easydoesit1 wrote:From
"The shield itself behaved in a manner similar to that of a thermally conductive material—energy applied was quickly diffused and re-radiated back into the environment, but the shield itself could also absorb some of the energy. The absorbed energy was shunted into heat sinks, and re-radiated at a lesser rate by the shield and neutrino radiators. "
First off, can we get some independent verification of this other than the Wiki? I know its not in the ICS, and its not in any sources I've seen or known of. So unless it cropped up in the Essential Guide to Warfare or something, I'm not sure about the 'shield behaving like thermally conductive material' or that it diffuses or reradiates back, for that matter.
Okay so the energy that the shield absorbs in shunted into the heat sinks and re-radiated by the shield and the neutrino radiators. This does nothing to stop my solution to punching through the shields. The shields will only be able to absorb 20% of the energy I'm shooting at it in any one pulse.
And how pray tell did you arrive at a 20% figure? And 20% of what (eg terms of yield, weapon, etc.)
Plus it will radiate that energy away during the time between pulses. The 1*10^24 watt figure is the maximum rate that the shield can dissipate energy. Otherwise, the shield dissipation rate wouldn't be 1*10^24 watts, it would be something else. Hence, it may as well not be there. Wattage does matter and even though shields are complex, physically impossible, imaginary machinery; if you want to have the semblance of reality then you won't dismiss scientifically plausible ways to defeat a technology thought up by a non-scientist that wrote a work of fiction. Now I'm sure you know that neutrino radiators cannot be taken seriously if we were to get real technical as it is a technology that can never be created. It is pure technobabble. As long as we are on the subject, I'm sure you know that the ICS power figures would turn a star destroyer into an expanding sphere of ionized gas if it ever turned on it's own reactor unless the laws of thermodynamics don't apply to star destroyers. As a matter of fact, the star destroyer's guns should vaporize from waste heat whenever it fires. I could keep going but pretty much star destroyer's can't even exist in this universe.
All I'm seeing is alot of pointless or redundant verbiage padding out this statement, aside from your obsession over wattage alone. I mean its not as if anything else will *possibly* be a factor to shields other than power!
But how long does it take for the heat sinks and the neutrino radiators to kick in anyway?
We have no idea. Are you talking about 'activate to full power from complete deactivation' or what?
Light travels 3*10^-7m in one femtosecond which is the duration of the pulse. How will the heat sinks and neutrino radiators even know to kick in, in that short a period of time?
Wait, you just asked about this particular property of the shields, and then automatically assumed it COULDN'T simply because of 'arbitrary numbers?' I'm just guessing you took the speed of light and divided it by a femtosecond and then arbitrarily decided that was all that mattered. Nothing about other parameters (number of pulses, energy per pulse, and so on) because.. well.. BECAUSE.
I'll also note that while we don't know what you asked, we DO know from the ICS and various other sources that they employ quite a few massless beam weapons (at least one variant of laser/turbolaser weapon, for example) and they have particle beams as well (which are for the most part not going to be vastly slower.) So I'd wager we need to know alot more than 'how fast the beam moves' or how fast your hypothetical uberlaser is pulsing.
Oh, and the shield will still only be able to dissipate energy at the rate of 1 gigajoule/femtosecond per it's specs in the ICS.
Which shield are we talking about? THere's several shield ratings in the ICS, and moreover its hilarious how you seem to assume that 'only dissipation matters' - if you somehow dump the energy in quickly enough the shields will somehow be completely ignored. Which actually completely ignores my point about heat sinks. What if the dissipation rate, for example, was not 'when the energy hits the shield', but rather 'what the radiators dissipate each second?' That would change things around quite a bit. What's more, one of the more commonly discussed interpretations (at least the way Mike used to put it) is a sink analogy. The 'dissipation rate' in the ICS is the drain, the heat sinks are the sink, etc. We know the size of the drain, but we dont know the sink itself, or how fast things get poured into it, etc.
I will further note that if such tactics were viable you wouldn't have to use shit like Torpedo spheres to take down shields, since they do pretty much what you describe to bypass shields as well.
But the really bad thing is that the above explanation for how heat sinks and radiators work for the shield is bad. They should deal with getting rid of the waste heat created by the shield emitter, which if the ICS is to be believed, is more than enough even if it is 1/1000 of the power of the shield to reduce the star destroyer into an expanding cloud of plasma. You see heat sinks and radiators will not be coming to the defence of your shield.
I can't tell if this is backpedaling, complaining, or just hard sci fi elitism.
It probably doesn't matter though. I could be wrong/concede all of the above and Star Wars STILL wouldn't lose to the hypothetical 'SUPAR HARD SCI FI DOOMPIRE' because.. well they simply don't have to fight the way you seem to think they do. What makes you think they even need to get into range of all these DOOMLASERS to be effective, for one thing? The ROTS ICS mentions Venator TLs having a 10 light minute range, for example, and in one of the NJO novels (Rebel Stand) a starship is capable of bombarding targets from outside the Coruscant system.
What's even more hilarious is that they don't even need to use beam weapons, given that hyperdrive gives them a fantastic delivery platform for any sort of weapon system they might want to attack with, and they could stand off at potentially any distance and deliver it. Someone mentioned the Galaxy gun as one obvious example of this, but frankly sticking a hyperdrive on anything that can carry a ton of 'boom' would work. They dont' even need stupendously huge warheads, just alot of them (or alot of delivery platforms, whatever works.) As I said before, it really comes down to will, resources, and time.
I can't wait to find out what this hyper-super-dooper HARDSCIFI superciv is going to do to stop the Empire from hyperspace bombing them from light years out.