Alyeska wrote:How do they see? Well how do they feel it? How can they call it a rush and call it a bad trip with a bad connection? We don't know. They are aware of something somehow.
So being demolecularised isn't a rush? Or appearing in another place seemingly instantly isn't a rush? This is circular, I've said these things before and you just ignored them.
In Red Sky Carter describes the travel as a rough ride. She didn't say the exit was rough. A ride is a passage through something. The episode even starts with a very unusual "traditional" gate effect and that imediately goes into the vision of either Carter or O'Neill toubling head over heels out of the gate at high speed. After that Daniel asks what the hell happened and Carter says that something caused them to have a rough ride, ie trip through the gate.
This translate to being able to see? While in the form of ENERGY? Everything you present lends more to it being all about the turning into and out of energy, as opposed to being shot through a wormhole while ENERGY. Emphasis on BEING ENERGY.
How are they aware?
They aren't. You're making this up on vague quotes and descriptions that also lend to a far more plausible reason.
And yet on more then one ocassion they've talked about being aware of the ride to some fashion.
Never the trip. The feeling of it, sure, but they never specifically have stated anything about the trip, as in the period taking place as you're energy travelling through a wormhole.
Maybe they can't see, maybe they can only feel.
So how are they aware of the visual style of the wormhole? There is no proof that what we see is anything more than a viewer perspective. Like a title sequence or "Previously on..".
The materialization and dematerialization would be the same on both ends. But a bad connection between the ends is what causes the people to be sickened by the ride.
You're assuming that it is the travel while in a state of energy that causes people sick. You are basing this off nothing more than vague comments that, as I've said already, lend better to it just being about the process after travelling, or whatever takes place once you reach either end.
The sad part is, you'll live in this fantasy world about all the gates updating in order to explain the fact that they decided to bring the gate visual effect up to the same as Atlantis for this season and most likely all future seasons.