Go back then respond to some of that before coming up with this automatic bullshit that all the Pred has to do is snipe and Fett, who'll obviously just stand there

Moderator: NecronLord
No, the Yautja warriors are true hunting types, they wouldn't find it "sporting" to get a big plasma cannon and blow prey up half a klick away. They DO have wrist blades and that telescopic spear for a reason.Darth_Nader wrote:first off all the predator has to do is snipe Fett (the predator doesnt fight at close range unless he has to) predator is like a lion, he hides then pounces by staying at a safe distance then fires, fett wouldnt now what hit him. yeah fetts armor was fine when trampled but his Jet pack didnt work, it was broken when the Reek trampled him (Fett relys on the jet pack to often).
Fortunately, Boba Fett has no such inhibitions about killing from a long distance.Admiral Valdemar wrote:No, the Yautja warriors are true hunting types, they wouldn't find it "sporting" to get a big plasma cannon and blow prey up half a klick away. They DO have wrist blades and that telescopic spear for a reason.Darth_Nader wrote:first off all the predator has to do is snipe Fett (the predator doesnt fight at close range unless he has to) predator is like a lion, he hides then pounces by staying at a safe distance then fires, fett wouldnt now what hit him. yeah fetts armor was fine when trampled but his Jet pack didnt work, it was broken when the Reek trampled him (Fett relys on the jet pack to often).
Preds don't do long range and never have, they are in it for the thrill of the hunt remember else they'd simply vape city block sized chunks of places.
Unbelievable. I'VE SEEN THE MOVIE. I KNOW WHERE THE BULLETS WENT.Darth_Shinji wrote: The cloak is off at that point in the movie. In the subway scene that other guy was shooting dead center on the pred and we hear them ricotering off. And the pred is standing in the center of the hallway, and we can see the shots we dead center down the hallway as well.
Only when hunting Kaiju.Admiral Valdemar wrote:No, the Yautja warriors are true hunting types, they wouldn't find it "sporting" to get a big plasma cannon and blow prey up half a klick away. They DO have wrist blades and that telescopic spear for a reason.Darth_Nader wrote:first off all the predator has to do is snipe Fett (the predator doesnt fight at close range unless he has to) predator is like a lion, he hides then pounces by staying at a safe distance then fires, fett wouldnt now what hit him. yeah fetts armor was fine when trampled but his Jet pack didnt work, it was broken when the Reek trampled him (Fett relys on the jet pack to often).
Preds don't do long range and never have, they are in it for the thrill of the hunt remember else they'd simply vape city block sized chunks of places.
I think the meta-yautja were actually beating the JLA down, but in a horrifically obvious plot twist, the Preds had each concentrated on a single member, and had researched and trained to fight them, then the JLA switched opponents and the Yautja lost.Superman. In all but one case(I'll leave you to guess which one), the Predator was a serious threat to these heroes
First I'd like to commend you on a great rebuttal to my posts. Your points backed with scenes from the movie have made my think about what to post and gerneral made this debate enjoyable to be apart of.Vympel wrote:Unbelievable. I'VE SEEN THE MOVIE. I KNOW WHERE THE BULLETS WENT.Darth_Shinji wrote: The cloak is off at that point in the movie. In the subway scene that other guy was shooting dead center on the pred and we hear them ricotering off. And the pred is standing in the center of the hallway, and we can see the shots we dead center down the hallway as well.
The cloak is not bulletproof. Chee-rist.
Yes, and the point is, you're being an utter retard. You obviously haven't seen the film, or you'd know that where Bill Paxton shoots is where the Predaotr hasDarth_Shinji wrote: First I'd like to commend you on a great rebuttal to my posts. Your points backed with scenes from the movie have made my think about what to post and gerneral made this debate enjoyable to be apart of.![]()
To my rebuttal then: Are you going to post a point? Or simply scream "YOUR WRONG!" at me?
He shot him in the chest.... Nevermind you haven't watched the scene and are not listerning to me.Vympel wrote:Yes, and the point is, you're being an utter retard. You obviously haven't seen the film, or you'd know that where Bill Paxton shoots is where the Predaotr hasDarth_Shinji wrote: First I'd like to commend you on a great rebuttal to my posts. Your points backed with scenes from the movie have made my think about what to post and gerneral made this debate enjoyable to be apart of.![]()
To my rebuttal then: Are you going to post a point? Or simply scream "YOUR WRONG!" at me?
a: his helmet
b: his armor
Bullet-proof cloak ... what the fuck are you on ....
You don't know what's canon and what isn't. Right now the only thing that's clear is that the movies are admissible (obviously), nothing else. How do you know the toys are right out, for example? You don't.SAMAS wrote::
Predator Canon -- Remmeber, Canon is determined by the creators, and only when they choose to clearly define them. Otherwise, it should be generally concidered that the primary sources are the highest on the ladder, so to speak. For Predator, that means both the movies and the Graphic Novels. Things like Paperback Novels and the Video games are usually considered secondary, as they most likely draw from the higher forms as well(And the toys are Right Out).
In the first case, the Predator was beaten by an American special forces soldier via a clever twist on a trap he planted.Track Record -- Both Fett and the Predators have had both good moments and bad ones. Fett's EU legacy and the fact that for Predators, hunting Xenomorphs with limited weaponry is like a basketball game is to us Vs. the Sarlacc and the Movies and numerous crossovers. On the other hand, compare the circumstances.
None of which except for Arnold and Danny is canon. And Hollywood Action Heroes is not admissible in suspension of disbelief.The Predators have faced, even though they lost, everything from Hollywood Action Heroes(Ahnuld and Glover) to Superheroes such as Batman, Tarzan, and even Superman. In all but one case(I'll leave you to guess which one), the Predator was a serious threat to these heroes, even when they were at the top of their game, all the way up until the very end of the final confrontation.
An utter fluke and totally involuntary by Han. Noone could deliberately exploit this in a combat situation.Boba, on the other hand, was "taken out," as it were, by what has been proven to be a sore point about Mandalorian armor: The Jetpack. A lucky, and not very hard at all, hit to his pack sent him careening out of control, eventually dumping him rather unceremoniously into the pit.
Boba Fett's accident in ROTJ can hardly be offered up as proof of him being beaten. Unless you want to argue that the Predator will flail wildly while Boba is aiming at something else, over a Sarlaac pit(And there's a big difference between Ahnuld and Glover's(And Tarzan's and Batman's...) come-from-behind victories after a good two minutes of getting stomped after five minutes of more even fighting, and: "Boba Fett? Where?")
The Predator is not a Jedi. This was amply demonstrated when Glover gutted him like a fish. This does not help your side. Anyone want to make a Jedi versus Predator thread?And since Fett Fans like to use them interchangably, Let's look at his father Jango. Let's face it, while Jango managed to hang with Obi-Wan for a few minutes of fighting, he was losing overall until Boba interfered with Slave I's guns, and their later fall off the platform. Against a true Jedi Master(Windu), his life span was measured in seconds.
Boba dominates the fight no matter where it's at. He can engage and disengage at will, has superior mobility, and superior firepower.Oh, and sitting on a rooftop to snipe the Predator only has a chance of working on one condition: Fett manages to track the Predator to his lair without it knowing, and has the sniping weapon on him at the time. Otherwise, he's just going to wait him out(it is his ship, after all), or go out through the back door and come from behind(side, below, above, whatever).
All his kills were within 50 to 100 meters. Modern snipers go from 2 kilometers.SAMAS wrote:Only when hunting Kaiju.
Predator Sniping depends on the situation. If going after a group, or minor targets, Sniping seems to be an acceptable way to start off. But the majority of kills, particularly of the primary targets, are done close-up.
Where is the evidence for any of this?Anyway, on to things I missed:
Predator Canon -- Remmeber, Canon is determined by the creators, and only when they choose to clearly define them. Otherwise, it should be generally concidered that the primary sources are the highest on the ladder, so to speak. For Predator, that means both the movies and the Graphic Novels. Things like Paperback Novels and the Video games are usually considered secondary, as they most likely draw from the higher forms as well(And the toys are Right Out).
Hollywood action heroes are a copout.Track Record -- Both Fett and the Predators have had both good moments and bad ones. Fett's EU legacy and the fact that for Predators, hunting Xenomorphs with limited weaponry is like a basketball game is to us Vs. the Sarlacc and the Movies and numerous crossovers. On the other hand, compare the circumstances.
The Predators have faced, even though they lost, everything from Hollywood Action Heroes(Ahnuld and Glover) to Superheroes such as Batman, Tarzan, and even Superman. In all but one case(I'll leave you to guess which one), the Predator was a serious threat to these heroes, even when they were at the top of their game, all the way up until the very end of the final confrontation.
Unless you're seriously claiming that the Predator has working knowledge of emergency firing switches on Boba Fett's jetpack, I fail to see how this makes any difference. If you're relying on this for the Predator to win, you might as well concede. There are no conveniently located Sarlaac pits on Coruscant.Boba, on the other hand, was "taken out," as it were, by what has been proven to be a sore point about Mandalorian armor: The Jetpack. A lucky, and not very hard at all, hit to his pack sent him careening out of control, eventually dumping him rather unceremoniously into the pit.
Really? And what would that be? Boba Fett was taken out through sheer luck. The Predators' defeats were due to incompetence.(And there's a big difference between Ahnuld and Glover's(And Tarzan's and Batman's...) come-from-behind victories after a good two minutes of getting stomped after five minutes of more even fighting, and: "Boba Fett? Where?")
If you're seriously suggesting that losing to a Jedi Master is some sort of indication of incompetence, then you're even dumber than I previously thought.And since Fett Fans like to use them interchangably, Let's look at his father Jango. Let's face it, while Jango managed to hang with Obi-Wan for a few minutes of fighting, he was losing overall until Boba interfered with Slave I's guns, and their later fall off the platform. Against a true Jedi Master(Windu), his life span was measured in seconds.
Um ... if Fett tracks him with the intent to snipe him from afar, I think there's a good chance that he'd equip himself with a sniper rifle. You also forgot that Fett may simply throw a thermal detonator into the Predator's lair and be done with it.Oh, and sitting on a rooftop to snipe the Predator only has a chance of working on one condition: Fett manages to track the Predator to his lair without it knowing, and has the sniping weapon on him at the time. Otherwise, he's just going to wait him out(it is his ship, after all), or go out through the back door and come from behind(side, below, above, whatever).
BZZZT wrong. Go watch the movie again. Windu gets lucky and the Reek (or whatever) runs Fett over. IIRC the guy he shoots was on the Jedi Council at one point.Against a true Jedi Master(Windu), his life span was measured in seconds.
Yes, Fett plugged a Jedi Master, but Count Dooku was right next to him, so he could have been distracting the guy or something.NecronLord wrote:BZZZT wrong. Go watch the movie again. Windu gets lucky and the Reek (or whatever) runs Fett over. IIRC the guy he shoots was on the Jedi Council at one point.Against a true Jedi Master(Windu), his life span was measured in seconds.
BattleTech for SilCoreStanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
Fett does wear that armor all the time.The Dark wrote:I would think the Predator and Boba Fett would each be smart enough to try to go after the other when they're not expecting it. Whoever catches the other off-guard will win, unless someone wants to make the claim that the Predator can win bare-handed against Boba Fett or that Fett wears the rebuilt Mandalorian armor all the time.
Showering and shitting must be fun.Durandal wrote:Fett does wear that armor all the time.The Dark wrote:I would think the Predator and Boba Fett would each be smart enough to try to go after the other when they're not expecting it. Whoever catches the other off-guard will win, unless someone wants to make the claim that the Predator can win bare-handed against Boba Fett or that Fett wears the rebuilt Mandalorian armor all the time.
BattleTech for SilCoreStanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
Well, let me rephrase that. He only takes it off in the safety of Slave I.The Dark wrote:Showering and shitting must be fun.Durandal wrote:Fett does wear that armor all the time.The Dark wrote:I would think the Predator and Boba Fett would each be smart enough to try to go after the other when they're not expecting it. Whoever catches the other off-guard will win, unless someone wants to make the claim that the Predator can win bare-handed against Boba Fett or that Fett wears the rebuilt Mandalorian armor all the time.
Ah. OK. That would certainly make Pred's hunt more difficult. I'd been wondering about that. Fett really is a paranoid social pariah, then, if he's unwilling to remove his armor in publicDurandal wrote:Well, let me rephrase that. He only takes it off in the safety of Slave I.The Dark wrote:Showering and shitting must be fun.Durandal wrote: Fett does wear that armor all the time.
BattleTech for SilCoreStanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
Fett is an extremely anti-social, paranoid loner. But that doesn't change the fact that he'd bag Dredlocks easily.The Dark wrote:Ah. OK. That would certainly make Pred's hunt more difficult. I'd been wondering about that. Fett really is a paranoid social pariah, then, if he's unwilling to remove his armor in public.
He was always picked on in high school. Of course, those jock assholes got some hefty prices on their heads after graduation when they couldn't pay their student loans off ... Fett had to start somewhere.The Dark wrote:Ah. OK. That would certainly make Pred's hunt more difficult. I'd been wondering about that. Fett really is a paranoid social pariah, then, if he's unwilling to remove his armor in public.
Damn straight, in the battle with Glover he:Vympel wrote:In addition, Glover was hardly a come from behind victory. Glover beat him straight up in hand to hand combat.