Serafina wrote:So they are just magically conjure this out of thin air?
Where do they GET these weapons?
Ok, firearms are not that difficult. But Tanks? Military aircrafts? Guided missiles, artillery, military radar and so on?
Where do they get the blueprints for those? How can they build these factories? Where do they get their resources?
Or do you think that they will buy billions of military equipment off the free market? You know that such products are highly controlled, do you? Their manufacturers need the approval of their goverment to export those.
own South Africa and you have to
ask where they're getting weapons? Look these up:
1. Armscor
2. Denel
And even IF they had all this stuff - do you honestly expect them to beat a modern military with it?
At the very best, you will get an army comparable to pre-Desert Storm Iraq. Which got curb-stomped in their own territory by modern military forces without any actual sweat.
Technology is the decisive factor in warfare. If the difference is too big, numbers won't do squat.
The 3WU had access to modern weaponry and equipment.
For example, the 3WU mounted missile racks, typically loaded with missiles such as the AGM-114 hellfire. (SALH) This gave them an operational range nearly twice that of the M1 Abrams, provided they
or a nearby infantryman can maintain line of sight and get a laser designator on target. (Extremely easy to do. A sniper two kilometres away can keep a laser on the target, and remain undetected while doing so.)
Oh, and care to explain how they motivate their populace for this war of conquest?
Even under a dictatorship, people are not mindless drones. You'll need to do better than "organized religion!!" - because a newly-conjured religion rarely suffices in turning a large number of people.
Newly-conjured? They just make the local religious leaders work for them, it's not difficult.
Not to mention that the majority of people in these countries are catholics
Which would make this easier, if only it were true. A good 60 of their 80 countries are muslim.
Sooo...where do they get their skilled workforce? Where do they get the infrastructure that is so crucially absent in thes third-world countries?
1. Countries like South Africa have plenty of educated, skilled citizens and a fully functional infrasctructure. They have a few of such countries.
2. If you needed so many skilled labourers, we wouldn't be outsourcing so much. You can easily provide the small number of skilled labourers neccesary while your unskilled labourers are either working or in training. After about 10 years or so, however, you'll have millions of educated young people ready to be added to your workforce, then a new batch every year from then on out.
Sure, pumping a lot of captical into an economy tends to improve it - but if you have to spend billions on infrastructure, you don't have that much left for factories.
Not true. Factories create jobs and factories create trade, therefore, logic follows that factories are good for the economy. You can spend money on that from the beginning, and still be improving the economy, provided you have people to trade with. (such as the consumers of all the countries these goods are shipped out to)
So the company has to produce and/or buy EVERYTHING the populace of several countries needs?
You don't make money that way - either you run factories that just drain resources for no revenue, or you have to buy stuff to pay your workers.
This doesn't take up much of your revenue, and keep in mind that you're charging them more than it cost you. You can't turn a profit like this, but it doesn't even increase your overhead by much, and it doesn't matter so long as you have external trade.
Your biggest problem is:
Where does the company get the friggin capital for all these stunts?
They would need tens of billions to raise infrastructre per country, then billions more to build factories.
Then they need to get an educated workforce - billons on either education and bringing in skilled people.
And then they have to prodcue their stuff dirt-cheap, while importing everything their populace needs for many billions more. You will most likely make losses when selling oversea - and even if not, your whole scheme could be devastated if either the USA or the EU raise import taxes.
They were a near-monopoly on everything from food to psychiatric medication (Like Wal-Mart on steroids) in every country between France and Poland, providing capital is no issue.
And now... *overaggerated groan* Do I need a list again? Are you really that daft, that I would need something like this to keep all the issues with this one little paragraph? I guess so.
So here you are. Your dumbass-family (gee, that could almost be a personal attack
) spent the most gigantic fortune ever and is nearly bankrupt - all to controll some third-world shitholes that continue to suck their wallets dry.
1. No, you can balance this kind of expense against your income when you've a monopoly on so much in as many developed nations (most of Europe) as they were.
Who could possibly have an interest in that?
2. Besides anyone who could use access to all the resources of two continents (which is a lot, in case you can't figure that out) and total domination of 2 billion people? Nobody at all.
There is NO CHANCE in hell that their inbred asses are going to conquer any worthwhile nation - they would get crushed.
3. Worthwhile is any endeavor that has enough payoff to justify the expense.
Neither will it get them political influence in any other part of the world.
4. Does that matter? They've already got enough economic power to give them political influence over all of Europe, and now they're expanding it to all of Africa, Latin America and Middle-Eastern Asia. That's a good thing.
And it will take decades until they will see an economical plus -
5. And in the mean time they won't be loosing enough money to affect the company as a whole due to their outrageous income. (Again, they've 80% of the shares in a company that has a monopoly on both food and medicine throughout most of Europe.)
meanwhile, anyone with half a brain would have used their gigantic fortune to cement their position in first or second-world contries, seeing revenue after months or a few years.
6. Then what? They've already cemented themselves into the very foundation of the European Union, they've got so much money the governments of the countries can't shut them down them for fear of the damage to the economies of their countries. (That's a bad thing, by the way. I know you have an issue identifying these.) Finally, they can act with near-impunity because if they were shut down it would cause a massive increase in unemployment throughout Europe, and the sudden void of easy places to obtain simple necessities such as food and medicine might just cause a rebellion.
In short:
Avianmosquito is about as intelligent, usefull or pleasant as his namesake-animal. Chances are good that your average mosquito knows more about the world - and while avianmosquito doesn't spread malaria, he is no less deserving of chemical attacks.
Please, someone - find a good title for him. Village Idiot doesn't really cut it.
In short:
Serafina is about as intelligent, usefull and pleasant as a drinking fountain pumping raw sewage. Chances are, the fountain understands more than she does, and definitely provides more useful material. And, while it is true that Serafina doesn't carry disease, (at least as far as I know) she definitely gives people just as much useless shit.
Please, someone - find a good title for her. It seems special olympian athlete wasn't enough for her.