it seen on the main Cutaway pic. These are emergency heat sinks and are located at the point where the Core is closest to the outer hull. Again back in the original conversation, the discussion of waste heat was a reoccurring concern. Specifically, getting rid of heat in an efficient method without ending up with a vent system which caused the original DeathStar so much trouble. Part of the reason for the ‘Inverse bell’ design, was to have a shape that would allow the Core to be much closer to the cold of space in certain areas.
As mentioned earlier, much of the heat from the core is used throughout the ship, both for civilian uses such as heating habitat areas to industrial uses. However not all heat can be used up in such a fashion and it will be necessary to vent large amounts in a safe and secure method.
As for the energy produced by the reactor, looking back at the original Cutaway pic, much of the Energy from the reactor is pushed into the large array of Drive Engines that encircle the lower half of the ship. Something discussed previous, was how the Deathstar was much more like a Station than a starship. It could move in normal space, but very VERY Slowly.
For this colony ship, while it would do most of its travel in Hyperspace, moving in normal space is an important aspect, especially if for some reason the Hyperdrive is temporary incapacitate. To this end, an extensive series of large high-energy ‘normal space’ engines are installed along the underside. A view of the layout of the engines can be found below.

The orange circles are of course the engines themselves, while the lighter orange circles are a form of “Reactionless Drive” for additional propulsion.

Overview : Military forces and Offensive and Defensive capabilities.
This section I had wished to leave for last, largely as it relies upon concepts and aspects that I wished to lay out in all the previous overviews.
As stated earlier, the ship would need to function as far more than a Civilian colony ship. It would need to maintain an ongoing military force as well as be sufficiently armed to defend itself from ships of similar size or power.
To begin the Overview, I’ll start with the primarily location of the military, such as it.
In the habitation overview, I mentioned four habitat rings. Three of these are of civilian use, the four ring located at the top of the ship, is in fact devoted to pure military installations. Its vast open space is devoted to a mix training camps for all conceivable environments as well as military schools, barracks, food and munitions stores as well as several other facilities needed for a functional military.
The ship itself is also extremely well armed and outfitted with a vast amount of anti ship and anti Capital ship weaponry. Each of the five gray bands going across the ship horizontally, as well as the eight gray bands going down the ship vertically, are in fact Military structures for mounting large Anti-Ship weaponry. The underside of the ship has three similar weapon emplacements as well.
Going back to the basic idea that we are dealing with StarWars level tech, and that by extension, the Galaxy you are going into may also have similar tech, there is the possibility of having to face down ships on par with StarDreadnaughts such as the Eclipse, Executor, or even a DeathStar like vessel.
To this end, while the ship does not have any sort of ‘planet buster’ weapon, it does have a “Super laser” of sorts, running up the length of the ship to the very ‘top’. The nature of this weapon is designed purely in the event of encountering another hostile vessel of similar size or power, and would not be drawing any power from the main reactor unless such an eventuality presented itself.
The weapon itself need not take up that much space. As shown by the ‘Eclipse’ it is possible to design a Super Laser of sufficient destructive power that it can fit in a ship a ‘mere’ 17.5 km in size.
The weapon itself, as mentioned is located up at the top of the ship; this is one other reason why the military habitat ring is also located at the top, away from the civilian rings and able to be isolated in case of emergency.

In conclusion, I hope that the previous layout be taken and evaluated by the more engineering and mathematical inclined members of the board and graded in appropriate manor. As I mentioned in the beginning, feedback of ALL sorts is appreciated. If I have made some egregious engineering oversight in any of this, or some sort of Sci-Fi faux pas, I deeply wish to know about for the purposes of furthering the exercise.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Borgholio »


1. If it's capable of hyperspace travel, why go through the trouble of having seasons and such in the open air habitats? Is the hyperspace speed so slow that it'll take years to get to the other galaxy?

2. Once there, how would the ship actually debark the colonists? Spread out over a planet or several planets? Would the ship itself be used to build the colony? Or would it ferry 80m colonists at a time back and forth like a passenger liner?
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Patroklos »


1.) I don't like the idea of the combination warship/colony ship. You mentioned the "all the eggs in one basket" thing but you also mentioned encountering civilizations of similar scale and power. If that's the case they can build warships just as big as your colony ship entirely dedicated that role that would be correspondingly far more powerful military wise. Or smaller ships equal in power, either way the odds are against you unless there is some local circumstances you can exploit (ie find the galaxy divided and a faction you can ally with).

Defensive cababilities sure, but I would send a dedicated warship along, or at lease have the ability to build some soon after arriving.

2.) In order to avoid encountering a peer competitor you could always pick a galaxy to target that is not likely to be able to support a civilization on the scale of the one you are leaving behind. Galaxies come in all shapes and sizes, pick one that you think you can handle.

3.) Why have so many active workers breathing, eating, multiplying and otherwise using up resources? If this is SW level tech why not encase in carbonite or whatever however many hundreds of millions of colonists you want and stack them like cordwood? The Death Star itself, a dedicated warship and built to those specifications had a crew arguably no more than 500K and you won't have nearly the amount of functions to staff. In fact looking at the design its the habitats and crew support that would be the most labor intensive in many ways, remove that as much as possible and you can create a smaller ship for the same results or just increase the colony/industry capacity of the current design.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Andras »

Why does the reactor have to be in the center of the ship? Make it a sphere with the reactor on the bottom. Then it's close to the surface and you have vast amounts of space 'above' it. In the DS with the SL directly attached to the reactor it needed to be in the center. With no SL you have considerable freedom in relocating the reactor. W/o the need to power the SL, the reactor itself may also be quite a bit smaller.

Put the habitation domes directly on the outer surface*. The Island Cluster class colonization ship in Macross can hold 5 million colonists in a ship about 15km x 10km, with another 5 million in subsidiary 8km x 3km ships. 6 subsidiary domes gives about the same area as the main dome, so lets call it 240sqkm for 10m colonists. One of the subsidiary domes in each cluster is an agricultural area.

The 160km sphere has a bit over 80,000sqkm. If you only place one cluster per 500sqkm to account for stacking losses and other needs for the surface of the main ship you can fit over 160 clusters, or 1.6 billion people on the surface alone.

If you only use 75% of the area of the sphere, you still have 120 clusters for 1.2billion people.

Here is a image of a Island Class compared to the previous City class

Inside view
The enormous Macross Frontier colony fleet consists of the Battle 25 attached to the front of the massive Island 1 some 15 kilometers long (much larger than City 7, which was some 6 kilometers in length). Nearly half of the 10 million residents of the Macross Frontier fleet reside in Island 1 under a dome some 2,000 meters in altitude. The ground levels feature metro areas, hills, rivers, and oceans. Sky city is located on the ceiling of the dome while there are several levels underground with residential zones and storage space, gravity generators, propulsion systems, and so on. The shell remains up normally but is closed during battles and space folds. A large cluster of other, smaller domed Islands are also attached directly to the Macross Frontier in two large chains trailing behind the Island 1. Island 3 is noted to contain an agricultural area, the Zentradi mall Folmo and an alien lifeform laboratory. In times of crisis, the individual Islands have defensive shutters that envelope the dome to protect those inside.
This section of the ship is the one that carries the settlers, it is several times bigger than the one on the macross 7 carrying 5000000 settlers inside. One of the main characteristics it is that it has a protection shell thar stays open during peace time but it is closed during combat and space folds.
As many cities on earth it has office districts, residential districts etc. Mihoshi academy, the academy that the protagonists go to, and the auditorium are also located there.It also has sea zones and mountain zones. It is made in a way that it ressembles earth before the destruction during the first space war. It has several zones attached to it complimenting it.

It is the biggest ship in all the fleet so it serves as a flagship and the main residential zone, half of the fleet settlers live there, it is also one of the biggest macross class ships. A lot of the ships attached to it serve to facilitate resources, food, technology etc, for long trips without contacting earth or settling on a planet, which work just fine as the macross frontier has been 18 years travelling through space before the war against the vajra.

The areas of the ship ressemble oriental and american cities. Its height is 2 kilometers from the ground to the top of the ship and the gravity is 0.75 times the earth gravity.

*Do I really need to specify there will be armored shelters for the population under the city itself?
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Borgholio wrote:Questions.

1. If it's capable of hyperspace travel, why go through the trouble of having seasons and such in the open air habitats? Is the hyperspace speed so slow that it'll take years to get to the other galaxy?

2. Once there, how would the ship actually debark the colonists? Spread out over a planet or several planets? Would the ship itself be used to build the colony? Or would it ferry 80m colonists at a time back and forth like a passenger liner?
1: Even with the intense speedo of SW level Hyperspace, a trip to another Galaxy is still quite large. As an example, it is 2.5 million light years from here to Andromeda. Traveling at over 100,000 times the speed of light per year, will still take you about 25 years (give or take) Now that may be a very 'slow' speed for SW, but it is what I was using, perhaps 200k but that would be a max speed. (unless I am grossly wrong about the over all speed of SW drives)

2. Getting people planet side is easy enough, a ship of this size would carry inside it perhaps hundreds of massive atmospheric transports. Think ships the size of the ''Acclamator'' from the clone wars moving people up and down from the ship to a planet. As far as going back. My main idea was for a "One Way" trip, that is one of the reasons why there is So much "ship" in the first place.
Patroklos wrote:Thoughts:

1.) I don't like the idea of the combination warship/colony ship. You mentioned the "all the eggs in one basket" thing but you also mentioned encountering civilizations of similar scale and power. If that's the case they can build warships just as big as your colony ship entirely dedicated that role that would be correspondingly far more powerful military wise. Or smaller ships equal in power, either way the odds are against you unless there is some local circumstances you can exploit (ie find the galaxy divided and a faction you can ally with).

Defensive cababilities sure, but I would send a dedicated warship along, or at lease have the ability to build some soon after arriving.

2.) In order to avoid encountering a peer competitor you could always pick a galaxy to target that is not likely to be able to support a civilization on the scale of the one you are leaving behind. Galaxies come in all shapes and sizes, pick one that you think you can handle.

3.) Why have so many active workers breathing, eating, multiplying and otherwise using up resources? If this is SW level tech why not encase in carbonite or whatever however many hundreds of millions of colonists you want and stack them like cordwood? The Death Star itself, a dedicated warship and built to those specifications had a crew arguably no more than 500K and you won't have nearly the amount of functions to staff. In fact looking at the design its the habitats and crew support that would be the most labor intensive in many ways, remove that as much as possible and you can create a smaller ship for the same results or just increase the colony/industry capacity of the current design.
1: Well again my main concept was for a one way ship that was a sort of "Civilization in a bottle". Able to arrive and immediately act as a power base.
Also keep in mind this is meant to be one of Five Similar ships. Acting together as a fleet, of the other four ships, I am thinking of making them more specialized. One more military, one more civilian based and such. One could simply be mostly a "Cargo" ship and hold other warships inside. A ship of this size could have no problem berthing a whole fleet of Executor sized warships inside of it. The Main ship arrives, launches a fleet to explore and protect.
So in that regard the mix of warship and colony (to me at least) makes more sense.

2: Well of course, and one might say it would be prudent to search a galaxy that would not encounter such a threat. Of course part of the original thought Experiment was specifically to ask "What if" regarding other threats.

3: Well you COULD do that.. I mean if you wanted to go for total max efficacy in terms of space usage. But in my defense I'd say the desire to have all these people awake, working and being in big artificial city and open spaces, is the "Civilization in a bottle" idea again. The idea of a mobile living Capital for our civilization as it were.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Borgholio »

1: Even with the intense speedo of SW level Hyperspace, a trip to another Galaxy is still quite large. As an example, it is 2.5 million light years from here to Andromeda. Traveling at over 100,000 times the speed of light per year, will still take you about 25 years (give or take) Now that may be a very 'slow' speed for SW, but it is what I was using, perhaps 200k but that would be a max speed. (unless I am grossly wrong about the over all speed of SW drives)
Speed of hyperspace in SW varies based on objects in your path that you need to avoid. Going from Tatooine to Alderaan in the Falcon represents a speed of 1.2 million c. Now we know that the Falcon has an illegally modified and beefed up hyperdrive, so if you talk about large passenger liners with the slowest hyperdrives you're looking at about 250 thousand c or so. Stardestroyers and military ships can go about twice that. So if this ship is quasi-military, you're looking about 400 - 500 thousand c. Still a trip of a few now that I actually wrote out the damn numbers, I see the benefit of your design. :)
2. Getting people planet side is easy enough, a ship of this size would carry inside it perhaps hundreds of massive atmospheric transports. Think ships the size of the ''Acclamator'' from the clone wars moving people up and down from the ship to a planet. As far as going back. My main idea was for a "One Way" trip, that is one of the reasons why there is So much "ship" in the first place.
So this'd be one of those colony ships where the ship itself is broken apart to be used as materials to build the colony?
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by krakonfour »

A small thought:

The industrial space should be placed AHEAD of the habitation spheres. Why? Because anything it meets will shoot/impact the front, and you want your passengers to have something between them and the point of impact.

Secondly, why not place each habitation module on top of an independent ship? They would be able to detach and immediately land on a planet, and the loss of one will not affect the others. Plus, you can simply link them up to share resources.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Borgholio wrote: Speed of hyperspace in SW varies based on objects in your path that you need to avoid. Going from Tatooine to Alderaan in the Falcon represents a speed of 1.2 million c. Now we know that the Falcon has an illegally modified and beefed up hyperdrive, so if you talk about large passenger liners with the slowest hyperdrives you're looking at about 250 thousand c or so. Stardestroyers and military ships can go about twice that. So if this ship is quasi-military, you're looking about 400 - 500 thousand c. Still a trip of a few now that I actually wrote out the damn numbers, I see the benefit of your design. :)

So this'd be one of those colony ships where the ship itself is broken apart to be used as materials to build the colony?
Wow yeah I didn't know that SW hyperspace could actually get THAT fast!
But yeah even so, you are still looking at several years, and thats at the higher end 500k c.

As for the breaking it up, well not exactly.
When I say "one way" I am more thinking about simply not expecting any more help form home as it were. There is no reason why it COULDN'T go back, but when this was originally though up, it was done more toward not expecting to go back to the original Galaxy. So that was what I meant by "one way". The ship is meant to stay around also as a mobil central command as it were.

krakonfour wrote:A small thought:

The industrial space should be placed AHEAD of the habitation spheres. Why? Because anything it meets will shoot/impact the front, and you want your passengers to have something between them and the point of impact.

Secondly, why not place each habitation module on top of an independent ship? They would be able to detach and immediately land on a planet, and the loss of one will not affect the others. Plus, you can simply link them up to share resources.
1: Well, if you are at the point where there is an attack that has already breached the monstrous shields of the ship, AND burned through rather intense armor, AND is resisting counter attack by the weapon systems of the ship as well as the other four in the "fleet" Well, you have bigger issues to deal with.

2: As far as detaching the habitats. I am not exactly sure what benefit that has, to my mind it would be horrifically complicated to do, the habitats are 20km across, even if you drastically reduced their size you have to make some sort of "Launching" system to get the out of the interior of the ship. It almost sounds like you are thinking of them on the surface or even the outside of the ship, where they could simply be 'ejected'
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Patroklos »

Are we assuming magic gravity?
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Borgholio »

When I say "one way" I am more thinking about simply not expecting any more help form home as it were. There is no reason why it COULDN'T go back, but when this was originally though up, it was done more toward not expecting to go back to the original Galaxy. So that was what I meant by "one way". The ship is meant to stay around also as a mobil central command as it were.
Well I'm thinking more like a tug / cargo system like the Nostromo in Aliens. If your ship is supposed to hang around as a mobile command center, why have the whole ship hang around if it's just going to be parked in orbit? Detach the top habitat section and set it up as an orbital station. The bottom half can then return home to pick up another colony section.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by SMJB »

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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by SMJB »

Patroklos wrote:Are we assuming magic gravity?
We're assuming a Star Wars-esque tech base, so yeah.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Yeah gravity is not really an issue here.

Back to response to Borgholio.
Your idea about detaching the top part and returning for another load is, interesting. But would require a massive redesign.
Also I have never liked detachable starships in general. The stress of holding parts together, even on a ship the size of the Enterprise must be enormous. I cannot begin to calculate what you would need to keep two parts on the scale of this ship together in hyperspace.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Borgholio »

Well I'm not talking about detaching on the fly like the Enterprise - D with the ability to quickly re-attach if needed. Think like the Space Shuttle, where the connectors between the shuttle, tank, and boosters are under incredible levels of stress but still detach quite easily without prematurely failing. Your colony ship could be the same way. Attach the sections at a shipyard, then blow the "explosive bolts" when you reach stable orbit around the site of the new colony.

Or for reference in other Sci-Fi, the Nostromo was the same way. It was basically a space tractor-trailer. A tiny ship with huge engines that pulled a massive, deployable refinery from planet to planet.
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Re: Layout design for MegaSized colony ship (feedback welcom

Post by Patroklos »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:Yeah gravity is not really an issue here.

Back to response to Borgholio.
Your idea about detaching the top part and returning for another load is, interesting. But would require a massive redesign.
Also I have never liked detachable starships in general. The stress of holding parts together, even on a ship the size of the Enterprise must be enormous. I cannot begin to calculate what you would need to keep two parts on the scale of this ship together in hyperspace.
Well that depends on the forces involved. This isn't a ship meant to peform crazy manuevers but rather travel in a straight line from point a to point be. If the detachable piece is on the "top" as drawn the compression stress from accelerating into hyperspace isn't really a problem, it could just be sitting there without any actual connection and be pushed by the drive section like a tug/barge. Deccelerating would be the problem, but honestly its still not a particularly complex force to compensate for given its singular predictable direction. Just some clamps for reusable vehicles or disposible pins for one time use. Hell, for one time use you can just cut the structureal connectiors wholesale.

This is SW level tech though, so if we are handwaving gravity we are also handwaving why the crew isn't splattered into jelly when entering and leaving hyperspace or simply manuevering, so I don't think you need to concern yourself with these stresses anyway.
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