Stofsk wrote:
He did provide a canon example. You know what, he even replied to your demand for such evidence, and you completely ignored him.
Except his "canon" example was the tech manual.
Except for the whole "redshirt's aim sucks" thing.
Prove it.
I can't find the Trek Miss videos on youtube any more. Pity.
What the fuck? Oh only one example and somehow that makes it invalid? You entered this thread asking for single examples of things and when they've been provided to you, you now claim 'oh shit well I guess single examples = exceptions!' Don't shift goal posts now.
Listen shithead, it's your job to prove that they can and will set their phasers to wide beam and disintegrate multiple enemies at a time. Since, you know,
that's never happened in any Trek series or film. We have ONE instance of Tuvok stunning the bridge crew with a wide beam stun at close range. Wong and others on this forum have repeatedly shown why wide beam and any higher settings are useless (again, Siege of AR-558 is a good example of a time when it
should have been used if it were available.). This isn't shifting goal posts, this is pointing your no-limits fallacy stupidity and assigning capabilities to Trek that have never been demonstrated or are clear outliers.
No, a phaser set on kill just kills someone.
No, a phaser set to kill disappears someone into oblivion. And you can kill thousands like that with a small supply of hand phasers, just ask Captain Tracey of USS Exeter! 'The Omega Glory'[/quote]
No, a phaser set to kill simply
kills. It takes a higher setting to make somebody vanish into thin air. You can even refer to the fucking non-canon technical manual for that if you want to. And yes, when you're being attacked by primitive beings, you can kill thousands of people with phasers.
None of that matters to the lethality of the beam you twit. And the last point about 'you can only shoot at one enemy at a time' is total rubbish in light of the fact you can set it to wide-beam.
Which they don't do because... quantum?
]quote]OH NO SINGLE EXAMPLE!!1[/quote]
We see medivacs often enough in all series. They can beam directly to sickbay in the TNG period. And thanks for condescendingly pointing out that people who get shot with multiple bullets die horribly. Wow I didn't know that.
We see medevacs quite often. How many are
during active combat like I asked?
Let me ask a real life soldier what he would prefer on a modern battlefield, waiting for a medivac copter or getting an instantaneous teleport to the ER. HMMMM HARD CHOICE!
Go fuck yourself.
Oh wait - what? Are you arguing that phasers can't be used to disintegrate targets? Are you arguing that they can't be used on wide beam? Because that would be moronic.
Oh wait, are you arguing that they can just set phasers to wide beam and vaporize numerous opponents at once, despite this
never fucking happening in any series? Why yes, you are. Proving that you're a fucking dumbass.
Maybe the reason why they didn't use the phasers in that fashion in those instances were because the writers were fucking stupid - did that ever occur to you? That they wanted to depict a dramatic infantry charge by the enemy which descends into a vicious melee, when they could have just killed them in seconds based on their own weapon's observed characteristics countless times before?
So it's stupid when I ask if a space battle occurred at BVR because of limitations in what they could portray in the show or because they intended to have the battle be at BVR from the beginning, but "lol, teh writers suck" is a perfectly ok reason for why there's never any instance of what you suggest. Uh-huh.
Double-standard much?
Actually, spaceships in orbit would be analogous to air support, it's just that in Troopers those spaceships don't do anything other than sit there and get shot.
They don't even do that well.
"Oh no, bugs shitting blue Skittles at us! Evasive maneuvers!" *immediately crashes into three other ships and explodes*
The terrain was never suitable to protect them from the bugs. Except for the part where bugs were limited to melee and were charging them across wide-open plains and the Troopers didn't have things like mortars or artillery for area-effect weaponry or using machine guns other than those that were on the tower in that one base they got trapped in.
So why are you complaining about them not taking cover when the terrain wasn't suited for it and their enemy can't shoot back? Again, the one time they did have a barrier between them and the bugs (walls), they made use of it!
Yes, it's all a conspiracy directed towards you.
Which isn't what I said at all. Enjoy your childish trolling; congratulations, you've managed to irritate me. Now fuck off.
Maybe I'm arguing from TOS's perspective because I - get this - actually like TOS? No way, that couldn't be it at all.
Or it could be that you're ignoring everything post-TOS because it nerfs the Federation considerably?
How often does this happen? Do we know for certain that phasers during such firefights were set to kill or disrupt? Perhaps they were set to stun? Do you have examples of such firefights? There is one I remember quite distinctly in season two of DS9 where Kira is taken hostage by the Circle terrorists, Sisko Bashir that Bajoran dude and two other security guys storm the place in a rescue. They take cover behind various objects, and the terrorists open fire on them. Two of the security guards get hit and so does Bashir, but Bashir gets up and orders a beam out when he frees Kira. The security guards get beamed up as well. Looks like they were stunned to me, especially when there was no burn marks on their clothing and one was even conscious enough to order a beam out.
1) Not every battle occurs with phasers on kill, no.
2) Again, the kill setting doesn't always kill someone, at least not immediately.
3) Are you claiming that everyone ever shot with a phaser who doesn't vanish into thin air was shot on stun and not kill?
Sure, that's a valid criticism. Why don't stormtroopers wear camoflaged armour?
They do. They also have utility belts, pouches, and other shit to carry equipment with. Feddies get a little holster for their phaser and another for their tricorder. Doctors carry a plastic box with medical doodads around. Otherwise, their uniforms are inappropriate for anything more rigorous than a day at the officer. And most of them still don't have pockets.
Combat boots is something else though. TOS uniforms had boots.
Yes, they did. Unlike later eras where dress shoes were used for every occasion. TOS also had the handy feature in their uniforms that allowed them to warm themselves (I think this might have showed up in Spock's Brain) if they don't have dedicated winter gear with them. In later generations, if zapping a rock with a phaser wasn't good enough or they forgot their parka, they were shit out of luck. I have to question why such a useful feature was left out of later uniforms, along with sensible footwear.
Like when? Kirk did it to impress the locals in that episode. At various other times the ship has been used in a similar fashion - 'A Taste of Armageddon' he threatens Eminiar with destruction via the ship's weapons, in 'The Alternative Factor' and 'The Apple' Kirk has the Enterprise fire on objects that threaten them all, and in 'Bread and Circuses' Scotty uses the ship to affect the power of the capital city on the planet where Kirk and co have been taken prisoner. Other instances occurred where Kirk couldn't radio up for help, or the ship was under attack anyway, like in 'Arena'.
Ugh. They never stunned anyone from orbit again. Yes, they still shot shit from space, such as when they "blew up god" with a photorp in the movie that shall not be mentioned. Which just goes to show that I was wrong about it not being used to support infantry. But you don't seem to be differentiating between "orbital bombardment/the threat thereof" and "fire support for infantry combat".
And what about all the times when you DON'T have a starship hanging around in orbit to support you, or it's engaged in battle? What then?
Here's a hint: don't start the invasion until you have space superiority. [/quote]
Right, because nobody would ever think to invade YOU while you don't have any nearby starships. And it's not like we see numerous cases where the Enterprise is the only ship that can respond to an incident deep in Federation space- oh wait.
It's also impossible for enemy reinforcements to show up or for a trap to be sprung after you've established space superiority and begun landing troops in a heavily contested area.
How do you know it was matching speeds rather than accelerating towards it? In fact, it wasn't 'matching speeds' at all because Captain Christopher had been order to intercept it and force it down and Spock reports it was rapidly closing the distance!
Yes, that would be the "flying towards it" part, dipshit. How long do you think a rapidly accelerating fighter jet is going to keep an object in front of it at visual range while the pilot tells ground control what the UFO he's approaching looks like? He had to be slowing down and roughly matching its speed to keep from overshooting it once he intercepted it.
The Enterprise being in the atmosphere at the time is irrelevant. The interceptor being in visual range of it is irrelevant. And I have listed examples from TOS where they hit targets from tens of thousands of kilometres away in space. You seriously think a starship in orbit is going to have a tough time shooting a ship going at mach speeds when they have shot at targets going at greater velocities? Locking a tractor beam onto a target just shows they can do it.
You don't think having more of the atmosphere between the target and the starship might affect the power and scattering of phasers? You don't think having an object
right there makes it easy to grab it with a tractor beam?
And yes, the ships may be traveling at greater velocities in space, but what is the
relative velocity between target and shooter? That's like saying the Enterprise-D shooting at the Borg cube in Q, Who? means the Enterprise can hit targets traveling at high warp (either the target going that fast while the E-D is sublight, or vice-versa) when they were both traveling at warp and the Borg cube was directly behind the E-D and slowly overtaking it.
You're a fucking idiot. You entered this thread asking for 'single instances' of things Trek can do. When someone points out these single instances you get pissy and shift goal posts. I don't have to show them using these things every fucking episode, once is enough!
No, you're a fucking asshat who declares the Federation can use anything and everything we've ever seen, even if it made a single appearance almost a hundred years prior to the current setting and it was never used again despite multiple instances where it would have been really, REALLY fucking handy to have. Like when they were stranded on a planet for months with nothing but hand phasers to fight the enemy with.
Furthermore phaser rifles were seen numerous times in TNG and DS9, so on that regard you're totally wrong.
Maybe if I had "we never see phaser rifles ever" I'd be wrong, but since I said we rarely see them except in the hands of the main cast and the majority of redshirts we see in combat are armed with Type II phasers instead of rifles, I'm not wrong. You're just a dishonest shit who cherrypicks and then makes no-limits fallacies.
As for the other things, maybe they weren't available at the time or maybe they had them but had no ammunition or power for them. Who knows? And who cares.
We care. Because it's fucking relevent. And if they had no ammo/power for them, you'd think we'd at least see one sitting in a corner or hear someone mention "boy, it sure would be handy if we had another power pack for that weapon that could easily beat our enemies if we could just deploy it".
But hey, you're waxing moronic over the whole thing, so now every redshirt has rifles that teleport bullets through walls, personal shielding, and bazookas that shoot phaser beams that vaporize entire platoons of the enemy at once while orbiting starships surgically annihilate the enemy from above. Don't get jizz on your keyboard.
Your entire contribution to this thread has been to attack Trek because Starwars888 made a few boasts of what Trek's capabilities were and how these capabilities allow it to dominate Mass Effect. Well it turns out those capabilities are canonical. You can't ignore them nor can you refute them. All you can do is whine about them, and it grows tiresome.
Fuck your mother.
I pointed out how he was wrong about something things in his argument for Trek (I don't even have a dog in this fight; I'm not familiar with ME at all, except what has been discussed here.) and you suddenly start shitting out stupid no-limits fallacies about how the redshirts have every ability ever demonstrated in the entirety of Star Trek, even when it makes no sense, or is an obvious outlier, or takes place under totally different circumstances.
I'm done here. You can go back to masturbating about your Trek fantasies. I'll be spending my time with more worthwhile things.
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