I never called it contrived because it was messy, that's approaching a strawman. Let me explain why I felt it was contrived.
I called it contrived because instead of filming a sequence that looks like it takes place within any of the environments we've seen in Halo, it takes place in a dirty, flat, boring junkyard with a bunch of bizzarely spaced concrete walls topped with razorwire. As far as military bases go, it is the least properly designed ever, so either it is a bad set, or just a cheap one.
I can't see a reason for shooting there other than budget, which is a contrivance all it's own. I liked the other things, the little mockumentary about the pistols and such, those are clever. I liked the teaser trailer in 3d. But filming in some cruddy junkyard that you barely did anything to dress up, and then shoehorning it into the story (even though it seems to stick out like a sore thumb) seems to be a contrivance no different than all the other contrived cost-cutting measures that movies and films take.
So I was saying, as I said elsewhere, that this was not doing a very good service to the Halo franchise. They certainly can do better than that.
If they wanted to make it look Halo-versey, they wouldn't need to do much to add some bitz to the walls so that it seemed more like the futuristic bases you encounter in the game. As it was, it looks like a paintball arena with a tiny bit of set dressing and some halfassed CGI mattes in the back. How is that not contrived?
When you engineer a situation so that it must take place in something you find desirable for some other reason, how isn't that contrived? It seems as contrived as every Stargate planet taking place in Canadian forests.
It's not like the walls need to make gleam as if they were gold, or some shit. Spartans feel quite at home near concrete:
But I think it was blatantly obvious that this was shot in a cut-rate location, given some serious shakeycam, and then pushed out the door. Wasn't this supposed to be some kind of technical demo for a hypothetical Halo movie?
Darth Wong wrote:It's not as if I'm a Halo fanboy; I don't play console games much and I've criticized the Halo backstory myself; frankly, I think it's retarded. But ranting at length about the stupidity of the location of a battle based on a brief clip in which you know absolutely nothing about the context is simply retarded.
Honestly, 'at length'? This is what I said, before I was forced to defend it:
Terrible little contrived junkyard scene,
That's five words. How is that ranting at length? I responded to criticisms, which all seemed to characterize me as either not realizing it was connect to the Haloverse plotline (which again does not mean that this wasn't contrived) or that I hated it because it was dirty.
Anyway, if there is a fantastic reason that this needed to be shot in one of the most drab and unexciting locations ever known to man (and yes, ruined Berlin, a train yard, or a dirty urban battle would score infinitely higher on my Grit meter for awesomeness) then alright, it's not contrived. But it still looks like warmed-over ass.