-Does D&D invisibility work against high-tech imaging systems? Nobody knows.
-Is a dragon skin strong enough to resist bulelts? Can't tell.
-Can you HOLD an airplane? Does HOLD actually make everything in it NOT HELD? (can I hold your internal organs but not your skin? does HOLD work on non-living things?)
-Can you cast CHARM against somebody in a airtight, fully sealed environment? How can we know, if there aren't such things in a D&D setting.
-Does a dragon outmaneouver a slow plane or vice-versa? Can a dragon do 500 km/h or only about 100 or 60? Will a dragon even have time to cast a spell on an enemy that is withing range for a second or two at a time?
Unless you make the comparison using one of those mixed-genre RPGs like Rifts (*cough* *cough* *puke*) there's really no basis for comparison.
When it is true that Hit points is a bit off joke there is way to do some comparasion yes...
- Actually, I am pretty sure the invisibility only affect vision and all other way to detect a objetc other than vision could work there. But then there is higher illusions that affect all the senses. The trick is not to try to lure the technology, but the humans, who are affected by it and you can make then see or hear anything in that radar.
- Off course you can tell. Older dragons can resist to hits by swords, arrows and balistic enginiers. The leather of a dragon is stronger than steel if you make a armor with that. Someone just can compare by this. Its pretty clear the the skin of a dragon is much harder than humans for example. Or even a full plate armor.
- I dunno how you hold a plane. I never heard a Power Word Hold spell and all of those spells affect only living beings that can hear it. The Holdings spells also only affect a living target, just one. They could tell from where they got this spell. I am curious.
- You can cast charm to anything that actually see you(Some more especific ask for them to hear you also). You do not need to see the wearer and in D&D we had tons of places and fortress in this sittuation. Wiht Psionic you just need to use a power to detect the living beings there to control it.
- No dragon is faster than a plane. If he had to fly away, the plane would catch him. But dragons can cast spells when flying without any problem and some spells are just a command word. So, he could teleport away before being hit.
Muffin is food. Food is good. I am a Muffin. I am good.