Oni Koneko Damien wrote:
As far as Brook's zombies are concerned, a brisk walk is enough to outrun any plausible zombie threat (unless you're completely surrounded).
Then how the hell could these creatures have brought about the end of civilization?
Think about it. If we replaced the word "zombie" with another word that won't arouse people's penises and compel them to stroke their cocks (sorry, I just got off from watching pornoes), would people still rave about them being such a threat? How do some slow-ass stupid shits that spread through biting end up ruining countries and shit?
If you replaced the word "zombie" with "mongoloid" and have the "mongoloids" create more "mongoloid" by biting people, so that people who get bit by these "mongoloids" turn into more "mongoloids", and if I made a movie about Dawn of the Mongoloids or shit, Night of the Drooling Mongoloids, whatever, would people seriously buy into the whole "mongoloid" apocalypse and would we have "mongoloid" survivalists and DudeGuyMan justifying how in my awesome bestseller book, a bunch of cockups allow the "mongoloids" to beat the universe?
Because, shit, I think the only thing that makes "zombies" so "awesome" for these "fans" and other "people" is that the "zombies" are "walking" "corpses" that "walk", and apparently the notion of some dead things rising up and doing whatever gets people off, which might be some weirdo metaphor for necrophilia or something. Would my "mongoloids" have this much popular culture fanbase appeal? Would this TVTrope be as awesome? Would "mongoloids" have as much widespread psychosexual connotations amongst fan bases of dorks as "zombies" have? This will be the ultimate SDN versus, quantify the sex appeal of walking decompositionating corpses with rabies and compare it to the sex appeal of the mentally handicapped. Assuming your face is a spherical mass of iron and is vaporized in between frames. What can we infer from that?
Seriously. If I replaced "zombie" with "mongoloid", no one would wank their dicks off to these randome altarante realty hippotheticel scenareos - they'd think it was fucking stupid, and rightly so! Butt replace "mongoloid" with "dead corpses" and apparently the end of the world/civilization/whatever becomes somehow more plausible, even though dead corpses are no better than "mongoloids" and at least the "mongoloids" are smart enough to have their own special olympics (while zombies are fucking dumber).
What a crock of shit.
Jesus, at least the "mongoloids" would have the disguise of being mentally handicapped whereas walking corpses have no such benefit. Imagine, the "mongoloid" apocalypse begins in a special school, where a "mongoloid" is put in with other retarded children. Then it spreads the infection and they start biting each other and the teachers. Then when the parents come to bring the "mongoloid" children home, they also bite them and shit. Then suddenly the "mongoloids" have risen to take over the world! OH NO!
It will be a Smarmageddon.