Speaking of Magic - Saint's flow.
Guy high on it ran a distance of 4 lamp posts in 6.5seconds.
estimated height of lampost = 7m, typical spacing between lightpoles (to use the american vernacular) is about 5m
http://dot.state.il.us/desenv/BDE%20Man ... ghting.pdf
therefore he ran 105m in 6.5 seconds, Ursain Bolt currently holds the 100m record at 9.58 seconds.
So Flowing Saints are fast, very so. A top end horse gets to 48km/hr at full gallop. (100m in 7.5 seconds)
I'm going to call nano-tech here i think, the heat considerations alone from muscle work are huge (perhaps that explains the glow?)
at 1min 30 he energy balls a family sedan about 4m high. assume weight 1500kg and neglect angular momentum.
=58800 Joules of energy imparted from the shockwave.
the falling tank - i'm going to take the 'withstand multiple anti-tank rockets' statement as a bit misleading as you do blow up lots of identical tanks on the way down. So your one's incredibly tough, the others aren't. it evens out.
during falling, we see the tank falls slower then a human in freefall. Specifically, at 5min34 she bails out and spends 6sec on the plane wing. it then takes 18 seconds for her to catch up with the falling tank.
a human body freefalling is about 56m/s so in 18 seconds she goes 1008m, the tank taking 24 seconds to do the same. So tank free falling is at 42m/s.
Assume about 1.5 seconds to deceleration at the bottom (it sort of slides off sideways, indicating suspension and redirected energy). Average deccelraton = 28m/s/s
Not much exists for freefalling tanks onto concrete:
http://www.ceric.net/wonmun2/kci/KCI_3_ ... 28C%29.pdf gives forces for impact on a concrete barrier. Since the road dosen't appear damaged, I'm going take an educated guess at an upper limit of 530kN per 0.1m2 area.
two sets of tank treads, assume 0.4 x 4m x 2 = 3.2m2 gives the upper force limit of 1696kN
plug that into f=ma and we get a tank that weighs 60000kg or less. so far so reasonable. Since the tank probably weighs less then that, the actual force on the tank can be calcualted using f=ma for an estimate of mass.
finally, if the tank fell at 42m/s for the entire fall, they were 7476m high when they left the plane. This is a chunk below the C-17s normal flight height. Possibly due to the turbulence or coming in to land.
EDIT: Stay in school kids.
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