Turin wrote:<snip>
The new cylons have learned of the Original cylons (the Final Five) through their visions and revelations in the space between life and death. The Original/Final Five have also existed among the humans since time immemorial, waiting for this particular moment in time. And of course they have a copy of each of themselves among the humans -- Tigh, Tori, Anders, Tyrol, and Starbuck.
Snipped much of your theory, but I wanted to emphasize this, because Caprica Six already has explained that the 12 Cylon models were created
following the Cylon War. Whatever schism happened between the Final Five and the other seven almost certainly happened afterwards. Remember, Cylons, for what ever else they are, are machines. The identities of the Final Five could have be lost them simply by all of them getting hit with a bit of programming that specifically forbids them from knowing who the Final Five are. The information could be in there, but it's sealed so that they can't be conscious of it (sort of like how in the book Neuromancer, Wintermute couldn't know his own name or unlock parts of his memory).
This makes a fair bit of sense given what we've seen Three do. In order to access the part of her memory that was locked off, she had to undergo the download process. What if it went something like this? During when she was being uploaded to a new body, her core consciousness was uploaded
first, allowing her to be conscious as her memories were being written. Thus, what we were seeing and she was experiencing subjectively was her own attempts to catch a peek at the data pertaining to the Final Five
as it was being written but before it was partitioned off to where she couldn't experience it. Each time she got a bit more of it and was storing those snippets of information in memory she could access, but because there is a prohibition on that data as stuff she can't know, she was really having a hard time wrapping her brain around it and was making her unstable, even as it was corrupting the seal on that data.
Given what hard work it is for the Cylons to even glimpse that data, if the nature and identity of the Final Five were made forbidden to the Cylons by some computer juju, then it could have happened yesterday as easily as a millennium as far as the Cylons are concerned. They could stare one right in the eye and not recognize them, even if they saw them yesterday because they
Personally, I think that the schism in the Cylons was an organized plot by the 13th tribe, which
returned and encountered the Cylons after they fled human space following the last war and modified them into the humalons. The 13th tribe, knowing the Scrolls of Pythia and all that, loaded them up with the same sort of symbolism they loaded up the Colonists with covertly. All the prophecy stuff and Starbuck's Special Destiny and all that are orchestrated by them.