(Note: This is probably an aside

)I dont feel its taking away from the discussion, but it adds to it. That, I feel is part of the point. An exchange of ideas NEEDS alot of opinions of all kinds, even ones that cause dissent and argument. Heck, I'm not perfect and I'm more than capable of being flawed, especially when I get into that 'trying to tell people something I feel is important.' That should reinforce WHY having more voices in these discussions is important, because we learn by those exchange of ideas, even if they aren't ideas we're comfortable with or think make sense.
In fact what you bring up is very very good because it brings home the idea there are no nice, neat, absolute answers to things, and it can be dangerous to get into the habit of thinking there are. Sometimes there are, and sometimes there aren't, and we have to be careful we don't jump to one conclusion or another. Keeping an open mind is the most important thing WRT fiction, but it is also the hardest thing. Especially when it comes to our ideas being wrong.
To take a page from ym 40K stuff, I never would have reached where I was if I ignored alternative interpretations of stuff (EG how energy weapons work, even though those ways lead to SMALLER numbers than I was generating.) and if I hadn't exposed myself to some critics (including the obsessive ones.) It was uncomfortable, upsetting, and sometimes frustrating, but in the end its also lead to me becoming less fixated on certain things and more accepting of alternate viewpoints, simply because I HAVE had to learn to cope. Heck, simply having to learn to admit some of my ideas are wrong, or that my critics might have a point, is a learning experience, because pride (something I did have in my work, understandably) can also be detrimental.
Especially on this board, I think. We have to remember that for a long time this board has been very conflict oriented, and that engenders certain mindsets that can be hard to break, or make it hard to understand when someone is trying to approach a topic in a way foreign to that mindset (which I think is happening here.)
I think that all made sense and is relevant. It should just go to show even I dont have all the answers or neccesarily 'understand' people automatically.. this sort of learning is an organic process and you have to treat it as such, and 'absolutes' are not organic.