Of course Batman and Robin had a cultural impact. Everyone knows what a piece of shit that movie was. You could talk to 100 people and they'd give you 100 different things wrong with it.Havok wrote:Holy shit. Did you just say that Batman & Robin had a cultural impact?I think that pretty much sets up the level of intelligence that is going to be in the rest of your post.*
Are you pretending cultural impact means only supposedly high quality media gets this title?
What is your definition of culture?Wow, you are a fucking moron. Do you even know what a cultural impact is? Hint, it is not "makes a lot of money". Twilight has had no impact on our culture. At best it is a fad that will end up on a VH1 Remember 2009 show. And before you jump on that, having a memory of something does not equate to 'cultural impact'.
The Twilight series has sold millions of books, spawned a movie series, and has a very large vocal fanbase. Hell, even the town from the first book has become a sort of Mecca for Twilight fans, giving the town a nice little tourism industry.
You think Twilight hasn't had an impact on our culture?
Look I don't care for the series either. But to claim the series hasn't had an impact on our culture is just obtuse.
What others and myself have been hinting at is that fanboyism is likely the reason for the high number of votes for RotS.As for what 'best' is in the context of this list? It is what the poster likes the most. The reasons are irrelevant. Clearly that is too far beyond your comprehension to understand.