Shroom Man 777 wrote:
I meant, the Venture Star and the other Scorpion and Dragon gunships did not have provisions for strategic bombing. Stukas and Mi-24 helicopters drop their bombs very close to their targets, certainly nowhere near the "high above" altitudes you are advocating.
But these are still altitudes hard to attain for living creatures.
About huge bombs in general, dropping them from low altitude would be at least a suicidal idea. Modern ones (at least the 7 ton one) cannot be dropped from altitudes lower than 2 km, as the aircraft could be damaged by it's explosion. In dense atmosphere of Pandora, the blast effect would have an increased range, but not knowing the load's power, the minimum altitude cannot be estimated, but it is probable that it would be even higher.
Also, considering the huge blast radious, something that could be considered miss with an ordinary bomb, with such powerful one, still counts as a hit. The effective blast radious is hundreds of meters, maybye even more.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
How short? And how accurate would this semi-aerodynamic casing be? Do they have to test this casing with prototypes and dry runs?
The RDA simply did not have time.
It surely would be much better than just a bunch of cargo pallets with explosives strapped to them. And designing a simple, steel bomb casing that would have acceptable aerodynamics is
a matter of hours even today, for an engineering student. Damn it, even i could make them in Solidworks (software similar to AutoCAD), and it would not take much time.
And by the way, the same program can do aerodynamics analysis.
And this is just 21th century, not world war 2 USSR, while RDA have 22th century technology, which i suppose would be at least a bit better than 21th century one.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
Can the Venture Star even come down on such a steep approach?
A Valkyrie would be more than enough.
Those were probably pre-programmed designs that their fabricators came loaded with. They certainly did not DESIGN any of those products by themselves. Repairmen =/= guys who can design new weapons systems.
Guys maintaining advanced aircraft are not simple repairmen, like a guy who fixes people's cars. They are highly qualified, and at least a part of them must have actual engineering degrees, which means they were also being taught how to design stuff.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
Show me where their bombs were pieces of crap stuck together with webbing and tape. Even when bombers weren't shot at over Germany, their accuracy was STILL shit.
Do we even know if the Venture Star can VTOL at high altitudes? I mean, Harriers and F-35s are VTOL but they certainly have limits to how high they can hover?
They had no computers durning WW2. Anything they used for ballistic calculations then was pretty much crap, compared even to today's cheap, obsolete systems.
About VTOL altitudes, today's aircraft can hover at altitudes about 3,000m.
However, this is dependant on atmosphere density, humidity, composition (high oxygen of Pandora would do wonders on jet engines).
And we do not know if Valkyrie's engines were jet at all. Taking the fact that iw could have powered flight in space, it would need some other propulsion systems, as jet engines do not work in space. Wiki says these are fusion engines, the same ones Valkyrie uses for reaching orbit, which would mean absolutely no limits to hovering altitudes.
A ot of it's stuff was not given, they had a huge potential in their stereolithography plant that produced it, including pretty complicated stuff, like a huge, remote controlled bulldozer. This means that building something as simple as a bomb body (or even a heavy tank) on their own would be possible.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
They were a mining operation. I'm sure their fabricator came with pre-programmed designs for heavy machinery.
Heavy machinery, light ground attack vehicles, and on the other side, heavy assault gunships like Dragon. Designs can always be made or bought, and then sent over comms.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
Because they didn't have any dedicated bombers and the only plane they had that could "bomb" was a jerry rigged civilian aircraft? Because they COULDN'T bomb the shit out of the Na'vi, because they lacked the capabilities, and the best they had was the shuttle with its half-assed daisy cutter?
Bomb, strafe, pound with unguided rockets, whatever. After all, RDA gunships, especially these huge dragons, could be easily refitted with a few bomb racks.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
Unless it uses anti-gravity technology, its VTOL will have a limit to how high it can hover off the ground. You don't see Harriers or F-35s VTOLing until they reach the stratosphere.
How about when the Venture Star pulls up out of its dive?
Bah, i don't see any jet planes without altitude limits. But that's a limitation of jet engines (getting not enough oxygen), not of the VTOL concept. Considering Valkyrie can fly completly without atmosphere, without any outside oxygen supply, this point does not apply to it.
A vehicle with a rocket engine could VTOL it's way even to space, if it had enough fuel.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
I don't think even Curtis LeMay would've expected the Vietnamese wildlife to turn against him.
Vietnamese wildlife had no bio-USB ports that vietcong could plug into.
But still, snakes and scorpions were used against US forces.
Shroom Man 777 wrote:
They didn't inflict serious losses on the RDA craft. They got slaughtered, and they only managed to take down a handful of the RDA craft. The majority of the RDA gunships were still flying and fighting when the animal attack occurred.
Suffering any noticeable losses from overgrown birds with bowmen on their backs (losses that could be avoided) isn't a good idea. These losses made defending against the animal attack less effective.
He fully knew the Na'vi, he fucking killfucked them. He didn't know Eywa, but I don't think Eywa was the "opponent" in that battle (the Na'vi didn't even think Eywa could even fight!). But, man, you might as well say that knowing is half the battle and that Quarritch would've made a lousy G.I. Joe.

So, he ignored the challenges of enviroment he was fighting in?
Just like wehrmacht, which was paralyzed by russian winter not being taken into account?
It can be called a pretty stupid move.