Since when is the ship low on fuel? In space the ship would simply need to accelerate to full speed and then cruise for however long they need due to the lack of friction in space. Fuel wouldn't be an issue. I'll admit that building more ships may not be plausible in this scenario in the time limit.GrandMasterTerwynn wrote: And what, praytell, do you propose to build more ships with? Unicorn shit and fairy dust? And how do you propose to fuel said ships?
What? Since when are the bad guys suddenly suicidal? Are they like the borg or something? The OP doesn't imply or state that; are you simply making stuff up to support your side?
Taking a fully armed and shielded ship from as grimly fanatical a foe as the Bad Guys seem to be in this scenario would involve shooting the damn thing to pieces so the commander can't scream "Space-Allahu akbar!" while turning his ship into an antimatter bomb/kinetic kill vehicle. Hell, even if the Bad Guys weren't grimly fanatical, the OP seems to state that the Benfactors really need to work at a Bad Guy ship to take it down . . . so, to capture it would involve rendering it unable to fight back . . . which would involve mostly shooting it to pieces. So yes, I'd anticipate repairing the ship afterwards would need the services of a shipyard.
Did you read my post? AFTER the ship was DISABLED, which is highly probable if the Benefactors have a mini fleet with them and a year or two to prepare.Again, what would be the benefit for the Bad Guy commander to obey? The cavalry would far outmatch the now-bloodied Benefactor carrier battle group. Assuming the Bad Guys didn't scream "Space-Allahu Akbar!" the Bad Guy crew would have reasonable expectation of rescue.
Better to be captured by a relatively humane force than to die.Because allowing your enemy to capture and study your technology and potentially make the war worse for your families would suck?
Do you seriously think that humanity would release them back to their civilization? The entire point of my plan for this scenario is for humanity to make the bad guys think that they're gone while humanity builds up its power.Because if you were ever repatriated to your home nation . . . only to be put on trial for treason for allowing your enemy to capture your technology would suck even worse than life in a POW camp?
What if they want to colonize Earth? They'd need engineers to build stuff. They'd also need engineers to maintain the ship and handle mechanical breakdowns and emergencies. Some knowledge of Science is required for an engineer, and scientists maybe needed to study new life forms and such.What the fuck are you smoking, shitbird? This is a completely different thread. A military ship is not going to have the sorts of scientists and engineers aboard that we would need. Any invasion planner that isn't a fucking idiot would send those over on the support ships that follow after you've turned your enemy's naval forces into expanding clouds of cooling gas.
Problems with your analogy:Because science doesn't work like it does on TV. If I dropped a fully operational nuclear submarine into the Thames in Roman-era Great Britain, is it going to allow the people there to enter the 21st century overnight? Fuck no. Even if I dropped that nuclear sub into the Thames in Victorian-era England, the British Empire isn't going to become a 21st century technological civilization overnight. At best, it'd shave a few decades off their development time, provided somebody doesn't inadvertently do something stupid, and kill every Victorian scientist aboard in a massive release of radioactive material.
1. The Roman Empire had little to no concept of the idea that technology develops over time.
2. In your analogy the Roman Empire didn't get a bunch of 21st century scientists and engineers to help them.
3. I didn't claim that humanity would reach such a level of tech "overnight".
There's a difference between mocking someone for being genuinely stupid for a non-trivial reason and actually backing up your mocking and mocking someone who you haven't even debated with for a completely trivial reason.
Did you bother to lurk more than five minutes before you showed up? Maybe, you know, browsed through some old threads before posting to see what the board culture is like? Do you see the board motto?
For some reason, this post felt sort of like deja vu (no offense).Zaune wrote:Another avenue of approach occurs to me. I'm going to take a wild guess and suggest that the Benefactor Mothership has the ability to manufacture its own fighters, and presumably the ability to refine the necessary materials from whatever's handy. They could build rather a lot of fighters in one to three years, training human pilots to fly them and kitting them out to carry human nuclear warheads mated to Benefactor-designed penetrators. There is no vessel in any science fiction I've ever read or watched that could shrug off a 50-100kt nuclear warhead going off inside its armour plating, so we only have to get one or two through an enemy ship's defensive screen to render it combat-ineffective if not a complete loss.
The question then would be if we could force the Enemy to give up and go the long way around before we ran out of nukes.