General Zod wrote:Galvatron wrote:General Zod wrote:If it were supposed to be representative of our Earth, then there would have been human remains found along with cylons. All the bodies that were tested that were brought up to the ship turned out to be skinjobs.
Even if humanity abandoned Earth long ago? I mean, there might be real human remains scattered in ancient cemetaries, but not in the nuked cities of skinjob-settled future Earth.
I suppose it's possible, but that really seems to be stretching things considering there were cities that resembled ones we have in the real world. If the original humans had left, what reason would they have had to abandon their planet if it were still habitable? Seems to be opening up a huge can of worms when a simpler explanation does the trick.
It's not only the cities that are similar. The shape of the continents as seen from space is the same, and the constellations visible from it are the same that can be seen from real life Earth. There can be no doubt that it's supposed to be the same planet.
I find it far more likely that the Cylons only conducted their little survey on the most recent layer of archeological remains, were all the bodies corresponded to the period of 13th Tribe ocuppation of the planet. If they had conducted a proper archeological dig, going deeper across several ocuppation layers, they may have found non-Cylon remains. Just look at the example of the real life city of
Troy: There are 13 sudbdivisions corresponding to different periods of settlement.
The chronology of the series past implies that there's still something we don't know about the origin of Humanity. The numbers just don't add up:
- The Twelve Tribes left Kobol 2,000 years ago.
- The 13th Tribe suffered a nuclear Holocaust on Earth 2,000 years ago.
- The 13th Tribe left Kobol for Earth 3,000 years ago.
- But the Temple of Five / Temple of Hopes was built
4,000 years ago.
The Temple, located on the route between Kobol and Earth was built at least a millenium before the 13th Tribe left Kobol. Who built it? And for that matter, how did the Cylons of the 13th Tribe knew were to go?
I still think there's something we don't know. And I'm sure the Virtual Beings who keep popping up in people's heads have something to do with it.